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Samuel Webbe

1770 - 1843 Topics: The Christian Year Holy Week; Calling and Response; Choruses and Refrains; Commitment; Consecration; Conversion; God Love; Humility; Jesus Christ Atonement; Jesus Christ Blood; Jesus Christ Love of; Jesus Christ Passion; Love; Ministry; Penitence; Redemption; Sacrifice; Suffering; Victory; Epiphany 4 Year A; Palm/Passion Sunday Year A; Good Friday Year A; Proper 6 Year A; Lent 2 Year B; Lent 3 Year B; Palm/Passion Sunday Year B; Good Friday Year B; Proper 9 Year B; Proper 19 Year B; Proper 27 Year B; Lent 5 Year C; Palm/Passion Sunday Year C; Good Friday Year C; Proper 18 Year C; Proper 19 Year C; Monday in Holy Week Year ABC; Good Friday Year ABC Harmonizer of "COMMUNION (ROCKINGHAM)" in Voices United Samuel Webbe, Jr. (1770-1843), adapted the tune RICHMOND. He was organist at Paradise Street Unitarian Church, Liverpool (1798). Later he succeeded his father as organist at the Spanish Ambassador’s Chapel, London (1817), and then St. Nicholas’ Church and St. Patrick’s Roman Catholic Chapel, Liverpool. --The Presbyterian Hymnal Companion, 1993

G. W. Martin

1825 - 1881 Person Name: George William Martin Topics: Invitation and Response; Christian paradox; Confession of Sin; Following Christ; Invitation and Response; Life in Christ Composer of "LEOMINSTER" in Moravian Book of Worship George William Martin United Kingdom 1825-1881. Born in London, he became a chorister at St. Paul’s Cathedral under William Hawes, and also at Westminstwer Abbey at the coronation of Queen Victoria. He became a professor of music at the Normal College for Army Schoolmasters, and was from 1845-1853 resident music-master at St. John’s Training College, Battersea, and was the first organist of Christ Church, Battersea in 1849. In 1860 he established the National Choral Society which he maintained for some years at Exeter Hall, having an admirable series of oratorio performances. He edited and published cheap editions of these and other works not readily available to the public. He organized a 1000-voice choir at the 300th anniversary of Shakespeare’s birth. He had an aptitude for training children and conducted the National Schools Choral Festival at the Crystal Palace in 1859. As a composer his genius was in directing madrigal and part song, and in 1845 his prize glee “Is she not beautiful?” was published. Due to intemperance he sank from a position that gave him notoriety in the elements of musical force in the metropolis. He composed tunes, canticles, and motets. He died destitute in a hospital at Wandsworth, London. No information found regarding family. John Perry

Heinrich Reimann

1850 - 1906 Person Name: Heinrich Reimann, 19th cent. Topics: Christian Responsibility Harmonizer of "MIT FREUDEN ZART" in The Hymnal 1982

Paul A. Tate

Topics: Communion; Christian Year Epiphany; Christian Year Lent; Jesus Christ; Service Music Prayer For Illumination / Scripture Response; Service Music Communion Arranger of "[I am the bread of life broken for the world]" in More Voices

Gordon Light

Topics: Response; Christian Year Epiphany; Community; Inclusiveness; Journey; Justice; Service Music Response / Affirmation; Service Music Offering; Service Music Sending Forth Author of "Draw the Circle Wide (Traçons un grand cercle)" in More Voices Gordon Light was born in Alberta, but as an Air Force brat, lived in many places growing up. He attended Carleton University in Ottawa (B.A.) and Trinity College in Toronto (S.T.B). Ordained deacon and priest in 1969, he served in parishes in Cariboo, Edmonton and Rupert’s Land dioceses. Following a time as Dean of Cariboo in Kamloops, he moved to Toronto in 1992 to serve as Principal Secretary to the Primate. Returning west in 2001, he was Administrative Assistant to the Metropolitan of BC and Yukon, and then consecrated bishop for the Anglican Parishes of the Central Interior (formerly Cariboo). After retiring at the end of 2008, Gordon was appointed chaplain to Church House staff until (2010). Among other hobbies, a longtime passion has been song-writing. He is married to Barbara Liotscos, also an Anglican priest. Both retired first to Meaford, Ontario, and now live again in Kamloops, BC. They serve as honourary assistants in St. Paul’s, Cathedral, but have also been engaged in interim ministry in other parishes. They have taken some time to travel, enjoy connecting with children and grandchildren, and have recently added their young Bernedoodle, Keady, to their household. Gordon Light

Kevin Nichols

1929 - 2006 Topics: The Christian Year Lent; Blessings; Calling and Response; Christian Year Lent; God Goodness; God Mercy; God Providence; Hope; Sin; Lent 4 Year C Author of "Our God, How We Have Wandered" in Voices United

Raphael Courteville

? - 1772 Topics: Invitation and Response; Christ--Adoration and praise; Christ--Sacrifice of; Christian year--Lent; Invitation and Response; Love for Christ Composer of "ST. JAMES" in Moravian Book of Worship Courteville, Raphael or Ralph (d. 1772), organist and political writer, was the son or grandson of one of the gentlemen of the Chapel Royal who bore the same name, and who died on 28 Dec. 1675. The organ from the Chapel Royal was presented by Queen Mary in 1691 to the church of St. James's, Westminster, and on 7 Sept. in the same year a Ralph Courtaville, who had been strongly recommended by the Earl of Burlington, and who had previously been a chorister in the Chapel Royal, was appointed the first organist, with a salary of 20l. per annum for himself and 4l. for a blower. This Courteville, Courtaville, or Courtivill, was no doubt the composer of six ‘Sonatas composed and purposley (sic) contriv'd for two flutes,’ published by Walsh about 1690; of a song introduced in Wright's ‘Female Virtuosoes,’ and supposed to have been written by Ann, countess of Winchilsea; of a very graceful song, ‘To Convent Streams,’ in ‘Duke and no Duke,’ and of songs in ‘Oroonoko.’ He was one of the composers who furnished the music for part iii. of D'Urfey's ‘Don Quixote’ in 1695. The well-known hymn tune, ‘St. James's,’ is also by him. It has been supposed that this Courteville died about 1735, and was succeeded by his son of the same name; but as the vestry minutes of the parish, in which all appointments, &c. are carefully recorded, contain no mention of such a change of organists, while no record of the father's death can be found, we are compelled to believe that the existence of the son is a mere assumption, made in order to account for the long tenure of the post by a person or persons of the name of Courteville. This conclusion is strengthened by various entries in the vestry minutes; in January 1752–3, and again in June 1754, letters are written to him warning him that unless he attends personally to the duties of the post he will be dismissed. Whether he endeavoured to perform the duties himself after this we do not know, but he was certainly not dismissed, and shortly afterwards an assistant, ‘Mr. Richardson,’ was appointed. On 12 June 1771 it was reported to the vestry that Courteville gave this assistant only one quarter of his salary for doing the whole work, and he was thereupon ordered to share the payment equally with Richardson. Seven years before this, in 1764, the assistant, with two others, was consulted as to the state of the organ and the undertaking of repairs to its structure. Neither at this time, nor when the improved instrument, repaired by Byfield, was tried, was Courteville's advice asked in the matter, from which we may conclude that he was long past all work, although he was allowed to keep the post. This Raphael Courteville, whether or not he be identical with the first organist of the church, took a somewhat active part in politics towards the end of Sir Robert Walpole's administration. He is stated to have married, on 14 Sept. 1735, a lady named Miss Lucy Green, with a fortune of 25,000l. In 1738 he published ‘Memoirs of the Life and Administration of William Cecil, Baron Burleigh, &c., including a parallel between the State of Government then and now,’ with preface and appendix of original papers, dedicated to the Right Hon. Edward Walpole, secretary to the Duke of Devonshire. It is signed only ‘R. C.,’ and was printed for the author in London. He was the reputed author of ‘The Gazetteer,’ a paper written in defence of the government, and it was probably in consequence of this production that he acquired the nickname of ‘Court-evil.’ He also wrote a pamphlet published in 1761, entitled ‘Arguments respecting Insolvency.’ On 4 Dec. 1742 a letter appeared in No. 50 of the ‘Westminster Journal’ bearing his signature, to which were appended the words, ‘Organ-blower, Essayist, and Historiographer.’ The letter was undoubtedly written as a joke, probably upon his own genuine productions; it is of course not by himself, and the point of the joke is impossible now to discover, but the appearance of his name in this connection proves that he was more or less a well-known character. He died early in June 1772, as on the 10th of the month he was buried, and his place was declared vacant at the vestry meeting of that date. [Grove's Dict. of Music; Hawkins's Hist. of Music; Notes and Queries, 2nd ser. x. 496; Registers and Vestry Minutes of St. James's, Westminster; Cheque-books of the Chapel Royal; Westminster Journal, quoted above; Brit. Mus. Cat.]

George Thomas Caldbeck

1852 - 1918 Person Name: George T. Caldbeck, 1852-c. 1912 Topics: Peace Spiritual; Service Music Closing Sentences; Service Music Response to Prayer; The Christian Way of Life Peace and Contentment Composer of "PAX TECUM" in Worship and Service Hymnal George Thomas Caldbeck United Kingdom 1852-1918. Born in Waterford, Ireland, he attended the National Model School, Waterford, and Islington Theological College. His desire to be a missionary was thwarted by his poor health. He returned to Cork and became a schoolmaster and evangelist in ireland. In 1888 he moved to London as an independent itinerant preacher. He was arrested in 1912 for selling scripture cards door to door without a license. The judge dismissed the case upon learning he was composer of the hymn tune” Pax Tecum.”. At the time he was living in a church hostel. He died in Epsom, Surrey. John Perry

J. H. Rosecrans

1845 - 1926 Person Name: J. .H Rosecrans Topics: Christian Responsibility Composer of "WE SCATTER SEEDS" in New Christian Hymn and Tune Book James Holmes Rosecrans stu­died at the Baxter Un­i­ver­si­ty of Mu­sic in Friend­ship, New York. Af­ter teaching for two years, he joined the Fill­more Bro­thers Mu­sic House in Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio. As of 1880, he was teach­ing mu­sic in Doug­las Coun­ty, Col­o­ra­do. In 1884, was an evan­gel­ist in California, and later was as­so­ci­ated with evan­gel­is­tic efforts in Tex­as, and taught mu­sic and Bi­ble at Carl­ton College in Bon­ham, Tex­as. He pub­lished over 20 music col­lect­ions in his life­time. © The Cyber Hymnal™ (

Laurence Housman

1865 - 1959 Person Name: Laurence Housman, 1865-1959 Topics: Christian Responsibility Author of "Father eternal, Ruler of creation" in The Hymnal 1982 Housman, Lawrence, author and artist, was born July 18, 1867, at Bromsgrove, Worcs. His devotional poetry is principally in his Spikenard, 1898, and Bethlehem, 1902. To the English Hymnal, 1906, he contributed eight translations (142, 188, 191, 228, 229, 230, 231, 234); also three original hymns, with a fourth previously published, viz.:— 1. Lord God of Hosts, within Whose hand. St. George. 2. The Maker of the sun and moon. Christmas. From Bethlehem, 1902, p. 75. 3. The Saint who first found grace to pen. St. Mark. 4. When Christ was born in Bethlehem. Holy Innocents. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907) ================== Born: July 18, 1865, Bromsgrove, Hereford, England. Died: February 20, 1959, Glastonbury, Somerset, England. Buried: St. Mary’s, Bathwick, Smallcombe, near Bath. Housman studied art at the Lambeth School of Art and the Royal College of Art. He had great success as an illustrator, but when his eyesight began to fail, he turned to writing books and plays. He wrote 80 books during his lifetime. He often seemed to fall afoul of the censors, though, for religious and political reasons. A committed socialist and pacifist, in 1907, he helped found the Men’s League for Women’s Suffrage. He was also an honorary associate of the Women Writers’ Suffrage League. His works include: Jump-to-Glory Jane, by Meredith Goblin Market, by Christiantina Rossetti, 1893 The End of Elfintown, by Jane Barlow, 1894 Spikenard, 1898 The Sensitive Plant, 1898 Bethlehem, 1902 The Blue Moon, 1904 Angels and Ministers, 1921 Little Plays of St. Francis, 1922 Victoria Regina, 1937 The Unexpected Years, 1937 (autobiography)


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