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Tune Identifier:"^ingatestone_brown$"

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Meter: Appears in 6 hymnals Composer and/or Arranger: Arthur Henry Brown Tune Key: G Major Incipit: 51161 43212 365


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God of love, our Father Saviour

Author: H. W. Robilliard Meter: 8.7 Appears in 4 hymnals Lyrics: 1 God of love, our Father Saviour, Holy Spirit, Thee we praise! Triune God, all thought transcending, Fain would we a temple raise Worthy of Thy loving kindness, Hallowed thro' all earthly days. 2 Make these stones a hallowed symbol, Saints of God who run may read, Types of those whom, blest Redeemer, Thou from sin and woe hast freed, Pillars Thou hast hewn and shapen, Thine elect in every deed! 3 Lord! restore the gates of Sion, Let her courts with praise resound! May Thy light and love descending Shed their radiant joys around, So shall man reveal Thy glory: Earth, like heaven, be hallowed ground! Amen. Topics: Consecration of Churches Used With Tune: [God of love, our Father, Saviour]
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Holy Spirit, Lord of glory

Appears in 21 hymnals Used With Tune: INGATESTONE


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Published text-tune combinations (hymns) from specific hymnals
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Holy Spirit, Lord of glory

Hymnal: The Children's Hymn Book #294 (1881) Languages: English Tune Title: INGATESTONE

Holy Spirit, Lord Of Glory

Author: Robert H. Baynes Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #10809 Meter: Lyrics: 1 Holy Spirit, Lord of glory, Look on us Thy flock today, Meekly kneeling at Thy footstool For Thy sevenfold gifts we pray; Guide us all our earthly journey In the true and narrow way. 2 Foes on every hand are round us, And our hearts are weak and frail; Gird us with Thy heavenly armor; Never let us yield or quail; Give us victory in the struggle When the hosts of sin assail. 3 Blessèd Jesus, draw Thou near us, As before Thy cross we bow; Help us to be true and faithful, Seal our sacramental vow; We Thy soldiers are, and servants; Hear our solemn promise now. 4 Lead us by Thy guiding presence Through the waste with danger rife; Feed us with the heavenly manna, That we faint not in the strife; Slake our weary spirits’ thirsting From the living well of life. 5 Looking ever unto Jesus, Leaning on His staff and rod; May we follow in His footsteps, Tread the path that He has trod, Till we dwell with Him for ever In the paradise of God! Languages: English Tune Title: INGATESTONE
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Holy Spirit, Lord of glory

Author: Rev. R. H. Baynes Hymnal: The New Children's Hymnal #131 (1892) Languages: English Tune Title: [Holy Spirit, Lord of glory]


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Authors, composers, editors, etc.

Arthur Henry Brown

1830 - 1926 Composer of "INGATESTONE" in The Cyber Hymnal Born: Ju­ly 24, 1830, Brent­wood, Es­sex, Eng­land. Died: Feb­ru­a­ry 15, 1926, Brent­wood, Es­sex, Eng­land. Almost com­plete­ly self taught, Brown be­gan play­ing the or­gan at the age 10. He was or­gan­ist of the Brent­wood Par­ish Church, Es­sex (1842-53); St. Ed­ward’s, Rom­ford (1853-58); Brent­wood Par­ish Church (1858-88); St. Pe­ter’s Church, South Weald (from 1889); and Sir An­tho­ny Browne’s School (to 1926). A mem­ber of the Lon­don Gre­gor­i­an As­so­ci­a­tion, he helped as­sem­ble the Ser­vice Book for the an­nu­al fes­tiv­al in St. Paul’s Ca­thed­ral. He sup­port­ed the Ox­ford Move­ment, and pi­o­neered the res­tor­a­tion of plain­chant and Gre­gor­i­an mu­sic in Ang­li­can wor­ship. Brown ed­it­ed var­i­ous pub­li­ca­tions, in­clud­ing the Al­tar Hym­nal. His other works in­clude set­tings of the Can­ti­cles and the Ho­ly Com­mun­ion Ser­vice, a Child­ren’s Fes­tiv­al Serv­ice, an­thems, songs, part songs, and over 800 hymn tunes and car­ols. Music: Alleluia! Sing the Tri­umph Arthur Dale Ab­bey Fields of Gold Are Glow­ing Gerran Holy Church Holy Rood If An­gels Sang Our Sav­ior’s Birth Lammas O, Sing We a Car­ol Purleigh Redemptor Mun­di Ring On, Ye Joy­ous Christ­mas Bells Saffron Wal­den St. An­a­tol­i­us St. Aus­tell St. John Dam­as­cene St. Ma­byn St. So­phro­ni­us Story of the Cross Sweet Child Di­vine

Robert Hall Baynes

1831 - 1895 Person Name: Robert H. Baynes Author of "Holy Spirit, Lord Of Glory" in The Cyber Hymnal Baynes, Robert Hall, M.A., s. of the Rev. Joseph Baynes, b. at Wellington, Somerset, Mar. 10, 1831, and educated at St. Edmund Hall, Oxford, graduating B.A. 1856, and M.A. 1859. Ordained in 1855, he held successively the Curacy of Christ Church, Blackfriars, the P. Curacy of St. Paul's, Whitechapel; of Holy Trinity, Maidstone, and of St. Michael's, Coventry. In 1870 he was Bp. designate of Madagascar; but resigned in 1871. In 1873 he was appointed Hon. Canon of Worcester Cathedral, and in 1880 Vicar of Holy Trinity, Folkestone. Canon Baynes is more widely known as the compiler of some most successful books of sacred poetry than as an original hymn-writer, although some of his hymns are of considerable merit, and are in extensive use. Of these the best known are “Jesu, to Thy table led," and "Holy Spirit, Lord of glory." He was editor of Lyra Anglicana, 1862; English Lyrics, 1865; The Canterbury Hymnal, 1864 ; and the Supp. Hymnal, 1869 (all pub. Lond., Houlston & Wright); The Illustrated Book of Sacred Poems, Lond., Cassell & Co., and is the author of original Autumn Memories and other Verses, Lond., Houlston & Wright, 1869. His hymns appeared in The Canterbury Hymnal, the Autumn Memories, and in the Churchman’s Shilling Magazine, of which he was sometime editor. His Home Songs for Quiet Hours were pub. in 1878, and Hymns for Home Mission Services in the Church of England, 1879. To his eucharistic manual, At the Communion Time, a series of hymns for Holy Communion are added. D. March 12, 1895. -John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ==================== Baynes, R. H., p. 119, i. Other hymns in common use are:— i. In his Canterbury Hymnal, 1863. 1. Bend every knee at Jesus' name. Missions. ii. In Mrs. Brock's Children's Hymn Book, 1881. 2. God Almighty, in Thy temple. Holy Trinity. This begins in his Hymns & Other Verses, 1887, "God Almighty, Heavenly Father." 3. Lord Jesu! on our forehead. Confirmation. 4. 'Neath the stars which shone so bright. Christmas Carol. 5. No room within the dwelling. Christmas. 6. O Man of Sorrows, Who didst die to save. Death and Burial. iii. In A. J. Soden's Universal Hymn Book, 1885. 7. Great Shepherd of Thy ransomed flock. Holy Communion. 8. Jesu, Thou true and living Bread. Holy Communion. 9. The day is done; beside the sultry shore. Evening. Eternity. Of these hymns, Nos. 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, are in Canon Baynes's Hymns and Other Verses, 1887. There are also others in the same work which are worthy of notice, especially one for a Flower Service, written in 1885, “Lord Jesu! we adore Thee." --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

H. W. Robilliard

Author of "God of love, our Father Saviour" in The Hymnal, Revised and Enlarged, as adopted by the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America in the year of our Lord 1892 Robilliard, H. W., is given as the author of "God of love, our Father, Saviour" (Consecration of a Church), in the American Protestant Episcopal Hymnal, 1892. It is dated 1888. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)