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Showing 81 - 90 of 217Results Per Page: 102050
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Jesus, still lead on

Author: N. L. von Zinzendorf; Jane Borthwick Meter: Appears in 291 hymnals Topics: Sunday Schools General Use Lyrics: Jesus, still lead on, Till our rest be won; And, although the way be cheerless, We will follow, calm and fearless; Guide us by thy hand To our Fatherland. 409 If the way be drear, If the foe be near, Let not faithless fears o'ertake us, Let not faith and hope forsake us; For through many a woe To our home we go. When we seek relief From a long-felt grief; When temptations come alluring, Make us patient and enduring; Show us that bright shore Where we weep no more. Jesus, still lead on, Till our rest be won: Heavenly Leader, still direct us, Still support, console, protect us, Till we safely stand In our Fatherland. Amen. Used With Tune: ROCHELLE
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The Church's one foundation

Author: Samuel J. Stone Meter: D Appears in 869 hymnals Topics: Sunday Schools General Use Lyrics: The Church's one foundation Is Jesus Christ her Lord; She is his new creation By water and the word: From heaven he came and sought her To be his holy bride; With his own blood he bought her, And for her life he died. 422 Elect from every nation, Yet one o'er all the earth, Her charter of salvation, One Lord, one faith, one birth; One holy Name she blesses, Partakes one holy food, And to one hope she presses, With every grace endued. Though with a scornful wonder Men see her sore opprest, By schisms rent asunder, By heresies distrest; Yet saints their watch are keeping, Their cry goes up, "How long?" And soon the night of weeping Shall be the morn of song. 'Mid toil and tribulation, And tumult of her war, She waits the consummation Of peace for evermore; Till with the vision glorious Her longing eyes are blest, And the great Church victorious Shall be the Church at rest. Yet she on earth hath union With God the Three in One, And mystic sweet communion With those whose rest is won. O happy ones and holy! Lord, give us grace that we Like them, the meek and lowly, On high may dwell with thee. Amen. Used With Tune: AURELIA
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We March, We March to Victory

Author: Rev. G. Moultrie Appears in 215 hymnals Topics: General Uses First Line: We come in the might of the Lord of light Used With Tune: [We come in the might of the Lord of light]
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God of Mercy, God of Grace

Author: Rev. H. F. Lyte Appears in 200 hymnals Topics: General Uses Used With Tune: [God of mercy, God of grace]
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Ye holy angels bright

Author: Richard Baxter; Richard R. Chope Meter: Appears in 114 hymnals Topics: Sunday Schools General Use Lyrics: Ye holy angels bright, Who wait at God's right hand, Or through the realms of light Fly at your Lord's command, Assist our song, For else the theme Too high doth seem For mortal tongue. Ye blessèd souls at rest, Who ran this earthly race And now, from sin released, Behold the Savior's face, God's praises sound, As in his light With sweet delight Ye do abound. Ye saints, who toil below, Adore your heavenly King, And onward as ye go Some joyful anthem sing; Take what he gives And praise him still, Through good or ill, Who ever lives! My soul, bear thou thy part, Triumph in God above: And with a well-tuned heart Sing thou the songs of love! Let all thy days Till life shall end, Whate'er he send, Be filled with praise. Used With Tune: DARWALL
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We love the place, O God

Author: William Bullock Meter: Appears in 103 hymnals Topics: Sunday Schools General Use Lyrics: We love the place, O God, Wherein thine honour dwells; The joy of thine abode All other joy excels. We love the house of prayer, Wherein thy servants meet; For thou, O Lord, art there Thy chosen ones to greet. We love the sacred font, Wherein the holy Dove Bestows, as ever wont, His blessing from above. We love thine altar, Lord, Its mysteries revere; For there, in faith adored, We find thy presence near. We love thy holy word, The lamp thou gav'st to guide All wanderers home, O Lord, Home to their Father's side. Then let us sing the love To us so freely given, Until we sing above The triumph song of heaven! Amen. Used With Tune: QUAM DILECTA
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Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord

Author: Christopher Wordsworth Meter: Appears in 124 hymnals Topics: Sunday Schools General Use Lyrics: Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of hosts, eternal King, By the heavens and earth adored; Angels and archangels sing, Chanting everlastingly To the blessed Trinity. Since by thee were all things made, And in thee do all things live, Be to thee all honour paid, Praise to thee let all things give, Singing everlastingly To the blessed Trinity. Thousands, tens of thousands stand, Spirits blest before thy throne, Speeding thence at thy command; And when thy command is done, Singing everlastingly To the blessed Trinity. Cherubim and seraphim Veil their faces with their wings; Eyes of angels are too dim To behold the King of kings, While they sing eternally To the blessed Trinity. Thee, apostles, prophets, thee, Thee, the noble martyr band, Praise with solemn jubilee, Thee, the Church in every land; Singing everlastingly, To the blessed Trinity. Alleluia! Lord, to thee, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Three in One, and One in Three, Join we with the heavenly host, Singing everlastingly To the blessed Trinity. Amen. Used With Tune: ST. ATHANASIUS
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Yes, God is Good

Appears in 69 hymnals Topics: General Uses First Line: Yes, God is good: in earth and sky Used With Tune: [Yes, God is good: in earth and sky]
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Advent tells us Christ is near

Author: Katherine Hankey Meter: Appears in 18 hymnals Topics: Sunday Schools General Use Lyrics: Advent tells us Christ is near; Christmas tells us Christ is here! In Epiphany we trace All the glory of his grace. Those three Sundays before Lent Will prepare us to repent, That in Lent we may begin Earnestly to mourn for sin. Holy Week and Easter, then, Tell who died and rose again: O that happy Easter Day! "Christ is risen indeed," we say. Yes, and Christ ascended, too, To prepare a place for you; So we give him special praise, After those great forty days. Then, he sent the Holy Ghost, On the day of Pentecost, With us ever to abide: Well may we keep Whitsuntide! Last of all, we humbly sing Glory to our God and King, Glory to the One in Three, On the Feast of Trinity. Amen. Used With Tune: INNOCENTS
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Jesus, meek and gentle

Author: George R. Prynne Meter: Appears in 249 hymnals Topics: Sunday Schools General Use Lyrics: Jesus, meek and gentle, Son of God most high, Pitying, loving Savior, Hear thy children's cry. Pardon our offenses, Loose our captive chains, Break down every idol Which our soul detains. Give us holy freedom Fill our hearts with love; Draw us, holy Jesus, To the realms above. Lead us on our journey, Be thyself the way Through terrestrial darkness To celestial day. 328 Jesus, meek and gentle, Son of God most high, Pitying, loving Savior, Hear thy children's cry. Amen. Used With Tune: ST. CONSTANTINE


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