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Hymnal, Number:hshm1799

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Showing 41 - 50 of 378Results Per Page: 102050
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Preserving grace

Meter: Appears in 359 hymnals First Line: To God the only wise Lyrics: 1 To God the only wise, Our Savior and our King, Let all the saints below the skies Their humble praises bring. 2 'Tis his almighty love, His counsel, and his care, Preserves us safe from sin and death, And ev'ry hurtful snare. 3 He will present our souls, Unblemish'd and complete, Before the glory of his face, With joys divinely great. 4 Then all the chosen seed Shall meet around the throne; Shall bless the conduct of his grace, And make his wonders known. 5 To our Redeemer, God, Wisdom and pow'r belongs, Immortal crowns of majesty, And everlasting songs. Topics: Perseverance And grace
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A funeral hymn, at the interment of the body

Meter: Appears in 343 hymnals First Line: Unvail thy bosom, faithful tomb Lyrics: 1 Unvail thy bosom, faithful tomb, Take this new treasure to they trust, And give these sacred relics room To seek a slumber in the dust. 2 Nor pain, nor grief, nor anxious fear, Invade thy bounds. No mortal woes Can reach the peaceful sleeper here, And angels watch his soft repose. 3 So Jesus slept; God's dying son Pass'd through the grave and blest the bed; Rest here blest saint, till from his throne The morning break and pierce the shade. 4 Break from his throne, illustrious morn, Attend O earth! his sov'reign word; Restore thy trust, a glorious form; He must ascend to meet his Lord. Topics: Funeral
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The glorious Gospel

Meter: Appears in 63 hymnals First Line: What wisdom, majesty, and grace Lyrics: 1 What wisdom, majesty, and grace, Thro' all the gospel shine! 'Tis God that speaks, and we confess The doctrine most divine. 2 Down from his starry throne on high, Th' almighty Saviour comes; Lays his bright robes of glory by, And feeble flesh assumes. 3 The mighty debt that sinners ow'd, Upon the cross he pays: Then thro' the clouds ascends to God, Midst shouts of loftiest praise. 4 There he our great High Pries appears Before his Father's throne: Mingles his merit with our tears, And pours salvation down. 5 Great God, with rev'rence we adore Thy justice and thy grace: And on thy faithfulness and power Our firm dependance place. Topics: Gospel Glorious; Gospel Glorious Scripture: 1 Timothy 1:11
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Sin and misery connected

Meter: Appears in 4 hymnals First Line: What wretched fools are they, who hear Lyrics: 1 What wretched fools are they, who hear, With scorn, the sound of gospel grace; For sorrow walks along with sin, Although they keep not equal pace. 2 How blindly sinners grasp their chain, And yet of freedom vainly boast: They look for happiness and peace, Nor think by sin their peace is lost. 3 Approaching vice is deck'd in charms And smiles with promises of gain: No sooner past, its joys are fled, And all its pleasures chang'd to pain. 4 Sinners may for a time rejoice, Till storms of threaten'd wrath arise, Till justice grasp th' avenging sword, And then the wretch the sinner dies. Topics: Sin And misery connected
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Thunder, or the day of judgment

Meter: Appears in 14 hymnals First Line: When a black overspreading cloud Lyrics: 1 When a black overspreading cloud Has darken'd all the air; And peals of thunder roaring loud, Proclaim the tempest near; 2 Then guilt and fear, and fruits of sin, The sinner oft pursue; A louder storm is heard within, And conscience thunders too. 3 But whither, sinners, will ye flee, When nature's mighty frame, The pond'rous earth and air and sea, Shall all dissolve in flame? 4 Amazing day! it comes apace! The judge is hast'ning down! Can ye thenbear to see his face, Or stand before his frown. 5 Lord, let thy mercy find a way To touch each stubborn heart; That they may never hear thee say, "Ye cursed ones depart."
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Eternal Life in Christ

Appears in 108 hymnals First Line: When any turn from Zion's way Lyrics: 1 When any turn from Zion's way, (As numbers often do) Methinks I hear my Savior say, "Wilt thou forsake me too?" 2 Ah Lord! with such a heart as mine, Unless thou hold me fast, My faith will fail, I shall decline, And prove like them at last. 3 'Tis thou alone hast pow'r and grace, To save a wretch like me; To whom shall I then turn my face, If I depart from thee? 4 Beyond a doubt I rest assur'd Thou art the CHRIST of GOD; Who hast eternal life secur'd, By promise and by blood. 5 The help of men and angels join'd, Could never reach my case; Nor can I hope relief to find, But in thy boundless grace. 6 No voice but thine can give me rest, And bid my fears depart; No love but thine can make me blest, And satisfy my heart. Topics: Christ Confidence in the power of; Eternal life in Christ Scripture: John 6:67-69
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A young convert falling into darkness

Meter: Appears in 68 hymnals First Line: When converts first begin to sing Lyrics: 1 When converts first begin to sing Their happy souls are on the wing; Their theme is all redeeming love, Fain would they be with Christ above. 2 With admiration they behold The love of Christ that can't be told, They view themselves upon the shore, And think the battle all is o'er. 3 They feel themselves quite free from pain, And think their enemies are slain; They make no doubt but all is well, And Satan is cast down to hell. 4 They wonder why old saints don't sing, And make the heav'nly arches ring, Ring with melodious joyful sound, Because a prodigal is found. 5 But 'tis not long before they feel Their feeble souls begin to reel, They think their former hopes are vain, For they are bound in Satan's chain. 6 The morning that did shine so bright, Is turned to the shades of night; Their hearts that did with music sing, Are now untun'd in ev'ry string. 7 O! foolish child, why didst thou boast In the enlargement of thy coast? Why dost thou think to fly away, Before thou leav'st this feeble clay? 8 Come take up arms and face the field, Come gird on harness, sword and shield, Stand fast in faith, fight for your king, And soon the vict'ry you shall win. 9 When Satan comes to tempt your minds, Then meet him with these blessed lines: For Christ our Lord has swept the field, And we're determin'd not to yield. Topics: Convert Young in darkness; Convert Young in darkness
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Return of joy

Meter: Appears in 125 hymnals First Line: When darkness long has veil'd my mind Topics: Joy Return of; Joy Return of
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Victory over death thro' Christ

Meter: Appears in 70 hymnals First Line: When death appears before my sight Lyrics: 1 When death appears before my sight In all his dire array, Unequal to the dreadful sight, My courage dies away. 2 But see my glorious Leader nigh! My Lord, my Saviour lives: Before him death's pale terrors fly, And my faint heart revives. 3 he left his dazzling throne above, He met the tyrant's dart, And (O amazing pow'r of love!) Receiv'd it in his heart. 4 No more, O grim destroyer, boast Thy universal sway; To heav'n-born souls thy sting is lost, Thy night is turn'd to day. 5 Lord, I commit my soul to thee, Accept the sacred trust, Receive this nobler part of me, And watch my sleeping dust: 6 'Till that illustrious morning come, when all thy saints shall rise, And, cloth'd in full immortal bloom, Attend thee to the skies. Topics: Saints Death of Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:57
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Christ crown'd as Lord of all

Meter: Appears in 3,448 hymnals First Line: All hail the pow'r of Jesu's name! Lyrics: 1 All hail the pow'r of Jesu's name! Let Angels prostrate fall: Bring forth the royal diadem, To crown Him Lord of All. 2 Let high-born Seraphs tune the lyre, And, as they tune it, fall Before his face who tunes their choir, And crown Him Lord of All. 3 Crown Him, ye morning stars of light, He fix'd this floating ball; Now hail the strength of Israel's might, And crown Him Lord of All 4 Crown Him, ye martyrs of your God, Who from His altar call, Extol the stem of Jesse's rod, And crown Him Lord of All. 5 Ye seed of Israel's chosen race, Ye ransom'd of the fall, Hail Him who saves you by his grace, And crown Him Lord of All. 6 Hail Him, ye heirs of David's line, Whom David Lord did call; The God incarnate, Man divine, And crown Him Lord of All. 7 Sinners! whose love can ne'er forget, The wormwood and the gall, Go--spread your trophies at his feet, And crown Him Lord of All. 8 Let every tribe, and every tongue, That hear the Saviour's call Now shout in universal song, And crown Him Lord of All. Topics: Exaltation of Christ; Exaltation of Christ


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