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Wonderful Heavenly Temple

Author: Miss Eliza E. Hewitt Hymnal: The Sunday School Hymnal #226 (1899) Topics: Temple First Line: There's a wonderful Temple Lyrics: 1 There’s a wonderful Temple, where the songs never cease, In the city of Zion, in the kingdom of peace; ‘Tis effulgent with glory for the Lamb is its light And the saints of all ages in His praises unite. Refrain: Wonderful Heavenly Temple, Beautiful, bright, and fair; Wonderful Heavenly Temple, Gather us, Saviour, there. 2 O the jubilant anthems swelling there evermore, Like the sound of great waters as they break on the shore; Sweet hosannas re-echo to the Lamb who was slain, Unto Him who hath loved us, and hath washed every stain. [Refrain] 3 Help us do Thy good pleasure, help us honor Thee now, Till we stand in Thy presence, with Thy name on each brown; We shall wear Thy blest likeness in that Temple above, And no sorrow shall mingle with its service of love. [Refrain] 4 Praise to Thee, God our Father, praise to Thee, gracious Son, Praise to Thee, Holy Spirit, O Thou blest Three in One; Thine, all power and dominion, Thine, all blessing and mighty, In the land everlasting, in the Temple of light. [Refrain] Tune Title: [There's a wonderful Temple]
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Hallelujah! Praise God in His Holy Temple

Author: Charles Villiers Stanford, 1852-1924 Hymnal: Psalms for All Seasons #150E (2012) Topics: Temple Lyrics: Hallelujah! Praise God in his holy temple; praise him in the firmament of his power. Praise him for his mighty acts; praise him for his excellent greatness. Praise him with the blast of the ram's horn; praise him with lyre and harp. Praise him with timbrel and dance; praise him with strings and pipe. Praise him with resounding cymbals; praise him with loud clanging cymbals. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Hallelujah! Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen. Scripture: Psalm 150 Tune Title: [Hallelujah, Praise God in his holy temple]
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God Is in His Holy Temple

Author: Anon. Hymnal: Hymns of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints #132 (1985) Meter: D Topics: Genealogy and Temple Work Lyrics: 1. God is in his holy temple. Earthly thoughts, be silent now, While with rev’rence we assemble And before his presence bow. He is with us, now and ever, When we call upon his name, Aiding ev’ry good endeavor, Guiding ev’ry upward aim. 2. God is in his holy temple, In the pure and holy mind, In the rev’rent heart and simple, In the soul from sin refined. Banish then each base emotion. Lift us up, O Lord, to thee; Let our souls, in pure devotion, Temples for thy worship be. Scripture: 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 Languages: English Tune Title: WILSON

Psalm 48 (A Responsorial Setting)

Author: Gregg DeMey Hymnal: Psalms for All Seasons #48B (2012) Topics: Temple First Line: In the midst of your temple, O God Scripture: Psalm 48 Languages: English Tune Title: [In the midst of your temple, O God]

Unto Thy Temple, Lord, We Come

Author: Robert Collyer (1823-1912) Hymnal: The Christian Hymnary. Bks. 1-4 #383 (1972) Topics: The Church Temple of God Scripture: 1 Corinthians 3:16 Languages: English Tune Title: MENDON
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The completing of the spiritual Temple

Hymnal: A Selection of Hymns #CDXXXI (1792) Topics: Associations of Christians and churches Spiritual temple completed; The spiritual temple completed First Line: Sing to the Lord above Lyrics: 1 Sing to the Lord above, Who deigns on earth to raise A temple of his love, A monument to praise: Ye saints around, thro' all its frame, Harmonious sound the builder's name. 2 Beneath his eye and care The edifice shall rise Majestic strong and fair, And shine above the skies: There shall he place the polish'd stone Ordain'd the work of grace to crown. Scripture: Zechariah 4:7 Languages: English

Where high the heavenly temple stands

Author: M. Bruce (1746-1767) Hymnal: Hymns for Today's Church (2nd ed.) #184 (1987) Topics: Epiphany 4, Revelation The New Temple Scripture: Hebrews 4:14-16 Languages: English Tune Title: WARRINGTON

The LORD Is in His Holy Temple

Hymnal: Christian Worship #11A (2021) Topics: Temple First Line: In the LORD I take refuge Scripture: Psalm 11 Languages: English Tune Title: [In the LORD I take refuge]
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Who shall a temple build for him

Author: Sir J. E. Smith Hymnal: Hymns for Christian Devotion #700 (1871) Meter: Topics: God's Temple in the Heart Languages: English

Built on a Rock

Author: Nikolai F. S. Grundtvig; Carl Doving; Dean McIntyre Hymnal: Worship and Song #3147 (2011) Meter: Topics: Temple; Temple First Line: Built on a rock the Church shall stand Scripture: Matthew 16:18 Languages: English Tune Title: KIRKEN DEN ER ET GAMMELT HUS
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Living Stones

Author: Mary Louise Bringle, 1953- Hymnal: Community of Christ Sings #279 (2013) Meter: D Topics: Temple First Line: Living stones, we raise a temple Scripture: 1 Corinthians 3:11 Languages: English Tune Title: ABBOT'S LEIGH
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Our Bodies the Temples of the. Holy Ghost

Author: Dr. S. Stennett Hymnal: A Selection of Hymns #CCXCIX (1792) Meter: Topics: Bodies of the saints, the care of God Temples of the Holy Ghost; Christian His body the temple of the spirit First Line: And will the offended God again Lyrics: 1 And will the offended God again Return and dwell with sinful men? Will he within this bosom raise A living temple to his praise? 2 The joyful news transports my breast, All hail! I cry, thou heavenly guest! Lift up your heads, ye powers within, And let the king of glory in. 3 Enter with all thy heavenly train, Here live, and here forever reign: Thy sceptre o'er my passions sway, Let love command, and I'll obey. 4 Reason and conscience shall submit, And pay their homage at thy feet: To thee I'll consecrate my heart, And bid each rival thence depart. 6 No idol god shall hold a place Within this temple of thy grace: Dagon before the ark shall fall, And vengeance seize the priests of Baal. Scripture: 1 Corinthians 6:19 Languages: English

Thus saith the high and lofty One

Author: James Montgomery Hymnal: Sacred Poems and Hymns #9 (1854) Meter: Topics: Soul, the temple of the Lyrics: Thus saith the high and lofty One, Inhabiting eternity; Earth is My footstool, Heaven My throne, What temple will ye build for Me? Restore Me now Mine own. Behold the temple of My choice; My dwelling is the humble soul; To make the broken heart rejoice, The wounded spirit to make whole; Then hearken to My voice. Here, O Thou high and lofty One, Bow down Thine heavens to dwell with me; Here plant Thy footstool, raise Thy throne, Rebuild Thy fallen sanctuary; I yield Thee back Thine own. Behold the temple of Thy choice, Eternity within my soul; Now make the broken heart rejoice, The wounded spirit now make whole; Lord! I have heard Thy voice. Languages: English

Alabad a nuestro Dios (Praise the Lord)

Author: Osdy Sorian; Mary Louise Bringle, b. 1953 Hymnal: Psalms for All Seasons #150D (2012) Topics: Temple First Line: Alabad a nuestro Dios en su santuario (Praise the Lord, Give praise within the holy temple) Lyrics: Spanish: Alabad a nuestro Dios en su santuario, por la hermosura de su cielo, por sus proezas alabadle a Él. Alabadle por la grandeza de su nombre, con el sonido de bocina, salterio y arpa, a la vez cantad. Alabadle con el alegre pandero, con el candor de la danza, cantad con gozo al Señor. Alabadle con cuerdas, flautas y cimbalos de júbilo resonantes. En su lenguaje, todo lo que respira alabe al Señor. lo que respira alabe al Señor. Amén. English: Praise the Lord. Give praise within the holy temple for all the beauty of the heavens, for mighty acts of power, praise the Lord. Praise the Lord, whose name surpasses all in greatness. Praise with the sounding of the trumpet, with harp and lyre together, praise and sing. Praise the Lord with tambourines brightly shaking, and with the sweetness of dancing, sing out with joy unto the Lord. Praise the Lord with strings and flutes and with cymbals, with jubilation resounding. Each in its language, now let all that have life and have breath praise the Lord. all that have life and have breath praise the Lord. Amen. Scripture: Psalm 150 Languages: English; Spanish Tune Title: ACAPULCO
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Blest are the pure in heart

Author: J. Keble, 1792-1866; E. Osler, 1798-1863 Hymnal: Methodist Hymn and Tune Book #486 (1917) Topics: Temple The Heart; Temple The Heart Lyrics: 1 Blest are the pure in heart, For they shall see our God; The secret of the Lord is theirs, Their soul is His abode. 2 The Lord, who left the heavens His life and peace to bring, Who dwelt in lowliness with men, Their Pattern and their King; 3 He to the lowly soul Doth still Himself impart, And for His temple and His throne Selects the pure in heart. 4 Lord, we Thy presence seek; May ours this blessing be; O give the pure and lowly heart, A temple meet for Thee. Languages: English Tune Title: FRANCONIA
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Paa Herrens Tempel bygges

Author: Ludv. M. Bjørn Hymnal: Salmebog for Lutherske Kristne i Amerika #684 (1919) Topics: The Church, God's Temple Lyrics: 1 Paa Herrens Temple bygges fra Pinsefestens Dag, Den Bygning kan ei rygges, Den stiger Lag for Lag. Men langsomt stiger Huset, De Bygningsmænd er faa, Det er saa langt fra Gruset Til Templets Top at naa. 2 Thi kan ei Arbeid stanse, Før Taget hvælver sig, Hvor Himlens Skykreds transe Det hele Jorderig; Det Temple jo skal rumme De Folkeslægters Tal, de blinde, Halte, Stumme Fra Verdens vide Dal. 3 En Lovsang skal der høres I deilig Harmoni Og alle Hjerter føres Ved Ord og Melodi; Thi Lammets pris skal tone Som mange Vandes Lyd Fra hele Verdens Zone Til Faderhjertets Fryd. 4 Vi Søstre, vi vil være I Tempelbygning med, Det Temple til hans Ære, Der kom fra Himlen ned, Naar Taarnets Fløi er rede, Da skilles Skyen ad, Da kommer han, vor Glæde, Og gjør os alle glad. 5 Saa lad da Haanden røres, Vort Arbeid gaa sin Gang, Mens Aanden stille føres Til Himlen med vor Sang; Vi, Herrens Døtre, kjend Ei større Glæde her End tanken did at vende, hvor Faderhuset er. Languages: Norwegian

Hail to the Lord who comes

Author: John Ellerton (1826-1893) Hymnal: Ancient and Modern #110 (2013) Meter: Topics: Other Saints and Festivals The Presentation of Christ in the Temple (Candlemas); The Presentation of Christ in the Temple Lyrics: 1 Hail to the Lord who comes, comes to his temple gate, not with his angel host, not in his kingly state: no shouts proclaim him nigh, no crowds his coming wait. 2 But borne upon the throne of Mary's gentle breast, watched by her duteous love, in her fond arms at rest; thus to his Father's house he comes, the heavenly guest. 3 There Joseph at her side in reverent wonder stands; and, filled with holy joy, old Simeon in his hands takes up the promised child, the glory of all lands. 4 Hail to the great First-born, whose ransom-price they pay, the Son before all worlds, the child of man to-day, that he might ransom us who still in bondage lay. 5 O Light of all the earth, thy children wait for thee: come to thy temples here, that we, from sin set free, before thy Father's face may all presented be. Scripture: Malachi 3:1 Languages: English Tune Title: OLD 120TH
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Come, Ye Thankful People, Come

Author: Henry Alford, 1810-1871 Hymnal: Community of Christ Sings #128 (2013) Meter: D Topics: Temple Lyrics: 1 Come, ye thankful people, come, raise the song of harvest home; all is safely gathered in ere the winter storms begin. God, our Maker, doth provide for our wants to be supplied; come to God's own temple, come, raise the song of harvest home. 2 All the blessings of the field, all the stores the gardens yield, all the fruits in full supply, ripened 'neath the summer sky, all that spring with bounteous hand scatters o'er the smiling land, all that lib'ral autumn pours from her rich o'erflowing stores— 3 These to thee, our God, we owe, source whence all our blessings flow, and for these our souls shall raise grateful vows and solemn praise. Come, then thankful people, come, raise the song of harvest home; come to God's own temple, come, raise the song of harvest home. Scripture: James 1:17 Languages: English Tune Title: ST. GEORGE'S WINDSOR

Christ is made our sure foundation

Author: John Mason Neale, 1818-1866; Gaetano Raphael (Anthony) Petti, 1932-1985 Hymnal: The Irish Presbyterian Hymnbook #138 (2004) Meter: Topics: The Temple Dedication of Buildings; The Temple Worship Languages: English Tune Title: WESTMINSTER ABBEY

God reveals His presence

Author: Gerhard Tersteegen, 1697-1769; Frederick W. Foster, 1760-1835; William Mercer, 1811-1873; Johannes Müller, 1756-1790 Hymnal: The Irish Presbyterian Hymnbook #170 (2004) Topics: The Temple The Trinity; The Temple Worship Lyrics: 1 God reveals His presence; let us now adore Him, and with awe appear before Him. God is in His temple; all within keep silence, prostrate lie with deepest reverence; Him alone God we own, Him our God and Saviour. Praise His name for ever. 2 God reveals His presence; hear the harps resounding, see the crowds the throne surrounding: 'Holy, holy, holy,' hear the hymn ascending, angels, saints, their voices blending; bow Your ear to us here; hear, O Christ, the praises that Your Church now raises. 3 Lord, the fount of blessing, purify my spirit, trusting only in Your merit; like the holy angels who behold Your glory, may I ceaselessly adore You; let Your will, ever still rule Your Church terrestrial, as the hosts celestial. Languages: English Tune Title: GOTT IST GEGENWÄRTIG (GRONINGEN)

Hushed was the evening hymn

Author: James Drummond Burns, 1823-1923; Peter J. Horrobin, b. 1943; Greg P. Leavers Hymnal: The Irish Presbyterian Hymnbook #172 (2004) Meter: Topics: The Temple Worship Languages: English Tune Title: SAMUEL
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God reveals His presence

Author: Bp. Foster, 1760-1835; S. Miller, d. 1810; G. Tersteegen, 1697-1769; Wm. Mercer, 1811-1873 Hymnal: Methodist Hymn and Tune Book #216 (1917) Topics: Temple God in His; Temple God in His Lyrics: 1 God reveals His presence Let us now adore Him, And with awe appear before Him. God is in His temple All within keep silence, Prostrate lie with deepest reverence, Him alone God we own, Him our God and Saviour: Praise His name for ever. 2 God reveals His presence Hear the harps resounding! See the hosts the throne surrounding! "Holy, holy, holy," Hear the hymn ascending. Angels, saints, their voices blending! Bow Thine ear To us here: Hearken to the praises Which Thy Church now raises. 3 O Thou Fount of blessing, Purify my spirit Trusting only in Thy merit, Like the holy angels Who behold Thy glory May I ceaselessly adore Thee. Let Thy will Ever still Rule Thy Church terrestrial, As the hosts celestial. Languages: English Tune Title: ARNSBERG

Faithful vigil ended

Author: Timothy Dudley-Smith (b. 1926) Hymnal: Ancient and Modern #396 (2013) Meter: Topics: The Presentation of Christ in the Temple; Church year Presentation of Christ in the temple (Candlemas); Other Saints and Festivals The Presentation of Christ in the Temple (Candlemas) Lyrics: 1 Faithful vigil ended, watching, waiting cease; Master, grant your servant his discharge in peace. 2 All the Spirit promised, all the Father willed, now these eyes behold it perfectly fulfilled. 3 This your great deliverance sets your people free; Christ their light uplifted all the nations see. 4 Christ, your people's glory! Watching, doubting cease: grant to us your servants our discharge in peace. Scripture: Luke 2:29-32 Languages: English Tune Title: PASTOR PASTORUM (GOTT EIN VATER)

Days of Elijah

Author: Robin Mark Hymnal: Worship and Song #3186 (2011) Meter: Irregular Topics: Temple; Temple First Line: These are the days of Elijah Scripture: Isaiah 42:5-7 Languages: English Tune Title: DAYS OF ELIJAH
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Sacred the Body

Author: Ruth Duck, 1947- Hymnal: Community of Christ Sings #140 (2013) Meter: Topics: Temple First Line: Sacred the body God has created Scripture: 1 Corinthians 13:5 Languages: English Tune Title: TENDERNESS
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Hail to the Lord who comes

Author: John Ellerton, 1826-93 Hymnal: The New English Hymnal #157 (1986) Meter: Topics: The Presentation of Christ in the Temple February 2nd Lyrics: 1 Hail to the Lord who comes, Comes to his temple gate! Not with his angel host, Not in his kingly state; No shouts proclaim him nigh, No crowds his coming wait; 2 But borne upon the throne Of Mary's gentle breast, Watched by her duteous love, In her fond arms at rest; Thus to his Father's house He comes, the heavenly guest. 3 There Joseph at her side In reverent wonder stands; And, filled with holy joy, Old Simeon in his hands Takes up the promised Child, The glory of all lands. 4 Hail to the great First-born Whose ransom-price they pay! The Son before all worlds, The Child of man to-day, That he might ransom us Who still in bondage lay. 5 O Light of all the earth, Thy children wait for thee! Come to thy temples here, That we, from sin set free, Before thy Father's face May all presented be! Languages: English Tune Title: OLD 120TH

Rise, Ye Saints, and Temples Enter

Hymnal: Hymns of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints #287 (1985) Meter: Topics: Genealogy and Temple Work Languages: English Tune Title: MARIE

How Beautiful Thy Temples, Lord

Hymnal: Hymns of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints #288 (1985) Topics: Genealogy and Temple Work Languages: English Tune Title: JUDITH

Holy Temples on Mount Zion

Hymnal: Hymns of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints #289 (1985) Meter: D Topics: Genealogy and Temple Work Languages: English Tune Title: CLIFFORD
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Open now thy gates of beauty

Author: Rev. Benjamin Schmolk, 1672-1737; Catherine Winkworth, 1829-1878 Hymnal: The Sunday School Hymnal #3 (1899) Topics: Heart God's temple; Temple Tune Title: NEANDER

Hijos de Dios (Angels on High)

Author: Lorenzo Florián; Mary Louise Bringle, b. 1953 Hymnal: Psalms for All Seasons #29B (2012) Topics: Temple First Line: Tributen gloria Scripture: Psalm 29 Languages: English; Spanish Tune Title: [Tributen gloria]

As a Deer in Want of Water

Hymnal: Psalms for All Seasons #42E (2012) Meter: Topics: Temple Refrain First Line: o my soul, why are you grieving Scripture: Psalm 42 Languages: English Tune Title: FREU DICH SEHR (GENEVAN 42)

Great Is the Lord Our God

Hymnal: Psalms for All Seasons #48A (2012) Meter: D Topics: Temple Scripture: Psalm 48 Tune Title: DIADEMATA
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The Day Dawn Is Breaking

Author: Joseph L. Townsend, 1849–1942 Hymnal: Hymns of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints #52 (1985) Meter: Topics: Genealogy and Temple Work Refrain First Line: Beautiful day of peace and rest Lyrics: 1. The day dawn is breaking, the world is awaking, The clouds of night’s darkness are fleeing away. The worldwide commotion, from ocean to ocean, Now heralds the time of the beautiful day. [Chorus] [Chorus:] Beautiful day of peace and rest, Bright be thy dawn from east to west. Hail to thine earliest welcome ray, Beautiful, bright, millennial day. 2. In many a temple the Saints will assemble And labor as saviors of dear ones away. Then happy reunion and sweetest communion We’ll have with our friends in the beautiful day. [Chorus] 3. Still let us be doing, our lessons reviewing, Which God has revealed for our walk in his way; And then, wondrous story, the Lord in his glory Will come in his pow’r in the beautiful day. [Chorus] 4. Then pure and supernal, our friendship eternal, With Jesus we’ll live and his counsels obey Until ev’ry nation will join in salvation And worship the Lord of the beautiful day. [Chorus] Languages: English Tune Title: MANCHESTER

I was overjoyed, Alleluia!

Author: Albert McPherson, 1927-; Michael Wentzell, 1939-73 Hymnal: Together in Song #78 (1999) Meter: Irregular Topics: Saints Days and Holy Days Presentation of Christ in the Temple First Line: Jerusalem our home, Alleluia Languages: English Tune Title: PSALM 122

O God, the Nations Have Invaded

Hymnal: Christian Worship #79A (2021) Topics: Temple First Line: O God, the nations have invaded your inheritance Scripture: Psalm 79 Languages: English Tune Title: [O God, the nations have invaded your inheritance]

How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling Place

Author: Carl P. Daw, Jr., b. 1944 Hymnal: Psalms for All Seasons #84E (2012) Topics: Temple Lyrics: 1 How lovely is thy dwelling place, O Lord of hosts, to me! My thirsty soul desires and longs within thy courts to be; my very heart and flesh cry out, O living God, for thee. 2 Beside thine altars, gracious Lord, the swallows find a nest; how happy they who dwell with thee and praise thee without rest, and happy they whose hearts are set upon the pilgrims' quest. 3 They who go through the desert vale will find it filled with springs, and they shall climb from height to height till Zion's temple rings with praise to thee, in glory throned, Lord God, great King of kings. 4 One day within thy courts excels a thousand spent away; how happy they who keep thy laws nor from thy precepts stray, for thou shalt surely bless all those who live the words they pray. Optional stanza from Psalm 23: Goodness and mercy all my life shall surely follow me, and in God's house forevermore my dwelling place shall be; and in God's house forevermore my dwelling place shall be. Scripture: Psalm 84 Tune Title: BROTHER JAMES' AIR

How Lovely, Lord, How Lovely

Author: Arlo D. Duba Hymnal: Psalms for All Seasons #84C (2012) Meter: D Topics: Temple Lyrics: 1 How lovely, Lord, how lovely is your abiding place; my soul is longing, fainting, to feast upon your grace. The sparrow finds a shelter, a place to build her nest, and so your temple calls us with in its walls to rest. 2 In your blest courts to worship, O God, a single day is better than a thousand if I from you should stray. I’d rather keep the entrance and claim you as my Lord than revel in the riches the ways of sin afford. 3 A sun and shield forever are you, O Lord Most High; you shower us with blessings; no good will you deny. The saints, your grace receiving, from strength to strength shall go, and from their life shall rivers of blessing overflow. Scripture: Psalm 84 Tune Title: MERLE'S TUNE
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Sing to the LORD, Sing His Praise

Hymnal: Psalms for All Seasons #96B (2012) Meter: Topics: Temple First Line: Sing to the LORD, sing his praise all ye peoples Lyrics: 1 Sing to the LORD, sing his praise, all you peoples; new be your song as new honors you pay. Sing of his majesty, praise him forever, show his salvation from day to day. 2 Tell of his wondrous works, tell of his glory till through the nations his name is revered. Praise and exalt him, for he is almighty; God over all, let the LORD be feared. 3 Vain are the idols and gods of the nations; God made the heavens, and his glory they tell. Splendor and majesty shine out before him; glory and strength in his temple dwell. 4 Give unto God Most High glory and honor; come with your offerings and humbly draw near. Worship the Lord in all beauty and splendor; tremble before him with godly fear. 5 Say to the nations, "The Lord reigns forever." Earth is established as he did decree. Righteous and just is the King of the nations, judging the peoples with equity. 6 Let heaven and earth be glad; oceans, be joyful; forest and field, exultation express. For God is coming, the judge of the nations, coming to judge in his righteousness. Scripture: Psalm 96 Tune Title: WESLEY

O Sing a New Song

Author: Helen L. Wright; Hal H. Hopson Hymnal: Psalms for All Seasons #96H (2012) Topics: Temple First Line: O sing a new song to the Lord Refrain First Line: O sing a new song to the Lord Scripture: Psalm 96 Tune Title: [O sing a new song to the Lord]
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Praise to the Lord, the Almighty

Author: Joachim Neander, 1650-1680; Catherine Winkworth, 1827-1878; Federico Fliedner, 1845-1901; Larry Tyree, 1953-; J. M. Nicole; Larry Tyree, 1953- Hymnal: Community of Christ Sings #101 (2013) Meter: Topics: Temple First Line: Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation Lyrics: 1 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation! O my soul, praise him, for he is your health and salvation! Come, all who hear; now to his temple draw near, join me in glad adoration! 2 Praise to the Lord, above all things so wondrously reigning; shelt'ring you under his wings, and so gently sustaining! Have you not seen all that is needful has been sent by his gracious ordaining? 3 Praise to the Lord, who will prosper your work and defend you; surely his goodness and mercy shall daily attend you. Ponder anew what the Almighty can do, if with his love he befriends you. 4 Praise to the Lord! O let all that is in me adore him! All that has life and breath, come now with praises before him. Let the Amen sound from his people again; gladly forever adore him. --- SPANISH - 1 Alma, bendice al Señor que a los astros gobierna y te conduce paciente con mano paterna. Te perdonó, de todo mal te libró, porque su gracia es eterna. 2 Alma, bendice al Señor, quién a todos protege. Su bondad y piedad en cada uno reside. Recuerden lo que su buen amor hizo, acción divina nos toca. 3 Alma, bendice al Señor, de tu vida la fuente, que te creó y en salud te sostiene clemente; tu sanador en todo trance y dolor; su diestra es omnipotente. 4 Alma, bendice al Señor por su amor infinito; con todo el pueblo de Dios su alabanza repito; Dios, mi salud, de todo bien plenitud, ¡Seas por siempre bendito! --- FRENCH - 1 Loué soit Dieu le Seigneur, le puissant Roi de gloire. Mon âme, il faut l’acclamer par un chant de victoire. Réveille-toi! Viens au devant de ton Roi pour célébrer sa mémoire. 2 Loué soit Dieu qui nous enrichit et nous protège. Sûrement sa bonté et pitié pour chacun demeurent. Rappelez vous ce que son amour fait pour nous; l'action divine nous touche. 3 Loué soi Dieu! Sa bonté chaque jour se révèle, il t’a donné la santé, t’a gardé sous son aile. Ses tendres soins pourvoient à tous tes besoins. Vois combien il est fidèle. 4 Loué soit Dieu! Que les anges lui rendent hommage, que sa louange sur terre en tout lieu se propage. Qu’à l’unisson tout en moi chante son nom. Alléluia d’âge en âge! Scripture: Psalm 103:1-2 Languages: English; French; Spanish Tune Title: LOBE DEN HERREN

Blessed are the pure in heart

Author: J. Keble (1792-1866); W. J. Hall (1793-1861) Hymnal: Hymns for Today's Church (2nd ed.) #110 (1987) Topics: Epiphany 4, Revelation The New Temple Lyrics: 1 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see our God; the secret of the Lord is theirs, their soul is Christ's abode. 2 The Lord, who left the heavens our life and peace to bring; to dwell in lowliness with us, our pattern and our king; 3 Still to the lowly soul himself he will impart; and for his dwelling and his throne chooses the pure in heart. 4 Lord, we your presence seek: our inner life renew; give us a pure and lowly heart, a temple fit for you. Scripture: Matthew 5:8 Languages: English Tune Title: FRANCONIA

Light of the world, true light divine

Author: Timothy Dudley-Smith (b. 1926) Hymnal: Ancient and Modern #111 (2013) Meter: 8.6.6 D Topics: Other Saints and Festivals The Presentation of Christ in the Temple (Candlemas); The Presentation of Christ in the Temple Scripture: Isaiah 9:2 Languages: English Tune Title: VASEY

A glory dawns in every dark place

Author: Elizabeth J. Cosnett (b. 1936) Hymnal: Ancient and Modern #113 (2013) Meter: 11.11 with refrain Topics: The Presentation of Christ in the Temple First Line: When candles are lighted on Candlemas Day Scripture: Luke 2:22-38 Languages: English Tune Title: LOURDES
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The Glorious Gates of Righteousness

Hymnal: Psalms for All Seasons #118A (2012) Meter: with repeat Topics: Temple Lyrics: 1 The glorious gates of righteousness throw open unto me, and I will come to them with praise and enter thankfully; and I will come to them with praise and enter thankfully. 2 This is your temple gate, O LORD: the just shall enter there. My Savior, I will give you thanks, for you have heard my prayer; My Savior, I will give you thanks, for you have heard my prayer. 3 The stone rejected and despised is now the cornerstone. How wondrous are the ways of God, unfathomed and unknown; how wondrous are the ways of God, unfathomed and unknown. 4 Hosanna! Ever blest is he who comes in God's own name. The blessing of God's holy house upon you we proclaim. The blessing of God's holy house upon you we proclaim. 5 O praise the LORD, for he is good; let all in heaven above and all his saints on earth proclaim his everlasting love; and all his saints on earth proclaim his everlasting love. Scripture: Psalm 118 Languages: English Tune Title: ZERAH

Rejoice, Rejoice, Come Sing with Me

Author: Adam M. L. Tice Hymnal: Psalms for All Seasons #122A (2012) Meter: D Topics: Temple Scripture: Psalm 122 Languages: English Tune Title: FOREST GREEN

I Rejoiced When I Heard Them Say

Author: Bernadette Farrell Hymnal: Psalms for All Seasons #122B (2012) Meter: with refrain Topics: Temple Refrain First Line: Shalom. shalom, the peace of God be here Scripture: Psalm 122 Languages: English Tune Title: ENGLAND

With Joy I Heard My Friends Exclaim

Author: Hal H. Hopson Hymnal: Psalms for All Seasons #122F (2012) Meter: Topics: Temple Refrain First Line: Come, let us go to the house of the Lord Scripture: Psalm 122 Languages: English Tune Title: SUSSEX CAROL
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With ecstasy of joy

Hymnal: A Selection of Hymns and Psalms for Social and Private Worship (6th ed.) #130 (1827) Topics: Gospel of Jesus Church of Christ, a living temple; The Christian Church, a living Temple Scripture: 1 Peter 2:4-5 Languages: English

Praise Ye the Lord, Hallelujah

Author: J. Jefferson Cleveland, 1937-1986 Hymnal: Psalms for All Seasons #150B (2012) Topics: Temple First Line: Praise God with the sound of trumpet Refrain First Line: Praise ye the Lord, Hallelujah! Scripture: Psalm 150 Tune Title: [Praise God with the sound of trumpet]


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