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Topics:advent, fourth sunday

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Hvordan takke vi vor Herre

Author: Brorson Hymnal: Salmebog for Lutherske Kristne i Amerika #151 (1919) Topics: Fourth Sunday in Advent; Fourth Sunday in Advent Lyrics: 1 Hvordan takke vi vor Herre, For han gav sin Søn herned? Mange skjønne lidt, desværre, Paa saa stor en Kjærlighed; Deres onde Syndelyst Dække de med Naadens Trøst, Vil af Jesus intet lære, Og dog sande Kristne være. 2 Vistnok ingen Sjæl fordømmes, Naar man paa sin Jesus tror, Naadens Kilde aldrig tømmes, Naaden er og bliver stor; Men det er en afsagt Dom, Siden Jesus til os kom, Skal man sig fra SYnden vende, Eller ogsaa evig brænde. 3 At du vil i dine Lyster Fare fort, som du er van, Og dig dog ved Jesus trøster, Gaar i Evighed ei an. Kjære Hjerte, Et af To: Enten udi Bøn og Tro Syndens Vei at fly og hade, Eller lide Sjæleskade. 4 Lyset er i Verden kommet; Veed du ogsaa om du tror? Har du nogen Tid fornummet, At din Jesus i dig bor? Har hans Naade-Straalers Kraft I din Sjæl sin Virkning havt? Kan du i dit Hjerte finde, At der er et Lys derinde? 5 Hvordan gaar man dog og drømmer Udi saadan vigtig Sag, Og i Sikkerhed forsømmer Naadens dyrbare Dag! Sagen burde vides vist, Mens der end er Bedrings Frist. Evig, Evighedens Tanke Bør jo vore Sanser sanke. 6 Bort, du Syndens fæle Taage, Satans helvedsorte Magt! Det er Tid engang at vaage Og at passe paa sin Vagt; Det er Tid at sanse Vel Og at sørge for sin Sjæl; Det er Tid at forekomme Herrens grumme Vredes Domme. 7 Gud, som Lyset lod opklare Udi Naadens blide Aar, Vil og ingenlunde spare Den, som dette Lys forsmaar. Vil du vende Ryggen til, Gud dig fra sig støde vil; Den, som ei vil Lyset kjende, Han skal sig paa Lyset brænde. 8 Lad din Naades glans oprinde, Søde Jesus, at jeg maa Derved altid Veien finde, Som jeg bør at vandre paa! Vær min Formand, at jeg ei Kommer paa den brede Vei, Eller fra dit Fodspor viger, Til jeg ind i Himlen stiger. Languages: Norwegian
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Er Gud for mig, saa træde

Author: Paul Gerhardt; Brorson Hymnal: Salmebog for Lutherske Kristne i Amerika #225 (1919) Topics: Fourth Sunday in Advent Lyrics: 1 Er Gud for mig, saa træde Mig, hvad der vil, imod, Jeg kan i Bønnens Glæde Det trine under Fod; Vil Gud mig gjerne høre, Har Faderen mig kjær, Hvad kan mig Satan gjøre Med al sin Helvedhær? 2 Det kan jeg trøstlig sige, Det tror jeg fast og veed, At Gud i Himmerige Er ikke mere vred; Hans Kjærlighed mig følger, Hvor jeg gaar ud og ind, Og dæmper alle Bølger, Som bruse mod mit Sind. 3 Den Grund, hvorpaa jeg bygger, Er Kristus og hans Død, I Jesu Pines Skygger Er Sjælens Hvile sød; Der har jeg fundet Livet, Selv er jeg intet værd, Hvad Jesus mig har givet, Gjør mig for Gud saa kjær. 4 Min Jesus er min Ære, Han gjør mig smuk og sin, Men vilde han ei være Den milde Frelser min, Da turde jeg og kunde For Himlen ei bestaa, Jeg sank med Et til Grunde I Vredens dybe Aa. 5 Han, han har rent udslettet Alt, hvad mig var imod; Men Syndeskyld aftvættet Med sit uskyldig' Blod; Til ham i Troen kommen, Et freidigt Mod jeg faar, Og frygter ei for Dommen, Som over Synden gaar. 6 Hans Aand er i mit Hjerte, Og styrer selv mit Sind, For driver al min Smerte, Og bringer Lys derind, Befæster der sit Rige Og Naadens stærke Pagt, At jeg kan Abba skrige Af ganske Sjæle-Magt. 7 Naar Frygt og Fare pukke I Sorgens mørke Stand, Da virker Aanden Sukke, Som ei udsiges kan, Som Munden ei kan finde, Og ingen Sans forstaa, Kan Gud dog overvinde, Som ser sin Lyst derpaa. 8 Hans Aand til Sjælen taler Saa mangt et Trøstens Ord, Hvorledes Gud husvaler Og hjælper, den, som tror; Hvor sødt er Himmerige Gud sine har bered, Hvor godt det er at stige Nu snart derind i Fred. 9 Der er for Guds Udvalgte Den Rigdom, som bestaar, Lad mig kun dø og falde, Min Himmel ei forgaar; Skal jeg med Taarer væde Min Vei i Verdens Land, Min Jesus Lys og Glæde Det alt forsøde kan. 10 Lad hele Verden briste, Min Jesus er ved Magt, Hvo vil hans Haand opvriste Og bryde Himlens Pagt? Ei Hunger, Sværd og Lue, Ei Pine, Ve og Værk Fra Jesus mig skal true, Det Baand er alt for stærkt. 11 Ei Englekraft og Evne, Ei Fyrstendømmes Magt, Ei hvad man veed at nævne Af Skjændsel og Foragt, Ei Stort og ei det Ringe, Ei Skade eller Gavn, Ei nogen Ting skal tvinge Mig ud af Jesu Favn. 12 Mit Hjerte lystig springer I Salighedens Trin, Og Frydesangen klinger Ved naadens blide Skin; Den Sol, som Sjælen fryder, Min Jesus straaler frem, Og al min Sang den tyder, At Himlen er mit Hjem. Languages: Norwegian
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I Kristne, I, som kaldes vil

Author: Kingo Hymnal: Salmebog for Lutherske Kristne i Amerika #286 (1919) Topics: Fourth Sunday in Advent; Fourth Sunday in Advent Lyrics: 1 I Kristne, I, som kaldes vil Guds Børn, o ser alvorlig til, At I Gud Faders Vilje gjør Og lever, som det eder bør, Ja, hvor I er, og hvor I bor, Da gaa i Jesu Fodespor! 2 O tænker paa hans Kjærlighed, Og hvad for eders Skyld han led! Han elsked eder til sin Grav, Og villig sig i Døden gav Sin Fader til saa sød en Lugt, Og eder til en salig Frugt. 3 Aflægger Horeri og Skam, al Gjerrighed og Verdens Bram, Lad slem, letfærdig Snak ei gaa Af eders Mund, men agter paa, At Aand og Mund opfyldes kan Med Hjertens Tak og god Forstand. 4 Vil nogen eder virke paa Med sledske Ord, at I skal gaa Paa Syndens brede, baned Vei, Da værer hans Staldbrødre ei, Thi derfor gaar Guds Bredes Ild Udover dem, som fare vild. 5 I gik i Mørket længe før, Men nu er Lysets store Dør For eder udi Gud lukt op, Forlader derfor Mørkets Trop, Og udi Lyset vandrer saa, Som Lysets Børn det sømme maa! 6 Lad altid Aandens Frugter se, Som sig udi al Godhed te, Ja udi al Retfærdighed Og Sandhed sig at tyde veed, Saa skal I Ærens Krone faa, Og ind i Lysets Bolig gaa! Languages: English
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O Jesus! King most wonderful

Author: Bernard of Clairvaux; Edward Caswall Hymnal: Church Book #225 (1890) Meter: Topics: Advent, Fourth Sunday Lyrics: 1 O Jesus! King most wonderful, Thou Conqueror renowned; Thou Sweetness most ineffable, In whom all joys are found! 2 When once Thou visited the heart, Then truth begins to shine: Then earthly vanities depart, Then kindles love divine. 3 O Jesus, Light of all below! Thou Fount of life and fire! Surpassing all the joys we know, All that we can desire,-- 4 May every heart confess Thy Name, And ever Thee adore; And, seeking Thee, itself inflame To seek Thee ore and more. 5 Thee may our tongues forever bless; Thee may we love alone; And ever in our lives express The image of Thine own. Languages: English Tune Title: WINCHESTER
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Vaagn op, du, som sover, staa op fra de Døde

Author: Landstad Hymnal: Salmebog for Lutherske Kristne i Amerika #103 (1919) Topics: Fourth Sunday in Advent Lyrics: 1 Vaagn op, du, som sover, staa op fra de Døde, Krist lyser for dig! Op, fer du ei Dagen, dens Straaler at gløde Af Miskundhed rig! Nu sov ikke længer, Snært over dig hænger En fortere Nat, Om snart du ei favner din Skat. 2 I Jorderigs Dale, hvor Taagerne hænge, Og Kinden er vaad, Der lyder saa mange de sørgende Strenge Af Suk og af Graad; Af, hør disse Toner Om Syndens Forsoner, Om Seier og Fred! Vor Herre er kommen herned! 3 I Jorderigs Dale, hvor Tornerne saare, Er tungsomt at gaa, Der længes saa mange med gr…dende Taare, Til Freden at faa. Nu stanse du Taaren, Gud Glæde med Vaaren I Kristus vi har, Staa op, du som sover, vær snar! 4 Oplad dine Øine, og løft dem til Himlen, Se nu er det Dag! O, glæd dig som Barnet, og bland dig i Vrimlen, Og Herren modtag! Hvor Synderne tynge, I Dagningen synge, Som Fuglen i Skov, De ventende Sjæle Guds Lov. 5 Ja Gud være lovet for Dagen, som skinner Fra Himmelen ned! Nu Sandheden, Veien og Livet jeg finder, Og vandrer med Fred. Lys for os, o Kriste! Lad aldrig os miste Dit lebende Spor, Din Naades det lysende Ord! Languages: Norwegian
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Hark! a Thrilling Voice Is Sounding

Author: Edward Caswall Hymnal: The Hymnal and Order of Service #12 (1926) Meter: Topics: Advent, Fourth Sunday Lyrics: 1 Hark! a thrilling voice is sounding: "Christ is nigh," it seems to say; "Cast away the works of darkness, O ye children of the day!" 2 Startled at the solemn warning, Let the earth-bound soul arise; Christ, our Sun, all sloth dispelling, Shines upon the morning skies. 3 Lo, the Lamb, so long expected, Comes with pardon down from heaven; Let us haste, with tears of sorrow, One and all, to be forgiven. 4 So, when next He comes with glory, And the world is wrapped in fear, May He then as our Defender On the clouds of heaven appear. 5 Honor, glory, might, and blessing To the Father and the Son, With the everlasting Spirit, One in Three, and Three in One. Amen. Scripture: Matthew 26:64 Languages: English Tune Title: LUCERNE
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Light of those whose dreary dwelling

Author: C. Wesley Hymnal: Church Book #125 (1890) Meter: 8.7 Topics: Advent, Fourth Sunday Lyrics: 1 Light of those whose dreary dwelling Borders on the shades of death, Come, and by Thy Love's revealing, Dissipate the clouds beneath. 2 Thou, new heaven and earth's Creator, In our deepest darkness rise; Scattering all the night of nature, Pouring eyesight on our eyes. 3 Still we wait for Thine appearing; Life and joy Thy beams impart, Chasing all our fears, and cheering Every poor, benighted heart. 4 Come, and manifest the favor God hath for our ransomed race; Come, Thou mighty Prince and Saviour, Come, and bring the Gospel grace. 5 By Thine all-restoring merit, Every burdened soul release: Every weary, wandering spirit Guide into Thy perfect peace. Languages: English Tune Title: TONBRIDGE
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Vær i Korset tro og stille

Author: Benj. Prætorius; Brorson Hymnal: Salmebog for Lutherske Kristne i Amerika #270 (1919) Topics: Første Søndag i Faste Til Aftengudstjeneste; First Sunday in Lent; Tredje Søndag I Advent Til Høimesse -Til Sekund Tekstrækkes Evangelium; Tredje Søndag i Advent Til Aftengudstjeneste; Third Sunday in Advent; Third Sunday in Advent; Fourth Sunday after Epiphany; Septuagesima Sunday; First Sunday in Lent; Tredje Søndag I Faste Til Aftengudstjeneste - Til Tredje Tekstrækkes Lektie; Tredje Søndag I Faste Til Aftengudstjeneste - Til Tredje Tekstrækkes Lektie; Tredje Søndag I Faste Til Aftengudstjeneste - Til Tredje Tekstrækkes Lektie; Third Sunday in Lent; Third Sunday in Lent; Third Sunday in Lent; Second Sunday after Trinity Sunday; Second Sunday after Trinity Sunday; Tiende Søndag efter Trefoldiheds Fest Til Høimesse -Til Tredje Teksxtækkes Evangelium; Tenth Sunday after Trinity Sunday; Tjueførste Søndag efter Trefoldiheds Fest Til Aftengudstjeneste - Til Tredje Tekstrækkes Epistel; Alle Helgens Dag Til Høimesse -Til Tredje Teksxtækkes Evangelium; All Saints Day; Beskandighed og Troskab; Discouragement and Faith; Efterfølgelse, Jesu; Obedience of Jesus; Haab; Hope; Kamp og Seier; Struggle and Victory; Tro, Haab og Kjærlighed; Faith, Hope and Love; Fjerde Søndag efter Hellig 3 Kongers Dag Til Aftengudstjeneste - Til Anden Tekstrækkes Epistel; Første Søndag I Faste Til Høimesse -Til Anden Tekstrækkes Evangelium; Anden Søndag efter Trefoldiheds Fest Til Høimesse -Til Anden Tekstrækkes Evangelium; Anden Søndag efter Trefoldiheds Fest Til Høimesse -Til Tredje Teksxtækkes Evangelium; Søndag Septuagesima Til Høimesse -Til Anden Tekstrækkes Evangelium Lyrics: 1 Vær i Korset tro og stille, Tænk, hvad Jesus for dig led, Lad dig ingen Jammer skille Fra hans store Kjærlighed! Tænk, hvor mangen Vei han gik, Før han dig tilbage fik! Da fra ham du vendte Hjertet, Om det ikke ham har smertet! 2 Vær dog tro i Troens Stride, Uforandret, uforsagt, (Fast paa Jesus kan du lide) At du fra den visse Pagt, Som du har i Daaben gjort, Aldrig, aldrig viger bort, Men arbeider alle Dage Til din Jesus at behage! 3 Vær dog tro i Kjærligheden Til din Gud af ganske Sjæl, Elsk din Næste og isteden For hans Brede und han vel! Tænk, hvor Jesus bad for dem, Som ham pinte hvert et Lem! Tænk, Gud vil din synd tilgive! Saadan maa du ogsaa blive. 4 Vær dog tro i Haab at vinde! Kon du ingen Udgang se, Gud kan snart et Middel finde Til at ende al din Ve. Haab kun stadig, Gud er her, Som dig har af Hjertet kjær, Haab, at Gud din Sag vil fremme, Haabet skal dig ei beskjæmme! 5 Vær dog tro i Dødsens Dale, Det er dog den sidste Strid, Det er dog saa kort en Dvale, Og saa stor en Seiers Tid! Hvo med Gud i Kampen gaar, Og med Jakob mandig staar, Han er evig Seier vinder, Og den Livsens Krone finder. 6 Vær dag tro til sidste Ende, Før til Seier hver en Kamp, Lad det bide, lad det brænde, Koste blodig Sved og Damp; Al vor Trængsel er dog her Ikke Herligheden værd, Som dig Jesus hisset giver, Naar du hans Medarving bliver. 7 I Guds Navn saa vil jeg lide, Elske, tro og haabe fast, Jesus hjælper mig at stride, Aldrig har han den forkast', Som i Korset stødig stod, Og paa ham sig fast forlod; Ham vil jeg mig overgive, Han skal al min Nød fordrive. Languages: Norwegian
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Gud har fra Evighed givet sin Søn os til Herre

Author: Henrik Kampmann; Landstad Hymnal: Salmebog for Lutherske Kristne i Amerika #537 (1919) Topics: Fourth Sunday in Advent Lyrics: 1 Gud har fra Evighed givet sin Søn os til Herre, Stort er hans Navn, og høilovet det evig skal være; Himmel og Jord Lover ham, lyder hans Ord, Herren er han til Guds Ære! 2 Frygter ei, Kristne! med Kraft han vil værge sit Rige, Helvedes Porte forgjæves imod det skal krige; Hvad han har bygt, Staar paa en Klippe saa trygt, Fienden med Skamme maa vige. 3 Ud over Jorden og indtil dens yderste Ender Hilsen og Budskab om Fred og om Naade han sender; Vide skal hver, Jesus Guds Salved er, Saligt det Hjerte, ham kjender. 4 Kommer til Hobe fra Verdens de fjerneste Lande, Herrens Gjenløste, hans Magt og Hans Miskund at sande! Siger dit ud, Jesus, vor Herre og Gud, Drog os af Dødsdybets Vande! 5 Kommer, I Arme, som til ham med Taarer har bedet, I Sønderknuste i Aanden, som han har helbredet, Sørgendes Hær, Siger og synger enhver: Jesus vort Hjerte har glædet! 6 Høit over Himlenes Himle han throner, den Herre; Jorderig raabe med Glæde og give ham Ære! Synger i Kor! Lad os med Idræt og Ord Palmer og Salmer ham bære! Languages: Norwegian
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Love divine, all love excelling

Author: C. Wesley Hymnal: Church Book #31 (1890) Topics: Advent, Fourth Sunday Lyrics: 1 Love divine, all love excelling, Joy of heaven, to earth come down! Fix in us Thy humble dwelling, All thy faithful mercies crown. Jesus, Thou art all compassion, Pure, unbounded love Thou art; Visit us with Thy salvation, Enter every trembling heart! 2 Breathe, O breathe Thy loving spirit Into every troubled breast! Let us all in Thee inherit, Let us find Thy promised rest. Take away the love of sinning, Alpha and Omega be; End of faith, as its beginning, Set our hearts at liberty. 3 Come, Almighty, to deliver, Let us all Thy life receive; Graciously return, and never, Never more Thy temples leave! Thee we would be always blessing, Serve Thee as Thy hosts above, Pray and praise Thee without ceasing, Glory in Thy precious love. 4 Finish then Thy new creation, Pure and spotless let us be; Let us see Thy great salvation Perfectly restored in Thee! Changed from glory into glory, Till in heaven we take our place, Till we cast our crowns before Thee, Lost in wonder, love, and praise. Languages: English Tune Title: RIPLEY
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On Jordan's Banks the Herald's Cry

Author: John Chandler Hymnal: The Hymnal and Order of Service #13 (1926) Meter: Topics: Advent, Fourth Sunday Lyrics: 1 On Jordan's bank the herald's cry Announces that the Lord is nigh: Come then and hearken, for he brings Glad tidings from the King of kings. 2 Then cleansed be every breast from sin, Make straight the way for God within, And let us all our hearts prepare For Christ to come and enter there. 3 For Thou art our Salvation, Lord, Our Refuge and our great Reward. Without Thy grace we waste away, Like flowers that wither and decay. 4 Stretch forth Thy hand, to health restore, And make us rise, to fall no more; Once more upon Thy people shine, And fill the world with love divine. 5 All praise, eternal Son, to Thee Whose advent sets Thy people free, Whom, with the Father, we adore, And Holy Ghost, forevermore. Amen. Scripture: Isaiah 40:3 Languages: English Tune Title: MENDON
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Hark, the Glad Sound, the Saviour Comes

Author: Philip Doddridge Hymnal: The Hymnal and Order of Service #19 (1926) Meter: Topics: Advent, Fourth Sunday Lyrics: 1 Hark, the glad sound, the Saviour comes, The Saviour promised long! Let ev'ry heart prepare a throne, And ev'ry voice a song. 2 He comes, the pris'ners to release, In Satan's bondage held: The gates of brass before Him burst, The iron fetters yield. 3 He comes, the broken heart to bind, The bleeding soul to cure, And, with the treasures of His grace, Enrich the humble poor. 4 Our glad hosannas, Prince of Peace, Thy welcome shall proclaim; And heaven's eternal arches ring With Thy beloved Name! Amen. Scripture: Isaiah 61:1-3 Languages: English Tune Title: HENRY
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May we Thy precepts, Lord, fulfill

Author: Edward Osler Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran hymnal #391 (1908) Topics: Third Sunday of Advent; Fourth Sunday after Epiphany; Third Sunday after Easter; Sixth Sunday after Easter; Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity; Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity; Fourth Sunday after Trinity; Christian Life and Hope The Walk of Godliness: Christian Resolve and Holiness; Christian Life and Hope The Walk of Godliness: Christian Resolve and Holiness Lyrics: 1 May we Thy precepts, Lord, fulfill, And do on earth our Father's will, As angels do above: Still walk in Christ, the living Way, With all Thy children, and obey The law of Christian love, The law of Christian love. 2 So may we join Thy Name to bless, Thy grace adore, Thy power confess, From sin and strife to flee: One is our calling, one our name, The end of all our hopes the same, A crown of life with Thee. 3 Spirit of life, of love and peace, Unite our hearts, our joy increase. Thy gracious help supply: To each of us the blessing give, In Christian fellowship to live, In joyful hope to die. Languages: English Tune Title: ARIEL
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Comfort, comfort ye my people

Author: Miss Cath. Winkworth; John Olearius (Oelschlaeger) Hymnal: Church Book #119a (1890) Meter: Topics: Advent, Fourth Sunday Lyrics: 1 Comfort, comfort now my people, Speak ye peace, thus saith our God; Comfort those who sit in darkness, Mourning 'neath their sorrows’ load; Speak ye to Jerusalem Of the peace that waits for them; Tell her that her sins I cover, And her warfare now is over. 2 For the Herald’s voice is crying In the desert far and near, Bidding all men to repentance, Since the kingdom now is here. O that warning cry obey! Now prepare for God a way! Let the valleys rise to meet Him, And the hills bow down to greet Him. 3 Make ye straight what long was crooked, Make the rougher places plain: Let your hearts be true and humble, As befits His holy reign; For the glory of the Lord Now o'er earth is shed abroad, And all flesh shall see the token, That His word is never broken. Languages: English Tune Title: FREU DICH SEHR, O MEINE SEELE
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Comfort, comfort ye my people

Author: Miss Cath. Winkworth; John Olearius (Oelschlaeger) Hymnal: Church Book #119b (1890) Meter: Topics: Advent, Fourth Sunday Lyrics: 1 Comfort, comfort now my people, Speak ye peace, thus saith our God; Comfort those who sit in darkness, Mourning 'neath their sorrows’ load; Speak ye to Jerusalem Of the peace that waits for them; Tell her that her sins I cover, And her warfare now is over. 2 For the Herald’s voice is crying In the desert far and near, Bidding all men to repentance, Since the kingdom now is here. O that warning cry obey! Now prepare for God a way! Let the valleys rise to meet Him, And the hills bow down to greet Him. 3 Make ye straight what long was crooked, Make the rougher places plain: Let your hearts be true and humble, As befits His holy reign; For the glory of the Lord Now o'er earth is shed abroad, And all flesh shall see the token, That His word is never broken. Languages: English Tune Title: WERDE MUNTER MEIN GEMÜTHE
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Rejoice, All Ye Believers

Author: Laurentius Laurentii; Mrs. Sarah (Borthwick) Findlater Hymnal: The Hymnal and Order of Service #17 (1926) Meter: D Topics: Advent, Fourth Sunday Lyrics: 1 Rejoice, all ye believers, And let your lights appear! The evening is advancing, And darker night is near. The Bridegroom is arising, And soon He draweth nigh. Up, watch, and pray, and wrestle,-- At midnight comes the cry! 2 The watchers on the mountain Proclaim the Bridegroom near; Go meet Him as He cometh, With hallelujahs clear. The marriage feast is waiting, The gates wide open stand; Up, up ye heirs of glory, The Bridegroom is at hand! 3 Ye saints, who here in patience Your cross and sufferings bore, Shall live and reign forever, When sorrow is no more. Around the throne of glory The Lamb ye shall behold, In triumph cast before Him Your diadems of gold! 4 Our Hope and Expectation, O Jesus, now appear; Arise, Thou Sun so longed for, O'er this benighted sphere! With hearts and hands uplifted, We plead, O Lord, to see The day of earth's redemption That brings us unto Thee! Amen. Scripture: Matthew 25:1-13 Languages: English Tune Title: HAF TRONES LAMPA FÄRDIG
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Kjæmp alvorlig nu, Guds Naade

Author: Joh. Winkler; Ukjendt Hymnal: Salmebog for Lutherske Kristne i Amerika #250 (1919) Topics: Søndag Septuagesima Til Aftengudstjeneste; Septuagesima Sunday; Third Sunday in Advent; Fourth Sunday after Epiphany; Første Søndag i Faste Til Høimesse; First Sunday in Lent; Tredje Søndag I Faste Til Aftengudstjeneste - Til Tredje Tekstrækkes Lektie; Tredje Søndag I Faste Til Aftengudstjeneste - Til Tredje Tekstrækkes Lektie; Third Sunday in Lent; Third Sunday in Lent; Eighth Sunday after Trinity Sunday; Tiende Søndag efter Trefoldiheds Fest Til Høimesse -Til Tredje Teksxtækkes Evangelium; Tenth Sunday after Trinity Sunday; Beskandighed og Troskab; Discouragement and Faith; Kamp og Seier; Struggle and Victory; Åttende Søndag efter Trefoldiheds Fest Til Høimesse -Til Anden Tekstrækkes Evangelium; Fjerde Søndag efter Hellig 3 Kongers Dag Til Aftengudstjeneste - Til Anden Tekstrækkes Epistel; Tredje Søndag I Advent Til Høimesse -Til Anden Tekstrækkes Evangelium Lyrics: 1 Kjæmp alvorlig nu, Guds Naade Søger at forbedre dig, At din Aand sig lader raade, Og fra Jorden letter sig! 2 Kjæmp, thi Livest Port er snæver, Og den rette Vei er smal, Lad os trænges, vi oplever Siden Himmeriges Sal! 3 Kjæmp i hellig Ivers Lue, Lad de første Kjærlighed Gjøre dig af denne Tue Som en Fugl til Flugt bered! 4 Kjæmp med Bønnens Seier-Vaaben, Og lad Himlen Dag og Nat Ingen Stilstand for din Raaben, Før du faar din Jesus fat! 5 Har du da igjennemkjæmpet Til din Perle og Klenod, Tænk ei, nu er al Ting dæmpet, Men bliv ved at holde Fod! 6 Forarbeid med Frygt og Bæven Sjælens dyre Salighed, Jevn er Verden aldrig bleven, Hav et Øie paa hvert Fjed! 7 Ingen Ting formaar at vriste Kronen af en løftet Haand, For Bestandighed maa briste Alle helvedspundne Baand. 8 Hold din Attraa aldrig aaben Efter Verdens Lyste-Krog, Hald dig Nat og Dag i Vaaben, Thi din Fiende er saa klog! 9 Hold din Vilje hart i Tømme, Giv ei Kjødet Raaderum, At ei Naadens Lys skal rømme For de onde Lysters Skum! 10 Slipper Kjødet ud af Skranker, Straks ei Sjælen vild og stolt, Hjertet mister Troens Anker Brystet bliver isekoldt. 11 Troskab, er den ellers ægte, Gjør med Synden aldrig Fred, Vil paa Adam aldrig slægte, Men ham daglig støde ned. 12 Troksab, er den ellers ægte, Holder sig i Kristi Spor, Altid færdig til at fegte Mod den Ondes Magt og Mord. 13 Troskab, er den ellers ægte, Drager si fra Verden led, Vil sig gjerne selv fornegte, For at naa sit Himmel-Med. 14 Agter dette, I, som fegte Trænger hver Dag bedre frem Med en Troskab, som er ægte, Til det glade Himmel-Hjem! Languages: Norwegian
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O How Shall I Receive Thee?

Author: Paul Gerhardt Hymnal: The Hymnal and Order of Service #4 (1926) Meter: D Topics: Advent, Fourth Sunday First Line: O how shall I receive Thee Lyrics: 1 O how shall I receive Thee, How greet Thee, Lord, aright? All nations long to see Thee, My Hope, my heart's Delight! O kindle, Lord most holy, Thy lamp within my breast, To do in spirit lowly All that may please Thee best. 2 Thy Zion palms is strewing, And branches fresh and fair; My heart, its powers renewing, An anthem shall prepare. My soul puts off her sadness Thy glories to proclaim; With all her strength and gladness She fain would serve Thy Name. 3 I lay in fetters groaning, Thou com'st to set me free; I stood, my shame bemoaning, Thou com'st to honor me. A glory Thou dost give me, A treasure safe on high, That will not fail nor leave me As earthly riches fly. 4 Love caused Thine incarnation, Love brought Thee down to me; Thy thirst for my salvation Procured my liberty. O love beyond all telling, That led Thee to embrace, In love all love excelling, Our lost and fallen race! 5 Rejoice then, ye sad-hearted, Who sit in deepest gloom, Who mourn o'er joys departed, And tremble at your doom; He who alone can cheer you, Is standing at the door; He brings His pity near you, And bids you weep no more. Amen. Scripture: Haggai 2:7 Languages: English Tune Title: O, DU MITT HJÄRTAS TRÄNGTAN
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Thou Virgin-born Incarnate Word

Author: Anna Hoppe Hymnal: The Hymnal and Order of Service #14 (1926) Meter: Topics: Advent, Fourth Sunday Lyrics: 1 Thou virgin-born incarnate Word, Begotten of the Father, Blest Son of Mary, David’s Lord, In Thy dear Name we gather. As Thou hast promised, be Thou nigh, And hear us as we testify, "Thou art the Christ, our Saviour." 2 The herald in the wilderness Prepares the way before Thee; With him let us Thy name confess, With him let us adore Thee. Grant that we hearken to his cry, "Repent, the kingdom draweth nigh," And seek Thee, Christ our Saviour. 3 Thou art indeed God’s holy Son, Beloved of Him so dearly, The mighty works that Thou hast done Reveal Thy Godhead clearly: The blind can see, the sick are healed, The lips once dumb are now unsealed, All power is Thine, dear Jesus! 4 Thou art our Peace, our Righteousness, The Rock of our salvation. Clothed in Thy garb of holiness, We fear no condemnation. Thy blood has cleansed away our sin, Through Thee eternal life we win, O crucified Redeemer! Amen. Languages: English Tune Title: MITT HJERTA, JESU! DENNA DAG
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"Repent, the Kingdom Draweth Nigh"

Author: Anna Hoppe Hymnal: The Hymnal and Order of Service #15 (1926) Meter: Topics: Advent, Fourth Sunday Lyrics: 1 "Repent, the kingdom draweth nigh," The herald of the Lord doth cry. Ye sinners lost through Adam’s fall, Will ye not hearken to the call? 2 Repent! The gracious call believe, Haste His forgiveness to receive. The Prince of Life, incarnate Word, Life and salvation can afford. 3 Divine Redeemer, glorious King! Repentant hearts to Thee we bring. Thy holy blood for us was spilt, Cleanse us from all the stains of guilt. 4 Drawn by Thy Spirit, through Thy Word, Thine invitation have we heard. In answer to Thy sweet request, We come to Thee, O Christ, for rest. 5 Thy pardon, full, complete, and free, Removes sin’s awful penalty. Our Father’s love is now restored; Thou hast redeemed us, dearest Lord. 6 Let us Thy Name forever bless, On earth Thy gospel truth confess, Till saved by grace, through faith in Thee, The gates of paradise we see. Amen. Languages: English Tune Title: BRESLAU
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O Bride of Christ, Rejoice!

Author: Johan Olof Wallin; Prof. Victor Olof Peterson Hymnal: The Hymnal and Order of Service #18 (1926) Meter: Topics: Advent, Fourth Sunday Refrain First Line: Hosanna, praise and glory Lyrics: 1 O Bride of Christ, rejoice! Exultant raise thy voice To hail the day of glory, Foretold in sacred story. Refrain: Hosanna, praise and glory, Our King, we bow before Thee. 2 Let shouts of gladness rise Triumphant to the skies. Now comes the King most glorious To reign o'er all victorious. [Refrain] 3 He wears no kingly crown, Yet as a King He's known; Though not arrayed in splendor, He still makes death surrender. [Refrain] 4 Thy heart now open wide, Bid Christ with thee abide; He graciously will hear thee, And be forever near thee. [Refrain] 5 E'en babes with one accord With thee shall praise the Lord, And every gentile nation Respond with exultation. [Refrain] Amen. Scripture: Revelation 21:2 Languages: English Tune Title: AUF MEINEN LIEBEN GOTT
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Let the earth now praise the Lord

Author: Henry Held, d. 1643; Miss Winkworth Hymnal: Church Book #120 (1890) Topics: Advent, Fourth Sunday Lyrics: 1 Let the earth now praise the Lord, Who has truly kept His word, And the sinner's Help and Friend Now at last to us doth send. 2 What the fathers most desired, What the prophets' heart inspired, What they longed for many a year, Stands fulfilled in glory here. 3 Abram's promised great reward, Zion's Helper, Jacob's Lord, Him of twofold race behold, Truly came, as long foretold. 4 Welcome, O my Saviour, now! Hail! my Portion, Lord, art Thou! Here too in my heart, I pray,-- O prepare Thyself a way. 5 And when Thou dost come again, As the glorious King to reign, I with joy may see Thy face, Freely ransomed by Thy grace. Languages: English Tune Title: GOTT SEY DANK DURCH ALLE WEIT
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Once He came in blessing

Author: Michael Weiss; Miss Winkworth Hymnal: Church Book #121 (1890) Topics: Advent, Fourth Sunday Lyrics: 1 Once He came in blessing, All our sins redressing, Came in likeness lowly, Son of God most holy; Bore the Cross to save us, Hope and freedom gave us. 2 Still He comes within us, Still His voice would win us From the sins that hurt us; Would to Truth convert us From our foolish errors, Ere He come in terrors. 3 Thus if thou hast known Him, Not ashamed to own Him, Nor dost love Him coldly, But wilt trust Him boldly, He will not receive thee, Heal thee, and forgive thee. 4 He who well endureth, Bright reward secureth; Come, then, O Lord Jesus, From our sins release us; Let us here confess Thee, Till in heaven we bless Thee. Languages: English Tune Title: GOTTES SOHN IST KOMMEN
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Come, Thou long-expected Jesus

Author: C. Wesley Hymnal: Church Book #126 (1890) Meter: 8.7 Topics: Advent, Fourth Sunday Lyrics: 1 Come, Thou long-expected Jesus, Born to set Thy people free; From our fears and sins release us, Let us find our rest in Thee. Israel's Strength and Consolation, Hope of all the earth Thou art; Dear Desire of every nation, Joy of every longing heart. 2 Born Thy people to deliver; Born a Child, and yet a King; Born to reign in us for ever, Now Thy gracious kingdom bring. By Thine own eternal Spirit, Rule in all our hearts alone; By thine all-sufficient merit, Raise us to Thy glorious throne. Languages: English Tune Title: ST. HILARY
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O come, O come, Emmanuel

Author: John Mason Neale Hymnal: Church Book #112 (1890) Meter: Topics: Advent, Fourth Sunday Lyrics: 1 O come, O come, Emmanuel, And ransom captive Israel, That mourns in lonely exile here, Until the Son of God appear. Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel Shall come to thee, O Israel! 2 O come, Thou Rod of Jesse, free Thine own from Satan's tyranny; From depths of hell Thy people save, And give them victory o'er the grave. Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel Shall come to thee, O Israel! 3 O come, Thou Day-Spring, come and cheer Our spirits by Thine Advent here: And drive away the shades of night, And pierce the clouds, and bring us light! Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel Shall come to thee, O Israel! 4 O come, Thou Key of David, come, And open wide our heavenly home: Make safe the way that leads on high, And close the path to misery. Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel Shall come to thee, O Israel! Languages: English Tune Title: VENI, VENI EMMANUEL
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Ye sons of men, in earnest

Author: Valentine Thilo; Catherine Winkworth Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran hymnal #121 (1908) Topics: Fourth Sunday of Advent Lyrics: 1 Ye sons of men, in earnest Prepare your hearts within, The wond'rous Conqu'ror cometh, Whose pow'r can save from sin, Whom God in grace alone Hath promised long to send us, To lighten and befriend us, And make His mercy known. 2 Oh, set your ways in order When such a Guest is nigh; Make plain the paths before Him That now deserted lie. Forsake what He doth hate, Exalt the lowly valleys, Bring down all pride and malice, And make the crooked straight. 3 'Twas thus St. John hath taught us, 'Twas thus he preached of yore; And they will feel God's anger Who list not to his lore. O God! now let his voice To Thy true service win us, That Christ may come within us, And we in Him rejoice. Languages: English Tune Title: EISLEBEN (Aus meines Herzens Grunde)
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Precious Word from God in heaven

Author: Benjamin Schmolke; Rev. E. Cronenwett, D. D. Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran hymnal #189 (1908) Topics: The Catechism The Word; Second Sunday of Advent; Fourth Sunday after Easter; Ninth Sunday after Trinity; Twenty Second Sunday after Trinity; Sexagesima; Third Sunday in Lent; Twenty First Sunday after Trinity Lyrics: 1 Precious Word from God in heaven, Full of blessedness to me, All my trust to thee is given, And my springs all rise in thee; I in thee find all I need, That my soul to God can lead. 2 Gracious Spirit, Thou who showest In the Word the Father's heart, And all needful help bestowest, Light and sense to me impart, That I may the riches see Which God's Word here offers me. 3 In its solemn contemplation From vain cares let me be free, And in prayerful adoration Stay Thou all my thoughts on Thee, That the world may not annoy While I make Thy Word my joy. 4 What I read, help that I heed it, What Thou sayest, let me do; Strength to faith grant as I need it, And remind me still anew That the faith that counts above Is e'er active here in love. 5 Let thy grace sustain, protect me, That my ways ne'er from Thee part; Thy enlightening Word direct me; Seal this treasure in my heart, That my faith may steadfast prove, Till I walk by sight above. Languages: English Tune Title: REGENT SQUARE
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Joy to the world! the Lord has come!

Author: Isaac Watts Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran hymnal #23 (1908) Topics: Fourth Sunday of Advent Lyrics: 1 Joy to the world, the Lord is come! Let earth receive her King; Let ev'ry heart prepare Him room, And heav'n and nature sing, And heav'n and nature sing, And heav'n, and heaven and nature sing. 2 Joy to the earth, the Savior reigns! Let all their songs employ, While fields and floods, rocks, hills, and plains Repeat the sounding joy. 3 No more let sins and sorrows grow, Nor thorns infest the ground; He comes to make His blessings flow Far as the curse is found. 4 He rules the world with truth and grace, And makes the nations prove The glories of His righteousness And wonders of His love. Languages: English Tune Title: ANTIOCH
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Come, Thou Saviour of Our Race

Author: Martin Luther; Ambrose, (340-397); Wm. R. Reynolds Hymnal: The Hymnal and Order of Service #23 (1926) Meter: Topics: Advent, Fourth Sunday Lyrics: 1 Come, Thou Saviour of our race, Choicest Gift of heav'nly grace! O Thou blessed Virgin's Son, Be Thy race on earth begun, Be Thy race on earth begun. 2 Not of mortal blood or birth, He descends from heaven to earth: By the Holy Ghost conceived, God and man by us believed, God and man by us believed. 3 Wondrous birth! O wondrous Child Of the virgin undefiled! Though by all the world disowned, Still to be in heaven enthroned, Still to be in heaven enthroned. 4 From the Father forth He came, And returneth to the same; Captive leading death and hell,-- High the song of triumph swell! High the song of triumph swell! 5 Equal to the Father now, Though to dust Thou once didst bow, Boundless shall Thy kingdom be; When shall we its glories see? When shall we its glories see? 6 Brightly doth Thy manger shine! Glorious in its light divine: Let not sin o'ercloud this light, Ever be our faith thus bright, Ever be our faith thus bright. Amen. Scripture: Psalm 68:18 Languages: English Tune Title: HENDON
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O syndig Flok, hvo er det, som

Hymnal: Psalmebog, udgiven af Synoden for den norske evangelisk-lutherske Kirke i Amerika (2nd ed.) #68 (1890) Topics: Fourth Sunday in Advent Lyrics: 1 O syndig Flok, hvo er det som I ørken paa dig kalder? Giv Agt derpaa og tænk dig om, Før du for Døden falder! Vend om, vend om fra Verdens Sind, Din syndig Lyst at bryde, Saa sandt du vil i Himlen ind Og evig Glæde nyde, Lad Vedrings Taarer flyde! 2 Hans Røst endnu som Tordenbrand Den sikre Hob skal strække, Den lyner ind i Syndens Stand den døde Flod at vække: Vend om, saa skal du Naade faa, Saa vil Gud dig antage Saa skal din Syndenat forgaa, og Troens Lys opdage, Saa skal du Livet smage! 3 Og ligger det paa Hjertet svart, Hvad I har handlet ilde, Saa skynder eder, kommer snart Til Naadens søde Kilde! Guds Lam er her, som ene bar Den ganske Verdens Synder. At al dens Sag er god og klar, Som sig til ham kun skynder, Hans Ord det klart forkynder. 4 Saa vend da om i samme Stund, Og giv din Gud dog Ære! Begr"d din Synd af Hjertens Grund, Da vil han naadig være; Ja, hvor livsalig, mild og blid Vil han din Sjæl annamme! Men skynd dig snart i Naadens Tid, Thi bruges ei den samme, Guds Dom dig hart vil ramme. Languages: Norwegian
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Store Gud og Frelsermand!

Hymnal: Psalmebog, udgiven af Synoden for den norske evangelisk-lutherske Kirke i Amerika (2nd ed.) #69 (1890) Topics: Fourth Sunday in Advent Lyrics: 1 Store Gud og Frelsermand! Hvo er den, der lignes kan Ved din Guddoms store Kraft? Ingen har fra Adam havt Slig en Fader, Ærens Gud, Som dig sendte med det Bud, At forløse dig en Brud. 2 Døberen, o store Gud! Som løb før i Veien ud Til at vise Verden dig, Han saa høit undskylder sig, At han er kun blot er Røst, Som mod Syndens Saar og Brøst Prædiked' al Verdens Trøst. 3 Han ei værdig kjender sig, For en Træl at tjene dig; Og hvad er jeg usle Barn, Skygge, Støv og Jord og Skarn; Jeg er ikke værd at staa Paa den Jord, du traadte paa, Eller i din Forgaard gaa. 4 Søde Jesu, Davids Rod! Jeg vil dig med Bøn og Bod Rede og berede Sted I min Sjæl og Hjerte med, Tag det hen og dan det bedst, Kom derind og vær min Gjest, Giv en salig Julefest! Languages: Norwegian
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Naar Synderen ret ser sin Vaade

Hymnal: Psalmebog, udgiven af Synoden for den norske evangelisk-lutherske Kirke i Amerika (2nd ed.) #70 (1890) Topics: Fourth Sunday in Advent Lyrics: 1 Naar Synderen ret ser sin Vaade, I Sjælen dybt besværet gaar, Og Jesus kommer med sin Naade Og lægger den paa Hjertets Saar, Da slukkes Sorgen salig ud, Da blir der Glæde stor i Gud. 2 Naar Jesus kommer ind i Huset, Og hans den søde Hilsens Fred Har alle Hjerter gjennemsuset Og sænket sig i Sjælen ned, Da blir der stille lyst og mildt. Da enes atter, hvad er skilt. 3 Naar Jesus kommer ind i Landet Og sange Folket med sin Magt, Og alle Hjerter have sandet Hans Ord, og gjort med ham sin Pagt Da blir der lysteligt at bo I Herrens Fred og stille Ro. 4 Naar Jesus kommer–kjært at sige, Der blir et ganske andet Liv, Et sandt og elskeligt Guds Rige Hos Smaa og Store, Mand og Viv, Og Kjærlighed og Himlens Haab Alt ved Guds Aand og Ord og Daab. 5 Da stilles Jammeren og Nøden, Da brydes alle Satans Baand, Da blir der trøstefuldt i Døden Thi Sjælen er i Jesu Haand; Naar vi skal vandre Dødens Dal, Hans Kjep og Stav os trøste skal. 6 O maatte han nu snart faa træde Derind, hvor han er ubekjendt, Og bringe Liv og Lys og Glæde, At Hedenskab kan vorde endt, Og læget alle Hjertesaar I Christnes Hus og Hednings Gaard! 7 Han staar for Døren nu og banker, Og hvor der lades op med Bøn, Der gaar han ind og Sjæle sanker, Og holder Nadver sød i Løn– Tænk! under dit det ringe Tag, Hvor blev det dig en salig Dag! 8 Han staar for Døren nu og banker, O dyre Sjæl, giv Agt derpaa! Fornægt ham ei i dine Tanker, Og lad ham dog ei ude staa! Jeg siger i mit stille Sind: Du Guds Velsignede, kom ind! 9 Kom ind til mig og alle Mine, Og bliv vort Hjertes Trøsteskat! Kom ind med Lys til alle hine, Som bo endnu i Dødens Nat! Jeg siger i mit stille Sind: Du Guds Velsignede, kom ind! Languages: Norwegian
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Den gamle Adams Sind

Hymnal: Psalmebog, udgiven af Synoden for den norske evangelisk-lutherske Kirke i Amerika (2nd ed.) #71 (1890) Topics: Fourth Sunday in Advent Lyrics: 1 Den gamle Adams Sind med Verdens Frygt sig piner, Vil gjerne tækkes hver, og holde gode Miner. Den Frygt ved Herrens Kraft Hver trine under Fod, Som Jesum have vil, det koste Liv og Blod! 2 At tro paa Jesum og ham gjerne at bekjende, Det er den sikre Vei, som faar en salig Ende, Til Himlen skal man gaa med Hjertens ydmygt Sind, Dog Ingen tænke, han vil stjæle sig derind. 3 Naar Gud ved Ordets Lys en Sjæl af Synden vækker, Flux Satan Anfald gjør og den tilbagestrækker; Lad blive, siger han, og fly dog Verdens Skam, Lad Ulven dig ei se, du taabelige Lam! 4 Saa viser han en Vei, at baade Læg og Klerke Kan tjene Gud saa vel, og Ingen det skal mærke; Han siger: Kjærlighed og Tro kan Ingen se, Frygt Guds saaledes, at dig Andre ei bele. 5 Ak Gud, hvor Mangen har han fast i denne Strikke, Som baade efter Gud og Verden sig vil skikke; Det Skriften kalder dog en plat Umulighed, Ret som at stige op, idet man stiger ned. 6 Hvad for os haver gjort, Guds Søn af Himmerige, Det er en Sag, som snart al Verden ved at sige; Dag vil den samme Mund ei være ham bekjendt, Som siger, at hans Død os Livet har fortjent. 7 Han skammede sig ei, al Verdens Skam at bære, For Gud og Verden en forbandet Ting at være, Vor Blusel skjulte han, selv taalig drak vor Spe, Og neppe man sig dog om efter ham vil se. 8 Men, hvad vil dette faa omsider for en Ende? Paa Dommens Dag han dem for Sine ei vil kjende, Det staar med klare Ord; o, give Gud, det stod Os alle prentet ind i inderst' Hjerterod! 9 Da gik og søgte man slet ingen anden Ære, End i et helligt Liv sin Frelsers Spot at bære, Da blev hans Aag os sødt, hans Byrde kjær og let, Da blev man ikke paa saa kort en Vei saa træt. 10 Men Verdens Frygt er fuld af baade Skam og Plage, Den ene Fod vil frem, den anden vil tilbage; Man frygter for en Sky, at den vil falde ned, Og vover yderlig sin Sjæl og Salighed. 11 Saa gaar det, naar et Saar ei ret af Grunden heles; Og selv om det er sket, naar Hjertet siden deles, Du bliver Sjælen vild, nil baade til og fra, Ei ret fra Porten ud og op paa Golgatha. 12 I Fromme, ser I ret det smukke Himmerige? O, løber, lige godt, hvad Andre dertil sige; De faa at snakke hen, som bedre ei forstaa, Og sligt er ikke værd engang at tænke paa. 13 Den Vei, Guds Søn har lært, een maa vi altid følge, Og det for ingen Mand i Ord og Gjerning dølge; Saa vaagner Mangen op af Sikkerhedens Nat, Naar Lyset bliver ret paa Lysestagen sat. 14 Op, Zion! det er Tid, at Lunkenhed har Ende, Enhver med Hjertens Lyst sin Jesus frit bekjende, Og agte ikke paa den Tidens korte Ve For Glæden, at man skal sin Jesus evig se! Languages: Norwegian
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O could I find from day to day

Hymnal: Church Book #397 (1890) Meter: Topics: Advent, Fourth Sunday Lyrics: 1 O could I find from day to day A nearness to my God! Then should my hours glide sweet away, And lean upon His Word. 2 Lord, I desire with Thee to live Anew from day to day; In joys the world can never give, Nor ever take away. 3 O Jesus, come and rule my heart, And make me wholly Thine, That I may never more depart, Nor grieve Thy love divine. 4 Thus till my last expiring breath Thy goodness I'll adore; And when my flesh dissolves in death, My soul shall love Thee more. Languages: English Tune Title: COVENTRY
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Christ, whose glory fills the skies

Author: C. Wesley Hymnal: Church Book #40 (1890) Topics: Advent, Fourth Sunday Lyrics: 1 Christ, whose glory fills the skies, Christ, the true, the only Light, Sun of Righteousness, arise, Triumph o'er the shades of night: Dayspring from on high, be near; Daystar, in my heart appear. 2 Dark and cheerless is the morn Unaccompanied by Thee; Joyless is the day's return, Till Thy mercy's beams I see: Till Thou inward light impart, Glad my eyes, and warm my heart. 3 Visit then this soul of mine; Pierce the gloom of sin and grief; Fill me, Radiancy divine; Scatter all my unbelief: More and more Thyself display, Shining to the perfect day. Languages: English Tune Title: KEINE SCHÖNHEIT HAT DIE WELT
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O Lord, I would delight in Thee

Author: John Ryland Hymnal: Church Book #438 (1890) Meter: Topics: Advent, Fourth Sunday Lyrics: 1 O Lord, I would delight in Thee, And on Thy care depend; To Thee in every trouble flee, My best, my only Friend. 2 When all created streams are dried, Thy fulness is the same; May I with this be satisfied, And glory in Thy Name! 3 No good in creatures can be found, But may be found in Thee; I must have all things, and abound, While God is God to me. 4 O that I had a stronger faith To look within the veil, To credit what my Saviour saith, Whose word can never fail! 5 He that has made my heaven secure, Will here all good provide: While Christ is rich, can I be poor? What can I want beside? 6 O Lord, I cast my care on Thee; I triumph and adore: Henceforth my great concern shall be To love and please Thee more. Languages: English Tune Title: ST. STEPHEN'S
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Amidst a world of hopes and fears

Author: Henry Moore Hymnal: Church Book #416 (1890) Meter: Topics: Advent, Fourth Sunday Lyrics: 1 Amidst a world of hopes and fears, A world of cares, and toils, and tears, Where foes alarm, and dangers threat, And pleasures kill, and glories cheat: 2 Send down, O Lord! a heavenly ray, To guide me in the doubtful way; And o'er me hold Thy Shield of power, To guard me in the dangerous hour. 3 Teach me the flattering paths to shun, In which the thoughtless many run, Who for a shade the substance miss, And grasp their ruin in their bliss. 4 May never pleasure, wealth, or pride, Allure my wandering soul aside; But through this maze of mortal ill, Safe lead me to Thy heavenly hill. 5 There glories shine, and pleasures roll, That charm, delight, transport the soul; And every panting wish shall be Possest of boundless bliss in Thee. Languages: English Tune Title: STONEFIELD
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Rejoice ye in the Lord!

Hymnal: Church Hymn Book #XV (1816) Meter: Topics: Fourth Sunday in Advent For the Epistle Lyrics: 1 Rejoice ye in the Lord! Ye christians one and all, Rejoice ye in his sacred word, Obey his blessed call. 2 Be ye possess'd with love, Affectionate and kind, Endow'd with graces from above And the bless'd Saviour's mind. 3 The Lord himself is nigh, Who careth for your cares, Your ev'ry wants he will supply And hear your humble pray'rs. 4 Our pray'rs and our request He certainly will hear, Each cross will serve to make us bless'd, That here on earth we bear. 5 Eternal joy and peace Shall ever more be giv'n, When we possess such life and grace We taste the joys of heav'n. Scripture: Philippians 4:4-7 Languages: English
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The Priests and Levites sent to John

Hymnal: Church Hymn Book #XIV (1816) Meter: Topics: Fourth Sunday in Advent For the Gospel Lyrics: 1 The Priests and Levites sent to John, They ask'd of him to know: Art thou the great Messiah come? The pow'r on earth to show. 2 Art thou Elias, tell us plain, What office dost thou bear? We must report to those again: Those who have sent us here. 3 The Jews supposed John to be Their Saviour and their Lord! But John replied I am not he, I only bear record. 4 As the great Prophet hath declar'd, I am the voice that cry, My voice is in the deserts heard: Your prince of life is nigh. 5 Prepare your gracious Lord to meet! Submit unto his ways; And truly humbled at his feet, Obtain his pard'ning grace. 6 O! could we be like unto John, Submissive, humble, meek, To honour none but christ alone And none but him to seek. Scripture: John 1:19-28 Languages: English

Christ, whose glory fills the skies

Author: Charles Wesley (1707-1788) Hymnal: Ancient and Modern #2 (2013) Meter: Topics: Church Year Trinity; Jesus Names and images for; Light; Morning; Proper 4 Year B; The Fourth Sunday of Lent Year A; The Second Sunday before Advent Year C; The Sunday next before Lent Years A, B & C Lyrics: 1 Christ, whose glory fills the skies, Christ, the true, the only light, Sun of Righteousness, arise, triumph o'er the shades of night; Dayspring from on high, be near; Daystar, in my heart appear. 2 Dark and cheerless is the morn unaccompanied by thee; joyless is the day's return, till thy mercy's beams I see, till they inward light impart, glad my eyes, and warm my heart. 3 Visit then this soul of mine, pierce the gloom of sin and grief; fill me, radiancy divine, scatter all my unbelief; more and more thyself display, shining to the perfect day. Scripture: Psalm 19 Languages: English Tune Title: RATISBON

Alleluia, sing to Jesus

Author: William Chatterton Dix, 1837-1898 Hymnal: Complete Anglican Hymns Old and New #12 (2000) Meter: D Topics: Year B Fourth Sunday Before Advent Scripture: Acts 1:6-11 Languages: English Tune Title: HYFRYDOL
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Let us all in God rejoice

Author: Urban Langhans; Rev. Matthias Loy, D. D. Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran hymnal #19 (1908) Topics: Fourth Sunday of Advent Lyrics: 1 Let us all in God rejoice, Who is pleased to save us; Let us praise with heart and voice, For His Son He gave us. 2 He descends to sorrows here As a servant lowly, That in heaven we may appear Princes high and holy. 3 Wealth to give He poor became-- Is not this a wonder? Therefore let us praise His Name While His grace we ponder. 4 Lord! this year Thy favor show, Banish sin and sadness: All who fain would have it so Say Amen with gladness. Languages: English Tune Title: DRESDEN (Lasst uns alle froehlich sein)

All my hope on God is founded

Author: Robert Bridges, 1844-1930; Joachim Neander, 1650-1680 Hymnal: Complete Anglican Hymns Old and New #19 (2000) Meter: Topics: Year A Fourth Sunday Before Advent Lyrics: 1 All my hope on God is founded; he doth still my trust renew. Me through change and chance he guideth, only good and only true. God unknown, he alone calls my heart to be his own. 2 Human pride and earthly glory, sword and crown betray his trust; what with care and toil he buildeth, tow'r and temple, fall to dust. But God's power, hour by hour, is my temple and my towe'r. 3 God's great goodness aye endureth, deep his wisdom, passing thought: splendour, light and life attend him, beauty springeth out of naught. Evermore, from his store new-born worlds rise and adore. 4 Still from earth to God eternal sacrifice of praise be done, high above all praises praising for the gift of Christ his Son. Christ doth call one and all: ye who follow shall not fall. Scripture: 1 Peter 1:21 Languages: English Tune Title: MICHAEL
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O Helligaand, kom til as ned

Author: Michael Schirmer; Søren Jonassøn Hymnal: Salmebog for Lutherske Kristne i Amerika #19 (1919) Topics: Fourth Sunday in Advent Lyrics: 1 O Helligaand, kom til os ned, Din Bolig du i os bered Ved Ordets Lys og Stjerne! Du Himmel-Lys, som mørknes ei, Giv, at vi Sandheds Himmelvei Ved dig maa følge gjerne! Dit Skin Hvert Trin Os ledsage, Og forjage Mørkets Tanker, Som i vore Hjerter vanker! 2 Giv Kraft og Virkning ved dit Ord, Som Gud os sendte ned til Jord, Lad det som Luset brænde, At vi Gud Fader og Guds Søn Og Aanden, vores Del saa skjøn, I hellig Enhed kjende! Giv Tro, Giv Ro! Lær at haabe, Hjælp at raabe, Giv vi alle Kunde Jesus Herre kalde! 3 Du Visdoms rige Kildervæld, Som fylder hver gudfrygtig Sjæl, Lær os det her i Live, At vi ved Troens Enighed Med sand indbyrdes Kjærlighed Maa godt Eksempel give! Bøi du Vor Hu Til din Lære, Dig til Ære Hjælp at prise Gud, og hver Mand godt bevise! 4 Staa du os paa vor Vandring bi, Før os selv paa den rette Sti, Lad Foden ikke glide! Giv i vort Løb Bestandighed, Lær os dit Kors med Taalighed I Troens Kraft at lide! Trøst selv Vor Sjæl! I al Sorgen Vær du Borgen, Hvor vi trygge Kan i Nødens Tider bygge! 5 O byre Balsam, ædle Saft, Du os al overflødig Kraft Og Hjerte-Styrkning give, Naar vore Fienders Pileskud Bil os i Striden fordre ud, At vi mag stærke blive! Vor Sjæl Fuld vel, At de Plager, Som den nager, Kan forsvinde, Og vi Lægedom maa finde! 6 Lad os i Troens Hellighed Opnaa vort Lives Maal og Med, Og giv os denne Naade, At vi herefter kjende maa, Hvor vi umulig kan bestaa, Om Kjødet selv maa raade. Drag du Vor Hu, Sjæl og Grunde, At vi stunde Til det Høie, Og vort Hjerte til dig føie! Languages: Norwegian

Almighty God, we come to make confession

Author: Christopher Ellis, b. 1949 Hymnal: Complete Anglican Hymns Old and New #27 (2000) Meter: Topics: Year C Fourth Sunday Before Advent Scripture: 1 John 1:8-10 Languages: English Tune Title: DIVINE MERCY

Come, thou Redeemer of the earth

Author: John Mason Neale (1818-1866); St Ambrose (c. 340--397) Hymnal: Ancient and Modern #32 (2013) Meter: Topics: The Fourth Sunday of Advent Year B Lyrics: 1 Come, thou Redeemer of the earth, and manifest thy virgin-birth: let every age adoring fall; such birth befits the God of all. 2 Begotten of no human will, but of the Spirit, thou art still the Word of God, in flesh arrayed, the Saviour, now to us displayed. 3 From God the Father he proceeds, to God the Father back he speeds, runs out his course to death and hell, returns on God's high throne to dwell. 4 O equal to thy Father, thou! Gird on thy fleshly mantle now, the weakness of our mortal state with deathless might invigorate. 5 Thy cradle here shall glitter bright, and darkness glow with new-born light, no more shall night extinguish day, where love's bright beams their power display. 6 O Jesu, virgin-born, to thee eternal praise and glory be, whom with the Father we adore and Holy Spirit, evermore. Amen. Scripture: Luke 1:26-38 Languages: English Tune Title: PUER NOBIS NASCITUR

Creator of the starry height

Author: John Mason Neale (1818-1866) Hymnal: Ancient and Modern #33a (2013) Meter: Topics: The Fourth Sunday of Advent Year A Lyrics: 1 Creator of the starry height, thy people's everlasting light, Jesu, redeemer of us all, hear thou thy servants when they call. 2 Thou, sorrowing at the helpless cry of all creation doomed to die, didst come to save our fallen race by healing gifts of heavenly grace. 3 When earth was near its evening hour, thou didst, in love's redeeming power, like bridegroom from his chamber, come forth from a virgin-mother's womb. 4 At thy great name, exalted now, all knees in lowly homage bow; all things in heaven and earth adore, and own thee King for evermore. 5 To thee, O Holy One, we pray, our judge in that tremendous day, ward off, while yet we dwell below, the weapons of our crafty foe. 6 To God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit, Three in One, praise, honour, might, and glory be from age to age eternally. Amen. Scripture: John 5:21-30 Languages: English Tune Title: CONDITOR ALME SIDERUM

Creator of the starry height

Author: John Mason Neale (1818-1866) Hymnal: Ancient and Modern #33b (2013) Meter: Topics: The Fourth Sunday of Advent Year A Lyrics: 1 Creator of the starry height, thy people's everlasting light, Jesu, redeemer of us all, hear thou thy servants when they call. 2 Thou, sorrowing at the helpless cry of all creation doomed to die, didst come to save our fallen race by healing gifts of heavenly grace. 3 When earth was near its evening hour, thou didst, in love's redeeming power, like bridegroom from his chamber, come forth from a virgin-mother's womb. 4 At thy great name, exalted now, all knees in lowly homage bow; all things in heaven and earth adore, and own thee King for evermore. 5 To thee, O Holy One, we pray, our judge in that tremendous day, ward off, while yet we dwell below, the weapons of our crafty foe. 6 To God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit, Three in One, praise, honour, might, and glory be from age to age eternally. Scripture: John 5:21-30 Languages: English Tune Title: BROCKHAM

Hark what a sound, and too divine for hearing

Author: Frederick William Henry Myers (1843-1901) Hymnal: Ancient and Modern #37 (2013) Meter: Topics: The Fourth Sunday before Advent Year A Lyrics: 1 Hark what a sound, and too divine for hearing, stirs on the earth and trembles in the air! Is it the thunder of the Lord's appearing? Is it the music of his people's prayer? 2 Surely he cometh, and a thousand voices shout to the saints, and to the deaf are dumb; surely he cometh, and the earth rejoices, glad in his coming who hath sworn: I come! 3 This hath he done, and shall we not adore him? This shall he do, and can we still despair? Come, let us quickly fling ourselves before him, cast at his feet the burden of our care. 4 Through life and death, through sorrow and through sinning, he shall suffice me, for he hath sufficed: Christ is the end, for Christ was the beginning, Christ the beginning, for the end is Christ. Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 Languages: English Tune Title: HIGHWOOD

Lo, he comes with clouds descending

Author: Charles Wesley (1707-1788); John Cennick (1718-1755) Hymnal: Ancient and Modern #41 (2013) Topics: The Fourth Sunday before Advent Year C Lyrics: 1 Lo, he comes with clouds descending, once for favoured sinners slain; thousand thousand saints attending swell the triumph of his train: Alleluia! God appears on earth to reign. 2 Every eye shall now behold him robed in dreadful majesty; those who set at naught and sold him, pierced and nailed him to the Tree, deeply wailing, shall the true Messiah see. 3 Those dear tokens of his passion still his dazzling body bears, cause of endless exultation to his ransomed worshippers: with what rapture gaze we on those glorious scars! 4 Yea, Amen, let all adore thee, high on thine eternal throne; Saviour, take the power and glory, claim the kingdom for thine own: Alleluia! Thou shalt reign, and thou alone. Scripture: Zechariah 12:10 Languages: English Tune Title: HELMSLEY


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