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James G. Deck

1802 - 1884 Person Name: James G. Deck, 1807-1884 Hymnal Number: 88 Author of "Jesus! That name is Love, Jesus, our Lord!" in Hymns of Truth and Praise Deck, James George, eldest son of John Deck, of Bury St. Edmunds, was born in 1802 and educated for the army, and became an officer in the Indian service. Retiring from the army, and having joined the Plymouth Brethren, he undertook, in 1843, the charge of a congregation of that body, at Wellington, Somerset. In 1852 be went abroad and settled in New Zealand. His hymns were published in Hymns for the Poor of the Flock, 1837-1838; Psalms and Hymns, &c, London, Walther (containing those in the former collection), 1842; the Wellington Hymn Book, 1857; Hymns and Spiritual Songs, 1860. Of his hymns now in use outside his own denomination, the greater part appeared in the 1837-1838 book, and are found in his brother-in-law's (Dr. Walker's) Cheltenham Psalms & Hymns, 1855. His compositions are marked by directness of aim, simplicity of language, and great earnestness. The rhythm is good, and an expressive tenderness pervades many of them. Although dealing mainly with the "Second Advent," there are several on other subjects which are of more than average merit. In a collected form they were published in his Hymns and Sacred Poems, Melbourne, H. Seelenmeyer, 1876. The more important of his hymns are annotated under their respective first lines. Of the rest we have:— i. From Hymns for the Poor of the Flock, 1838. 1. Behold yon bright and countless throng. All Saints. Repeated in Maurice's Choral Hymnbook, 1861. 2. How long, O Lord our Saviour. Second Advent desired. In the Parish Hymnbook., 1803 and 1875, this is altered to "How long, O Lord, Beloved." 3. Jesus, spotless Lamb of God. Good Friday. 4. Lord Jesus, are we [we are] one with Thee? One with Christ. In Walker's Psalms and Hymns, 1855-1880, and several American hymn-books. 5. Lord, we are Thine, our God Thou art. One with Christ. Originally in 4 st. of 8 1., it appeared, in a re-written form in 3 st. in Walker's Psalms and Hymns, 1855, as " Lord, we are Thine, in Thee we live." 6. 0 happy day when first we felt. The Day of Peace. 7. 0 Jesus Christ, the Saviour. Jesus All in All. In Walker's Psalms and Hymns, it begins: "0 Jesus Christ, our Saviour." 8. 0 Jesus, gracious Saviour." The Advocate. 9. 0 Lord, when we the path retrace. Christ our Example. 10. 0 Lord, who now art seated. Christ in glory. 11. Saviour, haste; our souls are waiting. Second Advent desired. This is given in Walker's Psalms and Hymns, in a rewritten form as "Saviour, hasten Thine appearing." 12. Soon shall our Master come. Waiting for Christ. 13. There is a place of endless joy. Heaven. 14. We're not of the world that fadeth away. Christ's Sheep. 15. When along life's thorny road. Passiontide. ii. From Appendix, to the 1841 edition of the Hymns for the Poor of the Flock. 16. Lamb of God, our souls adore Thee. Praise to Christ. Sometimes it begins with st. ii.," Lamb of God, Thy Father's bosom." 17. Lamb of God, Thou now art seated. 2nd Part. of No. 10. iii. From Psalms and Hymns, in Two Parts, Lond., D. Waither, 1842. 18. Again we meet in Jesus' name. Divine Worship. 19. Great Captain of Salvation. Burial. In the Irish Church Hymnal, and other collections. 20. Jesus, Thy name indeed is sweet. Hope of the Resurrection. 21. O blessed Jesus, Lamb of God. Praise to Jesus. 22. 0 Lamb of God, still keep me [us]. Christ's Presence desired. This hymn is somewhat popular in America. 23. 0 Lord, in nothing would I boast. Christ All in All. 24. Oft we, alas! forget the love. Holy Communion. 25. The veil is rent! lo, Jesus stands [our souls draw near]. The Intercessor. 26. We bless our Saviour's name. Thanksgiving for Forgiveness. iv. From Psalms and Hymns for Public and Social Worship (Dr. Walker's Collection), 1855. 27. Father, to seek Thy face. Public Worship. 28. Jesus, [I] we rest in [on] Thee. Joy in Forgiveness. 29. 0 Lord, 'tis joy to look above. Joy in the service of Christ. 30. Thou hast stood here, Lord Jesus. Burial. 31. 'Twas Thy love, 0 God, that knew us. Praise to God. 32. When first o'erwhelm ed with sin and shame. Peace with God. All these hymns, except No. 1, are given in Dr. Walker's Collection, 1855-1880, and most of them are also found in other collections. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ====================== Deck, James George, p. 285, ii. He died circa 1884. His hymn, noted on p. 286, No. 28, "Jesus [I] we rest in [on] Thee," should be dated 1842. Additional hymns in common use are:—(1) "Lord Jesus, when I think of Thee," 1856 (Jesus, All and in All); (2) "The day of glory, bearing," 1838 (Passiontide). --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907) ==================== Deck, J. G., pp. 285, ii.; 1559, ii. Miss M. O. Deck, of Motueka, Nelson, New Zealand, informs us that her father, Mr. J. G. Deck, died at the village of Motueka, near Nelson, N.Z., on the 14th of August, 1884. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907) ==================== James Deck wrote of his youth, "I hoped there were no God," yet his mother's training pursued after him. "She read to me of Jesus, Of all his grace and love." After his conversion, the study of scripture revealed the doctrinal error of his Anglican upbringing. Forsaking all, he set his heart to follow God "at any cost." Later, his son testified this determination was "a trust never disappointed." - Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs (2018)

Thomas Kelly

1769 - 1855 Person Name: Thomas Kelly, 1769-1854 Hymnal Number: fc1 Author of "Glory to God on High!" in Hymns of Truth and Praise Kelly, Thomas, B.A., son of Thomas Kelly, a Judge of the Irish Court of Common Pleas, was born in Dublin, July 13, 1769, and educated at Trinity College, Dublin. He was designed for the Bar, and entered the Temple, London, with that intention; but having undergone a very marked spiritual change he took Holy Orders in 1792. His earnest evangelical preaching in Dublin led Archbishop Fowler to inhibit him and his companion preacher, Rowland Hill, from preaching in the city. For some time he preached in two unconsecrated buildings in Dublin, Plunket Street, and the Bethesda, and then, having seceded from the Established Church, he erected places of worship at Athy, Portarlington, Wexford, &c, in which he conducted divine worship and preached. He died May 14, 1854. Miller, in his Singers & Songs of the Church, 1869, p. 338 (from which some of the foregoing details are taken), says:— "Mr. Kelly was a man of great and varied learning, skilled in the Oriental tongues, and an excellent Bible critic. He was possessed also of musical talent, and composed and published a work that was received witli favour, consisting of music adapted to every form of metre in his hymn-book. Naturally of an amiable disposition and thorough in his Christian piety, Mr. Kelly became the friend of good men, and the advocate of every worthy, benevolent, and religious cause. He was admired alike for his zeal and his humility; and his liberality found ample scope in Ireland, especially during the year of famine." Kelly's hymns, 765 in all, were composed and published over a period of 51 years, as follows:— (1) A Collection of Psalms and Hymns extracted from Various Authors, by Thomas Kelly, A.B., Dublin, 1802. This work contains 247 hymns by various authors, and an Appendix of 33 original hymns by Kelly. (2) Hymns on Various Passages of Scripture, Dublin, 1804. Of this work several editions were published: 1st, 1804; 2nd, 1806; 3rd, 1809; 4th, 1812. This last edition was published in two divisions, one as Hymns on Various Passages of Scripture, and the second as Hymns adapted for Social Worship. In 1815 Kelly issued Hymns by Thomas Kelly, not before Published. The 5th edition, 1820, included the two divisions of 1812, and the new hymns of 1815, as one work. To the later editions of 1820, 1826, 1836, 1840, 1846, and 1853, new hymns were added, until the last published by M. Moses, of Dublin, 1853, contained the total of 765. As a hymn-writer Kelly was most successful. As a rule his strength appears in hymns of Praise and in metres not generally adopted by the older hymn writers. His "Come, see the place where Jesus lay" (from "He's gone, see where His body lay"),"From Egypt lately come"; “Look, ye saints, the sight is glorious"; "On the mountain's top appearing"; "The Head that once was crowned with thorns"; "Through the day Thy love has spared us"; and “We sing the praise of Him Who died," rank with the first hymns in the English language. Several of his hymns of great merit still remain unknown through so many modern editors being apparently adverse to original investigation. In addition to the hymns named and others, which are annotated under their respective first lines, the following are also in common use:— i. From the Psalms and Hymns, 1802:— 1. Grant us, Lord, Thy gracious presence. Commencement of Divine Worship. 2. Jesus, Immortal King, go on [display]. Missions. 3. Saviour, through the desert lead us. Divine Guidance Desired. 4. The day of rest once more [again] comes round. Sunday. 5. We've no abiding city here. Seeking Heaven. ii. From the Hymns on Varous Passages of Scripture, first edition, 1804 :— 6. Boundless glory, Lord, be thine. Praise for the Gospel. 7. By whom shall Jacob now arise? Epiphany. 8. Glory, glory to our King. Praise to Christ as King. 9. How pleasant is the sound of praise. Praise for Redemption. 10. How sweet to leave the world awhile. In Retirement, or For a Retreat. 11. Inform I long had bowed the knee. Jesus, the Saviour, or Praise for Salvation. 12. It is finished! sinners, hear it. Good Friday. 13. Jesus, the Shepherd of the sheep. The Good Shepherd. 14. Let reason vainly boast her power. Death. 15. Poor and afflicted, Lord, are Thine. Affliction. 16. Praise we Him to Whose kind favour. Close of Service. 11. Spared a little longer. Safety in God. 18. Stricken, smitten, and afflicted. Passiontide. ii. From the Hymns, &c, second edition, 1806:— 19. Far from us be grief and sadness. Joy of Believers. 20. Give us room that we may dwell. Missions. 21. Glory, glory everlasting. Praise of Jesus. 22. God has.turned my grief to gladness. Joy after Sorrow. 23. Happy they who trust in Jesus. Peace in Jesus. 24. Hark, the notes of angels singing. Angels praising Jesus. 25. Hark! 'tis a martial sound. Christian Life a Warfare. 26. I hear a sound [voice] that comes from far. The Gospel Message. 27. Jesus is gone up on high. Divine Worship. 28. Now [O] may the Gospel's conquering power. Home Missions. In the 1853 edition of the Hymns it begins “O may the Gospel's conqu'ring force." 29. O Zion, when I think on thee. Desiring Heaven. 30. Praise the Saviour, ye who know Him. Praise of Jesus. 31. See from Zion's sacred mountain. The Fountain of Life. 32. The atoning work is done. Jesus the High Priest. 33. Zion is Jehovah's dwelling. The Church of God. 34. Zion stands by hills surrounded. The Safety of the Church. 35. Zion's King shall reign victorious. Missions. iv. From the Hymns, &c, 3rd edition, 1809:— 36. Behold the Temple of the Lord. The Church a Spiritual Temple. 37. Blessed Fountain, full of grace. Fountain for Sin. 38. Brethren, come, our Saviour bids us. Holy Communion. 39. Fly, ye seasons, fly still faster. Second Advent Desired. 40. God of Israel, we adore Thee. Evening. 41. Gracious Lord, my heart is fixed. Trust and Peace. 42. Hark, a voice! it comes from heaven. Death. 43. Hark, that shout of rapt'rous joy. Second Advent. 44. If our warfare be laborious. Labour and Rest . 45. Lo, He comes, let all adore Him. Missions. 46. Nothing know we of the season. Time of Second Advent uncertain. 47. O had I the wings of a dove. Holiness and Heaven desired. 48. O where is now that glowing love. Despondency. 49. Our Father sits on yonder throne. God the Father. 50. Ours is a rich and royal Feast. Holy Communion. 51. Shepherd of the chosen number. Safety in the Good Shepherd. 52. We're bound for yonder land. Life, a Voyage. 53. Welcome sight! the Lord descending. The Advent. 54. What is life? 'tis but a vapour. Death anticipated. 55. Who is this that comes from Edom? Ascension. 56. Why those fears ? Behold 'tis Jesus. Stilling the Sea. 57. Without blood is no remission. Passiontide. 58. Yes, we trust the day is breaking. Missions. v. FromHymns: Not before Published, 1815:— 59. Behold the Lamb with glory crowned. Exaltation of Christ. 60. God is love, His word has said it. God is Love. 61. God of our salvation, hear us. Opening or Close of Divine Worship. 62. In Thy Name, O Lord, assembling. Commencement of Divine Worship. 63. Keep us, Lord, O [and] keep us ever. Divine Worship. 64. Let sinners saved give thanks, and sing. Praise for Salvation. 65. Praise the Lord Who died to save us. Passiontide. 66. Salvation is of God alone. God the Author of Salvation. 67. Saviour, come, Thy [saints] friends await Thee [are waiting] . Second Advent desired. 68. Sweet were the sounds that reached our ears. Divine Mercy. 69. We'll sing of the Shepherd that died. The Lost Sheep. 70. When we cannot see our way. Trust and Peace. 71. Who is this that calms the ocean? Stilling the Sea. vi. From the Hymns on F. Passages of Scripture, &c, eds. 1820 and 1826 :-— 72. Grace is the sweetest sound. Divine Grace. 73. Now let a great effectual door. Missions. 74. Now may the mighty arm awake. Missions. 75. Now may the Spirit from above. Home Missions. 76. Sing, sing His lofty praise. Praise of Jesus. 77. Sound, 6ound the truth abroad. Missions. 78. Speed Thy servants, Saviour, speed them. Departure of Missionaries. vii. From the Hymns on Various Passages, &c, 1836:— 79. Come, O Lord, the heavens rending. Prayer for Blessings. 80. The night is far spent, the day is at hand. The Second Advent. viii. From the Hymns on Various Passages, &c, circa 1845:— 81. Joyful be the hours today. Sunday. 82. Lord, behold us few and weak. Opening of Divine Service. 83. Meet Thy people, Saviour, meet us. Meetings for Prayer. 84. Saviour, send a blessing to us. Prayer for Blessings. 85. Sing of Jesus, sing for ever. Praise of Jesus. ix. From the Hymns on Various Passages, &c, 1853:— 86. Precious volume, what thou doest. Holy Scripture. 87. Unfold to us, O Lord, unfold. Divine aid to reading Holy Scripture. All these hymns, together with those annotated under their respective first lines are in the 1853 edition of Kelly's Hymns published in Dublin by M. Moses, and in London by Simpkin, Marshall & Co. Kelly's musical editions are issued by the same publishers. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================== Kelly, Thomas, p. 615, i. Other hymns in common use are: 1. Behold the Man! How glorious He. (1809.) Good Friday. 2. Jesus the [Thou] Shepherd of the Sheep. (1804.) Good Shepherd. 3. Saved ourselves by Jesu's blood. (1802.) For a Revival. 4. Saviour, 'tis to [unto] Thee. (1853*.) Lent. 5. See the vineyard lately planted. (1806.) Missions. Sometimes given as "See, O Lord, the vineyard planted." 6. Sing aloud to God our strength. (1809.) Praise to the Father. 7. Sing, sing His lofty praise. (1820.) Praise to Jesus. Sometimes as "Hail our eternal King" (p. 615, No. 76). 8. Sing of Him Who bore our guilt. (1853*.) Praise to Jesus. 9. Sing we praise to God above, God our Saviour, &c. (1815.) Praise for Divine Mercy. 10. Sing we praise to God above, Sing we praise, &c. (1853*.) Praise. 11. Sons of Zion, raise your songs. (1820-26) The Exalted Saviour. 12. The Lord Himself will keep. (1809.) From “We're bound for yonder land" (sec p. 615, No. 52.) 13. The God [Lord] of glory dwells on high. (1809.) Humility and Love of Christ. 14. The people of the Lord Are on their way, &c. (1820.) Life a Pilgrimage. 15. Thus saith God of His Anointed. (1809.) Missions. 16. 'Tis to us no cause of sorrow. (1815.) Resignation. 17. To the Ark away, or perish. (1815.) Safety in Jesus only. 18. To our Lord a throne is given. (1838.) Christ the King. 19. Trust ye in the Lord for ever. (1853*.) Trust in God. 20. We'll sing in spite of scorn. (1806.) Christmas. From this "The long-expected morn" is taken. 21. What tongue can tell, what fancy paint. (1806.) Saints in Glory 22. What were Sinai's awful wonders. (1809.) Advent. 23. Whence those sounds symphonious? (1815.) Christmas. 24. While in the [this] world we still [yet] remain. (1806.) Communion of Saints. 25. Yes, 'tis a rough and thorny road. (1809.) Resignation. Sometimes given as "Though rough and thorny be the way." The dates given above are those of the various editions of Kelly's Hymns. The date 1853* indicates that the hymn is in the 1853 ed. of the Hymns, but had also appeared in a previous edition which we have not seen. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

J. N. Darby

1800 - 1882 Person Name: John N. Darby, 1800-1882 Hymnal Number: 77 Author of "Hark! ten thousand voices crying, "Lamb of God!" with one accord" in Hymns of Truth and Praise Darby, John Nelson, M.A., youngest son of John Darby of Leap, King's Co., Ireland, was born at Westminster, Nov. 18, 1800; educated at Trinity College, Dublin, where he graduated in 1819; and in due course was called to the Bar. He subsequently took Holy Orders; but in a short time allied himself with the Plymouth Brethren. In the exercise of his ministry amongst them he visited most parts of the world, and translated the Bible into English, French, and German. His published works, including a Synopsis of the Books of the Bible; Notes on Revelations, &c, are numerous. He died at Bournemouth, April 29, 1882. His hymns in common use are:— 1. Hark, ten thousand voices crying. The Second Advent anticipated. Praise. Appeared in Hymns for the Poor of the Flock, 1837, and repeated in Psalms and Hymns and Sacred Songs, Lend., Walther, 1842, and A Few Hymns, &c, 1856. It is also given in a few collections other than those for use amongst the “Brethren." 2. O Lord, thy love's unbounded, So sweet, &c. God's unchanging Love. Given in A Few Hymns, &c., 1856, No. 82, in 8 stanzas of 4 lines. Another hymn in the same collection, No. 85, begins with the same first line: "O Lord, Thy love's unbounded! So full, so vast, so free!" This is in 2 stanzas of 8 lines, and is attributed in the "S. MSS." to J. N. Darby, in common with the first. 3. Rest of the saints above. Heaven. In A Few Hymns, &c, 1856, No. 79, in 14 stanzas of 4 lines. 4. Rise, my soul, thy God directs thee. Divine Guidance. 1st published in Hymns for the Poor of the Flock, 1837; and again in Psalms and Hymns, 1842 (as above); and A Few Hymns, &c, 1856, in 10 stanzas of 41. It is also in Dr. Walker's Cheltenham Psalms and Hymns, 1855-1831. 5. This world is a wilderness wide. Following Christ. This is No. 139, in 8 stanzas of 4 lines, in A Few Hymns, &c, 1856. 6. Though faint, yet pursuing, we go on our way. Divine Strength and Defence. This hymn was given anonymously in the Baptist Psalms and Hymns, 1858, No. 558, in 5 stanzas of 8 lines. In the 1871 ed. of the same collection, it appeared as by "John N. Darby (?) 1861." Here we have a doubt and an error. The doubt is with respect to the authorship; and the error is in the date. A hymn published in 1858 cannot be accurately dated "1861." The evidence for the J. N. Darby authorship is most unsatisfactory. We can simply name it "Anon." All these hymns were published anonymously; and the ascriptions of authorship of 1-5 are given from the "S. MSS." The same manuscripts say that he edited the work above referred to: A Few Hymns and some Spiritual Songs, Selected, 1856, for the Little Flock. Lond. Groombridge & Sons. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================== Darby, John N. , p. 279, ii. Respecting the hymn "Though faint, yet pursuing, &c." (No. 6), Miller says in his Singers & Songs of the Church, 1869, p. 587, that Mr. Darby told him that he was not its author. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

S. Trevor Francis

1834 - 1925 Hymnal Number: 57 Author of "Gracious God, we worship Thee" in Hymns of Truth and Praise Francis, Samuel Trevor, son of an artist, was born at Cheshunt, Herts, in 1835, and is a merchant in London. He has written numerous hymns, which have been printed in various religious newspapers and periodicals during the past 30 years. Of these hymns the following are in the Enlarged London Hymn Book, 1873:— 1. Blessed, blessed Jesus. Pressing Onward. 2. Gracious Saviour, grant Thy word. Lent. 3. Home, home of light and glory. Heaven Desired. 4. I am waiting for the dawning. Heaven Anticipated. 5. Jesus, we remember Thee. Passiontide. 6. O child of sorrow, weary, distressed. Salvation in Jesus only. 7. O Jesus, how great is Thy mercy. Salvation in Jesus. 8. Safe to land, no shadows darken. Death and Burial. Printed in Word and Work. 9. The pearly gates are open. Heaven. In W. Carter's Gospel Hymn Book, 1863. 10. We are pilgrims far from our fatherland. Heaven Desired. Of these hymns Nos. 1, 2, 4-7 first appeared in the Enlarged London Hymn Book, 1873. Mr. Francis also published in 1891 Gems from the Revised Version with Poems. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

James W. Alexander

1804 - 1859 Person Name: James W. Alexander, 1804-1859 (alt.) Hymnal Number: 131 Translator of "O Head Once Filled with Bruises" in Hymns of Truth and Praise James W. Alexander (b. Hopewell, Louisa County, VA, 1804; d. Sweetsprings, VA, 1859) was often overshadowed by his father, the renowned Archibald Alexander, first professor at Princeton Theological Seminary. But James Alexander was also a fine preacher, teacher, and writer. He studied at New Jersey College (now Princeton University) and Princeton Seminary. Ordained in the Presbyterian Church, he alternated his career between teaching and pastoring; for two years (1849-1851) he was professor of ecclesiastical history and church government at Princeton Seminary. Alexander translated a number of hymns from Greek, Latin, and German but is mainly known today for his translation of "O Sacred Head." Bert Polman ===================== Alexander, James Waddell, D.D., son of Archibald Alexander, D.D., b. at Hopewell, Louisa, county of Virginia, 13 Mar., 1804, graduated at Princeton, 1820, and was successively Professor of Rhetoric at Princeton, 1833; Pastor of Duane Street Presbyterian Church, New York, 1844; Professor of Church History, Princeton, 1849; and Pastor of 5th Avenue Presbyterian Church, New York, 1851; d. at Sweetsprings, Virginia, July 31, 1859. His works include Gift to the Afflicted, Thoughts on Family Worship, and others. His Letters were published by the Rev. Dr. Hall, in 2 vols., some time after his death, and his translations were collected and published at New York in 1861, under the title, The Breaking Crucible and other Translations. Of these translations the following are in use: O Sacred Head, now wounded” a translation of "Salve Caput," through the German; "Near the cross was Mary weeping," a translation of "Stabat Mater"; and "Jesus, how sweet Thy memory is," a translation of "dulcis memoria." The annotations of these translations are given under their respective Latin first lines. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Alfred P. Gibbs

1890 - 1967 Person Name: Alfred P. Gibbs, 1890-1967 Hymnal Number: 138 Composer of "AUSTIN" in Hymns of Truth and Praise Alfred P. Gibbs was born in Birmingham, England in 1890 and was raised in Johannesburg, South Africa. He was led to a saving knowledge of Christ by his twin brother, Edwin. During World War I, Gibbs served as military chaplain, preaching to soldiers in training camps. In 1919 he set off for Moody Bible School in Chicago, Illinois. There he soon became involved in an assembly operated Rescue Mission. Gibbs worked alongside Harold Harper, T.B. Gilbert, James G. Humphrey, and other men destined to become well known in assembly circles of ministry. Gibbs became close friends with George Landis, who at that time pastored a small denominational church. Alfred P. Gibbs never married. Like J. N. Darby, he lived out of a suit-case. Most of his writings were devoted to teaching young believers. He served part time for many years with, the then Emmaus Bible School. In1931 he published a songbook with music and words of his own composition. He also contributed several hymns to “Choice Hymns Of The Faith”, and “Hymns of Worship and Remembrance.” One of his most memorable hymns was “A Thousand Thousand Thanksgivings”, and also “Sweet Is The Story.” Although an earnest preacher of the gospel, he was best known for his work with children. Gibbs was called home to glory through an automobile accident in 1967. Following the accident, an entire issue of Letters Of Interest was devoted to him. Reminiscences of him were written by several well known brethren including his brother Edwin, Bill McCartney, Elliot Van Ryn, T.B. Gilbert, Lester Wilson, William MacDonald, and Lloyd Walterick. A.P. Gibbs will be remembered as a great preacher of the gospel, and a loving friend to all children he met in his entire lifetime.

Hans G. Nägeli

1773 - 1836 Person Name: Hans Georg Nageli, 1773-1836 Hymnal Number: 141 Composer of "ZURICH" in Hymns of Truth and Praise Johann G. Nageli (b. Wetzikon, near Zurich, Switzerland, 1773; d. Wetzikon, 1836) was an influential music educator who lectured throughout Germany and France. Influenced by Johann Pestalozzi, he published his theories of music education in Gangbildungslehre (1810), a book that made a strong impact on Lowell Mason. Nageli composed mainly" choral works, including settings of Goethe's poetry. He received his early instruction from his father, then in Zurich, where he concentrated on the music of. S. Bach. In Zurich, he also established a lending library and a publishing house, which published first editions of Beethoven’s piano sonatas and music by Bach, Handel, and Frescobaldi. Bert Polman

Lowell Mason

1792 - 1872 Person Name: Lowell Mason, 1792-1872 Hymnal Number: fc1 Composer of "OLIVET" in Hymns of Truth and Praise Dr. Lowell Mason (the degree was conferred by the University of New York) is justly called the father of American church music; and by his labors were founded the germinating principles of national musical intelligence and knowledge, which afforded a soil upon which all higher musical culture has been founded. To him we owe some of our best ideas in religious church music, elementary musical education, music in the schools, the popularization of classical chorus singing, and the art of teaching music upon the Inductive or Pestalozzian plan. More than that, we owe him no small share of the respect which the profession of music enjoys at the present time as contrasted with the contempt in which it was held a century or more ago. In fact, the entire art of music, as now understood and practiced in America, has derived advantage from the work of this great man. Lowell Mason was born in Medfield, Mass., January 8, 1792. From childhood he had manifested an intense love for music, and had devoted all his spare time and effort to improving himself according to such opportunities as were available to him. At the age of twenty he found himself filling a clerkship in a banking house in Savannah, Ga. Here he lost no opportunity of gratifying his passion for musical advancement, and was fortunate to meet for the first time a thoroughly qualified instructor, in the person of F. L. Abel. Applying his spare hours assiduously to the cultivation of the pursuit to which his passion inclined him, he soon acquired a proficiency that enabled him to enter the field of original composition, and his first work of this kind was embodied in the compilation of a collection of church music, which contained many of his own compositions. The manuscript was offered unavailingly to publishers in Philadelphia and in Boston. Fortunately for our musical advancement it finally secured the attention of the Boston Handel and Haydn Society, and by its committee was submitted to Dr. G. K. Jackson, the severest critic in Boston. Dr. Jackson approved most heartily of the work, and added a few of his own compositions to it. Thus enlarged, it was finally published in 1822 as The Handel and Haydn Society Collection of Church Music. Mason's name was omitted from the publication at his own request, which he thus explains, "I was then a bank officer in Savannah, and did not wish to be known as a musical man, as I had not the least thought of ever making music a profession." President Winchester, of the Handel and Haydn Society, sold the copyright for the young man. Mr. Mason went back to Savannah with probably $500 in his pocket as the preliminary result of his Boston visit. The book soon sprang into universal popularity, being at once adopted by the singing schools of New England, and through this means entering into the church choirs, to whom it opened up a higher field of harmonic beauty. Its career of success ran through some seventeen editions. On realizing this success, Mason determined to accept an invitation to come to Boston and enter upon a musical career. This was in 1826. He was made an honorary member of the Handel and Haydn Society, but declined to accept this, and entered the ranks as an active member. He had been invited to come to Boston by President Winchester and other musical friends and was guaranteed an income of $2,000 a year. He was also appointed, by the influence of these friends, director of music at the Hanover, Green, and Park Street churches, to alternate six months with each congregation. Finally he made a permanent arrangement with the Bowdoin Street Church, and gave up the guarantee, but again friendly influence stepped in and procured for him the position of teller at the American Bank. In 1827 Lowell Mason became president and conductor of the Handel and Haydn Society. It was the beginning of a career that was to win for him as has been already stated the title of "The Father of American Church Music." Although this may seem rather a bold claim it is not too much under the circumstances. Mr. Mason might have been in the average ranks of musicianship had he lived in Europe; in America he was well in advance of his surroundings. It was not too high praise (in spite of Mason's very simple style) when Dr. Jackson wrote of his song collection: "It is much the best book I have seen published in this country, and I do not hesitate to give it my most decided approbation," or that the great contrapuntist, Hauptmann, should say the harmonies of the tunes were dignified and churchlike and that the counterpoint was good, plain, singable and melodious. Charles C. Perkins gives a few of the reasons why Lowell Mason was the very man to lead American music as it then existed. He says, "First and foremost, he was not so very much superior to the members as to be unreasonably impatient at their shortcomings. Second, he was a born teacher, who, by hard work, had fitted himself to give instruction in singing. Third, he was one of themselves, a plain, self-made man, who could understand them and be understood of them." The personality of Dr. Mason was of great use to the art and appreciation of music in this country. He was of strong mind, dignified manners, sensitive, yet sweet and engaging. Prof. Horace Mann, one of the great educators of that day, said he would walk fifty miles to see and hear Mr. Mason teach if he could not otherwise have that advantage. Dr. Mason visited a number of the music schools in Europe, studied their methods, and incorporated the best things in his own work. He founded the Boston Academy of Music. The aim of this institution was to reach the masses and introduce music into the public schools. Dr. Mason resided in Boston from 1826 to 1851, when he removed to New York. Not only Boston benefited directly by this enthusiastic teacher's instruction, but he was constantly traveling to other societies in distant cities and helping their work. He had a notable class at North Reading, Mass., and he went in his later years as far as Rochester, where he trained a chorus of five hundred voices, many of them teachers, and some of them coming long distances to study under him. Before 1810 he had developed his idea of "Teachers' Conventions," and, as in these he had representatives from different states, he made musical missionaries for almost the entire country. He left behind him no less than fifty volumes of musical collections, instruction books, and manuals. As a composer of solid, enduring church music. Dr. Mason was one of the most successful this country has introduced. He was a deeply pious man, and was a communicant of the Presbyterian Church. Dr. Mason in 1817 married Miss Abigail Gregory, of Leesborough, Mass. The family consisted of four sons, Daniel Gregory, Lowell, William and Henry. The two former founded the publishing house of Mason Bros., dissolved by the death of the former in 1869. Lowell and Henry were the founders of the great organ manufacturer of Mason & Hamlin. Dr. William Mason was one of the most eminent musicians that America has yet produced. Dr. Lowell Mason died at "Silverspring," a beautiful residence on the side of Orange Mountain, New Jersey, August 11, 1872, bequeathing his great musical library, much of which had been collected abroad, to Yale College. --Hall, J. H. (c1914). Biography of Gospel Song and Hymn Writers. New York: Fleming H. Revell Company.

D. F. E. Auber

1782 - 1871 Person Name: D. F. Auber, 19th Century Hymnal Number: 122 Arranger of "MERCY'S FREE" in Hymns of Truth and Praise Daniel Francois Esprit Auber France 1782-1871, Born in Normandy, Auber's father was a printer, and expected his son to follow in that trade, but he also let Daniel learn how to play several musical instruments. His first teacher was a Tirolean composer, Josef Ladurner. Auber began composition, producing several concertos for violin, modeled after Lamare. They played at the Paris Conservatory by Masaz, and were given much praise. He did a resetting of an old comic opera, Julie, studying with the renowned Luigi Cherubini. His opera failed. His father also died. He turned again to music, producing another opera fairing no better. His third attempt , La Bergere Chatekaine, in three acts, was the first of a series of brilliant successes written with librettist Eugene Scribe, His Opera-comique had 525 performances. Two susequent operas were as successful. He was elected a member of the Institut de France. The following year he was named director of the court concerts. Two more operas were very successful.In 1842, under King Louis Philippe. He was named director of the conservatoire and a member of the Legion of Honor, eventually commander. Two more major successes followed. He was well-loved, witty, and personally generous. John Perry

Edward Denny

1796 - 1889 Person Name: Edward Denny, 1796-1889 Hymnal Number: 141 Author of "Sweet feast of love divine!" in Hymns of Truth and Praise Denny, Sir Edward, Bart . Sir Edward Denny, son of Sir E. Denny, 4th baronet, of Tralee Castle, County of Kerry, was born 2 Oct., 1796, and succeeded his father in August, 1831. He is a member of the Plymouth Brethren, and has contributed largely to their hymnody. His first publication, in which many of his hymns appeared, was A Selection of Hymns, Lond. Central Tract Depot, 1839. This was followed by Hymns & Poems , Lond., 1848 (third ed., 1870). He has also published several prose works. Many of his hymns are popular, and are in extensive use as:—" A pilgrim through this lonely world"; "Bride of the Lamb, rejoice, rejoice"; “Bright with all His crowns of glory"; “Light of the lonely pilgrim's heart”; "Sweet feast of love divine," and several others. In addition to these, which are separately annotated, and those which are confined in their use to the congregations of the "Brethren," there are also nearly 20 in limited use in Great Britain and America. Of these the following appeared, first in his Selection of Hymns, 1839; then, in the Appendix to Hymns for the Poor of the Flock, 1841; and then in his Hymns & Poems, 1848-70 :— 1. Break forth, 0 earth, in praises. Praise for Redemption. This is given in several collections in Great Britain and America. 2. Children of God, in all your need. The Great High Priest. In limited use. 3. Children of light, arise and shine. Looking unto Jesus. In numerous hymnals in G. Britain and America. 4. Children of light, awake, awake. Advent . This hymn is an application of the Parable of the Ten Virgins to the Second Coming of Christ. 5. Dear Lord, amid the throng that pressed. The Holy Women at the Cross. The use of this hymn in America is somewhat extensive. 6. Hope of our hearts, 0 Lord, appear. The Second Advent desired. In the Hymns for the Poor of the Flock, 1837; and the author's Hymns & Poems, 1848-60, and various collections in Great Britain and America. 7. Joy to the ransomed earth. Jesus the King. Its use is limited. 8. Lo 'tis the heavenly army. The Second Advent. The original of this hymn is in 4 stanzas of 10 lines and as such it is usually given: but in the Peoples Hymnal, 1867, it is arranged in 4 stanzas of 8 lines, and is also slightly altered. 9. 0 grace divine! the Saviour shed. Good Friday. In limited use. 10. 0 what a bright and blessed world. The New Earth. This hymn is based upon Gen. v. 29, as interpreted from a Millennial point of view. Christ is regarded as the Rest (Noah-Rest) of His people, and the remover of the curse from the earth. 11. Sweet was the hour, 0 Lord, to Thee. Christ at the Well of Sychar. Limited in use. 12. Thou vain deceitful world, farewell. Forsaking the World for Christ. In several collections. 13. Through Israel's land the Lord of all . Mission to the Jews. In addition to its use in its full form, it is also given as: "O Zion, when thy Saviour came," as in Dr. Walker's Psalms & Hymns, 1855-71; Snepp's Songs of Grace & Glory, and others. This opens with stanza ii. 14. 'Tis finish'd all—our souls to win. Jesus the Guide and Friend. In several collections. 15. 'Tis He, the Mighty Saviour comes . Missions . Given in Snepp, and one or two others. 16. 'Tis night, but O the joyful morn. Hope. In a few hymnals; also, beginning with stanzas ii., "Lord of our hearts, beloved of Thee," in Dr. Hatfield's Church Hymn Book, N. Y., 1872. 17. To Calvary, Lord, in Spirit now. Good Friday. This is given in several hymnals, including Spurgeon's Our Own Hymn Book, 1866, &c. The next is in the Selection of 1839, and the Hymns & Poems, 1848-70:— 18. 0 Blessed Lord, Thy feeble Sheep. The Good Shepherd. Its use is limited. The three with which we close are from J. G, Deck's Psalms & Hymns, 1842, Pt. ii., and the Hymns & Poems, 1848-70:— 19. Hark to the trump! behold it breaks . The Resurrection . The design of this hymn is thus described, by the author: "These lines are supposed to be the utterance of the saints at the blessed moment when they are actually ascending to meet the Lord in the air, as described in 1 Cor. xv. 51-57 and 1 Thess. iv. 16-18. It is given in several collections." 20. Isles of the deep, rejoice, rejoice. Missions. 21. Where, in this waste unlovely [and desert] world! Rest for the Weary. Its use is limited. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ===================== Denny, Sir Edward, Bart., p. 287, ii., died in London, June 13, 1889. Additional pieces from his Selection of Hymns, 1839, are in modern collections including:— 1. O wondrous hour! when, Jesus, Thou. Good Friday . 2. 'Tis past, the dark and dreary night. Easter. 3. While in sweet communion feeding. Holy Communion. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)


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