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Hymnal, Number:eh1916

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Showing 31 - 40 of 589Results Per Page: 102050
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The Lord my pasture shall prepare

Author: Joseph Addison Meter: Appears in 552 hymnals Lyrics: The Lord my pasture shall prepare, And feed me with a shepherd's care; His presence shall my wants supply, And guard me with a watchful eye; My noonday walks he shall attend, And all my midnight hours defend. When in the sultry glebe I faint, Or on the thirsty mountain pant, To fertile vales and dewy meads My weary, wandering steps he leads, Where peaceful rivers, soft and slow, Amid the verdant landscape flow. 291 Though in the paths of death I tread, With gloomy horrors overspread, My steadfast heart shall fear no ill, For thou, O Lord, art with me still; Thy friendly crook shall give me aid, And guide me through the dreadful shade. Amen. O God the Father, God the Son, And God the Spirit, Three in One, Be glory in the highest given, By all in earth, and all in heaven, As was through ages heretofore, Is now, and shall be evermore. Amen. Topics: Holy Communion Introits Scripture: Psalm 23 Used With Tune: CAREY
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We give Thee but Thine own

Author: W. Walsham How Meter: Appears in 489 hymnals Lyrics: We give thee but thine own, Whate'er the gift may be: All that we have is thine alone, A trust, O Lord, from thee. May we thy bounties thus As stewards true receive, And gladly, as thou blessest us, To thee our first-fruits give. O hearts are bruised and dead, And homes are bare and cold, And lambs for whom the Shepherd bled Are straying from the Fold! To comfort and to bless, To find a balm for woe, To tend the lone and fatherless Is angels' work below. The captive to release, To God the lost to bring, To teach the way of life and peace, It is a Christ-like thing. And we believe thy word, Though dim our faith may be; Whate'er for thine we do, O Lord, We do it unto thee. Amen. Topics: Offertory; Sunday Schools General Use Used With Tune: CAMBRIDGE
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According to Thy gracious word

Author: James Montgomery Meter: Appears in 551 hymnals Lyrics: According to thy gracious word, In meek humility, This will I do, my dying Lord, I will remember thee. Thy Body, broken for my sake, My bread from heaven shall be; The cup, thy precious Blood, I take, And thus remember thee. Gethsemane, can I forget? Or there thy conflict see, Thine agony and bloody sweat. And not remember thee? When to the cross I turn mine eyes, And rest on Calvary, O Lamb of God, my sacrifice, I must remember thee. And when these failing lips grow dumb, And mind and memory flee, When thou shalt in thy kingdom come, Then, Lord, remember me. Amen. Topics: Holy Communion The Communion; Holy Communion Used With Tune: ST. MAGNUS
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O God, unseen yet ever near

Author: Edward Osler Meter: Appears in 134 hymnals Lyrics: O God, unseen yet ever near, Thy presence may we feel; And thus inspired with holy fear, Before thine altar kneel. Here may thy faithful people know The blessings of thy love, The streams that through the desert flow, The manna from above. 295 We come, obedient to thy word, To feast on heavenly food; Our meat the Body of the Lord, Our drink his precious Blood. Thus may we all thy word obey, For we, O God, are thine; And go rejoicing on our way, Renewed with strength divine. Amen. Topics: Holy Communion The Communion; Holy Communion Used With Tune: MEDITATION
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The King of love my Shepherd is

Author: Henry W. Baker Meter: Appears in 679 hymnals Lyrics: The King of love my Shepherd is, Whose goodness faileth never; I nothing lack if I am his, And he is mine for ever. Where streams of living water flow My ransomed soul he leadeth, And, where the verdant pastures grow, With food celestial feedeth. Perverse and foolish oft I strayed, But yet in love he sought me, And on his shoulder gently laid, And home, rejoicing, brought me. In death's dark vale I fear no ill With thee, dear Lord, beside me; Thy rod and staff my comfort still, Thy cross before to guide me. Thou spread'st a table in my sight; Thy unction grace bestoweth; And O what transport of delight From thy pure chalice floweth! 299 And so through all the length of days Thy goodness faileth never: Good Shepherd, may I sing thy praise Within thy house for ever. Amen. Topics: Sundays after Easter; Holy Communion; Sunday Schools General Use Scripture: Psalm 23 Used With Tune: DOMINUS REGIT ME
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Bread of heaven, on Thee we feed

Author: Josiah Conder Meter: Appears in 338 hymnals Lyrics: Bread of heaven, on thee we feed, For thy Flesh is meat indeed; Ever may our souls be fed With this true and living Bread; Day by day with strength supplied, Through the life of him who died. Vine of heaven, thy Blood supplies This blest cup of sacrifice; Lord, thy wounds our healing give, To thy cross we look and live: Jesus, may we ever be Grafted, rooted, built in thee. Amen. Topics: Holy Communion Used With Tune: BREAD OF HEAVEN
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Saviour, Who Thy flock art feeding

Author: William A. Mühlenberg Meter: Appears in 371 hymnals Lyrics: Savior, who thy flock art feeding, With the shepherd's kindest care, All the feeble gently leading, While the lambs thy bosom share: Now, these little ones receiving, Fold them in thy gracious arm; There we know, thy word believing, Only there secure from harm. Never from thy pasture roving Let them be the lion's prey; Let thy tenderness, so loving, Keep them all life's dangerous way. Then, within thy fold eternal, Let them find a resting-place; Feed in pastures ever vernal, Drink the rivers of thy grace. Amen. Topics: Holy Baptism; Sunday Schools Closing Hymns; Sunday Schools General Use Used With Tune: EVENING PRAYER
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In token that thou shalt not fear

Author: Henry Alford Meter: Appears in 63 hymnals Lyrics: In token that thou shalt not fear Christ crucified to own, We print the cross upon thee here, And stamp thee his alone. 313 In token that thou shalt not blush To glory in his Name, We blazon here upon thy front His glory and his shame. In token that thou too shalt tread The path he traveled by, Endure the cross, despise the shame, And sit thee down on high; Thus outwardly and visibly We seal thee for his own: And may the brow that wears his cross Hereafter share his crown. Amen. Topics: Holy Baptism Used With Tune: TALLIS' ORDINAL
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Soldiers of Christ, arise

Author: Charles Wesley Meter: Appears in 900 hymnals Lyrics: Soldiers of Christ, arise, And put your armour on; Strong in the strength which God supplies, Through his eternal Son. Strong in the Lord of Hosts, And in his mighty power: Who in the strength of Jesus trusts Is more than conqueror. Stand then in his great might, With all his strength endued, And take, to arm you for the fight, The panoply of God. From strength to strength go on, Wrestle, and fight, and pray: Tread all the powers of darkness down, And win the well-fought day. That, having all things done, And all your conflicts past, Ye may overcome, through Christ alone, And stand complete at last. 315 To God, the Father, Son, And Spirit, ever blest, The One in Three, the Three in One Be endless praise addressed. Amen. Topics: Holy Baptism Adults; Sunday Schools General Use; Parochial Missions Used With Tune: SILVER STREET
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Saviour, teach me, day by day

Author: Jane E. Leeson Meter: Appears in 463 hymnals Lyrics: Savior, teach me, day by day, Love's sweet lesson to obey; Sweeter lesson cannot be, Loving him who first loved me. With a childlike heart of love, At thy bidding may I move; Prompt to serve and follow thee, Loving him who first loved me. Teach me all thy steps to trace, Strong to follow in thy grace; Learning how to love from thee; Loving him who first loved me Love in loving finds employ, In obedience all her joy; Ever new that joy will be, Loving him who first loved me. Thus may I rejoice to show That I feel the love I owe; Singing, till thy face I see, Of his love who first loved me. Amen. Topics: Septuagesima; Catechism; Sunday Schools Closing Hymns; Sunday Schools General Use; Sunday Schools Lent Used With Tune: BUCKLAND


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