Edward Henry Bickersteth

Edward Henry Bickersteth
© National Portrait Gallery
Short Name: Edward Henry Bickersteth
Full Name: Bickersteth, Edward Henry, 1825-1906
Birth Year: 1825
Death Year: 1906

Bickersteth, Edward Henry, D.D., son of Edward Bickersteth, Sr. born at Islington, Jan. 1825, and educated at Trinity College, Cambridge (B.A. with honours, 1847; M.A., 1850). On taking Holy Orders in 1848, he became curate of Banningham, Norfolk, and then of Christ Church, Tunbridge Wells. His preferment to the Rectory of Hinton-Martell, in 1852, was followed by that of the Vicarage of Christ Church, Hampstead, 1855. In 1885 he became Dean of Gloucester, and the same year Bishop of Exeter. Bishop Bickersteth's works, chiefly poetical, are:—

    (l) Poems, 1849; (2) Water from the Well-spring, 1852; (3) The Rock of Ages, 1858 ; (4) Commentary on the New Testament, 1864; (5) Yesterday, To-day, and For Ever, 1867; (6) The Spirit of Life, 1868; (7) The Two Brothers and other Poems, 1871; (8) The Master's Home Call, 1872 ; (9) The Shadowed Home and the Light Beyond, 1874; (10) The Beef and other Parables, 1873; (11) Songs in the House of Pilgrimage, N.D.; (12) From Year to Year, 1883.

As an editor of hymnals, Bp. Bickersteth has also been most successful. His collections are:—

    (1) Psalms & Hymns, 1858, based on his father's Christian Psalmody, which passed through several editions; (2) The Hymnal Companion, 1870; (3) The Hymnal Companion revised and enlarged, 1876. Nos. 2 and 3, which are two editions of the same collection, have attained to an extensive circulation.   [Ch. of England Hymnody.]

About 30 of Bp. Bickersteths hymns are in common use. Of these the best and most widely known are:—" Almighty Father, hear our cry"; "Come ye yourselves apart and rest awhile"; "Father of heaven above"; "My God, my Father, dost Thou call"; "O Jesu, Saviour of the lost"; "Peace, perfect peace"; "Rest in the Lord"; "Stand, Soldier of the Cross"; " Thine, Thine, for ever"; and "Till He come.” As a poet Bp. Bickersteth is well known. His reputation as a hymn-writer has also extended far and wide. Joined with a strong grasp of his subject, true poetic feeling, a pure rhythm, there is a soothing plaintiveness and individuality in his hymns which give them a distinct character of their own. His thoughts are usually with the individual, and not with the mass: with the single soul and his God, and not with a vast multitude bowed in adoration before the Almighty. Hence, although many of his hymns are eminently suited to congregational purposes, and have attained to a wide popularity, yet his finest productions are those which are best suited for private use.

-John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)


Bickersteth, Edward Henry, p. 141, ii. Bishop Bickersteth's 1890 edition of his Hymnal Companion is noted on p. 1312, i., and several of his own hymns and translations, which appear therein for the first time, are annotated in this Appendix. One of these, "All-merciful, Almighty Lord," for the Conv. of St. Paul, was written for the 1890 edition of Hymnal Companion.

--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)


Bickersteth, B. H., p. 141, ii. Bp. Bickersteth died in London, May 16, 1906.

--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

Wikipedia Biography

Edward Henry Bickersteth (25 January 1825 – 16 May 1906) was a bishop in the Church of England and he held the office of Bishop of Exeter between 1885 and 1900.

Texts by Edward Henry Bickersteth (72)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
Adda aya talna naananayEdward Henry Bickersteth (Author)Tagalog2
All merciful, almighty LordEdward Henry Bickersteth (Author)English2
All praise and glory to the Father beBp. Edward Henry Bickersteth (1825- ) (Author)English6
Almighty Father, hear our cryBp. E. H. Bickersteth (Author)English11
Arise and be baptizedEdward Henry Bickersteth (Author)English6
Art thou weary, art thou languidE. H. Bickersteth (Alterer)English1
Clothed with the Holy GhostBishop E. H. Bickersteth (Author)English2
Come ye yourselves apart and rest awhile (Bickersteth)Edward Henry Bickersteth (Author)English40
Command Thy blessing from aboveBickersteth (Author)English1
Dread Jehovah, God of nationsRev. Edward Bickersteth (Alterer)English2
എന്റെ സത്രത്തിൽ നിന്നും പുറപ്പെടും മുമ്പായി, എന്റെ (Enṟe satrattil ninnuṁ puṟappeṭuṁ mumpāyi, enṟe)Edward Henry Bickersteth (Author (st. 4))Malayalam2
Father of heaven aboveEdward H. Bickersteth (Author)English7
For ever oursEdward Henry Bickersteth (Author)English1
For my sake and the Gospel's, goBishop E. H. Bickersteth (Author)English31
Friede im Herrn!Edward Henry Bickersteth (Author)German1
Gracious Savior, gentle ShepherdE. H. B. (Author)English5
Hark, creation's AlleluiaBishop E. H. Bickersteth (Author)English4
Hark! hark, the voice of numbersBishop E. H. Bickersteth (Author)English2
Hark, the nightly church-bell numbersEdward Henry Bickersteth (Author)English4
Israel's Shepherd, guide me, feed meEdward H. Bickersteth (Author)English2
Holy Father, hear me, Thou art my defenderBishop E. H. Bickersteth (Author)English4
How lovely, how beloved is thine abodeEdward Henry Bickersteth (Author)English2
Hush, blessed are the deadEdward Henry Bickersteth (Author)English15
In der Welt der SündeEdward Henry Bickersteth (Author)German1
Lead, kindly Light, amid the encircling gloomEdward H. Bickersteth, Jr. (Author (vs. 4))English4
Light of the world, shine on our soulsEdward Henry Bickersteth (Author)English16
Little drops of water, Little grains of sandBishop E. H. Bickersteth (Author)English1
Long years I wandered far astrayEdward Henry Bickersteth (Author)English1
Mon Dieu, plus près de toi, plus près de toi!Edward H. Bickersteth, Jr. (Author)French1
முழு சமாதானம் இருள் சூழ் இப்பூமியில் (Muḻu camātāṉam iruḷ cūḻ ippūmiyil)Edward Henry Bickersteth (Author)Tamil2
My God, my Father, dost Thou callE. H. Bickersteth (Author)English7
My God, my Father, let me restEdward Henry Bickersteth (Author)English2
Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee! Even though it be a crossEdward H. Bickersteth, Jr. (Author (v. 6))English4
Not worthy, Lord, to gather up the crumbsBishop Edward H. Bickersteth (Author)English85
O brothers, lift your voicesBishop Edward H. Bickersteth (Author)English65
O Christ, Thou hast ascendedEdward Henry Bickersteth (Author)English13
O Father, who hast given thine only SonBishop E. H. Bickersteth (Author)English2
O for a single heart for God!Bickersteth (Author)English2
O God, forever blestEdward Henry Bickersteth (Author)English11
O God, I love Thee; not that my poor loveEdward Henry Bickersteth, 1825 - 1906 (Translator)English7
O God, our strength, our hope, our rockEdward Henry Bickersteth (Author)English1
O God, the Rock of AgesE. H. Bickersteth (Author)English195
O holy father who in tender loveEdward Henry Bickersteth (Author)English7
O if we know the joyful soundEdward Henry Bickersteth (Author)English2
O Jesus, Savior of the lostEdward Henry Bickersteth (Author)English52
O Thou who camest from aboveEdward Henry Bickersteth (Alterer (stanza 2))English1
Oft in danger, oft in woeE. Bickersteth (Alterer)English9
Our children, Lord, in faith and prayerEdward Bickersteth (Author)English5
Our Savior Christ will quickly comeEdward Henry Bickersteth (Author)English3
Paz, dulce paz, que brota de la cruzEdward H. Bickersteth (Author)Spanish4
¡Paz, dulce paz, que viene de la cruz!Edward Henry Bickersteth (Author)Spanish2
Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin?Edward Henry Bickersteth (Author)English371
Pererin wyf mewn anial dirEdward Henry Bickersteth (Author)Welsh1
Pray, always pray, the Holy Spirit pleadsRev. E. H. Bickersteth (Author)English12
Savior, breathe an evening blessingEdward Henry Bickersteth (Author)English32
Stand, soldier of the crossE. H. Bickersteth (Author)English50
Staradu, kruca soldatar', Fortiĝu via kor'Edward Henry Bickersmith (Author)Esperanto2
The hour is come, the feast is spreadEdward Henry Bickersteth (Author)English2
The sun is set the twilight's overBishop E. H. Bickersteth (Author)English3
Thine, Lord, are the blossoms of forest and fieldBishop Bickersteth (Author)English2
Thine, thine forever, blessed bond that knitsBishop E. H. Bickersteth (Author)English3
Thou standest at the altarBishop Bickersteth, of Exeter (Author (vs. 2))English1
Thus heaven is gathering, one by oneEdward H. Bickersteth (Author)English11
Til han kommer, Ord af FrydEdward Henry Bickersteth (Author)Danish2
Till He come, O let the wordsEdward Henry Bickersteth (Author)English223
Venid a mí, venid a descansarEdward Henry Bickersteth (Author)Spanish2
Wearied in the strife of sinRight Rev. Bishop Bickersteth (Author)English2
When the morning paints the skiesEdward Henry Bickersteth (Author)English4
When the weary at heart and laden with sinEdward Henry Bickersteth (Author)English2
Who trusts in God, a strong abodeEdward H. Bickersteth (Arranger)English1
With thankful hearts our songs we raiseEdward Henry Bickersteth (Author)English7
Wrestling in agony, wrestling aloneEdward Henry Bickersteth (Author)English1

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