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Scripture:Habakkuk 3

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Sometimes a Light Surprises

Author: William Cowper Meter: D Appears in 407 hymnals Scripture: Habakkuk 3:17-18 Lyrics: 1 Sometimes a light surprises the Christian while he sings; it is the Lord, who rises with healing in his wings: when comforts are declining, he grants the soul again a season of clear shining, to cheer it after rain. 2 In holy contemplation we sweetly then pursue the theme of God's salvation, and find it ever new; set free from present sorrow, we cheerfully can say, "Let the unknown tomorrow bring with it what it may." 3 It can bring with it nothing but he will bear us through; who gives the lilies clothing will clothe his people too: beneath the spreading heavens no creature but is fed; and he who feeds the ravens will give his children bread. 4 Though vine nor fig tree neither their wonted fruit shall bear, though all the field should wither, nor flocks nor herds be there; yet God the same abiding, his praise shall tune my voice, for, while in him confiding, I cannot but rejoice. Topics: Trust in God; The Christian Life God's Refreshing Grace; Opening and Closing of the Year; Peace and Joy; Tribulation and Suffering Prayer in Used With Tune: BENTLEY
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Revive Thy Work, O Lord

Author: Albert Midlane Meter: Appears in 215 hymnals Scripture: Habakkuk 3:2 Lyrics: 1 Revive thy work, O Lord, thy mighty arm make bare; speak with the voice that wakes the dead, and make thy people hear. 2 Revive thy work, O Lord, disturb this sleep of death; quicken the smould'ring embers now by thine almighty breath. 3 Revive thy work, O Lord, create soul-thirst for thee; and hung'ring for the Bread of Life O may our spirits be. 4 Revive thy work, O Lord, exalt thy precious name; and, by the Holy Ghost, our love for thee and thine inflame. 5 Revive thy work, O Lord, give Pentecostal show'rs: the glory shall be all thine own, the blessing, Lord, be ours. Topics: Bread of Life; The Church The Kingdom of God; Calling; Holy Spirit Efficacious Grace of; Supplication For Revival Used With Tune: FESTAL SONG
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O Lord, thy work revive

Author: P. H. Brown Meter: Appears in 186 hymnals Scripture: Habakkuk 3:2 Lyrics: 1 O Lord, thy work revive, In Zion's gloomy hour, And let our dying graces live By thy restoring power. 2 Oh, let thy chosen few Awake to earnest prayer; Their covenant again renew, And walk in filial fear. 3 Thy spirit then will speak Through lips of humble clay, Till hearts of adamant shall break-- Til rebels shall obey. 4 Now lend thy gracious ear; Now listen to our cry: Oh, come, and bring salvation near; Our souls on thee rely. Topics: The Christian Life Courage and Triumph; For Revival
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Trust and confidence; or, looking beyond present appearances

Meter: Appears in 174 hymnals Scripture: Habakkuk 3:17-18 First Line: Away my unbelieving fear Lyrics: 1 Away, my unbelieving fear! Let fear to me no more take place! My savior doth not yet appear, He hides the brightness of his face: But shall I therefore let him go, And basely to the tempter yield? No, in the strength of Jesus no! I never will give up the shield. 2 Altho' the vine its fruits deny, Altho' the olive yield no oil, The withering fig-tree droop and die, The field illude the tiller's toil; The empty stall no herd afford, And perish all the bleating race; Yet I will triumph in the Lord, The God of my salvation praise. 3 Away, each unbelieving fera, Let Fear to cheering hope give place; My Savior will at length appear, And shew the brightness of his face: Tho now my prospects all be crost, My blooming hopes cut off I see, Still will I in my Jesus trust, Whose boundless love can reach to me. 4 In hope, believing against hope, His promis'd mercy will I claim, His gracious word shall bear me up, To seek salvation in his name: Sure, my dear Savior, bring it nigh! My soul shall then outstrip the wind, On wings of love mount up on high, And leave the world and sin behind. Topics: Graces of the Spirit Trust; Confidence in God; Fears and doubts removed; Trust in God under trials

Habak. 3:17,18: What though no flow'rs the fig-tree clothe

Meter: Appears in 60 hymnals Scripture: Habakkuk 3:17-18 First Line: What though no flow'rs the fig-tree clothe Lyrics: What though no flow’rs the fig-tree clothe, though vines their fruit deny, The labour of the olive fail, and fields no meat supply? Though from the fold, with sad surprise, my flock cut off I see; Though famine pine in empty stalls, where herds were wont to be? Yet in the Lord will I be glad, and glory in his love; In him I’ll joy, who will the God of my salvation prove. He to my tardy feet shall lend the swiftness of the roe; Till, raised on high, I safely dwell beyond the reach of woe. God is the treasure of my soul, the source of lasting joy; A joy which want shall not impair, nor death itself destroy.
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Revive Us Again

Author: William P. Mackay Meter: 11.11 with refrain Appears in 1,242 hymnals Scripture: Habakkuk 3:2 First Line: We praise thee, O God! For the Son of thy love Refrain First Line: Hallelujah! Thine the glory. Lyrics: 1. We praise Thee, O God! for the Son of Thy love, For Jesus who died, and is now gone above. Hallelujah! Thine the glory. Hallelujah! Amen. Hallelujah! Thine the glory, Revive us again. 2. We praise Thee, O God! for Thy Spirit of light, Who hath shown us our Savior, and scattered our night. Hallelujah! Thine the glory. Hallelujah! Amen. Hallelujah! Thine the glory, Revive us again. 3. All glory and praise to the Lamb that was slain, Who hath borne all our sins, and hath cleans'd ev'ry stain. Hallelujah! Thine the glory. Hallelujah! Amen. Hallelujah! Thine the glory, Revive us again. 4. Revive us again; fill each heart with Thy love; May each soul be rekindled with fire from above. Hallelujah! Thine the glory. Hallelujah! Amen. Hallelujah! Thine the glory, Revive us again. Used With Tune: REVIVE US AGAIN

Restore, O Lord, the honour of your name!

Author: Graham Kendrick (b. 1950); Chris Rolinson (b. 1958) Meter: Irregular Appears in 9 hymnals Scripture: Habakkuk 3:2 Topics: Life in Christ Christ Risen - Reign and Priesthood; Purity Of Heart; Renewal Used With Tune: RESTORE, O LORD
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Habitual Devotion

Author: Miss Helen Maria Williams (1762-1827) Appears in 684 hymnals Scripture: Habakkuk 3:18 First Line: While thee I seek, protecting Pow'r Topics: Afflictions Rejoicing in; Communion With God; God Providence of; Guidance; Peace Christian; Resignation; Trust In God Used With Tune: BRATTLE STREET
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Sunshine in the soul

Author: Eliza E. Hewitt Appears in 362 hymnals Scripture: Habakkuk 3:18 First Line: There's sunshine in my soul today Refrain First Line: Oh, there's sunshine Topics: Joy Used With Tune: [There's sunshine in my soul today]
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O Breath of Life

Author: Bessie P. Head Meter: Appears in 49 hymnals Scripture: Habakkuk 3:2 First Line: O Breath of Life, come sweeping through us Lyrics: 1 O Breath of Life, come sweeping through us, Revive Thy church with life and pow'r. O Breath of Life, come, cleanse, renew us, And fit Thy church to meet this hour. 2 O Wind of God, come bend us, break us, Till humbly we confess our need; Then in Thy tenderness remake us, Revive, restore, for this we plead. 3 O Breath of Love, come breathe within us, Renewing thought and will and heart; Come, Love of Christ, afresh to win us, Revive Thy church in every part. 4 Revive us, Lord! Is zeal abating While harvest fields are vast and white? Revive us, Lord, the world is waiting, Equip Thy church to spread the light. Amen. Topics: Renewal of the Church Used With Tune: SPIRITUS VITAE
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A Prayer of Habakkuk, the Prophet Sigionoth

Appears in 3 hymnals Scripture: Habakkuk 3 First Line: Thy speech, O Lord, I heard with fear Lyrics: 2 Thy speech, O Lord, I heard with fear Revive in midst of years, O Lord, Thy work make known in midst of years, In wrath thy tender grace record. 3 God forth from Teman issued, The holy one from Paran hill. Selah. The skies his glory over-spread, And all the earth his Praise did fi11. 4 His brightness did as light appear, Horns from his hand proceeded thence, The hiding of his strength was there. 5 Before him went the pestilence. And from his feet coals burning went. 6 He stood and th' earth he measured: He looked, and the nations rent, The lasting hills were scattered. The hills of perpetuity Did bow, his ways for ever stand. 7 In anguish Cushan's tents saw I: The curtains shook of Midian's land. 8 What, did the floods the Lord displease? Was thy wrath against rivers wide? Or was thine ire against the seas? That thou didst on thy horses ride? Thy chariots of salvation were. 9 Made wholly naked was thy bow, As thou to th' tribes didst say and swear The earth with rivers cleave didst thou. 10 Thee saw, and shook the mountains steep, The floods of waters passed by: His voice forth utter did the deep, And lifted up his hands on high. 11 The sun and moon so high and bright Stood still within their dwelling sphere; Then moved at thine arrows light, At shining of thv glitt'ring spear. 12 Thcu didst march thro' the land in wrath, The heathen thou didst thresh in rage. 13 Thou forth also didst make thy path For safety of thy heritage, For safety, with thine ointed one: Thou of the wicked's house the head Bidft wound : and the foundation Was to the neck discovered. 14 Thou cf his villages the head, Didst with his staves strike thro' the same; That me they might have icattered, When as a whirlwind out they came. 'Twas their rejoicing to devour The poor afflicted secretly. 15 Thou with thine horses went'st in pow'r ' Through seas and heaps of waters high. 16 I heard, my belly trembled then, And at thy voice my lips did quake: A rottenness my bones came in, And I within my self did shake. That in the day of trouble so I might in quietness sit still: When he ascends the people to, Them with his troops invade he will. 17 Tho' fig-tree blossom not at all, Nor any fruit in vines appear, The labour of the olive fail, And tho' the fields no meat should bear: Tho' flocks should be cut off from fold, In shall no herd should have abode; 18 Yet in the Lord rejoyce I would, I'll joy in my salvation's God: The Lord God is my strength, and he Doth make my feet like hinds also, And he it is who causeth me Upon my places high to go.
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Revival Implored

Author: John Newton Appears in 462 hymnals Scripture: Habakkuk 3:2 First Line: Saviour, visit thy plantation! Lyrics: 1 Saviour, visit thy plantation! Grant us, Lord, a gracious rain: All will come to desolation, Unless thou return again. 2 Keep no longer at a distance, Shine upon us from on high, Lest, for want of thine assistance, Every plant should droop and die. 3 Once, O Lord, thy garden flourished; Every part looked gay and green; Then thy word our spirits nourished Happy seasons we have seen. 4 But a drought has since succeeded, And a sad decline we see: Lord, thy help is greatly needed: Help can only come from thee. 5 Let our mutual love be fervent; Make us prevalent in prayer; Let each one esteemed thy servant Shun the world's bewitching snare. 6 Break the tempter's fatal power, Turn the stony heart to flesh, And begin from this good hour To revive thy work afresh. Topics: Church Missions of; Church Work of Used With Tune: RATHBUN
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O Holy Saviour, Friend unseen

Author: Charlotte Elliott Meter: Appears in 310 hymnals Scripture: Habakkuk 3:17 Topics: The Christian Life Trust and Resignation Used With Tune: HAMBURG
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Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee

Author: Henry van Dyke Meter: D Appears in 269 hymnals Scripture: Habakkuk 3:18 Lyrics: 1 Joyful, joyful, we adore thee, God of glory, Lord of love! Hearts unfold like flowers before thee, opening to the sun above. Melt the clouds of sin and sadness; drive the dark of doubt away. Giver of immortal gladness, fill us with the light of day. 2 All thy works with joy surround thee; earth and heaven reflect thy rays; stars and angels sing around thee, center of unbroken praise. Field and forest, vale and mountain, flowery meadow, flashing sea, chanting bird and flowing fountain, call us to rejoice in thee. 3 Mortals, join the happy chorus which the morning stars began. Love divine is reigning o'er us, joining all in heaven's plan. Ever singing, march we onward, victors in the midst of strife. Joyful music leads us sunward in the triumph song of life. Topics: Adoration; Christian Year Reign of Christ; Creation; Joy; Music and the Arts; Praise; Wedding Used With Tune: HYMN TO JOY
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Look from Thy sphere of endless day

Author: Wm. Cullen Bryant Meter: Appears in 173 hymnals Scripture: Habakkuk 3:2 Used With Tune: PENTECOST

Faith in God in a time of Distress

Appears in 36 hymnals Scripture: Habakkuk 3:17-18 First Line: Should famine o'er the mourning field Lyrics: I. Should famine o'er the mourning field Extend her desolating reign, Nor spring her blooming beauties yield, Nor autumn swell the fruitful grain: II. Should lowing herds, and bleating sheep Around their famish'd master die; And hope itself despairing weep, While life deplores its last supply: III. Amid the dark, the deathful scene, If I can say, The Lord is mine, The joy shall triumph o'er the pain, And glory dawn, though life decline. IV. The God of my salvation lives; My nobler life he will sustain; His word immortal vigor gives, Nor shall my glorious hopes be vain. V. Thy presence, Lord, can cheer my heart, Though ev'ry earthly comfort die; Thy smile can bid my pains depart, And raise my sacred pleasures high. VI. O let me hear thy blissful voice, Inspiring life and joys divine! The barren desert shall rejoice, 'Tis paradise, if thou art mine.

Blessed Be Your Name (Te bendeciré)

Author: Matt Redman; Beth Redman; Carlos Armando Sánchez Capilla Appears in 19 hymnals Scripture: Habakkuk 3:17-18 First Line: Blessed be your name in the land that is plentiful (Te bendeciré en la tierra que fértil es) Refrain First Line: Ev'ry blessing you pour out I'll turn back to praise (Se derramas bendiciones, te alabaré) Topics: Alabanza; Praise; Devoción, Devocional; Devotion, Devotional; Dificultades; Trouble; Jesucristo Nombre de; Jesus Christ Name of Used With Tune: [Blessed be your name in the land that is plentiful]
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Trust in God

Appears in 11 hymnals Scripture: Habakkuk 3:17-18 First Line: Should the rising whirlwinds tear Lyrics: 1 Should the rising whirlwinds tear From its stem the rip'ning ear; Should the fig-tree's blasted shoot Drop her green untimely fruit: 2 Should the vine put forth no more, Nor the olive yield her store; Thought the sick'ning flocks should fall, And the herds desert the stall: 3 Should God's alter'd hand restrain The early and the latter rain; Blast each opening bud of joy, And the rising year destroy: 4 Yet to God my soul should raise Grateful vows, and solemn praise; And, when ev'ry blessings flown, Love him--for himself alone. Topics: God Trust in
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Habakkuk III

Appears in 9 hymnals Scripture: Habakkuk 3 First Line: O Lord, I have heard thy speech, and was afraid

Avívanos, Señor

Author: Albert Midlane; Fanny J. Crosby; Enrique S. Turrall Appears in 7 hymnals Scripture: Habakkuk 3:2 First Line: Avívanos, Señor; Sintamos el poder Refrain First Line: Avívanos, Señor, con nueva bendición Used With Tune: REVIVE THY WORK, O LORD


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