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Topics:all saints day

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Vær glad, o Sjæl, og frygt dog ei

Author: Jakob Lund Appears in 6 hymnals Topics: All Saints Day; All Saints Day Lyrics: 1 Vær glad, o Sjæl, og frygt dog ei, For du skal vander ad den Vei, Hvorpaa alt Kjød forsmægter! Omfavn din Brudgom, Jesus Krist, Hans Kjærlighed dig trøster vist, Han ei sin Troskab nægter Da, naar du intet mægter. 2 Naar jeg, paa Sygeseng lagt ned, End skjælver i den kolde Sved, Og ei et Ord kan tale, Skal Jesus med sin Hyrdestav Ledsage mig, forbi min Grav, Hans Livsens Ord husvale, I Dødsens mørke Dale. 3 Han til sin Faders Velbehag Har udført al min svære Sag, Han har Forsoning fundet, Og den for mig, for mig indbragt I Himlen, hvor han fik al Magt; Paa ham min tro er grundet, Til jeg har Seier vundet. 4 Alt, hvad jeg her forlise kan I Ufuldkommenheders Land, Vil jeg for intet skatte; Udrives jeg af Venners Favn, Det er mit Bedste; deres Savn Et Forsyn vil erstatte, Gud samler de Forladte. 5 Her er dog al min Kundskab mørk, Her gik jeg i en vildsom Ørk; Min Andagt i ein Hytte Af Synd og Sorg forstyrres her, Der skal jeg se Gud, som han er. Vel mig, at jeg maa flytte Fra en brøstfældig Hytte! 6 Den Smerte er en Overgang, Og bliver Stien end saa trang, Den dog til Livet fører; Ved Naaden vil jeg stride frem Til Herren og til Himlen hjem, Hvor ingen Pine rører, Hvor Glæden ei ophører. 7 Hvad skal jeg da forstaa, o da, Naar Støvet, som jeg iler fra, Ei hindrer i at tænke! Indviet i den dybe Fred Til evig, evig Salighed, Skal jeg i Gud mig sænke, Den Kjærlighed kun tænke! 8 O Trøst, som er mig altid sød! Og naar jeg kjæmper med in Død, Skal jeg dens Kraft fornemme, Og overgive da min Aand I min trofaste Skabers Haand, Og Jesus aldrig glemme, Det Haab kan ei beskjæmme.
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Zions Vægter hæver Røsten

Author: Filip Nicolai; Landstad Appears in 8 hymnals Topics: All Saints Day; All Saints Day Lyrics: 1 Zions Vægter hæver Røsten: Vaagn op, der blinker Lyn i Østen, Vaagn op, Guds Stad, Jerusalem! Midnats Mulm dig ruger over, Men Herrens Time slaar,– hvo sover? I klage Jomfruer, herfrem! Se, Herren kommer ned, Stat op, tag Lampen med! Lad den brænde! Paa Jesu Bud Stat op, gak ud! Han fører dig hjem til din Gud. 2 Zion Vægter-Raabet hører, En himmelsk Glæde Hjertet rører, Hun vaagner og staar freidig op. Herren kommer stor og prægtig, Af Naade stærk, af Sandhed mægtig; Nu rinder hendes Stjerne op! Ak, kom, du Krone skjøn, Min Jesus, du Guds Søn! Hosianna! Vi følge med! Du har bered En Bolig os i Evighed! 3 Ære være dig, du Høie! Ak Gud, hvad ser, hvad ser mit Øie! Rundt om din Throne Engle-Rad! Lyset er saa klart derinde, Og hver din Ven vi der gjenfinde Saa engleren og engleglad! Hvad intet Øie saa, Hvad aldrig Tanker naa, Der vi skue! Nu, Jord Farvel! Stig høit, min Sjæl, Følg Jesus ind til Glædens Væld!
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Tænk naar engang den Taage er forsvunden

Author: Wexels Appears in 3 hymnals Topics: All Saints Day; All Saints Day Lyrics: 1 Tænk, naar engang den Taage er forsvunden, Som her sig sænker over Livet ned; Naar dagen evig klar er hist oprunden, Og Lys omstraller hver af mine Fjed! 2 Tænk, naar engang er løsthver jordisk Gaade, Besvaret hvert "Hvorfor", jeg grunded' paa, Men kunde ei med al min Grublen raade, Tænk, naar jeg Herrens Vei skal klart forstaa! 3 Tænk, naar engang hver Hjertesorg er slukket, Hver Vunde lægt, og stillet hvert et Savn, Hver Smertens Taare visket af, og Sukket, Det dybe, svalt i Kjærlighedens Favn! 4 Tænk, naar engang med utildækket Øie Jeg ham skal se, hvem her jeg trode paa, Tænk, naar jeg hist mit Knæ skal for ham bøie, Naar jeg med Tak skal for hans Aasyn staa! 5 Tænk, naar engang jeg, uden Synd skal leve, Hver Tanke ren, hver Gjerning uden Brøst, Naar aldrig jeg behøver mer at bæve For Muligheden af en syndig Lyst! 6 Tænk, naar engang i Himlens gyldne Sale Jeg med den Ven, jeg her paa Jorden fandt, I Lyset om et evigt Liv skal tale Og om det Liv, der som en Drøm forsvandt! 7 Væk, Jesus, denne Tanke i mit Hjerte, Hvergang mig Veien tykkes lang og slem! Den sødt skal dæmpe hver en bitter Smerte Og lokke Smilet gjennem Taarer frem.

El Señor es me pastor (My Shepherd is the LORD)

Author: Ricardo Villarreal Appears in 11 hymnals Topics: Church Year All Saints' Day First Line: El Señor es mi pastor (The LORD is my shepherd) Refrain First Line: El Señor es mi pastor (My Shephed is the LORD) Scripture: Psalm 23 Used With Tune: PASTOR Text Sources: Psalter Hymnal, 1987 (translation)

We Will Extol You, God and King

Author: Greg Scheer Appears in 3 hymnals Topics: Church Year All Saints' Day Refrain First Line: One generation will call to the next Scripture: Psalm 145 Used With Tune: SCARECROW

Lift Your Head, O Martyrs, Weeping

Author: Pauli Joachim, 1636-1708; Theodore S. Horvath; William Tóth; Károly Jeszensky Meter: Appears in 6 hymnals Topics: All Saints Day First Line: Lift your heads, O martyrs, weeping Scripture: Matthew 8:23-26 Used With Tune: MAGYAR

Friends of God Whose Faith Abounded

Author: Christopher Idle Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Topics: All Saints Day Lyrics: 1 Friends of God whose faith abounded have their victories told aloud; by such witnessses surrounded, Christ's unseen, uncounted crowd, we take up the unfinished race, chosen, trained, inspired by grace. 2 Confident and persevering, firmly let us run to win, stripped of all the interfering rags and shreds of stubborn sin; still on Jesus fix our eyes, faith's foundation and its prize. 3 Jesus, for the joy before him made a crown of thorns his own, seated now where we adore him, high upon his Father's throne; see the shame which he endured, share the triuph he secured. Scripture: Hebrews 12:1-2 Used With Tune: ST. LEONARD


Author: Michael Card Appears in 1 hymnal Topics: All Saints Day First Line: Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Refrain First Line: King of kings and Lord of lords Scripture: Revelation 19:1-10 Used With Tune: [Hallelujah! Hallelujah!]

Psalm 15 (A Responsorial Setting)

Appears in 16 hymnals Topics: Church Year All Saints' Day First Line: I'm gonna live so God can use me Scripture: Psalm 15 Used With Tune: I'M GONNA LIVE Text Sources: Evangelical Lutheran Worship (Psalm text); Afro-American spiritual (Refrain)

The Son of Man Has Been Revealed

Author: Michael Saward Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Topics: All Saints Day Lyrics: 1 The Son of Man has been revealed as prophet, priest, and king; with feet like bronze, with robes of gold, his voice a mighty torrent bold, his eyes aflame, his age untold, in glory shimmering. 2 To John he spoke on Patmos isle, "Write now of what shall be; don't be afraid, for there is none before me, or when all is done, I hold the keys, the stars, the sun; stand up and you shall see." 3 *[choose from verses below] 4 To seven churches thus he spoke, and called on each to hear. Our fears and failures he'll expose; our opportunities he knows; his grace and mercy overflows, his victory is near. * a) Ephesus: His are the words of one on high who holds the stars in space; who calls his faithful to endure and, by repentance, to secure the food of life, serene and pure, within God's holy place. b) Smyrna: His are the words of one on high the first and last who lives, who offers hope instead of fear, the crown of life to those who hear, his glorious presence ever near, as one who freely gives. c) Pergamum: His are the words of one on high who wields the two-edged sword. He breaks the power of Satan's throne; he judges sin among his own and gives a name in secret known to those who call him "Lord." d) Thyatira: His are the words of one on high whose eyes are flaming fire. He flings the faithless to the dust; he pours his love upon the just. The Morning Star is theirs, who trust in Christ, their great desire. e) Sardis: His are the words of one on high who rules the seven stars, and when he comes, as comes a thief, all unexpected, bringing grief, some will be lost in sham belief, while white-robed saints bear scars. f) Philadelphia: His are the words of one on high, the holy one and true, who gives the church an open door and holds them safe in anguish sore, who crowns the faithful who adore his name, and city, new. g) Laodicea: His are the words of one on high, all glorious his renown. He scorns complacency and pride, for hungry sinners he'll provide, he offers gold, refined and tried; creation's Source and Crown. Scripture: Revelation 1:9-20 Used With Tune: WITHINGTON


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