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Tune Identifier:"^der_lieben_sonne_licht_und_pracht_51324$"

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I walk in danger all the way

Author: H. A. Brorson Meter: Appears in 13 hymnals Lyrics: 1 I walk in danger all the way; The thought shall never leave me, That Satan, who has marked his prey, Is plotting to deceive me. This foe with hidden snares May seize me unawares If e'er I fail to watch and pray: I walk in danger all the way. 2 I pass through trials all the way, With sin and ills contending; In patience I must bear each day The cross of God's own sending; Oft in adversity I know not where to flee; When storms of woe my soul dismay, I pass through trials all the way. 3 Death doth pursue me all the way, Nowhere I rest securely, He comes by night, he comes by day, He takes his prey most surely; A failing breath--and I In death's strong grasp may lie To face eternity for aye: Death doth pursue me all the way. 4 I walk 'mongst angels all the way They shield me and befriend me; All Satan's power is held at bay When heavenly hosts attend me; They are my sure defense, All fear and sorrow hence! Unharmed by foes, do what they may, I walk 'mongst angels all the way. 5 I walk with Jesus all the way, His guidance never fails me, Within His wounds I find a stay, When Satan's power assails me; And by His footsteps led, My path I safely tread. In spite of ills that threaten may, I walk with Jesus all the way. 6 My walk is heavenward all the way, Await, my soul, the morrow, When thou shalt find release for aye From all thy sin and sorrow; All worldly pomp, begone, To heaven I now press on; For all the world I would not stay, My walk is heavenward all the way. Topics: The Church Year First Sunday in Lent; The Church Year First Sunday in Lent; Angels; Watchfulness Used With Tune: [I walk in danger all the way]
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Whene'er we contemplate the grace

Author: Chr. Gregor Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 Whene'er we contemplate the grace, The love and condescension Of Christ to our apostate race, Which pass all comprehension, Low at His feet we bend; Own Him the sinner's friend; Determined naught to know beside Christ Jesus, and Him crucified. 2 How pleasant is our lot, how good And blest beyond expression; For, having cleansed us by This blood, He bears us with compassion, Applies his healing power To us, each day and hour; Yea, we in Him redemption have, In death itself and in the grave. 3 And this our joyful theme shall be When, called to see our Savior, We join the glorious company Around His throne forever; Then we in highest strain Shall praise the Lamb once slain, Who hath redeemed us by His blood, And made us kings and priests to God. Topics: The Church Year Second Sunday after Easter; The Church Year Second Sunday after Easter; Grace Used With Tune: [When'er we contemplate the grace]

Se Solens skjønne Lys og Pragt

Author: Birg. Kaas; K. Scriver Appears in 6 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Se, Solens skjønne Lys og Pragt Har ført sit Løb til Ende, Sig Verden har til Hvile lagt, Tænk Sjæl, hvad dig mon hende! Træd hen for Himlens Dør, Den Sang derfor opfør, Lad dine Øine, Hu og Sind Paa Jesum være rettet ind! 2 I blanke Stjerner skinne vel, Og skyde lyse Straaler I Nattens Mulm paa Dal og Fjeld, Dog meget mer tilmaaler Mig Lys fra Naadens Pol Retfærdighedens Sol, Min Jesus, som er Sol og Skjold; Jeg giver mig udi hans Vold. 3 Vel lukker Søvnen denne Nat Saa mangt et trættet Øie, Dog vaager En, som ei bli'r mat, Og trættes ei af Møie: Du, Jesu, vaagen er, Dit Øie mig har kjær; Jeg er hos dig af Hjertens Grund, Skjønt Øiet lukker sig til Blund. 4 Med dig vil jeg til Senge gaa, Dig vil jeg mig befale, Du vil, min Vægter! agte paa Min Sjæl, og den husvale; Jeg frygter ingen Nød, Ei Satan eller Død, Thi hvo med dig til Senge gaar, Med Glæde han igjen opstaar. 5 I Helved-Aander, viger hen! Her tør I intet vove, Af dette Hus er Gud en Ven, Thi skal vi sikre sove; Den stærke Englevagt Os holder vel i Agt, Og slaar om os en Vogne-Borg, Traads Satan, om han gjør os Sorg! 6 Nu gak, mit trætte Legem, hen, Og sov kun trygt og rolig, Luk dine Øine frit igjen, Thi Jesus vaager trolig! Tilsidst jeg slutter her: O Jesu! din jeg er, Dig har jeg mig i Hjertet sat, Nu, søde Jesu, en god Nat! Topics: Særlige Salmer Aften; Special Hymns Evening Used With Tune: [Se Solens skjønne Lys og Pragt]
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Der lieben sonne Licht und Pracht

Author: Christian Scriver Appears in 42 hymnals Topics: Glaube - Liebe - Hoffnung Abend Used With Tune: [Der lieben Sonne Licht und Pracht]

Złotego słońca dzienny bieg

Author: ks. Christian Scriver Appears in 2 hymnals Used With Tune: DER LIEBEN SONNE LICHT UND PRACHT
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From place to place the Christian goes

Author: N. L. von Zinzendorf Meter: Appears in 4 hymnals Lyrics: 1 From place to place the Christian goes, By many a tempest driven, At last the haven of repose He safely finds in heaven. God, after life's alarms, Receives him in His arms. He dies, as in the mold the grain, To yield its golden fruit again. 2 And sure thy parting has been blessed, Bless'd be thy life's example! Thou spirit, calmly gone to rest, And thou, its mouldering temple. O soul, thy Savior's near! The morning star shines clear; And you, ye members, softly sleep Beneath love's shadow still and deep. 3 We wait with glad and patient hope The glorious revelation, While He this pilgrim dress folds up In holy preservation. O happy souls who rest In Jesus' arms and breast. Love leads us all our path aright, Through such a depth to such a height. Topics: The Last Things Burial and Resurrection; The Last Things Burial and Ressurection; Resurrection Used With Tune: [From place to place the Christian goes]

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