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Scripture:Psalm 114

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When Israel Fled from Egypt Land

Author: Henrietta Ten Harmsel Meter: Appears in 7 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 114 Topics: Biblical Names & Places Egypt; Biblical Names & Places Jordan; Biblical Names & Places Judah; Deliverance; Songs for Children Psalms; Biblical Names & Places Egypt; Biblical Names & Places Jordan; Biblical Names & Places Judah; Deliverance Used With Tune: ANDRE

When Israel freed from Pharoah's Hand

Appears in 49 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 114 Lyrics: 1 When Israel, freed from Pharaoh's Hand, Left the proud Tyrant, and his Land, The Tribes with chearful Homage own Their King, and Judah was his Throne. 2 Across the Deep their Journey lay; The Deep divides to make them way; Jordan beheld their March and fled With backward Current to his Head. 3 The Mountains shook like frighted Sheep, Like Lambs the little Hillocks leap; Not Sinai on the Base cou'd stand, Conscious of Sovereign Pow'r at Hand. 4 What Pow'r cou'd make the Deep divide? Make Jordan backward roll his Tide? Why did ye leap, ye little Hills? And whence the Fright that Sinai feels? 5 Let every Mountain, every Flood, Retire and know th' approaching God, The King of Israel: See him here: Tremble thou Earth, adore and fear! 6 He thunders, and all Nature mourns; The Rock to standing Pools he turns; Flints spring with Fountains at his Word, And Fires and Seas confess the Lord.

When Israel out of Egypt Went

Meter: Appears in 9 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 114 Topics: Israel; Nature, God In; Works of God ; Sea Used With Tune: VOM HIMMEL HOCH
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When Isra'l, by th'Almighty led

Appears in 3 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 114 Lyrics: 1 When Isra'l, by th'Almighty led, (Enrich'd with their Oppressor's Spoil) From Egypt march'd, and Jacob's Seed From Bondage in a foreign Soil; 2 JEHOVAH, for his Residence, Chose out Imperial Judah's Tent, His Mansion Royal, and from thence Through Israel's Camp his Orders sent. 3 The distant Sea with Terror saw, And from th'Almighty's Presence fled; Old Jordan's Streams surpriz'd with Awe, Retreated to their Fountain's Head. 4 The taller Mountains skipp'd like Rams, When Danger near the Fold they hear; The Hills skipp'd after them like Lambs, Affrighted by their Leader's Fear. 5 O Sea, what made your Tide withdraw, And naked leave your oozy Bed? Why Jordan, against Nature's Law, Recoild'st thou to thy Fountain's Head? 6 Why, Mountains did ye skip like Rams, When Danger does approach the Fold? Why after you, the Hills like Lambs, When they their Leader's Flight behold? 7 Earth tremble on; well may'st thou fear Thy LORD and Maker's Face to see; When Jacob's awful GOD draws near, 'Tis Time for Earth and Seas to flee. 8 To flee from GOD, who Nature's Law Confirms and cancels at his Will; Who Springs, from flinty Rocks, can draw, And thirsty Vales with Water fill. Topics: Thanksgivings For Delerances and Wonders, General Used With Tune: [When Isra'l by th'Almighty led]
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When Isr'el Egypt left

Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 114 Lyrics: 1 When Isr'el Egypt left, and Jacob's family Did from a barb'rous people there march forth triumphantly; 2 Then Judah was ordain'd to guard his holy place; But the whole host of Israel His choice dominion was. 3 The sea it saw, and fled; and Jordan back did flow; 4 Like rams the mountains, and like lambs the hills leap'd to and fro. 5 Thou sea! what made thee fly? thou Jordan-back to flow? 6 Ye mountains leap like rams? ye hills like lambs leap to and fro? 7 Before the mighty Lord tremble O earth for fear, While the dread presence of the God of Jacob doth appear! 8 Who made the solid rock melt into pools below; To springs of water turn'd the flint, and made the flint to flow.

When Israel fled from Egypt

Author: Christopher Idle Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 114 Used With Tune: IN EXITU
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When Israel Was in Egypt's Land

Meter: Irregular Appears in 67 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 114:1 Refrain First Line: Go down, Moses Lyrics: 1 When Israel was in Egypt's land, Let my people go, oppressed so hard they could not stand, Let my people go. Refrain: Go down, Moses, way down in Egypt's land, tell old Pharaoh: Let my people go. 2 The Lord told Moses what to do, Let my people go, to lead the Hebrew children through, Let my people go. [Refrain] 3 As Israel stood by the waterside, Let my people go, at God's command it did divide, Let my people go. [Refrain] 4 When they had reached the other shore, Let my people go, they let the song of triumph soar, Let my people go. [Refrain] 5 Lord, help us all from bondage flee, Let my people go, and let us all in Christ be free, Let my people go. [Refrain] Topics: Biblical Names & Places Egypt; Biblical Names & Places Moses; Biblical Names & Places Pharaoh; Deliverance; Enemies & Persecution; Invitation; Songs for Children Hymns; Redemption; Afflictions; Biblical Names & Places Egypt; Biblical Names & Places Moses; Biblical Names & Places Pharaoh; Deliverance; Enemies & Persecution; Freedom; Invitation; Justice; Redemption Used With Tune: GO DOWN, MOSES Text Sources: Afro-American spiritual
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When Israel out of Egypt came

Author: C. Wesley Appears in 26 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 114 Lyrics: 1 When Israel out of Egypt came, And left the proud oppressor's land, Supported by the great I AM, Safe in the hollow of his hand, The Lord in Israel reigned alone, And Judah was his favorite throne. 2 The sea beheld his power, and fled, Disparted by the wondrous rod; Jordan ran backward to its head, And Sinai felt th' incumbent God; The mountains skipped like frightened rams, The hills leaped after them as lambs. 3 What ailed thee, O thou trembling sea? What horror turned the river back? Was nature's God displeased with thee? And why should hills or mountains shake? Ye mountains huge, that skipped like rams! Ye hills, that leaped as frightened lambs! 4 Earth, tremble on, with all thy sons, In presence of thy awful Lord, Whose power inverted nature owns, Her only law his sovereign word: He shakes the center with his rod, And heaven bows down to Jacob's God. 5 Creation, varied by his hand, The Omnipotent Jehovah knows; The sea is turned to solid land, The rock into a fountain flows: And all things, as they change, proclaim The Lord eternally the same. Topics: Attributes of God Immutability; Omnipotence and Immutability
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When Israel had from Egypt gone

Appears in 5 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 114 Lyrics: 1 When Israel had from Egypt gone, Jacob from men of speech unknown; then Judah was his holy place, and his dominion Israel's race. 2 The sea, affrighted, saw and fled; back Jordan driven was with dread; the lofty mountains skipped like rams, and all the little hills like lambs. 3 What ailed thee, that thou fledd'st, O sea? Thou, Jordan, that thou back didst flee? Ye mountains, that ye skipped like rams? and all ye little hills like lambs? 4 Earth, tremble, for the Lord is near: before the God of Jacob, fear; who from the rock did water bring, and made the flint a water-spring. Used With Tune: PETERBOROUGH
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When Israel by God's command

Author: W. W. Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 114 Lyrics: 1 When Israel by God's command from Pharaoh's land was bent, And Jacob's house the strangers left, and in the same train went: 2 In Judah God his glory shew'd, his holiness most bright: So did the Israelites declare his kingdom, pow'r, and might. 3 The sea saw it and suddenly as all amaz'd did fly, The roaring streams of Jordan s flood gave back immediately, 4 As rams afraid, the mountains skip'd, their strength did them forsake; And as the silly trembling lambs, their tops did beat and shake. 5 What ailed thee, O sea, that thou, so suddenly didst fly? Ye rolling waves of Jordan's flood, why turn'd ye so swiftly? 6 Ye mountains, ev'n as rams afraid, why did your strength so shake? Why did your tops as trembling lambs, quiver with fear, and quake? 7 O earth, confess thy Sovereign Lord, and dread his mighty hand, Before the face of Jacob's God, fear ye both sea and land. 8 I mean the God, who from hard rocks causeth floods to appear, And from the stony flint doth send fountains of water clear.

When Israel Escaped Out of Egypt

Author: David T Koyzis Meter: 10.10.7 D Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 114 First Line: [When Israel Escaped Out of Egypt] Text Sources: David T. Koyzis (http://genevanpsalter.redeemer.ca/index.html)
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When Isr'l did depart

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 114 Lyrics: 1 When Isra'l did depart Th' Egyptians from among: The house of Jacob from a folk That strangers were in tongue, 2 Judah his holy place, His Lordship Isra'l was: 3 The sea saw, and it fled: and back Was Jordan forc'd to pass. 4 The mountains skip'd aloft, As if they had been rams: The little hills they also leap'd, As if they had been lambs. 5 Thou sea, what made thee fly? Thou Jordan back to go? 6 Ye mountains, that ye skip'd like rams, Like lambs ye hills also? 7 Before the Lord his face, O tremble earth with fear: When as the presence of the God Of Jacob doth appear. § Who turn'd the stony rock Into a wat'ry lake: A water-running fountain he Did of the flint-stone make.
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When Isr'l was from Egypt freed

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 114 Lyrics: 1. When Isr'el was from Egypt freed, And from strange Language Jacob's Seed; 2. Then Judah bore his sacred Name, And King in Isr'el he became. 3. The Sea saw this; amazed fled; Jordan drove backward to it's Head. 4. The Mountains skipt about, like Rams; The little Hills, like frighted Lambs. 5. What all'd thee, O thou roaring Sea, That thou, in such a Fright, did'st flee? Wherefore old Jordan, did thy Tide, Rowl back, and to it's Fountain glide? 6. What Terrors, ye fixt Mountains, struck; That ye, like Rams, so skip't and shook? Why leap't ye little Hills, like Lambs, That fly for Shelter to their Dams? 7. Well may the Mounts, and ev'ry Flood, Bow, and retire, before their God. Tremble, O all the Earth, with Fear; Jehovah, Jacob's God, is here. 8. Who, by his Pow'r, the Rocks can brake, And turn them to a watry Lake; From flinty dry Rocks, by a Word, Fountains of Waters can afford.
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When Israel to their native fields return'd

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 114 Lyrics: 1 When Israel to their native fields return'd, And left the barb'rous lands, where long they 'ad mourn'd 2 Their God protectful led them in the way, And o'er their camp his banners did display: 3 The troubled sea beheld him, and sh fled; Flow'd back th' affrighted Jordan to his head; 4 The lofty hills from their foundations mov'd; Like sportive flocks along the plains, they rov'd. 5 What saw the sea, that she so sudden fled? Why roll'd his streams stunn'd Jordan to his head? 6 Why did the hills from their foundations move? Why, like the flocks, along the pastures, rove? 7 Why? 'Cause all earth was at his presence aw'd, And trembled when she saw th' almighty God; S Who turn'd the rock into a living stream, Who gave the word, and strait the waters came.

When Israel Was Going Forth (Psalm 114)

Author: Anon. Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 114 First Line: When Israel was going forth Lyrics: 1 When Israel was going forth from out of Egypt’s land, and Jacob’s house from foreign tongues they could not understand, 2 to be God’s holy dwelling place, God’s choice on Judah fell, and there as God’s dominion took God’s chosen Israel. 3 The sea beheld and fled away; the Jordan stopped its flow. The mountains skipped like rams; the hills like lambs skipped to and fro. 4 O sea, why did you run away? O Jordan, why turn tide? You mounts and hills, like rams and lambs, why leap on every side? 5 O tremble, earth, before the Lord; the God of Jacob fear; God made the rock a water pool, the stone a fountain clear. Topics: God's Covenant with Israel; Sovereignty of God Used With Tune: PISGAH
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When Jacob's House from Egypt Came

Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 114 Topics: God Works of; Israel; God in Nature Used With Tune: WINCHESTER NEW Text Sources: OPC/URCNA 2016

When Israel Left

Author: Martin E. Leckebusch Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 114 First Line: When Israel left Egyptian days behind Topics: Egypt; Exodus; God as Presence; Joy; Passover; Questioning; Thanksgiving; Slavery Used With Tune: WEST ASHTON

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