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Scripture:Exodus 20

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The X. Commandments

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Exodus 20 First Line: Hark Israel and what I say Lyrics: Hark Israel and what I say, give heed to understand: I am the Lord thy God that brought thee out of Egypt land, Even from the house wherein thou didst in thraldome live a slave: None other God at all before my presence shalt thou have. No manner graven image shalt thou make at all to thee: Nor any figure like by thee shall counterfeited be, Of any thing in Heaven above, nor in the earth below: Nor in the waters beneath the earth, to them thou shalt not bow. Nor shalt them serve: the Lord thy God a jealous Goad am I: That punish parents faults, unto the third and fourth degree, Upon their children that me hate; and mercy do display To thousands of such as me love, and my precepts obey. The Name thou of the Lord thy God in vaine shalt never use: For him that takes his Name in vaine the Lord will not excuse. Remember that thou holy keep the sacred Sabbath Day: Six daies thou labour shalt and do thy needfull works alway. The seventh day the Lord thy God hat set to rest upon: No work then shalt hou do in it, ne thou nor yet thy sonne, Thy dauther, servant, nor thy maid, thine oxe, nor yet thine asse: Nor stranger that within thy gates hath his abiding place. For in six daies, God heaven and earth, and all therein did make And after those his rest he did upon the seventh day take. Wherefore he blest the day that he for resting did ordaine: And sacred to himselfe alone appointed to remaine. Yeeld honour to thy parents, that prolong'd thy daies may be Upon the land which the Lord thy God hath given thee. Thou shalt not murther. Thou shalt not commit adultery. Thou shalt not steale. Nor witnesse false against thy neighbour be. Thou shalt not covet house that to thy neighbour doth belong: Ne covet shalt in having of his wife to do him wrong: Nor his man-servnat nor his maid, nor Oxe nor Asse of his: Nor any other thing that to thy neighbour proper is. Used With Tune: [Hark Israel what I say]
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The Glory of These Forty Days

Author: Gregory the Great; M. F. Bell Meter: Appears in 35 hymnals Scripture: Exodus 20:21 Lyrics: 1 The glory of these forty days we celebrate with songs of praise, for Christ, by whom all things were made, himself has fasted and has prayed. 2 Alone and fasting Moses saw the loving God who gave the Law, and to Elijah, fasting, came the steeds and chariots of flame. 3 So Daniel trained his mystic sight, delivered from the lions’ might, and John, the Bridegroom’s friend, became the herald of Messiah’s name. 4 Then grant us, Lord, like them to be full oft in fast and prayer with thee; our spirits strengthen with thy grace, and give us joy to see thy face. Topics: Biblical Characters Daniel; Biblical Characters Elijah; Biblical Characters John; Biblical Characters Moses; Fasting Used With Tune: ERHALT'UNS, HERR
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That Man a Godly Life Might Live

Author: Richard Massie; Martin Luther Meter: Appears in 11 hymnals Scripture: Exodus 20:1-17 Lyrics: 1 That man a godly life might live, God did these Ten Commandments give By His true servant Moses, high Upon the Mount Sinai. Have mercy, Lord! 2 I am thy God and Lord alone, No other God before Me own; Put thy whole confidence in Me And love Me e’er cordially. Have mercy, Lord! 3 By idle word and speech profane Take not My holy name in vain And praise but that as good and true Which I Myself say and do. Have mercy, Lord! 4 Hallow the day which God hath blest That thou and all thy house may rest; Keep hand and heart from labor free That God may so work in thee. Have mercy, Lord! 5 Give to thy parents honor due, Be dutiful, and loving, too, And help them when their strength decays; So shalt thou have length of days. Have mercy, Lord! 6 In sinful wrath thou shalt not kill Nor hate nor render ill for ill; Be patient and of gentle mood, And to thy foe do thou good. Have mercy, Lord! 7 Be faithful to thy marriage vows, Thy heart give only to thy spouse; Thy life keep pure, and lest thou sin, Use temperance and discipline. Have mercy, Lord! 8 Steal not; all usury abhor Nor wring their life-blood from the poor, But open wide thy loving hand To all the poor in the land. Have mercy, Lord! 9 Bear not false witness nor belie Thy neighbor by foul calumny. Defend his innocence from blame; With charity hide his shame. Have mercy, Lord! 10 Thy neighbor’s house desire thou not, His wife, nor aught that he hath got, But wish that his such good may be As thy heart doth wish for thee. Have mercy, Lord! 11 God these commandments gave therein To show thee, child of man, thy sin And make thee also well perceive How man unto God should live. Have mercy, Lord! 12 Help us, Lord Jesus Christ, for we A mediator have in Thee. Our works cannot salvation gain; They merit but endless pain. Have mercy, Lord! Amen. Topics: The Word Law and Gospel Used With Tune: DIES SIND DIE HEIL'GENS

No te olvidas nunca del día del Señor

Author: Fanny J. Crosby (1820-1915); Tulio N. Peverini (1932- ); María L. Mateo de Gómez (1947- ) Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Exodus 20:9 First Line: No te olvides nunca del día del Señor Refrain First Line: Santo sabado de paz,oh, bienvenido seas Topics: La Iglesia Sábado; The Church Saturday Used With Tune: [No te olvides nunca del día del Señor]
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Lord, Help Us Ever to Retain

Author: Matthias Loy; Ludwig Helmbold Meter: Appears in 7 hymnals Scripture: Exodus 20:1-17 Lyrics: 1 Lord, help us ever to retain The Catechism's doctrine plain As Luther taught the Word of Truth In simple style to tender youth. 2 Help us Thy holy Law to learn, To mourn our sin, and from it turn In faith to Thee and to Thy Son And Holy Spirit, Three in One. 3 Hear us, dear Father, when we pray For needed help from day to day That as Thy children we may live, Whom Thou in Baptism didst receive. 4 Lord, when we fall and sin doth stain, Absolve and lift us up again; And thro' the Sacrament increase Our faith till we depart in peace. Amen. Topics: The Word Law and Gospel Used With Tune: HERR JESU CHRIST, MEIN'S

Heaven and Earth, the Sea and Air

Author: Catherine Winkworth (1827-1878); Joachim Neander, 1650-1680; Frances Elizabeth Cox (1812-1897) Meter: Appears in 37 hymnals Scripture: Exodus 20:11 First Line: Heav'n and earth, the sea, and air Topics: Book One: Hymns, Songs, Chorales; God Creation of Used With Tune: GOTT SEI DANK

Mitawanikiya kiŋ

Author: Fanny J. Crosby Appears in 3 hymnals Scripture: Exodus 20:3 Topics: Offices of the Church Catechism Used With Tune: [Mitawanikiya kiŋ]

Dum Izrael' en Sinaj Tendumis

Author: Laurence G. Bernier; Liland Brajant Ros' Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Exodus 20:2 First Line: Dum Izrael' en Sinaj tendumis, per Mose' Lyrics: 1. Dum Izrael' en Sinaj tendumis, per Mose' La Eternul' al ili parolon sendis, ke: "Sur mia flugilar' el Egipta lando mi Vin ĉiujn save portis: mi estas via Di'! 2. Samkiel la aglino instruas al idar' Ekflugi, mi patrinas al vi en amo, ĉar Vi estas miaj idoj, vin gvidas mia vol' — Mi ja patrinas al vi, min aŭdu, ho popol'!" 3. Se Dio do similas al agla la patrin' Kaj estas ankaŭ patro, imagu vin kaj min! Ni timas nek la rolojn, nek etikedojn plu — Se Dio ilin miksas, ni ne ĉikanu, ĉu? 4. Ja Dio ne virinas, nek estas Dio vir', Sed ambaŭ kaj alia, Vivanta Sankta Spir'. El ĉiuj rollimigoj nin liberigis Di' — Al kia libereco? — Tutsimple esti ni. Topics: An Inclusive God Used With Tune: WEBB

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

Author: John M. Neale, 1818-1866 Meter: with refrain Appears in 512 hymnals Scripture: Exodus 20 Refrain First Line: Rejoice! Rejoice! Lyrics: 1 O come, O come, Emmanuel, And ransom captive Israel, that mourns in lonely exile here Until the Son of God appear. Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel Shall come to you, O Israel! 2 O come, O Wisdom from on high, Who orders all things mightily; To us the path of knowledge show, And teach us in her ways to go. Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel Shall come to you, O Israel! 3 O come, O come, great Lord of might, Who to your tribes on Sinai's height In ancient times once gave the law, In cloud, and majesty, and awe. Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel Shall come to you, O Israel. 4 O come, O Rod of Jesse's stem, From ev'ry foe deliver them That trust your mighty power to save, And give them vict'ry o'er the grave. Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel Shall come to you, O Israel. 5 O come, O Key of David, come, And open wide our heav'nly home; Make safe the way that leads on high, And close the path to misery. Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel Shall come to you, O Israel. 6 O come, O Dayspring, from on high and cheer us by your drawing nigh, Disperse the gloomy clouds of night, And death's dark shadow put to flight. Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel Shall come to you, O Israel. 7 O come, Desire of nations, bind In one the hearts of humankind; O bid our sad divisions cease, And be for us our King of Peace. Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel Shall come to you, O Israel. Topics: Seasons and Feasts Advent; Captivity Used With Tune: VENI VENI EMMANUEL Text Sources: Latin 9th C.

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