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Hymnal, Number:sbhc1958

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Showing 531 - 540 of 602Results Per Page: 102050
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Break forth, O beauteous heavenly light

Author: Johann Rist, 1607-67; Arthur Tozer Russell, 1806-74 Appears in 57 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Break forth, O beauteous heavenly light, And usher in the morning; Ye shepherds, shrink not with affright, But hear the angel's warning. This Child, now born in infancy, Our confidence and joy shall be, The power of Satan breaking, Our peace eternal making. 2 All blessing, thanks and praise to thee, Lord Jesus Christ, be given: Thou hast our brother deigned to be, Our foes in sunder riven. O grant us through our day of grace With constant praise to seek thy face; Grant us ere long in glory With praises to adore thee. Amen. Topics: The Church Year Christmas Used With Tune: SCHOP Text Sources: Tr. st. 1 composite

O God of Light, thy word, a lamp unfailing

Author: Sarah E. Taylor, 1883-1954 Appears in 25 hymnals Lyrics: 1 O God of Light, thy word, a lamp unfailing, Shines through the darkness of our earthly way, O'er fear and doubt, o'er black despair prevailing, Guiding our steps to thine eternal day. 2 From days of old, through swiftly rolling ages, Thou hast revealed thy will to mortal men, Speaking to saints, to prophets, kings and sages, Who wrote the message with immortal pen. 3 Undimmed by time, the word is still revealing To sinful men thy justice and thy grace; And questing hearts that long for peace and healing See thy compassion in the Saviour's face. 4 To all the world the message thou art sending, To every land, to every race and clan; And myriad tongues, in one great anthem blending, Acclaim with joy thy wondrous gift to man. Topics: The Holy Scriptures Used With Tune: STRENGTH AND STAY
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The Advent of our God

Author: John Chandler, 1806 - 76; Charles Coffin, 1676-1749 Appears in 54 hymnals Lyrics: 1 The advent of our God Our prayers must now employ, And we must meet him on his road With hymns of holy joy. 2 The everlasting Son Incarnate deigns to be; Himself a servant's form puts on To set his people free. 3 Daughter of Sion, rise To meet thy lowly King, Nor let thy faithless heart despise The peace he comes to bring. A-men. 4 As judge, on clouds of light, He soon will come again, And all his scattered saints unite With him in heaven to reign. 5 Before the dawning day Let sin's dark deeds be gone; The old man all be put away, The new man all put on. 6 All glory to the Son, Who comes to set us free, With Father, Spirit, ever One, Through all eternity. Amen. Topics: The Church Year Advent Used With Tune: DONCASTER
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O Lord of life, where'er they be

Author: Frederick Lucian Hosmer, 1840 - 1929 Appears in 32 hymnals Lyrics: 1 O Lord of life, where’er they be, Safe in thine own eternity, Our dead are living unto thee. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! 2 All souls are thine, and here or there, The faithful rest within thy care; One providence alike they share. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! 3 Thy word is true, thy ways are just; Above the requiem, 'Dust to dust,' Shall rise our psalm of grateful trust. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! 4 O happy they in God who rest, No more by fear and doubt oppressed; Living or dying, they are blest. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Topics: The Life In Christ Life Everlasting; The Life In Christ Commemoration Used With Tune: VULPIUS (GELOBT SEI GOTT)
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O take my hand, dear Father

Author: H. Brueckner, 1866 - 1942; Julia Hausmann, 1825 - 1901 Appears in 26 hymnals Lyrics: 1 O take my hand, dear Father, And lead thou me, Till at my journey's ending I dwell with thee. Alone I cannot wander One single day, So do thou guide my footsteps On life’s rough way. 2 O cover with thy mercy My poor, weak heart, Lest I in joy or sorrow From thee depart. Permit thy child to linger Here at thy feet, Thy goodness blindly trusting With faith complete. A-men. 3 Though oft thy power but faintly May stir my soul, With thee, my light in darkness, I reach the goal. Take then my hand, dear Father, And lead thou me, Till at my journey’s ending I dwell with thee. Amen. Topics: The Life In Christ Consecration; Sacraments and Rites Confirmation Used With Tune: SO NIMM DENN MEINE HANDE
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O happy day when we shall stand

Author: Wilhelm Andreas Wexels, 1797-1866; George Alfred Taylor Rygh, 1860-1943 Appears in 17 hymnals Lyrics: 1 O happy day when we shall stand Amid the heavenly throng, And sing with hosts from every land The new celestial song, The new celestial song. 2 O blessed day! From far and near The servants of the Lord Shall meet the ransomed children there Who heard God's saving word, Who heard God's saving word. A-men. 3 O what a mighty, rushing flood Of love without surcease Shall surge about the throne of God, In joy and endless peace! 4 Lord, may thy bounteous grace inspire Our hearts to watch and pray, That we may join the heavenly choir Upon that glorious day. Amen. Topics: The Life In Christ Contemplation; The Life In Christ Life Everlasting; The Church Worship - The Close of Service Used With Tune: LOBT GOTT, IHR CHRISTEN
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To realms of glory in the skies

Author: Claude William Foss, 1855 - 1935; Johan Olof Wallin, 1779 - 1839 Meter: Appears in 11 hymnals Lyrics: 1 To realms of glory in the skies I see my Lord returning, While I, a stranger in the earth, For heaven am ever yearning. ’Mid toil and sorrow here I roam, Far from my heavenly Father’s home. 2 Yet visions of the promised land By faith my soul obtaineth; There shall I dwell forevermore Where Christ in glory reigneth, In mansions of that bright abode, The city of the living God. A-men. 3 In that blest city is no night, Nor any pain or weeping; There is my treasure, there my heart, Safe in my Saviour’s keeping; In heaven, my risen Lord, with thee May all my thought and living be. 4 How blessèd shall those servants be, O Lord, at thy returning, Whose hearts are waiting still for thee, Whose lamps are trimmed and burning: Them wilt thou take to dwell with thee In joy and peace eternally. Amen. Topics: The Church Year Ascension; The Life In Christ Life Everlasting Used With Tune: MACH'S MIT MIR, GOTT (EISENACH)
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One who is all unfit to count

Author: Nicol Macnicol, 1870 - 1952; Narayan Vaman Tilak, 1862 - 1919 Meter: Appears in 17 hymnals Lyrics: 1 One who is all unfit to count As scholar in thy school, Thou of thy love hast named a friend, O kindness wonderful! 2 So weak am I, O gracious Lord, So all unworthy thee, That even the dust upon thy feet Outweighs me utterly. A-men. 3 Thou dwellest in unshadowed light, All sin and shame above, That thou shouldst bear our sin and shame, How can I tell such love? 4 Ah, did not he the heavenly throne A little thing esteem, And not unworthy for my sake A mortal body deem? 5 When in his flesh they drove the nails, Did he not all endure? What name is there to fit a life So patient and so pure? 6 So, Love itself in human form For love of me he came; I cannot look upon his face For shame, for bitter shame. 7 If there is aught of worth in me, It comes from thee alone; Then keep me safe, for so, O Lord, Thou keepest but thine own. Amen. Topics: The Church Year Lent; The Life in Christ Repentance and Faith Used With Tune: WIGTOWN
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Be still, my soul, for God is near

Author: William Dalrymple Maclagan, 1826 - 1910 Appears in 12 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Be still, my soul, for God is near, The great High Priest is with thee now! The Lord of Life himself is here, Before whose face the angels bow. 2 To make thy heart his lowly throne, Thy Saviour God in love draws nigh; He gives himself unto his own, For whom he once came down to die. 3 He pleads before the mercy-seat, He pleads with God, he pleads for thee; He gives thee bread from heaven to eat: His Flesh and Blood in mystery. 4 I come, O Lord, for thou dost call, To blend my pleading prayer with thine; To thee I give myself, my all, And feed on thee, and make thee mine. Amen. Topics: Sacraments and Rites Holy Communion Used With Tune: ANGELUS
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Come, thou bright and morning star

Author: Richard Massie, 1800 - 87; Christian Knorr von Rosenroth, 1636 - 89 Appears in 16 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Come, thou bright and morning star, Light of light, without beginning, Shine upon us from afar, Like the morn when mists are thinning; Drive away by thy clear light Our dark night. 2 Let thy grace, like morning dew Falling on the barren places, Comfort, quicken, and renew All dry souls and dying graces; Bless thy flock from thy rich store Evermore. A-men. 3 May thy fervent love destroy Our cold works, in us awaking Ardent courage, zeal, and joy, At the purple morn's first breaking; Let us truly rise, ere yet Life has set. 4 Light us to the heavenly spheres, Sun of grace, in glory shrouded; Lead us through this vale of tears, To the land where days unclouded, Purest joy and perfect peace, Never cease. Amen. Topics: The Church Worship - Morning Used With Tune: MORGENGLANZ DER EWIGKEIT


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