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Showing 1 - 10 of 271Results Per Page: 102050

The Ten Commandments

Appears in 214 hymnals Topics: The Ten Commandments First Line: Lord, have mercy upon us Used With Tune: [Lord, have mercy upon us]

The Ten Commandments

Author: Dewey Westra, 1899-1979 Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals Topics: Service Music The Ten Commandments First Line: My soul, recall the rev'rent wonder Scripture: Exodus 20:2-17 Used With Tune: LES COMMANDEMENTS DE DIEU Text Sources: Alt. in Psalter Hymnal, 1987

Gifts of Love

Author: Carolyn Winfrey Gillette Meter: Irregular Appears in 1 hymnal Topics: Ten Commandments First Line: Gifts of love our Lord has given, Words of life "I'm your God! Scripture: Exodus 20:1-17
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How perfect is thy word

Meter: Appears in 41 hymnals Topics: The Commandments The Ten Commandments

When Israel Fled from Egypt Land

Author: Henrietta Ten Harmsel Meter: Appears in 7 hymnals Topics: Ten Commandments Exodus 20 Scripture: Psalm 114 Used With Tune: ANDRE
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The great command Jehovah gave

Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals Topics: On The Ten Commandments of God Lyrics: 1 The great command Jehovah gave, No other Gods but only me Shall ye my chosen People have, Your only trust in me shall be. 2 No graven image shall ye make, Nor to such helpless creatures bow; Nor them for your salvation take, As the blind savage nations do. 3 Ye shall not take my Name in vain, I am your just and holy Lord; Unpunish'd ye cannot remain Who thus profane my sacred word. 4 Remember well the Sabbath-day, It is the day I have ordain'd For men to spend in such a way; That saving knowledge may be gain'd. 5 Honour thy parents with delight, And help and succour them always; For that is lawful just and right; Thou shalt be blest with length of days. 6 Thy fellow-man thou shalt not kill, For Satan was a murd'rer first; All murd'rers do the Devil's will, And like the devils shall be curs'd. 7 Thou shalt not steal nor yet defraud Thy fellow-men of what they claim, 'Tis breaking of the law of God, And brings on man both guilt and shame. 8 Adultery that horrid act! Commit thou not that shameful deed; They who are guilty of such fact, Their ways unto destruction lead. 9 False evidence thou shalt not bear, For that could cost thy neighbour's life, In ev'ry cause the truth declare, To settle all debates and strife. 10 Thy neighbour's wife, nor what he hath Thou shalt not covet, seek or crave; But trust the Lord for life and death, And be content with what you have. 11 Great God to thee I humbly pray: Fill us with holy fear and awe; Make us afraid to disobey Or break thy just and holy law.
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Teach Me, O LORD, Your Way of Truth

Meter: Appears in 24 hymnals Topics: Ten Commandments 9th Commandment (do not bear false witness) Lyrics: 1 Teach me, O LORD, your way of truth, and from it I will not depart. that I may steadfastly obey, give me an understanding heart. 2 In your commandments make me walk, for in your law my joy shall be. Give me a heart that loves your will, from discontent and envy free. 3 Turn heart and eye from vanities, preserve my life within your way. Confirm to me your holy word promised to those who fear your name. 4 LORD, turn away disgrace and dread. Your righteous judgments I confess. To know your word is my desire. Revive me in your righteousness. Scripture: Psalm 119:33-40 Used With Tune: ST. CRISPIN Text Sources: Psalter, 1912
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Almighty Lord Of Earth And Heaven

Author: David Denike; C. H. L. Schuette Meter: Appears in 10 hymnals Topics: The Ten Commandments First Line: Almighty Lord of earth and heav'n Lyrics: 1 Almighty Lord of earth and heav'n, The Ten Commandments Thou hast giv'n Reveal how wicked I have been And make me dread the curse of sin. 2 I've loved the creature more than Thee And sinned against Thy majesty; My love and trust to Thee denied, On self and man my soul relied. 3 My lips have oft, from heart profane, Employed Thy holy name in vain; Forgetful of Thy cov'nant grace, How seldom have I sought Thy face! 4 In sinful cares, or work, or play, I've often spent Thy holy day, Despised Thy Word, strayed from Thy fold, And left Thy benefits untold. 5 My parents oft I've disobeyed, Their good with evil deeds repaid; I've been unchaste in word and deed And careless of my neighbor's need. 6 With hateful thoughts my heart's been stained, Nor have I aye my tongue restrained; I've coveted what was not mine, And so transgressed Thy law divine. 7 Ah, how my sins are multiplied When by Thy law my life is tried! O jealous God, do pity me And mark not mine iniquity! 8 Let grace to judgment be preferred; Remove the curse I have incurred; For Jesus' sake my sins forgive, And may I to Thy glory live. Used With Tune: HAMBURG

Psalm 41 (A Responsorial Reading)

Author: Joseph M. Scriven Appears in 1,710 hymnals Topics: Ten Commandments 9th Commandment (do not bear false witness) First Line: What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer Lyrics: Refrain: What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer! 1 What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer! 2 Are we weak and heavy laden? Take it to the Lord in prayer. 3 Have we trials and temptations? Take it to the Lord in prayer. 4 Do your friends despise, forsake you? Take it to the Lord in prayer. 5 Precious Savior, still our refuge! Take it to the Lord in prayer. Scripture: Psalm 41 Used With Tune: BEACH SPRING (fragment) Text Sources: Evangelical Lutheran Worship (Psalm text)

Create in Me a Clean Heart

Author: John Carter Appears in 3 hymnals Topics: Ten Commandments 7th Commandmnet (do not commit adultery) First Line: Create in me a clean heart, O God Lyrics: 1 Create in me a clean heart, O God; create in me a clean heart, O God; create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. 2 Cast me not away from your presence, cast me not away from your presence, cast me not away from your presence, and take not your Holy Spirit from me. 3 Restore to me the joy of your salvation, restore to me the joy of your salvation, restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with your free Spirit. Scripture: Psalm 51 Used With Tune: SARADAY


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