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Hymnal, Number:shss1912

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Eliza R. Snow

1804 - 1887 Hymnal Number: d8 Author of "Again we meet around the board" in Sacred Hymns and Spiritual Songs for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- Day Saints. 25th ed.

William W. Phelps

1792 - 1872 Hymnal Number: d14 Author of "An angel came down from the mansions of glory" in Sacred Hymns and Spiritual Songs for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- Day Saints. 25th ed.

Evan Stephens

1854 - 1930 Hymnal Number: d141 Author of "In remembrance of thy suffering" in Sacred Hymns and Spiritual Songs for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- Day Saints. 25th ed. Evan Stephens (1854-1930) was a Welsh composer, conductor, and teacher. Born in Pencader, Carmarthenshire, Wales, he emigrated to Salt Lake City, Utah in 1866. He directed the vocal music program at the University of Utah from 1885 to 1900, and directed the Mormon Tabernacle Choir from 1890 to 1916. Stephens is remembered for his many contributions to the cultural growth of the state of Utah, his leadership of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, and for the numerous hymns and songs he composed. - from the Library of Congress authority file

John Logan

1748 - 1788 Hymnal Number: d36 Author of "Behold the mountain of the Lord" in Sacred Hymns and Spiritual Songs for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- Day Saints. 25th ed. Logan, John, son of a farmer, born at Fala, Midlothian, 1748, and educated at Edinburgh University, in due course entering the ministry of the Church of Scotland and becoming the minister of South Leith in 1770. During the time he held this charge he delivered a course of lectures on philosophy and history with much success. While he was thus engaged, the chair of Universal History in the University became vacant; but as a candidate he was unsuccessful. A tragedy, entitled Runnamede, followed. He offered it to the manager of Covent Garden Theatre, but it was interdicted by the Lord Chamberlain "upon suspicion of having a seditious tendency." It was subsequently acted in Edinburgh. In 1775 he formed one of the Committee by whom the Translations and Paraphrases of the Church of Scotland was prepared. In 1782 he was compelled to resign his charge at Leith in order to prevent deposition, and finally, having passed on to London, he supported himself partly by his pen, and died there, Dec. 28, 1788. [Also, see Bruce, Michael] The names of Michael Bruce and John Logan are brought together because of the painful controversy which has long prevailed concerning the authorship of certain Hymns and Paraphrases of Holy Scripture which are in extensive use in the Christian Church both at home and abroad. During the latter years of Bruce's short life he wrote various Poems, and also Hymns for a singing class at Kinnesswood, which were well known to his family and neighbours, and were eventually copied out by Bruce himself in a quarto MS. book, with the hope that some day he might see them in print. Immediately upon his death, in 1767, Logan called upon his father and requested the loan of this book that he might publish the contents for the benefit of the family. This was granted. Not till three years afterwards did a certain work, containing seventeen poems, and entitled Poems on Several Occasions, by Michael Bruce, 1770, appear, with a Preface in which it was stated that some of the Poems were by others than Bruce. Bruce's father immediately pointed out the absence from the volume of certain hymns which he called his son's "Gospel Sonnets," and members of the singing class at Kinnesswood also noted the absence of hymns with which they were familiar. Letters of remonstrance and demands for the return of the quarto manuscript book of Bruce by the father remaining unanswered, led him eventually to see Logan in person. No book was forthcoming, a few scraps of manuscript only were returned, and Logan accounted for the absence of the book by saying he feared "that the servants had singed fowls with it." For a time the matter rested here, only to be revived with renewed interest by the publication, in 1781 (14 years after the death of Bruce, and 11 after the Poems, &c, were issued), of Poems. By the Rev. Mr. Logan, One of the Ministers of Leith. In this volume, an "Ode to the Cuckoo," a poem of exquisite beauty, and other poetical pieces which appeared in the Poems on Several Occasions, by Michael Bruce, were repeated, and claimed as his own by Logan. In addition, certain Hymns and Paraphrases were included, most of which were of sterling merit, and poetical excellence. It has been shown, we think, most conclusively by Dr. Mackelvie in his Life of Bruce prefixed to the Poems, 1837 and by Dr. Grosart in his Works of M. Bruce, 1865, that the "Ode to the Cuckoo," "Lochleven," and other poetical pieces were taken from MS. book of M. Bruce. The Hymns and Paraphrases, most of which were included in the Translations and Paraphrases during the same year, were also claimed for Bruce. Until clearer evidence is brought forward on behalf of Bruce, the hymns, or paraphrases, following must be ascribed to John Logan: — "Who can resist th'Almighty arm"; "In streets and op'nings of the gates”; "Thus speaks the heathen: How shall man"; "Take comfort, Christians, when your friends"; "The hour of my departure's come." The following, which are found only in the Translations and Paraphrases of 1781, are claimed by W. Cameron for Logan, and have never been seriously disputed by the friends of Bruce, the second being original, the first a revise from the Translations and Paraphrases of 1745; and the third a revise of Doddridge and Dr. Hugh Blair:— "Let Christian faith and hope dispel"; “Thus speaks the high and lofty One"; "What though no flowers the fig-tree clothe." In addition, we see no cause to deny to Logan the few changes, and new stanza, which are found in Doddridge's "0 God of Bethel, by Whose hand." Of the above hymns 5 are recasts of hymns in the Scottish Translations and Paraphrases of 1745. Those are: "Behold the mountain of the Lord " (see "In latter days the mount of God "); "When Jesus by the Virgin brought" (see "Now let Thy servant die in peace"); "Behold the Ambassador divine" (see "Behold my Servant, see Him rise"); "Let Christian faith and hope dispel" (see “Now let our souls ascend above"); and "What though no flowers the fig-tree clothe" (see "So firm the saints' foundation stands"). …It is curious to note that every hymn which we have ascribed to M. Bruce has come into more or less extensive use outside of the Translations and Paraphrases, and that not one which we have ascribed to Logan, except "Let Christian faith and hope dispel," and “Take comfort, Christians," &c, is found beyond that work, unless we give to Logan the plaintive "The hour of my departure's come" (which Dr. Grosart claims for Bruce), and the recast "O God of Bethel, by Whose hand," whose success is due to Doddridge. This is the verdict of 100 years' use of those hymns, and shows conclusively the poetic strength of Bruce and the weakness of Logan. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================

Mrs. Hemans

1793 - 1835 Person Name: Felicia D. H. Brown Hymnal Number: d81 Author of "For the strength of the hills" in Sacred Hymns and Spiritual Songs for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- Day Saints. 25th ed. Hemans, Felicia Dorothea, née Browne, was born in Liverpool, Sep. 25, 1793. In 1800, her father having suffered severe losses in business, removed with his family near to Abergele, N. Wales, where he died sometime after. In 1812 she was married to Captain Hemans, who, on retiring from the army sometime after, removed to Bronnylfa, near St. Asaph. Some years after he left his wife and children and proceeded to Italy, where he died. In 1828 Mrs. Hemans removed to Wavertree, near Liverpool, and in 1831 to Dublin, where she died May 16, 1835, and was buried in St. Ann's Church, Dawson Street, in that city. From 1808, when at 15 she published Poems, to 1834, when her Scenes & Hymns of Life appeared, she produced a great number of poems and other works, including: (1) The Domestic Affections and Other Poems, 1812; (2) The Sceptic, 1820; (3) Dartmoor, 1821; (4) Vespers of Palermo, 1823; (5) The Siege of Valenciav, 1823; (6) Voice of Spring, 1823; (7) Forest Sanctuary, 1825; (8) Hymns for Childhood, 1827 (English edition, 1834; first published in America); (9) Records of Woman and Miscellaneous Poems, 1828; (10) Songs of the Affections, 1830; (11) Scenes and Hymns of Life (dedicated to the poet Wordsworth), 1834. Then followed (12) The Works of Mrs. Hemans; with a Memoir of her Life by her Sister [Mrs. Hughes]. Edinburgh, W. Blackwood & Sons, 1839, in 3 volumes. Her Poems were collected and published by Blackwood in 1849, and again as one of the Chandos Classics, 1886. Three distinct ideas pervade Mrs. Hemans's poetry, the Fatherhood of God, Heaven as our Home, and mutual recognition when there. The work of the Atonement has a very subordinate place; and the Holy Spirit is scarcely recognized. The rhythm, even in her most popular pieces, is often disappointing, and a tone of sadness pervades most of her work. The gloom of disappointment and the traces of shadowed memories run like black threads through the web and woof of her productions. As a writer of hymns she holds a subordinate place. The best are "Answer me, burning stars of light," "Calm on the bosom of thy God," “Come to the land of peace," and "Fear was within the tossing bark." [Rev. James Davidson, B.A.] Mrs. Hemans's hymns which have come into common use include;— 1. Answer me, burning stars of light. Trust in God. Written after the death of a sister-in-law, and published in her Records of Woman, &c, 1828, p. 242, in 4 stanzas of 8 lines. (P. Works, N.Y., 1828, vol. ii. pp. 144, 268). 2. Calm on the bosom of thy God. Death and Burial. This hymn appears in the closing scene of her dramatic poem, The Siege of Valencia, 1823, p. 235, in 2 stanzas of 4 lines. (Works, vol. iii. p. 379). It is supposed to be sung over the bier of Ximena, daughter of Gonzalez, the Governor of Valencia, during the final struggle of the siege. Mrs. Hemans subsequently added a third stanza ("Lone are the paths, and sad the bowers"); and in this form it is published separately as "A Dirge" in her Works, vol. iv. p. 330. It is one of the best known of her hymns. 3. Child, amidst the flowers at play. Hour of Prayer. This is given in her P. Works, 1828, vol. ii. p. 85, amongst the "Miscellaneous Pieces," in 3 stanzas of 8 lines, as a hymn for The Hour of Prayer. Dr. Martineau in his Hymns, &c, 1873, dates it 1825. 4. Come to me, dreams [thoughts] of heaven. Aspiration. Appeared in her National Lyrics, 1834, p. 251, and again in her Works, 1839, vol. vii. p. 88. 5. Come to the land of peace. The Angel's Greeting. Published in her Works, 1839, vol. vi. p. 186. 6. Earth! guard what here we lay in holy trust. Burial. Given in her Works, 1839, vol. iv. p. 327. This is a poem, and not a hymn. 7. Father! that in the olive shade. Gethsemane. Written at the death-bed of her mother, Jan., 1827, and published in her Hymns for Childhood, in 4 stanzas of 4 lines, as a Hymn by the sick-bed of a Mother. (Works, 1839, vol. vi. p. 147.) Sometimes as "O Thou, Who in the olive shade." 8. Father, Who art on high. Prayer. This is part of her "Cathedral Hymn," published in her Scenes and Hymns of Life, 1834. (Works, 1839, vi. p. 142.) 9. Fear was within the tossing bark. Stilling the Tempest. This hymn appeared in her Hymns for Childhood, 1827; her Poetical Works, N. Y., 1828, ii. p. 124; and her Works, 1839, vol. iv. p. 325. 10. He knelt, the Saviour knelt and prayed. Gethsemane. This hymn appeared in The Almut (an annual) 1n 1825, and her Poetical Works, N.Y., 1828, ii. p. 125. It is also introduced in her dramatic poem, The English Martyrs: a Scene of the days of Queen Mary, published in her Scenes and Hys. of Life, 1834, p. 16. A betrothed couple are condemned to death: but are allowed a short intercourse before execution. This they employ in prayer and the singing of this hymn, which is based upon the sacred scene in Gethsemane. "The English Martyrs" is the opening piece of the Scenes and Hymns of Life, 1834. (Works, vii. p. 130.) 11. I hear thee speak of the better land. Heaven. Published in her Poetical Works, N. York, 1828, ii. p. 193, and her Songs of the Affections, 1830, p. 225, in 4 stanzas of 7 lines, and headed “The Better Land." (Works, 1839, vi. p. 123.) Popular as a sacred song, but not much used as a hymn. 12. Leaves have their time to fall. The Hour of Death Published in her Poet. Works, N. Y., 1828, ii. p. 114, and in her Forest Sanctuary , 2nd edition, 1829, p. 276, in 10 stanzas of 4 lines. (Works, 1839, iv. p. 177.) It is usually given in an abbreviated form. 13. Lowly and solemn be Thy children's cry to Thee. Burial. This hymn, in 9 stanzas of 6 lines, forms the closing portion of her poem on The Funeral Day of Sir Walter Scott. [He d. Sept. 21, 1832.] The poem was given in her Scenes and Hymns of Life, 1834, p. 99. (Works, vii. p. 178.) In an abbreviated form this Burial hymn is in extensive use in Great Britain and America, and is found in more hymn-books than all the rest of Mrs. Hemans's hymns put together. 14. No cloud obscures the summer's sky. Ps. xix. Appeared in her Hymns for Childhood, in 10 stanzas of 4 lines, and entitled “The Stars." (Works, 1839, iv. p. 253.) It is usually given in an abbreviated form, beginning with stanza ii., "Child of the earth, Oh lift thy glance." 15. Now autumn strews on every plain. Harvest. One of her juvenile pieces, published in her Poems, Liverpool, 1808, p. 94, as a "Harvest Hymn." 16. O lovely voices of the sky. Christmas Carol. Appeared in her Hymns for Childhood, 1827, in 3 stanzas of 8 lines, and her Poet. Works, N. Y., 1828, ii. p. 123. (Works, v. p. 307. 17. Praise ye the Lord on every height. Ps. cxlviii. Published in her Hymns for Childhood, in 7 stanzas of 4 lines. (Works, 1839, iv. p. 264.) 18. Saviour, now receive him. Burial. Scenes and Hys. of Life, 1834, p. 70, is a hymn entitled, "The Funeral Hymn" in the Burial of an Emigrant's Child in the Forest. It begins "Where the long reeds quiver." This extract opens with stanza ii. altered. 19. The breaking waves dashed high. Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers. Published in her Records of Woman, &c, 1828, p. 261, in 10 stanzas of 4 lines, and in her Works, 1828, p, 261, "The Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers in New England." (Works, 1839, v. p. 280.) Popular as a sacred song, but not much used as a hymn. 20. The Church of our fathers so dear to our souls. The Holy Church. This hymn has not been traced to date. Snepp, in Songs of Grace & Glory, says 1834. 21. The kings of old have shrine and tomb. The Graves of Martyrs. In The Forest Sanctuary, 2nd edition, 1829, p. 284, "The Graves of Martyrs" in 7 stanzas. Also Poet. Works, N. Y., 1828, ii. p. 150. 22. Where is the tree the prophet threw? Faith. Appeared in her Poet. Works, N. Y., 1828, ii. p. 170, and headed "The Fountain of Marah." Also in her Works, 1839, vi. p. 176. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology ================ Hemans, Felicia D., p. 509, i. No. 11, "I hear thee speak of the better land," and No. 12, "Leaves have their time to fall," appeared in J. Curtis's Union Collection, 1827, p. 274, i., and then in her Poetical Works, 1828. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

William Fowler

1830 - 1865 Hymnal Number: d333 Author of "We thank thee, O God, for a prophet" in Sacred Hymns and Spiritual Songs for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- Day Saints. 25th ed.

Joseph L. Townsend

1849 - 1942 Hymnal Number: d240 Author of "Reverently and meekly now" in Sacred Hymns and Spiritual Songs for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- Day Saints. 25th ed.

Leonard Bacon

1802 - 1881 Hymnal Number: d285 Author of "The rising sun has chased the night" in Sacred Hymns and Spiritual Songs for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- Day Saints. 25th ed. Leonard Bacon, D.D., was born in Detroit (where his father was a missionary to the Indians), February 19, 1802, and educated at Yale college and at Andover. In 1825 he was ordained Pastor of the Centre Church, New Haven, and retained that charge until 1866, when he was appointed Professor of Theology in Yale Divinity School. This professorship he resigned in 1871; but till his death in 1881, he was Lecturer on Church Polity. He died December 23, 1881. Dr. Bacon rendered important service to hymnology both as writer and compiler. While a student at Andover, he edited an important and now rare tract entitled Hymns and Sacred Songs for the Monthly Concert [of Prayer for Missions], Andover, September 1823. This contained the three hymns following, which are his:- Weep not for the saint that ascends. Death of a Missionary. Land where the bones of our father are sleeping. Missions. This was brought into notice in Great Britain through its insertion in the Evangelical Magazine, March, 1824. Wake the song of jubilee. Missions. Of these No. 1 is found in Lyra Sac. Amer., p. 6 and No. 3 was adopted, with alterations, by Pratt in his Ps. and Hys. (Lond. Seeley & Co,. 1829), fro which it passed into Greene and Mason's Church Psalmody, 1831, and the Church Psalmist of the Evangelical Christians (N. Y., 1845, 7th ed.). This altered text, with some further changes, was adopted by the author in his Appendix to T. Dwight's revised ed. of Watt's Psalms, 1833. This Appendix also contained three newe hymns by him, viz.:- Though now the nations sit beneath. Missions. This is based on a hymn by Sarah Slinn, "Arise in all Thy splendour, Lord" (q.v.), which Dr. Bacon had partly rewritten for his Andover Tract, above noted. In the Appendix to Dwight he substituted new verses for what remained of her's in the Tract, and then justly claimed the whole as his own. O Thou Who hast died to redeem us from hell. Holy Communion. God of our fathers, to Thy throne. Thanksgiving. In 1845 Dr. Bacon was joint compiler with Dr. E. T. Fitch, and several others, of Psalms & Hymns for Christian Use and Worship,, pub. "by the General Association of Connecticut." To this collection he contributed the four hymns following:- Here, Lord of life and light, to Thee. Institution of a Minister. This was written March 9, 1825, for his installation as pastor of the First Church, New Haven, and first published as above, No. 559, in 4 stanzas of 4 lines, and headed "Ordination in an ancient New England Church." O God, beneath They guiding hand. American Anniversary Hymn. This is a favorite American Anniversary hymn. It is abbreviated and altered from his hymn, "The Sabbath morn is as bright and calm," which he wrote for the Bicentenary of New Haven, 1833. In this revised form it was first published as above, No. 619, in 5 stanzas of 4 lines, and appointed "For the twenty-second of December." O God of Abraham, ever sure. Prayer on behalf of the Young. This was written as a substitute for Mrs. Hyde's "Dear Saviour, if these lambs should stray," the use of which was refused by the owners of the copyright of Nettleton's Village Hymns (1824). In the Psalms & Hymns, it is No. 635, in 4 stanzas of 4 lines, and headed "Prayer for the children of the Church." Hail, tranquil hour of closing day. Evening. This popular hymns was written under the same circumstances as the preceding, and as a substitute for Mr.s Brown's Twilight hymn, "I love to steal awhile away." It is No. 706 of the Psalms & Hymns, 1845, in 5 stanzas of 4 lines, and entitled "Evening Twilight." How sweet, thro' long remembered years. Evening. In the Church Praise Book., N.Y., 1882, No. 15, is composed of stanzas iii.-v. of No. 10. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

James Allen

1734 - 1804 Hymnal Number: d90 Author of "Glory to God on high, Let heaven and earth reply" in Sacred Hymns and Spiritual Songs for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- Day Saints. 25th ed. Allen, James, born at Gayle, Wensleydale, Yorkshire, June 24, 1734, and educated with a view to taking Holy Orders, first with two clergymen at different times, and then for one year at St. John's Coll., Cambridge. Leaving the University in 1752 he became a follower of Benjamin Ingham, the founder of the sect of the Inghamites, but subsequently joined himself to the Sandemanians; and finally built a chapel on his estate at Gayle, and ministered therein to the time of his death; died 31st Oct., 1804. He published a small volume, Christian Songs, containing 17 hymns, and was the editor and a principal contributor to the Kendal Hymn Book, 1757, and Appendix to the 2nd edition, 1761. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Mrs. T. J. Carney

1823 - 1908 Person Name: Julia A. Carney Hymnal Number: d299 Author of "Think gently of the erring one" in Sacred Hymns and Spiritual Songs for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- Day Saints. 25th ed. Carney, Julia Abigail (Fletcher). (Lancaster, Massachusetts, April 6, 1823--November 1, 1908, Galesburg, Illinois). Universalist. Married Rev. T.J. Carney, a Universalist minister. Author of many prose articles and poems, generally published in Universalist periodicals. In later life she lived in Galesburg, Illinois. Three of her hymns were included in Church Harmonies, New and Old, 1895: 1. Father, we pray for those who dwell 2. Our heaven is everywhere 3. Think gently of the erring --Henry Wilder Foote, DNAH Archives ======================= Carney, Julia A., née Fletcher, was born in 1823. She was a teacher for some time in one of the Boston Primary Schools, U.S.A., which was held in the vestry of Hollis Street Church, in that city. This Church was demolished in 1846. It was for use in these Primary Schools that her "Little drops of water" (q.v.) was written in 1845. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)


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