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Hymnal, Number:jgss1886

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D. B. Towner

1850 - 1919 Hymnal Number: 188 Composer of "[Past the toil, the pain, the conflict]" in Joyful Greeting Used pseudonyms Robert Beverly, T. R. Bowden ============================== Towner, Daniel B. (Rome, Pennsylvania, 1850--1919). Attended grade school in Rome, Penn. when P.P. Bliss was teacher. Later majored in music, joined D.L. Moody, and in 1893 became head of the music department at Moody Bible Institute. Author of more than 2,000 songs. --Paul Milburn, DNAH Archives

J. H. Tenney

1840 - 1918 Hymnal Number: 168 Composer of "[Not far from the kingdom of heaven]" in Joyful Greeting John Harrison Tenney, 1840-1918 Born: No­vem­ber 22, 1840, Row­ley, Mass­a­chu­setts. Born just af­ter the pre­si­den­tial cam­paign of "Tip­pe­ca­noe and Ty­ler, too," Ten­ney was named af­ter Amer­i­can pre­si­dent Will­iam Hen­ry Har­ri­son. A dea­con in the Con­gre­ga­tion­al Church in Line­brook, Mass­a­chu­setts, he ed­it­ed or was as­so­ci­ate ed­it­or of over 30 books, and con­trib­ut­ed to hun­dreds more. His works in­clude: Amer­i­can Male Choir Temperance Jew­els, with Eli­sha Hoff­man (Bos­ton, Mass­a­chu­setts: Ol­iv­er Dit­son & Com­pa­ny, 1879) Bells of Vic­to­ry, with Eli­sha Hoff­man (Bos­ton, Mass­a­chu­setts: Oliv­er Dit­son & Com­pa­ny, 1888) Gems of Gos­pel Song Golden Sun­beams Sharon’s Dewy Rose Songs of Faith Shining Light Songs of Joy Sparkling and Bright Spiritual Songs, Nos. 1 and 2 Sweet Fields of Eden The Bea­con Light The Sing­ing School Ban­ner The An­them Of­fer­ing The Amer­i­can An­them Book The Crown of Praise Sources-- Hall, pp. 219-22 Music-- Asilomar Bogotá Beyond the Swell­ing Flood Cancún Come to Je­sus Ever Will I Pray Hallowed Hour of Pray­er Jesus Is Pass­ing This Way Jubilate! My An­chor Is Hold­ing Nothing Be­tween Onward Christ­ian Sol­diers Sabbath Bell San Fran­cis­co We’ll Ne­ver Say Good­bye Where Will You Spend Eter­ni­ty?

J. R. Dunham

Hymnal Number: 194 Composer of "[Freemen, rally! Freemen, rally!]" in Joyful Greeting

S. Anna Gordon

b. 1832 Person Name: S. A. Gordon Hymnal Number: 9 Author of "Reaping the Harvest" in Joyful Greeting Mrs. S. Anna Gordon was born in Claremont, Mass., 9 January 1832. She was a physician and author. At an early age she moved to New York with her parents. Before her marriage she was a teacher. She was in charge of the ladies' department in Rock River Seminary and in Ripon College and was active in opening a normal school. She was married in Wisconsin in 1858 to W. A. Gordon M. D. After her marriage she studied medicine with her husband. She assisted him in his practice. In 1859 and 1860 they were connected with the Smithsonian Institute, taking meteorological motes. For one year she was associate editor of "Central Wisconsin." She joined her husband while he was stationed in Louisville, Ky. during the Civil War where she assisted with caring for wounded and sick soldiers. During that time, she also studied art. She was a weekly contributor to the literary columns of the Louisville "Sunday Journal." In 1882 and 1883 she was State editor of the Missouri Woman's Christian Temperance Union on the Chicago "Signal." During her residence in Denver, Col. she was assistant superintendent of Chines work in that city. She is author of the book Camping in Colorado and several papers and poems. Dianne Shapiro, from "A Woman of the Century: fourteen hundred-seventy biographical sketches accompanied by portraits of leading American women in all walks of life" edited by Frances E. Willard and Mary A. Livermore, published by Charles Wells Moulton, 1893

George R. Lewis

Person Name: Geo. Lewis Hymnal Number: 16 Author of "The Beautiful Land" in Joyful Greeting

Mrs. Albert Smith

Hymnal Number: 58 Author of "Scatter Seeds of Kindness" in Joyful Greeting May Riley Smith, married Albert Smith. Wrote under May Riley Smith. See May Riley Smith.

Alexcenah Thomas

1857 - 1910 Hymnal Number: 87 Author of "Bring Them In" in Joyful Greeting

G. W. Lyon

1838 - 1903 Person Name: G. W. L. Hymnal Number: 62 Author of "We Are Coming" in Joyful Greeting George Washington Lyon, born August 12, 1838 in DeKalb County, Georgia, was a musician, composer and music publisher and teacher; He died April 8, 1903 in Atlanta, Georgia. Dianne Shapiro, from Find A Grave ( and obituary, Atlantic Constitution, April 9, 1903 ( (accessed 7/5/2018)

Mrs. A. L. Davison

1851 - 1887 Hymnal Number: 49 Author of "Purer in Heart" in Joyful Greeting Born: 1851, Cuy­a­ho­ga Falls, Ohio. Died: March 10, 1887, Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois. Buried: Carth­age, Mis­sou­ri. Fannie’s fa­ther was killed when she was 10 years old; af­ter her mo­ther’s re­mar­ri­age to ho­tel­i­er Hen­ry War­ner, the fam­i­ly moved to Carth­age, Mis­sou­ri. Fan­nie mar­ried court re­port­er Asa Lee Da­vis­on and they moved to Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois, then Ma­di­son, Wis­con­sin. Sev­er­al of her songs ap­peared in pub­li­ca­tions from the Fill­more Bro­thers of Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio, in­clud­ing Songs of Gra­ti­tude (1877), Joy and Glad­ness (1880) and The Voice of Joy (1882). Lyrics-- Last Words, The Purer in Heart, O God

Margaret Moody

Hymnal Number: 72 Author of "The Holiest Name" in Joyful Greeting


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