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Scripture:Psalm 107

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Give Thanks to God, for he is good

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 107 Lyrics: To Travelers 1. Give Thanks to God, for he is good His Mercy ever flows, 2. So let the Lord's Redeemed say, Whom he releast from Foes; 3. And gathered them from foreign Lands, From North, South, East, and West. 4. They strol'd thro' Desert's untrod Ways; And found no Place of Rest. 5. Hunger, and Thirst, their fainting Souls Did grievously oppress. 6. To God, in Trouble, then they cry'd, Who freed them from Distress. 7. He led them forth in a right Way, And was their faithful Guide; Till they arriv'd at Cities, where Their Wants were all supply'd. 8. Let all with Thanks, Jehovah praise, And make his Goodness known; For he among the Sons of Men, Works wonderful hath done. 9. The strong Desire of longing Souls He kindly satisfies; With Fruits of his Benignity, The hungry Soul supplies. Second Part, To Prisoners 10. Who sit in Darkness, and Death's Shade, With Grief, and Chains, bow'd down: 11. Because God's Word, and Council they Dispis'd, and would not own: 12. He humbled their proud Hearts with Toil, They fell, and none could save. 13. To God, in Trouble, then they cry'd, And he Deliv'rance gave. 14. Their Darkness, & Death's Shade, he chang'd To Light, by his kind Word; He broke their gauling Bands in Twain, And Liberty restor'd. 15. Let all, with Thanks Jehovah praise And make his Goodness known; For he, among the Sons of Men, Works wonderful hath done. 16. For by his Strength, the Gates of Brass Are into Pieces broke; The massy Bars of Iron are cut, Asunder by his Stroke. Third Part. To the Sick. 17. Fools rashly break thro' sacred Laws, To gratify their Sense; Till with Diseases they're chastis'd, To punish their Offence. 18. Their Soul a painful Loathing feels To ev'ry Kind of Meat; And they, their near Approaches make To Death's unfriendly Gate. 19. To God, in Trouble, then they cry; Who their Distress relieves. 20. His sov'reign Word their Sickness heals, And them from Death reprieves. 21. Let all, with Thanks, Jehovah praise, And make his Goodness known; For he among the Sons of Men, Works wonderful hath done. 22. To him, let all their Sacrifice, With thankful Hearts, be brought; Declare with Joy, to all the World, What God, for them, hath wrought. Fourth Part. To Mariners. 23. Who sail in Ships o'er mighty Seas, And hope great Gain to reap: 24. These do behold Jehovah's Work; His Wonders in the Deep. 25. He speaks; and stormy Winds arise; Like Mounts, the Billows rear. 26. To Heav'n they climb, then sink in Gulphs; Their Soul dissolves with Fear. 27. They reel, and stagger, Drunkard like, Terrors their Minds oppress. 28. To God in Trouble, then they cry, Who frees them from Distress. 29.. He stills the Winds, and calms the Seas, And quells their rougher Sport. 3O. They're glad of Rest; he brings them safe, To their desired Port. 51. Let all, with Thanks, Jehovah praise, And make his Goodness known; For he, among the Sons of Men, Works wonderful hath done. 32. Let them, in private Companies. His Honour highly raise; And where th' assembled Elders meet, Unite to spread his Praise. Fifth Part. To Planters 33. Rivers he turns to Desert Sands; And dries the Fountains Heads. 34. Provok'd by daring Crimes, with Salt; The fruitful Soil he spreads. 35. He turns the Desert into Pools; Dry Ground, a springing Well. 36. The Hungry there he seats, who build, A City where they dwell, 37. They sow their Fields, and Vineyards plant, Which bring encreased Stocks. 3S. His Blessing multiplies their Race; Nor, lessens he their Flocks. 39, But when they sin, they're greatly thinn'd, And soon brought low again; By foreign, and domestick Ills, Oppress'd, and fill'd with Paim. 40. On Princes, who provoke his Wrath, He pours Contempt, and Scorn; He makes them traverse trackless Wastes, Unpity'd, and forlorn. 41. The humble Poor he seats om high, And doth from Trouble keep; He makes his Families encrease, Like fruitful Flocks of Sheep. 42. The Just shall see, and shall rejoice; But th' Impious silent grow. 43. The Wise will these Events observe; And God's great Goodness know.

I'm Satisfied

Author: A. F. Myers Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 107:9 First Line: I'm satisfied with Jesus' way Refrain First Line: I'm satisfied with Jesus, He's ev'ry day the same Topics: Choir and Convention Pieces for special occasions; Quartets Used With Tune: [I'm Satisfied]
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To GOD your grateful Voices raise

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 107 Lyrics: 1 To GOD your grateful Voices raise, Who does your Patron prove; And let your never ceasing Praise Attend his endless Love. Let those give Thanks, whom he from Bands Of haughty Foes releas'd; And brought them back from distant Lands, From North, South, West and East. 2 Through lonely desart Ways they went, Nor could a City find; 'Till quite with Thirst and Hunger spent, Their Souls within them pin'd. Then soon to GOD's indulgent Ear Did they their Cry address; Who graciously vouchsaf'd to hear, And freed them from Distress. 3 From crooked Paths he led them forth, And did their Footsteps guide; To wealthy Towns of great Resort, Where they were well supply'd. Oh then, that all the Earth, with me, Would GOD's great Mercy praise; And ALL the mighty Works, which he Throughout the World displays. 4 For he beholds the longing Souls, Their Wants he satisfies; The hungry Soul, e'en to the full, With Goodness he supplies. 10 Some lie, with Darkness compass'd round, In Death's tremendous Shade; And with unwieldy Fetters bound, By Cares more heavy made. 5 Because GOD's Counsel they defy'd, And lightly priz'd his Word, They fell, and were with Sorrows try'd, Where none could Help afford. Then soon to God's indulgent Ear They did their Cry address; Who graciously vouchsaf'd to hear, And freed them from Distress. 6 From dismal Dungeons, dark as Night, And Black as Death's Abode, He brought them forth, to chearful Light, And Liberty bestow'd. Oh then that all the Earth, with me Would GOD's great Mercy praise, And all the mighty Works, which he Throughout the World displays! 7 For he, with his Almighty Hand, The Gates in Pieces broke; Nor could the Bars of brass withstand, Or Steel resist his Stroke. Part II 8 Remorseless Wretches, void of Sense, With Boldness GOD defy; And for their multiply'd Offence, Oppress'd with sickness lie. Their Soul, a Prey to Pain and Fear, Abhors the choicest Meats; And they by faint Degrees draw near To Death's most dreadful Gates. 9 Then straight to GOD's indulgent Ear, They do their Cry address; Who graciously vouchsafes to hear, And free them from Distress. He all their sad Distempers heals, And Health and Safety gives; And when all human Succour fails, Their Souls from Death retrieves. 10 Oh then, that all the Earth, with me Would GOD's great Mercy praise; And all his wondrous Works, which he Throughout the World displays! With Off'rings let his Altar flame, Whilst they their Thanks express; And with loud Joy, his holy Name, For all his Wonders bless. Part III 13 They that in Ships, with Courage bold, Through Seas their Trade pursue, Do GOD's amazing Works behold, And fearful Wonders view. No sooner his Command is past, But forth the Tempest flies; Which sweeps the Sea with rapid Haste, And makes the Billows rise. 12 Sometimes the Ships, toss'd up to Heav'n, On Mountain Waves appear; Then down the steep Abyss are driv'n, Each Soul dissolves with Fear. They reel and stagger to and fro, Like Men with Wine oppress'd; Nor do the skilful Seamen know, Which Course to steer, is best. 14 Then straight to GOD's indulgent Ear They do their Cry address; Who graciously vouchsafes to hear, And free them from Distress. He does the raging Storm appease, And makes the Billows still; With Joy they see their Fury cease, Their Voyage they fulfil. 14 Oh then, that all the Earth, with me Would GOD's great Mercy praise, And all the mighty Works, which he Throughout the World displays! Let them, where all the Tribes resort, Advance his glorious Name, And in the Elders sov'reign Court, With Joy his Praise proclaim. Part IV 15 A fruitful Land, where Streams abound, GOD, if People sin, Will turn to dry and barren Ground, And punish those therein: The parch'd and desart Heath, he makes To smile springing Wells; Which for his Lot the Hungry takes, And in strong Cities dwells. 16 He sows the Fields, the Vineyard plants, Which all his Toil repay; Nor can, while GOD his Blessing grants, His Seed or Stock decay. But when his Sins Heav'n's Wrath provoke, His Substance fades away; He feels th'Oppressor's gauling Yoke, And falls to Grief a Prey. 17 The Prince that slights what GOD commands, Must quickly leave his Throne; And over wild and desart Lands Abandon'd stray alone. Whilst GOD from all afflicting Cares Sets humble Men on high; And makes in Time his num'rous Heirs With num'rous Flocks to vie. 18 Then Sinners shall have nought to say, The Just their Joy shall show; The Wise these strange Events shall weigh, And GOD's great Mercy know. Topics: Songs of Praise to God the Creation and Providence; Thanksgivings For Delerances and Wonders, General Used With Tune: [To God, your grateful voices raise]
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God's goodness to Travellers

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 107 First Line: With thanks unto the Lord confess Lyrics: 1 With thanks unto the Lord confess, Because that good is he; Because his loving kindnesses Lasts to eternity. 2 So say the Lord's redeem'd whom bought He hath from enemies hands; 3 And from the east and west hath brought From south and northern lands. 4 In desart stray'd, in desart way No dwelling town they find. 5 They hungry were, and thirsty they, Their souls within them pin'd. 6 Then did they to Jehovah cry When they were in distress; Who did them set at liberty Out of their anguishes. 7 In such a way as was most right, He led them forth also; That to a ciiy where they might Inhabit they might go. 8 O that men praise Jehovah would For his great goodness then; And for his wonders manifold Unto the sons of men. 9 For he the soul that longing lies, Doth th'roughly satisfy; The hungry soul he fills likewise With good abundantly. [2] 10 Such as in darkness and within The shade of death abide: They who are sore afflictions in, And fast in irons ty'd. 11 Because they in rebellion, Against God's word did rise: They also of the highest One The counsel did despise. 12 Therefore with sore affliction He did bring down their heart: Down did they fall, and there was none Could help to them impart. 13 Then did they to Jehovah cry, When they were in distress? Who did them set at liberty Out of their anguishes. 14 He did them out of darkness bring, Also from shade of death: As for the bands that they were in, He them quite broken hath. 15 O that men praise Jehovah would For his great goodness then: And for his wonders manifold Unto the sons of men! 16 For he did into shivers shake The gates that were of brass: And he the bar asunder brake That made of iron was. [3] To the Sick 17 Fools do for their iniquities And sins, affliction bear. 18 Their soul abhors all meat likewise They to death's gate draw near. 19 Then they unto Jehovah cry, When they are in distress; Who setteth them at liberty, Out of their anguishes. 29 He did send out his word, and he Unto them healing gave: From out of their destruction free He likewise did them save. 21 Oh that men praise Jehovah would For his great goodness then: And for his wonders manifold Unto the sons of men! 22 And of thanksgiving sacrifice Let them their offerings bring: While they his works declare likewise Let them for gladness sing. [4] To the Seafaring. 23 Who go to sea in ships, their acts In waters great who do: 24 These do behold Jehovah's facts, In deeps his wonders too. 25 For he commanded instantly The stormy wind doth rise Which lifts the waves thereof on high, They mount up to the skies. 26 Down to the depths again they strike, Their soul doth melt with ill. 27 They reel and stagger drunkard like, And fail them doth their skill. 28 Then do they to Jehovah cry, In their extream distress: And he them bringeth speedily Out of their anguishes. 29 He makes the storm a calm, that so The waves thereof are quiet; 30 They're glad with rest, he brings them to The haven they desir'd. 31 Oh that men praise Jehovah would For his great goodness then, And for his wonders manifold Unto the sons of men. 32 Within the congregation great Him let them highly praise: [5] To Planters 33 He turns streams to a desart land: To drought the springing well. 34 To barrenness a fruitful land For their sins there who dwell. 35 He makes the wilderness a pool Dry ground turns to a spring. 36 Seats there the hungry where they build Their town of habiting. 37 They vineyards there do plant and dress They likewise sow their fields: Which unto them their fruitfulness With much revenue yields. 38 Yea so he blessed them that they Did greatly multiply Nor yet their cattle suffer'd he To lessen or decay. 39 Again they are diminished, And also bowed down; By tyranny impov'rished, And by affliction. 40 On princes pour contempt doth he, And causeth them to stray: Where solitary desarts be, Wherein there is no way. 41 But from affliction he on high The needy makes to rise; And like a flock doth multiply And make him families, 42 The righteous ones behold it shall And they shall joyful be; And bridle up their mouth shall all That work iniquity. 43 Whoso is wise and will with care These things observing learn: Jehovah's mercies what they are, They clearly shall discern.

My Soul Proclaims Your Glory, Lord

Author: Paul Gibson (1932-) Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 107 Topics: Mary; Praise of God; Song of Mary Used With Tune: DUKE STREET Text Sources: Song of Mary

Psalm 107:1-9, 17-37, 43 (A Responsorial Setting)

Author: Isaac Everett Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 107 First Line: May those who are wise Topics: Blessing; Church Year Easter; Elements of Worship Baptism; Elements of Worship Lord's Supper; Elements of Worship Praise and Adoration; Elements of Worship Testimony; Fear; God as Deliverer; God's Sorrow; God's Sovereignty; God's Wonders; God's Deeds; God's Faithfulness; God's Goodness; God's Love; God's People (flock, sheep); God's Promise of Redemption; Gratitude; Life Stages Children; Love; Mercy; Poverty; Prayer; Return from Exile; Salvation; Ten Commandments 3rd Commandment (do not take the name of the Lord in vain); The Needy; Victory; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, October 30-November 5; Year B, Lent, 4th Sunday; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, June 19-25 (if after Trinity Sunday); Year C, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, July 31-August 6 Used With Tune: [May those who are wise] Text Sources: Evangelical Lutheran Worship (Psalm Text)

Creator of the Water

Author: Carolyn Winfrey Gillette Meter: D Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 107:8-9 First Line: Creator of the water that makes the world so green Topics: Baptism; Holy Spirit
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Meter: Irregular Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 107:31-32 First Line: None but Jesus will we sing Lyrics: None but Jesus will we sing, None else will we adore; He our Prophet, Priest, and King, Shall be forevermore. None among the heav'nly pow'rs, Nor one on earth, our praise may claim; None but Jesus call we ours, None but the bleeding Lamb! Text Sources: Whitfield's Coll.
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For ever lasts the mercy of the Lord

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 107 Lyrics: 1 For ever lasts the mercy of the Lord; His name in pious anthems be ador'd; 2 Yes; praise him, all, who from th' oppressor's chain Have ask'd redemption, and not ask'd in vain. Whom, when with cruel hate their foes distrest, His gracious goodness with deliv'rance blest. 3 From all the various corners of the earth With his directing hand he led them forth; 4 Long in the lonely desart did they roam, Nor knew the path to their appointed home; 5 Fainting with thirst, quite destitute of food, What complicated woes their steps pursued? The desart wilds no kind repast supplied; To slake their thirst, the cooling stream denied. 6 'Twas in this sore distress to heav'n they pray'd, And heav'n in mercy hasten'd to their aid; 7 Led them the way to opulence and peace, And gave them lands and cities to possess. 8 Then let them sing their good, their gracious God, And publish his beneficence abroad: 9 For food he gives, and all our griefs controuls, Strengthens our limbs, and satisfies our souls. 10 Who, vain, rejected dread Jehovah's law, Nor heard his word with reverential awe, 11 When in the confines of the grave they lay, O'erwhelm'd in darkness, sunk in dire dismay; 12 When ills incessant wrung their hearts with pain, And death came stalking with his meagre train; 13 In their distress to heav'n they earnest pray'd, And heav'n in mercy hasten'd to their aid; 14 Bad all the terrors of their souls to cease, Broke off their fetters, and restor'd their peace. 15 Then let them sing their good, their gracious God, And publish his beneficence abroad; 16 He to the captive liberty ensures, Unbinds his chains, and breaks the prison-doors. 17 By lures of sense when men are led astray, And the foul dictates of their lust obey, They feel th' inflictions of his heavy wrath; Some dire distemper draws them nigh to death: They relish now their luxuries no more; And loath the dear-bought cates they priz'd before. 19 But if in their distress to heav'n they pray, His mercy drives the foul disease away, 20 Heals all their pains, bids new-born vigour rise, And firms their souls--the dreaded spectre flies, 21 Let such sing then the goodness of their God, And publish his beneficence abroad; 22 With victims croud his sacred courts, and sing Glad hymns of praise to their all-clement king. 23 Who plough the surface of the raging main, And dare the fury of her waves for gain, 24 To them his dread tremendous works appear; They view his wonders in the deep with fear. 25 At his command the stormy winds arise, And raise her foamy billows to the skies: 26 High as the heav'ns his waves old ocean rears; Aloft they mount, and seem to threat the stars; Then sudden to the depths below subside, And in the horrible abyss are hid. 27 What terrors then the mariners assail, What killing fears o'er their sad hearts prevail, When, like a wretch o'erpower'd with wine, they reel, And the tost vessel mocks the master's skill? 28 But, if to heav'n in their distress they pray, He drives their dangers and their fears away, 29 Calls off his winds, and strait allays the storm; Still are th' obedient waves; the sea grows calm; 30 The mariners rejoice, their terrors o'er, And the torn bark scuds swiftly to the shore. 31 Let such sing then their good, their gracious God, And publish his beneficence abroad. 32 Yes; all ye people, all, his pow'r proclaim, And in the great assemblies hail his name; 33 'Tis he forbids the flood t' enrich the lands, And turns the living springs to barren sands; 34 'Tis he, when rages wickedness around, Curses with quick sterility the ground; 35 He too the desart wilds with water fills, And blesses thirsty soils with fruitful rills; No more their wonted barrenness they mourn, But soon look gay with herbage, fruits and corn, 36 These to industrious poverty he gives; The colony, by him supported, thrives; Their wives, their infants, strong-built towns defend; 37 Their tilth with joy the painful farmers tend; They sow the grain, they plant the fruitful vine, That oon repays their toil with gen'rous wine. 38 Their God looks o'er them with protectful eye, Hears all their pray'rs, does ev'ry want supply; With a fair off-spring crowns their chaste embrace, And gives of cattle the desir'd increase. 39 But, when, elated with their prosp'rous fate, The mercies of the donor they forget, They heav'ns beneficence no more engage, But feel the fury of almighty rage: 40 He gives them up to tyranny a prey, They soon some proud imperious prince obey; Their prince and they are equally a scorn To realms around, and their contempt they mourn; Stript of their wealth, they roam wild desarts o'er, Where human feet have never trod before. 41 Yet still the humble and the modest mind A sure protection in his love shall find; Secure from ills, by him they're set on high, Rewarded with a num'rous progeny. 42 This view the righteous, and sincere rejoice, And to his glory tune the grateful voice; While impious sinners sullenly repine, And mock in gloomy silence truth divine. 43 Whoe'er is wise, and on the blest effects Of heav'n's high justice seriously reflects, Will know, and own, that mercy, truth and love, Pertain to him alone, who rules above.
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Let them exalt Him in the congregation of the people

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 107:32 Topics: Praise and Thanksgiving


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