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Scripture:Psalm 51:1-10

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Have mercy upon me, O God

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 51 Lyrics: 1 Have mercy upon me, O God According to thy grace: According to thy mercies great, My trespasses deface. 2 O wash me throughly from my guilt, And from my sin me clear. 3 For I my trespass know, my sins Before me still appear. 4 'Gainst thee, thee only have I sinn'd, This ill done thee before: When thou speak'st, just thou art, and clear When thou dost judge therefore, 5 Behold, how in iniquity I did my shape receive: Also my mother that me bar In sin did me conceive. 6 Behold thou dost desire the truth Within the inward part: And thou shalt make me wisdom know In secret of mine heart 7 With hyssop do me purify, I shall be cleansed so: O wash thou me, and then shall I Be whiter than the snow. 8 Of joy and gladness make thou me To hear again the voice: That so the bones which thou hast broke, May chearfully rejoyce. 9 From the beholding of my sin Hide thou away thy face; Likewise all mine iniquities O do thou clean deface. [2] 10 Clean heart, O God in me create. Also a spirit right 11 In me renew. O cast me not Away out of thy sight: Nor from me take thy holy sp'rit. 12 Restore the joy to me Of thy salvation, and uphold Me with thy spirit free. 13 Then will I teach thy ways to those That work iniquity, And by this means shall sinners be Converted unto thee. 14 O God, God of my heath, set me Free from blood-guiltiness; And so my tongue shall joyfully Sing of thy righteousness. 15 Lord, open thou my lips, and forth My mouth thy praise shall show, 16 For thou desir'st not sacrifice, I would it else bestow; Burnt off'rings thou delight'st not in: Of God the sacrifice A broken sp'rit: a contrite heart God,thou wilt not despise. 18 In thy good pleasure O do good Unto thy Sion hill: The walls of thy Jerusalem, O do thou build up still. 19 The sacrifice of justice shall Pleas thee with burnt off'ring, And whole burnt off'ring: then they shall Calves to thine altar bring.
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To the chief Musician. A Psalm of David

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 51 First Line: O God, have mercy upon me Lyrics: 1 O God have mercy upon me, According to thy kindness dear, And as thy mercies many be, O do thou my transgressions clear. 2 From my perverseness wash me thro', And from my sins me purifie. 3 For my transgressions I do know, My sin is still before mine eye. 4 'Gainst thee, thee only sinn'd have i, And done this evil in thy sight: That when thou speak'st thou just may'st be, And when thou judgest, cleared quite. 5 Behold perverse iniquity Was that estate I shap'd was in: My mother that conceived me, Ev'n she did me conceive in sin. 6 Behold it is the truth that thou Desirest in the inward part: And thou shalt make me wisdom know Within the secret of my heart. 7 O from my sin me purify With hyssop, clean I shall be so, O wash thou me, and so shall I In whiteness go beyond the snow. [2] 8 Of joyfulness and gladness make Thou me to hear again the voice: That so the bones which thou didst break, Again they gladly may rejoice. 9 Hide from my sins thy face apart, Blot out all mine iniquities. 10 O God create in me clean heart, In me renew right sp'rit likewise. 12 Castme not out from thee before, nor from me take thy sp'rit away. 12 Me thy salvation joy restore, And me with thy free spirit stay. 13 Thy way transgressors teach I will, And sinners shall be turn'd to thee. 14 O God, God of my safety still: From guilt of blood deliver me. Thy righteousness aloud record, In singing shall my tongue also. 15 Set open thou my lips, O Lord, And forth thy praise my mouth shall show. 16 For thou no offering dost desire; Or else I would freely bring: Nor yet a sacrifice require, Thou takest no delight therein. 17 But unto God the sacrifice Well pleasing is a broken sp'rit: O God thou never wilt despise The heart that's broken and contrite. 18 O do thou good to Sion hill, In thy good pleasure bounteously: And of Jerusalem up still Do thou the walls repair on high. 19 Sacrifices of justice then Shall pleasure thee; burnt-offering And whole burnt offering: then thy shall Their calves unto thine altar bring.
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O God, to me let Mercy flow

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 51 Lyrics: 1. O God, to me let Mercy flow, For thou delight'st in Acts of Grace; Thy many tender Mercies show. And all my Trespasses erase. 2. Me throughly wash from all my Stains; And from my Guilt me purify. 2. I own my Fault; my Sin remains, With piercing Grief, before mine Eye. 4. I've sin'd against Thee, Thee alone, And done this Evil in thy Sight; Thy Sentence, Lord, is just, I own, Thy heavy'st Judgments would be right. 5. I'm born defil'd, in ev'ry Part; My Mother me conceiv'd in Sin. 6. Thou, Lord, desirest Truth of Heart; O make me Wisdom know within. 7. With sprinkling Hysop purge my Soul, Then shall I pure, and spotless, grow; O wash away my Stains, most foul, I then shall whiter be than Snow. 8. Let me, with Joy, hear thy kind Word; So shall the Bones thou'st broken shout. 9. Hide from my Sins thy Face, O Lord; And all my many Crimes blot out. Second Part 10. Create, O God, in me clean Heart; My Spirit right, within me, make. 11. Drive me not from thy Face apart; Nor thy good Spirit from me take. 12 Salvation's Joy, to me, renew; With thy free Spirit me sustain. 13. Transgressors then, thy Ways, I'll shew; And they shall turn to God again. 14. Deliver me from Guilt of Blood, O God, thou my Salvation's God; My joyful Tongue shall then sing loud. And spread thy gracious Acts abroad. 15. O Lord, my closed Lips inspire; Then shall my Mouth thy Praises sing. 16. No Sacrifice, tho' burnt with Fire, Could please; or else I would it bring. 17. A broken Spirit, in God's Sight, Is the most pleasing Sacrifice; An Heart that's broken, and contrite, O God, thou never wilt despise. 18. Be Zion's Sons with Goodness fill'd, In thy good Pleasure succour them; Defend thy Church, and firmly build The Walls of thy Jerusalem. 19. Then shalt thou, with right Sacrifice, Be pleased, while Saints shall Thee invoke; Then, from burnt Offerings, Steams shall rise, And Bullocks on thine Altars smoke.
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Shew Pity LORD! O LORD, forgive!

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 51 Lyrics: I. Shew Pity, LORD! O LORD, forgive! Is not thy Mercy still the same? Let a repenting Sinner live: Pardon his Guilt who owns his Shame. If Thou thy Judgments should'st display; I die; and Righteous is thy Name. But, O my God, thy Judgments stay; For I confess my Sin and Shame. II. I from the Stock of ADAM came; And my Conception was unclean; My whole Original is Shame; My Nature Nothing else but Sin. No bleeding bird, nor bleeding Beast, Nor running Brook, nor Flood, nor Sea, Nor Hyssop-Branch, nor sprinkling Priest, Can wash my native Stain away. III. O, cleanse my Heart, and chear my Soul; O, chear me with Forgiving Love; And make my broken Spirit whole; And all my Sin and Shame remove. Let not thy Spirit quite depart; Hide not thy Love: hide not thy Face. O, cleanse again my vicious Heart, Ad fill it with thy saving Grace. IV. The Wicked will I teach thy Ways; And to confess their Saviour bring; And shew the Wonders of thy Grace; And teach 'em all thy Praise to sing. O, Gracious God! my Heart inspire With ev'ry Movement of thy Grace; And touch my Tongue with hallow'd Fire, To praise the Lord my Righteousness. V. No Sacrifice dost Thou require, Besides a Heart that's broke for Sin; I bring it then, at thy Desire; And it is All that I can bring. Thy own JERUSALEM rebuild; And raise her broken Walls again; And be she with thy Glory fill'd, To joy all Those that love thy Name. Topics: Repentance Used With Tune: [Shew Pity, Lord! O Lord, forgive]
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Thy mercy, Lord, extend to me

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 51 Lyrics: 1 Thy Mercy, Lord, extend to me, As thou wert ever kind; Let me, oppress'd with Loads of guilt, Thy wonted Mercy find: Wash off my foul Offence, And cleanse me from my Sin; For I confess my Crime, and see How very great my Guilt hath been. 2 Against thee, O my GOD, alone, And only in thy Sight, Have I transgress'd, and tho' condemn'd, Must own thy Judgment right: In Guilt each Part was form'd, Of all this sinful Frame; In Sin I was conceiv'd and born, The hapless Heir of Guilt and Shame. 3 Yet thou, whose ever searching Eye, Does inward Truth require, In secret did'st with Wisdom's Laws My tender Soul inspire. With Hyssop purge me, LORD, And so I clean shall be; I shall with Snow in Whiteness vie, When wahs'd and purify'd by thee. 4 Make me, O LORD, to hear with Joy, Thy kind forgiving Voice; That so the Bones which thou hast broke, May with fresh Strength rejoice. Blot out my crying Sins, Nor me in Anger view; Create in me a Heart that's clean, A just and upright Mind renew. Part II 5 Withdraw not thou thy Help, O LORD! Nor cast me from thy Sight; Nor let thy Holy Spirit take Its everlasting Flight. The Joy thy Favour gives, Let me again obtain; And thy free Spirit's firm Support, My feeble fainting Soul sustain. 6 So I thy just and righteous Ways To Sinners will impart; Whilst my Advice shall wicked Men, To thy just Laws convert. My Guilt of Blood remove, My Saviour and my GOD; And my glad Tongue shall loudly tell, Thy Truth and righteous Acts abroad. 7 Do thou, O LORD, unlock my Lips, With Sorrow clos'd, and Shame; So shall my Mouth thy wond'rous Praise, To all the World proclaim. Could Sacrifice atone, Whole Flocks and Herds should die; But on such Off'rings, LORD, thou do'st Disdain to cast a gracious Eye. 8 A humble Spirit is alone, By GOD most highly priz'd; By him a contrite broken Heart, Shall never be despis'd. Let Sion ever be Of thy good Will assur'd; Let thy own City flourish long, By strong and lofty Walls secur'd. 9 'Tis there the Righteous shall attend, And pleasing Tribute pay; And Sacrifice of choicest Kind, Upon thy Altar lay. Topics: Description of Repentance; Prayers Of a Sinner to obtain Forgiveness of Sins; Prayers When zealous for the Knowledge and Fear of God Used With Tune: [Thy mercy, Lord, extend to me]

Tem Misericórida de Mim, Senhor

Author: David William Hodges Meter: with refrain Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 51 First Line: Apaga, Senhor, minhas transgressões Refrain First Line: Tem misericórdia de mim, Senhor Used With Tune: JANGA

Create in Me

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 51:10 Used With Tune: [Create in me]

Psalm 51

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 51 First Line: God, I call to you for help Used With Tune: [God, I call to you for help]

Psalm 51

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 51 First Line: In the abundance of your compassion, wash my sins away Used With Tune: [In the abundance of your compassion]


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