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Hymnal, Number:luyh2013

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Showing 21 - 30 of 53Results Per Page: 102050
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Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation

Author: John Mason Neale, 1818-1866 Meter: Appears in 289 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Christ is made the sure foundation, Christ, our head and cornerstone, chosen of the Lord and precious, binding all the Church in one; holy Zion's help forever and our confidence alone. 2 To this temple, where we call you, come, O Lord of hosts, and stay; come with all your lovingkindness, hear your people as they pray, and your fullest benediction shed within these walls today. 3 Here bestow on all your servants what they seek from you to gain. What they gain from you, forever with the blessed to retain; and hereafter in your glory evermore with you to reign. 4 Praise and honor to the Father, praise and honor to the Son, praise and honor to the Spirit, ever three and ever one: one in might and one in glory while unending ages run! Topics: The Church; Doxologies; Elements of Worship Opening of Worship: Called And Gathered Scripture: Matthew 16:13-20 Used With Tune: WESTMINSTER ABBEY Text Sources: Latin, ca. 8th c.
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Creator Spirit, by Whose Aid

Author: John Dryden Meter: Appears in 185 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Creator Spirit, by whose aid the world's foundations first were laid, come, visit every pious mind; come, pour thy joys on humankind; from sin and sorrow set us free and make thy temples worthy thee. 2 O source of uncreated light, the Father's promised Paraclete, thrice holy fount, thrice holy fire, our hearts with heavenly love inspire; come, and thy sacred unction bring to sanctify us while we sing. 3 Plenteous of grace, descend from high, rich in thy sevenfold energy; make us eternal truths receive and practice all that we believe; give us thyself that we may see the Father and the Son by thee. Topics: Holy Spirit; Trinity; Elements of Worship Opening of Worship: Called And Gathered; Elements of Worship Prayer for Illumination Scripture: Genesis 1:2 Used With Tune: MELITA Text Sources: Latin hymn, Veni Creator Spiritus, 9th c.
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Come, You Disconsolate

Author: Thomas Moore; Thomas Hastings Meter: Appears in 1,059 hymnals First Line: Come, you disconsolate, where'er you languish Lyrics: 1 Come, you disconsolate, where'er you languish; come to the mercy seat, fervently kneel. Here bring your wounded hearts, here tell your anguish; earth has no sorrows that heaven cannot heal. 2 Joy of the desolate, light of the straying, hope of the penitent, fadeless and pure! Here speaks the Comforter, in mercy saying, "Earth has no sorrows that heaven cannot cure." 3 Here see the bread of life; see waters flowing forth from the throne of God, pure from above. Come to the feast prepared; come, ever knowing earth has no sorrows but heaven can remove. Topics: Call to Discples; God's Glory; Sorrow; Elements of Worship Confession Scripture: Exodus 25:17-22 Used With Tune: CONSOLATOR
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Crown Him with Many Crowns

Author: Matthew Bridge; Godfrey Thring Meter: D Appears in 802 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Crown him with many crowns, the Lamb upon his throne; Hark! how the heavenly anthem drowns all music but its own; awake, my soul, and sing of him who died for thee and hail him as thy matchless King through all eternity. 2 Crown him the Lord of life, who triumphed o’er the grave, who rose victorious in the strife for those he came to save; his glories now we sing who died and reigns on high, who died eternal life to bring, and lives that death may die. 3 Crown him the Lord of love; behold his hands and side, rich wounds, yet visible above, in beauty glorified; no angels in the sky can fully bear that sight, but downward bend their burning eyes at mysteries so bright. 4 Crown him the Lord of years, the potentate of time, creator of the rolling spheres, ineffably sublime. All hail, Redeemer, hail! for thou hast died for me; thy praise shall never, never fail throughout eternity. Topics: Church Year Easter/Season of Easter; Church Year Ascension; Church Year Christ the King; Jesus Christ Atonement; Jesus Christ King; Jesus Christ Lamb; Jesus Christ Lamb; Jesus Christ Lord; Jesus Christ Redeemer; Jesus Christ Reign Scripture: Isaiah 2:4 Used With Tune: DIADEMATA

Christ Is Risen! Shout Hosanna

Author: Brian Wren, b. 1936 Meter: D Appears in 23 hymnals First Line: Christ is risen! Shout hosanna! Lyrics: 1 Christ is risen! Shout hosanna! Celebrate this day of days! Christ is risen! Hush in wonder; all creation is amazed. In the desert all surrounding, see, a spreading tree has grown. Healing leaves of grace abounding bring a taste of love unknown. 2 Christ is risen! Raise your spirits from the caverns of despair. Walk with gladness in the morning. See what love can do and dare. Drink the wine of resurrection, not a servant, but a friend. Jesus is our strong companion. Joy and peace shall never end. 3 Christ is risen! Earth and heaven nevermore shall be the same. Break the bread of new creation where the world is still in pain. Tell its grim demonic chorus: “Christ is risen! Get you gone!” God the First and Last is with us. Sing hosanna, everyone! Topics: Church Year Easter/Season of Easter; Powers of Darkness; Jesus Christ Alpha and Omega; New Heaven and Earth; Elements of Worship Lord's Supper Scripture: Matthew 28:1-10 Used With Tune: HYMN TO JOY
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Christ, the Life of All the Living

Author: Ernst C. Homburg; Catherine Winkworth Appears in 67 hymnals Refrain First Line: thousand, thousand thanks are due Lyrics: 1 Christ, the life of all the living; Christ, the death of death our foe; Christ, for us yourself once giving to the darkest depths of woe: through your suffering, death, and merit, life eternal we inherit; Refrain: thousand, thousand thanks are due, dearest Jesus, unto you. 2 You have suffered great affliction and have borne it patiently, even death by crucifixion: our atonement full and free. Lord, you chose to be tormented, that our doom should be prevented; [Refrain] 3 Lord, for all that bought our pardon, for the sorrows deep and sore, for the anguish in the garden, we will thank you evermore. For the victory of your dying— sinful nature mortifying— [Refrain] Topics: Church Year Lent; Death and Dying; Jesus Christ Atonement; Jesus Christ Lamb; Jesus Christ Suffering Scripture: Isaiah 53 Used With Tune: JESU, MEINES LEBENS LEBEN
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Come, You Thankful People, Come

Author: Henry Alford Meter: D Appears in 731 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Come, you thankful people, come, raise the song of harvest home; all is safely gathered in ere the winter storms begin; God, our Maker, does provide for our needs to be supplied; come, with all his people come, raise the song of harvest home. 2 All the world is God's own field, fruit unto his praise to yield; wheat and weeds together sown, unto joy or sorrow grown: first the blade and then the ear, then the full corn shall appear; Lord of harvest, grant that we wholesome grain and pure may be. 3 For the Lord our God shall come and shall take his harvest home; he himself in that great day all offense shall take away, give his angels charge at last in the fire the weeds to cast, but the fruitful ears to store in his garner evermore. 4 Even so, Lord, quickly come to your final harvest home; gather all your people in, free from sorrow, free from sin there, forever purified, in your presence to abide; come, with all your angels come, raise the glorious harvest home. Topics: Jesus Christ Second Coming; Occasional Services Thanksgiving/Harvest Scripture: Matthew 13:41-43 Used With Tune: ST. GEORGE’S WINDSOR
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Christian Hearts in Love United

Author: Nicolaus L. von Zinzendorf Meter: D Appears in 15 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Christian hearts in love united: search to know God's holy will. Let his love, in us ignited, more and more our spirits fill. Christ the head, and we his members— we reflect the light he is. Christ the master, we disciples– he is ours, and we are his. 2 Grant, Lord, that with your direction, "Love each other" we comply. Help us live in true affection, your love to exemplify. Let our mutual love be glowing brightly so that all may view that we, as on one stem growing, living branches are in you. 3 Come, then, living church of Jesus, covenant with him anew. Unto him who conquered for us may we pledge our service true. May our lives reflect the brightness of God's love in Jesus shown. To the world we then bear witness: we belong to God alone. Topics: Jesus Christ Head of the Church; Jesus Christ Light; Jesus Christ Vine; Law of God; Unity in Christ; Unity of the Church Scripture: John 13:34 Used With Tune: O DU LIEBE MEINER LIEBE Text Sources: Tr. composite

Canto de esperanza/Song of Hope

Author: Alvin Schutmaat, 1921-1988; Tom Mitchell, b. 1947; Frank W. Roman, b. 20th c. Appears in 9 hymnals First Line: ¡Dios de la esperanza, danos gozo y paz! (May the God of hope go with us every day) Refrain First Line: Oremos por la paz (Praying, let us work for peace) Topics: Justice; Obedience to God's Will; Responses To Benediction; Elements of Worship Charge and Blessing Scripture: Psalm 67 Used With Tune: ARGENTINA Text Sources: St. 1 Spanish traditional

Commit Your Way to God the Lord

Author: Michael Perry Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Commit your way to God the Lord – your cause will shine as bright as fire; delight to do God’s holy word, and you shall find what you desire. 2 Be still before the Lord and wait, and do not fret when wrong succeeds; refrain from anger, turn from hate, for God will punish evil deeds. 3 Salvation comes from God alone: the faithful know their help is sure; to heaven all our needs are known, and in God’s strength we are secure. 4 Commit your way to God the Lord, to peace and truth and grace aspire; then mercy shall be your reward, God's promises your heart's desire. Topics: Discipleship; Occasional Services Dedication of Holy Living Scripture: Psalm 37 Used With Tune: ROCKINGHAM


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