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Showing 61 - 70 of 83Results Per Page: 102050

Ak Fader lad dit Ord, din Aand

Author: Brorson Appears in 7 hymnals Topics: Femte Søndag efter Hellig Tre-Kongers Dag Til Høimesse; Fifth Sunday after Holy Three Kings Day High Mass; Kirken; The Church; Tredie Søndag i Faste Til Aftensang; Third Sunday in Lent For Evening; 16 Søndag efter Trefoldigheds Fest Til Aftensang; Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity Sunday For Evening; 20 Søndag efter Trefoldigheds Fest Til Aftensang; 20 Søndag efter Trefoldigheds Fest Til Aftensang; Twentieth Sunday after Trinity Sunday For Evening; Twentieth Sunday after Trinity Sunday For Evening; 22 Søndag efter Trefoldigheds Fest Til Aftensang; Twenty-second Sunday after Trinity Sunday For Evening Lyrics: 1 Ak Fader, lad dit Ord, din Aand Dog ret saa Overhaand! Og se hvor fuld din Urtegaard Af Torn og Tidsel staar! Din Vekst du har vel her, Men, ak, hvor tynd den er! Hvor lidet er dog Kraften kjendt Af Ord og Sacrament! 2 O Jesu, Jesu, kom dog snart At se din Vingaards Art! Af Døbte vrimler Stad og Land Men hvor er Troens Brand? Hvad hjælper det, vi veed, Du Døden for os leed, Naar vi ei staa mod Satans Verk I Troen frisk og sterk? 3 O Helligaand, for dig vor Skat Vi græde Dag og Nat, Kom, giv os samme Lys og Kraft, Vor' Formænd før har havt. Da Kristendommen stod Som Træ med sterkest Rod Og Krone fuld af Frugters Sne Og Purpur! Lad det ske! Used With Tune: [Ak Fader lad dit Ord, din Aand]
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Thou Judge of quick and dead

Author: C. Wesley Meter: Appears in 192 hymnals Topics: Twenty Fifth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 Thou Judge of quick and dead, Before whose bar severe, With holy joy or guilty dread We all shall soon appear; Our cautioned souls prepare For that tremendous day, And fill us now with watchful care, nd stir us up to pray: 2 To pray, and wait the hour, That wondrous hour unknown, When, robed in majesty and power, Thou shalt from heaven come down, The immortal Son of Man, To judge the human race, With all Thy Father’s dazzling train, With all Thy glorious grace. 3 O may we all be found Obedient to Thy word, Attentive to the trumpet’s sound, And looking for our Lord! O may we thus ensure A lot among the blest; And watch a moment to secure An everlasting rest. Used With Tune: ST. AUGUSTINE

Kom, Brødre! lad us haste

Author: G. Tersteegen; E. O. Schwartzkopf Appears in 5 hymnals Topics: Søndag Septuagesima Til Aftensang; Septuagesima For Evening; Kirken; The Church; Helliggjørelse og Fornyelse; Sanctification and Renewal; Jesu Efterfølgelse og Verdens Fornægtelse; Followers of Jesus and teh World's Forgiveness; Bønnen; Prayer; Haab og Længsel efter det Himmelske; Hope and Longing for the Heavenly; Femte Søndag efter Hellig Tre-Kongers Dag Til Aftensang; Fifth Sunday after Holy Three Kings Day For Evening; Femte Søndag efter Paaske Til Aftensang; Fifth Sunday after Easter For Evening; 4 Søndag efter Trefoldigheds Fest Til Aftensang; Fourth Sunday after Trinity Sunday For Evening; 23 Søndag efter Trefoldigheds Fest Til Aftensang; Twenty-third Sunday after Trinity Sunday For Evening Lyrics: 1 Kom Brødre! lad os haste, Vor Aften kommer nær, Vi Verden fra os kaste, Og alt, som hefter her; Kom, lad os fatte Mod I Aandens Kraft at vandre Til Himlen med hverandre, Saa blir' vor Ende god! 2 Det skal os ei fortryde, Den trange Vei at gaa, Gud vil sig selv tilbyde, Og trofast med os staa; Hann giver Liv og Lyst, Han lokker, vederkvæger, Han styrker, føder, læger Vor Sjal med Ordets Trøst. 3 Kom, lad os kjærlig vandre Og lægge Haand i Haand, Og holde af hverandre I dette Trængsels Land! Som Børn vi være maa, Paa Veien ikke stride, Guds Engle ved vor Side Som vore Brødre gaa. 4 De Sterkere de Svage Skal hjælpe frem, vi saa Hverandre bære, drage I kjærligt Samlag maa. Fremad da fort, enhver Sig selv for intet agte, Men kun derefter tragte, At Gud ham alting er! 5 Nu frisk dertil, I Fromme! Vor Vei den knapper af, Den Dag saa snart kan komme, Man bær os til vor Grav; Endnu lidt mere tro, Endnu lidt mere vakker, Det ud ad Aften lakker, Saa faar, saa faar vi Ro! 6 Det kan ei længe vare, Hold kun et Lidet ud, Saa skal vi hjemad fare Til Himlen, til vor Gud. Vær glad og vel bered! Naar vi med alle Fromme Hjem til vor Fader komme, Tænk, hvilken Salighed! 7 O Ven, o du Udkaarne, Vor Sjæles Himmerig, Du evige Enbaarne! Vi længes efter dig, Vi rose os i dig, Vor Lyst, vor sol, vor Ære, Vi ønske kun at være Hos dig evindelig!
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Lord in Thy Kingdom there shall be

Author: Joseph Anstice Appears in 12 hymnals Topics: The Catechism The Church; Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity; Twenty Third Sunday after Trintiy; Fifth Sunday after Epiphany Lyrics: 1 Lord, in Thy kingdom there shall be No aliens from each other, But even as he loves himself Each saint shall love his brother. 2 When in Thy courts below we meet To mourn our sinful living, And with united hearts repeat Confession, creed, thanksgiving: 3 Make us to hear, in each sweet word Thy Holy Spirit calling To oneness with Thy Church and Thee, That heavenly bond forestalling. 4 One Baptism and one faith have we, One Spirit sent to win us, One Lord, one Father, and one God, Above, and through, and in us. 5 Never by schism or by sin, May we that union sever, Till all, to perfect stature grown, Are one with Thee for ever. Used With Tune: MORLEY
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Din Næste elsk af ganske Sjæl

Author: Ludv. M. Bjørn Appears in 2 hymnals Topics: Tilføiede Salmer; Added Hymns; Hellig 3 Kongers Dag Til Høimesse; Epiphany; Femte Søndag efter Hellig 3 Kongers Dag Til Aftengudstjeneste - Til Sekund Tekstrækkes Epistel; Fifth Sunday after Epiphany; Skjærtorsdag Til Aftengudstjeneste - Til Tredje Tekstrækkes Lektie; Maundy Thursday; Femte Søndag efter Paaske Til Høimesse -Til Sekund Tekstrækkes Evangelium; Fifth Sunday after Easter; Fjerde Søndag efter Trefoldiheds Fest Til Høimesse; Fourth Sunday after Trinity Sunday; Sjette Søndag efter Trefoldiheds Fest Til Aftengudstjeneste - Til Tredje Tekstrækkes Epistel; Sixth Sunday aftet Trinity Sunday; Syvende Søndag efter Trefoldiheds Fest Til Høimesse -Til Tredje Teksxtækkes Evangelium; Seventh Sunday after Trinity Sunday; Niende Søndag efter Trefoldiheds Fest Til Aftengudstjeneste - Til Tredje Tekstrækkes Epistel; Ninth Sunday after Trinity Sunday; Tjuetredje Søndag efter Trefoldiheds Fest Til Høimesse -Til Sekund Tekstrækkes Evangelium; Twenty third Sunday after Trinity Sunday; Barmhjertighedsabeide; Mercy Work; Offervillighed; Self-Sacrifice Lyrics: 1 Din Næste elsk af ganske Sjæl, Det Bud kun kjendes for en Del; Det var vel Tid at lytte! Ak, Herre hjælp os, at i Dag Vi til dit stor Navns Behag Maa Daad til ordet knytte! 2 Naar Hjertet ei har Herren kjær, Da aabnes Haanden med Besvær, Det maa saa tidt erfares! Man glemmer ham, som Korset bar, Behandlet som et Vredens Kar; Hint aldrig kan forklares! 3 Et Offer Krist har bragt for mig, For al min synd tilstrækkelig; Thi skal det aldrig glemmes! Saa vil jeg da helt hjertelig Til Offer ham fremstille mig; Den Sag skal altid fremmes! 4 Da Jesus fattig, ringe sad, Han aldrig om en Penning bad; Den var ei blandt hans Glæder! Men Jesus, som saa herligt bor Blandt Engles store Jubelkor, Os om en Skjærv nu beder! 5 Hver Tjener vil han gi' sin Løn, Hver Hedning føre frem til Bøn Og hver en Nøgen klæde! Hvad vi nu gjør mod Herrens Smaa, deraf skal engang Høst vi faa Med stor og evig Glæde! 6 De hellige tre Konger bar frem til ham gyldne, skjønne Kar; det var saa stor en Gave! Min Gave kommer sligt ei nær, Men jeg har ham dog ogsaa kjær, Han ogsaa minskal have! 7 Vi, Venner, alle, som har kjær Den Ven, som er os stedse nær, Vil lægge paa hans Alter Den Gave, som vort Hjerte har Bestemt til ham, som er og var Vor Strengeleg og Psalter!
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O Lord my God, I cry to Thee!

Author: Nicholas Selnecker; Miss Winkworth Meter: Appears in 20 hymnals Topics: Twenty Fifth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 0 Lord my God, I cry to Thee! In my distress Thou helpest me. To Thee myself I all commend: O swiftly now Thine angel send To guide me home, and cheer my heart, Since Thou dost call me to depart! 2 0 Jesus Christ, Thou Lamb of God, Once slain to take away our load! Now let Thy Cross, Thine agony, Avail to save and solace me; Thy Death to open heaven, and there Bid me the joy of angels share. 3 0 Holy Spirit, at the end, Sweet Comforter, be Thou my Friend! When death and hell assail me sore, Leave me, O leave me nevermore, But bear me safely through the strife, As Thou hast promised, into Life. Used With Tune: VENI CITO
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Commit thy way, confiding

Author: Paul Gerhardt; Rev. Henry Mills, D. D. Appears in 15 hymnals Topics: Sexagesima; Third Sunday after Trinity; Twenty First Sunday after Trinity; Fourth Sunday after Epiphany; Sixth Sunday after Easter; Fifth Sunday after Trinity; Christian Life and Hope The Walk of Godliness: Cross and Consolation; Christian Life and Hope The Walk of Godliness: Cross and Consolation Lyrics: 1 Commit thy way, confiding, When trials here arise, To Him whose hand is guiding The tumults of the skies. There clouds and tempests, raging, Have each their path assigned; Will God, for thee engaging, No way of safety find? 2 Trust in the Lord! His favor Will for thy wants provide; Regard His word!--and ever Thy work shall safe abide. When sorrows here o'ertake thee, And self-inflicted care, Let not thy God forsake thee! He listens for thy prayer. 3 Should Satan league his forces, God's purpose to withstand, Think not their rage and curses Can stay His lifted hand! When He makes known His pleasure, The counsel of His will, That, in its utmost measure, Will He at last fulfill. 4 Hope on then, weak believer, Hope on, and falter not! He will thy soul deliver From deeps of troubled thought. Thy graces will He nourish, With hope thy heart employ, Till faith and hope shall flourish And yield their fruits of joy. 5 Well blest, His grace receiving, God owns thee for a son! With joy, and with thanksgiving, Behold the victor's crown! Thy hand the palm-branch raises, God gives it thee to bear; Then sing aloud His praises, Who has removed thy care. 6 The sorrows, Lord, that try us, O bring them to an end! With needed strength supply us! Thy love to us commend! That we, till death pursuing Thy best, Thy chosen way, May then, our life renewing, Praise Thee in endless day. Used With Tune: COMMIT THY WAY (Befiehl du deine Wege)
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When my last hour is close at hand

Author: Edgar Alfred Bowring; Nikolaus Hermann Appears in 14 hymnals Topics: Twenty Fifth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 When my last hour is close at hand, My last sad journey taken, Do Thou, Lord Jesus! by me stand, Let me not be forsaken. O Lord, my spirit I resign Into Thy loving hands divine; 'Tis safe within Thy keeping. 2 Countless as sands upon the shore, My sins may then appall me; Yet, though my conscience vex me sore, Despair shall not enthrall me: For as I draw my latest breath, I'll think, Lord Christ! upon Thy Death, And there find consolation. 3 I shall not in the grave remain, Since Thou death's bonds hast severed; But hope with Thee to rise again, From fear of death delivered, For where Thou art, there I shall be. That I may ever live with Thee: This is my joy in dying. 4 And so to Jesus Christ I'll go, My longing arms extending; So fall asleep in slumber deep, Slumber that knows no ending, Till Jesus Christ, God's only Son, Opens the gates of bliss, leads on To heaven, to life eternal. Used With Tune: WENN MEIN STÜNDLEIN VORHANDEN IST
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O what terror in thy forethought

Author: Peter Damian, d. 1072; John Mason Neale Meter: 8.7 Appears in 3 hymnals Topics: Twenty Fifth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 O what terror in thy forethought, Ending scene of mortal life! Heart is sickened, reins are loosened, Thrills each nerve, with terror rife, When the anxious heart depicteth All the anguish of the strife! 2 Christ, unconquered King of glory! Thou my wretched soul relieve In that last extremest terror When the body she must leave: Let the Accuser of the brethren O'er me then no power receive! 3 Let the Prince of darkness vanish, And Gehenna's legions fly! Shepherd, Thou Thy sheep, thus ransomed, To Thy country lead on high, Where for ever in fruition I may see Thee eye to eye! Used With Tune: ST. PETER'S
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When the last agony draws nigh

Author: John Andew Gramlich; Miss Winkworth Meter: Appears in 7 hymnals Topics: Twenty Fifth Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 When the last agony draws nigh, My spirit sinks in bitter fear: Courage! I conquer though I die, For Christ with Death once wrestled here. Thy strife, O Christ, with death's dark power Upholds me in this fearful hour. 2 In faith I hide myself in Thee; I shall not perish in the strife; I share Thy war, Thy victory, And death is swallowed up in Life. Thy strife, O Christ, with death of yore Hath conquered, and I fear no more. Used With Tune: WINKWORTH


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