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Scripture:Psalm 132:13-18

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Psalm 132

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 76 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 132:13-18 First Line: Where shall we go to seek and find Lyrics: Where shall we go to seek and find An habitation for our God, A dwelling for th' Eternal Mind, Among the sons of flesh and blood? The God of Jacob chose the hill Of Zion for his ancient rest; And Zion is his dwelling still, His church is with his presence blessed. Here will I fix my gracious throne, And reign for ever, saith the Lord; Here shall my power and love be known, And blessings shall attend my word. Here will I meet the hungry poor, And fill their souls with living bread; Sinners that wait before my door With sweet provision shall be fed. Girded with truth, and clothed with grace, My priests, my ministers, shall shine Not Aaron in his costly dress Made an appearance so divine. The saints, unable to contain Their inward joys, shall shout and sing; The Son of David here shall reign, And Zion triumph in her King. [Jesus shall see a num'rous seed Born here t' uphold his glorious name; His crown shall flourish on his head, While all his foes are clothed with shame.] Topics: Worship public; Christ his kingdom among the Gentiles; Church God's presence there; Church God's special delight; Church gathered and settled; Ministers ordained
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Arise, O Lord Our God, Arise

Meter: Appears in 173 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 132 Lyrics: 1 Arise, O Lord, our God, arise and enter now into your rest; O let this house be your abode, forever with your presence blest. 2 Your gracious cov'nant, Lord, fulfil, turn not away from us your face; establish here Messiah's throne and let him reign within this place. 3 Your Zion you have chosen, Lord, and you have said, "I love her well, this is my constant resting place, and here will I delight to dwell." 4 "I will abundantly provide for Zion's good," the Lord has said; "I will supply her daily need and satisfy her poor with bread." Topics: The Church The Lord's House; Church Dedication of; Church Triumph of; Covenant of Grace Used With Tune: HERR JESU CHRIST Text Sources: The Psalter, 1912; alt. 1990, mod.

Psalm 132

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 27 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 132:15-17 First Line: No sleep nor slumber to his eyes Lyrics: [No sleep nor slumber to his eyes Good David would afford, Till he had found below the skies A dwelling for the Lord. The Lord in Zion placed his name, His ark was settled there; To Zion the whole nation came To worship thrice a year. But we have no such lengths to go, Nor wander far abroad; Where'er thy saints assemble now, There is a house for God.] Arise, O King of grace, arise, And enter to thy rest! Lo! thy church waits with longing eyes Thus to be owned and blessed. Enter with all thy glorious train, Thy Spirit and thy word; All that the ark did once contain Could no such grace afford. Here, mighty God, accept our vows, Here let thy praise be spread; Bless the provisions of thy house, And fill thy poor with bread. Here let the Son of David reign, Let God's Anointed shine; Justice and truth his court maintain With love and power divine. Here let him hold a lasting throne; And as his kingdom grows, Fresh honors shall adorn his crown, And shame confound his foes. Topics: Worship public; Christ his kingdom among the Gentiles; Church God's presence there; Church God's special delight; Church gathered and settled; Ministers ordained
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The House of God

Meter: Appears in 11 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 132 First Line: Arise, O Lord, our God, arise Lyrics: 1 Arise, O Lord, our God, arise, And enter now into Thy rest: O let this house be Thy abode, Forever with Thy presence blest. 2 Thy gracious cov'nant, Lord, fulfill, Turn not away from us Thy face; Establish Thou Messiah's throne And let Him reign within this place. 3 Thy Zion Thou hast chosen, Lord, And thou hast said, I love her well, This is my constant resting-place, And here will I delight to dwell. 4 I will abundantly provide For Zion's good, the Lord hat said; I will supply her daily need And satisfy her poor with bread. 5 Salvation shall adorn her priests, Her saints shall shout with joy divine, Messiah's pow'r shall be revealed, His glory in His Church shall shine. Topics: Access to God; Christ Exaltation of; Christ Present in His Church; Christians Blessedness of; Christians Fellowship of; Church As Abode of God; Church Beloved of God; Church Beloved of Saints; Church Covenanted; Church Divinely Furnished; Church Glory of; Church Triumph of; Dedication of Church; Divine Election; Gospel Privileges of; House of God Longed for and Loved; Installation Psalms; Ministers; Prayer For the Church; Prayer Promise to Used With Tune: FEDERAL STREET
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Glorious Things of You Are Spoken

Author: John Newton, 1725-1807 Meter: D Appears in 1,300 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 132:13-18 Lyrics: 1 Glorious things of you are spoken, Zion, city of our God; He whose word cannot be broken Formed you for His own abode. On the Rock of Ages founded, What can shake your sure repose? With salvation's walls surrounded, You may smile at all your foes. 2 See, the streams of living waters, Springing from eternal love, Well supply your sons and daughters And all fear of want remove. Who can faint while such a river Ever will their thirst assuage? Grace, which like the Lord, the giver, Never fails from age to age. 3 Round each habitation hov'ring, See the cloud and fire appear For a glory and a cov'ring, Showing that the Lord is near. Thus deriving from their banner Light by night and shade by day, Safe they feed upon the manna Which God gives them on their way. 4 Savior, since of Zion's city I through grace a member am, Let the world deride or pity, I will glory in Your name. Fading are the world's vain pleasures, All their boasted pomp and show; Solid joys and lasting treasures None but Zion's children know. Topics: Beginning of Service Used With Tune: AUSTRIA

We'll to God's tabernacles go

Meter: Appears in 6 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 132 Topics: The Church of God The Communion of Saints Used With Tune: HOWARD Text Sources: Scottish Psalter, 1650

Gracious Lord, Remember David

Meter: D Appears in 7 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 132 Topics: Anointing Of Believers; Cornerstone Laying; Installation And Ordination; King, Christ Our; Priesthood Of Believers; Vows; Worship; House of God ; Poor Used With Tune: ULSTER
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The Lord in Zion placed his name

Author: Watts Meter: Appears in 44 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 132 Topics: Introduction of worship; Privilege of Christian Worship
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Let David, Lord, a constant place

Appears in 4 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 132 Lyrics: 1 Let David, Lord, a constant Place in thy Remembrance find; Let all the Sorrows he endur'd, be ever in thy Mind. 2 Remember what a solemn Oath to Thee, his Lord, he swore; How to the mighty God he vow'd, whom Jacob's Sons adore: 3,4 I will not go into my House, nor to my Bed ascend; No soft Repose shall close my Eyes, nor Sleep my Eye-lids bend; 5 'Till for the Lord's design'd Abode I mark the destin'd Ground; 'Till I a decent Place of Rest for Jacob's God have found. 6 Th' appointed Place with Shouts of Joy, at Ephrata we found, And made the woods and neighb'ring Fields our glad Applause resound. 7 O with due Rev'rence let us then to his Abode repair; And, prostrate at his Footstool fall'n, pour out our humble Pray'r. 8 Arise, O Lord, and now possess thy constant Place of Rest; Be that, not only with thy Ark, but with thy Presence blest. 9.10 Cloath thou thy Priests with Righteousness, make thou thy Saints rejoice; And for thy Servant David's Sake, hear thy Anointed's Voice. 11 God sware to David in his Truth, (nor shall his Oath be vain) One of thy Offspring after thee upon thy Throne shall reign: 12 And if thy Seed my Cov'nant keep, and so my Laws submit; Their Children too upon thy Throne for evermore shall sit. 13,14 For Sion does in God's Esteem all other Seats excel; His Place of everlasting Rest, where he desires to dwell. 15,16 Her Store, says he, I will increase, her Poor with Plenty bless; Her Saints shall shout for Joy, her Priests my saving Health confess. 17 There David's Pow'r shall long remain in his successive Line, And my anointed Servant there shall with fresh Lustre shine. 15 The Faces of his vanquish'd Foes Confusion shall o'erspread; Whilst with confirm'd Success, his Crown shall flourish on his Head.
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All hail the power of Jesus' name!

Author: Peronett Meter: Appears in 3,448 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 132:18 Lyrics: 1 All hail the power of Jesus' name! Let angels prostrate fall; Bring forth the royal diadem, And crown him Lord of all. 2 Ye chosen seed of Israel's race, A remnant weak and small, Hail him who saves you by his grace, And crown him Lord of all. 3 Ye Gentile sinners, ne'er forget The wormwood and the gall; Go, spread your trophies at his feet, And crown him Lord of all. 4 Let every kindred, every tribe, On this terrestrial ball, To him all majesty ascribe, And crown him Lord of all. 5 Oh, that with yonder sacred throng We at his feet may fall! We'll join the everlasting song, And crown him Lord of all. Topics: Christ Intercession and Reign; The Coronation

Psalm 132 (A Responsorial Setting)

Author: James Montgomery Appears in 847 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 132 First Line: Hail to the Lord's Anointed Topics: Anniversaries; Biblical Names and Places David; Biblical Names and Places Ephrathah; Biblical Names and Places Jaar; Biblical Names and Places Jacob; Biblical Names and Places Zion; Church Year Advent; Church Year Advent; Covenant; Disciples / Calling; Doubt; Elements of Worship Praise and Adoration; Endurance; Faith; God Light from; God Trust in; God Trust in; God's Justice; God's People (flock, sheep); Jesus Christ Incarnation; Joy; Occasional Services Dedication / Consecration / Anniversary; Occasional Services Ordination and/or Installation; Royal Psalms; The Incarnation; Unity and Fellowship; Year B, Reign of Christ, November 20-26 Used With Tune: ST. THEODULPH (VALET WILL ICH DIR GEBBEN) (fragment) Text Sources: Evangelical Lutheran Worship (Psalm text)
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Triumphs of mercy

Appears in 310 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 132:18 First Line: Arm of the Lord, awake, awake! Topics: Missionary
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Tribute of praise to the Saviour

Meter: Appears in 176 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 132:18 First Line: Jesus, thou everlasting King Topics: Introductory to Worship

Psalm 132: David, and his afflictions all

Meter: Appears in 5 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 132 First Line: David, and his afflictions all Lyrics: 1David, and his afflictions all, Lord, do thou think upon; 2How unto God he sware, and vow’d to Jacob’s mighty One. 3I will not come within my house, nor rest in bed at all; 4Nor shall mine eyes take any sleep, nor eyelids slumber shall; 5Till for the Lord a place I find, where he may make abode; A place of habitation for Jacob’s mighty God. 6Lo, at the place of Ephratah of it we understood; And we did find it in the fields, and city of the wood. 7We’ll go into his tabernacles, and at his footstool bow. 8Arise, O Lord, into thy rest, th’ ark of thy strength, and thou. 9O let thy priests be clothed, Lord, with truth and righteousness; And let all those that are thy saints shout loud for joyfulness. 10For thine own servant David’s sake, do not deny thy grace; Nor of thine own anointed one turn thou away the face. 11The Lord in truth to David sware, he will not turn from it, I of thy body’s fruit will make upon thy throne to sit. 12My cov’nant if thy sons will keep, and laws to them made known, Their children then shall also sit for ever on thy throne. 13For God of Sion hath made choice; there he desires to dwell. 14This is my rest, here still I’ll stay; for I do like it well. 15Her food I’ll greatly bless; her poor with bread will satisfy. 16Her priests I’ll clothe with health; her saints shall shout forth joyfully. 17And there will I make David’s horn to bud forth pleasantly: For him that mine anointed is a lamp ordain’d have I. 18As with a garment I will clothe with shame his en’mies all: But yet the crown that he doth wear upon him flourish shall.
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A Song of Degrees

Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 132 First Line: David, and all his troubles, Lord Lyrics: 1 David, and all his troubles, LORD, O do Thou kindly think upon: 2 How to the LORD he sware, and how He vow'd to Jacob's mighty one; 3 Into my tent I will not go, Nor to my bed for sweet repose; 4 No sleep will to mine eyes afford, Nor slumber shall my eye-lids close; 5 Until I for the LORD have found And for his ark a dwelling place; For Him who is the mighty One, Of Jacob, and his favour'd race. 6 Behold at Ephrata we heard The place of its retir'd abode; And search'd till it we found with joy, In a dark field enclos'd with wood. 7 We'll go into his sacred tents Our worship at his footstool pay. 8 Arise, O LORD, into thy rest, And with thine ark of strength there stay. 9 Let righteousness thy priests adorn, Thy saints with shouts their joy display: 10 And for thy servant David's sake Turn thy MESSIAH not away. [2 Part] 11 The LORD to David sware in truth; The oath he never will disown; "I one descended from thy loins "Will surely set upon thy throne: 12 "And if my covenant and law "That to thy children teach shall I, "They always keep, then shall their race "Sit on thy throne perpetually. 13 "Because the LORD hath Zion chose, "And there desir'd to have his seat; 14 "This is my rest for ever; here "I'll dwell, for I desired it; 15 "I'll here provision greatly bless "And satisfy her poor with food: 16 "Her priests with my salvation cloath, "Her saints with joy shall shout aloud. 17 "There David's horn I'll make to spring "There my MESSIAH'S lamp ordain: 18 "With sham I'll cloath his foes: on Him "His crown shall flourish and remain.

When David Had a Longing

Author: Martin Leckebusch Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 132 Topics: Anniversaries; Biblical Names and Places David; Biblical Names and Places Ephrathah; Biblical Names and Places Jaar; Biblical Names and Places Jacob; Biblical Names and Places Zion; Church Year Advent; Church Year Christ the King; Covenant; Disciples / Calling; Doubt; Elements of Worship Praise and Adoration; Endurance; Faith; God Light from; God Trust in; God's Faithfulness; God's Justice; God's People (flock, sheep); Jesus Christ Incarnation; Joy; Occasional Services Dedication / Consecration / Anniversary; Occasional Services Ordination and/or Installation; Royal Psalms; The Incarnation; Unity and Fellowship; Year B, Reign of Christ, November 20-26 Used With Tune: THAXTED
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Memento Dom.

Author: M. Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 132 First Line: Remember Davids troubles Lord Lyrics: 1 Remember Davids troubles Lord 2 how to the Lord he swore: And vow'd a vow to Jacobs God, to keepe for evermore. 3 I will not come within my house nor climb up to my bed: 4 Nor let my Temples take their rest nor the eyes in my head. 5 Till I have found out for the Lord, a place to sit thereon: An house for Jacobs God to be an habitation. 6 We heard of it at Ephrata, theredid we heare this sound: and in the fields and forests there, these voices first were found. 7 We will assay and go in now his Tabernacle there: Before his foot-stool to fall down, and worship him in feare. 8 Arise, O Lord, arise, I say, into thy resting place: Both thou and the Arke of thy strength, the presence of thy grace. 9 Let all thy priests be clothed, Lord, with truth and righteousnesse: Let all thy Saints and holy men sing all with joyfullnesse. 10 And for thy servant Davids sake refuse not, Lord, I say. The face of thine annointed Lord not turn thy face away. The second Part: 11 The Lord to David swore in truth and will not shrink from it: Saying the fruit of thy body upon thy seat shall sit. 12 And if thy sonnes my covenant keep, that I shall learne each one: Then shall their sonnes for ever sit upon thy princely throne. 13 The Lord himselfe hath chose Sion, and loves therein to dwellL Saying this is my resting place, I love and like it well. 14 And I will blesse with great increase her victuals every where: And I will satisfie with bread the needy that be there. 15 Yes I will deck and clothe her Priests with my salvation! And all her Saints shall sing for joy of my protection. 16 There will I surely make the horne of David for to bud: For there I have ordain'd for mine a lanterne bright and good. 17 As for his enemies,, I will clothe with shame for evermore: But I will cause his crown to shine more fresh than heretofore. Used With Tune: [Remember Davids troubles Lord]

Levántate, Señor, ven a tu mansión (Lord, go up to the place of your rest)

Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 132 Topics: August 15: Assumption of Mary: Vigil Mass; 15 de Agosto: Asunción de la Virgen María: Misa Vespertina de la Vigilia Used With Tune: [Levántate, Señor, ven a tu mansión]
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Jerusalem the Golden

Author: Bernard of Cluny (12th cent.); John Mason Neale (1818-1866) Meter: D Appears in 914 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 132 Lyrics: 1 Jerusalem the golden, with milk and honey blessed, beneath thy contemplation sink heart and voice oppressed. I know not, oh, I know not, what joys await us there; what radiancy of glory, what bliss beyond compare. 2 They stand, those halls of Zion, all jubilant with song, and bright with many an angel, and all the martyr throng. The Prince is ever in them, the daylight is serene; the pastures of the blessed are decked in glorious sheen. 3 There is the throne of David, and there, from care released, the shout of them that triumph, the song of them that feast; and they who with their Leader have conquered in the fight, forever and forever are clad in robes of white. 4 O sweet and blessed country, the home of God's elect; O dear and future vision, that eager hearts expect: even now by faith we see thee, even here thy walls discern; to thee our thoughts are kindled; for thee our spirits yearn. Topics: Communion of Saints; Funeral; Heaven Used With Tune: EWING

Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation

Author: John Mason Neale (1818-1866) Meter: Appears in 289 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 132 Lyrics: 1 Christ is made the sure foundation, Christ the head and cornerstone, chosen of the Lord, and precious, binding all the church in one; holy Zion's help for ever, and her confidence alone. 2 All that dedicated city, dearly loved of God on high, in exultant jubilation pours perpetual melody; God the One-in-Three adoring in glad hymns eternally. 3 To this temple, where we call thee, come, O Lord of hosts, today; with thy wonted loving-kindness hear thy servants as they pray, and thy fullest benediction shed within its walls alway. 4 Here vouchsafe to all thy servants what they ask of thee to gain, what they gain from thee forever with the blessed to retain, and hereafter in thy glory evermore with thee to reign. 5 Laud and honour to the Father, laud and honour to the Son, laud and honour to the Spirit, ever three, and ever one, one in might and one in glory, while unending ages run. Topics: Aniversary of Parish/Church; Church; Gathering of the Community; Ordination Used With Tune: WESTMINSTER ABBEY Text Sources: Latin (7th cent.)


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