J. R. Baxter

J. R. Baxter
Short Name: J. R. Baxter
Full Name: Baxter, J. R., 1887-1960
Birth Year: 1887
Death Year: 1960

Jesse Randall (Pap) Baxter, Jr. (1887-1960)

Born: December 8, 1887, Lebanon, Alabama.
Died: January 21, 1960.

Baxter grew up in De­Kalb Coun­ty, Al­a­ba­ma. In 1926, he bought part of Vir­gil Stamps’ Gos­pel mu­sic firm, which be­came the Stamps-Bax­ter Mu­sic and Print­ing Com­pa­ny, one of the most suc­cess­ful Gos­pel mu­sic pub­lish­ers of the ear­ly 20th Century. Bax­ter ran the com­pa­ny’s Chat­ta­noo­ga, Ten­nes­see, of­fice un­til Stamps’ death in 1940, then moved to Dall­as, Tex­as, to run the main of­fice. Af­ter Bax­ter’s death, his wife, Clarice, ran the bus­i­ness un­til she died; it was then sold to Zon­der­van. Bax­ter was in­duct­ed in­to the South­ern Gos­pel Music As­so­ci­a­tion Hall of Fame in 1997.

After the Sun­rise
Farther Along
God Shall Wipe Away All Tears (© 1940)
He Bore It All
I Have Peace in My Soul
I Hold His Hand (© 1929)
I Love My Sav­ior, Too
I Want to Help Some Wea­ry Pil­grim
I’m Liv­ing in Ca­naan Now
Living Grace
Praise the Lamb of God
Something Hap­pens
Travel the Sun­lit Way
Try Je­sus
When He Blessed My Soul
When We Meet to Part No More

© Cyber Hymnal™ (www.hymntime.com/tch)

Texts by J. R. Baxter (720)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
A glad time is comingJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
A song of praise will ring one dayJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
A wilderness drear I'm traveling hereJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Afar from Christ, my blessed SaviorJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
After the storm cloud, that is hiding the sunJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
After the sunshine comes the rain, after the gladness, grief and painJ. R. Baxter, Jr., 1887-1960 (Author)English5
All along the way I'm finding gloryJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
All around me every momentJ. R. Baxter (Author)3
All my care and sadnessJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
All the days are filled with sunshine as I walk the narrow wayJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Although the way is sometimes drearyJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Amid the bustle of this busy lifeJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Are you burdened with a load of sin (Baxter)J. R. Baxter (Author)3
Are you doing your best for the Lord each dayJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Are you reaping for the Master while the sun in shining bright?J. R. Baxter (Author)English2
As a nation we've been prone to wanderJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
As a stranger I roam with no place to call homeJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English4
As I travel along on the highwayJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
As I travel life's journey I am happy and freeJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
As I travel on life's road I must share another's loadJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English3
As I tread life's journeyJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
As I tread life's road 'neath a heavy loadJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
As Peter walked through old JerusalemJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English4
As we daily journey in this wilderness belowJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English3
As we daily look in the grand old bookJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English3
As you daily travel on your journeyJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
As you tread this vale belowJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
As you walk down the highway of lifeJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
As you wander today from the straight, narrow wayJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
Awake and sing about His marvelous loveJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Back to the Bible let us goJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Banish sadness, spread true gladnessJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
Be not misled there's victory aheadJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Be not troubled though the day seemsJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Beyond the stars we'll meet againJ. R. Baxter (Author)English4
Blessed hope drives away all the shadows todayJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
But for love and mercyJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
By faith I follow the wayJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Cheer up, comrades, on the wayJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Cheerful chimes are ever ringingJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Christ is keeping my soul each day, I shall be His alwayJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English3
Christ is my friend, He will defendJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Christ is my Shepherd, I shall not fearJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English4
Christ, our Lord, is coming back to earth againJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Christ the Savior brought salvation paid my ransom, set me freeJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Christ the Savior is our Captain, and I know He'll never leave usJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Closely I'm clinging, praise to JesusJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Come and join the singing, while the bells are ringingJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
Come to the Savior, win grace and favorJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
Darkness was on the road, heavy my daily loadJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Dearly I love my RedeemerJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
Doing with a willing heart my Lord's commandJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
Don't build your house on sinking sand, In storm or strife it cannot standJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
Doubting never, trusting ever, help me Savior firmly to standJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
Down here I tread A rough and winding roadJ. R. Baxter (Author)English4
Down in the valley while on my kneesJ. R. B., Jr. (Arranger)English3
Each moment of time, every hour of timeJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Each moment of time is preciousJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Earth seems full of sorrow wherever we goJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Earth to me holds many a treasureJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English3
Egypt was once my home, I was a slaveJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
Every day you live true service giveJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
Every day I am learning of Jesus, my friendJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Every moment of the day traveling life's uneven wayJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English3
Every promise that I read in the Bible I heedJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Every step on earth that I travelJ. R. B., Jr. (Author)English2
Everywhere we may go there is trouble and woeJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Faith brings joy and gladnessJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Far from the shades of sadnessJ. R. Baxter (Author)3
Father, I thank you for all you've doneJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
Footprints of Jesus, Lead me onJ. R. B., Jr. (Author)English3
For his saving graceJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
For my dear Lord's sake, I'll not roamJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
For the blessings each day we are thankfulJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English3
For years my soul was hungry and longed for living breadJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Free from pain and careJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Friends oft forsake meJ. R. Baxter (Author)English11
From morning till evening I'm trusting a KingJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
Give me grace, dear Lord, help me spread Thy wordJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Give me strength and courage that I may not failJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Give us thankful hearts each dayJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Gladly I am singing, cheerful is my odeJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
Gladly I labor in the vineyard belowJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English3
Gladly I sing the praise of Christ my LordJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Gladness is waiting me over the crystal seaJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
Go preach the word till all have heardJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
God wants your soul, give Him controlJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Gone is the load of sin that bound me, I am glad and freeJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
Gracious is the promise of my Lord and KingJ. R. B., Jr. (Author)English3
Greatest joy it is to know that His blessings round me flowJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
Happy all the timeJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
Happy am I along the journeyJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Happy am I along the way, Jesus is now my hope and stayJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Happy am I and cloudless the skyJ. R. Baxter (Author)English7
Happy am I since the Savior came inJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Happy am I this road to treadJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Happy each day as I press on the glad wayJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Happy each day glad praise I'm singingJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Happy in Jesus, though burdens I bearJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Happy is the man who has found the SaviorJ. R. Baxter (Author)3
Happy on the journey as I travel to that home aboveJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Happy the journey along the narrow wayJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
Happy voices let us raiseJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
Hark, I hear the echo of the glad tones pealingJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Harps are ringing in a cloudless landJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English5
Hay lugar en el reino de DiosJ. R. Baxter (Author)Spanish2
He floods my soul with gloryJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)3
He gave me a voice but He left me the choiceJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English3
Hear my humble pleaJ. R. Baxter (Author)English5
Hear this story, wondrous gloryJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
Heaven was built for all who daily trust in the LordJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
Here I have a place to rest and tarry till my labor on this earth is overJ. R. Baxter (Author)English4
Here I join my friends in songJ. R. Baxter (Author)3
Here I meet with disappointments and temptations every dayJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
Here I travel a rough thorny roadJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
Here in this valley of sorrow and sinJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
Here my stay on earth is transientJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Here we cannot know the meaningJ. R. Baxter (Author)3
Here we can't find a city of refugeJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Here we have our trials and crosses, oft the day seems long and drearJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Here we have sorrow, Pain, grief and careJ. R. B., Jr. (Author)English2
Here we have trials to vex us each dayJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Here we must me with vexing trialsJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
His life He gave, My soul to saveJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
His love means so much, so gentle His touchJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English4
Hold on to Christ when clouds hang lowJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Holy be, holy be, holy be Thy nameJ. R. B. (Author)English4
How I love my Savior and KingJ. R. Baxter (Author)English24
How to lose your burden let me tell you, my friendJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
I am anchored on the solid RockJ. R. B., Jr. (Author)English2
I am bound for that city eternalJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English3
I am dreaming of my childhoodJ. R. Baxter (Author)3
I am forgetting the sins of the pastJ. R. Baxter (Author)3
I am glad that you love my Lord, that you are doing His willJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
I am gladly singing praise to ChristJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
I am going home, nevermore to roam, Guided by love, looking aboveJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
I am going home to heaven whenJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
I am going some day to a wonderful placeJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
I am going to a city bright and fair, Where there is no sorrow, grief or pain or careJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
I am going up to heaven fairJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
I am happy as on I go, Serving Christ my LordJ. R. Baxter (Author)English5
I am happy because I found the SaviorJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
I am happy every day as I travelJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
I am happy every day since my burden rolledJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
I am happy in His love, As I tread the path that leads to gloryJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
I am happy in the service of my blessed KingJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
I am happy, joyful praises singing, Giving God the GloryJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
I am happy joyous praises singing, To the One whom I adoreJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
I am happy since my burdens rolled awayJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
I am happy that is why I'm singingJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
I am happy to say I face heaven todayJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
I am happy today as I the Master obeyJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
I am happy today, thinking of that new homeJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English3
I am in the gospel fight, standing for the truth and rightJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
I am just a pilgrim here but I have a homeJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English3
I am marching to a home beyond the riverJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
I am now a child of God since He saved my soulJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English3
I am on a journey through a land beset with sinJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English3
I am only on a journey in this wilderness belowJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
I am singing, to him clingingJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
I am so glad He came and sought meJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
I am so glad He sought and found meJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
I am so glad since Jesus cameJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English5
I am so glad that God pointed the wayJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
I am so happy to serve my dear LordJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English3
I am so happy when I'm singing praisesJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
I am thinking today of that home far awayJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
I am treading the road and bearing my loadJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
I am trusting in the promise, Of the Man of GalileeJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
I am weak but Thou art strongJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Arranger)English1
I believe that God in heavenJ. R. B., Jr. (Author)English3
I can feel the love coming from aboveJ. R. Baxter (Author)3
I cannot live my life aloneJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
I cannot see the end of the road I treadJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
I can't tell you why salvation cost the blood of Christ the LambJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
I climbed up the mountain and looked over the Jordan wideJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
I depend on Jesus, He supplies my every needJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
I do not know how long I'll waitJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English3
I do not know the depths of love my Savior bore for meJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
I do not tread earth's path aloneJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
I go rejoicing, my gladness voicingJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
I have a home in that city aboveJ. R. Baxter (Author)3
I have a home, no more I'll roamJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
I have a promised home awaiting yonder somewhere I knowJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
I have a road to travel hereJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
I have a Savior by my sideJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
I have a wonderful Savior walking with meJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English3
I have found my place through the Savior's graceJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
I have found the greatest pleasure serving my SaviorJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
I have found the roadJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
I have found the secret of true happiness belowJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
I have found true joy and comfort in the blessed Savior's loveJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
I have heard of a country where there never is a sighJ. R. B., Jr. (Author)English2
I have Jesus to guide me while crossing over the dark foamJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
I have Jesus to share my sorrowJ. R. Baxter (Author)3
I have just a little while to linger on this earthly shoreJ. R. Baxter (Author)3
I have no abiding city but I seek a place aboveJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
I have no abiding place while I run this earthly raceJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
I have read about a place that's filled with jewels rareJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English3
I have turned from sin and I want to winJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
I hold to the hand of my Savior and friendJ. R. Baxter (Author)English14
I know I'll go sometime to a home sublimeJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
I know my Lord is safely leading meJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English3
I know not why I cannot see before meJ. R. B., Jr. (Author)English2
I know that our Savior will hear usJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
I looked in vain for solaceJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
I love my Savior more each dayJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English3
I love to lift my voice in praises singingJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English3
I love to read the storyJ. R. Baxter (Author)3
I made a vow one day to Christ my KingJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
I met a man who all things knewJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
I need thee, dear SaviorJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
I now prepare for joys up thereJ. R. B., Jr. (Author)English5
I shall ever recall how His voice still and smallJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
I shall love my Savior each hour I liveJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
I sing because I love my Lord and want to praise His nameJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
I trust in thee in sunshine or in rainJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
I walk with the blessed Lord and Savior, trying hard to win His grace and favorJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English3
I wandered after pleasure away from homeJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
I want to be found robed and ready when the summons comes to goJ. R. B., Jr. (Author)English2
I want to be found watching when he comesJ. R. Baxter (Author)3
I want to be found worthy to be calledJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
I want to be ready when Jesus shall callJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
I want to go and live with JesusJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
I want to praise my Lord and SaviorJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
I want to serve my blessed Savior as I strive to win His favorJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
I want to serve my King and to Him tributes bringJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
I want to serve my Lord, work for the great rewardJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
I was bound by fetters strongJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
I was groping in darkness on a rough and lonely bywayJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
I was lost, in darkness on the downward roadJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
I was lost in sin and shame, But the Blood has set me freeJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
I was lost in sin and shame till in mercy He cameJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
I was lost in sin, had no hope withinJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
I was lost in sorrow's darkest nightJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
I was lost on sin's dark mountain, knew not where to goJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
I was sad, despairing, going on, not caringJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
I was steeped in sin and lostJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
I was tossed by waves upon life's seaJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
I would be ready for my taskJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
I would lift my voiceJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
I would sing with gladness amid earth's toil and strifeJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
I would still be lost in sin with no peace and joy withinJ. R. Baxter (Author)English4
If I believe that Jesus is the Son of GodJ. R. Baxter (Author)3
If my blessed Lord is my guideJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
If the path ahead fills your heart with dreadJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
If the pathway ahead seems to fill you with dreadJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
If the way seems dark and drear on your pilgrim journey hereJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
If this be the last song we'll sing togetherJ. R. B., Jr. (Author)English4
If we serve the blessed Lord, live according to His wordJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
If you do your best each moment as you pass along life's wayJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English4
If you have a heavy load to carry and you need a friend to stand by youJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
If you read the Bible you can surely findJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
If you want happiness each day as you go on this pilgrim wayJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
If you want to go to heavenJ. R. B., Jr. (Author)English3
If you want to know the joy of singingJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
If you want to win over sin and strifeJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
If you would have sweet peace, joy bells that never ceaseJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
If you would make the world brighterJ. R. Baxter (Author)English4
I'll be waiting at the portalJ. R. Baxter (Author)3
I'll follow Jesus, Every dayJ. R. B., Jr. (Author)English5
I'll go home some dayJ. R. B., Jr. (Author)English6
I'll meet you up in heaven when this life on earth is overJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
I'll serve my dear Savior and heed His commandJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
I'll strive with a true endeavorJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
I'm a pilgrim and a stranger, In this land of sin and woeJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
I'm a pilgrim and a stranger in this wilderness belowJ. R. Baxter (Author)4
I'm a pilgrim and stranger in this lowland of sinJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English3
I'm bound for glory with the Savior as my pilot through this landJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
I'm finding sweet pleasure, true joy without measureJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
I'm getting ready to join the happy numberJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
I'm happy singing with joy bells ringingJ. R. Baxter, J. (Author)English2
I'm happy to follow where He leads for He supplies my daily needsJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
I'm happy to know as onward I goJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
I'm just a pilgrim 'mid earth's sorrowJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
I'm keeping the promise to Jesus my KingJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
I'm living in a place where trouble I must faceJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
I'm on my way to the land of day, Where my soul shall ever abideJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
I'm on the glory way that leadsJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
I'm pressing onward each dayJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
I'm singing praisesJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English5
I'm traveling homeward where cometh no nightJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
I'm traveling on the road of darkness here and troubled with doubt and fearJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
I'm treading life's road and bearing my loadJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English4
I'm treading the narrow pathway that leads to glory landJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
I'm waiting the summonsJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
I'm walking with my Savior every dayJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
I'm willing now to humbly bowJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
In everything you do or sayJ. R. Baxter (Author)English4
In my heart a wondrous joyJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
In my heart bells of joyJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
In my heart the bells are ringing, Since the Lord has full controlJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
In my heart there blooms a flower sweetJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
In paths of sin I entered inJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
In that land of peace and gladnessJ. R. B. (Author)English2
In the land above is a home of loveJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
In the name of Christ your LordJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
In this land of sorrow what a joy it isJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
In this troublesome land I must have help to standJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
In this vale of sorrow, friendsJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
In Thy field I would wield sickles brave and trueJ. R. Baxter (Author)English25
In waves of confusion my vessel was tossedJ. R. Baxter (Author)English4
It doth not appear just what I shall beJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English3
It seems God's chosen peopleJ. R. Baxter (Author)English4
It thrills my soul to hear the songs of praiseJ. R. Baxter, Jr., 1887-1960 (Author)English14
I've a mother who is growing oldJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
I've found the pearl of priceless worth, renounced the things of earthJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
I've found the straight and narrow wayJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
I've started for home across the foamJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
I've started for home, beyond the blue skyJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
I've tasted the joy of full salvation from heaven's KingJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English3
Jacob dreamed he saw a ladder reaching to the skyJ. R. Baxter (Alterer)English2
Jesus brings joy to my soul, my weary soulJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
Jesus calls to you, O to him be trueJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
Jesus came down from earth to glory bringing to you salvation's planJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Jesus came down from His glory, Just to redeem my lost soulJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Jesus came down from His glory and throneJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
Jesus came from His home aboveJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English19
Jesus came when I was lostJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English5
Jesus daily walks beside meJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Jesus drives away the clouds of sorrowJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
Jesus has saved my soul, made clouds to backward rollJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Jesus is calling to youJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Jesus is coming from heaven above (Baxter)J. R. Baxter (Author)English4
Jesus is helping me the life crown to winJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
Jesus is mine, SaviorJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Jesus is pleading with you todayJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Jesus is the sinner's Friend, Ever just the sameJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Jesus is the solid Rock of agesJ. R. Baxter (Author)English4
Jesus is with me each moment I knowJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
Jesus keeps me singing, As I go alongJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
Jesus knows the road from earth to gloryJ. R. Baxter (Author)English4
Jesus left the glory of that glad home aboveJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Jesus, Master, save meJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
Jesus, my heavenly King, loves me, I knowJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English12
Jesus my Savior, Is my KingJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Jesus, my Savior, will show the roadJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Jesus never will forsake us as we travel here belowJ. R. B., Jr. (Author)English3
Jesus patiently stands and knocksJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Jesus purchased me with His precious bloodJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Jesus stands very nearJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Jesus washed my sins away one glorious morningJ. R. B. (Author)English4
Jesus went a heavenly mansion to prepareJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
Jesus went back homeJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English4
Jesus went to heaven but is coming againJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Jesus will gladly make you happy, my friendJ. R. B., Jr. (Author)English4
Jesus will guide you, walking besideJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Join your voices in singingJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
Joy is waiting me yonder, sweet the thought that I ponderJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Joy it is bringing me on the wayJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Joybells now are ringingJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Joyful news I want to tell and sing to youJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Just look ahead and cease to treadJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English3
Just to touch His hand gives me strength to standJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
Keep on gladly singing hereJ. R. Baxter (Author)3
Keep on showing the road to the final abodeJ. R. B., Jr. (Author)English2
Keep the glad news rolling over land and seaJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
Lest we fall into temptationJ. R. B., Jr. (Author)English2
Let glad hosannas be ringing todayJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Let me feel the presence of Christ my KingJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
Let me labor till He calls me to that happy home on highJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Let me lift my voice, in His praise rejoiceJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
Help me live each day on the pilgrim wayJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English3
Let me sing of the love of the Savior todayJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Let me walk closer to my LordJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
Let scoffers doubt, try some other routeJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Let us be faithful, praising our KingJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Let us keep telling the storyJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English3
Let us serve the Master each moment hereJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
Let's all unite our voicesJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
Let's keep our joybells ever ringingJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Life has been no bed of rosesJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Life is the station sending messages nowJ. R. B. (Author)English1
Like Abraham from the plains of sinJ. R. Baxter (Author)English5
Like gentle showers feed thirsty flowersJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
List to the glad bells now ringingJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Listen to my story, With the King of gloryJ. R. Baxter (Author)English4
Listen to the story of a Savior's careJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Long the paths of sin my wayward feet have trodJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Look to the Savior, my friend, to you a blessing He'll sendJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
Look up to the Lord and trust in His wordJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
Man was in darkness and hopeless his plightJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Man was lost and dyingJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Many are the promises for all who live arightJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English3
Many precious soul in darkness live who would heed the message you could giveJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Many strive to lay up treasureJ. R. B., Jr. (Author)English5
Many today think all our fathers were wrongJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Many war clouds arise, making darker the skiesJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Marching along the path to gloryJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Men have found the way, serving Christ todayJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Men may doubt the story of the crossJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English4
My boat will sail over the river some dayJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
My doubts are gone, I'm pressing onJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
My feet are so glad to walk with my KingJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
My God is love, it never failsJ. R. Baxter (Author)English4
My precious Savior suffered pain and agonyJ. R. Baxter Jr. (Author)English25
My Savior came down from His glory and crownJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
My Savior daily walks with meJ. B. Baxter (Author)English1
My soul is glory bound, was lost but now it's foundJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
My soul was drifting far from the roadJ. R. B., Jr. (Author)English6
Narrow is the way to the goalJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
'Neath a cloud of darkness and sorrowJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
No matter how loud you prayJ. R. Baxter (Author)English5
Nothing can harm me, no foe can alarm meJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
O brother, why don't you tell the truth?J. R. Baxter (Author)English2
O come and go with me to that eternal shoreJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
O dear brother when the world is burningJ. R. B., Jr. (Author)English5
O how much I'd like to goJ. R. B., Jr. (Author)English2
O how wonderful to tell the storyJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English3
O I love my Savior more each passing hourJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
O keep your heart swept and garnishedJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
O let us work for Jesus with body, soul and mindJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
O let your heart be gladJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
O praise His name He lifted meJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
O the all important question must be settled while you liveJ. R. B., Jr. (Author)English3
O the journey here sometimes seems drearyJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
O the light of the cross leads out over the wayJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English3
O the way grows brighter every day I liveJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
O what a blessed morning on heaven's golden shoreJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
O what a joy and exultationJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
Oft I am weary, the pathway seems drearyJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Oft I sit in meditation, thinkingJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Oft in our youth we are prone to be weakJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Oft the ties that we cherish are brokenJ. R. B., Jr. (Author)English3
Oft when the shadows are gathering fastJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
Often here we will climb a high mountainJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Often we meet to join in singing, lauding His great nameJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
Often we note a change, appallingJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English3
Often you sing on the journey belowJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
On a sure foundation I am building nowJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
On Christ my friend I now dependJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
On life's ocean wide with a stormJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
On some glad morning fair I'll lose all earthly careJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
On Sunday you're a mighty fine fellowJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
On that morrow, SatisfiedJ. R. B., Jr. (Author)English8
On the journey I'm rejoicing, peace and gladness dwell withinJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
On the mountain peaks of glory landJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
On the path of life to the setting sunJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Once I sought for perfect joyJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Once I wandered in the paths of sinJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Once I was blind to the right way of wayJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
Once I was blinded by the folly of sinJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Once I was far from the SaviorJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
Once I was sad, never felt gladJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
Once I was tossed by wild waves of doubtJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
Once my soul had drifted on the plains of sinJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Once the path seemed drearyJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
One day is now set apart each yearJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Only a pilgrim in a lowlandJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Onward I am pressing, seeking that blessingJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Onward I journey with my RedeemerJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Out from the darkness of sinful nightJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Out of the east in days of old there rose a starJ. R. B., Jr. (Author)English3
Out yonder somewhere a soul is in needJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
Outside He stands and knocks, your will His entrance blocksJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English3
Over the mystical river todayJ. R. Baxter (Author)English5
Over the river our loved ones now callJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Past sorrow's cloud, life's sun shinesJ. R. B., Jr. (Author)English5
Peace divine is mine today as I tread this pilgrim wayJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
Pilgrims for Jesus in a lowland of sinJ. R. Baxter (Author)English10
Pilgrims tell the blessed storyJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Praise the holy name of Christ the KingJ. R. B., Jr. (Author)English2
Praise the Savior and KingJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Praise to my great Redeemer, Lord and KingJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
Praises I'm voicing gladly rejoicingJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Remember, soul, before too lateJ. R. Baxter (Author)3
Riches and honor could never save my soulJ. R. B., Jr. (Author)English3
Round your soul are chains thatJ. R. Baxter (Author)3
Safely I'm standing on the Rock that is sureJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
Shadows fall across our pathwayJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Shadows may often come to darken the wayJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Shadows will pass away, brighter will grow the wayJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Shunning the lowlands where temptations are rifeJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English4
Sin clouds were over us, darkness before usJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English3
Since I found the blessed Savior, gave to Him complete controlJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
Since I gave my heart to Jesus, I have foundJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English3
Since I have the blessed Savior walking by my sideJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
Since Jesus took control and saved my dying soulJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Since Jesus washed my sins away, I'm finding joyJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Since salvation is freeJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Sin-chains once bound me, I was weary and loneJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Sing a song of glad praise to the KingJ. R. B., Jr. (Author)English2
Sing a song of hope and joy todayJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Sing for Jesus, as you journey hereJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Sing praises to our Savior KingJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Sing the praise of Jesus as you go alongJ. R. Baxter (Author)English6
Sing unto God for he is the KingJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
So many would hinder me hereJ. R. Baxter (Author)3
So often I am dreaming of days that used to beJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
So often I think of heaven my homeJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
Some days are dark, And dreary for the pilgrim hereJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Some glad day when ends life's wayJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Some happy morning bright my soul will take its flightJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Sometime we shall playJ. R. B., Jr. (Author)English2
Sometimes I grow tired in body and soulJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Sometimes the way seems drearyJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Soon I'll be going, joy overflowingJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English3
Sorrow oft bows us low causing despair and woeJ. R. Baxter, Jr., 1887-1960 (Arranger)English5
Sorrow was in my lifeJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Sorrows surround us while treading life's roadJ. R. Baxter (Author)English8
Storms may be sweeping me, Jesus is keeping meJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English3
Sun and rain, golden grain, teach a lesson trueJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
Sunshine of love comes from aboveJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Sweeter praises will ring to our Savior and KingJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English3
Sweetest comfort is mine since the spirit divineJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Sweetest flowers will be growing in the gardens over thereJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English3
Teach me to follow Thee, O GodJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
Tell me not this life is allJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
Thankful voices let us raise in our great Redeemer's praiseJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Thankful voices unto Jesus raiseJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
John said the city was just four-squareJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Arranger)English1
The blessed Lord of glory came to this sinful earthJ. R. Baxter (Author)English5
The blessed Savior's voice is callingJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
The byways of sin I've left behindJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
The fields are white, the harvest will soon be pastJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
The gates to that heavenly cityJ. R. Baxter (Author)3
The light of love is shiningJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
The Lord has prepared for us a home up yonder 'neath heaven's starry domeJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English4
The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall never wantJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
The love of Christ still reachesJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
The night is coming, so I must work fasterJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
The pathway before me has dangers I knowJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
The prayers of my motherJ. R. B., Jr. (Author)English2
The Savior came from glory land aboveJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
The Savior is calling, O list to his voiceJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
The Savior is coming from glory some dayJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
The Savior is tenderly calling, Don't put off salvation too longJ. R. Baxter Jr. (Author)English6
The Savior left his home in glory fairJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
The world is full of doubt and gloomJ. R. Baxter (Author)3
There are arms on which we're leaningJ. R. Baxter (Author)English4
There are blessings for you and a home with the trueJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
There are many faithful workers voicing praise to God todayJ. R. Baxter (Author)English4
There are paths just ahead, as life's journey we treadJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English4
There are storms along this pilgrim way that we all must bravely faceJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
There is a King whom the waves obeyJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
There is a land not far away, Where roses bloom but never decayJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
There is a path that leads to God (Baxter)J. R. Baxter (Author)English3
There is a rest for body and mindJ. R. Baxter (Author)3
There is a rift in the clouds aboveJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
There is coming a time when all God's singers uniteJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
There is room in the kingdom of God, my brotherJ. R. B., Jr. (Author)English8
There is something you can do along the journey hereJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
There stood the Savior scourged and boundJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
There will come a blessed timeJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
There'll come a time of great rejoicingJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
There's a golden city in the skyJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
There's a happy home awaiting over yonderJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
There's a lesson we should learn before too lateJ. R. B., Jr. (Author)English1
There's a mansion built above, 'Twas prepared by one we loveJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
There's a rainbow of love that is pointing aboveJ. R. Baxter (Author)5
There's a word so often spoken which we cannot comprehendJ. R. B., Jr. (Author)English2
There's coming a day when homeward I goJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English1
This dark world needs a song that's cheeryJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Though He came to earth and bore all our shame on the crossJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Though I bear a burden and carry here a crossJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Though I never may know why the clouds hang lowJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Though it seems others have more gladnessJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English3
Though storms of doubt around me gather as I tread life's wayJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English3
Though the pathway we are treadingJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Though you grope in despair, no one seems to careJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English3
Those you love may forget youJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Though from the scenes of yore I now roamJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Though I must travel on and face a dreary dawnJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
Though I see not what's before me, doubts and fears make pathways dimJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
Though all other friends forsakeJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
Though my possessions on this earth are fewJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
Though on earth I may not own a great possessionJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Though our trials oft dismayJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Though rough may be the journeyJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
Though sorrows come my wayJ. R. Baxter (Author)English4
Though the clouds may oft hover over usJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
Though the earth was filled with sinJ. R. Baxter (Author)English5
Though the road be rough and steep or the waters deepJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
Though the Savior leaves the Father and descends before the dawnJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
Though the way be rough and steepJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Though trials come along the wayJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English3
Though we are placed in the tombJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Though you are lost in sinJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Though you have wandered far, sin-stains your soul may marJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
Through gates that open I'll goJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Through the Valley of shadowsJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Time is flying fast, earthly things can't lastJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Time is swiftly passing by, soon I'll bid this world goodbyeJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
Time is swiftly passing, the twilight draws nearJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English3
'Tis recorded in the Bible that on earth some dayJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
To him clinging, praises gladlyJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
To Jesus my Savior I clingJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
To the garden Jesus went, His disciples tooJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English5
To the hand of Jesus I am clingingJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Too long I've waited for anotherJ. R. B., Jr. (Author)English2
Troubles I fear while travelingJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
True love for you and meJ. R. B., Jr. (Author)English2
Trusting in Christ to send usJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
'Twill be wonderful indeed to be his childJ. R. Baxter (Author)3
Unto the weary and troubled soulJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Wake up, reapers, see the harvest is whiteJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Walking with Jesus the beautiful wayJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English4
Warnings we find on the sea of lifeJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English4
We are a happy band traveling through this landJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
We are climbing Jacob's golden ladderJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)1
We are happy singing on the wayJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
We are in the service of the blessed MasterJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
We are on the highway, shunning every bywayJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
We are seeking for a city that will stand eternallyJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
We are traveling on the shining road to gloryJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
We have found the road to our eternal homeJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
We love to praise our SaviorJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
We meet to praise the King of gloryJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
We see the rainbow shiningJ. R. Baxter (Author)3
We shall sing with the saints in gloryJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
We were lost in sin and shameJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
We will follow Him thru the shadows dimJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
We'll join our voices in songs of praiseJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English3
We're on our way to mansionsJ. R. Baxter (Author)3
What a glad song I sing, Christ is my Lord and KingJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
What a glad time waiting over yonder in that bright home beyond the skyJ. R. B., Jr. (Author (Last verse))English2
What a happy day that's coming by and byJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
What a singing over yonder, When we reach that happy placeJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
What a song we'll raise in happy praiseJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
What a wonderful feeling, just to know He is mineJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English5
What am I to point with prideJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English3
What could I do without JesusJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English32
What if some times the road is dusty, over mountains rough and wild?J. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
When all the toils of this life are endedJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
When all the world, enslaved by sinJ. R. B., Jr. (Author)English8
When cares of life assail me I have a guideJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
When clouds of sorrow around your pathway rollJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
When darkness spreads its mantle 'roundJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
When I am through with toiling hereJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
When I am tried in Christ I confideJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
When I get to heaven, I'm gonna singJ. R. B., Jr. (Author)English2
When I near the portals of the New JerusalemJ. R. Baxter (Author)4
When I reach the end of the journey hereJ. R. B., Jr. (Author)English2
When I reach the golden shoreJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
When I walk the streets of gloryJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
When I was drifting away from GodJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
When I was lost and bound by fetters, heaven's bright goal I could not seeJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
When I was lost in darkest nightJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
When I was lost in sin and disgraceJ. R. Baxter (Author)English6
When Jesus came down from His glory and crownJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
When Jesus comes to earth from heavenJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
When Jesus our Savior came down from above (Morris/Baxter)J. R. B., Jr. (Author)English2
When Jesus was treading the pathway of earthJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
When life here is overJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
When life shall end, my soul ascendJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
When life's road is dreary and our strength is almost goneJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
When man was lost in sin, no ray of hope withinJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)2
When my Lord shall call me to mansions in the skyJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
When my Savior left His home in heaven to rescue me from sinJ. R. B., Jr. (Author)English3
When my soul shall reach the glory landJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
When my soul was lost and inJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
When my soul was lost in darkness far from truth and rightJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
When my strength seemeth almost goneJ. R. B., Jr. (Author)English3
When my toiling is done on the journey belowJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
When my work on earth is ended and I'm crossing the foaJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
When night shades are falling (Baxter)J. R. Baxter (Author)English2
When our labors on earth are over and we journey to heaven's shoreJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
When our Lord shall call us homeJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
When our traveling days are ended and we gather on heaven's shoreJ. R. Baxter (Alterer)English2
When sorrows fall across the path I travelJ. R. B., Jr. (Author)English5
When the clouds hang low on the path you goJ. R. Baxter (Author)English4
When the day is dreary and the pathway dimJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
When the days are drear, Shine, shine, shineJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
When the final day is breaking and the trumpet shall soundJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
When the foes assail your soulJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
When the golden morning shall dawnJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
When the Lord the great Director stretchesJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
When the Master walked in GalileeJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
When the mighty trump of God is soundingJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
When the path is dreary, men groping to find the wayJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
When the path seems hard and longJ. R. Baxter (Author)English4
When the road is rough and the way is steepJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
When the Savior calls on me others to leadJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English3
When the storms of life assail and toss my little barkJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
When the storms sweep over me on the journey hereJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English3
When the summons I hear from the Savior so dearJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
When the sun goes down in the eveningJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
When the trump shall sound on that great morning, what a happy jubileeJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
When the veil is liftedJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
When the waves of Jordan I seeJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
When the way seemeth dim, look in faith unto HimJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
When the way seems dim I remember himJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
When the world was lost in sadnessJ. R. Baxter (Author)3
When the world was lost in sin and our dear Savior entered inJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
When the world was steeped in sin, no love-light shiningJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
When we all have reached the portals of the New JerusalemJ. R. B., Jr. (Author)English3
When we all reach the city of the New JerusalemJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
When we come to cross the tideJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
When we reach that home and lay our burdens downJ. R. Baxter, Jr., 1887-1960 (Author)English18
When we reach the shining portals of the place prepared aboveJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
When we think we've done our best, stood the hardest testJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English3
When we tread the streets of gloryJ. R. B., Jr. (Author)English2
When your heart is bleedingJ. R. Baxter (Author)3
While a pilgrim in a landJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
While His arms of love bid you look aboveJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
While I am here in a land beset with pain and sorrowJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
While I travel life's road, I'm tempted and triedJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
While I tread this sinful path belowJesse Randall Baxter Jr. (Author)English2
While I'm treading this path of sorrow I am waiting for His glad callJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
While Jesus is tenderly pleading, throw open the door of your heartJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English5
While my Lord is passing byJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English3
While traveling on the road of lifeJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
While traveling over life's rugged way, I want to do my best each dayJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
While walking down life's rugged roadJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Whosoever will we hear the Master sayJ. R. Baxter (Author)2
Why did my Savior leave His throneJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
With an eye of faith I see a placeJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
Wonderful the story, Jesus came from glory (Baxter)J. R. Baxter (Author)English2
Work for Christ the Lord, live in sweet accordJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
Working, working for the blessed MasterJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English3
You are drifting on life's oceanJ. R. Baxter (Author)3
You are drifting with the tide, onward down the stream you glideJ. R. B., Jr. (Author)English3
You are lost in sin, no hope withinJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
You are on the downward road amid a throng so gayJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
You can have a friend when the pathway is longJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English3
You have bitter with the sweet, joy and sorrow here you meetJ. R. Baxter, Jr. (Author)English2
You have tried the path of worldly pleasureJ. R. Baxter (Author)English13
You tell afar how good you areJ. R. Baxter (Author)English2
You will cry for the rocks to fallJ. R. Baxter (Author)English3
Zion's call sweetly rings over land and seaJ. R. Baxter (Author)English8

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