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Hymnal, Number:es1927

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Keith L. Brooks

1888 - 1954 Hymnal Number: 86 Composer of "[Cast thy burden on the Lord]" in Evangelistic Songs

James G. Walton

1821 - 1905 Person Name: J. G. Walton Hymnal Number: 119 Arranger of "[Faith of our fathers, living still]" in Evangelistic Songs Born: Feb­ru­a­ry 19, 1821, Clith­er­oe, Lan­ca­shire, Eng­land. Died: Sep­tem­ber 1, 1905, Brad­ford, New York. Little is known of Wal­ton’s life. His works in­clude: Plain Song Mu­sic for the Ho­ly Com­mun­ion Of­fice, 1874 (ed­it­or) Music: ST. CATHERINE

Edward Henry Bickersteth

1825 - 1906 Person Name: Bickersteth Hymnal Number: 78 Author of "Till He Come" in Evangelistic Songs Bickersteth, Edward Henry, D.D., son of Edward Bickersteth, Sr. born at Islington, Jan. 1825, and educated at Trinity College, Cambridge (B.A. with honours, 1847; M.A., 1850). On taking Holy Orders in 1848, he became curate of Banningham, Norfolk, and then of Christ Church, Tunbridge Wells. His preferment to the Rectory of Hinton-Martell, in 1852, was followed by that of the Vicarage of Christ Church, Hampstead, 1855. In 1885 he became Dean of Gloucester, and the same year Bishop of Exeter. Bishop Bickersteth's works, chiefly poetical, are:— (l) Poems, 1849; (2) Water from the Well-spring, 1852; (3) The Rock of Ages, 1858 ; (4) Commentary on the New Testament, 1864; (5) Yesterday, To-day, and For Ever, 1867; (6) The Spirit of Life, 1868; (7) The Two Brothers and other Poems, 1871; (8) The Master's Home Call, 1872 ; (9) The Shadowed Home and the Light Beyond, 1874; (10) The Beef and other Parables, 1873; (11) Songs in the House of Pilgrimage, N.D.; (12) From Year to Year, 1883. As an editor of hymnals, Bp. Bickersteth has also been most successful. His collections are:— (1) Psalms & Hymns, 1858, based on his father's Christian Psalmody, which passed through several editions; (2) The Hymnal Companion, 1870; (3) The Hymnal Companion revised and enlarged, 1876. Nos. 2 and 3, which are two editions of the same collection, have attained to an extensive circulation.   [Ch. of England Hymnody.] About 30 of Bp. Bickersteths hymns are in common use. Of these the best and most widely known are:—" Almighty Father, hear our cry"; "Come ye yourselves apart and rest awhile"; "Father of heaven above"; "My God, my Father, dost Thou call"; "O Jesu, Saviour of the lost"; "Peace, perfect peace"; "Rest in the Lord"; "Stand, Soldier of the Cross"; " Thine, Thine, for ever"; and "Till He come.” As a poet Bp. Bickersteth is well known. His reputation as a hymn-writer has also extended far and wide. Joined with a strong grasp of his subject, true poetic feeling, a pure rhythm, there is a soothing plaintiveness and individuality in his hymns which give them a distinct character of their own. His thoughts are usually with the individual, and not with the mass: with the single soul and his God, and not with a vast multitude bowed in adoration before the Almighty. Hence, although many of his hymns are eminently suited to congregational purposes, and have attained to a wide popularity, yet his finest productions are those which are best suited for private use. -John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================= Bickersteth, Edward Henry, p. 141, ii. Bishop Bickersteth's 1890 edition of his Hymnal Companion is noted on p. 1312, i., and several of his own hymns and translations, which appear therein for the first time, are annotated in this Appendix. One of these, "All-merciful, Almighty Lord," for the Conv. of St. Paul, was written for the 1890 edition of Hymnal Companion. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907) ================== Bickersteth, B. H., p. 141, ii. Bp. Bickersteth died in London, May 16, 1906. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

W. Stillman Martin

1862 - 1935 Hymnal Number: 114 Composer of "[They call me old-fashioned because I believe]" in Evangelistic Songs Born: March 8, 1862, Rowley, Massachusetts. Died: December 16, 1935, Atlanta, Georgia. Buried: Westview Cemetery, Atlanta, Georgia. Husband of hymnist Civilla Martin, Stillman attended Harvard University and was ordained a Baptist minister, though he later switched to the Disciples of Christ denomination. In 1916, he became a professor of Bible studies at Atlantic Christian College in Wilson, North Carolina. Three years later, he moved to Atlanta, Georgia. It was from there he went all over America to run Bible conferences and evangelistic meetings. Sources: Hustad, p. 282

James Mountain

1844 - 1933 Person Name: Rev. J. Mountain, D. D. Hymnal Number: 73 Composer of "[My Saviour’s Bible shall be mine]" in Evangelistic Songs Rv James Mountain United Kingdom 1844-1933. Born at Leeds, Yorkshire, England, he attended Gainford Academy, Rotherham College, Nottingham Institute, and Cheshunt College. He became pastor at Great Marlow, Buckinghamshire. Leaving the clerical field due to ill health, he conducted evangelistic campaigns in Britain (1874-82) and worldwide (1882-1889). An author, he wrote a number of books. He published a hymn book, “Hymns of consecration and faith”,and “Sacred songs for missions, prayer, and praise meetings” (1876). He died at Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England. John Perry

Eliza Holmes Reed

1794 - 1867 Person Name: Elizabeth Reed Hymnal Number: 17 Author of "O Do Not Let the Word Depart" in Evangelistic Songs Reed, Eliza, née Holmes, was born in London, March 4, 1794; married to the Rev. Andrew Reed in 1816; and died July 4, 1867. Mrs. Reed entered fully and earnestly into her husband's extensive charitable works. Her publications include Original Tales for Children; and The Mother's Manual for the Training of her Children, 1865. Her hymns, 20 in all, were contributed to her husband's collection, and were republished with his in the Wycliffe Chapel Supplement, 1872. They are only of average merit, and have not attained to a marked position. They include:— 1. Gracious Lord, as Thou hast bidden. Holy Baptism. 2. I would be Thine, 0 take my heart . Dedication of Self to Christ. 3. 0 do not let the word depart. The Accepted Time. 4. 0 that I could for ever dwell. Communion with God Desired. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

M. P. Ferguson

1850 - 1932 Person Name: M. P. F. Hymnal Number: 61 Author of "That Man of Calvary" in Evangelistic Songs Manie Payne Ferguson United Kingdom 1850-1932. Born in Carlow, Ireland, in 1883 she married Theodore Pollock Ferguson, a past Presbyterian minister from Ohio, who had become an itinerant evangelical preacher. They moved to Los Angeles, CA, in 1885. He became a pioneer leader in the American Holiness Movement, a Christian evangelist, and social worker, founding, along with her husband, the non-denominational Peniel Mission in 1886. In 1894 they received a significant financial donation from George Studd allowing them to expand the mission. They constructed a 900-seat auditorium and ministry centre there in Los Angeles. They partnered with Studd and Phineas Bresee, each acting as a superintendent of the mission organization. In 1894 Dr. Joseph Widney, President of USC, led the dedication Praise service, and Bresee preached the later service. Widney and Bresee separated from the mission in 1895 to form the Church of the Nazarene, and Manie Fergusion provided primary leadership of the Peniel Mission. The mission provided ministry especially for single women, who lived in rented rooms near the auditorium, where evangelical services were held. The Fergusions managed to live on income from three small houses they owned, and mission rents and donations covered mission expenses. Street-corner meetings were held in the afternoon, evangelical services at night, and a meal was served afterward. Converts were asked to join a local church of their choice. Manie continued the mission work after her husband's death until her own death. In 1947 the mission became part of the World Gospel Mission enterprise. Manie wrote many poems and also authored hymn lyrics. She died in Los Angeles. John Perry

E. E. Hasty

1840 - 1914 Hymnal Number: 33 Composer of "[Jesus, my Saviour, to Bethlehem came]" in Evangelistic Songs Emerson Eaton Hasty USA 1840-1914. Born in ME, his family moved to OH when he was three. He was a beekeeper most of his life. He married Annette (Nettie) Wilson, and they had five children: William, Nettie, Arthur, Elliott, and Julia. He translated Georgia’s 4th Georgic. He also wrote gospel songs. Other written works include: “What is Christianity?” and “Reasons for not joining church societies”. He also submitted articles to a newsletter on beekeeping. He died in Ottawa Hills, OH. John Perry

Théodore Monod

1836 - 1921 Person Name: Theo. Monod Hymnal Number: 69 Author of "None of Self and All of Thee" in Evangelistic Songs Monod, Theodore, son of F. Monod, Pastor in the French Reformed Church, was born in Paris, Nov. 6, 1836, and educated for the ministry at Western Theological Seminary, Allegheny, Pennsylvania. He entered the ministry in 1860, and has been many years a Pastor in Paris. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

J. Grigg

1720 - 1768 Person Name: Rev. Joseph Grigg Hymnal Number: 50 Author of "Jesus, and Shall It Ever Be" in Evangelistic Songs Grigg, Joseph, was born in 1728, according to the D. Sedgwick’s Manuscript," but this date seems to be some six or eight years too late. He was the son of poor parents and was brought up to mechanical pursuits. In 1743 he forsook his trade and became assistant minister to the Rev. Thomas Bures, of the Presbyterian Church, Silver Street, London. On the death of Mr. Bures in 1747, he retired from the ministry, and, marrying a lady of property, look up his residence at St. Albans. He died at Walthamstow, Essex, Oct. 29, 1768. As a hymnwriter Grigg is chiefly known by two of his hymns, "Behold a stranger at the door"; and "Jesus, and can it ever be?" His hymnwriting began, it is said, at ten years of age. His published works of various kinds number over 40. Those in which his hymns are found are:— (1) Miscellanies on Moral and Religious Subjects, &c, London, Elizabeth Harrison, 1756. (2) The Voice of Danger, the Voice of God. A Sermon Preached at St. Albans, and at Box-Lane, Chiefly with a View to the apprehended Invasion. By J. Grigg. London, J. Buckland, 1756. To this is appended his hymn, "Shake, Britain, like an aspen shake." (3) Four Hymns on Divine Subjects wherein the Patience and Love of Our Divine Saviour is displayed, London, 1765. (4) Hymns by the late Rev. Joseph Grigg, Stourbridge, 1806. (5) During 1765 and 1766 he also contributed 12 hymns to The Christians Magazine. In 1861 D. Sedgwick collected his hymns and poems, and published them with a memoir as: Hymns on Divine Subjects, * * * * London, 1861. This volume contains 40 "Hymns," and 17 "Serious Poems." In the “S. MSS." Sedgwick notes that in 1861 he omitted three hymns by Grigg, which were then unknown to him, viz.:—l) On "The National Fast," appended to a sermon preached at Northampton, Feb. 13, 1761, by W. Warburton, and published in London, 1761. (2) "A Harvest Hymn by the late Rev. Joseph Grigg," in 6 stanzas, in the Evangelical Magazine, July, 1822; and (3) On the Parable of Dives and Lazarus, dated "Feb. 15, 1767." -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)


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