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Showing 231 - 240 of 254Results Per Page: 102050

This Is the God Beyond All Gods (Karthaadhi Karthar Iveree)

Author: D. A. Chelliah; I-to Loh Appears in 1 hymnal Topics: Images of God, Christ and the Holy Spirit Savior and Redeemer First Line: Pareme senei (Heavenly hosts sang) Refrain First Line: Karthaadhi Karthar Iveree (This is the God beyond all gods) Scripture: Isaiah 7:10-17 Used With Tune: KARTHAAR
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Invitations to Praise

Meter: Appears in 10 hymnals Topics: Adoration; Christ Glorying in; Christ Providences of; Christ Worshiped; God Adored and Exalted; God Attributes of; God Glorious; God Kingly Character of; God Love and Mercy; God Source of All Good; God Sovereignty of ; Gospel Invitations of ; Grace Justifying; Grace Quickening; Grace Redeeming; Grace Sovereign ; Miracles; Missions Encouragements of; Nature Revelation of God in; Praise By Saints; Praise Calls to; Praise for temporal blessings; Praise For Works of Creation; Praise For Works of Providence; Providence of God Over His Creatures; Purposes of God; Royalty of Christ In His Church; Royalty of Christ Providential; Royalty of Christ Universal Domain of; The Sea; Thanksgiving Declared; Worship Call to ; Worship Delightful to Saints First Line: Exalt the Lord, His praise proclaim Lyrics: 1 Exalt the Lord, His praise proclaim; All ye His servants, praise His Name, Who in the Lord's house ever stand And humbly serve at His command. 2 The Lord is good, His praise proclaim; Since it is pleasant, praise His Name; His people for His own He takes And His peculiar treasure makes. 3 I know the Lord is high in state, Above all gods our Lord is great; The Lord performs what He decrees, In heaven and earth, in depths and seas. 4 He makes the vapors to ascend In clouds from earth's remotest end; The lightnings flash at His command, He holds the tempest in His hand. 5 Forever praise and bless His Name, And in the Church His praise proclaim; In Zion is His dwelling-place; Praise ye the Lord, show forth His grace. Scripture: Psalm 135 Used With Tune: CREATION
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Assurance of Blessing

Meter: Appears in 4 hymnals Topics: Access to God; Afflictions Comfort under; Anger of God Deprecated; Anger of God Restrained; Aspirations For Grace; Aspirations For Holiness; Assurance Declared; Backsliding; Christ Atonement of; Christ Minstry of; Church Divinely Furnished; Church Saved by Grace; Faith Act of; Faith Confidence of; Godly Fear Blessedness of; God Love and Mercy; God Righteousness of; Gospel Fulness of ; Grace Justifying; Grace Redeeming; Law of God; Mercy of God Prayer for; Missions Influence of; Obedience; Pardon Set Forth; Pardon Sought; Peace; Prayer For the Church; Quickening; Repentance; Revival; The Christian's Reward; Salvation God's Gift; Salvation Prayers for; Truth First Line: Lord, Thou hast greatly blessed our land Lyrics: 1 Lord, Thou hast greatly blessed our land, Thou hast brought back our captive band, Thy pard'ning grace has made us free And covered our iniquity. 2 O Thou, Who in a former day Didst turn Thy dreadful wrath away, In grace Thy people, Lord, return, And let Thy wrath no longer burn. 3 O will Thy anger never cease, Forever shall Thy wrath increase? Revive and quicken us once more, And Thy salvation's joy restore. 4 To us Thy mercy now afford And show us Thy salvation, Lord; Yea, Thou wilt answer us in peace, If from our folly we will cease. 5 The Lord's salvation will appear To men of faith and godly fear, And glory in our land shall dwell When we shall heed God's precepts well. 6 Now truth agrees with mercy mild, Now law and peace are reconciled; Behold the truth from earth arise, With justice shining from the skies. 7 The Lord will send His blessing down, And harvests all our land shall crown; Before Him righteousness abides, And in His steps our feet He guides. Scripture: Psalm 85 Used With Tune: ROCKINGHAM OLD

Come, my way, my truth, my life

Author: George Herbert, 1593-1633 Meter: Appears in 66 hymnals Topics: Jesus Christ Redeemer Lyrics: 1 Come, my way, my truth, my life, such a way as gives us breath, such a truth as ends all strife, such a life as killeth death. 2 Come, my light, my feast, my strength, such a light as shows a feast, such a feast as mends in length, such a strength as makes his guest. 3 Come, my joy, my love, my heart, such a joy as none can move, such a love as none can part, such a heart as joys in love. Scripture: Isaiah 25:4-7 Used With Tune: THE CALL

Glory Be to God the Father

Author: Horatius Bonar Meter: Appears in 210 hymnals Topics: Jesus Christ Redeemer Lyrics: 1 Glory be to God the Father, glory be to God the Son, glory be to God the Spirit: Great Jehovah, Three in One! Glory, glory while eternal ages run! 2 Glory be to him who loved us, washed us from each spot and stain: glory be to him who bought us, now with God on high to reign! Glory, glory to the Lamb that once was slain! 3 Glory to the King of angels, glory to the church’s King, glory to the King of nations; heaven and earth, your praises bring! Glory, glory to the King of glory sing! 4 Glory, blessing, praise eternal! Thus the choir of angels sings: honor, riches, power, dominion! Thus its praise creation brings. Glory, glory, glory to the King of kings! Scripture: Psalm 24:8 Used With Tune: WORCESTER

Far beyond our mind’s grasp and our tongue's declaring

Author: Francisco F. Feliciano, 1941-; James Blundell Minchin, 1942- Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Topics: Jesus Christ Redeemer Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:12-13 Used With Tune: CATUROG NA NONOY

My Soul Doth Magnify the LORD

Author: D. T. Niles Appears in 3 hymnals Topics: Images of God, Christ and the Holy Spirit Savior and Redeemer First Line: My soul doth magnify the LORD, my spirit doth rejoice Scripture: Luke 1:46-55 Used With Tune: GUNUNG NONA
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Great God of wonders! all thy ways

Meter: Irregular Appears in 107 hymnals Topics: Salvation through Jesus Christ Addresses to Christ and gratitude for redeeming love Lyrics: 1 Great God of wonders! all thy ways Are matchless, godlike, and divine; But thy fair glories of thy grace, More godlike and unrivall'd shine: Who is a pardoning God like thee? Or who has grace so rich and free? 2 Crimes of such horror to forgive, Such guilty daring worms to spare; This is thy grand prerogative, And none shall in the honour share: Who is a pardoning God like thee? Or who has grace so rich and free? 3 Angels and men resign their claim To pity, mercy, love, and grace, These glories crown Jehovah's name With an incomparable blaze: Who is a pardoning God like thee? Or who has grace so rich and free? 4 In wonder lost, with trembling joy, We take the pardon of our God, Pardon for crimes of deepest dye; A pardon seal'd with Jesus' blood: Who is a pardoning God like thee? Or who has grace so rich and free? 5 O may this strange, this matchless grace, This godlike miracle of love, Teach mortal tongues, like those above, Fill the wide earth with grateful praise, Who is a pardoning God like thee? Or who has grace so rich and free? Scripture: Micah 7:18
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Invoking divine blessings

Author: Unknown Meter: Appears in 91 hymnals Topics: Christ Redeemer First Line: Within thy house, O Lord our God Scripture: Psalm 84:2

We All Believe in One God of Love (Kasip oko sid kinoringan)

Author: Anonymous; Alison Ng; Maria Ling Appears in 1 hymnal Topics: Images of God, Christ and the Holy Spirit Savior and Redeemer First Line: Kasip oko sid kinoringan (We all believe in one God of love) Refrain First Line: Aso no vokon dot ihimon ku (No other God can we find in this world) Scripture: Isaiah 44:1-8 Used With Tune: KASIP OKO


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