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Scripture:Psalm 78:12-16

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Psalm 78 Part 1

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 180 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 78 First Line: Let children hear the mighty deeds Lyrics: Let children hear the mighty deeds Which God performed of old, Which in our younger years we saw, And which our fathers told. He bids us make his glories known, His works of power and grace; And we'll convey his wonders down Through every rising race. Our lips shall tell them to our sons, And they again to theirs; That generations yet unborn May teach them to their heirs. Thus shall they learn in God alone Their hope securely stands; That they may ne'er forget his works, But practise his commands. Topics: Children instructed; Education religious; Religious Education; Providence recorded; Backsliding soul pardoned; Glutton; Intemperance punished; Israel rebellion and punishment; Luxury punished; Pardon of backsliding; Punishment and salvation; Saints punished and saved; Sin and chastisement of saints

Psalm 78 Part 3

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 25 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 78 First Line: When Isr'el sins, the Lord reproves Lyrics: When Isr'el sins, the Lord reproves And fills their hearts with dread; Yet he forgives the men he loves, And sends them heav'nly bread. He fed them with a lib'ral hand, And made his treasures known; He gave the midnight clouds command To pour provision down. The manna, like a morning shower, Lay thick around their feet The corn of heav'n, so light, so pure, As though 'twere angels' meat. But they in murm'ring language said, "Manna is all our feast; We loathe this light, this airy bread; We must have flesh to taste." "Ye shall have flesh to please your lust," The Lord in wrath replied, And sent them quails like sand or dust, Heaped up from side to side. He gave them all their own desire, And greedy as they fed, His vengeance burnt with secret fire, And smote the rebels dead. When some were slain, the rest returned And sought the Lord with tears; Under the rod they feared and mourned, But soon forgot their fears. Oft he chastised and still forgave, Till, by his gracious hand, The nation he resolved to save Possessed the promised land. Topics: Children instructed; Education religious; Religious Education; Providence recorded; Backsliding soul pardoned; Glutton; Intemperance punished; Israel rebellion and punishment; Luxury punished; Pardon of backsliding; Punishment and salvation; Saints punished and saved; Sin and chastisement of saints

Psalm 78 Part 2

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 27 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 78 First Line: O What a stiff rebellious house Lyrics: O What a stiff rebellious house Was Jacob's ancient race! False to their own most solemn vows, And to their Maker's grace. They broke the cov'nant of his love, And did his laws despise; Forgot the works he wrought to prove His power before their eyes. They saw the plagues on Egypt light From his revenging hand; What dreadful tokens of his might Spread o'er the stubborn land! They saw him cleave the mighty sea, And marched in safety through, With wat'ry walls to guard their way, Till they had 'scaped the foe. A wondrous pillar marked the road, Composed of shade and light; By day it proved a shelt'ring cloud, A leading fire by night. He from the rock their thirst supplied The gushing waters fell, And ran in rivers by their side, A constant miracle. Yet they provoked the Lord most High, And dared distrust his hand: "Can he with bread our host supply Amidst this desert land?" The Lord with indignation heard, And caused his wrath to flame; His terrors ever stand prepared To vindicate his name. Topics: Children instructed; Education religious; Religious Education; Providence recorded; Backsliding soul pardoned; Glutton; Intemperance punished; Israel rebellion and punishment; Luxury punished; Pardon of backsliding; Punishment and salvation; Saints punished and saved; Sin and chastisement of saints
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Backsliding and Forgiveness; or, Sin punish'd and Saints saved

Appears in 32 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 78 First Line: Great GOD, how oft did Israel prove Lyrics: 1 Great GOD, how oft did Israel prove By turns thine anger, and thy love? There is a glass our hearts may see How fickle and how false they be. 2 How soon the faithless Jews forgot The dreadful wonders GOD had wrought? Then they provoke him to his face, Nor fear his power, nor trust his grace. 3 The Lord consum'd their years in pain, And made their travels long and vain; A tedious march thro' unknown ways Wore out their strength, and spent their days. 4 Oft when they saw their brethren slain, They mourn'd, and sought the Lord again; Call'd him the rock of their abode, Their high Redeemer, and their GOD. 5 Their prayers and vows before him rise As flattering words or solemn lies, While their rebellious tempers prove False to his cov'nant and his love. 6 Yet could his sovereign grace forgive The men who not deserv'd to live; His anger oft away he turn'd, Or else with gentle flame it burn'd. 7 He saw their flesh was weak and frail, He saw temptations still prevail; The GOD of Abraham lov'd them still, And led them to his holy hill.
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My People, Give Ear, Attend to My Word

Meter: Appears in 11 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 78 Lyrics: 1 My people, give ear, attend to my word, in parables new deep truths shall be heard; the wonderful story our fathers made known to children succeeding by us must be shown. 2 Instructing our sons we gladly record the praises, the works, the might of the Lord, for he has commanded that what he has done be passed in tradition from father to son. 3 Let children thus learn from history's light to hope in our God and walk in his sight, the God of their fathers to fear and obey, and ne'er like their fathers to turn from his way. 4 The story be told, to warn and restrain, of hearts that were hard, rebellious, and vain, of soldiers who faltered when battle was near, who kept not God's cov'nant nor walked in his fear. 5 God's wonderful works to them he had shown, his marvelous deeds their fathers had known; he made for their pathway the waters divide, his glorious pillar of cloud was their guide. 6 Unharmed through the sea, where perished their foe, he caused them with ease and safety to go; his holy land gaining, in peace they were brought to dwell in the mountain the Lord's hand had bought. 7 He gave them the land, a heritage fair; the nations that dwelt in wickedness there he drove out before them with great overthrow, and gave to his people the tents of the foe. 8 His servant he called, a shepherd of sheep, from tending his flock, the people to keep; so David, their shepherd, with wisdom and might protected and fed them and led them aright. Topics: Anniversaries; The Church The Kingdom of God; Church Covenant People; God Providence of; God Works of; Israel In Canaan; Israel In the Desert; Miracles Used With Tune: HANOVER (CROFT) Text Sources: The Psalter, 1912
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Hear, O my People, to my Law

Appears in 20 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 78 Lyrics: 1 Hear, O my People, to my law, devout Attention lend; Let the Instruction of my Mouth deep in your Hearts descend. 2 My Tongue, by Inspiration taught, shall Parables unfold, Dark Oracles, but understood, and own'd for Truths of old; 3 Which we from sacred Ragisters of ancient Times have known, And our Forefathers pious Care to us has handed down. 4 We will not hide them from our sons; our Offspring shall be taught The Praises of the Lord, whose Strength has Works of Wonder wrought. 5 For Jacob he this Law ordain'd, this League with Isr'el made; With Charge, to be from Age to Age, from Race to Race convey'd. 6 That Generations yet to come should to their unborn Heirs Religiously transmit the same, and they again to theirs. 7 To teach them that in God alone their hope securely stands; That they should ne'er his Works forget, but keep his just Commands. 8 Lest, like their Fathers, they might prove a stiff rebellious Race, False-hearted, fickle to this God, unstedfast in his Grace. 9 Such were revolting Ephraim's Sons, who tho' to Warfare bred; And skilful Archers arm'd with Bows, from Field ignobly fled. 10,11 They falsify'd their League with God, his Orders disobey'd, Forgot his Works and Miracles before their Eyes display'd. 12 Nor Wonders, which their Fathers saw, did they in Mind retain; Prodigious Things in Egypt done, and Zoan's fertile Plain. 13 He cut the Seas to let them pass, restrain'd the pressing Flood; While pil'd on Heaps, on either Side, the solid Water stood. 14 A wondrous Pillar led them on, compos'd of Shade and Light; A shelt'ring cloud it prov'd by Day, a leading fire by Night. 15 When Drought oppress'd them, where no Stream the Wilderness supply'd, He cleft the Rock, whose flinty Breast dissolv'd into a tide. 16 Streams from the solid Rock he brought, which down in Rivers fell, That trav'liing with their Camp each Day renew'd the Miracle. 17 Yet there they sinn'd against him more, provoking the most High; In that same Desart where he did their fainting Souls supply. 18 They first incens'd him in their Hearts, that did his Pow'r distrust, And long'd for Meat, not urg'd by Want, but to indulge their Lust. 19 Then utter'd their blaspheming doubts, "Can God, say they, prepare "A Table in the wilderness, "set out with various Fare? 20 "He smote the flinty Rock ('tis true) "and gushing Streams ensu'd; "But can he Corn and Flesh provide "for such a Multitude?" 21 The Lord with Indignation heard: from Heav'n avenging Flame On Jacob fell, consuming Wrath on thankless Isr'el came. 22 Because their unbelieving Hearts in God would not confide, Nor trust his Care, who had from heav'n their Wants so oft supply'd. 23 Tho' he had made his Clouds discharge Provisions down in Show'rs; And when Earth fail'd, reliev'd their Needs from his celestial Stores. 24 Tho' tasteful manna was rain'd down their Hunger to relieve; Tho' from the Stores of Heav'n they did sustaining Corn receive. 25 Thus Man with Angel's sacred Food, ingrateful Man, was fed; Not sparingly, for still they found a plenteous Table spread. 26 From Heav'n he made an East Wind blow, then did the South command 27 To rain down Flesh like Dust, and Fowls like Seas unnumber'd Sand. 28 Within their Trenches he let fall the luscious easy Prey, And all around their spreading Camp the feather'd Booty lay. 29 They fed, were fill'd, he gave them leave their Appetites to feast; 30,31 Yet still their wanton Lust crav'd on, nor with their Hunger ceas'd. But whil'st, in their Dainties chew, The Wrath of God smote down their Chiefs, and Isr'el's Chosen slew. Part II 32 Yet still they sinn'd, nor would afford his Miracles Belief; 33 Therefore thro' fruitless Travels he consum'd their Lives in Grief. 34 When some were slain, the rest return'd to God with early Cry; 35 Own'd Him the Rock of their Defence, their Saviour, God most High. 36 But this was feign'd Submission all, their Heart their Tongue bely'd; 37 Their Heart was still perverse, nor would firm in his league abide. 38 Yet, full of Mercy, he forgave, nor did with Death chastise; But turn'd his kindled Wrath aside, or would not let it rise. 39 For he remember'd they were Flesh, that could not long remain; A murmuring wind that's quickly past, and ne'er return's again. 40 How oft did they provoke him there, how oft his Patience grieve, In that same Desart where he did their fainting Souls relieve. 41 They tempted him by turning back, and wickedly repin'd; When Isr'els God refus'd to be by their Desire confin'd. 42 Nor call'd to mind the Hand and Day that their Redemption brought? 43 His Signs in Egypt, wond'rous Works in Zoan's Valley wrought. 44 He turn'd their Rivers into Blood, that man and Beast forbore; And rather chose to die of Thirst, than drink the putrid Gore. 45 he sent devouring Swarms of Flies, hoarse Frogs annoy'd their Soil, 46 Locust and Caterpillars reap'd the Harvest of their toil. 47 Their Vines with batt'ring hail were broke, with Frost the Fig-tree dies; 48 Lightning and Hail makes Flocks and Herds one general Sacrifice. 49 He turn'd his Anger loose, and set no Time for it to cease; And with their Plagues bad Angels sent their Torments to increase. 50 He clear'd a Passage for his Wrath to ravage uncontroul'd; The Murrain on their Firstlings seiz'd in ev'ry Field and Fold. 51 The deadly Pest from Beast to Man, from Field to City came; It slew their Heirs, their eldest Hopes thro' all the Tents of Ham. 52 But his own Tribe, like folded Sheep, he brought from their Distress; And them conducted like a Flock, throughout the Wilderness. 53 He led 'em on, and in their Way no Cause of Fear they found; But march'd securely through those Deeps, in which their Foes were drown'd. 54 Nor ceas'd his Care till them he brought safe to his promis'd Land, And to his holy Mount, the Prize of his victorious Hand. 55 To them the out-cast Heathen's Land he did by Lot divide; And in their Foes abandon'd Tents, made Isr'el's Tribes reside. Part III 56 Yet still they tempted, still provok'd the Wrath of God most High; Nor would to practise his Commands their stubborn Hearts apply: 57 But in their faithless Fathers Steps, perversely chose to go: They turn'd aside, like Arrows shot from some decietful Bow. 58 For him to Fury they provok'd with Altars set on high; And with their graven Images inflam'd his Jealousy. 59 When God heard this, on Isr'el's Tribes his Wrath and Hatred fell; 60 He quitted Shiloh, and the Tents where once he chose to dwell. 61 To vile Captivity his Ark, his Glory to disdain, 62 His People to the Sword he gave, nor would his Wrath restrain. 63 Destructive War their ablest Youth untimely did confound; No Virgin was to th' Altar led, with nuptial Garlands crown'd. 64 In Fight the Sacrificer fell, the Priest a Victim bled; And Widows who their Death should mourn, themselves of Grief were dead. 65 Then as a Giant rouz'd from Sleep, whom Wine had throughly warm'd, Shouts out aloud; the Lord awak'd, and his proud Foe alamr'd. 66 He smote their Host, that from the field a scatter'd Remnant came, With Wounds imprinted on their Backs of everlasting Shame. 67 With Conquests crown'd he Joseph's Tents, and Ephraim's Tribe forsook; 68 But Judah chose, and Sion's Mount for his lov'd Dwelling took. 69 His Temple he erected there with Spires exalted high; While deep and fix'd as that of Earth, the strong Foundations lie. 70 His faithful Servant David too, he for his Choice did own, And from the Sheepfolds him advanc'd to sit on Judah's Throne. 71 From tending on the teeming Ewes, he brought him forth to feed His own Inheritance, the Tribes of Isr'el's chosen Seed. 72 Exalted thus the Monarch prov'd a faithful Shepherd still; He fed them with an upright Heart, and guided them with Skill.

El Señor les dio pan del cielo (The Lord gave them bread from heaven)

Appears in 9 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 78 Topics: 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time B; 18º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario B Used With Tune: [El Señor les dio pan del cielo]
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Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah

Author: William Williams; Peter Williams; William Williams Meter: Appears in 1,833 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 78:15-16 Lyrics: 1 Guide me, O thou great Jehovah, pilgrim through this barren land. I am weak, but thou art mighty. Hold me with thy powerful hand. Bread of heaven, bread of heaven, feed me till I want no more; feed me till I want no more. 2 Open now the crystal fountain, whence the healing stream doth flow. Let the fire and cloudy pillar lead me all my journey through. Strong deliverer, strong deliverer, be thou still my strength and shield; be thou still my strength and shield. 3 When I tread the verge of Jordan, bid my anxious fears subside. Death of death, and hell's destruction, land me safe on Canaan's side. Songs of praises, songs of praises I will ever give to thee; I will ever give to thee. Topics: Death; Dying in Christ; Funeral; God's Covenant with Israel; Guidance; Healing; Living in Christ Used With Tune: CWM RHONDDA

Open Your Ears, O Faithful People

Author: Willard F. Jabusch; Martin Tel Meter: with refrain Appears in 18 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 78 Refrain First Line: Torah ora, Torah ora (God has spoken to the people) Topics: Angels; Biblical Names and Places David; Biblical Names and Places Egypt; Biblical Names and Places Ephraim; Biblical Names and Places Exodus; Biblical Names and Places Ham; Biblical Names and Places Israel; Biblical Names and Places Jacob; Biblical Names and Places Joseph; Biblical Names and Places Judah; Biblical Names and Places Shiloh; Biblical Names and Places Zion; Biblical Names and Places Zoan; Covenant; Disciples / Calling; Elements of Worship Call to Confession; Elements of Worship Lord's Supper; Faith; Fear; God Obedience to; God's Armor; God's Forgiveness; God's law; God's People (flock, sheep); God's Promise of Redemption; God's Strength; God's Way; Grace; Historical Psalms; Life Stages Children; Life Stages Family; Life Stages Generations; Love for God; Mercy; Occasional Services Civic / National Occasions; The Fall; Trust; War and Revolution; Witness; Year A, B, C, Holy Cross, September 14; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, November 6-12; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, September 25-October 1; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, July 31-August 6 Used With Tune: YISRAEL V'ORAITA Text Sources: Hasidic traditional

Psalm 78: Attend, my people, to my law

Meter: Appears in 11 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 78 First Line: Attend, my people, to my law Lyrics: 1Attend, my people, to my law; thereto give thou an ear; The words that from my mouth proceed attentively do hear. 2My mouth shall speak a parable, and sayings dark of old; 3The same which we have heard and known, and us our fathers told. 4We also will them not conceal from their posterity; Them to the generation to come declare will we: The praises of the Lord our God, and his almighty strength, The wondrous works that he hath done, we will shew forth at length. 5His testimony and his law in Isr’el he did place, And charg’d our fathers it to show to their succeeding race; 6That so the race which was to come might well them learn and know; And sons unborn, who should arise, might to their sons them show: 7That they might set their hope in God, and suffer not to fall His mighty works out of their mind, but keep his precepts all: 8And might not, like their fathers, be a stiff rebellious race; A race not right in heart; with God whose sp’rit not stedfast was. 9The sons of Ephraim, who nor bows nor other arms did lack, When as the day of battle was, they faintly turned back. 10They brake God’s cov’nant, and refus’d in his commands to go; 11His works and wonders they forgot, which he to them did show. 12Things marvellous he brought to pass; their fathers them beheld Within the land of Egypt done, yea, ev’n in Zoan’s field. 13By him divided was the sea, he caus’d them through to pass; And made the waters so to stand, as like an heap it was. 14With cloud by day, with light of fire all night, he did them guide. 15In desert rocks he clave, and drink, as from great depths, supply’d. 16He from the rock brought streams, like floods made waters to run down. 17Yet sinning more, in desert they provok’d the Highest One. 18For in their heart they tempted God, and, speaking with mistrust, They greedily did meat require to satisfy their lust. 19Against the Lord himself they spake, and, murmuring, said thus, A table in the wilderness can God prepare for us? 20Behold, he smote the rock, and thence came streams and waters great; But can he give his people bread? and send them flesh to eat? 21The Lord did hear, and waxed wroth; so kindled was a flame ’Gainst Jacob, and ‘gainst Israel up indignation came. 22For they believ’d not God, nor trust in his salvation had; 23Though clouds above he did command, and heav’n’s doors open made, 24And manna rain’d on them, and gave them corn of heav’n to eat. 25Man angels’ food did eat; to them he to the full sent meat. 26And in the heaven he did cause an eastern wind to blow; And by his power he let out the southern wind to go. 27Then flesh as thick as dust he made to rain down them among; And feather’d fowls, like as the sand which li’th the shore along. 28At his command amidst their camp these show’rs of flesh down fell, All round about the tabernacles and tents where they did dwell. 29So they did eat abundantly, and had of meat their fill; For he did give to them what was their own desire and will. 30They from their lust had not estrang’d their heart and their desire; But while the meat was in their mouths, which they did so require, 31God’s wrath upon them came, and slew the fattest of them all; So that the choice of Israel, o’erthrown by death, did fall. 32Yet, notwithstanding of all this, they sinned still the more; And though he had great wonders wrought, believ’d him not therefore: 33Wherefore their days in vanity he did consume and waste; And by his wrath their wretched years away in trouble past. 34But when he slew them, then they did to seek him shew desire; Yea, they return’d, and after God right early did enquire. 35And that the Lord had been their Rock, they did remember then; Ev’n that the high almighty God had their Redeemer been. 36Yet with their mouth they flatter’d him, and spake but feignedly; And they unto the God of truth with their false tongues did lie. 37For though their words were good, their heart with him was not sincere; Unstedfast and perfidious they in his cov’nant were. 38But, full of pity, he forgave their sin, them did not slay; Nor stirr’d up all his wrath, but oft his anger turn’d away. 39For that they were but fading flesh to mind he did recall; A wind that passeth soon away, and not returns at all. 40How often did they him provoke within the wilderness! And in the desert did him grieve with their rebelliousness! 41Yea, turning back, they tempted God, and limits set upon Him, who in midst of Isr’el is the only Holy One. 42They did not call to mind his pow’r, nor yet the day when he Deliver’d them out of the hand of their fierce enemy; 43Nor how great signs in Egypt land he openly had wrought; What miracles in Zoan’s field his hand to pass had brought. 44How lakes and rivers ev’ry where he turned into blood; So that nor man nor beast could drink of standing lake or flood. 45He brought among them swarms of flies, which did them sore annoy; And divers kinds of filthy frogs he sent them to destroy. 46He to the caterpillar gave the fruits of all their soil; Their labours he deliver’d up unto the locusts’ spoil. 47Their vines with hail, their sycamores he with the frost did blast: 48Their beasts to hail he gave; their flocks hot thunderbolts did waste. 49Fierce burning wrath he on them cast, and indignation strong, And troubles sore, by sending forth ill angels them among. 50He to his wrath made way; their soul from death he did not save; But over to the pestilence the lives of them he gave. 51In Egypt land the first-born all he smote down ev’ry where; Among the tents of Ham, ev’n these chief of their strength that were. 52But his own people, like to sheep, thence to go forth he made; And he, amidst the wilderness, them, as a flock, did lead. 53And he them safely on did lead, so that they did not fear; Whereas their en’mies by the sea quite overwhelmed were. 54To borders of his sanctuary the Lord his people led, Ev’n to the mount which his right hand for them had purchased. 55The nations of Canaan, by his almighty hand, Before their face he did expel out of their native land; Which for inheritance to them by line he did divide, And made the tribes of Israel within their tents abide. 56Yet God most high they did provoke, and tempted ever still; And to observe his testimonies did not incline their will: 57But, like their fathers, turned back, and dealt unfaithfully: Aside they turned, like a bow that shoots deceitfully. 58For they to anger did provoke him with their places high; And with their graven images mov’d him to jealousy. 59When God heard this, he waxed wroth, and much loath’d Isr’el then: 60So Shiloh’s tent he left, the tent which he had plac’d with men. 61And he his strength delivered into captivity; He left his glory in the hand of his proud enemy. 62His people also he gave o’er unto the sword’s fierce rage: So sore his wrath inflamed was against his heritage. 63The fire consum’d their choice young men; their maids no marriage had; 64And when their priests fell by the sword, their wives no mourning made. 65But then the Lord arose, as one that doth from sleep awake; And like a giant that, by wine refresh’d, a shout doth make: 66Upon his en’mies’ hinder parts he made his stroke to fall; And so upon them he did put a shame perpetual. 67Moreover, he the tabernacle of Joseph did refuse; The mighty tribe of Ephraim he would in no wise chuse: 68But he did chuse Jehudah’s tribe to be the rest above; And of mount Sion he made choice, which he so much did love. 69And he his sanctuary built like to a palace high, Like to the earth which he did found to perpetuity. 70Of David, that his servant was, he also choice did make, And even from the folds of sheep was pleased him to take: 71From waiting on the ewes with young, he brought him forth to feed Israel, his inheritance, his people, Jacob’s seed. 72So after the integrity he of his heart them fed; And by the good skill of his hands them wisely governed.
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Religious Training

Meter: Appears in 7 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 78 First Line: O come, my people, to my law Lyrics: 1 O come, my people, to my law Attentively give ear; With willing heart and teachable The words of wisdom hear. 2 My mouth shall speak in parables Of hidden truths of old, Which, handed down from age to age, To us our fathers told. 3 We will not from their children hide Jehovah's worthy praise, But tell the greatness of His strength, His wondrous works and ways. 4 A testimony and a law The Lord our God decreed, And bade our fathers teach their sons, That they His ways might heed. 5 He willed that each succeeding race His deeds might learn and know, That children's children to their sons Might all these wonders show. 6 Let children learn God's righteous ways And on Him stay their heart, That they may not forget His works Nor from His ways depart. Topics: Children Instruction of; Christ Providences of; Family; Glory of God In Providence; God Works of; Gospel Gracious Fruit of; Gospel Invitations of ; Heart Good, Perfect, Pure and Upright; Law of God; Miracles; Parents and Children; The Past; Royalty of Christ In His Church Used With Tune: HEBER

People of the Lord

Author: Greg Scheer Meter: Appears in 4 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 78 Refrain First Line: What we have heard, what we have known Topics: Angels; Biblical Names and Places David; Biblical Names and Places Egypt; Biblical Names and Places Ephraim; Biblical Names and Places Exodus; Biblical Names and Places Ham; Biblical Names and Places Israel; Biblical Names and Places Jacob; Biblical Names and Places Joseph; Biblical Names and Places Judah; Biblical Names and Places Shiloh; Biblical Names and Places Zion; Biblical Names and Places Zoan; Covenant; Disciples / Calling; Elements of Worship Call to Confession; Elements of Worship Lord's Supper; Faith; Fear; God Obedience to; God's Armor; God's Forgiveness; God's law; God's People (flock, sheep); God's Promise of Redemption; God's Strength; God's Way; Grace; Historical Psalms; Life Stages Children; Life Stages Family; Life Stages Generations; Love for God; Mercy; Occasional Services Civic / National Occasions; The Fall; Trust; War and Revolution; Witness; Year A, B, C, Holy Cross, September 14; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, November 6-12; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, September 25-October 1; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, July 31-August 6 Used With Tune: JENNY VAN TSCHEGG
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God's presence with his people

Meter: Appears in 123 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 78:14 First Line: When Israel, of the Lord beloved Topics: Duties and Trials Patience and Resignation Used With Tune: MEROE

O Praise Our Great and Gracious Lord

Author: Harriet Auber, 1773-1862; Wilmer D. Swope; John J. Overholt Meter: D Appears in 21 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 78 Topics: Book One: Hymns, Songs, Chorales; Psalms Used With Tune: ELLACOMBE
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No Hay Dios Tan Grande

Appears in 4 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 78:14 First Line: Y esos montes se moverán Refrain First Line: No hay Dios tan grande como Tú Topics: Alabanza Used With Tune: [Y esos montes se moverán] Text Sources: Tradicional

The Mighty Deeds the LORD Has Done

Author: Calvin Seerveld Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 78 Topics: Biblical Names & Places Egypt; Biblical Names & Places Jesse; Biblical Names & Places Judah; Family; Songs for Children Psalms; Biblical Names & Places Egypt; Biblical Names & Places Jesse; Biblical Names & Places Judah; Christmas; Covenant; Family; Heritage; Lord's Supper Used With Tune: ST. JAMES THE APOSTLE
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Maschil of Asaph

Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 78 First Line: Attend my people to my law Lyrics: 1 Attend my people to my law, incline your listning ear; And the instructions of my mouth with strict attention hear. 2 My mouth shall parables explain, and sayings dark of old; 3 What we our selves have heard and known, and what our fathers told. 4 Them from their children we'll not hide, but to their race make known, JEHOVAH's praises, and his strength, and wonders he hath done. 5 This statute He in Jacobe set, this law in Isr'el made, And charg'd our fathers, they should be, from race to race convey'd: 6 That generations yet to come, them happily may know; And children to be born, and rise, the same to their's may show. 7 That they on the same mighty GOD Their confidence might set, God's works and his commandments keep, and never might forget. 8 And might not like their fathers be, a stiff, rebellious race; A race whose heart not right with God, nor spirit stedfast was. [2 Part] 9 The sons of Ephraim, tho' well arm'd and carrying warlike bows, Yet in the day of battle turn'd their backs before their foes 10 GOD's covenant they neither kept, nor in his law would go: 11 His works and wonders they forgot, Which He to them did show. 12 Things marvellous which he perform'd their fathers had behold; Within the land of Egypt wrought, and done in Zoan's field. 13 He cut the sea, and made them pass, held back the pressing flood; While up in heaps on either side, the waters firmly stood. 14 He led them with a wondrous cloud, compos'd of shade and light; A shelt'ring shade it prov'd by day, a light of fire by night. 15 While in the thirsty wilderness, the solid rock He clave; and thence, as from the boundless deeps. abundant drink He gave 16 Yea from the flinty rock He made such streams to gush and flow, That in full rivers down they ran, and water'd all below. [3 Part] 17 And yet for all, they more and more against Him did transgress; And more provoked the most High, while in the wilderness. 18 First in their hearts they tempted God, and did his pow'r distrust; Then meat requir'd, nor urg'd by want, but to indulge their lust. 19 Yea spake against the mighty GOD, and insolently said, 'Can God in such a wilderness, 'for us a table spread? 20 'He smote the flinty rock indeed, and gushing streams ensu'd; 'But can He bread and flesh provide, for such a multitude?' 21 The LORD with indignation heard, and kindled was a flame; On Jacob, on his Israel, the burning anger came. 22 Because their unbelieving hearts would not in GOD confide, Nor trust in his salvation, who had them so oft supply'd. [4 Part] 23 The clouds He order'd ev'ry night, their cravings to relieve; The doors of heav'n He op'ned wide, the choicest food to give. 24 On them He manna rained down, and round about them spread; The corn of heav'n He gave to them, ev'n for their daily bread. 25 So men the food of angels eat, were fed and satisfy'd; Yea of his bounty them with meat He to the full supply'd. 26 He caus'd an east wind thro' the air to blow at his command; And then He bro't the south wind forth by his almighty hand. 27 He rain'd upon them living flesh, Like summer's dust for store; And show'red down the feather'd fowls as sand upon the shoar. 28 Ev'n in their camp and round their tents He let them gently fall. 29 They eat, were fill'd, and their desire He fully gave to all. [5 Part] 30 Yet were they not estranged from their lust and murm'ring sin; But while their dainty meat was yet their loathing mouths within; 31 The wrath of GOD again arose, in plagues upon them fell; Which slew the fat ones, and smote down the flower of Israel. 32 And yet for all, they sinned still; his gracious soul they grieve: And tho' his works most wond'rous were, yet they would not believe. 33 Therefore their sinful days He made, in vanity to spend; Short'ned their years, and made them waste in trouble to their end. 34 When He among them slaughters made, They sought him speedily; Yea they return'd, and after God enquired earnestly. 35 For then they to remembrance call'd, how GOD, their rock had been; And how they had the most high God their great redeemer seen. 36 But basely flatter'd with their mouths, their tongues ev'n to Him ly'd. 37 Their heart was false, nor did they in his covenant abide. 38 Yet full of mercy, He forgave, nor would them wholly slay, Nor all his anger raise; but oft he turned his wrath away. 39 For He remember'd they were flesh that could not long remain; A wind that passes quick away, and ne'r comes back again! [6 Part] 40 How oft did they provoke Him there? how oft his heart they griev'd, In that same wilderness where He their fainting souls reliev'd? 41 Yea they perversely turned back, and tempted the most High; And they to Isr'els holy One set bounds, his pow'r to try. 42 They did not call to mind his hand, and that most wondrous day, When from oppressors He them freed and brought them all away: 43 Nor all the signs in Egypt's land He wrought before their eyes; Nor wonders done in Zoan's field upon their enemies. 44 Their springs and rivers turn'd to blood, that they could drink no more; 45 Vast swarms of diverse flies and frogs He sent them to devour. 46 To caterpillars gave their fruit, to locusts gave their toil: 47 With hail did He their vines destroy, great hail! their fig-trees spoil. 48 To storms of hail their cattle gave, which greatly them annoy'd, And then to fiery thunder bolts, which terribly destroy'd. 49 He on them his hot anger, wrath and indignation cast, By evil angels whom He sent, to vex and lay them waste. 50 He for his further wrath made way: their souls He did not save From death: and to the murrain plague their animals He gave. 51 Then in the land of Egypt He did all the first-born smite; And in the tents of cruel Ham the chief of all their might. 52 But like a flock of sheep He made His people forth to go; And in the desart like a flock with care He led them too. 53 He led them safely thro' the deeps; no cause of fear they found: But in the seas returning waves, their following foes were drown'd. 54 His people brought into the bounds of this his sacred land; This mountain which He purchas'd by the work of his right hand. 55 Before them cast the nations out, and did their lands divide; And in their tents he plac'd the tribes of Isr'el to reside. [7 Part] 56 Yet still they tempted, still provok'd, and griev'd the GOD most High, His sacred testimomies they would not keep faithfully: 57 But like their fathers turned back: And faithlessness did show: They turned quickly back just like a bent deceitful bow. 58 For they with altars Him provok'd set up in places high; And with their graven images inflam'd his jealousy. 59 GOD hearing this, was wroth, and loath'd Isr'el with hatred great: 60 So Shiloh's tent He left, the tent He had among men set. 61 Yea He gave up his ark of strength into captivity; His glory gave into the hand of a vile enemy. 62 His people gave up to the sword, to its devouring rage; And was exceeding angry with his chosen heritage. 63 The fire of war consum'd their youth, their maids unmarried were: 64 Their priests were slaughter'd in the field, no widows mourn'd them there. 65 But then the Lord arose as one who rous'd from sleep awakes; Yea as a giant rais'd by wine, a mighty shouting makes. 66 And on the enemies behind He made his strokes to fall; And put them all to open shame, a shame perpetual. [8 Part] 67 The tents of Joseph He did then and Ephraim's tribe refuse: 68 But Judah's tribe and Zion hill, which He hath lov'd, did chuse. 69 And there his sanctuary built like palaces on high; Like to the earth He founded hath to perpetuity. 70 Of David his young servant He the choice did kindly make; And from the foldings of the sheep the royal Shepherd take. 71 From following the ews with young, He rais'd him up to feed Isra'l his choice inheritance, his people, Jacob's seed. 72 So them he as a shepherd fed; and guided all the land, In his integrity of heart and skilfulness of hand.
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Hear, O my People, to my Law

Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 78 Lyrics: 1 Hear, O my People, to my Law, Your most devout Attention lend; Let the Instructions of my Mouth, Deep in your faithful Hearts descend, My Tongue shall Parables unfold, And bring to light dark Things of old. 2 Which our Fore-fathers pious Care, From ancient Times has handed down; Nor will we hide them from our Sons, But to our Offspring make them known, That they the Praises may be taught. Of GOD, who hat such Wonders wrought. 3 For Jacob he this Law ordain'd, This solemn League with Israel made, With Charge to be from Age to Age, From Race to Race with Care convey'd; To be transmitted to their Heirs, Which they again might give to their's. 4 That they might GOD's Commands obey, And in his Strength their Safety place; And not like their Forefathers prove A stubborn and rebellious Race, Who still the Paths of Error trod, Nor put their stedfast Hope in GOD. 6 Such were revolting Ephraim's Sons, Who from the Field ingnobly fled; Tho' skilful Archers arm'd with Bows, And to a constant Warfare bred; Tho' GOD to them his Works display'd, Yet they his Orders disobey'd, 7 The Wonders which their Fathers saw, They in their Minds did not retain; Prodigious Things in Egypt done, And Miracles in Zoan's Plain: For them he did the Sea divide, And pil'd in Heaps the pressing Tide. 7 A wond'rous Pillar led them on, Compos'd of Shade and radiant Light; A shelt'ring Cloud it prov'd by Day, And was a leading Fire by Night. Thus went they thro' a desart Land, Conducted by his powerful Hand. 8 When Drought oppress'd them, where no Streams The parched Wilderness supply'd, He cleft the Rock, whose flinty Breast Dissolv'd into a cooling Tide, Which down in plenteous Rivers fell, And prov'd a constant Miracle. 9 Yet there they sinn'd against him more, Provoking still the LORD most high, In that same Desart, where he did Their fainting Souls with Strength supply; His Pow'r supreme, they did distrust And long'd for Meat to feed their Lust. 10 Then utter'd their blaspheming Doubts, "Can God, say they, for us prepare "A Table in the Wilderness, "And set it out with various Fare? "'Tis true he did the Rock divide, "But can he Corn and Flesh provide" 11 The Lord with Indignation heard, And from the Heav'ns, avenging Flame On Jacob fell; consuming Wrath On most ungrateful Israel came: For they would not in GOD confide, Who had so oft their Wants supply'd. 12 Tho' GOD had from the fruitful Clouds, Around their Camp his Manna spread, And had the Angels sacred Food, Ungrateful Man in Plenty fed; Which from his own celestial Stores, Was rained down in frequent Show'rs. 13 From Heav'n he made an East Wind blow, And likewise did the South Command To rain down Flesh, like Dust, and Fowls Like the Sea Shore's unnumber'd Sands. Around their Tents an easy Prey, The flutt'ring, feather'd Booty lay. 14 Thus gave he them their Heart's Desire, And they luxurious eat the same; But whilst the Meat was in their Mouths, GOD's heavy Wrath upon them came; He slew the WEalthiest of them all, And Isreal's Chiefs were made to fall. Part II 15 Yet still they sinn'd, nor would afford His wond'rous Miracles Belief; Therefore thro' fruitless Travels he Consum'd their Lives in wasting Grief; When some were slain, with early Cry, They turn'd and sought the LORD most high. 16 But this was feign'd Submission all, Their treach'rous Hearts their Tongues bely'd, They still remain'd perverse, nor would Firm in his Covenant abide; And yet his Anger did not rise, Nor would with Death their Sins chastise. 17 For he remember'd they were Flesh, And could not long on Earth remain; A murm'ring wind that's quickly past, And never more return's again; His Mercy knew they were but frail, And would not let his Wrath prevail. 18 How oft did they provoke him there? How oft did they his Patience grieve! In that same Desart, where he did Their fainting Souls with Food relieve, They turned back, and faithless prov'd, And Isreal's GOD to Anger move'd. 19 Nor did they call to Mind the Day When GOD, with his Almighty Hand, Deliver'd them from all their Foes, And show'd them Signs in Egypt's Land, When he the Tribes from Bondage broguth, And wond'rous Things in Zoan wrought. 20 Their Rivers, that they might not drink, Were turn'd to Blood at his Command; Devouring Flies in thickest Swarms; And Frogs were sent to plague the Land; Locust and Worms o'erspread their Soul, And reap'd the Harvest of their Toil. 21 Their Vines with batt'ring Hail were broke, With pinching Frost the Fig-tree dies; Lightning and Hail makes Flocks and Herds, To fall one gen'ral Sacrifice. His Rage that had not Time to cease, Sent Sprirts of destroy their Peace. 22 He clear'd a Passage for his Wrath, Now would that Wrath severe controul; But gave their Life to Pestilence, Nor spar'd from Death the fainting Soul. Upon their Heirs Destruction came, The first born in the Tents of Ham. 23 But his own Tribe, like folded Sheep, He brought in Safety from Distress, And like a Flock, conducted them Thro' a long barren Wilderness. Their Foes were in the Ocean drown'd, But they no Cause of Terror found. 24 Nor ceas'd his Care, 'till them he brought In Safety to the promis'd Land; And to his holy Mount, the Prize Obtain'd, by his victorious Hand; For them he did his Arm extend. And from the foe their Host's defend. 25 To them, the outcast Heathen's Land, He did in equal Lot divide; And in their Foes abandon'd Tents, Made Israel's Tribes secure abide: For them he quell'd the Nations round, And plac'd them on the promis'd Ground. Part III 26 But still they tempted, still provok'd The Anger of the LORD most high; Nor would, to practise his Commands Their most rebellious Hearts apply: But turn'd like a deceitful Bow, And in their Father's Steps would go. 27 For GOD to Fury they provok'd With Idol Altars set on high, And with their graven Images, Inflam'd to Wrath his Jealousy; On Israel then his Hatred fell, And Shiloh, where he lov'd to dwell. 28 To vile Captivity, his Ark, His Strength and Glory to disdain, His People to the Sword he gave, Nor would his awful Wrath restrain: Amongst their Youth his Anger spread, Nor were their Maids to Marriage led. 29 In Fight the Sacrificer fell, The Priest himself a Victim bled; No were there any Widows left, Who should with Tears lament the Dead. Then like a Giant strong with Wine, The LORD awak'd in Wrath divine. 30 He smote his Foes, that from the Field Their vanquish'd, scatter'd Remnants came, With Wounds imprinted on their Backs, The Marks of everlasting Shame: The Tents of Joseph he forsook Nor Ephraim for his Dwelling took. 31 But Judah's favour'd Tribe he chose, And made his own peculiar Care; On Sion's Mount his Temple built, And fix'd its strong foundations there. From Sheep-Folds he did David bring, And over Judah made him King. 32 From tending on the teeming Ewes, He brought his Servant forth to feed His People, and Inheritance, The Tribes of Israel's chosen Seed: And he a faithful Shepherd still, Fed and conducted them with Skill. Topics: Description of Unthankfulness and Rebellion of the Israelites; Thanksgivings For Delerances and Wonders, General Used With Tune: [Hear, O my People, to my Law]
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Attendite populi

Author: J. H. Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 78 First Line: Attend my people to my law Lyrics: 1 Attend my people to my Law, and to my words incline: 2 My mouth shall speak strange parables, and sentences divine. Which we ourselves have heard and learn'd even of our Fathers old: And which for our instruction, our fathers have us told: 4 Because we should not keep it close from them that should come after Who should Gods power to their race praise, and all his works of wonder: 5 To Jacob he commandment gave. how Israel should live: Willing our fathers should the same unto their children give. 6 That they and their posterity, that were not sprung up tho, Should have the knowledge of the law, and teach it their seed also. 7 That they might have the better hope in God that is above: And not forget to keep his lawes, and his precepts in love. 8 Not being as their fathers were, rebelling in Gods sight And would not frame their wicked hearts to know their God aright. 9 How went the people of Ephraim their neighbours for to spoile: Shooting their shafts in day of warre, and yet receiv'd the foile? 10 For why? they did not keep with God the covenant that was made: Nor yet would walk or lead their lives according to his trade. 11 But put into oblivion, his counsell and his will: And all his works magnifique, which he declared still. The second Part: 12 What wonders to our fore-fathers did he himselfe disclose: In Egypt land, within the field, that call'd is Thaneos? 13 He did divide and cut the sea, that they might passe at once: And made the waters stand as still as doth an heape of stones. 14 He led them secret in a cloud by day when it was bright: And in the night when it dark it was, with fire he gave them light. 15 He brake the rocks in wildernesse, and gave the people drink: As plentifull as when the deeps do flow up to the brink. 16 He drew out rivers out of rocks that were both drie and hard: Of such abundance that no floods to them might be compar'd. 17 Yet for all this against the Lord their sin they did increase: And stirred him that is most high, to wrath in wildernesse. 18 They tempted God within their hearts like people of mistrust, Requiring such a kind of meat, as served to their lust. 19 Saying with murmuration, in their unfaithfulness: What? can this God prepare for us a fest in wildernesse? 20 Behold he strake the stony rocks, and flouds forthwith did flow: But call he now give to his folk both bread and flesh also? 21 When God heard this, he waxed worth with Jacob and his seed: So did his indignation on Israel proceed. The third Part: 22 Because they did not faithfully believe, and hope that he Could alwaies help and succour them in their necessity. 23 Wherefore he did command the clouds, forthwith they brake in sunder: 24 And raine' down Manna for them to eate, a food of mickle wonder. 25 When earthly men with Angels food were fed at their request: 26 He bad the East wind blow away, and brought in the South-West. 27 He rain'd down flesh as thick as dust, and fowle as thick as sand: 28 Which he did cast amid the place where all their tents did stand. 29 Then did they eat exceedingly, and all men had their fils: Yet more and more they did desire to serve their lusts and wils. 30 But as the meat was in their mouthes his wrath upon them fell: 31 And slew the flower of all their youth, and choice of Israel. 32 Yet fell they to their wonted sin, and still they did him grieve: For all the wonders that he wrought, they would him not believe. 33 Their daies therefore he shortened. and made their honour vaine: Their years did wast and passe away, with terror and with paine. 34 But ever when he plagued them, they sought by and by: 35 Remembring that he was their strength, their help and God most high. 36 Though with their mouths they did but glose, but flatter with the Lord: And with their tongues & in their hearts dissembled every word. The fourth Part. 37 For why their hearts were nothing bent, to him nor to his trade: Nor yet to keep or to performe the covenant that was made. 38 Yet was he still so mercifull, when they deserv'd to die: That he forgave them atheir misdeeds, and would not them destroy. Yea many a time he tam'd his wrath, and did himselfe advise: And would not suffer all his whole displeasure to arise. 39 Considering that they were but flesh, and even as a wind, Passing away, and cannot well return by his own kind. 40 How oftentimes in wildernesse did they the Lord provoke? How did they move and stirre the Lord to plague them with his stroke? 41 Yet did they turn againe to sin, and tempted God esticone: Prescribing to the holy Lord, what things they would have done. 42 Not thinking of his hand and power nor of the day when he Delivered them out of the jamds of the fierce enemy. 43 Nor how he wrought his miracles (as they themselves beheld) In Egypt, and the wonders that he did in Zoan field. 44 Nor how he turned by his power, their waters into blood: That no man might receive his drink at river nor at floud. 45 Nor how he sent them swarms of flies which did them sore annoy: And fil'd their countrey full with frogs, which did their land destroy. The fifth Part: 46 Nor how he did commit their fruits unto the Caterpillar And of the labour of their hands he gave to the grashopper. 47 With haile-stones he destroid their vines, so that they all were lost: And not so much as wild fig-trees, but he consum'd with frost. 48 And yet with haile-stones once again the Lord their cattel smote: And all their flocks and heards likewise with thunder-bolts full hot. 49 He cast upon them in his ire, and in his fury strong, displeasure, wrath and evil spirits, to trouble them among. 50 Then to his wrath he made a way, and spared not the least: But gave unto the pestilence the man and eke the beast. 51 He strake also all the first-borne all, that up in Egypt came: And all the chiefe of men and beasts within the tents of Ham. 52 But as for his own deare folk, he did preserve and keep: And carried them through wildernesse, even like a flock of sheep. 53 Without all feare both safe and sound He brought them out of thrall: Whereas their foes with rage of seas were over-whelmeed all. 54 And brought them out into the coasts of his own holy land: Even to the Mount which he had got by his strong arm and hand. 55 And there cast out the heathen folk, and did their land divide: And in their tents he set the Tribes of Israel to abide. 56 Yet for all this their God most high they stir'd and tempted still: And would not keep his Testament, nor yet obey his will. 57 But as their fathers turned back, even so they went astray: Much like a bow that would not bend, but slips and start away. The sixt Part: 58 And griev'd him with their hill-altars, with offrings and with fire: And with their idols vehemently provoked him to ire. 59 Therewith his wrath begain againe to kindle in his brest: The naughtinesse of Israel he did so much detest. 60 Then he forsook the Tabernacle of Shilo, where he was Right conversant with earthly men, even as his dwelling place. 61 Then suffered he his might and power in bondage for to stand" And gave the honour of his Ark into his enemies hand. 62 And did commit them to the sword, wroth with his heritage: 63 Their young men were devour'd with fire, maids had no marriage. 64 And with the sword the Priests also did perish every one: And not a widow left alive their death for to bemoane. 65 And then the Lord began to wake like one that slept a time: And like a vailiant man of warre, refreshed is with wine. 66 With Emrods in the hinder parts he strake his enemies all: And put them then into a shame that was perpetuall. 67 Then he the tent and tabernacle of Joseph did refuse: As for the tribe of Ephriam. he would in no wise chuse. 68 But chose the Tribe of Jehuda, whereas he thought to dwell, Even the noble mount Sion, which he did love so well. 69 Whereas he did his Temple build, both sumptuously and sure: Like as the earth which he hath made for ever to endure. 70 Then chose he David him to serve, his people for to keep: Whom he took up and brought away Even from the folds of sheep. 71 As he did follow th'Ewes with young the Lord did him advance: To feed his people Israel, and his inheritance. 72 Thus David with a faithfull heart his flock and charge did feed: And prudently with all his power Did governe them indeed. Used With Tune: [Attend my people to my law]

Come Listen, O My People

Author: Julie Tennent; Timothy Tennent Meter: D Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 78 Topics: Instruction Used With Tune: KINGSFOLD


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