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Healey Willan

1880 - 1968 Person Name: Healey Willan, 1880- Arranger (Faux Bourdon) of "RICHMOND" in The Hymnary of the United Church of Canada Healey Willan (b. Balham, London, England, October 12, 1880; d. Toronto, Ontario, February 16, 1968), theory teacher, composer and organist, was born into an Anglo-Catholic family in England and served several churches in the London area, becoming known especially for his adaptations of Gregorian chant to be able to be sung in English translation. In 1913 he moved to Canada where he led the theory department and was organist at the Toronto Conservatory of Music. He also was organist at St. Paul’s, Canada’s largest Anglican church, and after 1921 at the smaller Church of St. Mary Magdalene. By invitation, he composed an anthem for the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, a singular honor for one not residing in England. Emily Brink

Charles H. Webb

b. 1933 Person Name: Charles H. Webb Composer (descant) of "RICHMOND" in The United Methodist Hymnal Music Supplement

Ruth C. Duck

b. 1947 Person Name: Ruth Duck Author of "To God Compose a Song of Joy" in The New Century Hymnal

John Ryland

1753 - 1825 Author of "O Lord, I Will Delight in Thee" in The Cyber Hymnal Ryland, John, D.D., son of Rev. John Collett Ryland, was born at Warwick, Jan. 29, 1753. At that time his father was Baptist minister at Warwick, but in 1759 removed to Northampton. "J. Ryland, junior," as for many years he was accustomed to subscribe himself, was in 1781 ordained co-pastor with his father at Northampton. In 1794 he accepted the presidency of the Baptist College and the pastorate of the church in Broadmead, Bristol, and these offices he retained until his death on June 25, 1825. Dr. Ryland was a man of considerable literary culture, and received the degree of D.D. from Brown University, Rhode Island. He was one of the founders of the Baptist Missionary Society, and for the three years following the death of Rev. A. Fuller, in 1815, acted as its secretary. His prose works were Memoirs of Rev. B. Hall, Arnsby (2nd ed., 1852); A candid statement of the reasons which induce Baptists to differ from their Christian brethren; and many Sermons and Charges. After his death appeared 2 vols. of Discourses, selected from his manuscripts, and entitled Pastoral Memorial. To these discourses are appended many of his hymns, with their dates. Dr. Ryland's hymns were composed at different times, from his sixteenth year to the year of his death. The earliest were published when he was 16, in his Serious Essays, 1771. These 36 hymns were never republished. Several appeared in the Gospel Magazine from 1771 to 1782, and the Protestant Magazine, 1782-83; others in Rippon's Baptist Selection, 1787; 2 in the Collection for the Monthly Prayer Meeting at Bristol, 1797 ; 2 in Andrew Fuller's Memoirs, 1831; and 25 in the Pastoral Memorials, 1825. His Hymns and Verses on Sacred Subjects, to the number of 99, were reprinted from his mss. by D. Sedgwick, and were published, with a Memoir, in 1862. The hymns are dated therein from the mss. [Rev. W. R. Stevenson, M.A.] Those of Dr. Ryland's hymns now in common use include:— 1. For Zion's sake I'll not restrain. Missions. Dated 1798, and printed by D. Sedgwick from Ryland's manuscripts, 1862. 2. Had not the Lord, my soul may say [cry] . Ps. cxxiv. From his Serious Essays, 1771. It is No. 124 in Spurgeon's Our Own Hymn Book, 1866. Not in Sedgwick's reprint. 3. Holy, holy, holy Lord, self-existent Deity. Holy Trinity. Dated 1796. It was given in the tenth edition of Rippon's Baptist Selection, 1800, Pt. 2, No. 22; in the Pastoral Memorials, 1825; and Sedgwick's reprint, 1862, in 5 stanzas of 8 lines. It is in common use in Great Britain and America. 4. Look down, my soul, on hell's domain. Gratitude for escape. This is No. 881 in Spurgeon's Our Own Hymn Book. 1866, and dated 1777. We cannot trace it in any of Ryland's works or amongst his hymns. 5. Lord, teach a little child to pray. A Child's Prayer. Dated 1786. The note to this hymn by Dr. Ryland's son, in Sedgwick's reprint, 1862, p. 15, is:— "This and the following hymn ["God is very good to me “was composed at the request of Mrs. Fuller, wife of the Rev. Andrew Fuller, of Kettering, for the use of Miss Sarah Fuller, who died May 30th, 1789, aged six years and six months." It was published in Andrew Fuller's Memoirs, 1831, p. 442, andsin Sedgwick's reprint, 1862. 6. Now let the slumbering church awake. Activity in the Church desired. Dated "Feb. 20, 1798." Published in the Pastoral Memorials, 1825, and in Sedgwick's reprint, 1862. In Spurgeon's Our Own Hymn Book, 1866. 7. O Lord, I would delight in Thee. Delight in Christ. Dated "Dec. 3, 1777." Dr. Ryland added this note to the ms.:—-" I recollect deeper feelings of mind in composing this hymn, than perhaps I ever felt in making any other." It was published in Rippon's Selection 1798, No. 248; in the Pastoral Memorials, 1825; and in Sedgwick's reprint, 1862, in 7 st. of 41. It is in extensive use in its original, or an abbreviated form; or as "O Lord we would delight in Thee." In the American Methodist Episcopal Hymns, 1849; and their Hymn, 1878, st. i., ii., vi., vii. are rewritten in S. M. as "Lord, I delight in Thee." 8. Out of the depths of doubt and fear. Ps. cxxx. From the Serious Essays, 1771 (misdated in Spurgeon's Our Own Hymn Book 1775). It is not in the Pastoral Memorials, 1825, nor in Sedgwick's reprint, 1862. 9. Rejoice, the Saviour reigns. Missions. Dated "Jan. 19, 1792." In the 10th ed. of Rippon's Selection, 1800, 422 (2nd pt.) it is given in 6 st. of 6 1., as in the Ryland ms., and then after the word "Pause" two stanzas are added on, which are not in the ms. The 6 stanzas were repeated in the Pastoral Memorials, 1825; in Sedgwick's reprint, 1862; and in Spurgeon's Our Own Hymn Book, 1866 (abbreviated), and other modern hymnals. 10. Sovereign Ruler of the skies. Guidance, Peace, and Security in God. Dated "Aug. 1,1777." Included in Rippon's Selection, 1787, No. 545 ; the Pastoral Memorials, 1825 ; and Sedgwick's reprint, 1862, in 9 st. of 4 1. 11. Thou Son of God, and Son of Man. Praise to God, the Son. This is undated. It was given in the Pastoral Memorials, 1825; and Sedgwick's reprint, 1862. 12. When Abraham's servant to procure. Onward, Heavenward. Dr. Ryland's son, under the date of Nov. 4, 1861, informed D. Sedgwick that this hymn "was written with a slate pencil on a rusty iron blower by moonlight, past twelve o'clock, Dec. 30, 1773," and he gives these words as a quotation from his father's manuscript. It is almost needless to add that this account does not agree with the generally received history of the hymn, as set forth in Miller's Singers and Songs, 1869, p. 313. In the May number of the Gospel Magazine, 1775, p. 235, the hymn was given in 9 st. of 4 1., with the heading" Hinder me not-—Gen. xxiv. 56," and signed "Elachistoteros." It was repeated in Rippon's Selection, 1787, No. 447; and Sedgwick's reprint, 1862. In Rippon a note is added, "This hymn may begin with 6th verse." This direction has been followed in some modern collections, the result being the hymn commonly known as "In all my Lord's appointed ways." 13. When the Saviour dwelt below. Compassion of Christ. Dated 1806. Included in the Pastoral Memorials, 1825, and Sedgwick's reprint, 1862. Dr. Ryland's hymns are plain and simple, but they lack poetry and passion, and are not likely to be largely drawn upon, for future hymnals. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

George Washington Doane

1799 - 1859 Author of "Thou art the Way" in The Mennonite Hymnal Doane, George Washington, D.D. Bishop Doane was born at Trenton, New Jersey, May 27, 1799, and graduated at Union College, Schenectady, New York. Ordained in 1821, he was Assistant Minister at Trinity Church, New York, till 1824. In 1824 he became a Professor at Trinity College, Hartford, Conn.; in 1828 Rector of Trinity Church, Boston; and, in 1832, Bishop of New Jersey. He founded St. Mary's Hall, Burlington, 1837, and Burlington College, Burlington, 1846. Died April 27, 1859.  Bishop Doane's exceptional talents, learning, and force of character, made him one of the great prelates of his time. His warmth of heart secured devoted friends, who still cherish his memory with revering affection. He passed through many and severe troubles, which left their mark upon his later verse. He was no mean poet, and a few of his lyrics are among our best. His Works, in 4 volumes with Memoir by his son, were published in 1860. He issued in 1824 Songs by the Way, a small volume of great merit and interest. This edition is now rare. A second edition, much enlarged, appeared after his death, in 1859, and a third, in small 4to, in 1875. These include much matter of a private nature, such as he would not himself have given to the world, and by no means equal to his graver and more careful lyrics, on which alone his poetic fame must rest.The edition of 1824 contains several important hymns, some of which have often circulated without his name. Two of these are universally known as his, having been adopted by the American Prayer Book Collection, 1826:-- 1. Softly now the light of day. Evening. This, in addition to its use in American hymnals, is also found in the English Collections, including Snepp's Songs of Grace & Glory.   Written in 1824. 2. Thou art the way, to Thee alone. Christ the Way. This, in the judgment of many, is the first of American hymns, and one of the most admirable and useful in the English language. In the United States its use is most extensive, and since its introduction into the English Collections by Bickersteth in 1833, Hall in his Mitre, in 1836, and others, it has grown in favour until it ranks with the most popular of the great English hymns. Near in merit to the foregoing stands a companion piece in the same work, which deserves to be better known :— 3.  Lord, should we leave Thy hallowed feet. The next three have been overlooked at home, but have obtained considerable circulation in English Collections. 4.  Father of mercies hear,  Thy pardon we implore.    Ash Wednesday or Lent.    A translation of "Audi, benigne Conditor" q.v.), published in his Songs by the Way, 1824, together with several other translations, thus anticipating by twelve years the great English movement in that direction.   Original translation in his Songs by the Way, 1875Miller (S. & S., p. 12) attributes this translation to Dr. Neale in error. 5.  Return and come to God.   Invitation.   In his Songs, &c, 1824.   It is found in  Hall’s Mitre, 1836; the Baptist Hymnal, 1879, and several others. 6.  To thee, 0 Lord, with dawning light.  Morning.    This hymn is attributed to Heber by Miller (S. & S. , p. 381) in error.  It is included in the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge Hymns, 1852; in Windle and others.    It is from the Songs, &c, 1824. His later hymns, the dates of which are generally preserved in the last edition of his Songs by the Way, include the following, which are more or less in use :— 7.  Beloved, it is well.   All well in Christ.   This is entitled "To my wife"; is dated Mar. 12, 1833, and was written in a copy of Dr. Bedell's "It is well."    It is given in Kennedy, 1863. 8.  Broken-hearted, weep no more.    Assurance of Peace.    The date of this hymn is not preserved. It is found as early as 1829, when it appeared in the 2nd edition of Cleland's (Baptist) Hymns. 9.  Fling out the banner, let it float.    Missions, Home & Foreign.    This hymn, sometimes dated 1824 in error, was written at Riverside, 2nd Sunday in Advent, 1848, and is one of the author's latest effusions.    It is in extensive use both in Great Britain and America. 10.  He came not with His heavenly crown.   The two Advents. In his Songs by the Way, edition 1875, this poem is dated Dec. 1827.    In Dale's English Hymnbook, 1879, it is given with the omission of stanza iii., and in the American Protestant Episcopal  Hymnal,   1871,  it begins  with stanza iv., "Once more, O Lord, Thy sign shall be."    Full text in Lyra Sac. Amer., p. 92. 11.  Lift not thou the wailing voice.   Burial.   A funeral hymn, adopted by the Anglican Hymnbook, but dated 1826 in error, for 1830. 12.  What is that, mother?  The lark, my child. This is not a hymn, but a familiar and long popular song. 13.  "When darkness erst [once] at God's command. Israel in Egypt.    In Kennedy, 1863, No. 722. 14.  Young and happy while thou art.    Youth for Christ.   A favourite piece in many juvenile collections.   It is dated Sept., 1827, and is given in Songs by the Way, 1875. The Lyra Sacra Americana also contains the following:— 15.  Brightness of the Father's glory.    Morning. A tr. of "Consors Paterni luminis " (q.v.).   It is from the Songs, &c, 1824. 16.  Child that kneelest meekly there.     Child at Prayer.    Suggested by a cast from a piece of sculpture by Greenough representing a child at prayer. 17.  Grant me, Lord, Thy graces three.    Faith, Hope, and Charity desired. 18.  Perfect through suffering may it be.     Uses of suffering.    Dated in Songs by the Way, "The Breakers, June 1, 1853." 19.  Yes, it is a faithful saying.   Redemption. In his Songs, &c, 1824.             [Rev. F. M. Bird, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Timothy Dudley-Smith

1926 - 2024 Person Name: Timothy Dudley-Smith, b.1926 Author of "Make of Our Life a House of Praise" in Lead Me, Guide Me (2nd ed.) Timothy Dudley-Smith (b. 1926) Educated at Pembroke College and Ridley Hall, Cambridge, Dudley-Smith has served the Church of England since his ordination in 1950. He has occupied a number of church posi­tions, including parish priest in the diocese of Southwark (1953-1962), archdeacon of Norwich (1973-1981), and bishop of Thetford, Norfolk, from 1981 until his retirement in 1992. He also edited a Christian magazine, Crusade, which was founded after Billy Graham's 1955 London crusade. Dudley-Smith began writing comic verse while a student at Cambridge; he did not begin to write hymns until the 1960s. Many of his several hundred hymn texts have been collected in Lift Every Heart: Collected Hymns 1961-1983 (1984), Songs of Deliverance: Thirty-six New Hymns (1988), and A Voice of Singing (1993). The writer of Christian Literature and the Church (1963), Someone Who Beckons (1978), and Praying with the English Hymn Writers (1989), Dudley-Smith has also served on various editorial committees, including the committee that published Psalm Praise (1973). Bert Polman

Frederick Lucian Hosmer

1840 - 1929 Person Name: Rev. Frederick L. Hosmer Author of ""Thy kingdom come," on bended knee" in The Hymnal Hosmer, Frederick Lucian, B.A., was born at Framingham, Mass., in 1840, and educated at Harvard, where he graduated B.A. in 1869. Entering the Unitarian Ministry in 1872 he has held charges in Quincy, Ill., 1872-77; Cleveland, Ohio, 1878-92; St. Louis, 1894-99; and since 1899, at Berkeley, Cal. His Way of Life, 1877, was a compilation of Prayers and Responsive Services for Sunday Schools. Of Unity Hymns and Carols, 1880, he was joint editor with W. C. Gannett and J. V. Blake. His hymns were published jointly by him and W. C. Gannett (q.v.), as The Thought of God in Hymns and Poems (Boston: Little, Brown & Co.), 1st Series, 1885; 2nd Series, 1894. Of his 56 hymns in this work the following have come into common use, for the most part during the past ten years:— 1. Father, to Thee we look in all our sorrow. [Trust in God.] Written in 1881 upon the death of a member of the author's congregation, and published in The Thought of God, 1st Series, 1885. 2. From age to age how grandly rise. [Unity.] Written for the annual festival of the Free Religious Assoc, Boston, June 2, 1899, and first published in Souvenir Festival Hymns, 1899. Subsequently altered by the author to "From age to age the prophet's vision." 3. From age to age they gather, all the brave of heart and strong. [Victory of Truth.] "Written in 1891 for the Dedication of Unity Church, Decorah, Iowa, and published in The Thought of God, 2nd Series, 1894. 4. From many ways and wide apart. [College or School Reunion.] Dated in The Thought of God, 2nd Series, 1894, as having been written in 1890. 5. Go not, my soul, in search of Him. [God Within.] Written in 1879, printed in the Boston Christian Register, May 31, 1879, and included in The Thought of God, 1st Series, 1885, with the title, "The Indwelling God." 6. I cannot think of them as dead. [Eternal Life.] Written in 1882, and first published in The Thought of God, 1st Series, 1885, and entitled "My Dead." in the English collections it is usually given as "We cannot think of them as dead." 7. I little see, I little know. [Trust.] "A Psalm of Trust," written in 1883, first appeared in the Boston Christian Register, and again in The Thought of God, 1st Series, 1885. 8. Immortal by their deed and word. [The Spirit of Jesus.] Written in 1880, and first published in Unity Hymns and Carols, Chicago, Ill., 1880, and then in The Thought of God, 1st Series, 1885. 9. Many things in life there are. [Mystery in all Things.] Written in 1885, and first published in The Thought of God, 1st Series, 1885, with the title "Passing Understanding," and the quotation "The Peace of God which passeth all understanding." 10. Not always on the mount may we. [On the Mount.] This lesson from the Transfiguration was written in 1882, and published in the Chicago Unity, April 1, 1884. After revision by the author, it was included in the 1st Series of The Thought of God, 1885. 11. Not when, with self dissatisfied. [Lent.] Written in 1891, and given in The Thought of God, 2nd series, 1894, p. 33. It is in The Public School Hymn Book, 1903, and others. 12. O beautiful, my country. [National Hymn.] As “Our Country," written in 1884, and published in the Chicago Unity Festivals, 1884; and again in The Thought of God, 1885. 13. O Light, from age to age the same. [Dedication Anniversary.] Written in 1890 for the fiftieth anniversary of the Second Congregational Church (Unitarian), Quincy, 111. Included in The Thought of God, 2nd Series, 1894, and entitled "From Generation to Generation." 14. O Lord of Life, where'er they be. [Life in God.] "Written in 1888 for Easter service in Author's own church," and first published in the Chicago Unit, and again in The Thought of God, 2nd Series, 1894. The "Alleluia!" refrain, which is added in some collections to each verse, is appended, in the original, to the last verse only. 15. O Name, all other names above. [Trust in God.] Under the title "Found. 'They that know Thy name will put their trust in Thee!’ this hymn, written in 1878, was given in The Thought of God, 1st Series, 1885. 16. O Prophet souls of all the years. [Unity.] “Written in 1893 for, and sung at, the Unitarian gathering in connection with The World's Parliament of Religions (World's Fair), Chicago, Sep., 1893," and included in The Thought of God, 2nd Series, 1894, and entitled "One Law, One Life, one Love." 17. O Thou, in all Thy might so far. [God All in All.] This hymn, given in The Thought of God, 1st Series, 1885, with the title "The Mystery of God," was written in 1876, and first published in the New York Inquirer. 18. O thou in lonely vigil led. This encouragement for lonely workers was written for the "Emerson Commemoration, W. U. C, 1888," and included in The Thought of God, 2nd Series, 1894. 19. O Thou, Who art of all that is. [Divine Guidance.] Under the title "Through unknown paths," this hymn was included in The Thought of God, 1st Series, 1885. It was written in 1877. 20. O Thou, Whose Spirit witness bears. [Dedication of a Place of Worship.] Written for the Dedication of First Unitarian Church, Omaha, Feb. 6, 1891, and published in The Thought of God, 2nd Series, 1894, with the title "The Inward Witness," and the subscription "For T. K., Omaha, 1801." 21. On eyes that watch through sorrow's night. [Easter] A Carol for Easter Morn, written in 1890 for the author's congregation, and published in The Thought of God, 2nd Series, 1894. 22. One thought I have, my ample creed. [The Thought of God.] This is the initial hymn to the collection The Thought of God, 1st Series, 1885, and supplies the title to the work. It was written in 1880, and first published in the Chicago Unity Hymns and Carols, 1880, and then in The Thought of God, 1885. 23. The rose is queen among the flowers. [Flower Service.] "Written in 1875, first published in The Sunnyside, a song book for Sunday Schools, and again in The Thought of God, 1st Series, 1885, under the title "Flower Sunday." 24. Thy kingdom come, — on bended knee. [Missions.] "Written in 1891 for the Commencement of the Meadville Theological School (Meadville, Pa.), June 12, 1891, and published in The Thought of God, 2nd Series, 1894," under the title "The Day of God," and the subscription, "M. T. S., June 12, 1891." 25. We pray no more, made lowly wise, For miracle and sign. [Greater Faith Desired.] Written in 1879, and first published in The Christian Register (Boston), Mar. 22 of that year, under the title 'The Larger Faith.'" Included under the same title in The Thought of God, 1st Series, 1885. Sometimes given as "Made lowly wise, we pray no more." 26. When courage fails, and faith burns low. [Victory of Truth.] Under the title "Loyalty," this hymn was given in The Thought of God, 1st Series, 1885. It was written in 1881. 27. Where men on mounts of vision Have passed the veil within. [Dedication of a Place of Worship.] "Written in 1891 for the Dedication of First Unitarian Church, Oakland, California." Included in The Thought of God, 2nd Series, 1894, entitled "Holy Places," and subscribed " For C. W. W., Oakland, Cal., 1891." These annotations are from manuscript notes supplied to us by the author. Of these hymns all are in common use in America, and more than one half in Great Britain, mainly by Unitarians and Congregationalists. Amongst Unitarian hymn-writers of the last twenty years Mr. Hosmer is the most powerful and original known to us. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

Edward Osler

1798 - 1863 Person Name: E. Osler Author of "O God, unseen, yet ever near" in The Book of Praise for Sunday Schools Osler, Edward, was born at Falmouth in January, 1798, and was educated for the medical profession, first by Dr. Carvosso, at Falmouth, and then at Guy's Hospital, London. From 1819 to 1836 he was house surgeon at the Swansea Infirmary. He then removed to London, and devoted himself to literary pursuits. For some time he was associated with the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, both in London and at Bath. In 1841 he became the Editor of the Royal Cornwall Gazette, and took up his residence at Truro. He retained that appointment till his death, at Truro, March 7, 1863. For the Linnaean Society he wrote Burrowing and Boring Marine Animals. He also published Church and Bible; The Voyage: a Poem written at Sea, and in the West Indies, and Illustrated by papers on Natural History, 1830; The Life of Lord Exmouth, 1837, &c. His hymnological work is mainly connected with the Mitre Hymn Book. During 1835-36 he was associated with Prebendary W. J. Hall, the editor, in producing that collection, which was published in 1836 as Psalms and Hymns adapted to The Services of the Church of England. He resided in Mr. Hall's house during the time. From the "hall manuscript" we gather that he contributed 15 versions of the Psalms (5 being rewritten from others), and 50 hymns (a few rewritten). Most of these hymns and Psalm versions, together with others not in the Mitre Hymn Book, were afterwards given in the monthly numbers of his Church and King, from Nov. 1836 to Aug. 1837. The best known of these hymns are, “O God, unseen, yet ever near," and “Worship, honour, glory, blessing." Several of his hymns in common use are:— 1. Father, Whose love and truth fulfil. Holy Baptism. 2. Glory to God! with joyful adoration. Praise to the Father. 3. Great God, o'er earth and heaven supreme. Men the Stewards of God's Bounties. 4. Great God of hosts, our ears have heard. Ps. xliv. Based on the N. Version. 5. Great God, Whose awful mystery. Holy Trinity. 6. I hold the sacred book of God. Martyrs. 7. Jehovah hath spoken, the nations shall hear. Second Advent. 8. Lord, may the inward grace abound. Holy Baptism. 9. May we Thy precepts, Lord, fulfil. Love. 10. Mighty Saviour, gracious King. Advent. 11. 0 God, the help of all Thy Saints. Ps. x. 12. O Thou, the Lord and Life of those. Christ the Life of Men. 13. O Saviour, Who didst come. Easter. 14. Saviour, Whose love could stoop to death. Easter. 15. See, Lord, before Thy mercy seat. For Schools. 16. Set in a high and favoured place. Advent. 17. Wake frem the dead, new life begin. Lent. 18. With trembling awe we come. Lent. Several of these hymns are not in Osier's Church and King. We have ascribed them and others to him on the authority of the "hall MSS." It must be noted also that the text in the Church and King often differs from that in the Mitre. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) Though not mentioned by Julian, perhaps his most enduring contribution to hymnody is the third stanza of "Praise the Lord! Ye Heavens, Adore Him", whose first two stanzas are of anonymous authorship. --Leland Bryant Ross (2019)

Claudia Frances Hernaman

1838 - 1898 Person Name: Claudia F. Hernaman, 1838-1898 Author of "Lord, Who throughout These Forty Days" in The Covenant Hymnal Hernaman, Claudia Frances, née Ibotson, daughter of W. H. Ibotson, sometime Vicar of Edwinstowe, Notts, was born at Addlestone, Surrey, Oct. 19, 1838, and married Sept. 1858, to the Rev. J. W. D. Hernaman, one of H. M. Inspectors of Schools. Mrs. Hernaman has composed more than 150 hymns, a great proportion of which are for children, and also some translations from the Latin. Her publications include:— (1) The Child's Book of Praise; A Manual of Devotion in Simple Verse by C. F. H. Edited by the Rev. James Skinner, M.A., &c, 1873 ; (2) The Story of the Resurrection 1879; (3) Christmas Story, 1881; (4) Christmas Carols for Children, 1st series, 1884; 2nd series, 1885; (5) The Way of the Cross, a Metrical Litany, 1885; (6) Hymns for the Seven Words from the Cross, 1885; (7) The Crown of Life: A volume of Verses for the Seasons of the Church, 1886. In addition to these original publications Mrs. Hernaman contributed hymns to the Church Times, to various magazines, and to (l) Hymns for the Children of the Church (22 hymns). 1878; (2) Hymns for the Little Ones in Sunday Schools (10 hymns), 1884; (3) The Rev. M. Woodward's (Folkestone) Children's Service Book, 1883; (4) Mrs. Brock's Children's Hymn Book, 1881; and (5) The Altar Hymnal, 1884. Mrs. Hernaman edited The Altar Hymnal, and contributed thereto a few translations from the Latin in addition to original hymns. Mrs. Hernaman's hymns in common use appeared as follows:— i. In her Child's Book of Praise, 1873. 1. Behold, behold He cometh. Advent. 2. Holy Jesus, we adore Thee. Circumcision. 3. How can we serve Thee, Lord. For Choristers. 4. Jesus, in loving worship. Holy Communion. 5. Jesus, Royal Jesus. Palm Sunday. 6. Lord, I have sinned, but pardon me. Penitence. 7. Lord, Who throughout these forty days. Lent. 8. Reverently we worship Thee. Holy Trinity. ii. In her Appendix to The Child’s Book of Praise, 1874, and Hymns for Little Ones, 1884. 9. Hosannah, they were crying. Advent. iii. In her Christmas Carol, 1875. 10. Angels singing, Church bells ringing. Christmas Carol. iv. In Hymns for the Children of the Church, 1878. 11. As Saint Joseph lay asleep. Flight into Egypt. 12. Come, children, lift your voices. Harvest. 13. God bless the Church of England. Prayer for the Church. 14. Happy, happy Sunday. Sunday. 15. He led them unto Bethany. Ascension. 16. Jesu, we adore Thee. Holy Communion. v. In her Story of the Resurrection, 1879. 17. Early with the blush of dawn. Easter. 18. Now the six days' work is done. Sunday. vi. In The Altar Hymnal, 1884. 19. Arm, arm, for the conflict, soldiers (1880). Processional. 20. Calling, calling, ever calling. Home Mission. Written in 1878, and printed in New and Old. 21. Gracious Father, we beseech Thee. Holy Communion. 22. Hail to Thee, 0 Jesu. Holy Communion. 23. Magnify the Lord today. Christmas. 24. 0 Lamb of God, Who dost abide. Holy Communion. 25. This healthful Mystery. Holy Communion. vii. In Mrs. Brock's Children's Hymn Book, 1881. 26. It is a day of gladness. Girls' Friendly Societies. Mrs. Hernaman's translations in The Altar Hymnal are annotated under their Latin first lines. There is also her Good Shepherdhymn, in three parts. (1) “Faithful Shepherd of Thine own;" (2) “Faithful Shepherd, hear our cry;" (3) "Shepherd, who Thy life didst give," which appeared in Hymns for the Children of the Church, 1878, and in The Altar Hymnal 1884. She died Oct. 10, 1898. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

John Hampden Gurney

1802 - 1862 Person Name: John H. Gurney Author of "Great King of nations, hear our pray'r" in The Standard Church Hymnal Gurney, John Hampden, M.A., eldest son of Sir John Gurney, a Baron of the Exchequer, was born in Serjeants’ Inn, London, Aug. 15, 1802, and educated at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he graduated in 1824. On taking Holy Orders he became Curate of Lutterworth (1827-1844), and subsequently Rector of St. Mary's, Marylebone, and Prebendary of St. Paul's Cathedral. He died in London, March 8, 1862. The Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge and other religious societies had his cordial sympathy, and received his active support. His publications include several small volumes in prose, and the following:— (1) Church Psalmody; Hints for the improvement of a Collection of Hymns published by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1853; (2) A Collection of Hymns for Public Worship. Lutterworth, 1838. This contains 300 hymns, and is known as his Lutterworth Collection; (3) Psalms and Hymns for Public Worship, selected for some of the Churches of Marylebone. London, 1851. This collection of 300 hymns and psalm versions is known as his Marylebone Collection. The Preface is signed by "Charles Baring," "Thomas Garnier," and "John Hampden Gurney," but the work was practically done by Gurney. To the Lutterworth Collection 1838, he contributed :— 1. Earth to earth, and dust to dust. Burial. 2. Great King of nations, hear our prayer. Fast Day. 3. Lord, as to Thy dear Cross we flee. Lent. 4. Lord, at Thy word the constant sun. Harvest. 5. Saviour, what wealth was Thine. Passiontide. 6. Soon to the dust we speed. Heaven anticipated. 7. Thou God of mercy and of might. Good Friday. 8. Thou plenteous source of light and love. Advent. 9. Thou Who of old didst raise. Ascension. 10. Through centuries of sin and woe. For Peace. 11. We praise Thee, everlasting God. Te Deum. These hymns were all signed "J. H. G.," and Nos. 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9 and 11, were repeated in the Marylebone Collection, 1851; and to these were added:— 12. Fair waved the golden corn. Child's Hymn. 13. How vast the debt we owe. Offertory. 14. Lord of the Harvest, Thee we hail. Harvest. This is No. 4 above rewritten. 15. Lord, we lift our eyes above. Love of Christ. In addition to these we are specially indebted to Gurney for, "We saw Thee not when Thou didst come" (q.v.), and "Yes, God is good," &c. (q.v.). Several of the above-named hymns are in extensive use in Great Britain and America. The most popular are annotated under their respective first lines. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)


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