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Scripture:Psalm 105

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Thanks to God whose Word was spoken

Author: Reginald Thomas Brooks (1918-1985) Meter: Appears in 38 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 105 Lyrics: 1 Thanks to God whose word was spoken in the making of the earth. His the voice that called a nation, fired her vision, tried her worth. God has spoken, God has spoken: praise him for his open word. 2 Thanks to God whose word incarnate came to save our human race. Deeds and words and death and rising testify to heaven's grace. God has spoken, God has spoken: praise him for his open word. 3 Thanks to God whose word was written in the Bible's sacred page, record of the revelation showing God to every age. God has spoken, God has spoken: praise him for his open word. 4 Thanks to God whose word is published in the tongues of every race. See its glory undiminished by the change of time and place. God has spoken, God has spoken: praise him for his open word. 5 Thanks to God whose word is answered by the Spirit's voice within. Here we drink of joy unmeasured, life redeemed from death and sin. God is speaking, God is speaking: praise him for his open word. Topics: The Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit in the Church - Illumination of God's Word; God In Creation; Jesus incarnation; Jesus Word of God; Scripture; Word of God Used With Tune: ST. HELEN
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Psalm CV

Appears in 15 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 105 First Line: Oh, give thanks unto the Lord; Call upon his name

Peace is flowing like a river

Author: Unknown Appears in 15 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 105:41 Topics: Remembrance; Year A Proper 20; Year A Third Sunday Before Advent Used With Tune: [Peace is flowing like a river] Text Sources: V. 5: the editors
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The Plagues of Egypt

Meter: Appears in 11 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 105 First Line: When Pharaoh dared to vex the saints Topics: Anti-Slavery

Unto the Lord Lift Thankful Voices

Author: Samuel G. Brondsema Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 105 Topics: Praise To God, Jesus Christ; Seeking After God; Worship; Election, Divine; Faithfulness, God's Used With Tune: PIERRE
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O to Jehovah give ye thanks, and call

Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 105 Lyrics: 1 O To JEHOVAH give ye thanks, and call upon his name; Among the people show his deeds and spread abroad his fame. 2 To Him with raised voices sing, sing psalms to Him with joy: In telling ail his wondrous works your grateful tongues employ. 3 To glory in his holy name with due respect accord: And let the hearts of all rejoyce who humbly seek the LORD. 4 Seek ye the LORD mod earnestly, his saving pow'r implore: O seek the shinings of his face, and seek them evermore! 5 Recall to mind what He hath wrought, each admirable deed, His wonders, and the judgments which did from his mouth proceed. [2 Part] 6 O ye the seed of Abraham, his servant and his friend, And ye the chosen race who from his Jacob dear descend. 7 JEHOVAH the Almighty is by covenant our God: And his most righteous judgments are in all the earth abroad. 8 His covenant He ever minds, the word He did command, Even to a thousand ages down unshaken still to stand. 9 The covenant which first He made with faithful Abraham; And then to Isaac with an oath did He renew the same; 10 And then to Jacob for a law, He made it firm and sure, A covenant to Israel which ever should endure. 11 Wherein He said, 'I will to you 'the land of Canaan give, 'The lot of your inheritance, 'where you and your's shall live.' 12 And when in number they were small against their foes to stand; Yea at the first but very few, and strangers in the land; 13 When they thro' various nations went, from realm to realm remov'd; 14 He suffer'd none to do them wrong, but Kings for them reprov'd. 15 He said to those who sat on thrones, let no presumptuous arm Dare touch my dear anointed ones, nor do my prophets harm. [3 Part] 16 He call'd a famine on the land, and break the staff of bread. 17 But he before had sent a man by whom they should be fed: Joseph was into Egypt sold, and there a slave was made; 18 Whose feet with fetters hurt, his soul was pierc'd, in irons laid. 19 Till in due time the blessed word of inspiration came, A revelation from the LORD that try'd and clear'd his name: 20 And then the King commandment gave, that he enlarg'd should be; The sov'reign of the nation sent and set him fully free. 21 Yea made him ruler of his house, the chief of all his land; And all the substance he possess'd committed to his hand. 22 With full commission, at his will his princes to controul, And teach his wisest senators the wisdom how to rule. 23 His father Isr'el with his house then into Egypt came; And Jacob was a sojourner within the land or Ham. [4 Part] 24 His people then exceedingly He multiplied there, And made them mightier than those who their oppressors were. 25 Their hearts then turn'd, that they to hate his people, did arise; And with his servants craftily to deal, did they devise. 26 His servant Moses then He sent, Aaron his chosen too; 27 Who did within the land of Ham His signs and wonders show. 28 He darkness sent, and made it dark: all things his word obey: 29 He turn'd their waters into blood, and He their fish did slay. 30 Great swarms of frogs spread o'er their land; Yea chambers of their kings: 31 His word ail sorts of flies and lice in all their borders brings. 32 For rain he pour'd down storms of hail; flames on their land he sent: 33 When He their vines and fig-trees smote, yea all their trees He rent. 34 He spake, and caterpillars came, and locusts swarm'd around; 35 Which eat the herbs of all their fields, and fruits of all their ground. 36 Then in one dreadful night He slew their first-born thro' the land, The chief of all their strength, ev'n by a mighty angel's hand. [5 Part] 37 But thence with gold and silver He His people made to pass; Nor had they one among their tribes that faint 'or feeble was. 38 All Egypt was exceeding glad, to see them thence depart; So great a fear of Jacob's race, had seiz'd on ev'ry heart. 39 By day He for a cov'ring spread a cloud; and in the night He made it like a shining fire, to give them kindly light. 40 He brought them living quails for food when flesh they ask'd to have; And satisfy'd them with the bread which then from heav'n He gave. 41 He open'd wide the flinty rock, there gushed out a stream; Which through the dry and desart land in rivers follow'd them. 42 He on his holy promises, and servant Abr'ham thought: 43 With joy his people, and with songs He forth his chosen brought. 44 And then to them the pleasant lands He of the heathen gave, That of the nations labours they inheritance might have. 45 That they his statutes might observe in perfect purity; And in full freedom keep his laws: sing HALLELUJAH ye!

Praise the Lord, the Day Is Won!

Author: Michael Morgan Meter: D Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 105 Topics: Biblical Names and Places Aaron; Biblical Names and Places Abraham; Biblical Names and Places Canaan; Biblical Names and Places Egypt; Biblical Names and Places Exodus; Biblical Names and Places Ham; Biblical Names and Places Isaac; Biblical Names and Places Israel; Biblical Names and Places Jacob; Biblical Names and Places Joseph; Biblical Names and Places Moses; Church Year Easter; Church Year Good Friday; Covenant; Earth; Elements of Worship Baptism; Elements of Worship Lord's Supper; Elements of Worship Praise and Adoration; God's Wonders; God's Deeds; God's Name; God's People (flock, sheep); God's Promise of Redemption; Historical Psalms; Joy; Judgment; Life Stages Generations; Mercy; Occasional Services New Year; Rejoicing; Remembering; Salvation; Ten Commandments Exodus 20; Worship; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, August 7-13; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, July 24-30; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, September 18-24 Used With Tune: GAUDEAMUS PARITER (AVE VIRGO VIRGINUM)
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Confitemini Dom.

Author: N. Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 105 First Line: Give praises unto God the Lord Lyrics: 1 Give praises unto God the Lord, and call upon his Name: Among the people all declare his works to spread his fame. 2 Sing ye unto the Lord I say, and sing unto his praise: And talk of all his wondrous works that he hath wrought alwaies. 3 In honour of his holy Name rejoyce with one accord: And let the heart also rejoyce of them that seek the Lord. 4 Seek ye the Lord, and seek the strength of his eternall might: And seek his face continually, and presence of his sight. 5 The wondrous works which he hath done keep still in mindfull heart: Ne let the judgements of his mouth out of your mind depart. 6 Ye that of faithfull Abraham his servant are the seed: Ye his elect the children that of Jacob do proceed. 7 For he, he onely is I say, the mighty Lord our God: And his most rightfull judgements are through all the world abroad. 8 His promise and his covenant which he hath made to his, He hath remembered evermore, to thousands of degrees. The second Part: 9 The covenant which he hath made with Abraham long ago: And faithfull oath which he hath sworne to Isaac also. 10 And did confirme the same for law, that Jacob should obeL, And for eternall covenant to Israel for aye. 11 When this he said, lo I to you all Canaan land will give: The lot of your inheritance, wherein your seed shall live. 12 Although their number at that time did very small appeare: Yea very small, and in the land they then but strangers were. 13 While yet they walked from land to land without a sure abode: And while from sundry kingdomes they did wander all abroad. 14 And wrong at no oppressors hand he suffered them to take: But even great and mighty Kings reproved for their sake. 15 And thus he said: Touch ye not those that mine annointed be: Nor do the Prophets any harm that do pertain to me. 16 He cal'd a dearth upon the land, of bread stroid the store: But he against the time of need did send a man before. The third Part. 17 Even Joseph which had once been sold to live a slave in wo: Whose feet they hurt in stocks, whose soul the iron pierc'd also 18 Untill the time came, when his cause was known apparently: The mighty word of God the Lord his faultlesse truth did trie. 19 The King sent and delivered him from prison where he was: 20 The ruler of the people then did freely let him passe. 21 And over all his house he made him lord, to beare the sway: And of his substance made him have the rule and all the stay. 22 That he might to his will instruct the Princes of the land: And wisdomes lore his ancieth men might cause to understand. 23 Then into the Egyptian land came Israel also: And Jacob in the land of Ham did live a stranger tho. 24 His people he exceedingly in numbers made to flow, And over all their enemies, in strength he made them grow. 25 Whose heart he turn'd, that they with hate his people did intreat: And did his servants wrongfully abuse with base deceit. The fourth Part. 26 His faithfull servant Moses then, and Aaron whom he chose, He did command to go to them, his message to disclose. 27 His wonderful and mighty signes among them they did show: And wonders in the land of Ham then did they work also. 28 Darknesse he sent, and made it dark in stead of brighter day: And unot his commision, they did not disobey. 29 He turn'd their waters into blood, he did their fishes slay: 30 Their land brought frogs even in the place where their King Pharaoh lay. 31 He spake, and at his voice there came great swarms of noisome flies, And all the quarters of their land were fil'd with crawling lice. 32 He gave them cold and stony haile instead of milder raine: And fiery flames within their land he sent unto their paine. 33 He smote their vines and all their trees whereon the figs did grow: And all the trees within their coasts downe did he overthrow. 34 He spake, then Caterpillars did and Grasshoppers abound: 35 Which ate the grasse in all their land, and fruit of all their ground. The fifth Part. 36 The first-begotten in their land, eke deadly he did smite: Yea the beginning and first fruit of all their force and might: 37 With gold and silver he them brought from Egypt land to passe: And in the number of their Tribes no feeble one there was. 38 Egypt was glad and joyfull then when they did thence depart: For terrour and the feare of them was faln upon their heart: 39 To shroud them from the parching heat a cloud he did display: And fire he sent to give them light, when night had hid the day. 40 They asked, and he caused Quailes to raine at their request: And fully with the bread of heaven their hunger he represt. 41 He opened the stony rock, and waters gushed out: And in the dry and parched ground like rivers ran about. 42 For of his holy covenant aye mindfull was he tho: Which to his servant Abraham he plighted long ago. 43 He brought his people forth with mirth, and his elect with joy, Out of the cruell land where they had liv'd in great annoy. 44 And of the heathen men he gave to them the fruitfull lands: The labours of the people eke they take into their hands. 45 That they his holy statutes might observe for evermore: And faithfully obey his lawes: praise ye the Lord therefore.

El Señor se acuerda de su alianza eternamente (The Lord remembers his covenant forever)

Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 105 Topics: Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph B; Sagrada Familia de Jesús, Maria y José B Used With Tune: [El Señor se acuerda de su alianza eternamente]

Thanks Be to God

Author: Cornelius Becker, 1561-1694; Daniel G. Reuning, b. 1935 Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 105 First Line: Thanks be to God, O give him praise Topics: Commissioning; Commitment; Courage; Covenant; Faithfulness of God; God the Father (Creator); Holy Name; Judgment; Mission; Providence; Thanksgiving; Unity; World Used With Tune: DANKET DEM HERREN


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