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Hymnal, Number:hpec1917

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Showing 1 - 10 of 707Results Per Page: 102050
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Lord of the harvest, hear

Author: C. Wesley Meter: Appears in 191 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Lord of the harvest, hear Thy needy servants' cry; Answer our faith's effectual prayer, And all our wants supply. 2 On Thee we humbly wait; Our wants are in Thy view: The harvest, Lord, is truly great, The laborers are few. 3 Anoint and send forth more Into Thy Church abroad, And let them speak Thy word of power, As workers with their God. 4 Oh, let them spread Thy name, Their mission fully prove: Thy universal grace proclaim, Thine all-redeeming love. Amen. Topics: Ember Days; Ember Days Used With Tune: NARENZA
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Nearer, my God, to Thee

Author: S. Adams Meter: Appears in 2,500 hymnals Topics: Aspiration; Confirmation; Consecration; Fellowship with God; Lent; Parochial Missions Used With Tune: KEDRON
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Come, praise your Lord and Savior

Author: W. W. How Meter: D Appears in 56 hymnals Used With Tune: ELLACOMBE
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By cool Siloam's shady rill

Author: R. Heber Meter: Appears in 607 hymnals Used With Tune: SILOAM
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Onward, Christian soldiers

Author: S. Baring-Gould Meter: D with refrain Appears in 1,808 hymnals Used With Tune: CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS
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Fountain of good, to own Thy love

Author: P. Doddridge; E. Osler Meter: Appears in 84 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Fountain of good, to own Thy love Our thankful hearts incline; What can we render, Lord, to Thee, When all the worlds are Thine? 2 But Thou hast needy brethren here, Partakers of Thy grace, Whose names Thou wilt Thyself confess Before the Father's face. 3 In each sad accent of distress Thy pleading voice is heard; In them Thou may'st be clothed and fed And visited and cheered. 4 Help us then, Lord, Thy yoke to wear, And joy to do Thy will; Each other's burdens gladly bear, And love's sweet law fulfill. 5 Thy face with reverence and with love We in Thy poor would see; And while we minister to them, Would do it as to Thee. 6 Do Thou, O Lord, our alms accept, And with Thy blessing speed; Bless us in giving; greatly bless Our gifts to them that need. Amen. Topics: Almsgiving; Almsgiving and Charities; Love to Man; Sympathy Used With Tune: ST. STEPHEN
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From glory unto glory! Be this our joyous song

Author: F. R. Havergal Meter: Appears in 64 hymnals Lyrics: 1 From glory unto glory! Be this our joyous song; As on the King's own highway, We bravely march along. From glory unto glory! O word of stirring cheer, As dawns the solemn brightness of another glad New Year. 2 From glory unto glory! What great things He hath done, What wonders He hath shown us, what triumphs He hath won! From glory unto glory! What mighty blessings crown The lives for which our Lord laid His own so freely down! 3 The fullness of His blessing encompasseth our way; The fullness of His promises crowns every brightening day; The fullness of His glory is beaming from above, While more and more we learn to know the fullness of His love. 4 And closer yet and closer the golden bonds shall be, Uniting all who love our Lord in pure sincerity; And wider yet and wider shall the circling glory glow, As more and more are taught of God that mighty love to know. 5 Oh, let our adoration for all that He hath done, Peal out beyond the stars of God, while voice and life are one; And let our consecration be real, deep, and true: Oh, even now our hearts shall bow, and joyful vows renew. 6 Now onward, ever onward, from strength to strength we go, While grace for grace abundantly shall from His fullness flow, To glory's full fruition, from glory's foretaste here, Until His very presence crown our happiest New Year. Amen. Topics: The New Year; New Year; Processionals New Year Used With Tune: BERTHOLD
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Lord God, we worship Thee!

Author: J. Franck; C. Winkworth Meter: Appears in 60 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Lord God, we worship Thee! In loud and happy chorus, We praise Thy love and power, Whose goodness reigneth o'er us. To heaven our song shall soar, Forever shall it be Resounding o'er and o'er; Lord God, we worship Thee! 2 Lord God, we worship Thee! For Thou our land defendest, Thou pourest down Thy grace, And strife and war Thou endest. Since golden peace, O Lord, Thou grantest us to see, Our land, with one accord, Lord God, gives thanks to Thee! 3 Lord God, we worship Thee! Thou didst indeed chastise us, Yet still Thy anger spares, And still Thy mercy tries us: Once more our Father's hand Doth bid our sorrows flee, And Peace rejoice our land; Lord God, we worship Thee! Amen. Topics: National Days; Our Country Used With Tune: NUN DANKET
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Lord, when we bend before Thy throne

Author: J. D. Carlyle Meter: Appears in 326 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Lord, when we bend before Thy throne, And our confessions pour, Teach us to feel the sins we own, And hate what we deplore. 2 Our broken spirits, pitying, see; True penitence impart; Then let a kindling glance from Thee Beam hope upon the heart. 3 When we disclose our wants in prayer, May we our wills resign; And not a thought our bosom share Which is not wholly Thine. 5 Let faith each weak petition fill, And waft it to the skies; And teach our hearts 'tis goodness still That grants it, or denies. Amen. Topics: General; Lent; Penitence Used With Tune: MARTYRDOM
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A few more years shall roll

Author: H. Bonar Meter: D Appears in 382 hymnals Lyrics: 1 A few more years shall roll, A few more seasons come, And we shall be with those that rest Asleep within the tomb; Then, O my Lord, prepare My soul for that great day; Oh, wash me in Thy precious blood, And take my sins away. 2 A few more suns shall set, O'er these dark hills of time, And we shall be where suns are not, A far serener clime: Then, O my Lord, prepare My soul for that blest day; Oh, wash me in Thy precious blood, And take my sins away. 3 A few more storms shall beat On this wild rocky shore, And we shall be where tempests cease, And surges swell no more: Then, O my Lord, prepare My soul for that calm day; Oh, wash me in Thy precious blood, And take my sins away. 4 A few more struggles here, A few more partings o'er, A few more toils, a few more tears, And we shall weep no more: Then, O my Lord, prepare My soul for that bright day; Oh, wash me in Thy precious blood, And take my sins away. 5 'Tis but a little while And He shall come again, Who died that we might live, Who lives That we with Him may reign: Then, O my Lord, prepare My soul for that glad day; Oh, wash me in Thy precious blood, And take my sins away. Amen. Topics: The Old Year; The Old Year; Burial of the Dead; Old Year; Parochial Missions Used With Tune: CHALVEY


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