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Joseph Humphreys

b. 1720 Person Name: J. Humphreys Hymnal Number: 827 Author of "Blessed [Blest] are the sons of God" in Songs for the Sanctuary; or Psalms and Hymns for Christian Worship (Baptist Ed.) Humphreys, Joseph, son of Asher Humphreys, minister at Burford, Oxfordshire, was born at Burford, Oct. 28, 1720, and educated at a grammar school at Fairford, and at an academy for the training of young men for the ministry in London. From the latter he was expelled, Dec. 25, 1739, because of his attachment to Whitefield. For a short time he associated with the Wesleys, but eventually joined G. Whitefield, and subsequently preached at Bristol, London, and Deptford. He died in London (date unknown), and was buried in the Moravian Cemetery at Chelsea. He was a contributor to Whitefield's Christian History (1741-1748), 1742, &c, and published, 1742, An Account of Joseph Humphreys's Experiences, &c. As a hymnwriter he is not widely known. His hymns were contributed to J. Cennick'e Sacred Hymns for the Use of Religious Societies (Bristol), 1743, pt. ii., and are thus introduced: "These were done by Mr. Joseph Humphreys." Of these hymns, two only are in common use:— 1. Blessed are the sons of God. Adoption. 2. Come, guilty souls, and flee away. Invitation. These are given in Spurgeon's Our Own Hymn Book, 1866, and other collections. No. 1 is the more popular of the two. It is sometimes abbreviated, and has the concluding lines of st. viii. added as a refrain to each stanza. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================= Born: October 28, 1720, Burford, Oxfordshire, England. Died: London, England. Buried: Moravian Cemetery, Chelsea, England. Joseph was the son of Asher Humphreys, Rector of Barton, Hertfordshire, and subsequently Burford, Oxfordshire. At age 10, Joseph was sent to a grammar school at Fairfield, Gloucestershire. His father died in 1732, and Joseph was sent, at age 12, to a theological school in London. In 1738, having been converted to the doctrines of the Wesleys, he began to preach at the Foundry, London, in Bristol, and elsewhere. He attached himself particularly to John Cennick, and accompanied him frequently on his evangelistic tours. Hatfield reports, "For his irregularities in these respects, he was expelled, December 25, 1739, from the school." Following Cennick’s example, Humphreys separated from the Wesleys in April 1741 and became associated with Whitefield. The same year, he preached for the Moravians at Deptford, West Greenwich. He was also one of the four principal contributors to The Weekly History, just then established, in the interest of the new religious movement. Several of his "Letters to John Wesley," opposing his views, appeared in this journal. Humphreys frequently preached at the Bowling Green, Bristol, and the Tabernacle, London. In January 1743, he united with several clergymen and lay preachers in organizing, near Cardiff, Wales, the first Calvinistic Methodist Society. In 1790, according to John Wesley’s journal, Humphreys left Whitefield and was ordained a Presbyterian minister. He later received an Episcopal ordination. Humphreys’ works include: A Letter to the Religious Societies, in Testimony Against the Errors of Universal Redemption and Sinless Perfection (Bristol, England: 1741) An Account of Joseph Humphreys’ Experience at the Work of Grace upon His Heart (Bristol, England: 1742)

Ludwig Andreas Gotter

1661 - 1735 Hymnal Number: 672 Author of "Cross, reproach and tribulation" in Songs for the Sanctuary; or Psalms and Hymns for Christian Worship (Baptist Ed.) Gotter, Ludwig Andreas, son of Johann Christian Gotter, Court preacher and Superintendent at Gotha, was born at Gotha, May 26, 1661. He was at first privy secretary and then Hofrath at Gotha, where he died Sept. 19, 1735. He was a pious, spiritually-minded man, with tendencies towards Pietism; and one of the best hymnwriters of the period. Of his printed hymns the earliest appeared in the Geistliches Gesang-Buch, Halle, 1697. Of the 23 included in Freylinghausen's Geistleiches Gesang-Buch, 1704, and Neues, 1714, seven have been translated into English, besides his version of J. W. Petersen's "Salve, crux beata, salve (q. v.). J. C. Wetzel, who had become acquainted with him during a visit Gotter made to Römhild in 1733, mentions a complete version of the Psalter (now in manuscript in the Ducal Library at Wernigerode) by him, and quotes from his manuscript the first lines of 42 hymns still unprinted (Wetzel's Analecta Hymnica, ii. 22-30; Koch, iv. 400-402; Allegemeine Deutsche Biographie, ix. 456). Of his hymns those translated into English are:— i. In English common use:— i. Erquicke mich, du Heil der Sunder. [The Great Physician.] On the Gospel for the third Sunday in Advent (St. Matt, xi.), turning it into a prayer for cures of our moral nature similar to the miracles of physical healing there recorded. In Freylinghausen, 1714, No. 771, in 10 st. of 6 1., and in Knapp's Evangelisches Lieder-Schatz, 1837, No. 196. The only translation in common use is:— Saviour of sinners, now revive us, of st. i., ii., v., x., by Miss Borthwick, as No. 236, in Dr. Pagenstecher's Collection, 1864. ii. Treuer Vater, deine Liebe. [True and False Christianity.] 1697, as above, p. 608, in 23 st. of 6 1., repeated in Freylinghausen, 1704; and in Porst's Gesang-Buch, 1713 (1855, No. 324). The only translation in common use is:— Father, Thine eternal kindness, omitting st. x, in J. C. Jacobi's Psalmodia Germanica, 1720, p. 3. Considerably altered in his edition, 1722, p. 50, and 1732, p. 78; and from this 8 st. were included as No. 542 in pt. i. of the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754. The translations of st. xii., xiii., altered from the 1732, and beginning, "Has temptation well nigh won me," were included in the Scottish Evangelical Union Hymn Book, 1856, and in Dr. J. Paterson's Collection, Glasgow, 1867. iii. Womit soil ioh dich wohl loben. [Praise and Thanksgiving.] A beautiful hymn of Thanksgiving (founded on Ps. xci.) for the wonderful ways by which God in His love and goodness has led us, and of trust in the continuance of His love to the end. 1697, as above, p. 577, in 14 st. of 6 l., and the refrain (altered from Hornburg's "Jesus, meines Lebens Leben.") "Tausend, tausend Mai sei dir, Grosser König, Dank dafür." Repeated in Freylinghausen, 1704, and as No. 1033, in the Berlin Geistliche Lieder S., ed. 1863. Lauxmann, in Koch, viii. 348-9, relates that st. iv. was adopted as a thanksgiving by the German Missionaries in Abyssinia on their deliverance by the capture of Magdala in 1868, and st. xi., by C. H. Bogatzky, after a narrow escape on one of his journeys in Bohemia; and adds that as the hymn, with its Swabian melody, was a great favourite of the poet Uhland, it was accordingly played by the trumpeters from the tower of St. George's Church, on July 14,1873, at the ceremony of the unveiling of the statue erected to his memory in Tübingen. The only translation in common use is :— Lord of Hosts! how shall I render. A good and full translation in Dr. J. Guthrie's Sacred Lyrics, 1869, p. 131; and from this st. i., ii., ix., xiii., xiv., were included as No. 50 in the Ibrox Hymnal, 1871. Another translation is, "With what fervour of devotion," by J. C. Jacobi, 1732, p. 157. ii. Hymns not in English common use:— iv. Herr Jesu, Gnadensonne. [Sanctification.] Perhaps his finest hymn. 1697, as above, p. 525, in 8 st. The translations are: (1) "Lord Jesus! Sun of graces," In the Supplement to German Psalter, edition 1765, p. 43. (2) “O shed abroad, Lord Jesus," a translation of st. vi., as No. 1086, in the Supplement of 1808 to the Moravian Hymn Book, 1801. v. 0 Jesu meine Zurersicht. [Lent.] 1714, as above, No. 772, in 14 st. Translated by N. L. Frothingham, 1870, p. 213, beginning with st. vii. vi. Sei hochgelobt, barmherz'ger Gott. [Praise for Redemption.] On Eph. i. 3. first in the Geistleiches Gesang-Buch, Darmstadt, 1698, p. 485, in 16 st. Translated as, "High praise to Thee, all-gracious God," by J. Wesley, in Hymns and Sacred Poems, 1740 (P. Works, 1868-72, v. i. p. 339). vii. Wachet auf, ihr faulen Christen. [Spiritual Watchfulness.] On St. Matt. xxvi. 41. 1697, as above, p. 425, in 7 st., each beginning and ending with the word, "Wachet." Translated as, "Arise! ye lingering saints, arise!" by Mrs. Findlater, in Hymns from the Land of Luther 1854. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Phoebe A. Hanaford

1829 - 1921 Hymnal Number: 957 Author of "Cast thy bread upon the waters Thinking not 'tis thrown away" in Songs for the Sanctuary; or Psalms and Hymns for Christian Worship (Baptist Ed.) Hanaford, Phoebe A., née Coffin, daughter of George F. Coffin, was born at Nantucket Island, May 6, 1829. Mrs. Hanaford is an Universalist, and one of their recognized ministers. Her hymn "Cast thy bread upon the waters" (Work and Wait), is in the Laudes Domini, N.Y., 1884, and other American collections. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907) ================= Born: May 6, 1829, Nan­tuck­et Is­land, Mass­a­chu­setts. Died: June 2, 1921, Ro­ches­ter, New York. Daughter of Quak­er ship own­er George F. Cof­fin, Phoe­be was cou­sin to fem­in­ist Lu­cre­tia Mott. A gift­ed writ­er, she was pub­lished in the lo­cal pa­per by the time she was a teen­ag­er. She stu­died La­tin and math­e­ma­tics and taught school for a few years, then in 1849 mar­ried Dr. Jo­seph H. Han­a­ford. The cou­ple lived in New­ton and Read­ing, Mass­a­chu­setts, and had two child­ren. Phoebe con­tin­ued her lit­er­ary ef­forts, pro­duc­ing po­e­try, child­ren’s sto­ries, es­says, and bi­o­gra­phies (her bi­o­gra­phy of Ab­ra­ham Lin­coln sold 20,000 co­pies). She al­so ed­it­ed a Un­i­ver­sal­ist mag­a­zine, and, urged by Rev. Olym­pia Brown, she event­u­al­ly be­came a Uni­ver­sal­ist min­is­ter (the first wo­man or­dained in New Eng­land). She served church­es in Hing­ham and Walt­ham, Mass­a­chu­setts; New Ha­ven, Con­nec­ti­cut, and Jer­sey Ci­ty, New Jer­sey. Her works in­clude: Life of George Pea­bo­dy Women of the Cen­tu­ry (Bos­ton, Mass­a­chu­setts: B. B. Russ­ell, 1877)

William Mason

1725 - 1797 Hymnal Number: 70 Author of "Again returns the day of holy rest" in Songs for the Sanctuary; or Psalms and Hymns for Christian Worship (Baptist Ed.) Mason, William, M.A., was born at Kingston-upon-Hull, 1725, and educated at St. John's College, Cambridge. He was some time a Fellow of Pembroke Hall. On taking Holy Orders he became Rector of Aston, and Precentor of York Minster. He died April 5, 1797. His poetical writings, including Poems, Tragedies, Odes, and Hymns, published at intervals, were collected and issued in 4 vols. in 1811 as The Works of William Mason, M.A., Precentor of York, and Rector of Aston. His hymns, few in number, include, "Again the day returns of holy rest”; "Soon shall the evening star with silver [silent] ray", &c. These are in vol. i. of his Works. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ======================= Born: February 12, 1725, Kingston-upon-Hull, England. Died: April 7, 1797, Aston, England. There is a plaque to his memory in Poet’s Corner, Westminster Abbey (next to Milton), with a bas relief image of him. Pseudonym: Malcolm MacGregor. Mason was educated at St. John’s College, Cambridge, and became fellow of Pembroke College in 1749. After taking Holy Orders, he became Rector of Aston (near Rotherham), Yorkshire, in 1754. He was appointed Prebend of Holme in York Minster in 1756, Canon Residentiary in 1762, became Precentor and Prebendary of Driffield in 1763. He also served as literary executor for poet Thomas Gray. His works include: Musaeus, 1744 (a lament for Alexander Pope, in the style of Lycidas) Isis, 1748 Elfrida, 1752 Odes, 1756 Caractacus, 1759 The English Garden, 1772, 1777, 1779 and 1782 An Heroic Epistle to Sir William Chambers, 1774 Ode to Mr. Pinchbeck, 1776 Epistle to Dr. Shebbeare, 1777 Essay, Historical and Critical, of Church Music, 1795 Sappho, 1797 Sources: Julian, p. 717 Robinson, p. 35 ========================

Edgar Alfred Bowring

1826 - 1911 Person Name: E. A. Bowring Hymnal Number: 1248 Author of "When my last hour is close at hand, My last sad" in Songs for the Sanctuary; or Psalms and Hymns for Christian Worship (Baptist Ed.) Bowring, Edgar Alfred, was born in 1826, and was M.P. for Exeter, 1868. According to Glass (p. 183) he has also "translated two small volumes of German hymns, selected by the Queen, and privately printed for her Majesty's use." [No. 292.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Jonathan Evans

1748 - 1809 Hymnal Number: 173 Author of "Come, thou soul transforming [enlivening] Spirit [Savior]" in Songs for the Sanctuary; or Psalms and Hymns for Christian Worship (Baptist Ed.) Evans, Jonathan, born at Coventry in 1748 or 1749. He was the son of a working man, and as a youth was employed in a ribbon manufactory. About 1778 he joined the congregation at Coventry, over which the Rev. G. Burder was pastor. He began preaching at Foleshill, near Coventry, in 1782, and in 1795 he began his stated ministry there, retaining the same to his death on Aug. 31, 1809. Two biographical notices of him appeared in the Evangelical Magazine (Oct. 1809, and March 1847), and also several of his hymns. Two of his hymns appeared in Burder's Collection, 1784, and another in the 2nd edition the same year. His best known hymns are, "Come, Thou soul-transforming Spirit,” and "Hark! the voice of love and mercy;" q.v. He published no poetical work or collection of hymns. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Barry Cornwall

1787 - 1874 Hymnal Number: 1308 Author of "There is a land immortal" in Songs for the Sanctuary; or Psalms and Hymns for Christian Worship (Baptist Ed.) Also known as Bryan W. Procter. Used pseudonym Barry Cornwall

James Joyce

1781 - 1850 Hymnal Number: 1123 Author of "Why, on the bending willows hung" in Songs for the Sanctuary; or Psalms and Hymns for Christian Worship (Baptist Ed.) Joyce, James, M.A., was born at Frome, Somersetshire, Nov. 2, 1781, and was for some years Vicar of Dorking, and died there Oct. 9, 1850. He published A Treatise on Love to God, &c, 1822, The Lays of Truth, a Poem, 1825; and Hymns with Notes, 1849. This last is a small work which he compiled for his parishioners. It is composed of passages of Holy Scripture, Meditations, and 20 Hymns. Of his hymns, the following are in common use:— 1. Disown'd of Heav'n, by man opprest. [On behalf of the Jews.] Tlds appeared in the Christian Observer, Nov., 1809, in 5 stanzas of 4 lines, headed, "Hymn applicable to the present condition of the Jews," and signed "J. J." The form in which it is known to modern collections is, "O why should Israel's sons, once bless'd." This appeared in Bickersteth's Christian Psalmody, 1833, and is widely used. The cento, "Lord, visit Thy forsaken race—vine," in use in America, is Bickersteth's (1833) somewhat altered. 2. High on the bending willows hung. [On behalf of the Jews.] This hymn was given in the December number of the Christian Observer, 1809, in 6 stanzas of 4 lines, as "A second hymn applicable to the present condition of the Jews," and signed “J. J." 3. Israel bewails her freedom gone. [On behalf of the Jews.] This is his “Third Hymn applicable to the present condition of the Jews,” and was given in the Christian Observer, Dec. 1809, with No. 2. It is in 6 stanzas of 4 lines, and signed “J. J.” --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

James Edward Smith

1759 - 1828 Hymnal Number: 323 Author of "When power divine in mortal form hushed" in Songs for the Sanctuary; or Psalms and Hymns for Christian Worship (Baptist Ed.) Smith, Sir James Edward, born at Norwich Dec. 2, 1759; died March 17, 1828. A distinguished botanist, and President of the Linnaean Society from its foundation in 1788 to the time of his death. He was knighted when the Prince Regent became, in 1814, a Patron of the Society. Smith studied medicine at Edinburgh, and, in 1786, graduated as a physician at Leyden. After further travels abroad he finally settled down at Norwich in 1797. He published English Botany in 36 vols. (beginning in 1790) and various other botanical works. He was also a large contributor to Rees's Encyclopaedia. The friend of Dr. Enfield and John Taylor, he was also a member of the congregation meeting in the Octagon Chapel, Norwich, and a subscriber to the British and Foreign Unitarian Association. He contributed 3 hymns to A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship, Norwich, 1814 (printed for the Octagon Chapel); and 6 others to the Supplement added to the 2nd edition, 1826. Of these the following are in Dr. Martineau's Hymns, &c, 1840; his Hymns, &c, 1873, and other Unitarian collections:— 1. Adore, my soul, that awful Name (1814). Dependence upon God. 2. As twilight's gradual veil is spread (1814). Nature and Immortality. 3. Holy, wise, eternal Father (1826). The Mansions of the Blessed. 4. How glorious are those orbs of light (1826). Nature and Immortality. 5. Praise waits in Zion, Lord, for Thee (1826). Public Worship. 6. When power divine in mortal form (1826). Confidence in God. 7. Who shall a temple build for Him (1826). God's Temple in the Heart. [Rev. Valentine D. Davis, B.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Johann Georg Albinus

1624 - 1679 Hymnal Number: 1305 Author of "Time, thou speedest on but slowly" in Songs for the Sanctuary; or Psalms and Hymns for Christian Worship (Baptist Ed.) Albinus, Johann Georg eldest s. of Zacharias Albinus, pastor at Unter-Nessa, near Weissenfels, Saxony, 1621-1633, and at Stuhlburgwerben, 1633-1635, was b. at UnterNessa, March 6, 1624. After his father's death, in 1635, he was, in 1638, adopted by his cousin, Lucas Pollio, diaconus at St Nicholas's Church in Leipzig. After his cousin's death, in 1643, the Court preacher, Sebastian Mitternacht, of Naumburg, took an interest in him, and he remained at Naumburg till he entered the University of Leipzig, in 1645. He studied for eight years at Leipzig, during which time ho acted as house tutor to the Burgomaster, Dr. Friedrich Kuhlwein, and was then, in 1653, appointed Eector of the Cathedral School at Naumburg. This post he resigned when, in 1657, he became pastor of St. Othmar's Church, in Naumburg. There he proved himself a zealous pastor, seeking ever "the glory of God, the edification of the Church, and the everlasting salvation, well-being, and happiness of his hearers." During his ministry he suffered greatly, not only from bodily infirmities, but from ecclesiastical encroachments and bickerings. The end came when, on Rogation Sunday, May 25,1679, he quietly fell asleep in Jesus, at 2.30 p.m. On his tombstone his eldest son placed the inscription, "Cum yiveret, moriebatur, et nunc cum mortuus vivit, quia sciebat, quod vita via sit mortis et inors vitae introitus." During his student days he was known as a poet, became, in 1654, a member of the Fruitbearing Society, and was also a member of Philipp v. Zesen's Patriotic Union. As a poet he was, says Koch, " distinguished by ease of style, force of expression, and liveliness of fancy, and his manner of thought was scriptural and pervaded by a deep religious spirit" (Koch, iii. 392-98; Allg. Deutsche Biog. i. 222-223). Of the many hymns he composed, and pub. in his various poetical works, only three have been tr. into English, viz.:— i. Alle Menschen miiasen sterben. [For the Dying.] This hymn, which Koch, iii. 397, calls "his best known hymn, and a pearl in the Evangelical Treasury of Song," was written for the funeral of Paul von Henssberg, a Leipzig merchant, and was thus sung, from broadsheets, June 1, 1652. It was given in Niedling's Wasserquelle, Altenburg, 1663, and gradually came into universal use, passing through Freylinghausen's G. B., 1704, into most subsequent collections, as in the Unv. L. S., 1851, No. 804, in 8 st. of 8 1. It was a great favourite of P. J. Spener, who sang it regularly on Sunday afternoons; of J. F. Hochstetter, Prelate of Murrhardt, and many others (Koch, viii. 628-631). In the Blatter fur Hymnologie, 1884, pp. 55-58, the text is quoted in full from the original broadsheet [Ducal Library, Gotha], the title of which ends " Mit seiner Poesie und Musick erweisen wollen Johannes Rosenmüller." Rosenmüller is not, however, known as a hymn-writer, and this statement is hardly sufficient to overthrow the traditional ascription to Albinus. The translations in common use are:— 1. Death o'er all hit sway maintaineth. A good tr. of st. i., iii.-v., by A. T. Russell, as No. 260 in his Psalms & Hymns, 1851. Included, considerably altered and beginning, " Death in all this world prevaileth," as No. 745 in Kennedy, 1863. 2. Hark! a voice saith, all are mortal. A good tr., omitting st. v., viii., as No. 196 "by Miss Winkworth in her G. B. for England, 1863, and with a tr. of st. v. added as No. 429 in the Ohio Luth. Hymnal, 1880. Other trs. are:— (1) "All must die! there's no redemption," by Dr. H Mills, 1856, p. 234, 1st pub. (reading “no exception") in the Evang. Review, Gettysburg, Oct. 1851. (2) "All that's human still must perish," by Dr. John Ker, in the U. P. Juv. Miss. Magazine July, 1859. (3) "Tis God's decree that all shall die," by Dr. G. Walker, 1860, p. 107. ii. Straf mich nicht in deinem Zorn. [Ps. vi.] Of the origin of this hymn, J. C. Wetzel, i. 46, and ii. 404, relates what seems rather an apocryphal story to this effect:— Johann Rosenmüller, while music director at Leipzig, had been guilty of improper practices with some of his scholars. He was thrown into prison, but having made his escape, went to Hamburg. Thence he sent a petition for restoration to the Elector Johann Georg at Dresden, and to support his petition enclosed this hymn, which Albinus had written for him, along with the beautiful melody by himself (in the Irish Ch. Hyml., 1876; called Nassau, in the Darmstadt G. B. 1698, p. 49). This, if correct, would date it about 1655, and Koch, iii. 398, says it was printed separately in that year; The earliest hymn-book in which it is found is Luppius's Andachtig Singender Christen Mund, Wesel., 1692, p. 20. It is a beautiful hymn of Penitence (by Miss Winkworth assigned to Ash Wednesday). Included as No. 273 in Freylinghausen's G. B., 1704, and recently as No. 535 in the Berlin G. L. S., ed. 1863, in 7 st. of 8 1. The trs. in C. U. are :— 1. O do not against me, Lord. A good tr. of st. i., iii., vi., vii., by A. T. Russell, as No. 79 in his Psalms & Hymns, 1851. 2. Not in anger, mighty God. A good tr. omitting st. ii., iv., as No. 41 in Miss Winkworth's Chorale Book for England, 1863, and thence as No. 205 in the Temple H. Bk. 1867, as No. 323 in the Free Church H. Bk. 1882, and omitting the tr. of st. vi., as No. 78 in the Upp. & Sherb. School H. Bk. 1874. In America as No. 398 in the Evang. Hymnal, New York, 1880, in full. 3. Not in anger, Lord, Thou wilt. A tr. of st. i., iii., vi., vii., signed « X. X." as No. 59 in Dr. Pagenstecher's Coll. 1864. 4. Cast me not in wrath away. A tr. of st. 1.—iil., vii., by E. Cronenwett, as No. 235 in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 1880. Other trs. are:— (1) " Lord! withdraw the dreadful storm," by J. C. Jacobi, 1720, p. 41; 1722, p. 63; in his second ed., 1732, p. 98, greatly altered, and beginning, " O my God, avert the storm." (2) " Not in anger smite us, Lord," by Miss Winkworth, 1855, p. 55. (3) "In Thine anger smite me not," by N. L. Frothingham, 1870, p. 159. iii. Welt, Ade! ion bin dein miide. [For the Dying,] 1st printed on a broadsheet for the funeral of Johanne Magdalene, daughter of the Archidiaconus Abraham Teller, of St. Nicholas’s Church, Leipzig, who died Feb. 27, 1649, and included in Albinus's Geistlicher geharnischter Kriegesheld, Leipzig, 1675. Also given in the Bayreuth G. B. of 1660, p. 542, and recently as No. 842 in the Unv. L. S. 1851, in 9 st. of 8 1. The tr. in C. U. is:— World, farewell ! Of thee I'm tired. A full and good tr. in the 2nd Ser., 1858, of Miss Winkworth's Lyra Ger., p. 207. In her C. B. for England, 1863, No. 198, st. iii., iv., vi. were omitted. Her trs. of 11. 1-4, of st. viii., v., vi., iv., beginning. "Time, thou speedest on but slowly," were included as No. 1305 in Robinson's Songs for the Sanctuary, 1865, as No. 1392, in the Hymns & Songs of Praise, New York, 1874, and Ch. Praise Book, 1882, No. 652. Another tr. is:— "World, farewell, my soul is weary," by Miss Dunn, 1857, p. 113. -John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)


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