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William Jones

1726 - 1800 Hymnal Number: 245 Composer of "ST. STEPHEN" in Hymns and Psalms Born: Ju­ly 30, 1726, Lo­wick, North­amp­ton­shire, Eng­land. Died: Jan­u­ary 6, 1800, Hol­ling­bourne, Kent, Eng­land. Pseudonym: Jones of Nay­land. Jones was ed­u­cat­ed at Char­ter­house and Un­i­ver­si­ty Coll­ege, Ox­ford. He be­came Vi­car of Beth­ers­den, Kent (1764); Pluck­ley, Kent; and Pas­ton, North­amp­ton­shire; per­pe­tu­al Cur­ate of Nay­land, Suf­folk (1777); and Rec­tor of Hol­ling­bourne, Kent (1798). He be­came a Fel­low of the Roy­al So­ci­e­ty in 1775. His works in­clude: The Ca­tho­lic Doc­trine of the Trin­i­ty, 1756 Fairchild Dis­cours­es, 1775 Physiological Dis­qui­si­tions, 1781 A Treatise on the Art of Mu­sic, 1784 Church Piec­es for the Or­gan with Four An­thems in Score, 1789 Jones was a de­scend­ant of the Col. J. Jones, who was one of the sig­na­tor­ies to the death war­rant of King Charles I of Eng­land. He used to reg­u­lar­ly ob­serve Jan­u­a­ry 30 as a day of fast­ing and hu­mil­i­a­tion for his an­ces­tor’s sin. Music: ST. STEPHEN

Washington Gladden

1836 - 1918 Hymnal Number: 802 Author of "O Master, let me walk with thee" in Hymns and Psalms Washington Gladden (1836-1918) was called to the First Congregational Church in Columbus, OH in 1882 and remained there for 32 years. In 1883-84 he was known for his success in fighting the corrupt Tweed Ring, for arbitrating the Telegraphers' Strike and the Hocking Valley Coal Strike. He attacked John D. Rockefeller, Sr. for giving $100,000 of "tainted money" to the Congregational Church's Foreign Missions program. Throughout his ministry he emphasized applying the gospel to life in America. He wrote "O Master, let me walk with thee" in 1879. Mary Louise VanDyke =================== Gladden, Washington, was born at Pottsgrove, Pennsylvania, Feb. 11, 1836; was educated at Williams College: and entered the Congregational Ministry. He was for some time editor of the New York Independent, and of the Sunday Afternoon. In the Sunday Afternoon, his hymn, "O Master, let me walk with Thee" (Walking with God), appeared in 3 stanzas of 8 lines, in March 1879. Of these stanzas i. and iii. are in Laudes Domini, 1884, and others. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907) ================== Gladden, W., p. 1565, ii. Dr. Gladden has been Pastor of the First Congregational Church, Columbus, Ohio, since 1882. His hymn-writing has not been extensive. The most popular of his hymns is "0 Master, let me walk with Thee," noted on p. 1565, ii. It has come into somewhat extensive use during the last ten years. Additional hymns in common use include:— 1. Behold a Sower from afar. [The Kingdom of God.] In the Boston Pilgrim Hymnal, 1904, this is dated 1897. 2. Forgive, 0 Lord, the doubts that break Thy promises to me. [Doubting repented of.] Dated 1879, in The Pilgrim Hymnal, 1904. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

Francis Pott

1832 - 1909 Hymnal Number: 484a Author of "Angel voices, ever singing" in Hymns and Psalms Francis Pott studied at Brasenose College, Oxford, where he graduated B.A. in 1854, and M.A. in 1857. He was ordained Deacon in 1856, and Priest in 1857. He was Curate of Bishopsworth, Bristol, 1856; of Ardingley, Sussex, 1858; was appointed to Ticehurst in 1861; and is now incumbent of Northill, Bedfordshire. Mr. Pott has made many acceptable translations, and has edited "Hymns Fitted to the Order of Common Prayer, etc.;" a compilation of real merit. --Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A., 1872 ============ Pott, Francis, M.A., was born Dec. 29, 1832, and educated at Brasenose, College, Oxford, B.A. 1854; M.A. 1857. Taking Holy Orders in 1856 he was curate of Bishopsworth, Gloucestershire, 1856-8; Ardingly, Berks, 1858-61; Ticehurst, Sussex, 1861-66; and Rector of Norhill, Ely, 1866. His Hymns fitted to the Order of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments, and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, According to the Use of the Church of England, To which are added Hymns for Certain Local Festivals, was published in 1861, and reprinted from time to time with a few additions. Mr. Pott contributed translations from the Latin and Syriac, and original hymns, including “Angel voices ever singing" (p. 68, ii.), and "Lift up your heads, eternal gates" (Ascension). These original hymns, together with his translations, have been received with much favour and are widely used. In several.…works, several translations from the Latin, and other hymnological work, are attributed to Archdeacon Alfred Pott. We are authorized to state that this ascription of authorship is an error. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Basil Harwood

1859 - 1949 Hymnal Number: 10a Composer of "LUCKINGTON" in Hymns and Psalms Basil Harwood (11 April 1859 – 3 April 1949) was an English organist and composer. Basil Harwood was born in Woodhouse, Gloucestershire (the second youngest of 12 children) on 11 April 1859. His mother died in 1867 when Basil was eight. His parents were Quakers but his elder sister Ada, on reaching 21 in 1867, converted to the Anglican Church. Basil was allowed to attend the ceremony at the Church of England in Almondsbury and this is where he was first drawn to organ music and choral singing. His father, Edward, remarried two years later in 1869 to a lady from an Anglican family. Basil was now sent to the Montpellier School in Weston-super-Mare for a year. In 1871, at 12 he was enrolled in Clevedon, the preparatory school for Charterhouse where he was first to formally study music. He went up to Charterhouse in 1874 and left in 1876 having won a leaving Exhibition to Trinity College, Oxford where he initially studied Classics (1879) and Modern History (1880). He then studied for a further two years, 1881–1882, at the Leipzig Conservatory under Carl Reinecke and Salomon Jadassohn. It was here in 1882, Basil composed his first anthem for chorus and organ "O Saving Grace." He returned from Leipzig to realise that he had now passed the age limit to study music formally. In 1883, Basil became organist of St. Barnabas Church, Pimlico completing his Sonata in C# Minor here in 1885, selling the copyright to the publisher Schott for one shilling a year or two later. After this success, he then moved to Ely Cathedral in 1887 where he wrote the bulk of Dithyramb, possibly his greatest organ work. His final appointment was as organist at Christ Church, Oxford and as precentor of Keble College, Oxford from 1892 to 1909. Whilst there he co-founded and conducted the Oxford Bach Choir which helped to earn him his degree as Doctor of Music. He conducted the Oxford Orchestral Association (1892–1898). He was musical editor of the 1908 Oxford Hymn Book and Examiner for Musical Degrees (1900–1925). During this time, he met and married Mabel Ada Jennings (the daughter of George Jennings) (who had become a pupil of his in 1896) at All Souls St. Marylebone, London (27 December 1899). Mabel had studied music herself, piano and composition, and was also a writer. She may well have composed lyrics for some of his lesser known tunes. At an advanced age she wrote a small volume of collected poems named Questing Soul. He retired early at 50 (in 1909) after the death of his father, Edward Harwood, from whom he inherited the family estate of Woodhouse having outlived his seven older brothers. Soon after moving in he had a three manual chamber organ built in the library by Bishop & Sons of Ipswich (now in Minehead Parish Church), on which he promptly finished his Sonata in F# Minor. He continued to compose prolifically. He was a keen walker, and named many of his hymn tunes after local places that he loved to visit, the most notable being the hymn tunes such as Tockington, Olveston, Almondsbury and Thornbury. In 1936 advancing in years, he let the Woodhouse estate and moved to Bournemouth. Part of the estate, Woodhouse Down, was later sold to his contemporary Robert Baden-Powell who was two years older than he was and who had also attended Charterhouse School, and is used as a Scout Camp to this day. In 1939, at eighty, he moved to London, taking a flat in Fleet Street. After a long life, he died on 3 April 1949, eight days short of his 90th birthday, at Courtfield Gardens in the Royal Borough of Kensington, London. A memorial service was held in St Paul's Cathedral on 22 April 1949. Mabel survived him, dying shortly before her 103rd birthday on 20 July 1974. He was survived by two sons; Major John Edward Godfrey Harwood (1900–1996) and Basil Antony Harwood (1903–1990) Senior Master of the Supreme Court, Q.B.D. and Queen's Remembrancer. His remains are interred in St. Barnabas Church, Pimlico and marked by a plaque inset in floor of the chancel, close to where he would have stood to conduct the choir. He composed cantatas, church music and works for the organ; his Service in A flat, the anthem O how Glorious and the hymn tunes LUCKINGTON ("Let all the world in every corner sing") and THORNBURY ("Thy hand O God has guided"), first used during a festival of the London Church Choir Association, remain in the Anglican repertory.

Ernst Lange

1650 - 1727 Hymnal Number: 54 Author of "O God, thy being who can sound?" in Hymns and Psalms Lange, Ernst, was born at Danzig, Jan. 3, 1650, where his father, Matthias Lange, was in the service of the Senate. He was for some time secretary in Danzig, and thereafter in Warsaw. In 1691 he was appointed judge in the Altstadt of Danzig, and in 1694 senator. He died at Danzig, Aug. 20, 1727 (Bode, p. 103; Allegemeine Deutsche Biographie, xvii. 623, &c). After a visit to the Netherlands in 1698, Lange allied himself with the Mennonites and Pietists in Danzig, and came into conflict with the Lutheran clergy. His hymns were mostly written about the time when the pestilence visited Danzig, in 1710, and principally appeared in his LXI. Gott geheiligte Stunden, without place or date of publication., but probably at Danzig, 1711 (Preface dated "Danzig, Feb. 12, 1711"). The idea of this work was as a thankoffering for preservation during this trying time; and it embraced 61 hymns, viz., one for each year of his life. A number of additional hymns seem to have been contributed in manuscripts to Freylinghausen's Neues geistreiches Gesang-Buch, 1714. Lange's hymns which have passed into English are:— i. Im Abend blinkt der Morgenstern. Epiphany, 1711, as above, p. 4, in 19 stanzas of 4 lines, entitled, "The Saviour Who appeared at Bethlehem to the Wise men from the East, set forth; from Matt. ii. 1-12." A new stanza was added as xx. (probably from his MS.), when the hymn was included by Freylinghausen, 1714, No. 59. Repeated, abridged, in Knapp's Evangelischer Lieder-Schatz, 1837, No. 435 (1865, No. 414). The translation in common use is:— The wondering sages trace from far. A translation of stanzas i., ii., xx., by Miss Cox, in her Sacred Hymns from the German, 1841, p. 23 (1864, p. 43). Repeated in Hedge & Huntington's American Hymns for the Church of Christ, Boston, 1853; Schaff's Christ in Song, 1869 and 1870, &c. Another translation is: "At eve appears the Morning Star," by Lady E. Fortescue, 1843, p. 5. ii. 0 Gott, du Tiefe sonder Grund. God's Majesty, First printed as No. 140, in Freylingkausen, 1714> in 10 stanzas of 141.; repeated in the Berlin Geistliche Lieder, ed. 1863. F. Schleiermacher called it "A masterpiece of sacred poetry." The translation in common use is :— 0 God, Thou bottomless abyss. A spirited tr., omitting stanzas vi., ix., and in 8 stanzas of 12 lines, by J. Wesley, in his Collection of Psalms & Hymns, Charlestown, 1737, No. 16, and the Wesley Hymns and Sacred Poems, 1739 (Poetical Works, 1868-72, vol. i. p. 143). The lines— "Thy wakened wrath doth slowly move, Thy willing mercy flies apace" are adapted from the New Version of Ps. ciii. 8. The hymn passed into the Wesleyan Hymn Book, 1780, in two parts, Nos. 231 and 232 (ed. 1875, Nos. 240, 241). In other hymn-books it has appeared in a variety of centos. As these are all from the text of the Wesleyan Hymn Book, more or less altered and transposed, it will suffice to give their first lines with references to the text of 1780. These centos include:— (1) While Thee, Unsearchable, I set (i., line 9 alt.). Martineau's Hymns, 1840. (2) Unchangeable, all-perfect Lord (ii., line 9). Longfellow & Johnson's Book of Hymns, Boston, U.S., 1848. (3) Thy parent-hand, Thy forming skill (iii). American Methodist Episcopal South Collection, 1847. (4) Thou, true and only God, lead'st forth (v.). Wesleyan Hymn Book, 1780, No. 232. (5) Thine, Lord, is Wisdom, Thine alone. Wesleyan Hymn Book (vi.). Scottish Evangelical Union Hymn, 1856. (6) Parent of good! Thy bounteous hand (vii.). Martineau's Hymns, 1840. (7) Parent of good! Thy genial ray (vii. alt.). Dr. Thomas's Augustine Hymn Book, 1866. These details show the extensive use of this hymn in English-speaking countries. Another translation is, "O God, Thou bottomless Abyss! How shall I competently know Thee," as No. 673 in pt. i. of the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754. In the edition 1886, No. 174, it begins, "O God, Thou fathomless abyss." iii. Unter denen grossen Gütern. Brotherly Love, or, Quinquagesima. A fine paraphrase of 1 Cor. xiii. First published 1711, as above, p. 37, in 5 stanzas of 10 1., entitled, "The preeminence of Love. From 1 Cor. xiii. 1, 2, 3, 13." When included as No. 423, in Freylinghausen, 1714, a new stanza was added as stanza vi., and this form is No. 798 in the Univerfälschter Liedersegen, 1851. Translated as:— Many a gift did Christ impart. A full and good translation by Miss Winkworth, in her Lyra Germanica, 1855, p. 50; repeated, abridged, in Kennedy, 1863. In the American Unitarian Hymns of the Spirit, Boston, 1864, and in the Laudes Domini, N. Y. 1884, &c., it begins with the translation of stanza ii., line 5, "Though I speak with angel tongues." [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Brian A. Wren

b. 1936 Hymnal Number: 155 Author of "Christ upon the mountain peak" in Hymns and Psalms Brian Wren (b. Romford, Essex, England, 1936) is a major British figure in the revival of contemporary hymn writing. He studied French literature at New College and theology at Mansfield College in Oxford, England. Ordained in 1965, he was pastor of the Congregational Church (now United Reformed) in Hockley and Hawkwell, Essex, from 1965 to 1970. He worked for the British Council of Churches and several other organizations involved in fighting poverty and promoting peace and justice. This work resulted in his writing of Education for Justice (1977) and Patriotism and Peace (1983). With a ministry throughout the English-speaking world, Wren now resides in the United States where he is active as a freelance lecturer, preacher, and full-time hymn writer. His hymn texts are published in Faith Looking Forward (1983), Praising a Mystery (1986), Bring Many Names (1989), New Beginnings (1993), and Faith Renewed: 33 Hymns Reissued and Revised (1995), as well as in many modern hymnals. He has also produced What Language Shall I Borrow? (1989), a discussion guide to inclusive language in Christian worship. Bert Polman

William J. Kirkpatrick

1838 - 1921 Person Name: W. K. Kirkpatrick Hymnal Number: 94 Composer of "CRADLE SONG" in Hymns and Psalms William J. Kirkpatrick (b. Duncannon, PA, 1838; d. Philadelphia, PA, 1921) received his musical training from his father and several other private teachers. A carpenter by trade, he engaged in the furniture business from 1862 to 1878. He left that profession to dedicate his life to music, serving as music director at Grace Methodist Church in Philadelphia. Kirkpatrick compiled some one hundred gospel song collections; his first, Devotional Melodies (1859), was published when he was only twenty-one years old. Many of these collections were first published by the John Hood Company and later by Kirkpatrick's own Praise Publishing Company, both in Philadelphia. Bert Polman

William Y. Fullerton

1857 - 1932 Hymnal Number: 238 Author of "I cannot tell why He, whom angels worship" in Hymns and Psalms Rv William Young Fullerton United Kingdom 1857-1932. Born at Belfast, Northern Ireland, he was raised Presbyterian, but became a Baptist preacher, administrator, and writer. When a young man he was influenced by the preaching of evangelist, Charles Spurgeon, who became his friend and mentor. He became pastor of the Melbourne Hall Baptiest Church. Thousands of people came to Christ under his ministry. He was tall, but very a[pproachable and kind. Fullerton served as President of the Baptist Union and Home Secretary of the Baptist Missionary Society. He spoke frequently at Keswick Conventions. He published works, including biographies of John Bunyan, Charles Spurgeon, James William Condell Fegan, and Frederick Brotherton Meyer. He also wrote missionary histories and devotionals. He compiled several hymnals as well. He died at Bedford Park, Middlesex. John Perry

Richard Baxter

1615 - 1691 Hymnal Number: 679a Author of "Lord, it belongs not to my care" in Hymns and Psalms Baxter, Richard. Only s. of Richard Baxter, yeoman, Eaton Constantine, Shropshire, b. at Rowton, Shropshire, Nov. 12,1615. He was educated at Wroxeter School, and for a time held the Mastership of the Dudley Grammar School. On taking Holy Orders, he became, in 1640, Ourate of Kidderminster. Subsequently he was for some time chaplain to one of Cromwell's regiments. Through weakness he had to take an enforced rest, during which he wrote his Saints’ Everlasting Rest. On regaining his health he returned to Kidderminster, where he remained until 1660, when he removed to London. At the Restoration he became chaplain to Charles II and was offered the bishopric of Hereford, which he refused. On the passing of the Act of Uniformity, he retired from active duty as a Minister of the Church of England. In or about 1673 he took out a licence as a Nonconformist Minister and commenced lecturing in London. He d. Dec. 8, 1691. His prose works are very numerous. His poetical are :— (1) Poetical Fragments: Heart Imployment with God and Itself; The Concordant Discord of a Broken-healed Heart, tendon, Printed by T. Snowdon for B. Simmons, at the 3 Golden Cocks, &c, 1681 (2nd ed. 1689; 3rd ed. 1699). It consists of accounts of his religious experiences in verse, and is dated "London, at the Door of Eternity; Rich. Baxter, Aug. 1, 1681." (2) Additions to the Poetical Fragments of Rich. Baxter, written for himself, and Communicated to such as are more for serious Verse than smooth, London, Printed for B. Simmons at the Three Golden Cocks at the Westend of St. Pauls, 1683. (3) A Paraphrase on the Psalms, With other Hymns Left fitted for the Press, pub. the year following his death (1692). [Early English Hymnody, x., and English Psalters, 6 xii.] The Poetical Fragments were republished by Pickering, Lond., 1821. From this work his well-known hymn, " Now [Lord] it belongs not to my care," is taken (see "My whole, though broken, heart, O Lord.") -John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) See also in: Hymn Writers of the Church

Hugh Wilson

1766 - 1824 Hymnal Number: 416 Composer of "MARTYRDOM/AVON" in Hymns and Psalms Hugh Wilson (b. Fenwick, Ayrshire, Scotland, c. 1766; d. Duntocher, Scotland, 1824) learned the shoemaker trade from his father. He also studied music and mathematics and became proficient enough in various subjects to become a part-­time teacher to the villagers. Around 1800, he moved to Pollokshaws to work in the cotton mills and later moved to Duntocher, where he became a draftsman in the local mill. He also made sundials and composed hymn tunes as a hobby. Wilson was a member of the Secession Church, which had separated from the Church of Scotland. He served as a manager and precentor in the church in Duntocher and helped found its first Sunday school. It is thought that he composed and adapted a number of psalm tunes, but only two have survived because he gave instructions shortly before his death that all his music manuscripts were to be destroyed. Bert Polman


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