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Praise, O praise our God and King

Author: H. W. Baker, 1821-1877 Meter: Appears in 141 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Praise, O praise our God and King; hymns of adoration sing: Refrain: For his mercies still endure ever faithful, ever sure. 2 Praise him that he made the sun day by day his course to run: [Refrain] 3 And the silver moon by night, shining with her gentle light: [Refrain] 4 Praise him that he gave the rain to mature the swelling grain: [Refrain] 5 And hath bid the fruitful field crops of precious increase yield: [Refrain] 6 Praise him for our harvest-store; he hath filled the garner-floor: [Refrain] 7 And for richer food than this, pledge of everlasting bliss: [Refrain] 8 Glory to our bounteous King; glory let creation sing: Glory to the Father, Son, and blest Spirit, Three in One. Topics: Harvest Scripture: 2 Chronicles 5:13 Used With Tune: MONKLAND
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Come, ye thankful people, come

Author: Henry Alford, 1810-1871 Meter: D Appears in 731 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Come, ye thankful people, come, raise the song of harvest-home: all be safely gathered in, ere the winter storms begin; God, our Maker, doth provide for our wants to be supplied; come to God's own temple, come; raise the song of harvest-home! 2 All the world is God's own field, fruit unto his praise to yield; wheat and tares together sown, unto joy or sorrow grown; first the blade and then the ear, then the full corn shall appear: grant, O harvest Lord, that we wholesome grain and pure may be. 3 For the Lord our God shall come, and shall take his harvest home; from his field shall purge away all that doth offend, that day; give his angels charge at last in the fire the tares to cast, but the fruitful ears to store in his garner evermore. 4 Then, thou Church Triumphant, come, raise the song of harvest-home; all be safely gathered in, free from sorrow, free from sin, there for ever purified in God's garner to abide: come, ten thousand angels, come, raise the glorious harvest-home! Topics: Harvest Scripture: 1 Corinthians 5:7-8 Used With Tune: ST. GEORGE'S WINDSOR

Let all mortal flesh keep silence

Author: Gerard Moultrie, 1829-1885; J. M. Neale ; R. F. Littledale Meter: Appears in 175 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Let all mortal flesh keep silence and with fear and trembling stand; ponder nothing earthly-minded, for with blessing in his hand Christ our God to earth descendeth, our full homage to demand. 2 King of kings, yet born of Mary, as of old on earth he stood, Lord of lords, in human vesture — in the body and the blood — he will give to all the faithful his own self for heavenly food. 3 Rank on rank the host of heaven spreads its vanguard on the way, as the Light of light descendeth from the realms of endless day, that the powers of hell may vanish as the darkness clears away. 4 At his feet the six-winged seraph; cherubim with sleepless eye veil their faces to the Presence, as with ceaseless voice they cry, Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, Lord most high. Topics: Holy Communion; Proper 26 Year C Scripture: Galatians 4:4 Used With Tune: PICARDY Text Sources: Liturgy of St James

Ring bells, ring, ring, ring!

Author: F. Pratt Green, 1903-2000 Meter: with refrain Appears in 17 hymnals First Line: Long ago, prophets knew Lyrics: 1 Long ago, prophets knew Christ would come, born a Jew, come to make all things new, bear his people's burden, freely love and pardon. Refrain: Ring, bells, ring, ring, ring! sing, choirs, sing, sing, sing! When he comes, when he comes, who will make him welcome? 2 God in time, God in man, this is God's timeless plan: he will come, as a man, born himself of woman, God divinely human: [Refrain] 3 Mary, hail! Though afraid, she believed, she obeyed. In her womb, God is laid: till the time expected, nurtured and protected: [Refrain] 4 Journey ends! Where afar Bethl'em shines, like a star, stable door stands ajar. Unborn Son of Mary, Saviour, do not tarry! Refrain: Ring, bells, ring, ring, ring! sing, choirs, sing, sing, sing! Jesus comes! Jesus comes! We will make him welcome! Topics: Christmas; Advent IV Year C; Christmas II Scripture: Ephesians 6:5-8 Used With Tune: PERSONENT HODIE
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Alleluia, sing to Jesus!

Author: William Chatterton Dix, 1837-1898 Meter: D Appears in 216 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Alleluia, sing to Jesus! his the sceptre, his the throne; alleluia, his the triumph, his the victory alone: hark, the songs of peaceful Sion thunder like a mighty flood; Jesus out of every nation hath redeemed us by his blood. 2 Alleluia, not as orphans are we left in sorrow now; alleluia, he is near us, faith believes, nor questions how: though the cloud from sight received him, when the forty days were o'er, shall our hearts forget his promise, 'I am with you evermore'? 3 Alleluia, bread of angels, thou on earth our food, our stay; alleluia, here the sinful flee to thee from day to day: Intercessor, Friend of sinners, earth's Redeemer, plead for me, where the songs of all the sinless sweep across the crystal sea. 4 Alleluia, King eternal, thee the Lord of lords we own; alleluia, born of Mary, earth thy footstool, heaven thy throne: thou within the veil hast entered, robed in flesh, our great High Priest; thou on earth both Priest and Victim in the eucharistic feast. Topics: Holy Communion; Proper 9 Year A Scripture: Acts 1:3 Used With Tune: HYFRYDOL
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According to thy gracious word

Author: James Montgomery, 1771-1854 Meter: Appears in 551 hymnals Lyrics: 1 According to thy gracious word in meek humility, this will I do, my dying Lord, I will remember thee. 2 Thy body, broken for my sake, my bread from heaven shall be; thy cup of blessing I will take, and thus remember thee. 3 Can I Gethsemane forget or there thy conflict see, thine agony and bloody sweat, and not remember thee? 4 When to the cross I turn mine eyes, and rest on Calvary, O Lamb of God, my sacrifice, I must remember thee: 5 Remember thee, and all thy pains, and all thy love to me; yea, while a breath, a pulse remains, will I remember thee. 6 And when these failing lips grow dumb, and mind and memory flee, when thou shalt in thy kingdom come, then, Lord, remember me. Topics: Holy Communion Scripture: 1 Corinthians 10:16-17 Used With Tune: SONG 67
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All good gifts around us

Author: Matthias Claudius, 1740-1815; Jane Montgomery Campbell, 1817-1878 Meter: D with refrain Appears in 457 hymnals First Line: We plough the fields, and scatter Lyrics: 1 We plough the fields, and scatter the good seed on the land, but it is fed and watered by God's almighty hand: he sends the snow in winter, the warmth to swell the grain, the breezes, and the sunshine, and soft, refreshing rain. Refrain: All good gifts around us are sent from heaven above; then thank the Lord, O thank the Lord, for all his love. 2 He only is the maker of all things near and far; he paints the wayside flower, he lights the evening star; the winds and waves obey him, by him the birds are fed; much more to us, his children, he gives our daily bread. [Refrain] 3 We thank thee then, O Father, for all things bright and good, the seed-time and the harvest, our life, our health, our food. Accept the gifts we offer for all thy love imparts, and, what thou most desirest, our humble, thankful hearts. [Refrain] Topics: Harvest; Easter VI Rogationtide Scripture: Acts 14:17 Used With Tune: WI PFLÜGEN

O Lord of heaven and earth and sea

Author: Christopher Wordsworth, 1807-1885 Meter: Appears in 335 hymnals Lyrics: 1 O Lord of heaven and earth and sea, to thee all praise and glory be. How shall we show our love to thee who givest all? 2 The golden sunshine, vernal air, sweet flowers and fruit, thy love declare; when harvests ripen, thou art there, who givest all. 3 For peaceful homes, and healthful days, for all the blessings earth displays, we owe thee thankfulness and praise, who givest all. 4 Thou didst not spare thine only Son, but gav'st him for a world undone, and freely with that blessèd One thou givest all. 5 Thou giv'st the Holy Spirit's dower, Spirit of life and love and power, and dost his sevenfold graces shower upon us all. 6 For souls redeemed, for sins forgiven, for means of grace and hopes of heaven, Father, what can to thee be given, who givest all? 7 We lose what on ourselves we spend, we have as treasure without end whatever, Lord, to thee we lend, who givest all. 8 To thee, from whom we all derive our life, our gifts, our power to give: O may we ever with thee live, who givest all. Topics: Creation Scripture: 1 Chronicles 29:14 Used With Tune: ES IST KEIN TAG

Praise, my soul, the King of heaven

Author: Henry Francis Lyte, 1793-1847 Meter: Appears in 540 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Praise, my soul, the King of heaven, to his feet thy tribute bring; ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven, who like me his praise should sing? Alleluia, alleluia, praise the everlasting King. 2 Praise him for his grace and favour to our fathers in distress; praise him still the same for ever, slow to chide, and swift to bless: Alleluia, alleluia, glorious in his faithfulness. 3 Father-like, he tends and spares us, well our feeble frame he knows; in his hands he gently bears us, rescues us from all our foes: Alleluia, alleluia, widely as his mercy flows. 4 Angels, help us to adore him; ye behold him face to face; sun and moon, bow down before him, dwellers all in time and space: Alleluia, alleluia, praise with us the God of grace. Topics: Proper 16 Year C Scripture: 1 Kings 22:19 Used With Tune: PRAISE MY SOUL
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Crown him with many crowns

Author: Matthew Bridges, 1800-1894 Appears in 801 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Crown him with many crowns, the Lamb upon his throne; hark, how the heavenly anthem drowns all music but its own! Awake, my soul, and sing of him who died for thee, and hail him as thy matchless king through all eternity. 2 Crown him the Virgin's Son, the God incarnate born, whose arm those crimson trophies won which now his brow adorn: Fruit of the mystic Rose, as of that Rose the Stem; the Root whence mercy ever flows, the Babe of Bethlehem. 3 Crown him the Lord of love; behold his hands and side, those wounds yet visible above in beauty glorified: no angel in the sky can fully bear that sight, but downward bends his burning eye at mysteries so bright. 4 Crown him the Lord of peace, whose power a sceptre sways from pole to pole, that wars may cease, and all be prayer and praise: his reign shall know no end, and round his piercèd feet fair flowers of paradise extend their fragrance ever sweet. 5 Crown him the Lord of years, the Potentate of time, creator of the rolling spheres, ineffably sublime: all hail, Redeemer, hail! for thou hast died for me; thy praise shall never, never fail throughout eternity. Topics: Ascension Day; Easter VII Year B; Easter VII Year C; Proper 21 Year A; Christ the King Year A; Christ the King Year C Scripture: Galatians 1:20 Used With Tune: DIADEMATA


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