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Hymnal, Number:lsb2006

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A Great and Mighty Wonder

Author: Germanus, c. 634-c. 734; John Mason Neale, 1818-66 Meter: Appears in 116 hymnals Refrain First Line: Procalim the Savior's birth Lyrics: 1 A great and mighty wonder, A full and holy cure: The virgin bears the infant With virgin honor pure! Refrain: Proclaim the Savior's birth: "To God on high be glory And peace to all the earth!" 2 The Word becomes incarnate And yet remains on high, And cherubim sing anthems To shepherds from the sky. [Refrain] 3 While thus they sing your Monarch, Those bright angelic bands, Rejoice, O vales and mountains, And oceans, clap your hands. [Refrain] 4 Since all He comes to ransom, By all be He adored, The infant born in Bethl'em, The Savior and the Lord. [Refrain] 5 All idols then shall perish And Satan's lying cease, And Christ shall raise His scepter, Decreeing endless peace. [Refrain] Scripture: John 1:14 Used With Tune: ES IST EIN ROS (Isorhythmic)

No Tramp of Soldiers' Marching Feet

Author: Timothy Dudley-Smtih, b. 1926 Meter: D Appears in 7 hymnals Lyrics: 1 No tramp of soldiers’ marching feet With banners and with drums, No sound of music’s martial beat: “The King of glory comes!” To greet what pomp of kingly pride No bells in triumph ring, No city gates swing open wide: “Behold, behold your King!” 2 And yet He comes. The children cheer; With palms His path is strown. With ev'ry step the cross draws near: The King of glory’s throne. Astride a colt He passes by As loud hosannas ring, Or else the very stones would cry “Behold, behold your King!” 3 What fading flow'rs His road adorn; The palms, how soon laid down! No bloom or leaf but only thorn The King of glory’s crown. The soldiers mock, the rabble cries, The streets with tumult ring, As Pilate to the mob replies, “Behold, behold your King!” 4 Now he who bore for mortals’ sake The cross and all its pains And chose a servant’s form to take, The King of glory reigns. Hosanna to the Savior’s name Till heaven’s rafters ring, And all the ransomed host proclaim “Behold, behold your King!” Scripture: Luke 19:36-40 Used With Tune: KINGSFOLD

The Night Will Soon Be Ending

Author: Jochen Klepper, 1903-42; Herman G. Stuempfle, Jr., b. 1923 Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals First Line: The night will soon be ending; Topics: End Times Scripture: Romans 13:12 Used With Tune: LLANGLOFFAN

Jesus, Thy Boundless Love to Me

Author: Paul Gerhardt, 1607-76; John B. Wesley, 1703-91 Meter: Appears in 348 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Jesus, Thy boundless love to me No thought can reach, no tongue declare; Unite my thankful heart to Thee, And reign without a rival there! Thine wholly, Thine alone I am; Be Thou alone my constant flame. 2 O grant that nothing in my soul May dwell, but Thy pure love alone; Oh, may Thy love possess me whole, My joy, my treasure, and my crown! All coldness from my heart remove; My ev'ry act, word, thought be love. 3 This love unwearied I pursue And dauntlessly to Thee aspire. Oh, may Thy love my hope renew, Burn in my soul like heav'nly fire! And day and night, be all my care To guard this sacred treasure there. 4 In suff'ring be Thy love my peace, In weakness be Thy love my pow'r; And when the storms of life shall cease, O Jesus, in that final hour, Be Thou my rod and staff and guide, And draw me safely to Thy side! Scripture: Ephesians 3:16-21 Used With Tune: RYBURN
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Christ Jesus Lay in Death's Strong Bands

Author: Martin Luther, 1483-1546; Richard Massie, 1800-87 Meter: Appears in 55 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Christ Jesus lay in death's strong bands For our offenses given; But now at God's right hand He stands And brings us life from heaven. Therefore let us joyful be And sing to God right thankfully Loud songs of alleluia! Alleluia! 2 No son of man could conquer death, Such ruin sin had wrought us. No innocence was found on earth, And therefore death had brought us Into bondage from of old And ever grew more strong and bold And held us as its captive. Alleluia! 3 Christ Jesus, God's own Son, came down, His people to deliver; Destroying sin, He took the crown From death's pale brow forever: Stripped of pow'r, no more it reigns; An empty form alone remains; Its sting is lost forever. Alleluia! 4 It was a strange and dreadful strife When life and death contended; The victory remained with life, The reign of death was ended. Holy Scripture plainly saith That death is swallowed up by death, Its sting is lost forever. Alleluia! 5 Here our true Paschal Lamb we see, Whom God so freely gave us; He died on the accursed tree-- So strong His love--to save us. See, His blood now marks our door; Faith points to it; death passes o'er, And Satan cannot harm us. Alleluia! 6 So let us keep the festival To which the Lord invites us; Christ is Himself the joy of all, The sun that warms and lights us. Now His grace to us imparts Eternal sunshine to our hearts; The night of sin is ended. Alleluia! 7 Then let us feast this Easter Day On Christ, the bread of heaven; The Word of grace has purged away The old and evil leaven. Christ alone our souls will feed; He is our meat and drink indeed; Faith lives upon no other! Alleluia! Scripture: Acts 2:24 Used With Tune: CHRIST LAG IN TODESBANDEN

At the Lamb's High Feast We Sing

Author: Robert Campbell, 1814-68 Meter: Appears in 186 hymnals Lyrics: 1 At the Lamb's high feast we sing Praise to our victorious King, Who has washed us in the tide Flowing from His piercèd side. Alleluia! 2 Praise we Him, whose love divine Gives His sacred blood for wine, Gives His Body for the feast-- Christ the victim, Christ the priest. Alleluia! 3 Where the paschal blood is poured, Death's dread angel sheathes the sword; Israel's hosts triumphant go Through the wave that drowns the foe. Alleluia! 4 Praise we Christ, whose blood was shed, Paschal victim, paschal bread; With sincerity and love Eat we manna from above. Alleluia! 5 Mighty Victim from the sky, Hell's fierce pow'rs beneath You lie; You have conquered in the fight, You have brought us life and light. Alleluia! 6 Now no more can death appall, Now no more the grave enthrall; You have opened paradise, And Your saints in You shall rise. Alleluia! 7 Easter triumph, Easter joy! This alone can sin destroy; From sin's pow'r, Lord, set us free, Newborn souls in You to be. Alleluia! 8 Father, who the crown shall give, Savior, by whose death we live, Spirit, guide through all our days; Three in One, Your name we praise. Alleluia! Topics: The Lord's Supper Scripture: Exodus 12:22 Used With Tune: SONNE DER GERECHTIGKEIT Text Sources: Latin, c. 5th-10th cent.

The Only Son from Heaven

Author: Elisabeth Cruciger, c. 1500-35; Arthur T. Russell, 1806-74 Meter: Appears in 16 hymnals Lyrics: 1 The only Son from heaven, Foretold by ancient seers, By God the Father given, In human form appears. No sphere His light confining, No star so brightly shining As He, our Morning Star. 2 O time of God appointed, O bright and holy morn! He comes, the King anointed, The Christ, the virgin-born, Grim death to vanquish for us, To open heav'n before us And bring us life again. 3 O Lord, our hearts awaken To know and love You more, In faith to stand unshaken, In spirit to adore, That we, through this world moving, Each glimpse of heaven proving, May reap its fullness there. 4 O Father, here before You With God the Holy Ghost And Jesus, we adore You, O pride of angel host: Before You mortals lowly Cry, "Holy, holy, holy, O blessed Trinity!" Scripture: Galatians 4:4-5 Used With Tune: HERR CHRIST, DER EINIG GOTTS SOHN Text Sources: Lutheran Book of Worship
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From Depths of Woe I Cry to Thee

Author: Martin Luther, 1483-1546; Catherine Winkworth, 1827-78 Meter: Appears in 36 hymnals Lyrics: 1 From depths of woe I cry to Thee, In trial and tribulation; Bend down Thy gracious ear to me, Lord, hear my supplication. If Thou rememb'rest ev'ry sin, Who then could heaven ever win Or stand before Thy presence? 2 Thy love and grace alone avail To blot out my transgression; The best and holiest deeds must fail To break sin's dread oppression. Before Thee none can boasting stand, But all must fear Thy strict demand And live alone by mercy. 3 Therefore my hope is in the Lord And not in mine own merit; It rests upon His faithful Word To them of contrite spirit That He is merciful and just: This is my comfort and my trust. His help I wait with patience. 4 And though it tarry through the night And till the morning waken, My heart shall never doubt His might Nor count itself forsaken. O Isreal, trust in God your Lord. Born of the Spirit and the Word, Now wait for His appearing. 5 Though great our sins, yet greater still Is God's abundant favor; His hand of mercy never will Abandon us, nor waver. Our shepherd good and true is He, Who will at last His Israel free From all their sin and sorrow. Topics: Confession and Absolution; Psalm paraphrase Scripture: Psalm 130 Used With Tune: AUS TIEFER NOT

Earth and All Stars

Author: Herbert F. Brokering, b. 1926 Meter: with refrain Appears in 33 hymnals First Line: Earth and all stars! Refrain First Line: He has done marvelous things Topics: Christian Education Scripture: Psalm 96:1 Used With Tune: EARTH AND ALL STARS
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Jesus, Priceless Treasure

Author: Johann Franck, 1618-77; Catherine Winkworth, 1827-78 Meter: Appears in 134 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Jesus, priceless treasure, Fount of purest pleasure, Truest friend to me. Ah, how long in anguish Shall my spirit languish, Yearning, Lord, for Thee? Thou art mine, O Lamb divine! I will suffer naught to hide Thee, Naught I ask beside Thee. 2 In Thine arms I rest me; Foes who would molest me Cannot reach me here. Though the earth be shaking, Ev'ry heart be quaking, Jesus calms my fear. Lightnings flash And thunder crash; yet, though sin and hell assail me, Jesus will not fail me. 3 Satan, I defy thee; Death, I now decry thee; Fear, I bid thee cease. World, thou shalt not harm me Nor thy threats alarm me While I sing of peace. God's great pow'r Guards ev'ry hour; Earth and all its depths adore Him, Silent bow before Him. 4 Hence, all earthly treasure! Jesus is my pleasure, Jesus is my choice. Hence all empty glory! Naught to me the story Told with tempting voice. Pain or loss, Or shame or cross, Shall not from my Savior move me Since He deigns to love me. 5 Evil world, I leave thee; Thou canst not deceive me, Thine appeal is vain. Sin that once did blind me, Get thee far behind me, Come not forth again. Past thy hour, O pride and pow'r; Sinful life, thy bonds I sever, Leave thee now forever. 6 Hence, all fear and sadness! For the Lord of gladness, Jesus, enters in. Those who love the Father, Though the storms may gather, Still have peace within. Yea, whate'er I here must bear, Thou art still my purest pleasure, Jesus, priceless treasure! Scripture: 1 Peter 1:18-19 Used With Tune: JESU, MEINE FREUDE


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