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Hark, my soul! It is the Lord

Author: William Cowper, 1731 - 1800 Meter: Appears in 688 hymnals Topics: God The Lord Jesus Christ - His Living Presence, Sympathy, and Intercession; The Life in Christ Love and Gratitude; The Gospel Call Used With Tune: ST. BEES
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Speed Away!

Author: F. E. Belden Appears in 3 hymnals Topics: Living His Life Call to Activity First Line: Speed away! speed away, over mountains and sea Lyrics: 1 Speed away! speed away, over mountain and sea, To the hearts that are waiting with welcome for thee; There are eyes that will gleam with the glad gospel light, There are feet that will walk in the pathway of right, There are voices to sing Praise to Jesus the King: Speed away! speed away! Speed away! 2 Speed away! speed away from thy home fair and bright, To the homes that are darken'd by sin's starless night, Tho' the world with its pleasures invite thee to stay, Tho' the lov'd ones entreat thee "good-bye" to delay Look away thro' the tears, To eternity's years: Speed away! speed away! Speed away! 3 Speed away! speed away, with the love of thy Lord, With the glorious tidings revealed in his word: Bear the Bethlehem story with gladness to men, Bid the world to prepare for His coming again; Free salvation proclaim Thro' Immanuel's name: Speed away! speed away! Speed away! Used With Tune: [Speed away! speed away! over mountain and sea]
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Pilgrims, On!

Author: Anon. Appears in 7 hymnals Topics: Living His Life Pilgrimage; Living His Life Pilgrimage; Living His Life Pilgrimage First Line: Pilgrims on! the day is dawning Lyrics: 1 Pilgrims on! the day is dawning; Strike your tents, and homeward haste: Sleep not while the blush of morning Calls you on the dessert waste. Tho' the way be dark and dreary, Life's sharp anguish must be borne. Courage, then, ye faint and weary, Linger not to weep and mourn. 2 Pilgrims on! the storm is beating, Beating wildly on your way: Tarry not, the time is fleeting; Shall the storm your footsteps stay? Hasten on, thro' joy and sorrow, Or whatever may betide, Wait not for the calm tomorrow, Faithful at your work abide. 3 Pilgrim on! what tho' in dangers, Life's eventful course pursue; Labor on, ye friendless strangers, Grace will guide you safely through. What if trials must befall you! What if fierce temptations rise! Shall earth's bitter strife appall you While contending for the prize? 4 Pilgrims on! there's rest in heaven, Rest from every anxious care, Rest in Jesus' smiles forgiven, Peaceful and eternal there. O, 't were sweet to toil in sadness, O, 't were well the cross to bear, If at last in joy and gladness We may rest forever there! Used With Tune: ONWARD
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Christ Receiveth Sinful Men

Author: Neumaster Appears in 8 hymnals Topics: Living His Life Teaching the Gospel; Living His Life Teaching the Gospel; Living His Life Teaching the Gospel First Line: Sing it o'er and o'er again Refrain First Line: Wonderful word, O sweet refrain! Lyrics: 1 Sin it o'er and o'er again, Glorious message, clear and plain; 'Tis today the same as then, Christ receiveth sinful men. Chorus: Wonderful word, O sweet refrain! Christ receives sinful men Message of mercy, clear and plain, Christ receiveth sinful men. 2 "Seek and find," and "look and live;" Grace is free! proclaim to all Who the heav'nly pathway leave, All who linger, all who fall. [Chorus] 3 Years of sin condemn us not, Pure before the law we stand; Jesus' blood removes each spot, Satisfies its full demand. [Chorus] 4 He will take the sinfulest, Make the scarlet white and pure; Come, and he will give you rest; Trust his word, forever sure. [Chorus] 5 In Thy righteous robe to shine, Lord, I come, and rest forgiv'n; Self is love in love divine, Death in life, and earth in heav'n. [Chorus] Used With Tune: [Sing it o'er and o'er again]
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Weeping Will Not Save Me

Author: R. L. Appears in 63 hymnals Topics: Living His Life Faith First Line: Weeping will not save me Refrain First Line: Jesus wept and died for me Lyrics: 1 Weeping will not save me Tho' my face were bathed in tears, That could not allay my fears, Could not wash the sins of years Weeping will not save me. Refrain: Jesus wept and died for me; Jesus suffered on the tree; Jesus waits to make me free; He alone can save me. 2 Working will not save me Purest deeds that I can do, Holiest thoughts and feelings, too, Can not form my soul anew Working will not save me. [Refrain] 3 Waiting will not save me Helpless, guilty, lost I lie, In my ear is mercy's cry; If I wail I can but die Waiting will not save me. [Refrain] 4 Faith in Christ will save me Let me trust thy weeping Son, Trust the work that he has done; To his arms, Lord, help me run Faith in Christ will save me. [Refrain] Used With Tune: [Weeping will not save me]
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Pray for the Erring

Author: F. E. B. Appears in 3 hymnals Topics: Living His Life Winning Souls; Living His Life Winning Souls; Living His Life Winning Souls First Line: Pray for the erring ones, faith shall reclaim them Refrain First Line: Always pray, pray for the erring Lyrics: 1 Pray for the erring ones, faith shall reclaim them; Doubt not the promises, plead them in prayer. Loving and merciful, Jesus will save them; Up to the mercy seat thy loved ones bear. Refrain: Always pray, pray for the erring; Pray in faith, Jesus will hear; Always pray, pray for the erring; Prayer brings the wand'rers near. 2 Plead with them tenderly, point them to Jesus; Tho' justly sorrowing, do not despair. Kneel in the darkest hour, firmly believing; On Christ the crucified cast all your care. [Refrain] 3 Let thine example be worthy thy calling, Thy life is witnessing each day and hour. Thousands now perishing long for a Saviour; Show forth his wondrous love, tell of his power. [Refrain] 4 Walk with the Perfect One, choosing none other; His robe of righteousness joyfully wear; So shall the erring see beauty in Jesus, So shall the Father hear and grant thy prayer. [Refrain] Used With Tune: [Pray for the erring ones, faith shall reclaim them]
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Pure in Heart

Author: F. E. B. Appears in 2 hymnals Topics: Living His Life Purity; Living His Life Purity; Living His Life Purity First Line: Saviour, keep me pure in heart Refrain First Line: Pure in heart, pure in heart Lyrics: 1 Saviour, keep me pure in heart, By thy pow'r renewing; Seal my life of thine a part, All my tho'ts bedewing. Refrain: Pure in heart, pure in heart, Jesus, only giver; Seal my life of thine a part, Here and then forever. 2 In thy sinless life I see Matchless grace and beauty: Perfect Pattern, guide for me, Teaching love for duty. [Refrain] 3 One with thee! thus would I live, Till the morn immortal; Thus myself for others give, With them pass the portal. [Refrain] Used With Tune: HATTIE
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The Dove of Peace

Author: S. H. Bolton Appears in 3 hymnals Topics: Living His Life Peace; Living His Life Peace; Living His Life Peace First Line: The dove of peace sings in my heart Refrain First Line: The dove of peace sings in my soul Lyrics: 1 The dove of peace sings in my heart, "In strife and war thou hast no part; Thy place among the hosts of wrong Is but to echo love's sweet song." Refrain: The dove of peace sings in my soul, "Thy Saviour's blood doth make thee whole;" The Spirit's voice, like wooing dove, Sings of my Saviour's deathless love. 2 The dove of peace hath radiant wings, And light and melody he brings; He tells of my soon-coming King, Of praises that the angels sing. [Refrain] 3 O gentle voice of Jesus' love! It links the life to heav'n above, And thro' all sorrow and all wrong O'erflows the soul with tender song. [Refrain] 4 The dove of peace shall ne'er depart, But keep his home within my heart. E'en when I rise to worlds above, I'll hear the singing of the dove. [Refrain] 5 O wouldst thou hear the dove within? Let Jesus cleanse thy heart from sin: Then in sweet measures from above Thou'lt hear the music of his love. [Refrain] Used With Tune: [The dove of peace sings in my heart]
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Sound, sound the truth abroad!

Appears in 111 hymnals Topics: Living His Life Teaching the Gospel; Living His Life Teaching the Gospel; Living His Life Teaching the Gospel Lyrics: 1 Sound, sound the truth abroad! Bear ye the word of God Through the wide world; Tell what our Lord has done, Tell how the day is won, And from his lofty throne Satan is hurled. 2 Ye who, forsaking all At your loved Master's call, Comforts resign; Soon will your work be done, Soon will the prize be won; Brighter than yonder sun Then shall ye shine.
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The Beatitudes

Appears in 41 hymnals Topics: Living His Life Christian Character; Living His Life Christian Character First Line: Blessed are the poor in spirit Lyrics: Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heav'n. Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek: for they they inherit the earth. Blessed are they that do hunger and thirst for righteousness; for they shall be filled. Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called God's children. Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake. Blessed are ye when men shall revile you and speak all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake. Rejoice and be exceeding glad, your reward is in heav'n. Used With Tune: MOUNT OLIVE


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