Person Results

Text Identifier:o_god_of_god_o_light_of_light

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Showing 61 - 70 of 96Results Per Page: 102050

Wilfrid Sanderson

1878 - 1935 Person Name: W. Sanderson, 1878-1935 Composer of "ARNCLIFFE" in The Methodist Hymn-Book with Tunes

W. Heslop

Composer of "BERTHA" in The Cyber Hymnal Heslop helped edit The Primitive Methodist Hymnal Supplement with Tunes (London: Primitive Methodist Publishing House, circa 1889). Music: BERTHA SHILDON ================= W. Heslop, Esq., Musical Director of the Darlington and Stockton-on-Tees Psalmody Association, London from the Aldersgate Primitive Methodist Magazine, Volume 88, 1907

Sarah E. Taylor

1883 - 1954 Author of "O God of Light" in The Hymnal of The Evangelical United Brethren Church Taylor, Sarah Ellen. (England, 1883--October 5, 1954). She was born in an English manse, the daughter of a Primitive Methodist clergyman. At nine years of age she came to America. In 1904 she was graduated from Women's College, Brown University. In 1949 she retired after nearly a half century of teaching, which included six years in mission schools at Talladega, Alabama, and Richmond, Virginia. --The Hymn Society, DNAH Archives

J. H. Rosecrans

1845 - 1926 Person Name: James Holmes Rosecrans Composer of "REDONDO" in The Cyber Hymnal James Holmes Rosecrans stu­died at the Baxter Un­i­ver­si­ty of Mu­sic in Friend­ship, New York. Af­ter teaching for two years, he joined the Fill­more Bro­thers Mu­sic House in Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio. As of 1880, he was teach­ing mu­sic in Doug­las Coun­ty, Col­o­ra­do. In 1884, was an evan­gel­ist in California, and later was as­so­ci­ated with evan­gel­is­tic efforts in Tex­as, and taught mu­sic and Bi­ble at Carl­ton College in Bon­ham, Tex­as. He pub­lished over 20 music col­lect­ions in his life­time. © The Cyber Hymnal™ (

Henry Hiles

1826 - 1904 Person Name: Henry Hiles, 1826-1904 Composer of "ST. LEONARD (HILES)" in Christian Worship Born: December 31, 1826, Shrewsbury, England. Died: October 20, 1904, Worthing, England. Hiles was educated at Oxford (BMus 1862, DMus 1867). He played the organ at Shrewsbury, as his brother’s deputy (1846); Bishopwearmouth (1847); St. Michael’s, Wood Street (1859); the Blind Asylum, Manchester (1859); Bowden (1861); and St. Paul’s, Manchester (1863-67). He lectured in harmony and composition at Owen’s College in Manchester (1867) and Victoria University (1879), and was Professor at the Manchester College of Music (1893). He also conducted musical societies in Lancashire and Yorkshire, and owned and edited the Quarterly Music Review (1885-88). He retired in 1904, moving to Pinner, near Harrow. His works include: Twelve Tunes to Original or Favourite Hymns, 1867 Harmony of Sounds, three editions: 1871, 1872, 1879 Wesley Tune Book, 1872 (editor) Grammar of Music, 1879 First Lessons in Singing (Manchester: Hime & Addison, 1881) Part Writing or Modern Counterpoint (Novello: 1884) Harmony or Counterpoint, 1889 Harmony, Choral or Counterpun

George S. Schuler

1882 - 1973 Composer of "[Not more of light, I ask, O God]" in Women's New Gospel Quartets

John Weaver

b. 1937 Harmonizer of "O WALY WALY " in Songs of Grace Dr. John Weaver Organist/Music Director, Emeritus John Weaver retired at the end of May 2005, after 35 years of ministry as Director of Music and Organist at Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church in New York City. During his tenure here, he also served as Head of the Organ Department at the Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia from 1972 to 2003 and Chair of the Organ Department at the Juilliard School from 1987 to 2004. The American Organist named him among the 101 most notable organists of the 20th century. Weaver traces his love for the "King of Instruments" back to his childhood. Born in the Eastern Pennsylvania town of Mauch Chunk (now called Jim Thorpe), his first introduction to music was through the organ at the First Presbyterian Church where his father was the pastor. His formal musical studies began at the age of six in Baltimore's Peabody Conservatory when it was discovered that he had perfect pitch. Shortly thereafter he acquired an old harmonium that stimulated his desire to learn to play the organ. At the age of fourteen he began organ study with Richard Ross and George Markey, and the same year he also became organist of a Baltimore church and played his first organ recital. In 1989 John Weaver was honored by The Peabody Conservatory when he was presented with Peabody's Distinguished Alumni Award. He has received honorary Doctor of Music degrees from Westminster College, New Wilmington PA, and The Curtis Institute of Music. He was also elected a member of the North American Academy of Liturgy. John Weaver's undergraduate study was at The Curtis Institute from which he graduated in 1959 as a student of Alexander McCurdy. That year he was appointed Director of Music at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in New York City, a post he held for eleven years. During this time he spent two years in the Army as organist/choir-director of the Post Chapel at the United States Military Academy at West Point, and earned a Master of Sacred Music degree from Union Theological Seminary, studying with Robert Baker. In 1968 he founded a highly successful Bach Cantata Series at Holy Trinity, conducting his choir and orchestra in two seasons of these works. At these services he also played most of the major organ works of Bach and numerous chorale-preludes. At the Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church he annually conducts a large concert choir, The St. Andrew Chorale, in several major works with orchestra. In addition to his teaching at The Curtis Institute and The Juilliard School, he has served Westminster Choir College, Union Theological seminary and the Manhattan School of Music. He has written numerous articles for organ and church music magazines and has served as President of the Presbyterian Association of Musicians. Dr. Weaver has been active as a concert organist since coming under management in 1959. He has played throughout the USA, Canada, Western Europe, the United Kingdom, and Brazil. Each year finds him in many different parts of the country playing recital programs drawn from his large repertoire of memorized works from every important era and national school of organ literature. His wife, Marianne, an excellent flutist whose teachers include Kincaid and Rampal, frequently adds an extra and very special stop to the organ by appearing on these programs. John Weaver has performed on national television and radio network programs in the US and Germany. He has made recordings for Aeolian-Skinner, The Wicks Organ Company, the Klais Orgelbau of Germany, a CD on Gothic Records for the Schantz Organ Company, and a recent recording on the Pro Organo label on the new Reuter organ at University Presbyterian Church in Seattle. His published compositions for organ, chorus/organ and flute/organ are widely performed. Weaver has made several concerto appearances with the Portland, Maine Symphony, the Musica Sacra Orchestra and the Harrisburg Symphony. He has played solo recitals at numerous regional and national conventions of the American Guild of Organists as well as the 1987 International Congress of Organists in Cambridge, England. He has been guest artist with the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center at Alice Tully Hall and Washington's Kennedy Center, and has played solo recitals at Boston Symphony Hall, Alice Tully Hall, Philadelphia's Academy of Music, Chicago's Orchestra Hall, Cleveland's Orchestra Hall, as well as colleges, cathedrals and churches throughout the US. --

H. W. Greatorex

1813 - 1858 Person Name: Henry W. Greatorex Composer of "GEER" in Evangelical Hymnal Henry Wellington Greatorex United Kingdom 1813-1858. Born at Burton upon Trent, England, he received a thorough musical education from his father, Thomas Greatorex, who was for many years organist of Westminster Abbey, and conductor of the London concerts of ancient music. Henry became a composer, author, compiler, editor, and arranger of music. He emigrated to the U.S. In 1839. In 1849 he married artist Eliza Pratt, and they had four children: Elizabeth, Kathleen, Thomas, and Francis Henry. Prior to settling in New York City as a music teacher and organist at Calvary Church, he played at churches in Hartford, CT, including Center Church and St Johns Episcopal Church in West Hartford, CT. He frequently sang in oratorios and concerts. For some years he was also organist and conductor of the choir at St. Paul's Chapel. In 1853 he was an organist at St. Philip's Episcopal Church in Charleston, SC. He did much to advance the standard of sacred music in the U.S. In days when country singing school teachers imposed more rudimentary melodies on hymn books. He published a collection of “Psalm & hymn tunes, chants, anthems & sentences” (Boston 1851). He died of yellow fever in Charleston, SC. John Perry

William Watkins Reid

1923 - 2007 Person Name: William Watkins Reid, Jr. Author of "O Thou God of Light All-Splendored" in Twelve New Lord's Day Hymns William W. Reid, Jr. (1923-2007), after graduating from Oberlin College and Seminary and Yale Divinity School served for more than fifty years as pastor in the Wyoming Conference in rural and inner-city Methodist churches. He served on the Executive Committee of The Hymn Society of America. He was involved in social issues, serving as a councilman and county commissioner. His hymns are widely published in hymnals of many denominations. Mary Louise VanDyke =============================== William W. Reid, Jr. is pastor of the Methodist Church Circuit at Carverton, Pennsylvania. He previously served in a similar capacity at Camptown in the same State. He is a graduate of the Yale Divinity School and Oberlin College. He served during World War II in the Medical Corps and was held prisoner by the Germans for eight months. He is the author of several hymns including those in "Fourteen New Rural Hymns" and "Twelve New World Order Hymns" published by the Hymn Society. ----Fifteen New Christian Education Hymns, 1959. Used by permission. ================================ William Watkins Reid, Jr., is currently pastor of Central United Methodist Church, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. He is a member of the Wyoming Annual Conference and has been active on its Social Concerns, Town and Country, and Evangelism boards, and on the Pennsylvania Council of Churches. ----Twelve New Lord’s Day Hymns, 1968. Used by permission. ================================ [Reid] is an executive committee member of the Hymn Society of America, and is the author of a number of hymns that have been published in hymnals in the United States, Canada, England, and in South Africa. As a council man he is concern with the ecology of Wyoming Valley (Penn. and N.Y.) and with the rebuilding of Wilkes-Barre after the disastrous flood of 1972. --16 New Hymns on the Stewardship of the Environment [Ecology] , 1973. Used by permission.

Frank von Christierson

1900 - 1996 Author of "Break Forth, O Living Light of God" in The Worshipbook Frank von Christierson (1900-1996) was born near Helsinki, Finland. He attended San Jose (California) High School, Stanford University (BA, Psychology, 1923), and San Francisco Theological Seminary (BD 1929). In 1983 he was awarded the citation of distinguished alumnus, and became a Fellow of The Hymn Society. He has served as youth director at First Presbyterian Church, San Luis Obispo, and pastor at Calvary Presbyterian Church, Citrus Heights, California. He has published a hymnal collection entitled Make a Joyful Noise (1987) and is represented in many hymnals. Three of his hymn texts have been included in the new Hope hymnal Worship & Rejoice (2001). ========================= After serving for thirty-seven years as a minister of the United Presbyterian Church in Berkeley, North Hollywood and Sacramento, California, Rev. Frank con Christierson has retired to serve as "Interim minister" in the Central Area of the Synod of California. He has been moderator of San Francisco Presbytery and of Los Angeles Presbytery, and has just completed three years as chairman of radio and television for the Sacramento Area Council of Churches. Born in Finland, he was brought to America as a boy of four. He is a graduate of Stanford University and of San Francisco Theological Seminary. He has written five hymns published by the Hymn Society of America. --Fifteen New Bible Hymns, 1966. Used by permission.


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