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St. Ambrose

340 - 397 Person Name: Ambrose of Milan, 340-397 Hymnal Number: 60 Author of "O Splendor Of God's Glory Bright" in Hymns of Faith and Life Ambrose (b. Treves, Germany, 340; d. Milan, Italy, 397), one of the great Latin church fathers, is remembered best for his preaching, his struggle against the Arian heresy, and his introduction of metrical and antiphonal singing into the Western church. Ambrose was trained in legal studies and distinguished himself in a civic career, becoming a consul in Northern Italy. When the bishop of Milan, an Arian, died in 374, the people demanded that Ambrose, who was not ordained or even baptized, become the bishop. He was promptly baptized and ordained, and he remained bishop of Milan until his death. Ambrose successfully resisted the Arian heresy and the attempts of the Roman emperors to dominate the church. His most famous convert and disciple was Augustine. Of the many hymns sometimes attributed to Ambrose, only a handful are thought to be authentic. Bert Polman ===================== Ambrosius (St. Ambrose), second son and third child of Ambrosius, Prefect of the Gauls, was born at Lyons, Aries, or Treves--probably the last--in 340 A.D. On the death of his father in 353 his mother removed to Rome with her three children. Ambrose went through the usual course of education, attaining considerable proficiency in Greek; and then entered the profession which his elder brother Satyrus had chosen, that of the law. In this he so distinguished himself that, after practising in the court of Probus, the Praetorian Prefect of Italy, he was, in 374, appointed Consular of Liguria and Aemilia. This office necessitated his residence in Milan. Not many months after, Auxentius, bishop of Milan, who had joined the Arian party, died; and much was felt to depend upon the person appointed as his successor. The church in which the election was held was so filled with excited people that the Consular found it necessary to take steps fur preserving the peace, and himself exhorted them to peace and order: when a voice suddenly exclaimed, "Ambrose is Bishop," and the cry was taken up on all sides. He was compelled to accept the post, though still only a catechumen; was forthwith baptized, and in a week more consecrated Bishop, Dec. 7, 374. The death of the Emperor Valentinian I., in 375, brought him into collision with Justina, Valentinian's second wife, an adherent of the Arian party: Ambrose was supported by Gratian, the elder son of Valentinian, and by Theodosius, whom Gratian in 379 associated with himself in the empire. Gratian was assassinated in 383 by a partisau of Maximus, and Ambrose was sent to treat with the usurper, a piece of diplomacy in which he was fairly successful. He found himself, however, left to carry on the contest with the Arians and the Empress almost alone. He and the faithful gallantly defended the churches which the heretics attempted to seize. Justina was foiled: and the advance of Maximus on Milan led to her flight, and eventually to her death in 388. It was in this year, or more probably the year before (387), that Ambrose received into the Church by baptism his great scholar Augustine, once a Manichaean heretic. Theodosius was now virtually head of the Roman empire, his colleague Valentinian II., Justina's son, being a youth of only 17. In the early part of 390 the news of a riot at Thessalonica, brought to him at Milan, caused him to give a hasty order for a general massacre at that city, and his command was but too faithfully obeyed. On his presenting himself a few days after at the door of the principal church in Milan, he was met by Ambrose, who refused him entrance till he should have done penance for his crime. It was not till Christmas, eight months after, that the Emperor declared his penitence, and was received into communion again by the Bishop. Valentinian was murdered by Arbogastes, a Frank general, in 392; and the murderer and his puppet emperor Eugenius were defeated by Theodosius in 394. But the fatigues of the campaign told on the Emperor, and he died the following year. Ambrose preached his funeral sermon, as he had done that of Valentinian. The loss of these two friends and supporters was a severe blow to Ambrose; two unquiet years passed, and then, worn with labours and anxieties, he himself rested from his labours on Easter Eve, 397. It was the 4th of April, and on that day the great Bishop of Milan is remembered by the Western Church, but Rome commemorates his consecration only, Dec. 7th. Great he was indeed, as a scholar, an organiser, a statesman; still greater as a theologian, the earnest and brilliant defender of the Catholic faith against the Arians of the West, just as Athanasius (whose name, one cannot but remark, is the same as his in meaning) was its champion against those of the East. We are now mainly concerned with him as musician and poet, "the father of Church song" as he is called by Grimm. He introduced from the East the practice of antiphonal chanting, and began the task, which St. Gregory completed, of systematizing the music of the Church. As a writer of sacred poetry he is remarkable for depth and severity. He does not warm with his subject, like Adam of St. Victor, or St. Bernard. "We feel," says Abp. Trench, "as though there were a certain coldness in his hymns, an aloofness of the author from his subject. "A large number of hymns has been attributed to his pen; Daniel gives no fewer than 92 called Ambrosian. Of these the great majority (including one on himself) cannot possibly be his; there is more or less doubt about the rest. The authorities on the subject are the Benedictine ed. of his works, the Psalterium, or Hymnary, of Cardinal Thomasius, and the Thesaurus Hymnologicus of Daniel. The Benedictine editors give 12 hymns as assignable to him, as follows:—1. Aeterna Christi munera. 2. Aeterne rerum Conditor. 3. Consors Paterni luminii. 4. Deus Creator omnium. 5. Fit porta Christi pervia, 6. Illuminans Altissimus. 7. Jam surgit hora tertia. 8. 0 Lux Beata Trinitas. 9. Orabo mente Dominum. 10. Somno refectis artubus. 11. Splendor Paternae gloriae. 12. Veni Redemptor gentium. Histories of these hymns, together with details of translations into English, are given in this work, and may be found under their respective first lines. The Bollandists and Daniel are inclined to attribute to St. Ambrose a hymn, Grates tibi Jesu novas, on the finding of the relics of SS. Gervasius and Protasius. These, we know, were discovered by him in 386, and it is by no means unlikely that the bishop should have commemorated in verse an event which he announces by letter to his sister Marcellina with so much satisfaction, not to say exultation.A beautiful tradition makes the Te Deum laudamus to have been composed under inspiration, and recited alternately, by SS. Ambrose and Augustine immediately after the baptism of the latter in 387. But the story rests upon a passage which there is every reason to consider spurious, in the Chronicon of Dacius, Bishop of Milan in 550. There is no hint of such an occurrence in the Confessions of St. Augustine, nor in Paulinue's life of St. Ambrose, nor in any authentic writing of St. Ambrose himself. The hymn is essentially a compilation, and there is much reason to believe, with Merati, that it originated in the 5th century, in the monastery of St. Honoratus at Lerins. [Te Deum.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) Also known as: Ambrotio, Ambrosio de Milán Ambrosius Mediolanensis Ambrosius Saint, Bp. of Milan Ambrosius von Mailand Aurelio Ambrogio, Saint, Bishop of Milan Aurelius Ambrosius, Saint, Bishop of Milan Milan, d. 397

Joseph Swain

1761 - 1796 Hymnal Number: 48 Author of "O Thou In Whose Presence" in Hymns of Faith and Life Swain, Joseph, was born at Birmingham in 1761, and after being apprenticed to an engraver, removed to London. After a time he became a decided Christian, and being of an emotional poetic temperament, began to give expression to his new thoughts and feelings in hymns. In 1783 he was baptized by the Rev. Dr. Rippon, and in 1791 became minister of a Baptist congregation in East Street, Walworth. After a short but popular and very useful ministry, he died April 16, 1796 Swain published the following:— (1) A Collection of Poems on Several Occasions, London, 1781; (2) Redemption, a Poem in five Books, London, 1789; (3) Experimental Essays on Divine Subjects, London, 1791; (4) Walworth Hymns, by J. Swain, Pastor of the Baptist Church Meeting there, London, 1792, 129 hymns; with a Supplement, 1794, 192 hymns; (5) A Pocket Companion and Directory, London, 1794. In addition to a limited number of Swain's hymns, annotated under their respective first lines, the following, from his Walworth Hymns1792, and the 2nd ed., 1796, are also in common use:— 1. Brethren, while we sojourn here. Mutual Encouragement. 2. Children of the King of grace. Holy Baptism. 3. Christ the Lord will come again. Second Advent. 4. Come, ye souls, by sin afflicted. The Yoke of Christ. 5. How sweet, how heavenly is the sight. Communion of Saints. 6. In expectation sweet. Second Advent. 7. Lift up your heads, ye gates. Ascension. 8. Love is the sweetest bud that blows. A Flower an Emblem of Christ. 9. 0 how the thought that I shall know. Heaven Anticipated. Sometimes it begins with st. ii., "For ever to behold Him shine". 10. On earth the song begins. Heaven Anticipated. 11. On the wings of faith upspringing. Passiontide. 12. Pilgrims we are to Canaan bound. Pilgrimage of Life. 13. Praise ye the Lord, the eternal King. Divinity of Christ. 14. Praise your Redeemer, praise His Name. Praise for Redemption. 15. 'Tis heaven begun below. Heaven Anticipated. 16. What is it for a saint to die? Death and Burial. 17. What must [will] it be to dwell above? Heaven Anticipated. 18. When firm I [we] stand on Zion's hill. Confidence. Sometimes as "I stand on Zion's mount," in American collections. 19. Who can forbear to sing? Praise of Jesus. From his Redemption, a Poem in Five Books, 1791, the following hymns are also in common use:-- 20. 0 Thou in whose presence my soul takes delight. In Affliction. 21. Ye daughters of Zion, declare, have you see? Comfort in Affliction. Of these hymns the most widely known are Nos. 1, 5, 6, and 20. We may add that several of Swain's hymns appeared in The Theological Miscellany, 1784-1789. [Rev. W. R. Stevenson, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Dorothy A. Thrupp

1779 - 1847 Person Name: Dorothy Ann Thrupp Hymnal Number: 390 Author (attributed to) of "Saviour, Like A Shepherd Lead Us" in Hymns of Faith and Life Dorothy Ann Thrupp was born in London, June 10, 1779. She contributed some hymns, under the pseudonym of "Iota," to W. Carus Wilson's Friendly Visitor and his Children's Friend. Other hymns by her, signed "D.A.T.," appeared in Mrs. Herbert Mayo's Selection of Hymns and Poetry for the Use of Infant Schools and Nurseries, 1838. She was also the editor of Hymns for the Young, c. 1830, in which all the hymns were given anonymously. She died in London on December 15, 1847. --The Hymnal 1940 Companion ================================ Thrupp, Dorothy Ann, daughter of Joseph Thrupp, of Paddington Green, was born at London, June 20, 1779 and died there on Dec. 14, 1847. Her hymns, a few of which have come into extensive use, were contributed to the Rev. W. Carus Wilson's Friendly Visitor and his Children's Friend, under the nom de plume of Iota; to Mrs. Herbert Mayo's Selection of Hymns and Poetry for the use of Infant Schools and Nurseries, 1838 (3rd ed. 1846, with change of title to A Sel. . . . of Infant and Juvenile Schools and Families), in which her signature is "D.A.T."; and also to the Hymns for the Young, which she herself edited for the Religious Tract Society circa 1830, 4th ed., 1836. In 1836 and 1837 she also published Thoughts for the Day (2nd series), in which she embodied many hymns which previously appeared in the Friendly Visitor. In addition to her hymns, which are annotated under their respective first lines there are also in common use:— 1. Come, Holy Spirit, come, 0 hear an infant's prayer. Child's Prayer. Appeared in Mrs. Mayo's Selection of Hymns and Poetry, 1838, No. 14, and signed "D.A.T." 2. God loves the little child that prays. God's love for Children. Given in Miss Thrupp's Hymns for the Young, 4th ed., 1836; and again in Mrs. Mayo's Selection of Hymns and Poetry&c, 2nd ed., 1840, and signed " D.A.T." It is sometimes given as "God loves the child that humbly prays." 3. Have you read the wondrous story? Life and Death of Jesus. This appeared anonymously in Miss Thrupp's Hymns for the Young, R. T. S., 1830, No. 12, in 5 stanzas of 4 lines. In Miss Thrupp's later publications this hymn is omitted, a fact which suggests that it was not her composition, but possibly that of a friend. It is in theLeeds Sunday School Union Hymn Book, 1833-78. 4. Let us sing with one accord. Praise of Jesus. This hymn is usually associated with Miss Thrupp's name, but on insufficient evidence. We find it in the 4th edition of her Hymns for the Young, 1836, and again in the 3rd ed. of Mrs. H. Mayo's Selection of Hymns and Poetry for the Use of Infant and Juvenile Schools, &c, 1846, and in both instances without signature. We know of no evidence which justifies us in ascribing the authorship with certainty to Miss Thrupp. The hymn is in the Leeds S. S. Union Hymn Book, 1833-78, and several others. 5. Poor and needy though I be. Divine Providence. Appeared in Miss Thrupp's Hymns for the Young, 4th ed., 1836, No. 22; and again in Mrs. Mayo's Selection of Hymns and Poetry>, &c, 2nd ed., 1840, and signed "D.A.T." 6. See, my child, the mighty ocean. Love of God compared to the Sea. Given in the R. T. S.'s Hymns for the Young, 4th ed., 1836, No. 26, and in Mrs. Mayo's Selection of Hymns and Poetry, &c, 1st ed., 1838, and signed "D.A. T." In Kennedy, 1863, it begins "Have you seen the mighty ocean." 7. Thou Guardian of my earliest days. Jesus the Children's Friend. This hymn we have traced to her Hymns for the Young, 4th ed., 1836. It is sometimes given as “Thou Guardian of our earliest days." 8. What a strange and wondrous story. Life and Death of Jesus. This hymn is found without signature in her Hymns for the Young, 4th ed., 1836, and again in Mrs. H. Mayo's Selection of Hys. and Poetry, 1838, No. 173, in 4 st. of 4 1, We have found no authority for ascribing it to Miss Thrupp. 9. What led the Son of God? Love of God in Christ. This appeared anonymously in her Hymns for the Young, 1830, and again in the Leeds S. S. Union Hymn Book, 1833. In modern collections it is attributed to Miss Thrupp, on the ground that it is found in the Hys. for the Young, which she edited. 10. Who are they in heaven who stand? All Saints. Published in Mrs. Mayo's Selection of Hys. and Poetry, 3rd ed., 1846, No. 64, in 5 stanzas of 4 lines, and signed A. D.T." It is in the Prim. Methodist Sunday School Hymn Book, 1879, and others. Several additional hymns to those named above have also been attributed to Miss Thrupp on insufficient authority. This has probably arisen out of the fact that all the hymns in the Hymns for the Young, including her own, were given anonymously. -- Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

E. Margaret Clarkson

1915 - 2008 Hymnal Number: 484 Author of "As the Father hath sent me" in Hymns of Faith and Life

Charles Coffin

1676 - 1749 Hymnal Number: 113 Based on of "The Coming Of Our God" in Hymns of Faith and Life Coffin, Charles, born at Buzaney (Ardennes) in 1676, died 1749, was principal of the college at Beauvais, 1712 (succeeding the historian Rollin), and rector of the University of Paris, 1718. He published in 1727 some, of his Latin poems, for which he was already noted, and in 1736 the bulk of his hymns appeared in the Paris Breviary of that year. In the same year he published them as Hymni Sacri Auctore Carolo Coffin, and in 1755 a complete ed. of his Works was issued in 2 vols. To his Hymni Sacri is prefixed an interesting preface. The whole plan of his hymns, and of the Paris Breviary which he so largely influenced, comes out in his words. "In his porro scribendis Hymnis non tam poetico indulgendunv spiritui, quam nitoro et pietate consulendum esse existimavi. Pleraque igitur, argumentis convenientia e purissiinis Scripturae Sacrae fontibus deprompsi quac idoneis Ecclesiae cantui numeris alligarem." His hymns are described by a French critic as having less brilliancy than those of Santüil (q.v.), but more simplicity and unction. They number 100 in the edition of 1736. Translated into English by J. Chandler, I. Williams and others, are noted under their respective Latin first lines. [William T. Brooke] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Frederick Whitfield

1829 - 1904 Hymnal Number: 78 Author of "There Is A Name I Love To Hear" in Hymns of Faith and Life Whitfield, Frederick, B.A., son of H. Whitfield, was born at Threapwood, Shropshire, Jan. 7, 1829, and educated at Trinity College, Dublin, where he took his B.A. in 1859. On taking Holy Orders, he was successively curate of Otley, vicar of Kirby-Ravensworth, senior curate of Greenwich, and Vicar of Stanza John's, Bexley. In 1875 he was preferred to St. Mary's, Hastings. Mr. Whitfield's works in prose and verse number upwards of thirty, including Spiritual unfolding from the Word of Life; Voices from the Valley Testifying of Jesus; The Word Unveiled; Gleanings from Scripture, &c. Several of his hymns appeared in his Sacred Poems and Prose, 1861, 2nd Series, 1864; The Casket, and Quiet Hours in the Sanctuary. The hymn by which he is most widely known is I need Thee, precious Jesu.” Other hymns by him in common use include:~ 1. I have a Great High Priest above. Christ the High Priest. 2. I saw the Cross of Jesus. The Cross. 3. In spirit, Lord, we meet Thee now. Missions. This was written at the request of the Committee of the Irish Church Missions for one of their annual meetings in London. 4. Jesus, Thou Name of magic power. The Name of Jesus. Sometimes given as "Jesus, Thou Name of power divine." 5. The sprinkled blood is speaking. The Blood of Christ. 6. There is a day I long to see. Heaven Anticipated. 7. There is a Name I love to hear. The Name of Jesus. Published in 1855 in hymnsheets and leaflets in various languages. From this the hymn “Jesus, the Name I love so well" is taken. 8. There's naught on earth to rest upon. God Unchangeable. 9. When dead in sin and far from God. Redemption. All these hymns, with the exception of No. 3, are in his Sacred Poems and Prose, 1861, and several of them have been printed as leaflets, and set to special music. The Sacred Poems, &c, contains 26 hymns, some of which are of considerable merit. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Cleland Boyd McAfee

1866 - 1944 Person Name: Cleland B. McAfee Hymnal Number: 448 Author of "O Jesus, blest Redeemer" in Hymns of Faith and Life Cleland Boyd McAfee (September 25, 1866 – February 4, 1944) was an American theologian, Presbyterian minister and hymn writer, best known for penning the gospel hymn, "Near to the Heart of God," and its tune called "McAfee". He wrote the song after the concurrent deaths of two of his young nieces, caused by diphtheria. McAfee was born in Ashley Missouri, in 1866, as one of five children. His father, John A. McAfee, was the founder of Park College in Parkville, Missouri. The younger McAfee graduated from Park College in 1884, and later graduated from Union Theological Seminary in New York. McAfee went on to serve as a professor of philosophy, choir director, pastor and dean of Park College until 1901, when he left to minister at the First Presbyterian Church of Chicago. McAfee moved from First Presbyterian in 1904, to pastor the Lafayette Avenue Church of Brooklyn, in Brooklyn, New York. McAfee also taught systematic theology at McCormick Theological Seminary, from 1912 to 1930. In 1912, McAfee authored the treatise, "The Greatest English Classic: A Study Of The King James Version Of The Bible." He was moderator of the General Assembly of Presbyterian Church in the United States, and led the Pres­by­ter­i­an Board of Foreign Mis­sions from 1930 to 1936. He died in 1944. On August 10, 1892, McAfee married Harriet "Hattie" Lawson Brown; they had three children, Ruth Myrtle, Katharine Agnes, and Mildred Helen. Mildred Helen McAfee Horton went on to become the first director of WAVES (Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service) in the United States Navy.

Luther B. Bridgers

1884 - 1948 Person Name: Luther Burgess Bridgers Hymnal Number: 99 Author of "There's Within My Heart A Melody" in Hymns of Faith and Life Luther Burgess Bridgers Born at Margarettsville, NC, son of a minister who conducted revival meetings, he assisted his father conducting meetings (1904-1913). He attended Asbury College at Wilmore, KY, and met his wife, Sarah Jane (Sallie) Veatch in 1905 while there. They had three sons: Luther Hughes, Allen Veatch, and James Marvin. He pastored Methodist Episcopal congregations in KY, NC, and GA, first pastoring in Perry, FL, before doing evangelistic work. He evangelized in the southern U S. He was also known for his fine singing voice and would sing at each meeting. Tragedy struck while he was conducting a revival in Middlesboro, KY, in 1911. Having left his wife and three sons to visit his wife’s parents while he was away, he learned that they had all perished in a house fire. In 1914 he remarried to Aline Winburn, and they had a son, Luther B Jr. After WW1 he took part in missionary outreaches to Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Poland and Russia. He often spoke to large crowds and saw many come to Christ. In 1914 he was also named ‘General Evangelist’ of his denomination. In 1921 Asbury College awarded him an honorary DD degree for his evangelistic efforts. He pastored at several Methodist churches in the Atlanta, GA, area, then briefly at a Methodist church at Morehead, NC. After his long ministry, ending in 1945, he retired and moved to Gainesville, GA, where he eventually died. He was known as ‘Melody Man’. He penned a number of hymns, eight of which were published in Charlie Tillman’s ‘The Revival No. 6’. His most famous, noted below, borrowed a tune from a popular song of the time, ‘Melody of Love’. John Perry

Bryan Jeffery Leech

1931 - 2015 Person Name: Bryan J. Leech Hymnal Number: 494 Author of "Through all the world let every nation sing" in Hymns of Faith and Life Bryan Jeffrey Leech was born in Middlesex, England in 1931. He came to the United States in 1955 and studied at Barrington College and North Park Seminary. He was ordained in 1961 and served in the Covenant Church. He composed more than 500 songs. Dianne Shapiro

Louisa M. R. Stead

1850 - 1917 Hymnal Number: 376 Author of "'Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus" in Hymns of Faith and Life Louisa (Louise) Maria Rouse Stead Wodehouse b. Dover, Kent, 1 February 1846 [registered Louisa Maria Rouse, but often known as Louise] d. Penkridge, Southern Rhodesia, 18 January 1917 She grew up in England, in Kent and Sussex, becoming governess to a family in Lyminge, Kent, before emigrating to America, c. 1871. While living in Cincinnati, Ohio, she attended a camp meeting in Urbana, Ohio, and wrote her first hymn, ‘Precious Saviour, thou hast saved me’, which was published in Winnowed Hymns, 1873, with music by Dora Boole. In September 1873 she married George Stead, of Hempstead, Long Island, at St Paul Methodist Episcopal Church, Cincinnati, and moved to Hempstead. Her verses, ‘Saved from the power and the bondage of sin’ were published in The Advocate of Christian Holiness, August 1875. She was apparently in England from April to July 1876, with their infant daughter, Louise, when her husband drowned in Hempstead Bay in May 1876, while saving the life of his little boy (a son from his previous marriage). In 1880, she was still living in Hempstead with Louise (aged 5), but shortly afterwards went to South Africa, where she married Robert Wodehouse in Port Elizabeth in January 1882. Her best known-hymn, ‘Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus’, with music by William J. Kirkpatrick, was published in Songs of Triumph, 1882. They served as missionaries in Africa for about 15 years, before returning to Long Island, USA, where he was pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church at East Meadow for several years. They returned to Africa in January 1901, to work in Umtali, Rhodesia. After retiring in 1911, she lived near Mutambara mission station, fifty miles from Umtali. Her daughter Louise (sometimes known as Lillie), followed her mother to Africa, where she married the Rev. David A. Carson, and was able to care for her mother in her later years. Gordon Taylor (research for Companion to the 2015 Song Book of the Salvation Army)


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