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The man, in life wherever placed

Author: Burns Meter: Appears in 14 hymnals Topics: The Happiness of the Righteous
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Now I have found the ground wherein

Meter: Irregular Appears in 155 hymnals Topics: and the happiness of the christian Lyrics: 1 Now I have found the ground wherein Sure my soul’s anchor may remain: The love of God forgiving sin, Through Jesus crucified and slain. His mercy shall unshaken stay, When heav'n and earth have pass'd away. 2 Father! thine everlasting grace Our scanty thought surpasses far; Thine heart still melts with tenderness, Thine arms of love still open are; And Jesus' blood, through earth and skies, Mercy, free, boundless mercy, cries. 3 Tho' waves and storms go o’er my head, Tho' strength and health and friends be gone, Tho' joys be wither'd all and dead, Tho' every comfort be withdrawn: On this my steadfast soul relies, Father, thy mercy never dies. 4 Fix'd on this ground will I remain, Tho' my heart fail and flesh decay, This anchor shall my soul sustain, When earth’s foundations melt away, Mercy’s full pow'r I then shall prove, Lov'd with an everlasting love.
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On the brink of fi'ry ruin

Meter: Irregular Appears in 19 hymnals Topics: and the happiness of the christian Lyrics: 1 On the brink of fi'ry ruin, Justice, with a flaming sword, Was my guilty soul pursuing When I first beheld my Lord. 2 Terrify'd with Sinai's thunder, Straight I flew to Calvary, Where I saw with love and wonder, Hi by faith who died for me. 3 "Sinner," he exclaim'd, "I've lov'd thee With an everlasting love; Justice has in me approv'd thee; Thou shalt dwell with me above." 4 Sweet as angels' notes in heaven, When to golden harps they sound, Is the voice of sins forgiven, To the soul by satan bound. 5 Sweet as angels' harps in glory, Was that heavenly voice to me, When I saw my Lord before me Bleed and die to set me free! 6 Saints, attend with holy wonder! Sinners, hear and sing his praise! 'Tis the God that holds the thunder Shows himself the God of grace! Scripture: Jeremiah 31:3
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I hear a voice that comes from far

Meter: Appears in 44 hymnals Topics: and the happiness of the christian Lyrics: 1 I hear a voice that comes from far; From Calvary it sounds abroad; It soothes my soul, and calms my fear; It speaks of pardon bought with blood. 2 And is it true, that many fly The sound that bids my soul rejoice; And rather choose in sin to die, Than turn an ear to mercy’s voice! 3 Alas for those!--the day is near, When mercy will be heard no more; Then will they ask in vain to hear The voice they would not hear before. 4 With such, I own, I once appear'd, But now I know how great their loss; For sweeter sounds were never heard Than mercy utters from the cross.
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When God reveal'd his gracious name

Meter: Appears in 202 hymnals Topics: and the happiness of the christian Lyrics: 1 When God reveal'd his gracious name, And chang'd my mournful state, My rapture seem'd a pleasing dream, The grace appear'd so great. 2 The world beheld the glorious change, And did thy hand confess; My tongue broke out in unknown strains, And sung surprising grace. 3 "Great is the work," my neighbours cried, And own'd the pow'r divine; "Great is the work," my heart replied, "And be the glory thine." 4 The Lord can clear the darkest skies, Can give us day for night; Make drops of sacred sorrow rise To rivers of delight. 5 Let those, that sow in sadness, wait Till the fair harvest come; They shall confess their sheaves are great, And shout the blessings home.
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How various and how new

Meter: Appears in 51 hymnals Topics: and the happiness of the christian Lyrics: 1 How various and how new Are thy compassions, Lord! Each morning shall thy mercies shew, Each night thy love record. 2 Thy goodness, like the sun, Dawn'd on our early days, Err infant reason had begun To form our lips to praise. 3 Each object we beheld Gave pleasure to our eyes; And nature all our senses held In bands of sweet surprise. 4 But pleasures more refin'd Awaited that blest day, When light arose upon our mind To chase our sins away. 5 How various and how new Are thy compassions, Lord! Eternity thy truth shall shew, And all thy love record.
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Salvation, O the joyful sound!

Meter: Appears in 840 hymnals Topics: and the happiness of the christian Lyrics: 1 Salvation! O the joyful sound! What pleasure to our ears; A sov'reign balm for ev’ry wound, A cordial for our fears. 2 Buried in sorrow and in sin, At hell's dark door we lay: But we arise by grace divine, To see a heav'nly day. 3 Salvation! let the echo fly The spacious earth around; While all the armies of the sky Conspire to raise the sound.
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My soul doth magnify the Lord

Meter: Appears in 90 hymnals Topics: and the happiness of the christian Lyrics: 1 My soul doth magnify the Lord, My spirit doth rejoice In God, my Saviour, and my God; I hear his joyful voice. 2 I need not go abroad for joy, Who have a feast at home; My sighs are turn'd into songs,-- The Comforter is come. 3 Down from above, the blessed Dove Is come into my breast, To witness God's eternal love; This is my heav'nly feast. 4 There is a stream that issues forth From God's eternal throne, And from the Lamb, a living stream, Clear as the crystal stone. 5 That stream doth water paradise; It makes the angels sing: One cordial drop revives my heart; Hence all my joys do spring. Scripture: Luke 1:46
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The new-born child of gospel grace

Meter: Appears in 37 hymnals Topics: and the happiness of the christian Lyrics: 1 The new-born child of gospel grace, Like some fair tree when summer's nigh, Beneath Emmanuel's shining face, Lifts up his blooming branch on high. 2 No fear he feels, he sees no foes, no conflict yet his faith employs, Nor has he learnt to whom he owes The strength and peace his soul enjoys. 3 But sin soon darts its cruel sting, And comforts sink from day by day: What seem'd his own, a self-fed spring, Proves but a brook that glides away. 4 When Gideon arm'd his numerous host, The Lord soon made his numbers less: And said, lest Israel vainly boast, "My arm procured me this success." 5 Thus will he bring our spirits down, And draw our ebbing comforts low, That saved by grace, but not our own, We may not claim the praise we owe.
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O the delights, the heavenly joys

Meter: Appears in 93 hymnals Topics: Eternity Happiness of the righteous Lyrics: 1 O the delights, the heavenly joys, The glories of the place Where Jesus sheds the brightest beams Of his o'erflowing grace! 2 Sweet majesty and awful love Sit smiling on his bow, And all the glorious ranks above At humble distance bow. 3 Archangels sound his lofty praise Through every heavenly street, And lay their highest honours down, Submissive at his feet. 4 This is the man, th'exalted man Whom we unseen adore; But when our eyes behold his face, Our hearts shall love him more. 5 Lord, how our souls are all on fire To see thy bless'd abode, Our tongues rejoice in tunes of praise to our incarnate God. 6 And whilst our faith enjoys this sight We long to leave our clay, And wish thy fiery chariots, Lord, To fetch our souls away.


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