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Scripture:1 John 4:7-21

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My Jesus, I Love Thee

Author: William R. Featherstone Meter: Appears in 1,097 hymnals Scripture: 1 John 4:10-19 First Line: My Jesus, I love thee, I know thou art mine Lyrics: 1 My Jesus, I love thee, I know thou art mine; for thee all the follies of sin I resign; my gracious Redeemer, my Savior art thou; if ever I loved thee, my Jesus, 'tis now. 2 I love thee because thou hast first loved me and purchased my pardon on Calvary's tree; I love thee for wearing the thorns on thy brow; if ever I loved thee, my Jesus, 'tis now. 3 I'll love thee in life, I will love thee in death, and praise thee as long as thou lendest me breath, and say when the deathdew lies cold on my brow: If ever I loved thee, my Jesus, 'tis now. 4 In mansions of glory and endless delight, I'll ever adore thee in heaven so bright; I'll sing with the glittering crown on my brow: If ever I loved thee, my Jesus, 'tis now. Topics: Biblical Names & Places Calvary; Funerals; Love Our Love to God; Suffering of Christ; Walk with God; Biblical Names & Places Calvary; Funerals; Love Our Love to God; New Creation; Suffering of Christ; Walk with God Used With Tune: GORDON
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Love Divine, All Loves Excelling

Author: Charles Wesley Meter: D Appears in 1,870 hymnals Scripture: 1 John 4:16 Lyrics: 1. Love divine, all loves excelling, Joy of heav'n, to earth come down; Fix in us Thy humble dwelling; All Thy faithful mercies crown. Jesus, Thou are all compassion, Pure, unbounded love Thou art; Visit us with Thy salvation; Enter ev'ry trembling heart. 2. Breathe, O breathe Thy loving Spirit, Into ev'ry troubled breast! Let us all in Thee inherit, Let us find the promised rest; Take away our bent to sinning; Alpha amd Omega be; End of faith, as its beginning, Set our hearts at libery. 3. Come, Almighty to deliver, Let us all Thy grace receive; Suddenly return, and never, Nevermore Thy temples leave. Thee we would be always blessing, Serve Thee as Thy hosts above, Pray, and praise Thee without ceasing, Glory in Thy perfect love. 4. Finish, then, Thy new creation; Pure and spotless let us be; Let us see Thy great salvation Perfectly restored in Thee: Changed from glory into glory, Till in heav'n we take our place, Till we cast our crowns before Thee, Lost in wonder, love, and praise. Used With Tune: BEECHER
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Savior, Teach Me, Day by Day

Author: Jane Elizabeth Leeson Meter: Appears in 463 hymnals Scripture: 1 John 4:19 Lyrics: 1 Savior, teach me, day by day, love's sweet lesson to obey; sweeter lesson cannot be, loving him who first loved me. 2 With a child's glad heart of love, at thy bidding may I move; prompt to serve and follow thee, loving him who first loved me. 3 Teach me thus thy steps to trace, strong to follow in thy grace; learning how to love from thee, loving him who first loved me. 4 Love in loving finds employ, in obedience all her joy; ever new that joy will be, loving him who first loved me. Topics: The Christian Life Love for Christ; Christ Example of; Christ Teacher Used With Tune: POSEN


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Meter: Appears in 699 hymnals Composer and/or Arranger: Adoniram J. Gordon Scripture: 1 John 4:10-19 Tune Key: F Major Incipit: 13443 21327 71134 Used With Text: My Jesus, I Love Thee


Meter: Irregular Appears in 39 hymnals Composer and/or Arranger: Jacques Berthier, 1923-1994 Scripture: 1 John 4:13-21 Tune Key: F Major Incipit: 33221 14323 32216 Used With Text: Where True Charity and Love Abide
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Meter: D Appears in 571 hymnals Composer and/or Arranger: Rowland H. Prichard, 1811-1887 Scripture: 1 John 4:7-17 Tune Key: F Major Incipit: 12123 43212 54332 Used With Text: Love Divine, All Loves Excelling


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If That Isn't Love

Hymnal: Tuneful Tidings #178 (2000) Scripture: 1 John 4:10-12 First Line: He left the splendor of heaven Refrain First Line: If that isn't love the ocean is dry Languages: English
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Alas! and Did My Savior Bleed

Author: Isaac Watts, 1674-1748; Frederick Whitefield, 1829-1904; E. C. Deas, d. 1944 Hymnal: African Methodist Episcopal Church Hymnal #141 (2011) Meter: D Scripture: 1 John 4:19 First Line: Alas! and did my Savior bleed Refrain First Line: O how I love Jesus! Lyrics: 1 Alas! and did my Savior bleed, And did my Sovereign die? Would He devote that sacred head For sinners such as I? Refrain: O how I love Jesus! O how I love Jesus! O how I love Jesus! Because He first loved me. 2 Was it for crimes that I had done, He groaned upon the tree? Amazing pity! Grace unknown! And love beyond degree! [Refrain] 3 Well might the sun in darkness hide, And shut His glories in, When God, the mighty Maker, died For man the creature's sin. [Refrain] 4 Thus might I hide my blushing face While His dear cross appears; Dissolve my heart in thankfulness, And melt mine eyes to tears. [Refrain] 5 But drops of grief can ne'er repay The debt of love I owe: Here, Lord, I give myself away; 'Tis all that I can do. I'll never forget Him, I'll never forget Him, I'll never forget Him O Lord, remember me! Topics: Jesus Christ Suffering and Death; Consecration; Cross; Jesus Passion; Love; Loyalty Languages: English Tune Title: O HOW I LOVE JESUS
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Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed

Author: Isaac Watts Hymnal: Glory to God #212 (2013) Meter: Scripture: 1 John 4:19 Lyrics: 1 Alas! And did my Savior bleed, and did my Sovereign die! Would he devote that sacred head for sinners such as I! 2 Was it for sins that I have done he suffered on the tree? Amazing pity! Grace unknown! And love beyond degree! 3 Well might the sun in darkness hide and shut its glories in, when Christ, the great Redeemer, died for human creatures' sin. 4 But drops of grief can ne'er repay the debt of love I owe; here, Lord, I give myself away; 'tis all that I can do. Topics: Atonement; Christian Year Palm Sunday; Christian Year Maundy Thursday; Christian Year Good Friday; Commitment; Grace; Jesus Christ Passion and Death Languages: English Tune Title: MARTYRDOM


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Charles Wesley

1707 - 1788 Scripture: 1 John 4:16 Author of "Love Divine, All Loves Excelling" in Baptist Hymnal 1991 Charles Wesley, M.A. was the great hymn-writer of the Wesley family, perhaps, taking quantity and quality into consideration, the great hymn-writer of all ages. Charles Wesley was the youngest son and 18th child of Samuel and Susanna Wesley, and was born at Epworth Rectory, Dec. 18, 1707. In 1716 he went to Westminster School, being provided with a home and board by his elder brother Samuel, then usher at the school, until 1721, when he was elected King's Scholar, and as such received his board and education free. In 1726 Charles Wesley was elected to a Westminster studentship at Christ Church, Oxford, where he took his degree in 1729, and became a college tutor. In the early part of the same year his religious impressions were much deepened, and he became one of the first band of "Oxford Methodists." In 1735 he went with his brother John to Georgia, as secretary to General Oglethorpe, having before he set out received Deacon's and Priest's Orders on two successive Sundays. His stay in Georgia was very short; he returned to England in 1736, and in 1737 came under the influence of Count Zinzendorf and the Moravians, especially of that remarkable man who had so large a share in moulding John Wesley's career, Peter Bonier, and also of a Mr. Bray, a brazier in Little Britain. On Whitsunday, 1737, [sic. 1738] he "found rest to his soul," and in 1738 he became curate to his friend, Mr. Stonehouse, Vicar of Islington, but the opposition of the churchwardens was so great that the Vicar consented that he "should preach in his church no more." Henceforth his work was identified with that of his brother John, and he became an indefatigable itinerant and field preacher. On April 8, 1749, he married Miss Sarah Gwynne. His marriage, unlike that of his brother John, was a most happy one; his wife was accustomed to accompany him on his evangelistic journeys, which were as frequent as ever until the year 1756," when he ceased to itinerate, and mainly devoted himself to the care of the Societies in London and Bristol. Bristol was his headquarters until 1771, when he removed with his family to London, and, besides attending to the Societies, devoted himself much, as he had done in his youth, to the spiritual care of prisoners in Newgate. He had long been troubled about the relations of Methodism to the Church of England, and strongly disapproved of his brother John's "ordinations." Wesley-like, he expressed his disapproval in the most outspoken fashion, but, as in the case of Samuel at an earlier period, the differences between the brothers never led to a breach of friendship. He died in London, March 29, 1788, and was buried in Marylebone churchyard. His brother John was deeply grieved because he would not consent to be interred in the burial-ground of the City Road Chapel, where he had prepared a grave for himself, but Charles said, "I have lived, and I die, in the Communion of the Church of England, and I will be buried in the yard of my parish church." Eight clergymen of the Church of England bore his pall. He had a large family, four of whom survived him; three sons, who all became distinguished in the musical world, and one daughter, who inherited some of her father's poetical genius. The widow and orphans were treated with the greatest kindness and generosity by John Wesley. As a hymn-writer Charles Wesley was unique. He is said to have written no less than 6500 hymns, and though, of course, in so vast a number some are of unequal merit, it is perfectly marvellous how many there are which rise to the highest degree of excellence. His feelings on every occasion of importance, whether private or public, found their best expression in a hymn. His own conversion, his own marriage, the earthquake panic, the rumours of an invasion from France, the defeat of Prince Charles Edward at Culloden, the Gordon riots, every Festival of the Christian Church, every doctrine of the Christian Faith, striking scenes in Scripture history, striking scenes which came within his own view, the deaths of friends as they passed away, one by one, before him, all furnished occasions for the exercise of his divine gift. Nor must we forget his hymns for little children, a branch of sacred poetry in which the mantle of Dr. Watts seems to have fallen upon him. It would be simply impossible within our space to enumerate even those of the hymns which have become really classical. The saying that a really good hymn is as rare an appearance as that of a comet is falsified by the work of Charles Wesley; for hymns, which are really good in every respect, flowed from his pen in quick succession, and death alone stopped the course of the perennial stream. It has been the common practice, however for a hundred years or more to ascribe all translations from the German to John Wesley, as he only of the two brothers knew that language; and to assign to Charles Wesley all the original hymns except such as are traceable to John Wesley through his Journals and other works. The list of 482 original hymns by John and Charles Wesley listed in this Dictionary of Hymnology have formed an important part of Methodist hymnody and show the enormous influence of the Wesleys on the English hymnody of the nineteenth century. -- Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================== Charles Wesley, the son of Samuel Wesley, was born at Epworth, Dec. 18, 1707. He was educated at Westminster School and afterwards at Christ Church, Oxford, where he graduated M.A. In 1735, he took Orders and immediately proceeded with his brother John to Georgia, both being employed as missionaries of the S.P.G. He returned to England in 1736. For many years he engaged with his brother in preaching the Gospel. He died March 29, 1788. To Charles Wesley has been justly assigned the appellation of the "Bard of Methodism." His prominence in hymn writing may be judged from the fact that in the "Wesleyan Hymn Book," 623 of the 770 hymns were written by him; and he published more than thirty poetical works, written either by himself alone, or in conjunction with his brother. The number of his separate hymns is at least five thousand. --Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A., 1872.


Scripture: 1 John 4:10-19 Author of "I Sought the Lord, and Afterward I Knew" in Psalter Hymnal (Gray) In some hymnals, the editors noted that a hymn's author is unknown to them, and so this artificial "person" entry is used to reflect that fact. Obviously, the hymns attributed to "Author Unknown" "Unknown" or "Anonymous" could have been written by many people over a span of many centuries.

Jacques Berthier

1923 - 1994 Person Name: Jacques Berthier, 1923-1994 Scripture: 1 John 4:13-21 Composer of "TAIZÉ UBI CARITAS" in With One Voice Jacques Berthier (b. Auxerre, Burgundy, June 27, 1923; d. June 27, 1994) A son of musical parents, Berthier studied music at the Ecole Cesar Franck in Paris. From 1961 until his death he served as organist at St. Ignace Church, Paris. Although his published works include numerous compositions for organ, voice, and instruments, Berthier is best known as the composer of service music for the Taizé community near Cluny, Burgundy. Influenced by the French liturgist and church musician Joseph Gelineau, Berthier began writing songs for equal voices in 1955 for the services of the then nascent community of twenty brothers at Taizé. As the Taizé community grew, Berthier continued to compose most of the mini-hymns, canons, and various associated instrumental arrangements, which are now universally known as the Taizé repertoire. In the past two decades this repertoire has become widely used in North American church music in both Roman Catholic and Protestant traditions. Bert Polman