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Jehovah, to My Prayer Give Ear

Meter: D Appears in 6 hymnals Topics: Deliverance From Enemies Lyrics: 1 Jehovah, to my prayer give ear, Nor hide Thee from my cry; Attend my sad complaint, and hear My restless moan and sigh. My enemies lift up their voice, The violent oppress; To do me wrong my foes rejoice, And love my soul's distress. 2 Sore pained in heart I find no ease, Death's terrors fill my soul, Great fear and trembling on me seize, And horrors o'er me roll. O had I wings, I sigh and say, Like some swift dove to roam, Then would I hasten far away And find a peaceful home. 3 Lo, wandering far my rest should be In some lone desert waste; I from the stormy wind would flee, And to a shelter haste. O Lord, their malice recompense, Their wicked tongues confound, For in the city violence And bitter strife abound. 4 They walk her walls both night and day, Within all vices meet; Oppression, fraud, and crime hold sway, Nor leave the crowded street. No foreign foe provokes alarm, But enemies within; May God destroy their power to harm And recompense their sin. Scripture: Psalm 55 Used With Tune: VOX DILECTI
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My Trust is in my heav'nly Friend

Appears in 47 hymnals Topics: Appeal to God against persecutors; God his care of saints; Persecution Victory over and Deliverance from it; Persecutors punished; Defense in God; Deliverance from Temptations; Doubts and Fears suppressed; God our Defense and Salvation; Health prayed for; Morning Psalm; Satan subdued; Spiritual Enemies overcome; Temptations overcome; Temptations support under them Lyrics: 1 My Trust is in my heav'nly Friend, My Hope in Thee, my GOD; Rise, and my helpless Life defend From those that seek my Blood. 2 With Insolence and Fury they My Soul in Pieces tear, As hungry Lions rend the Prey, When no Deliverer's near. 3 If I had e'er provok'd them first, Or once abus'd my Foe, Then let him tread my Life to Dust, And lay mine Honour low. 4 If there be Malice found in me, I know thy piercing Eyes; I should not dare appeal to Thee, Nor ask my GOD to rise. 5 Arise, my GOD, lift up thy Hand, Their Pride and Pow'r controul; Awake to Judgment, and command Deliv'rance for my Soul. Pause. 6 [Let Sinners, and their wicked Rage Be humbled to the Dust; Shall not the GOD of Truth engage To vindicate the Just? 7 He knows the Heart, he tries the Reigns, He will defend th' Upright: His sharpest Arrows he ordains Against the Sons of Spite. 8 For me their Malice digg'd a Pit, But there themselves are cast; My GOD makes all their Mischiefs light On their own Heads at last.] 9 That cruel persecuting Race Must feel his dreadful Sword: Awake my Soul, and praise the Grace And Justice of the Lord. Scripture: Psalm 7
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Just are thy ways, and true thy word

Appears in 63 hymnals Topics: Defense and Salvation in God; Delight in God; Deliverance from despair; Despair deliverance from it; Enemies overcome; Evidence of Sincerity; Intemperance punished; Obedience sincere; Psalm for soldiers; Saints Triumph; Sincerity proved and rewarded; Spiritual Enemies overcome; Temptations overcome; War victory; War spiritual; Defense and Salvation in God; Delight in God; Deliverance from despair; Despair deliverance from it; Enemies overcome; Evidence of Sincerity; Intemperance punished; Obedience sincere; Psalm for soldiers; Saints Triumph; Sincerity proved and rewarded; Spiritual Enemies overcome; Temptations overcome; War victory; War spiritual Lyrics: 1 Just are thy ways, and true thy word, Great Rock of my secure abode: Who is a God beside the Lord? Or where's a refuge like our God? 2 'Tis he that girds me with his might, Gives me his holy sword to wield; And while with sin and hell I fight, Spreads his salvation for my shield. 3 He lives, and blessings crown his reign, The God of my salvation lives, The dark designs of hell are vain; While heavenly peace my Father gives. 4 Before the scoffers of the age, I will exalt my Father's name, Nor tremble at their mighty rage, But meet reproach, and bear the shame. 5 To David and his royal seed Thy grace for ever shall extend; Thy love to saints in Christ their head, Knows not a limit, nor an end. Scripture: Psalm 18:30-31
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A Morning Psalm

Appears in 51 hymnals Topics: Defense in God; Doubts and Fears suppressed; Morning psalm; Persecutors deliverance from them; Satan subdued; Spiritual Enemies overcome; Temptations overcome; Defense in God; Doubts and Fears suppressed; Morning psalm; Persecutors deliverance from them; Satan subdued; Spiritual Enemies overcome; Temptations overcome First Line: O Lord, how many are my foes Lyrics: 1 O Lord, how many are my foes, In this weak state of flesh and blood? My peace they daily discompose, But my defence and hope is God. 2 Tired with the burdens of the day, To thee I rais'd an evening cry: Thou heardst when I began to pray, And thine Almighty help was nigh. 3 Supported by thine heavenly aid I laid me down and slept secure; Not death should make my heart afraid, Though I should wake and rise no more. 4 But God sustain'd me all the night; Salvation doth to God belong: He rais'd my head to see the light, And makes his praise my morning song. Scripture: Psalm 3:8
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To God My Earnest Voice I Raise

Meter: Appears in 28 hymnals Topics: Deliverance From Enemies Lyrics: 1 To God my earnest voice I raise, To God my voice imploring prays; Before His face my grief I show And tell my trouble and my woe. 2 When gloom and sorrow compass me, The path I take is known to Thee, And all the toils that foes do lay To snare Thy servant in his way. 3 All unprotected, lo, I stand, No friendly guardian at my hand, No place of flight or refuge near, And none to whom my soul is dear. 4 O Lord, my Savior, now to Thee, Without a hope besides, I flee, To Thee, my shelter from the strife, My portion in the land of life. 5 Be Thou my help when troubles throng, For I am weak and foes are strong; My captive soul from prison bring, And thankful praises I will sing. 6 The righteous then shall gather round To share the blessing I have found, Their hearts made glad because they see How richly God has dealt with me. Scripture: Psalm 142 Used With Tune: HAMBURG
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Christian, Dost Thou See Them

Author: St. Andrew of Crete, 600-732; Rev. John M. Neale Meter: D Appears in 305 hymnals Topics: Deliverance From Enemies Lyrics: 1 Christian, dost thou see them On the holy ground, How the powers of darkness Compass thee around? Christian, up and smite them, Counting gain but loss; Smite them; Christ is with thee, Soldier of the cross. 2 Christian, dost thou feel them, How they work within, Striving, tempting, luring, Goading into sin? Christian, never tremble; Never be downcast; Gird thee for the battle, Watch and pray and fast. 3 Christian, dost thou hear them, How they speak thee fair: "Always fast and vigil? Always watch and prayer?" Christian, answer boldly, "While I breathe I pray!" Peace shall follow battle, Night shall end in day. Used With Tune: ST. ANDREW OF CRETE
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Contrite Trust

Appears in 11 hymnals Topics: Prayer For Deliverance from Enemies First Line: Lord, hear me in distress Lyrics: 1 Lord, hear me in distress, Regard my suppliant cry, And in Thy faithfulness And righteousness reply. In judgment do not cause Thy servant to be tried; Before Thy holy laws No man is justified. 2 The enemy has sought My soul in dust to tread; To darkness I am brought, Forgotten as the dead. My spirit, crushed with grief, Is sad and overborne; My heart finds no relief, But desolate I mourn. 3 Recalling former days And all Thy wondrous deeds, The mem'ry of Thy ways To hope and comfort leads. to Thee I stretch my hands, Let me not plead in vain; I wait as weary lands Wait for refreshing rain. 4 My failing spirit see, O Lord, to me make haste; Hide not Thy face from me, Lest bitter death I taste, O let the morn return, Let mercy light my day; For Thee in faith I yearn, O guide me in the way. 5 Lord, save me from my foe, To Thee for help I flee; Teach me Thy way to know, I have no God but Thee. By Thy good Spirit lead From trouble and distress, My erring feet shall tread The path of uprightness. 6 O Lord, for Thy Name's sake Revive my fainting heart; My soul from trouble take, For just and true Thou art. Remove my enemy, My cruel foe reward; In mercy rescue me Who am Thy servant, Lord. Scripture: Psalm 143 Used With Tune: BRADBURY

Now Israel May Say

Meter: Appears in 27 hymnals Topics: Deliverance From Enemies First Line: Now Israel may say, and that in truth Scripture: Psalm 124 Used With Tune: OLD 124TH
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O Lord, Make Haste to Hear My Cry

Meter: Appears in 13 hymnals Topics: Deliverance From Enemies Lyrics: 1 O Lord, make haste to hear my cry, To Thee I call, on Thee rely; Incline to me a gracious ear, And, when I call, in mercy hear. 2 When in the morning unto Thee I lift my voice and bring my plea, Then let my prayer as incense rise To God enthroned above the skies. 3 When unto Thee I look and pray With lifted hands at close of day, Then as the evening sacrifice Let my request accepted rise. 4 Guard Thou my thoughts, I Thee implore, And of my lips O keep Thou the door; Nor leave my sinful heart to stray Where evil footsteps lead the way. 5 O righteous God, Thy chastisement, Though sent through foes, in love is sent; Though grievous, it will profit me, A healing ointment it shall be. 6 While wickedness my foes devise, To Thee my constant prayer shall rise; When their injustice is o'erthrown Mu gentleness shall still be shown. 7 Brought nigh to death and sore distressed, O Lord, my God, in Thee I rest; Forsake me not, I look to Thee, Let me Thy great salvation see. 8 Themselves entangled in their snare, Their own defeat my foes prepare; O keep me, Lord, nor let me fall, Protect and lead me safe through all. Scripture: Psalm 141 Used With Tune: QUEBEC (HESPERUS)
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In Thee, O Lord, I Put My Trust

Meter: Appears in 8 hymnals Topics: Deliverance From Enemies Lyrics: 1 In Thee, O Lord, I put my trust, I call upon Thy Name; O save me in Thy righteousness, Nor let me suffer shame. 2 Bow down Thy ear to my request, And swift deliverance send; Be Thou to me a rock of strength, A fortress to defend. 3 Since Thou my rock and fortress art, My Leader be, and Guide; From all temptation rescue me, Thou dost my strength abide. 4 To Thee my spirit I commend; Redemption is with Thee, O Thou Jehovah, God of truth, Who hast delivered me. 5 I hate all those that love the false, My trust is in the Lord; I will be glad, and joyfully Thy mercy will record. 6 For my affliction Thou hast seen, And known my many woes; Thou hast not let me be enslaved, But freed me from my foes. 7 Show mercy, Lord, to me distressed, And send my soul relief, My life is spent with bitterness, My strength consumed with grief. 8 I mourn and fail because of sin, Friends turn in dread away; Reproached am I and terrified, While foes conspire to slay. 9 But, Lord, in Thee is all my trust, Thou art my God, I cried; My life, my times are in Thy hand, I in Thy strength confide. 10 From all that persecute my soul Deliverance I crave; O smile upon Thy servant, Lord, And in Thy mercy save. 11 Let me not be ashamed, O Lord, I plead with Thee to save; But let the wicked be ashamed, And silent in the grave. 12 Yea, let their lips henceforth be mute Who words of falsehood seek, The lips which with contempt and pride Against the righteous speak. Scripture: Psalm 31 Used With Tune: NAOMI
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How Great the Goodness Kept in Store

Meter: 8.8.6 D Appears in 7 hymnals Topics: Deliverance From Enemies Lyrics: 1 How great the goodness kept in store For those who fear Thee and adore In meek humility. How great the deeds with mercy fraught Which openly Thy hand has wrought For those who trust in Thee, For those who trust in Thee. 2 Secured by Thy unfailing grace, In Thee they find a hiding-place When foes their plots devise; A sure retreat Thou wilt prepare, And keep them safely sheltered there, When strife of tongues shall rise, When strife of tongues shall rise. 3 Blest be the Lord, for He has showed, While giving me a safe abode, His love beyond compare; Although His face He seemed to hide, He ever heard me when I cried, And made my wants His care, And made my wants His care. 4 Ye saints, Jehovah love and serve, For He the faithful will preserve, And shield from men of pride; Be strong, and let your hearts be brave, All ye that wait for Him to save, In God the Lord confide, In God the Lord confide. Scripture: Psalm 31 Used With Tune: ARIEL
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O God, Be Merciful to Me

Meter: D Appears in 5 hymnals Topics: Deliverance From Enemies Lyrics: 1 O God, be merciful to me, My soul for refuge comes to Thee; Beneath Thy wings I safe will stay, Until these troubles pass away. To God Most High shall rise my prayer, To God who makes my wants His care; From heaven He will salvation send, And me from every foe defend. 2 Great foes and fierce my soul alarm, Inflamed with rage and strong to harm, But God, from heaven His dwelling-place, Will rescue me with truth and grace. Be Thou, O God, exalted high, Yea, far above the starry sky, And let Thy glory be displayed O’er all the earth Thy hands have made. 3 My soul is grieved because my foes With treacherous plans my way enclose; But from the snares that they devise Their own undoing shall arise. My heart is steadfast, O my King, My heart is tuned Thy praise to sing; Awake, my soul, and swell the song, Let vibrant harp the notes prolong. 4 Yea, I will early wake and sing, A thankful hymn to Thee will bring, For unto heaven Thy mercies rise, Thy truth is lofty as the skies. Be Thou, O God, exalted high, Yea, far above the starry sky, And let Thy glory be displayed O’er all the earth Thy hands have made. Scripture: Psalm 57 Used With Tune: SWEET HOUR OF PRAYER
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The Lord I Will at all Times Bless

Meter: D Appears in 11 hymnals Topics: Deliverance From Enemies Lyrics: 1 The Lord I will at all times bless, In praise my mouth employ; My soul shall in Jehovah boast The meek shall hear with joy. O magnify the Lord with me, Let us exalt His Name; When in distress on Him I called, He to my rescue came. 2 We looked to Him and light received, Ashamed we shall not be; Our humble cry Jehovah heard, From trouble set us free. The angel of the Lord encamps, Around about His own, Delivers them for all their foes, Lest they be overthrown. 3 O taste and see that God is good To all that seek His face; Yea, blest the man that trusts in Him, Confiding in His grace. O fear the Lord, all ye His saints; No want shall bring distress; The lions young may pine for food, The saints all good possess. Scripture: Psalm 34 Used With Tune: EUPHEMIA

Blest Be the God of Israel

Author: Dewey Westra Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Topics: Deliverance From Enemies Scripture: Luke 1:67-79 Used With Tune: BENEDICTUS Text Sources: Song of Zacharias
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Doubts and Fears suppressed; or, God our Defence from Sin and Satan

Appears in 47 hymnals Topics: Defense in God; Doubts and Fears suppressed; Morning psalm; Persecutors deliverance from them; Satan subdued; Spiritual Enemies overcome; Temptations overcome; Defense in God; Doubts and Fears suppressed; Morning psalm; Persecutors deliverance from them; Satan subdued; Spiritual Enemies overcome; Temptations overcome First Line: My God, how many are my fears? Lyrics: 1 My God how many are my fears? How fast my foes increase? Conspiring my eternal death, They break my present peace. 2 Thy lying tempter would persuade There's no relief in heaven, And all my growing sins appear Too great to be forgiven. 3 But thou, my glory, and my strength, Shalt on the tempter tread, Shalt silence all my threatening guilt, And raise my drooping head. 4 [I cry'd, and from his holy hill He bow'd a listening ear; I call'd my Father, and my God, And he subdued my fear. 5 He shed soft slumbers on mine eyes, In spite of all my foes; I woke, and wonder'd at the grace That guarded my repose.] 6 What tho' the hosts of death and hell All arm'd against me stood; Terrors no more shall shake my soul; My refuge is my God. 7 Arise, O Lord, fulfill thy grace, While I thy glory sing; My God has broke the serpent's teeth, And death has lost his sting. 8 Salvation to the Lord belongs, His arm alone can save; Blessings attend thy people here, And reach beyond the grave. Scripture: Psalm 3
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Human Corruption

Meter: Appears in 13 hymnals Topics: Deliverance From Enemies First Line: The God Who sits enthroned on high Lyrics: 1 The God Who sits enthroned on high The foolish in their heart deny; Not one does good; corrupt in tho't, Unrighteous works their hands have wrought. 2 From heav'n the Lord with searching eye Looked down the sons of men to try, To see if any understood And sought for God, the only good. 3 From righteousness they all depart, Corrupt are all, and vile in heart; yea, ev'ry man has evil done; Not one does good, not even one. 4 Has knowledge with the wicked failed, That they My people have assailed, That they delight in works of shame, And call not on Jehovah's Name? 5 Thy lowly servant they despise, Because he on the Lord relies; But they shall tremble yet in fear, For to the righteous God is near. 6 O that from Zion His abode Salvation were on us bestowed! When God His exiles shall restore, They shall in song His grace adore. Scripture: Psalm 14 Used With Tune: LAUDS

No Longer, Lord, Do Thou Despise Me

Author: Edward A. Collier Meter: Appears in 4 hymnals Topics: Deliverance From Enemies Scripture: Psalm 6 Used With Tune: PLEADING
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God Our Guardian

Appears in 4 hymnals Topics: Afflictions Deliverance from; Aspirations For Peace and Rest; Blessedness Of God's Chosen; Christ Providences of; Christians Conscious of Safety; Christians Persecuted and Sorrowing; Comfort in Trials; Election Divine; Enemies Many and Mighty; Enemies Will be Destroyed; Faith Act of; Faith Confidence of; God Hearer of Prayer; God Preserver; Morning Psalm; Praise For Temporal Mercies; Praise For Work of Redemption; Praise To God; Prayer confidence in; Prayer For Grace and Salvation; Prayer God Hears; Protection Only from God; Providence of God Over Saints; Retribution Inflicted; The Righteous Blessed; The Righteous Deliverances of; Safety Enjoyed; Salvation God's Gift; Salvation Prayers for; The Wicked Fate of; The Wicked Persecuting First Line: Lord, how my foes increase Refrain First Line: I lay and slept Scripture: Psalm 3 Used With Tune: [Lord, how my foes increase]
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Our Source of Strength

Meter: Appears in 6 hymnals Topics: Deliverance From Enemies First Line: As Thou, O Lord, hast made me strong Lyrics: 1 As Thou, O Lord, hast made me strong To overcome my mighty foe, So now to fight against the wrong And conquer in Thy Name I go. 2 From strife Thou wilt deliver me, And make the nations own my sway; Strange peoples when my pow'r they see, Shall come with trembling and obey. 3 Jehovah lives, and blest is He, My rock, my refuge and defense, My Saviour Who delivers me, And will the wicked recompense. 4 For grace and mercy ever near, For foes subdued and victories won, All nations of the earth shall hear My praise for what the Lord has done. 5 To David, His anointed king, And to his sons upon his throne, The Lord will great salvation bring And ever make His mercy known. Scripture: Psalm 18 Used With Tune: MOZART

O Lord, by Thee Delivered

Meter: D Appears in 25 hymnals Topics: Deliverance From Enemies Scripture: Psalm 30 Used With Tune: GREENLAND
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Prayer for Safety from Foes

Appears in 8 hymnals Topics: Prayer For Deliverance from Enemies First Line: When I to thee my prayer make Scripture: Psalm 64 Used With Tune: [When I to thee my prayer make]
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The Prayer of the Wronged for Protection

Appears in 10 hymnals Topics: Prayer For Deliverance from Enemies First Line: My God, deliver me from those Scripture: Psalm 59 Used With Tune: [My God, deliver me from those]
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God's guiding counsel

Appears in 24 hymnals Topics: Prayer For Deliverance from Enemies First Line: To thee, O Lord, I fly Scripture: Psalm 16:1-6 Used With Tune: [To thee, O Lord, I fly]
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Divine Retribution for Evil

Meter: Appears in 6 hymnals Topics: Prayer For Deliverance from Enemies First Line: O God, Whom I delight to praise Lyrics: 1 O God, Whom I delight to praise, To Thee my cry for help I raise; Be Thou my friend and advocate When foes assail with bitter hate. 2 Against me sland'rous words are flung From many a false and lying tongue; Without a cause men hurl at me The shafts of deadly enmity. 3 My good with evil they repay, My love turns not their hate away; The part of vengeance, Lord, is Thine, To pray, and only pray, is mine. 4 Since love appeals to him in vain, The slave of sin let him remain; Against him let his foe be turned, His sin be judge, his prayer be spurned. 5 Let sudden death upon him break, His office let another take, His children and his widowed wife Pursue the homeless beggar's life. 6 Let creditors consume his toil And strangers make his wealth their spoil; Let none in pity heed his claim, Cut off his race, blot out his name. 7 His parents' sins be not forgot Till Thou from earth his memory blot, Since he remembered not to show Compassion to the sons of woe. 8 He cursing loved and blessing loathed; Unblest, with cursing he is clothed; For thus the justice of the Lord My adversaries will reward. 9 O God, the Lord, for Thy Name's sake Let me of Thy good grace partake; My need is great, and great Thou art To heal my wounded, stricken heart. 10 With failing strength I fast and pine, Like shadows swift my days decline, And when my foes my weakness see They shake the head in scorn at me. 11 O Lord my God, Thy help I crave, In Thy great loving-kindness save; Before my foes Thy mercy show; That Thou dost help me make them know. 12 What though they curse, if Thou wilt bless? Then joy shall banish my distress, And shame shall overwhelm the foes Who would Thy servant's way oppose. 13 Thanksgiving to the Lord I raise, The multitude shall hear my praise, For by the needy God will stand To save them from oppression's hand. Scripture: Psalm 109 Used With Tune: MEROE
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Shepherds! rejoice, lift up your eyes

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 162 hymnals Topics: Deliverance from temptation; Spiritual enemies overcome; Temptations overcome; Victory over temptations; Defence and salvation in God; Delight in God; Deliverance from despair; Despair deliverance from it; Enemies overcome; Evidences of sincerity; Obedience sincere; Praise for temptations overcome; Praise for victory in war; Psalm for soldiers; Rejoicing in God; Salvation and triumph; Sincerity proved and rewarded; Triumph for salvation; Victory over temporal enemies; War spiritual; War victory Lyrics: "Shepherds, rejoice! lift up your eyes, And send your fears away; News from the regions of the skies, Salvation's born to-day. "Jesus, the God whom angels fear, Comes down to dwell with you; Today he makes his entrance here, But not as monarchs do. "No gold nor purple swaddling bands. Nor royal shining things; A manger for his Cradle stands, And holds the King of kings. "Go, shepherds, where the infant lies, And see his humble throne With tears of joy in all your eyes, Go, shepherds, kiss the Son." Thus Gabriel sang, and straight around The heav'nly armies throng; They tune their harps to lofty sound, And thus conclude the song: "Glory to God that reigns above! Let peace surround the earth! Mortals shall know their Maker's love, At their Redeemer's birth." Lord, and shall angels have their songs, And men no tunes to raise? O may we lose our useless tongues When they forget to praise. Glory to God that reigns above, That pitied us forlorn; We join to sing our Maker's love, For there's a Savior born. Scripture: Luke 2:10
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Let every mortal ear attend

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 481 hymnals Topics: Defence in God; Deliverance from temptation; Doubts and fears suppressed; Fears and doubts suppressed; God our defence and salvation; Morning psalm; Satan subdued; Spiritual enemies overcome; Temptations overcome; Temptations support under them Lyrics: Let every mortal ear attend, And every heart rejoice; The trumpet of the gospel sounds With an inviting voice. Lo! all ye hungry, starving souls. That feed upon the wind, And vainly strive with earthly toys To fill an empty mind. Eternal Wisdom has prepared A soul-reviving feast, And bids your longing appetites The rich provision taste. Ho! ye that pant for living streams, And pine away and die, here you may quench your raging thirst With springs that never dry. Rivers of love and mercy here In a rich ocean join; Salvation in abundance flows, Like floods of milk and wine. [Ye perishing and naked poor, Who work with mighty pain To weave a garment of your own That will not hide your sin, Come naked, and adorn your souls In robes prepared by God, Wrought by the labors of his Son, And dyed in his own blood.] Dear God! the treasures of thy love Are everlasting mines, Deep as our helpless miseries are, And boundless as our sins. The happy gates of gospel grace Stand open night and day; Lord, we are come to seek supplies, And drive our wants away. Scripture: Isaiah 55:1-2
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Devout Longings

Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Topics: Prayer For Deliverance from Enemies First Line: Judge me, O God, and plead my cause Lyrics: 1 Judge me, O God, and plead my cause Against a godless race; From men deceitful and unjust Deliver in Thy grace, Deliver in Thy grace. 2 O Thou the God of all my strength, Why hast Thou cast me off? Why go I mourning all the day, While foes oppress and scoff, While foes oppress and scoff? 3 O send Thou forth Thy light and truth, Let them be guides to me, And bring me to Thy holy hill, Thy dwelling-place to see, Thy dwelling-place to see. 4 Then will I to God's altar go, To God, my boundless joy; Yea, God, my God, Thy Name to praise My harp I will employ, My harp I will employ. 5 Why art thou then cast down, my soul, What should discourage thee? And why with vexing tho'ts art thou Disquieted in me, Disquieted in me? 6 Hope thou in God; His praise shall yet My thankful lips employ; He is the spring of all my health, My God, my boundless joy, My God, my boundless joy. Scripture: Psalm 43 Used With Tune: EDMESTON
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Forgiving Mercy Besought

Meter: Appears in 16 hymnals Topics: Deliverance From Enemies First Line: Remember not, O God Lyrics: 1 Remember not, O God, The sins of long ago; In tender mercy visit us, Distressed and humbled low. 2 O Lord, our Saviour, help, And glorify Thy Name; Deliver us from all our sins And take away our shame. 3 In Thy compassion hear Thy pris'ner's plaintive sigh, And in the greatness of Thy pow'r Save those about to die. 4 Then, safe within Thy fold, We will exalt Thy Name; Our thankful hearts with songs of joy Thy goodness will proclaim. Scripture: Psalm 79 Used With Tune: GORTON
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God the Highest Good

Meter: Appears in 5 hymnals Topics: Prayer For Deliverance from Enemies First Line: O God, preserve me, for in Thee Lyrics: 1 O God, preserve me, for in Thee Alone my trust has stood; My soul has said, Thou art my Lord. My chief and only good. 2 I love thy saints, who fear Thy Name And walk as in Thy sight; They are the excellent of earth, In them is my delight. 3 Their sorrows shall be multiplied Who worship aught but Thee; I share not in their offerings, Nor join their company. 4 The Lord is my inheritance, The Lord alone remains The fulness of my cup of bliss; The Lord my lot maintains. 5 The lines are fallen unto me In places large and fair; A goodly heritage is mine, Marked out with gracious care. Scripture: Psalm 15 Used With Tune: ST. PETER
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Why Standest Thou Afar, O Lord

Meter: Appears in 6 hymnals Topics: Deliverance From Enemies Lyrics: 1 Why standest Thou afar, O Lord, Why art Thou hid in trouble's hour? The wicked persecute the poor In haughty pride and reckless power. 2 Let their devices work their fall, For in their shame is all their pride; And while they seek unrighteous gain, The Lord of justice is defied. 3 The wicked thinks, in foolish pride, There is no God who will repay; He has no fear of God or man Because God's judgments long delay. 4 Unmoved by fear of coming doom, On fraud and wickedness intent, With craft he lurks and waits to catch The helpless and the innocent. 5 A lion crouching for his prey, He waits the poor to overthrow; He thinks that God remembers not, Or hides His face and will not know. 6 Arise, O Lord, lift up Thy hand, O God, protect the poor and meek; Why should the proud Thy justice doubt, And words of bold defiance speak? 7 O Lord, Thou wilt indeed requite, The sin and sorrow Thou dost see; The helpless and the fatherless Commit themselves, O Lord, to Thee. 8 Break Thou the power of wicked men And let their works no longer stand; The Lord is King for evermore, Who drove the nations from His land. 9 Lord, Thou hast heard the lowly prayer, The fainting heart Thou wilt restore, The helpless cause Thou wilt maintain, That mortal man may boast no more. Scripture: Psalm 10 Used With Tune: BROOKFIELD
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Prayer for Help

Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Topics: Deliverance From Enemies First Line: Make haste, O my God, to save Lyrics: 1 Make haste, O God, to save; To help me, Lord, make haste; Ashamed, confounded, they shall be Who would my life lay waste. 2 They shall be put to shame That in my hurt delight, And backward in dishonor turned, Their mocking to requite. 3 All they that seek Thy face With joy in Thee abide, And, loving Thy salvation say, Let God be magnified. 4 In need am I, and poor; O God, make haste, I pray; Thou art my Saviour and my help, O Lord, make no delay. Scripture: Psalm 70 Used With Tune: ST. MICHAEL
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Divine judgments

Appears in 16 hymnals Topics: Afflictions Deliverance from; Enemies Will be Destroyed; God Adored and Exalted; God the judge; Judgments On Wicked; Nations Rebuked in Wrath; Praise For Works of Providence; Retribution Inflicted; Royalty of Christ Judgment His Prerogative First Line: Lord, thee I'll praise with all my heart Scripture: Psalm 9:1-4 Used With Tune: [Lord, thee I'll praise with all my heart]
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The Petition of a Good Conscience

Appears in 2 hymnals Topics: Prayer For Deliverance from Enemies First Line: O Lord, do thou me try Used With Tune: [O Lord, do thou me try]

O Lord, Regard Me When I Cry

Meter: Appears in 4 hymnals Topics: Deliverance From Enemies Scripture: Psalm 27 Used With Tune: ST. MARGARET
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The Church in Trial

Meter: Appears in 5 hymnals Topics: Prayer For Deliverance from Enemies First Line: O wherefore hast Thou cast us off Lyrics: 1 O wherefore hast Thou cast us off, O God, our God of old? Why art Thou angry with Thy sheep, The sheep of Thy own fold, The sheep of Thy own fold? 2 Remember Thy inheritance, Thy Church, redeemed by grace; Remember Zion's mount profaned, Thy ancient dwelling-place, Thy ancient dwelling-place. 3 In ruin long Thy temple lies; Arise, O God of grace; And see the ruin foes have wrought Within Thy holy place, Within Thy holy place. 4 Amid Thy courts are lifted high The standards of the foe, And impious hands with axe and fire Have laid Thy temple low, Have laid Thy temple low. 5 They have profaned the holy place Where Thou hast set thy Name, The sanctuaries of our God Are given to the flame, Are given to the flame. 6 We see no signs of power divine, No prophet speaks for Thee, And none can tell, and none can know, How long these woes shall be, How long these woes shall be. 7 How long, O God, shall blasphemy And shame reproach our land? Why dost Thou not destroy Thy foes With Thy almighty hand, With Thy almighty hand? 8 O God, Thou art our King of old, Salvation Thou hast wrought; In safety through the mighty sea Our fathers Thou hast brought, Our fathers Thou hast brought. 9 With mighty arm Thou didst destroy The pride of boastful man, And for Thy people made a path Where mighty waters ran, Where mighty waters ran. 10 The day is Thine, and Thine the night, And Thine the shining sun; At Thy command earth's bounds are set And changing seasons run, And changing seasons run. 11 Mark how Thy enemies, O Lord, Against Thee proudly speak; Preserve Thy saints from wicked men, Be mindful of the meek, Be mindful of the meek. 12 Fulfill, o Lord, Thy covenant, Our strong protector be, For in the earth are dark abodes Of crime and cruelty, Of crime and cruelty. 13 Let not Thy saints be put to shame, No longer in Thy sight Permit Thy foes to vaunt themselves; Lord, vindicate the right, Lord, vindicate the right. Scripture: Psalm 74 Used With Tune: COWPER
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Be Thou My Helper in the Strife

Meter: D Appears in 5 hymnals Topics: Deliverance From Enemies Lyrics: 1 Be Thou my helper in the strife, O Lord, my strong Defender be; Thy mighty shield protect my life, Thy spear confront the enemy. Amid the conflict, O my Lord, Thy precious promise let me hear, The faithful, reassuring word: I am thy Savior, do not fear. 2 Ashamed, confounded let them be Who seek my ruin and disgrace; O let Thy angel fight for me, And drive my foes before his face. Without a cause my life they sought, Without a case their plots they laid; Themselves within their snares be caught, And be my crafty foes dismayed. 3 My soul is joyful in the Lord, In His salvation I rejoice; To Him my heart will praise accord And bless His Name with thankful voice. For who, O Lord, is like to Thee, Defender of the poor and meek? The needy Thy salvation see When mighty foes their ruin seek. 4 Unrighteous witnesses have stood And told of crimes beyond belief; Returning evil for my good, They overwhelm my soul with grief. When in affliction they were sad, I wept and made their grief my own; But in my trouble they are glad And strive that I may be o'erthrown. 5 O Lord, how long wilt Thou delay? My soul for Thy salvation waits; My thankfulness I will display Amid the crowds that throng Thy gates. Let not my enemies rejoice And wrongfully exult o'er me; They speak not peace, but lift their voice To trouble those that peaceful be. 6 My foes with joy my woes survey, But Thou, O Lord, hast seen it all; O be no longer far away, Nor silent when on Thee I call. O haste to my deliverance now, O Lord, my righteous cause maintain; My Lord and God alone art Thou; Awake, and make thy justice plain. 7 O Lord my God, I look to Thee, Be Thou my righteous Judge, I pray; Let not my foes exult o'er me And laugh with joy at my dismay. With shame and trouble those requite Who would my righteous cause destroy; But those who in the good delight, Let them be glad and shout for joy. 8 Yea, let the Lord be magnified, Because Thy servants Thou dost bless; And I, from morn till eventide, Will daily praise Thy righteousness. My soul is joyful in the Lord, In His salvation I rejoice; To Him my heart will praise accord And bless His Name with thankful voice. Scripture: Psalm 35 Used With Tune: HE LEADETH ME
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Since with My God with Perfect Heart

Meter: Appears in 4 hymnals Topics: Deliverance From Enemies Lyrics: 1 Since with my God with perfect heart I walk and make His word my guide, And from iniquity depart, The Lord His blessing will provide. 2 The merciful shall know Thy grace, The perfect Thy perfection see, The pure shall see Thy own pure face, The froward find a foe in Thee. 3 To smite the proud and bring them low, To save the poor is Thy delight. The Lord will cause my lamp to glow, My God will make my darkness light. 4 From God the victory I receive; Most perfect is His holy way; His Word is tried, they who believe Will find the Lord their shield and stay. 5 For who is God, and strong to save, Beside the Lord, our God of might? 'Tis He that makes me strong and brave, The Lord Who guides my steps aright. 6 Thy free salvation is my shield, My sure defense in every strait; Thy hand upholds me, lest I yield; Thy gentleness has made me great. Scripture: Psalm 18 Used With Tune: ROCKINGHAM OLD

O Save Me by Thy Name

Meter: Appears in 8 hymnals Topics: Deliverance From Enemies Scripture: Psalm 54 Used With Tune: BOYLSTON
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Fleeing to God in Need

Appears in 20 hymnals Topics: Prayer For Deliverance from Enemies First Line: O Lord, my prayer hear Refrain First Line: Thou art my God in need Scripture: Psalm 143 Used With Tune: [O Lord, my prayer hear]
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Reliance and Supplication

Meter: Appears in 22 hymnals Topics: Prayer For Deliverance from Enemies First Line: When morning lights the eastern skies Lyrics: 1 When morning lights the eastern skies, O Lord, Thy mercy show; On Thee alone my hope relies, Let me Thy kindness know. 2 Teach me the way that I should go; I lift my soul to Thee; For refuge from my cruel foe To Thee, O Lord, I flee. 3 Thou art my God, to Thee I pray; Teach me Thy will to heed; And in the right and perfect way May Thy good Spirit lead. 4 For Thy Name’s sake, O gracious Lord, Revive my soul and bless, And in Thy faithfulness and love Redeem me from distress. Scripture: Psalm 143 Used With Tune: MEAR
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The Church Under Discipline

Appears in 8 hymnals Topics: Deliverance From Enemies; Prayer For Deliverance from Enemies First Line: In Thy heritage the heathen Lyrics: 1 In Thy heritage the heathen Now, O God, triumphant stand; They defile Thy holy temple, They destroy Thy chosen land; Ruthless, they have slain Thy servants, They have caused Thy saints to mourn, In the sight of all about us We endure reproach and scorn. 2 O how long against Thy people Shall Thy anger burn, O Lord? On Thy enemies, the heathen, Be Thy indignation poured; Smite the kingdoms that defy Thee, Calling not upon Thy Name. They have long devoured Thy people And have swept Thy land with flame. 3 O remember not against us Evil by our fathers wrought; Haste to help us in Thy mercy, Near to ruin we are brought; Help us, God of our salvation, For the glory of Thy Name; For Thy Name's sake come and save us, Take away our sin and shame. 4 Let Thy foes no longer scorn Thee, Now avenge Thy servants slain; Loose the pris'ner, save the dying, All Thy enemies restrain; Then Thy flock, Thy chosen people, Unto Thee Thy thanks shall raise, And to ev'ry generation, We will sing Thy glorious praise. Scripture: Psalm 79 Used With Tune: SALONICA

Ye Children, Come, Give Ear To Me

Meter: Appears in 10 hymnals Topics: Deliverance From Enemies Scripture: Psalm 34 Used With Tune: MANOAH

O God, Thou Hast Rejected Us

Meter: Appears in 8 hymnals Topics: Deliverance From Enemies Scripture: Psalm 60 Used With Tune: DUNFERMLINE

Deliver Me from Evil

Meter: D Appears in 12 hymnals Topics: Deliverance From Enemies Scripture: Psalm 140 Used With Tune: MUNICH
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God the Giver of Victory

Meter: Appears in 11 hymnals Topics: Deliverance From Enemies First Line: O God, we have heard and our fathers have told Lyrics: 1 O God, we have heard and our fathers have told What wonders Thou didst in the great days of old; The nations were crushed and expelled by Thy hand, Cast out that Thy people might dwell in their land. 2 They gained not the land by the edge of the sword, Their own arm to them could no safety afford, But Thy right hand saved, and the light of Thy face, Because of Thy favor and wonderful grace. 3 Command, and Thy word shall deliverance bring, O God, to Thy chosen, for Thou art our King; Thro' Thee we will surely defeat all our foes, Thro' Thy name will triumph o'er those that oppose. 4 No trust will I place in my strength to defend, Nor yet on my sword as a safeguard depend; In Thee, Who hast saved us and put them to shame, We boast all the day, ever praising Thy Name. Scripture: Psalm 44 Used With Tune: RESIGNATION
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God's Strength Our Protection

Meter: Appears in 13 hymnals Topics: Deliverance From Enemies; Prayer For Deliverance from Enemies First Line: I love the lord, His strength is mine Lyrics: 1 I love the Lord, His strength is mine; He is my God, I trust His grace; My fortress high, my shield divine, My Savior and my hiding-place. 2 My prayer to God shall still be raised When troubles thick around me close; The lord, most worthy to be praised, Will rescue me from all my foes. 3 When, floods of evil raging near, Down nigh to dearth my soul was brought I cried to God in all my fear; He heard and great deliv'rance wrought. 4 He came: the earth's foundations quake, The hills are shaken from their place, Thick smoke and fire devouring break In anger dread before His face. 5 Descending through the bending skies, With gloom and darkness under Him, Forth through the storm Jehovah flies As on the wings of cherubim. 6 Thick darkness hides Him from the view, And swelling clouds His presence veil, Until His glorious light breaks through In lighting flash and glistening hail. 7 Jehovah's thunders fill the heaven, The dreadful voice of God Most High; With shafts of light the clouds are riven, His foes, dismayed, in terror fly. 8 The raging torrents overflow, And sweep the world's foundations bare, Because Thy blasts of anger blow, O Lord of earth and sea and air. 9 He took me from the whelming waves Of bitter hate and sore distress; The Lord, my stay and helper, saves, Thought mighty foes around me press. 10 From direful straits He set me free, He saved the man of His delight; For good the Lord rewarded me, Because I kept His ways aright. Scripture: Psalm 18 Used With Tune: MENDON

Protect and Save Me, O My God

Meter: Appears in 7 hymnals Topics: Deliverance From Enemies Scripture: Psalm 59 Used With Tune: KATHERINE
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Our refuge is the Lord

Appears in 15 hymnals Topics: Prayer For Deliverance from Enemies First Line: Lord, hear the right, attend my cry Scripture: Psalm 17 Used With Tune: [Lord, hear the right, attend my cry]

O Lord, How Swiftly Grows

Author: Dewey Westra Meter: D Appears in 2 hymnals Topics: Deliverance From Enemies Scripture: Psalm 3 Used With Tune: MORNING PRAISE

Hear, Lord, the Voice of My Complaint

Meter: D Appears in 6 hymnals Topics: Deliverance From Enemies Scripture: Psalm 64 Used With Tune: MONORA


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