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Rabanus Maurus

776 - 856 Person Name: Rhabanus Maurus, 778-856 Author (attributed to) of "Creator Spirit, by Whose Aid" in Lutheran Book of Worship Rabanus Maurus (c. 776-856) or Hrabanus Magnentius Maurus, was born of noble parents at Mainz, and educated at Fulda and Tours under Alcuin, who is reputed to have given him the surname, Maurus, after the saint of that name. In 803, he became director of the school at the Benedictine Abbey at Fulda. He was ordained priest in 814, spending the following years in a pilgrimage to Palestine. In 822, he became Abbott at Fulda, retiring in 842. In 847, he became archbishop of Mainz. He died at Winkel on the Rhine, February 4, 856. This distinguished Carolingian poet-theologian wrote extensive biblical commentaries, the Encyclopaedic De Universo, De Institutione Clericorum, and other works which circulated widely during the Middle Ages. Some of his poems, with English translations, are in Helen Waddell's Mediaeval Latin Lyrics. He is the author of: O Come, Creator Spirit, come Christ, the fair glory of the holy angels Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire Come, Holy Ghost, Creator blest Creator Spirit, by whose aid --The Hymnal 1940 Companion, New York: The Church Pension Fund (1949) =========================== Hrabanus (Rabanus) Maurus, son of one Ruthard, was born probably at Mainz, about 776. At an early age he was sent to the Monastery of Fulda to receive a religious education. In 801 he was ordained Deacon, and the following year he went to the monastic school of St. Martin at Tours to study under Alcuin, a celebrated teacher of that time, who gave to Hrabanus the name of Maurus to which Hrabanus added Magnentius. On his return to Fulda in 804 he became the head of the school connected with the Monastery. Towards him Ratgar the abbot showed great unkindness, which arose mainly from the fact that Ratgar demanded the students to build additions to the monastery, whilst Hrabanus required them at the same time for study. Hrabanus had to retire for a season, but Ratgar's deposition by Ludwig the Pious, in 817, opened up the way for his return, and the reopening of the school In the meantime, in 814, he had been raised to the Priesthood. Egil, who succeeded Ratgar as abbot, died in 822, and Hrabanus was appointed in his stead. This post he held for some time, until driven forth by some of the community. In 847, on the death of Archbishop Otgar, Ludwig the younger, with whom Hrabanus had sided in his demand for German independence as against the imperialism of his elder brother Lothar, rewarded him with the Archbishopric of Mainz, then the metropolitan see of Germany. He held this appointment to his death on Feb. 4, 856. He was buried first in St. Alban's, Mainz, and then, during the early days of the Reformation, in St. Maurice, Halle, possibly because of the opposition he is known to have made to the doctrine of Transubstantiation. With German historians Hrabanus is regarded as the father of the modern system of education in that country. His prose works were somewhat numerous, but the hymns with which his name is associated are few. We have the "Christe sanctorum decus Angelorum”; “Tibi Christe, splendor Patris”; and the "Veni Creator Spiritus”; but recent research convinces us that the ascription in each case is very doubtful; and none are received as by Hrabanus in Professor Dümmler's edition of the Carmina of Hrabanus in the Poetae Latini aevi Carolini, vol. ii. 1884. Dümmler omits them even from the "hymns of uncertain origin." --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix I (1907) =======================

Frank Mason North

1850 - 1935 Person Name: Frank Mason North, 1850-1935 Author of "¡Oh Cristo de infinito amor!" in ¡Cantad al Señor! North, Frank Mason, D.D., b. at New York, Dec. 3, 1850, graduated at Wesleyan University 1872, and entered the ministry of the Methodist Episcopal Church 1872. In 1892 he became Correspondence Secretary of the New York City Church Extension and Missionary Society, and is now (1905) editor of The Christian City. His hymns in common use include:— 1. Jesus, the calm that fills my breast. [Peace.] In The Plymouth Hymnal,1894; Sursum Corda, 1898; The Methodist Hymnal, 1905, &c. 2. When cross the crowded ways of life. [City Missions.] In The Methodist Hymnal, 1905. [Rev. L. F. Benson, D.D.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907) ================= North, Frank Mason, D.D. (December 3, 1850--December 17, 1935). The Appendix Index reference, p.1607 in Julian, to Dr. North is to John Post Attwater who used "Frank North" as his nom de plume. In addition to the information included in the short biographical sketch at p.1677 it should be added that Dr. North continued his studies at Wesleyan University, advancing to the M.A. degree in 1875, later being honored by that institution's D.D., 1894, and L.L.D., 1918. He was a member of the New York East Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church and served several pastorates in New York State and City as well as one at Middletown, Connecticut, 1887-1892. During the years 1892-1912, while Corresponding Secretary of the New York City Extension and Missionary Society and the editor of The Christian City, he was also Corresponding Secretary of the National City Evangelical Union of the Methodist Episcopal Church. From 1912 to 1924 he was the Secretary of the Board of Foreign Missions of his church and through these years he served as Chairman of its Executive Committee. He was also Secretary, Chairman of the Executive Committee, and President of the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America. It was largely through his efforts and influence that the Federal Council was organized. Trustee and member of governing boards of numerous institutions in the United States, China, and Japan, among the additional honors which came to him were Chevalier Legion of Honor and "Officer de l'Instruction Publique," France; Officer of the Royal Order of George I, Greece. He was one of the great Protestant leaders of his generation. The leading article in The Hymn, 30 April 1950, was an excellent appreciation of Dr. North and his work. Sources: Handbooks of various hymnals; Who Was Who I; Foote, Henry Wilder, Three Centuries of American Hymnody; Ninde, Edward S., Story of the American Hymn; Bailey, ALbert E., The Gospel in Hymns; Pratt, John Barnes, Present Day Hymns; correspondence. --Robert G. McCutchan, DNAH Archives

John Dryden

1631 - 1700 Person Name: John Dryden, 1631-1700 Translator of "Creator Spirit, by Whose Aid" in Lutheran Book of Worship Dryden, John. The name of this great English poet has recently assumed a new importance to the students of hymns, from a claim made on his behalf in regard to a considerable body of translations from the Latin published after his death (1701), in a Primer of 1706. The discussion of this point will preclude us from giving more than an outline of his life. i. Biography.—John Dryden was the son of Erasmus, the third son of Sir Erasmus Dryden, and was born at Aid winkle, All Saints, Northants, Aug. 9, 1631. He was educated under Dr. Busby at Westminster, and entered Trip. College, Cambridge, in 1650. He took his B.A. in 1654, and resided nearly 7 years, though without a fellowship. He was of Puritan blood on both his father's and mother's side, and his training found expression in his first great poem, Heroic Stanzas on the death of Oliver Cromwell, 1658. In 1660, however, he turned, like the bulk of England, Royalist, and in his Astraea Redux, and in A Panegyric on the Coronation (1661), celebrated the Restoration. In 1663 he married Lady Elizabeth Howard. The marriage was apparently not a happy one; and there seems to be plain proof of Dryden's unfaithfulness. In 1670 he was made Poet Laureate and Historiographer Royal, and he retained these posts until the accession of William (1688). He had joined the Roman Church in 1685, and remained steadfast to it at the fall of James II. This change is of special significance, as will appear below, in regard to his translations from the Latin. It greatly straitened his means, and compelled him to great literary exertion in his closing years. He died May 18, 1701, and was buried in Westminster Abbey. The poems of Dryden show high excellence in fields widely different from another. He was for years the leader of the English stage, as a writer of tragedy, comedy, and tragi-comedy. The specialities of his plays were a large substitution of the heroic couplet for blank verse, in imitation of Corneille, plots full of exaggerated passion, intrigue, and rant, and a catchword dialogue. These features were caricatured by Buckingham and others in the Rehearsal (acted 1671). The gross immorality of his dramas has long made them unreadable; but his influence on poetry has been enduring. No metre so long dominated style as his heroic couplet, which, though inferior to Pope's in polish and precision, excels it in resonance, freedom and audacity, "The long resounding march and energy divine." He was the first to make poetry a lucid vehicle for political and religious discussion, in the Religio Laid (1682), and The Hind and Panther (1687). The finest satires in English are Absalom and Acnitophel (Part i., 1681; Part ii., 1682, to which he contributed only a portion, the rest being by Nahura Tate), The Medal, and Mac Flecknoe (1682). He gave a new energy and fulness of meaning to the work of translation through his classical reproductions, of which his Virgil is the finest specimen (published in 1697). Alexander's Feast remains one of the most brilliant English odes. His prefaces and dedications had a large influence on our prose style, and are the first material efforts in the province of poetical criticism. The salient points of his genius are a transcendent literary force continually exerting itself in fresh forms; and that narrowing of the work of poetry to matters of political, social, human interest, which ruled supreme in Pope and his followers. (See Dryden by Mr. G. Saintsbury, Men of Letters Series.) ii. Hymn Translations. — Until recently, Dryden's known contributions to hymnody consisted of only three pieces. The best known of these is the translation of “Veni Creator," published in vol. iii. of his Miscellanies, in 1693. Sir Walter Scott, in his Life of Dryden, 1808, published a translation of the "Te Deum " ("Thee Sovereign God our grateful accents praise"), and a translation of "Ut queant laxis," the hymn at Evensong for St. John the Baptist's Day (Scott calls it "St. John's Eve") ("O sylvan Prophet "). Mr. W. T. Brooke has pointed out one or two facts that slightly shake Scott's attribution of these two pieces to Dryden. He has discovered the translation of the "Te Deum” in Dodd's Christian's Magazine, 1760, contributed by J. Duncombe, and attributed to Pope. And Scott's account of the two pieces is confused. He received them from a Mrs. Jackson, who told him that they were mentioned in Butler's “Tour through Italy," and that after Butler's death they passed into the hands of the celebrated Dr. Alban, and so came to hers. They are not however mentioned in the published edition of Butler's Tour; and "Butler" and "Dr. Alban" are the same person—-Dr. Alban Butler, author of The Lives of the Saints. Alban Butler's Tour was edited and published by Charles Butler, his nephew, who also wrote a Life of Alban Butler. The confusion cannot now be unravelled: but is not enough to discredit Scott's decision, which may have rested on the handwriting. The translation of the "Te Deum" is not like Pope, and has a Drydenesque Alexandrine in it, and other marks of Dryden's manner. One great Roman Catholic poet was perhaps confused with the other. These three pieces, however, with slight variation of text, have been discovered independently by Mr. Orby Shipley and Mr. W. T. Brooke, in The Primer, or Office of the B. V. Mary, in English, 1706; and the discovery has led them to a strong conviction that the bulk of the 120 translations of Latin hymns in this book are also Dryden's. It is shown under Primers, that there are remarkable evidences of unity of hand in these translations. Is this hand Dryden's? The case for Dryden is a constructive one, and may be thus summarised:— The translation in Scott, "0 sylvan Prophet," is in a metre unknown to previous editions of the Primer; and there are altogether 11 translations generally representing Latin Sapphics, in the book in this metre. Five of these translations have a further internal link in having the same gloria, three in having another common gloria. The presumption is irresistible that they are all by the author of "0 sylvan Prophet." Again, the translation of the "Te Deum " (also in Scott) is one of 8 pieces in Dryden's great metre, which is also new to the Primers' heroic couplets. Though not linked by common glorias, the tone of all these is Drydenesque, especially the translation of "Sacris Solemniis," which has these characteristic lines, "They eat the Lamb with legal rites and gave Their mother synagogue a decent grave," and closes with an Alexandrine. The translation "Creator Spirit, by Whose aid" is followed by two others in the same metre, which have a variation (in a single word) of its gloria. The three known hymns of Dryden are thus heads of groups presumptively of the same parentage. Proceeding further in the book, the large group of 8-syllable hymns exhibits 35, which are curiously marked as by a single band through their glorias (see Primers). They have several Drydenesque phrases (e.g. "noon of night,” “gleamy white," a technical use of "yielding," “liquid," "equal"), turns of expression and cadences, and a significant link with the translation of the "Te Deum" in the term “vocal blood" (cf. "vocal tears" in 2 other translations) found in the translation of "Deus tuorum militum." This technical method of inquiry when applied still further to other groups linked by a single gloria certainly points in the same direction; Drydenisms, links with groups already named, an occasional appearance of layman freedom of expression, and in one case (“Audit tyrannus" tr.), an echo of the heroic plays, emerge. The least characteristic group is that containing translations of "Ave maris stella" and "Jesu dulcis memoria," in C.M.; and the latter translation ("Jesu, the only thought of Thee"), beautiful as it is, is in the main only the translation from the Primer of 1685 recast in C.M. But the adoption of C.M.—-a new metre in these Primers—-would be natural in one previously long familiar with the metrical Psalms; the translation of “Ave maris stella" has the recurrent use of "equal," which is a mannerism of Dryden: and the word "way " in the translation of "Jesu dulcis memoria" is used similarly in that of "Immense coeli conditor." The result of a minute investigation, purposely conducted on somewhat mechanical lines, is a presumption almost amounting to proof, that the bulk of these 120 translations are not only by the same hand, but by the hand of Dryden. A measure of doubt must however attach to the least characteristic pieces, from the following considerations:— (1) The translations of "Stabat Mater " and "Dies Irae" are reprinted from the Primer of 1687. This fact is of course not decisive against their parentage by Dryden, as it may be argued, that the Primer of 1687 also contains Dryden translations. But (2) the translation of the "Dies Irae "seems to be, notwithstanding some Drydenesque phrases, by Lord Roscommon. It is found in a text considerably varied from that of 1706 in Tate's Miscellanea Sacra 1696 and 1698); and is there attributed to Lord Roscommon. It appears also, but in a text identical with that of 1706, in Tonson's Poems by The Earl of Roscommon, 1717, which professes to give only the "truly genuine" poems of the Earl. If this translation is not Dryden's, others also may not be his. And (3) the Primer of B. V. M. in which these translations are found did not appear till five years after Dryden's death; and may have been edited by some one else. Mr. W. T. Brooke has drawn attention to variations in the text of Scott from that of the Primer; which may be accounted for by editorial revision; and the editor may have had blanks to fill in which Dryden had left. It would be most natural to suppose that the Primer would be edited by a priest; but the fact that it is difficult to say whether the text in Scott or in the Primer is the more characteristic of Dryden either points to the existence of two authentic texts of the poet, or a revision by someone thoroughly intimate with Dryden's manner, e.g. (as Mr. Brooke acutely conjectures), Charles Dryden, who may have taken his father's manuscripts with him to Rome. The argument in favour of Dryden is presented with great force and skill by Mr. Orby Shipley in the Dublin Review, October, 1884, and in the preface to his Annus Sanctus. In corroboration of the evidence given above, Mr. Shipley has collected some Roman Catholic traditions, which ascribe to Dryden "a considerable number" of Latin translations “Jesu dulcis memoria" and "Dies Irae" are said to have been translated as penances. These traditions are however very indefinite; in some cases they do not date earlier than the present century; and in some (see Preface to Annus Sanctus) they are mistaken. He seeks a further corroboration of the theory from the appearance of several of these translations in editions of The Manual of Prayers, 1750, and The Garden of the Soul, 1737. But it is shown under Primers that these books afford no real evidence on this subject. [Rev. H. Leigh Bennett, M.A.] - John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Catherine Winkworth

1827 - 1878 Translator of "Awake, Thou Spirit, Who Didst Fire" in The Lutheran Hymnal Catherine Winkworth (b. Holborn, London, England, 1827; d. Monnetier, Savoy, France, 1878) is well known for her English translations of German hymns; her translations were polished and yet remained close to the original. Educated initially by her mother, she lived with relatives in Dresden, Germany, in 1845, where she acquired her knowledge of German and interest in German hymnody. After residing near Manchester until 1862, she moved to Clifton, near Bristol. A pioneer in promoting women's rights, Winkworth put much of her energy into the encouragement of higher education for women. She translated a large number of German hymn texts from hymnals owned by a friend, Baron Bunsen. Though often altered, these translations continue to be used in many modern hymnals. Her work was published in two series of Lyra Germanica (1855, 1858) and in The Chorale Book for England (1863), which included the appropriate German tune with each text as provided by Sterndale Bennett and Otto Goldschmidt. Winkworth also translated biographies of German Christians who promoted ministries to the poor and sick and compiled a handbook of biographies of German hymn authors, Christian Singers of Germany (1869). Bert Polman ======================== Winkworth, Catherine, daughter of Henry Winkworth, of Alderley Edge, Cheshire, was born in London, Sep. 13, 1829. Most of her early life was spent in the neighbourhood of Manchester. Subsequently she removed with the family to Clifton, near Bristol. She died suddenly of heart disease, at Monnetier, in Savoy, in July, 1878. Miss Winkworth published:— Translations from the German of the Life of Pastor Fliedner, the Founder of the Sisterhood of Protestant Deaconesses at Kaiserworth, 1861; and of the Life of Amelia Sieveking, 1863. Her sympathy with practical efforts for the benefit of women, and with a pure devotional life, as seen in these translations, received from her the most practical illustration possible in the deep and active interest which she took in educational work in connection with the Clifton Association for the Higher Education of Women, and kindred societies there and elsewhere. Our interest, however, is mainly centred in her hymnological work as embodied in her:— (1) Lyra Germanica, 1st Ser., 1855. (2) Lyra Germanica, 2nd Ser., 1858. (3) The Chorale Book for England (containing translations from the German, together with music), 1863; and (4) her charming biographical work, the Christian Singers of Germany, 1869. In a sympathetic article on Miss Winkworth in the Inquirer of July 20, 1878, Dr. Martineau says:— "The translations contained in these volumes are invariably faithful, and for the most part both terse and delicate; and an admirable art is applied to the management of complex and difficult versification. They have not quite the fire of John Wesley's versions of Moravian hymns, or the wonderful fusion and reproduction of thought which may be found in Coleridge. But if less flowing they are more conscientious than either, and attain a result as poetical as severe exactitude admits, being only a little short of ‘native music'" Dr. Percival, then Principal of Clifton College, also wrote concerning her (in the Bristol Times and Mirror), in July, 1878:— "She was a person of remarkable intellectual and social gifts, and very unusual attainments; but what specially distinguished her was her combination of rare ability and great knowledge with a certain tender and sympathetic refinement which constitutes the special charm of the true womanly character." Dr. Martineau (as above) says her religious life afforded "a happy example of the piety which the Church of England discipline may implant.....The fast hold she retained of her discipleship of Christ was no example of ‘feminine simplicity,' carrying on the childish mind into maturer years, but the clear allegiance of a firm mind, familiar with the pretensions of non-Christian schools, well able to test them, and undiverted by them from her first love." Miss Winkworth, although not the earliest of modern translators from the German into English, is certainly the foremost in rank and popularity. Her translations are the most widely used of any from that language, and have had more to do with the modern revival of the English use of German hymns than the versions of any other writer. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ============================ See also in: Hymn Writers of the Church


Person Name: Unknown Author of "All Glory Be to God Alone" in The Lutheran Hymnal In some hymnals, the editors noted that a hymn's author is unknown to them, and so this artificial "person" entry is used to reflect that fact. Obviously, the hymns attributed to "Author Unknown" "Unknown" or "Anonymous" could have been written by many people over a span of many centuries.

Martin Luther

1483 - 1546 Person Name: Martin Luther, 1483-1546 Author (attributed to) of "All glory be to God alone" in Lutheran Service Book Luther, Martin, born at Eisleben, Nov. 10, 1483; entered the University of Erfurt, 1501 (B.A. 1502, M.A.. 1503); became an Augustinian monk, 1505; ordained priest, 1507; appointed Professor at the University of Wittenberg, 1508, and in 1512 D.D.; published his 95 Theses, 1517; and burnt the Papal Bull which had condemned them, 1520; attended the Diet of Worms, 1521; translated the Bible into German, 1521-34; and died at Eisleben, Feb. 18, 1546. The details of his life and of his work as a reformer are accessible to English readers in a great variety of forms. Luther had a huge influence on German hymnody. i. Hymn Books. 1. Ellich cristlich lider Lobgesang un Psalm. Wittenberg, 1524. [Hamburg Library.] This contains 8 German hymns, of which 4 are by Luther. 2. Eyn Enchiridion oder Handbuchlein. Erfurt, 1524 [Goslar Library], with 25 German hymns, of which 18 are by Luther. 3. Geystliche Gesangk Buchleyn. Wittenberg, 1524 [Munich Library], with 32 German hymns, of which 24 are by Luther. 4. Geistliche Lieder auffs new gebessert. Wittenberg. J. Klug, 1529. No copy of this book is now known, but there was one in 1788 in the possession of G. E. Waldau, pastor at Nürnberg, and from his description it is evident that the first part of the Rostock Gesang-Buch, 1531, is a reprint of it. The Rostock Gesang-Buch, 1531, was reprinted by C. M. Wiechmann-Kadow at Schwerin in 1858. The 1529 evidently contained 50 German hymns, of which 29 (including the Litany) were by Luther. 5. Geistliche Lieder auffs new gebessert. Erfurt. A. Rauscher, 1531 [Helmstädt, now Wolfenbüttel Library], a reprint of No. 4. 6. Geistliche Lieder. Wittenberg. J. Klug, 1535 [Munich Library. Titlepage lost], with 52 German hymns, of which 29 are by Luther. 7. Geistliche Lieder auffs new gebessert. Leipzig. V. Schumann, 1539 [Wernigerode Library], with 68 German hymns, of which 29 are by Luther. 8. Geistliche Lieder. Wittenberg. J. Klug, 1543 [Hamburg Library], with 61 German hymns, of which 35 are by Luther. 9. Geystliche Lieder. Leipzig. V. Babst, 1545 [Gottingen Library]. This contains Luther's finally revised text, but adds no new hymns by himself. In pt. i. are 61 German hymns, in pt. ii. 40, of which 35 in all are by Luther. For these books Luther wrote three prefaces, first published respectively in Nos. 3, 4, 9. A fourth is found in his Christliche Geseng, Lateinisch und Deudsch, zum Begrebnis, Wittenberg, J. Klug, 1542. These four prefaces are reprinted in Wackernagel’s Bibliographie, 1855, pp. 543-583, and in the various editions of Luther's Hymns. Among modern editions of Luther's Geistliche Lieder may be mentioned the following:— Carl von Winterfeld, 1840; Dr. C. E. P. Wackernagel, 1848; Q. C. H. Stip, 1854; Wilhelm Schircks, 1854; Dr. Danneil, 1883; Dr. Karl Gerok, 1883; Dr. A. F. W. Fischer, 1883; A. Frommel, 1883; Karl Goedeke, 1883, &c. In The Hymns of Martin Luther. Set to their original melodies. With an English version. New York, 1883, ed. by Dr. Leonard Woolsey Bacon and Nathan H. Allen, there are the four prefaces, and English versions of all Luther's hymns, principally taken more or less altered, from the versions by A. T. Russell, R. Massie and Miss Winkworth [repub. in London, 1884]. Complete translations of Luther's hymns have been published by Dr. John Anderson, 1846 (2nd ed. 1847), Dr. John Hunt, 1853, Richard Massie, 1854, and Dr. G. Macdonald in the Sunday Magazine, 1867, and his Exotics, 1876. The other versions are given in detail in the notes on the individual hymns. ii. Classified List of Luther's Hymns. Of Luther's hymns no classification can be quite perfect, e.g. No. 3 (see below) takes hardly anything from the Latin, and No. 18 hardly anything from the Psalm. No. 29 is partly based on earlier hymns (see p. 225, i.). No. 30 is partly based on St. Mark i. 9-11, and xvi., 15, 16 (see p. 226, ii.). No. 35 is partly based on St. Luke ii. 10-16. The following arrangement, however, will answer all practical purposes. A. Translations from the Latin. i. From Latin Hymns: 1. Christum wir sollen loben schon. A solis ortus cardine 2. Der du bist drei in Einigkeit. O Lux beata Trinitas. 3. Jesus Christus unser Heiland, Der von. Jesus Christus nostra salus 4. Komm Gott Schopfer, heiliger Geist. Veni Creator Spiritus, Mentes. 5. Nun komm der Beidenheiland. Veni Redemptor gentium 6. Was flirchst du Feind Herodes sehr. A solis ortus cardine ii. From Latin Antiphons, &c.: 7. Herr Gott dich loben wir. Te Deum laudamus. 8. Verleih uns Frieden gnädiglich. Dapacem, Domine 9. Wir glauben all an einen Gott. iii. Partly from the Latin, the translated stanzas being adopted from Pre-Reformation Versions: 10. Komm, heiliger Geist, Herre Gott. 11. Mitten wir im Leben sind. Media vita in morte sumus. B. Hymns revised and enlarged from Pre-Reformation popular hymns. 12. Gelobet seist du Jesus Christ. 13. Gott der Vater wohn uns bei. 14. Gott sei gelobet und gebenedeiet. 15. Nun bitten wir den heiligen Geist. C. Psalm versions. 16. Ach Gott vom Himmel, sieh darein. 17. Aus tiefer Noth schrei ich zu dir. 18. Ein' feste Burg ist unser Gott. 19. Es spricht der Unweisen Mund wohl. 20. Es wollt uns Gott genädig sein. 21. War Gott nicht mit uns diese Zeit. 22. Wohl dem, der in Gotten Furcht steht. D. Paraphrases of other portions of Holy Scripture. 23. Diess sind die heilgen zehn Gebot. 24. Jesaia dem Propheten das geschah. 25. Mensch willt du leben seliglich. 26. Mit Fried und Freud ich fahr dahin. 27. Sie ist mir lieb die werthe Magd. 28. Vater unser im Himmelreich. E. Hymns mainly Original. 29. Christ lag in Todesbanden. 30. Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam. 31. Ein neues Lied wir heben an. 32. Erhalt uns Herr bei deinem Wort. 33. Jesus Christus unser Heiland, Der den, 34. Nun freut euch lieben Christengemein. 35. Vom Himmel hoch da komm ich her. 36. Vom Himmel kam der Engel Schaar. In addition to these — 37. Fur alien Freuden auf Erden. 38. Kyrie eleison. In the Blätter fur Hymnologie, 1883, Dr. Daniel arranges Luther's hymns according to what he thinks their adaptation to modern German common use as follows:— i. Hymns which ought to be included in every good Evangelical hymn-book: Nos. 7-18, 20, 22, 28, 29, 30, 32, 34, 35, 36, 38. ii. Hymns the reception of which into a hymn-book might be contested: Nos. 2, 3, 4, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 33. iii. Hymns not suited for a hymn-book: Nos. 1, 5, 6, 27, 31, 37. [Rev. James Mearns, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Federico J. Pagura

1923 - 2016 Person Name: Federico J. Pagura, 1923- Translator of "¡Oh Cristo de infinito amor!" in ¡Cantad al Señor! Federico José Pagura was an Argentine Methodist bishop and author and translator of hymns. Leland Bryant Ross

Carl Heinrich von Bogatzky

1690 - 1774 Person Name: Carl H. von Bogatzky Author of "Awake, Thou Spirit, Who Didst Fire" in The Lutheran Hymnal Bogatzky, Carl Heinrich von.   He was born Sept. 7,1690, on his father's estate of Jankowe, near Militsch, in Silesia. His father, J. A. v. Bogatzky, was descended from a noble Hungarian family, and entering the Austrian service attained the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Bogatzky's early education was picked up at various places as family arrangements permitted. He was for some time page at the Ducal Court of Weissenfels. From Weissenfels his father removed him to 13realau, to prepare for entering the army. During a long illness at Breslau he became convinced that God had other work for him to do. Receiving an offer of assistance from Count Heinrich xxiv., of Reuss-Kostriz, towards the expenses of an University course, he entered Urn University of Jena in 1713; but removed at Easter, 1715, to the University of Halle, still as a student of law. Before Christinas ho received notice that his mother had died in Silesia, and that he must return. During the week that elapsed before setting out, while attending divine service, he received what he regarded as his first true views of Justification by Faith. Disowned by his father for objecting to enter the army, he returned from Silesia to Halle and enrolled himself, at Easter, 1716, as a student of theology. At Halle he began for his own edification his best known work, The Golden Treasury, 1st published at Breslau in 1718. During 1718 his health failed, and his voice became so seriously affected that he was unable to take any parochial charge. From thenceforth he devoted himself to religious authorship, and speaking in private gatherings. He left Silesia in 1740, and for five years resided at Saalfeld, where he wrote many works, including that on True Conversion, 1741. In 1746 he removed to Halle, where G. A. Francke gave him a free room in the orphanage. The rest of his life was spent mainly in that town. The most important of his publications at this time was his Meditations and Prayers on the New Testament, 7 vols., 1755-61. He died at Halle, June 15, 1774. (Koch, iv. 468-478; Allg. Deutsche Biog., iii. 37- 39; Autobiography tr. by Samuel Jackson, Lond., 1856—the second dating his death, possibly through a misprint, as at Glaucha, near Halle, 1754).Bogatzky seems to have begun hymn-writing about 1718, and in all composed 411 hymns, some of which appeared in part, in his devotional works, 3 in the Cothnische Lieder, 1733-36, 6 in the Wernigerode Gesang-Buch, 1735, and in a collected form at Halle, 1750, as Die Uebungder Gottseligkeit in allerley Geistlichen Liedern, with 302 hymns (2nd ed. Halle, 1755, with 396; 3rd ed.. 1771, with 411, reprinted unaltered at Berlin, 1844). With this the Dowager Queen of Denmark was so much pleased that, as the 1st ed. was in very small type, she offered to contribute to an ed. in larger type, and when that was issued in 1750 (with 376 hymns), bought 300 copies, all of which she distributed.His hymns have little poetic fire or glow of imagination; but in his better productions there is stimulating zeal, warmth of religious feeling, and simplicity of religious faith, linking him rather with the earlier Halle School, than with the spiritual sensuousness of some of his fellow contributors to the Cothnische Lieder. (1) The hymns by him in English common use are: i. Wach auf du Geist der crsten Zeugen. [Missions.] 1st pub. 1750, as above, No. 133, of 14 stanzas of 6 lines, entitled, "For faithful labourers in the Harvest of the Lord, for the blessed spread of the Word to all the world." Included in the Berlin G. L. S., ed. 1863, No. 1383.    Translated as:— Awake, Thou Spirit, Who of old. A good translation of st. i.-iii., v.-viii. by Miss Winkworth, in her Lyra Germanica, 1st series, 1855, p. 41, and thence, omitting st. ii., altered in metre, and beginning, "Awake, Thou Spirit, Who didst fire," as No. 290 in the Pennsylvania Lutheran Church Book, 1868. In Miss Winkworth's Chorale Book for England, 1863, No. 87, it is altered in metre to "Wake, Spirit, Who in times now olden," st: vii. being omitted, and this form is No. 190 in the Ohio Lutheran Hymnal, 1880. Another translation is "O spirit of the early martyrs, wake," in the British Herald, Oct. 1865, p. 151.   Not in common use: ii. Ich bin erlost durch xneines Mittler's Blut. [Passiontide.] 1750, as above, No. 330, in 10 stanzas of 9 lines, entitled, "The believer's consolation in death." J. C. Wagner in his Neues Hildburghausisches Gesang-Buch, 1807 (1808, No. 231), included a greatly altered form beginning, "Ich bin erlost! Es floss des Mittler's Blut." The text translation is that in Knapp's Ev. L. S., 1837, No. 503, based on st. i., iii., v.-vii. of the original. The only translation in common use is:— I am redeem'd! the purchase of that blood, from Knapp, by Dr. H. Mills in his Horae Germanica, 1845 (1856, p. 64); repeated, omitting stanza ii., as No. 125 in Stryker's Christian Chorals, 1885.(2) Hymns not in English common use:— iii. Du Hiiter Israel. [Morning.] 1750, as above, No. 7, in 15 stanzas translated as "Guardian of Israel, Thou," by H. J. Buckoll, 1842, p. 53. iv. Einer bliebt Konig, wenn allea erlieget. [Christ as King.] 1st in the large type ed., 1750, No. 367, in 10 stanzas translated as "One reigneth still, though all else may be failing," by Miss Burlingham, in the British Herald, Dec. 1865, p. 185, and repeated, as No. 394, in Reid's Praise Book, 1872. v. Heut ist dein Tag vorhanden. [Sunday Morning.] 1750, as above, No. 106, in 5 stanzas translated as "This is Thy day so glorious," by H. J. Buckoll, 1842, p. 8. vi. Hirt und Euter deiner Schaafe. [Spiritual Watchfulness] 1750, as above, No. 279, in 16 stanzas translated as "Great Shepherd of the sheep, No longer," in S. Jackson's translation of Bogatzky's Life, 1856, p. 187. vii. Jehovah, hoher Gott von Hacht und Starke. [The Almighty God.] At Schreibersdorf in the Riesengebirge in 1720, standing on an eminence, he viewed the distant mountains which at first he thought were clouds, and deeply impressed by the majesty, glory, and omnipotence of God, he wrote this hymn after returning to the house (Life, 1856, p. 51). Included, as No. 558, in the Sammluvg Geist- und lieblicher Lieder, Leipzig and Gorlitz, 1725, and repeated, 1750, as above, No. 263, in 12 stanzas as "Jehovah, God of boundless strength and might," by Miss Winkworth, 1869, p. 274. viii. 0 stilles Lamm, du hast fur mich gelitten. [Cross and Consolation.] 1750, as above, No. 305, in 7 stanzas translated as "O silent Lamb! for me Thou hast endured," by Mrs. Findlater, in Hymns from the Land of Luther, 1858 (p. 64, 1884, p. 122). -John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

W. G. Polack

1890 - 1950 Person Name: W. G. Polack, 1890-1950 Translator of "All Glory Be to God Alone" in Evangelical Lutheran Hymnary

W. Shrubsole

1759 - 1829 Person Name: William Shrubsole Author of "When, Streaming from the Eastern Skies" in The Cyber Hymnal William Shrubsole was born in Sheerness, Kent, in 1759. His first occupation was as a shipwright in Sheerness Dockyard, but he was promoted, and afterwards removed to London, where he at length held the position of Secretary to the Committee of the Treasury in the Bank of England. He died at Highbury, in 1829. Mr. Shrubsole was the author of several hymns, and some articles in the religious magazines of his day. --Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A. 1872. ============================= Shrubsole, William, eldest son of William Shrubsole, a master mastmaker in the dockyard at Sheerness, Kent, and a Lay Preacher, was born at Sheerness, Nov. 21, 1759. In his earlier years he was engaged as a shipwright in the dockyard, and then as a clerk. In 1765 he removed to London, and entered the Bank of England as a clerk. He subsequently became the Secretary to the Committee of the Treasury. He died at Highbury, Aug. 23, 1829. Mr. Shrubsole was for some time a communicant at St. Anne's, Blackfriars, during the incumbency of the Rev. W.Goode; but during the last twenty years of his life he was a member with the Congregationalists, and attended the Hoxton Academy Chapel. He interested himself in religious societies, and especially the London Missionary Society (of which he became a director and one of the secretaries), the Bible Society, and the Religious Tract Society. He contributed hymns to the Evangelical Magazine, the Christian Magazine, the Theological Miscellany, the Christian Observer and the Youths' Magazine, at various dates, from 1775 to 1813. To these works we have traced nearly twenty of his hymns. A Memoir of Shrubsole was contributed by his daughter to Dr. Morison's Fathers and Founders of the London Missionary Society, 2 vols., London, Fisher, Sons & Co., 1844. Seven of his hymns are also given, together with a portrait, in the same work. His hymns in common use include:— 1. Arm of the Lord, awake, awake. Put on Thy strength, the nations shake. Missions. This appeared in Missionary Hymns, 1795; and in Morison's Fathers and Founders, &c, 1844, vol. i. p. 451, in 6 stanzas of 4 lines. Dr. Rogers in his Lyra Britannica, 1867, attributes this hymn to Shrubsole's father, and dates it 1780. Against this statement we can only put the fact that it is claimed in Morison for the son. Original text, Lyra Britanica, 1867, p. 502. 2. Bright as the sun's meridian blaze . Missions. Written Aug. 10, 1795, for the first meeting of the London Missionary Society. It was printed in the Evangelical Magazine, Sept., 1795, headed “On the intended Mission," and signed "Junior." It is also in Morison, 1844, i. p. 449, together with the note that the hymn "was duly acknowledged by Mr. Shrubsole in his lifetime, and the original manuscript, with numerous corrections, is in possession of his family, in his own autograph," and that it bears date "August 10, 1795." Original text Lyra Britanica, 1867, p. 504. 3. In all the paths my feet pursue. Looking unto Jesus. Appeared in the Evangelical Magazine, 1794; in Morison, i., 1844, p. 454; and Lyra Britanica, 1867, p. 503. 4. Shall science distant lands explore? Missions. Published in the Evangelical Magazine, 1795; and again in Morison, 1844, i. p. 452. 5. When streaming from the Eastern skies . Daily Duties; or, Morning. Published in the Christian Observer, Aug., 1813, in 8 stanzas of 8 lines, headed "Daily Duties, Dependence and Enjoyment," and signed Probus. Also in Morison, 1844, i. p. 453; and Lyra Brittanica, 1867, p. 505. The well-known cento, "As every day Thy mercy spares," is from this hymn, and begins with st. iii. 6. Ye saints, your grateful praises bring

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