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Robert Lansing Edwards

1915 - 2006 Person Name: Robert L. Edwards Topics: Race Relations Author of "God, Whose Giving Knows No Ending" in Lift Up Your Hearts Robert Lansing Edwards was born in Auburn, NY on 5 August 1915. He graduated from Princeton University in 1937. He earned an MA in history from Harvard University in 1938, and a Master of Divinity degree from Union Theological University in 1949. He was minister at First Congregational Church, Litchfield, Conn. for 7 years and was minister at Immanuel Congregational Church in Hartford, Conn. from 1956 until 1980. He was active in establishing low income senior housing, in prison ministry and with other community endeavors. He wrote several hymn texts as well as four books including Of Singular Genius, Of Singular Grace, a biography of Horace Bushnell, a famous pastor from Hartford; and his autobiography My Moment in History. He died 15 January 2006 at the age of 90 in Hartford. Dianne Shapiro form obituary accessed 9/7/2016 from "Hartford Courant" posted on

F. Venua

1788 - 1872 Person Name: Frederick Marc Antoine Venua (1788— ) Topics: Race, Christian Composer of "PARK STREET" in Many Voices; or, Carmina Sanctorum, Evangelistic Edition with Tunes Frederic Marc Antoine Venua; English composer Evangelical Lutheran Hymnal, 1908 Born to an Ital­i­an fa­mi­ly in France, Ve­nua at­tend­ed the Pa­ris Con­ser­va­to­ry, and stu­died com­po­sition in Lon­don. He di­rect­ed and com­posed for the ball­et or­ches­tra at the King’s The­a­ter, and be­longed the Bri­tish Roy­al So­ci­e­ty of Mu­si­cians. He re­tired to Ex­e­ter in 1858. © The Cyber Hymnal™ (">Frederick Marc Antoine Venua)

Sarah Doudney

1841 - 1926 Topics: The Christian Race Author of "How Long?" in Sacred Songs No. 1 Doudney, Sarah, daughter of Mr. George E. Doudney, of Cosham, Hants, was born near Portsmouth, but removed into a remote village in Hampshire at an early age. Her first efforts in literature were made when she was quite young, her poem, "The Lessons of the Water-Mill," a popular song, especially in America, having been written when she was only fifteen. Known mainly to the reading public through her stories, A Woman's Glory, Stepping Stones, and others, and through her contributions to the Sunday Magazine, Good Words, and other serials, her works, including fiction, and sacred and secular poems, have been widely read and appreciated. Her sacred poems are the least numerous of her writings. Some of these, as, "The Master hath come, and He calls us to follow," and "Saviour, now the day is ending," for use at the close of Evening Service, and of more than usual merit, create the desire for more of a like kind. Greater use, however, may be made of what she has written than has been done. By being buried in magazine literature, her hymns are somewhat difficult to trace. Her Psalms of Life was published by Houlston in 1871. In the Sunday School Union Songs of Gladness, 1871, the following were given;— 1. He hath gone into His garden. The Vineyard of the Lord. 2. In Thy holy garden ground. The Vineyard of the Lord. 3. Land of peace, and love, and brightness. Heaven. 4. Saviour, now the day is ending. Sunday Evening. 5. The Master hath come, and He calls us to follow. Jesus and Mary of Bethany. 6. We praise our Lord to-day. Sunday. 7. We sing a loving Jesus. Praise of Jesus. Of these, Nos. 1, 2, 3, are in her Psalms of Life, 1871, and all have passed from the Songs of Gladness into other collections. Her:— 8. Room for the wanderer, room. Christ's Invitation. is in W. B. Stevenson's School Hymnal, 1880. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================== Doudney, Sarah, p. 307, i. Other hymns in common use:— 1. For all Thy care we bless Thee. Morning. 2. Lord of the golden harvest. Harvest. 3. Now the solemn shadows darken. Evening. Nos. 1, 2, are from Miss Doudney's Psalms of Life, 1871, and No. 3 is in Mrs. Brock's Children's Hymn Book, 1881. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

John Needham

? - 1786 Person Name: John Needham (1710-1787) Topics: Christian Life Pilgrimage, Race Author of "Rise, O My Soul" in The Christian Hymnary. Bks. 1-4 Needham, John, was the son of John Needham, Baptist Minister, of Hitchin, Herts, but the date of his birth is unknown. He would doubtless be educated by his father, who was a tutor and in repute as a learned man. In 1750 Needham became co-pastor with John Beddome at the Baptist meetinghouse in the Pithay, Bristol; but, two years later, Beddome having retired through age, a violent controversy arose in the Church with regard to a continuance of the plan of co-pastorship. As the result, Needham and a number of his friends removed to a Baptist meetinghouse in Callowhill Street, where a Mr. Foot was pastor. For a time the two societies used the same builing at different hours, but in 1755 they were united, with Mr. Needham and Mr. Foot as co-pastors. It is known that up to 1774 this arrangement continued, and it is also known that in 1787, both Mr. Needham and Mr. Foot having died, the Callowhill Street Church became extinct, but which of the two pastors was the survivor is not known. The date of Needham's death is unknown. It was probably circa 1786. In 1768 he published Hymns Devotional and Moral on various Subjects, collected chiefly from the Holy Scriptures, &c, Bristol, S. Farley, 1768. These hymns are 263 in all, and whilst none of them possess great excellence, yet several are of a pleasing and useful character. During the past 120 years several have appeared in Nonconformist hymnbooks, and specially in those of the Baptists. Of these the following are still in common use:— 1. Ashamed of Christ! my soul disdains. Not ashamed of Christ. 2. Awake, my tongue, thy tribute bring. The Divine Perfections. 3. Glory to God, Who reigns above. Jesus, the Messiah. 4. Great author of the immortal mind. Imitation of God's Moral Perfections. From "flow matchless, Lord, Thy glories are." 5. Happy the man whose cautious steps. Christian Moderation. 6. Holy and reverend is the Name. Reverence in Worship. 7. Kind are the words that Jesus speaks. Christ the Strengthener. 8. Lord,ere [Now Lord] the heavenly seed is sown. Parable of the Sower. 9. Methinks the last great day is come. The Judgment. 10. Rise, O my soul, pursue the path. The Example of the Saints. 11. See how the little toiling ant. Youth for Christ. 12. Thou art, O God, a Spirit pure. God a Spirit. 13. To praise the ever bounteous Lord. Harvest. 14. When some kind shepherd from his fold. The Lost Sheep. From this “O how divine, how sweet the joy," in Hatfield's Church Hymn Book, New York, 1872, is taken. [Rev. W. R. Stevenson, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

B. Mansell Ramsey

1849 - 1923 Topics: The Christian Race Author of "Teach Me Thy Way, O Lord" in Trinity Hymnal (Rev. ed.)

William Watkins Reid

1923 - 2007 Person Name: William W. Reid Jr Topics: Race Relations Author of "The City Is Alive, O God" in Lift Up Your Hearts William W. Reid, Jr. (1923-2007), after graduating from Oberlin College and Seminary and Yale Divinity School served for more than fifty years as pastor in the Wyoming Conference in rural and inner-city Methodist churches. He served on the Executive Committee of The Hymn Society of America. He was involved in social issues, serving as a councilman and county commissioner. His hymns are widely published in hymnals of many denominations. Mary Louise VanDyke =============================== William W. Reid, Jr. is pastor of the Methodist Church Circuit at Carverton, Pennsylvania. He previously served in a similar capacity at Camptown in the same State. He is a graduate of the Yale Divinity School and Oberlin College. He served during World War II in the Medical Corps and was held prisoner by the Germans for eight months. He is the author of several hymns including those in "Fourteen New Rural Hymns" and "Twelve New World Order Hymns" published by the Hymn Society. ----Fifteen New Christian Education Hymns, 1959. Used by permission. ================================ William Watkins Reid, Jr., is currently pastor of Central United Methodist Church, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. He is a member of the Wyoming Annual Conference and has been active on its Social Concerns, Town and Country, and Evangelism boards, and on the Pennsylvania Council of Churches. ----Twelve New Lord’s Day Hymns, 1968. Used by permission. ================================ [Reid] is an executive committee member of the Hymn Society of America, and is the author of a number of hymns that have been published in hymnals in the United States, Canada, England, and in South Africa. As a council man he is concern with the ecology of Wyoming Valley (Penn. and N.Y.) and with the rebuilding of Wilkes-Barre after the disastrous flood of 1972. --16 New Hymns on the Stewardship of the Environment [Ecology] , 1973. Used by permission.

Juanita R. de Balloch

1894 - 1959 Person Name: J. R. de Balloch Topics: Race Relations Translator (Spanish) of "In Christ There Is No East or West" in Lift Up Your Hearts Born: 1894, Spain.

J. W. Schulte Nordholt

1920 - 1995 Person Name: J.W. Schulte Nordholt, b. 1920 Topics: Race Relations Translator (Dutch) of "In Christ There Is No East or West" in Lift Up Your Hearts J.W. Schulte Nordholt (b. 1920; d. 1995) was a Dutch writer and professor of the history and culture of North America. He is best known for his publications about the United States, particularly his biography of Woodrow Wilson. Lift Up Your Hearts, 2013

Martin H. Franzmann

1907 - 1976 Person Name: Martin H. Franzmann, 1907-76 Topics: Races and Cultures Author of "In Adam We Have All Been One" in Lutheran Worship Born: January 29, 1907, Lake City, Minnesota. Died: March 28, 1976, Cambridge, England.

Eunae Chung

Topics: Race Relations Translator (Korean) of "In Christ There Is No East or West" in Lift Up Your Hearts Eunae Chung lives in Grand Rapids, MI, with her husband, Moses, and their two children. Lift Up Your Hearts, 2013


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