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Text Identifier:hallelujah_singe

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Johann Agricola

1494 - 1566 Person Name: J. Agricola Author of "Sing loud Hallelujah in jubilant chorus" in The Lutheran Hymnary Agricola, Johann or Johannes (latinized from Schneider, (Schnitter) or Sartor, also called Magister Islebius), born April 20, 1492, at Eisleben, where his father was a tailor. During his University course at Wittenberg, Luther took a great interest in him, entertained him at his own table, took him with him to Leipzig for the disputation, in 1519, with Dr. Eck, and in 1525 procured for him the position of Rector of St. Andrew's School at Eisleben, and preacher at St. Nicholas's Church there. He remained in Eisleben till 1536, working hand in hand with Luther; but after his removal to Wittenberg, in 1536, as one of the lecturers in the University, he developed Antinomian views, and, in 1537, published a series of theses which Luther answered in six disputations, 1538-40. On his appointment as Court Preacher at Berlin, in 1540, he formally renounced these opinions, and professed adherence to Wittenberg orthodoxy. But after his subsequent appointment as General Superintendent of the Mark, he gradually not only sought the esteem of the great, but, in order to gain the favour of the Emperor, joined with two representatives of the Romish Church in drawing up a Formula of Union (The Interim) which was presented to the Imperial Diet, held at Augsburg, and adopted by the Diet on May 15, 1548. By this action he disgusted the Lutherans, and procured for himself only discredit. He died at Berlin, Sept. 22, 1566. He was one of the best preachers of his time, and compiled one of the earliest collections of German Proverbs, first published at Zwickau, 1529 [the British Museum copy was printed at Hagenau, 1529] ( Koch, i. 278-281. Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie, i. 146-48). Four hymns by him appeared in the early Lutheran hymnbooks, two of which were retained by Luther in Babst's Gesangbuch, Leipzig, 1545. 1. Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ. [ Supplication.] Wackernagel, iii. pp. 54-55, gives two forms of this, in 5 stanzas of 9 lines, the first from Geistliche Lieder, Erfurt, 1531, the second from an undated broadsheet before 1530, entitled, "A new hymn of supplication for Faith, Love, and Hope, and for a Holy Life; composed by John of Eisleben, preacher to John Duke of Saxony." Fischer, i. 345, refers to the Nürnberg broadsheet, c. 1526, quoted in Wackernagel's Bibliographie, 1855, p. 89, and adds that in his opinion the disfavour into which Agricola fell after the outbreak of the Antinomian controversy caused the suppression of his name in the hymn-books. After appearing in Klug's Geistliche Lieder, 1529, the hymn was included in almost all subsequent hymn-books, and so recently as No. 379 in the Unverfälschter Liedersegen, 1851. It is sometimes erroneously ascribed to Paulus Speratus, an assumption originating with the Riga Gesang-buch of 1664. It was a favourite hymn of Valerius Herberger, of P. J. Spener (who requested it to be sung at his deathbed), and of many others. Translations in common use:— 1. Lord Jesu Christ, I cry to Thee. A good translation, omitting stanza iv., by A. T. Russell, as No. 200 in his Psalms & Hymns, 1851. 2. Lord, hear the voice of my complaint. A full and very good translation as No. 116 by Miss Winkworth in her Chorale Book for England, 1863. Other translations are:— (1) “I call on the, Lorde Jesu Christ," by Bp. Coverdale, 1539 ( Remains, 1846, p. 560), repeated, slightly altered, in the Gude and Godly Ballates (ed. 1568, folio 34), ed. 1868, p. 57. (2) "I cry to Thee, my dearest Lord," by J. C. Jacobi, 1122, p. 68; in his edition, 1732, p. 114, altered to "To Thee, 0 Lord, I send my cries," and thence as No. 310 in pt. i. of the Moravian Hymn Book 1754; omitted in 1789 and 1801; in the Supplement of 1808, stanzas i., iv. were included as No. 1082, and repeated in later editions altered to "To Thee I send my fervent cries." (3) "I cry to Thee, 0 Christ our Lord!" by N. L. Frothingham, 1870, p. 205. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Martin Tel

Author (vs. 4) of "Praise the LORD, Sing Hallelujah (Al Señor dé su alabanza)" in Santo, Santo, Santo Martin Tel is the C. F. Seabrook Director of Music at Princeton Theological Seminary in Princeton, New Jersey. He conducts the seminary choirs, teaches courses in church music, and administers the music for the daily seminary worship services. He served as senior editor of Psalms for All Seasons: A Complete Psalter for Worship (2012). His love for music began in a dairy barn in rural Washington State, where he heard his father belt out psalms and hymns while milking the cows. Martin earned degrees in church music and theology from Dordt College, the University of Notre Dame, Calvin Theological Seminary, and the University of Kansas. He has served as minister of music in Christian Reformed, Reformed Church in America, and Presbyterian congregations. With his wife, Sharilyn, he is raising three children in Princeton, New Jersey. Lift Up Your Hearts

William Graves

b. 1915 Author of "Hallelujah" in Children's Hymnal

H. G. Patterson

Author of "Hallelujah Sing Today" in Wondrous Love

Steve Southworth

Author of "Hallelujah! sing to the Lord" in Complete Mission Praise

Gina Southworth

Author of "Hallelujah! sing to the Lord" in Complete Mission Praise

Jacob S. Golub

Author of "Hallelujah" in Union Songster

Bartholomäus Crasselius

1667 - 1724 Person Name: B. Crasselius, 1677-1724 Author of "Sing hallelujah, honor, praise" in Offices of Worship and Hymns Crasselius, Bartholomäus, son of Johannes Crasselt, sheepmaster at Wemsdorf near Glauchau, Saxony; was born at Wernsdorf, Feb. 21, 1667. After studying at Halle, under A. H. Francke, he became, in 1701, pastor at Nidda, in Wetteravia, Hesse. In 1708 he was appointed Lutheran pastor at Düsseldorf, where he died Nov. 30, 1724, after a somewhat troubled pastorate, during which he felt called upon to testify strongly and somewhat bitterly against the shortcomings of the place and of the times (Koch, iv. 418-421; Allg. Deutsche Biographie, iv. 566-67; Bode, p. 55; manuscript from Pastor Baltzer, Wernsdorf; the second dating his call to Dusseldorf 1706). Of the 9 hymns by him which Freylinghausen included in his Geistreiches Gesang-Buch, 1704, two have been translated:— i. Dir, dir, Jehovah, will ich singen. Prayer. A hymn of supplication for the spirit of grace rightly to praise and worship God, founded on St. John, xvi. 23-28, the Gospel for Rogation Sunday. First published in the Geistreiches Gesang-Buch &., Halle, 1697, p. 587, in 8 stanzas of 6 lines. Repeated as No. 291 in Freylinghausen's Gesang-Buch, 1704, and since in almost all collections, as in the Berlin Geistliche Liedersegen. ed. 1863, No. 936. The well-known tune (known in England as Winchester New as reduced to L. M. in Hymns Ancient & Modern, No. 50) which appeared with this hymn in Freylinghausen, 1704, is altered from a melody to “Wer nur den lieben Gott lasst walten," in the Musicalisch Handbuch der Geistlichen Melodien, Hamburg, 1690. See L. Erk's Choralbuch, 1863, No. 63, and p. 247; also No. 261. The common, but erroneous ascription of this tune to Crasselius arose from confusion between the authorship of the tune and the words. There is no evidence that Crasselius wrote any tunes. Translations in common use:— 1. Jehovah, let me now adore Thee, a good and full translation by Miss Winkworth, as No. 117, in her Chorale Buch for England, 1863, set to the 1704 melody. 2. To Thee, 0 Lord, will I sing praises, in full, by Dr. M. Loy, in the Evangelical Review, Gettysburg, July 1861, and as No. 216 in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 1880. Other translations are:— (i) "To Thee, Jehovah, I'll be singing," in the Supplement to German Psalmody, ed. 1765, p. 41, and in Select Hymns from German Psaltery, Tranquebar, 1754, p. 72. (2) "Draw me, O Father, to the Son," a translation of stanza ii., by P. H. Molther, as No. 185 in the Moravian Hymn Book, 1789. In the ed. of 1886 it is enlarged to 3 stanzas by the addition of the translation of stanzas i. and viii., and in this form it begins:—“To Thee, Jehovah, will I sing." (3) "To Thee, O Lord, I come with singing," by Miss Burlingham, in the British Herald, April, 1866, p. 248, repeated as No. 402 in Reid's Praise Book, 1872. ii. Erwach, 0 Mensch, erwache. Lent. Appeared in Freylinghausen's Gesang-Buch, 1704, No. 266, in 4 stanzas of 9 lines. Included in Bunsen's Versuch, 1833, No. 298, and Allgemeine Gesang-Buch 1846, No. 13. Translated as "Awake, O man, and from thee shake," by Miss Winkworth, 1855, p. 61. The hymn, "Heiligster Jesu, Heiligungsquelle," ascribed to Crasselius, is noted under J. v. Lodenstein. See also "Hallelujah! Lob, Preis und Ehr." [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Mrs. L. M. Beal Bateman

1843 - 1943 Author of "Sing Hallelujah" Pseudonym: Grace Glenn; Lucinda M. Beal Bateman lived in Ionia, Michigan. She wrote A book of rhymes to suit the times published about 1886 by N. Chapin & Son (Chicago); Gleams of gold published about 1889, and The prohibition speaker: a collection of readings, recitations, dialogues, tableux and songs for temperance and prohibition entertainments published in 1889 by Filmore Bros. (Cincinnati). She married Zadoc Henry Bateman in 1875. They had one daughter, Grace. Dianne Shapiro, from "A book of rhymes to suit the times" and "The Genealogy of Dennis Bowen Caskey and Michelle Lynn Smith" (, retrieved 7-1-2018)

Mark H. Forscutt

1834 - 1903 Author of "Angel voices sing, Hallelujah" Mark Hill Forscutt (19 June 1834 – 18 October 1903) was an English hymn writer and a leader in several denominations of the Latter Day Saint movement. A convert to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), Forscutt broke with that denomination for a number of reasons, not the least of which was the practice of plural marriage. Forscutt went on to serve in leadership positions in the Morrisite sect and later in the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (RLDS Church). Forscutt was born in Godmanchester, England. When Forscutt joined the LDS Church as a 19-year-old in 1853, his father disowned him and insisted that he move out of his childhood home. From 1855 to 1860, Forscutt was a missionary for the LDS Church in England. Forscutt was married in March 1860 to fellow Latter-day Saint Elizabeth Unsworth. On their marriage day, Forscutt and his wife began their emigration to Utah Territory with the intention of joining the gathering of Latter-day Saints in Salt Lake City. Upon arriving in Utah, he became a secretary to Brigham Young, the president of the LDS Church. Shortly after his arrival, Forscutt began to learn about the LDS practice of plural marriage, which he had not been aware of previously. This discovery, combined with other disagreements with Brigham Young, led Forscutt to disassociate himself from the LDS Church. Forscutt became affiliated with a group led by Joseph Morris; he was an apostle in the Morrisite organization and was involved in the 1861 Morrisite War. After these incidents, Forscutt joined the United States Army unit at Fort Douglas in Salt Lake City and was stationed in Ruby Valley (now Nevada) before returning to Salt Lake City. In 1865, Forscutt joined the RLDS Church in Salt Lake City. He soon left the territory fearing for his life as an apostate from the LDS Church. Forscutt became a close personal friend of Joseph Smith III. Forscutt later served as a full-time missionary for the RLDS Church in England and the Society Islands. He was a copyist in the process that led to the 1866 publication of the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible in 1866. Forscutt composed a number of hymns and was the editor of Saints' Harmony, an RLDS Church hymnal published in 1889. Forscutt was a preacher in the RLDS Church until his death. On 2 May 1879, Forscutt preached the sermon at the funeral of Emma Smith Bidamon, the widow of Joseph Smith, Jr. and mother of Joseph Smith III. Mark and Elizabeth Forscutt were the parents of three children Amy Forscutt Parr, Ruby Forscutt Faunce, and Mark Zenas Forscutt. They divorced in 1867. --


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