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Showing 1 - 50 of 1,271Results Per Page: 102050
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I'l Be Saved, But Not Tonight

Author: R. M. H. Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: Will your heart be crush'd with sorrow Used With Tune: [Will your heart be crush'd with sorrow]

Il Est Bon et Joyeux

Appears in 1 hymnal Used With Tune: SÉLECTION, LANGLAIS

Il Est Né

Author: Inconnu Appears in 3 hymnals First Line: Il est né, le divin Enfant Lyrics: 1 Il est né, le divin Enfant, Jouez hautbois rèsonnez musettes! Il est né, le divin Enfant, Chantons tous Son avènement! 2 Depuis plus de quatre mille ans Nous le promettaient les prophètes, Depuis plus de quatre mille ans Nous attendions cet heureux temps. 3 Ah! qu’Il est beau, qu’Il est charmant, Ah! que Ses grâces sont parfaites! Ah! qu’Il est beau, qu’Il est charmant, Qu’Il est doux, ce divin Enfant! 4 O Jésus, Roi tout puissant, Si petit Enfant que Vous êtes, O Jésus, Roi tous puissant, Régnez sur nous entièrement. Used With Tune: [Il est né, le divin Enfant]

Il est né

Author: Andrew Donaldson, 1951- Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: Depuis plus de quatre mille ans (Faithful sages through ages long) Refrain First Line: Il est né, le divin enfant (He is born! Now the child has come!) Topics: Church Year Christmas; Languages other than English French Used With Tune: IL EST NÉ Text Sources: 19th century French carol

Il est ne, le divin Enfant

Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Qu'il est beau comme il est charmant

Il est né, le Divin enfant

Author: D. Rimaud; C. Rozier Meter: with refrain Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Le Sauveur que le monde attend Used With Tune: [Le Sauveur que le monde attend]

Il Est Roi Des Rois

Author: Joëlle Gouel Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Il siège en haut sur ses remparts (He built his throne up in the air) Refrain First Line: It est Roi des rois (He is King of kings) Scripture: Revelation 1:3-8 Used With Tune: HE IS KING

Il Est Un Nom Si Beau

Author: Louis Antoine Mathy Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Il est un nom si beau, so doux Scripture: Philippians 2:9 Used With Tune: DYKES

Il Est Un Roc Séculaire

Author: Lewis Hartsough; Ruben Saillens Appears in 1 hymnal Refrain First Line: Mon rocher, ma forteresse Lyrics: 1 Il est un roc séculaire, Que Dieu, pour mon coeur lassé, Comme un abri tutélaire, Au sein des flots a placé. Refrain: Mon rocher, ma forteresse, Mon asile protecteur, Mon recours dans la détresse, C’est Jésus, le Rédempteur. 2 À mes pieds l’océan gronde, Le vent siffle autour de moi: Sur Christ, mon rocher, se fonde Mon espérance et ma foi. [Refrain] 3 En vain l’ouragan fait rage Et nulle clarté ne luit; Paisible au sein de l’orage, J’attends l’aube après la nuit. [Refrain] 4 Au milieu de la tourmente, Cet abri, l’as-tu trouvé? Ah! saisis la main puissante De Jésus qui m’a sauvé. [Refrain] Used With Tune: [Il est un roc séculaire]

Il Faut, Grand Dieu

Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Il faut, grand Dieu, que de mon coeur Lyrics: 1 Il faut, grand Dieu, que de mon cœur La sainte ardeur te glorifie, Qu’à toi, des mains et de la voix, Devant les rois je psalmodie! J’irai t’adorer, ô mon Dieu, En ton saint lieu, D’un nouveau zèle; Je chanterai ta vérité Et ta bonté toujours fidèle. 2 Ton nom est célèbre à jamais Par les effets de tes paroles. Quand je t’invoque tu m’entends, Quand il est temps, tu me consoles. Tous les rois viendront à tes pieds, Humiliés, prier sans cesse, Sitôt qu’ils auront une fois Ouï la voix de ta promesse. 3 Ils rempliront, par leurs concerts Tout l’univers de tes louanges. Les peuples qui les entendront Admireront tes faits étranges. Ô grand Dieu, qui de tes hauts cieux, En ces bas lieux vois toute chose, Quoique tu sembles être loin, C’est sur ton sein que tout repose. 4 Si mon cœur, dans l’adversité, Est agité, ta main m’appuie. C’est ton bras qui sauve des mains Des inhumains, ma triste vie. Quand je suis le plus abattu, C’est ta vertu qui me relève. Ce qu’il t’a plu de commencer, Sans se lasser ta main l’achève. Used With Tune: [Il faut, grand Dieu, que de mon coeur] Text Sources: Traditionnel

Il faut qu'en Dieu l'on se confie (If You Will Trust in God to Guide You

Author: Georg Neumark; Lisette Levis-Baudin Meter: Appears in 182 hymnals First Line: Il faut qu'en Dieu l'on se confie Topics: God Nature of God; God Nature; Easter 5 Year A; Proper 5 Year A; Proper 8 Year A; Proper 9 Year A; Proper 13 Year A; Proper 25 Year B; All Saints Year C; New Year Year ABC Used With Tune: NEUMARK

Il glade Hjerte hen

Author: P. H. Dam Appears in 1 hymnal

Il me conduit, dovce pensee

Author: Joseph H. Gilmore Appears in 1 hymnal

Il, o, Synder Visdom agt

Author: Thomas Scott Appears in 1 hymnal

Il, Pillegrim

Author: P. H. Dam Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Kom, o Pil'grim, il dog hjem Refrain First Line: Frydefuld, frydefuld

Il S'Est Levé

Author: Inconnu Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Il s’est levé, le fils de Dieu Lyrics: 1 Il s’est levé, le fils de Dieu, Alléluia! Alléluia! Ressuscité, victorieux! Alléluia! Alléluia! 2 A son tombeau, pourquoi pleurer? Alléluia! Alléluia! Parmi les morts pourquoi chercher? Alléluia! Alléluia! 3 Allez croyants, et proclamez Alléluia! Alléluia! Jésus vraiment ressuscité! Alléluia! Alléluia! 4 D’un même cœur, bénissons Dieu, Alléluia! Alléluia! Et pour jamais, soyons joyeux! Alléluia! Alléluia! 5 Louange à toi, Seigneur Jésus, Alléluia! Alléluia! Pour ton pardon, pour ton salut! Alléluia! Alléluia! Used With Tune: IL S'EST LEVÉ

Il Signore Ti Ristora (El Señor Es Quien Restora)

Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Il Signore ti ristora (El Señor es quien restaura) Used With Tune: [Il Signore ti ristora]

Il Va Bientôt Venir!

Author: Matthew Bridges (1800-1894) Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Revelation 1:7 Used With Tune: DIADEMATA

Ilitoka Nuru Kuu

Appears in 1 hymnal Topics: Kuzaliwa kwa Yesu
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I'll Always Go to Jesus

Appears in 18 hymnals Used With Tune: [I'll always go to Jesus]
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I'll Always Have Jesus Beside Me

Author: Laura E. Newell Appears in 2 hymnals Used With Tune: [I'll always have Jesus beside me]
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I’ll Always Need Jesus

Author: Lizzie DeArmond Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: I'll always need Jesus wherever I go Refrain First Line: I need him, oh, I need him Lyrics: 1 I’ll always need Jesus wherever I go, His love is the light of my way; Tho’ others forsake me his goodness I know, His rod and his staff are my stay. Refrain: I need him, oh, I need him! I need him to comfort and cheer! I need him, I need him, my Savior so dear, I’ll always, always need Jesus! 2 I’ll always need Jesus, no tongue can declare The worth of this wonderful Friend; I lean on his promise, secure from all care, His blessings my footsteps attend. [Refrain] 3 I’ll always need Jesus, my Savior and Guide; Some day by his grace I shall stand In mansions of glory, beyond the dark tide, With him in Immanuel’s land. [Refrain] Used With Tune: [I'll always need Jesus wherever I go]

I'll anchor in heaven by and by

Author: S. A. Berrie Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: I have started on my journey to the land of Refrain First Line: O glory hallelujah, soon my journey will be o'er

I'll Anchor Safe at Home

Author: J. M. Henson Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: After all life's storms are ended and my trials here are o'er Refrain First Line: I'll be at home with Christ my King Used With Tune: [After all life's storms are ended and my trials here are o'er]
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I'll Answer His Call Tonight!

Author: Wm. C. Poole Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Long has my Saviour been calling for me Refrain First Line: I'll answer his call, his call tonight Used With Tune: [Long has my Saviour been calling for me]

I'll Arise and Go

Author: C. W. W. Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Since my Redeemer said "Come unto Me" Refrain First Line: Since my Savior has the precious words of life Used With Tune: [Since my Redeemer said "Come unto Me"]

I'll arise and go to Jesus

Author: John Newton Appears in 243 hymnals First Line: Mercy, O thou Son of David

I'll Ask for Nothing More

Author: James Rowe Appears in 3 hymnals First Line: When I have left this earthly place Refrain First Line: I'll ask for nothing more, dear Lord

I'll ask of the Lord

Author: Amelia Clement Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: What is my mission, if I knew

I'll ask to be like him

Author: Frank Leroy Cross Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: What shall I ask of God today

I'll Awake

Author: Johnson Oatman Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: Though death's shadows round me creep Refrain First Line: I'll awake to be with Jesus in the morning

I'll Awaken in the Morning

Author: Irvin H. Mack Appears in 5 hymnals First Line: There are times when life seems dreary, And my pathway rough and steep Refrain First Line: In the morning, blessed morning

I'll away, I'll away to the promised land

Appears in 114 hymnals First Line: I have a Father in the promised land

I'll away to glory

Author: Aaron Coons Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: There I'll meet a faithful sainted father Refrain First Line: So I'll away, yes, I'll away

I'll Away to Rest

Author: Charles H. Huff Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: When the sun of life is setting, and my work on earth is done Used With Tune: [When the sun of life is setting, and my work on earth is done]

I'll Away to Sabbath School

Author: Ella E. Rockwood Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: On a glad Sabbath morning when the bells are ringing Refrain First Line: I'll away, away
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I'll away to the promised land

Author: Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 Appears in 226 hymnals First Line: Ho, everyone that thirsts, draw nigh
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I'll away to the Promised Land

Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: I'll away, I'll away to the promis'd land Used With Tune: [I'll away, I'll away to the promis'd land]

I'll away to the Sabbath [Sunday] school

Author: Robert Lowry Appears in 70 hymnals First Line: When the morning light drives away the night
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I'll battle for the Lord

Author: Rev. M. S. Savage Appears in 9 hymnals First Line: Whoe'er would win the battle

I'll Battle For the School

Author: John A. Granade Appears in 106 hymnals First Line: O do not be discouraged, For Jesus is your friend Refrain First Line: I am glad I'm in this army


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