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Text Identifier:"^o_spirit_of_the_living_god_in_all_thy_pl$"

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William Knapp

1698 - 1768 Person Name: William Knapp, 1698 - 1768 Composer of "WAREHAM" in The Hymn Book of the Anglican Church of Canada and the United Church of Canada Born: 1698, Ware­ham, Dor­set­shire, Eng­land. Died: Sep­tem­ber 26, 1768, Poole, Dor­set­shire, Eng­land. Buried: Poole, Dor­set­shire, Eng­land.

Ignaz Pleyel

1757 - 1831 Person Name: From I. J. Pleyel Composer of "GRACE CHURCH" in The Church Hymnal Ignaz Joseph Pleyel; b. Ruppertstahl, near Vienna, 1757; d. Parice France, 1831 Evangelical Lutheran Hymnal, 1908

Robert Schumann

1810 - 1856 Composer of "[O Spirit of the living God]" in Hymns of Pentecost Robert Alexander Schumann DM Germany 1810-1856. Born at Swickau, Saxony, Germany, the last child of a novelist, bookseller, and publisher, he began composing music at age seven. He received general music instruction at the local high school and worked to create his own compositions. Some of his works were considered admirable for his age. He even composed music congruent to the personalities of friends, who took note of the anomaly. He studied famous poets and philosophers and was impressed with the works of other famous composers of the time. After his father’s death in 1826, he went to Leipzig to study law (to meet the terms of his inheritance). In 1829 he continued law studies in Heidelberg, where he became a lifelong member of Corps Saxo-Borussia Heidelberg. In 1830 he left the study of law to return to music, intending to pursue a career as a virtuoso pianist. His teacher, Friedrich Wieck, assured him he could become the finest pianist in Europe, but an injury to his right hand (from a practicing method) ended that dream. He then focused his energies on composition, and studied under Heinrich Dorn, a German composer and conductor of the Leipzig opera. Schumann visited relatives in Zwickau and Schneeberg and performed at a concert given by Clara Wieck, age 13 at the time. In 1834 he published ‘A new journal for music’, praising some past composers and deriding others. He met Felix Mendelssohn at Wieck’s house in Leigzig and lauded the greatness of his compositions, along with those of Johannes Brahms. He also wrote a work, hoping to use proceeds from its sale towards a monument for Beethoven, whom he highly admired. He composed symphonies, operas, orchestral and chamber works, and also wrote biographies. Until 1840 he wrote strictly for piano, but then began composing for orchestra and voice. That year he composed 168 songs. He also receive a Doctorate degree from the University of Jena that year. An aesthete and influential music critic, he was one of the most regarded composers of the Romantic era. He published his works in the ‘New journal for music’, which he co-founded. In 1840, against the wishes of his father, he married Clara Wieck, daughter of his former teacher, and they had four children: Marie, Julie, Eugenie, and Felix. Clara also composed music and had a considerable concert career, the earnings from which formed a substantial part of her father’s fortune. In 1841 he wrote 2 of his 4 symphonies. In 1843 he was awarded a professorship in the Conservatory of Music, which Mendelssohn had founded in Leipzig that same year, When he and Clara went to Russia for her performances, he was questioned as to whether he also was a musician. He harbored resentment for her success as a pianist, which exceeded his ability as a pianist and reputation as a composer. From 1844-1853 he was engaged in setting Goethe’s Faust to music, but he began having persistent nervous prostration and developed neurasthenia (nervous fears of things, like metal objects and drugs). In 1846 he felt he had recovered and began traveling to Vienna, Prague, and Berlin, where he was received with enthusiasm. His only opera was written in 1848, and an orchestral work in 1849. In 1850 he succeeded Ferdinand Hiller as musical director at Dusseldorf, but was a poor conductor and soon aroused the opposition of the musicians, claiming he was impossible on the platform. From 1850-1854 he composed a wide variety of genres, but critics have considered his works during this period inferior to earlier works. In 1851 he visited Switzerland, Belgium, and returned to Leipzig. That year he finished his fourth symphony. He then went to Dusseldorf and began editing his complete works and making an anthology on the subject of music. He again was plagued with imaginary voices (angels, ghosts or demons) and in 1854 jumped off a bridge into the Rhine River, but was rescued by boatmen and taken home. For the last two years of his life, after the attempted suicide, Schumann was confined to a sanitarium in Endenich near Bonn, at his own request, and his wife was not allowed to see him. She finally saw him two days before he died, but he was unable to speak. He was diagnosed with psychotic melancholia, but died of pneumonia without recovering from the mental illness. Speculations as to the cause of his late term maladies was that he may have suffered from syphilis, contracted early in life, and treated with mercury, unknown as a neurological poison at the time. A report on his autopsy said he had a tumor at the base of the brain. It is also surmised he may have had bipolar disorder, accounting for mood swings and changes in his productivity. From the time of his death Clara devoted herself to the performance and interpretation of her husband’s works. John Perry

F. Venua

1788 - 1872 Person Name: F. M. A. Venua (1788-1872) Composer of "PARK STREET" in Hymns of the Ages Frederic Marc Antoine Venua; English composer Evangelical Lutheran Hymnal, 1908 Born to an Ital­i­an fa­mi­ly in France, Ve­nua at­tend­ed the Pa­ris Con­ser­va­to­ry, and stu­died com­po­sition in Lon­don. He di­rect­ed and com­posed for the ball­et or­ches­tra at the King’s The­a­ter, and be­longed the Bri­tish Roy­al So­ci­e­ty of Mu­si­cians. He re­tired to Ex­e­ter in 1858. © The Cyber Hymnal™ (">Frederick Marc Antoine Venua)

M. M. Wells

1815 - 1895 Person Name: Wells Author of "O Spirit of the living God, In all thy plenitude" in Hymns Converted to Christianity as a youth at a mission in Buffalo, New York, Marcus Morris Wells (b. Cooperstown, NY, 1815; d. Hartwick, NY, 1895) spent most of his life near Hartwick as a farmer and maker of farm implements. He is remembered in hymnody for writing both the text and tune of "Holy Spirit, Faithful Guide." "On a Saturday afternoon, October 1858, while at work in my cornfield, the sentiment of the hymn came to me," writes Wells. "The next day, Sunday, being a very stormy day, I finished the hymn and wrote the tune for it and sent it to Prof. I. B. Woodbury." Isaac Woodbury was the editor of the New York Musical Pioneer, and the original text and tune were first published in that periodical's November 1858 issue. Bert Polman ================= Wells, Marcus M. Concerning this author and his hymn we have no information beyond the following facts:— Holy Spirit, faithful Guide. [Whitsuntide.] Appeared in The Sacred Lute, by T. E. Perkins, N.Y., undated [1864], p. 373, with music. Both words and music are attributed therein to M. M. Wells. The hymn has since been repeated in several English and American collections, including I. D. Sankey's Sacred Songs and Solos, 1878. It is dated 1858. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

George Cooper

1820 - 1876 Person Name: Geo. Cooper Composer of "ST. SEPULCHRE" in The Song Companion to the Scriptures Cooper (ac­tu­al­ly George Coop­er III) came from a long line of or­gan­ists who played at St. Se­pul­chre’s Church, Newgate Street, London, through­out the 19th Cen­tu­ry. One of his ear­li­est ap­point­ments was to St. Benet’s Church in Up­per Thames Street, where lat­er John Stain­er of­fi­ci­a­ted (1854-56). Coop­er was al­so one of the or­gan­ists of the Cha­pel Roy­al, was or­gan­ist and mu­sic mas­ter at Christ’s Hos­pi­tal, and in 1843, he suc­ceed­ed his fa­ther as as­sist­ant to John Goss at St. Paul’s. He was the first ed­it­or to su­per­vise the pro­duct­ion of the new Wes­ley­an Tune-Book (both he and his suc­cess­or Gaunt­lett passed away while the work was in pro­gress; it was fin­ished by Ed­ward Hop­kins). Coop­er’s works in­clude: Organ Ar­range­ments Organist’s Ass­ist­ant Organist’s Man­u­al

Samuel Webbe

1770 - 1843 Composer of "MELCOMBE" in The Riverdale Hymn Book Samuel Webbe, Jr. (1770-1843), adapted the tune RICHMOND. He was organist at Paradise Street Unitarian Church, Liverpool (1798). Later he succeeded his father as organist at the Spanish Ambassador’s Chapel, London (1817), and then St. Nicholas’ Church and St. Patrick’s Roman Catholic Chapel, Liverpool. --The Presbyterian Hymnal Companion, 1993

L. G. Hayne

1836 - 1883 Arranger of "ST. ANSELM" in The Church Hymnary Born: February 28, 1836, St. David’s Hall, Exeter, England. Died: March 3, 1883, Bradfield, Essex, England. Son of Richard Hayne, Rector of Mistley, Leighton graduated from Eton and Queen’s College, Oxford (BMus 1856, DMus 1860); at school, he was Eton College’s organist and conducted the Oxford University chorus. He also served as chaplain of Queen’s College; Vicar of Helston, Cornwall (1866-67); Succentor of Eton (1867-71); and Rector of Mistley, Essex (1871-83), and was well known as an organ builder. Music: BUCKLAND CHALVEY ST. CECILIA ST. LAWRENCE

William Dalrymple Maclagan

1826 - 1910 Person Name: William D. Maclagan Composer of "INTERCESSION (MACLAGAN)" in Songs of the Christian Life Maclagan, William Dalrymple , D.D., son of David Maclagan, M.D., was born in Edinburgh, June 18, 1826. In early life he entered the army, and served for some time in India. Retiring with the rank of lieutenant, he entered St. Peter's College, Cambridge, where he graduated B.A. 1856 and M.A. in 1860. Taking Holy Orders, he was curate of St. Saviour's, Paddington, 1856-58, and St. Stephen's, Marylebone, 1858-60. He then became Secretary to the London Diocesan Church Building Society, from 1860 to 1865; curate of Enfield, 1865-69; Rector of Newington, 1869-75; and Vicar of Kensington, 1875-78. He was also Hon. Chaplain to the Queen, and Prebendary of Reculverland in St. Paul's Cathedral, London. In 1878 he was consecrated Bishop of Lichfield. Bishop Maclagan's work has been mainly of a practical character, and his publications are few. The few hymns which he has written have been received with great favour, and create a desire for more of the same kind and quality. The following are in common use.:— 1. Again the trumpet sounds. Missions. Written about 1870. Appeared in the Hymns Ancient & Modern Hymns Ancient & Modern series of Hymns for Mission Services. 1871. 2. Be still, my soul, for God is near. Holy Communion. Part ii. is “O Body, broken for my sake." Written about 1873 for St. Mary's, Newington. In Thring's Collection, 1882. 3. Holy Spirit, Lord of love. Confirmation. Written about 1873, and published in Mrs. C. Brock's Children's Hymn Book, 1884. 4. It is finished, blessed Jesus [Saviour]. Good Friday. Written for Hymns Ancient & Modern, 1875. In several collections. 5. Lord, when Thy Kingdom comes, remember me. Good Friday. Written for the 1875 ed. of Hymns Ancient & Modern. Sometimes given in two parts: Pt. ii. Beginning, “Lord, when with dying lips my prayer is said." 6. The Saints of God their conflict past. All Saints. First published in Church Bells, 1870; and again in the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge Church Hymns, 1871. 7. What thanks and praise to Thee we owe. St. Luke. Written for the 1875 edition of Hymns Ancient & Modern These hymns are of more than usual merit, being characterized by great simplicity, tenderness, and fervour. The special season or purpose is clearly indicated, and its lessons earnestly enforced. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ============= Maclagan, Abp. W. D., pp. 709, i.; 1578, ii. At the present time all Abp. Maclagan's hymns are in common use, and most of his tunes likewise. With regard to the latter, it is exceptional to find so many tunes by the author of popular hymns sharing the same popularity in the principal hymnals. In Church Hymnal, 1903, and Hymns Ancient & Modern, 1904, combined, there are eight of his tunes, whilst the hymns are six in all. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

Percy C. Buck

1871 - 1947 Person Name: P. C. Buck (1871-1947) Composer of "GONFALON ROYAL" in Hymns for Today's Church (2nd ed.)


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