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And Can It Be That I Should Gain?

Author: Charles Wesley Meter: Appears in 292 hymnals First Line: And can it be that I should gain Lyrics: 1. And can it be that I should gain An interest in the Savior’s blood? Died He for me, who caused His pain— For me, who Him to death pursued? Amazing love! How can it be, That Thou, my God, shouldst die for me? Amazing love! How can it be, That Thou, my God, shouldst die for me? 2. ’Tis mystery all: th’Immortal dies: Who can explore His strange design? In vain the firstborn seraph tries To sound the depths of love divine. ’Tis mercy all! Let earth adore, Let angel minds inquire no more. ’Tis mercy all! Let earth adore; Let angel minds inquire no more. 3. He left His Father’s throne above So free, so infinite His grace— Emptied Himself of all but love, And bled for Adam’s helpless race: ’Tis mercy all, immense and free, For O my God, it found out me! ’Tis mercy all, immense and free, For O my God, it found out me! 4. Long my imprisoned spirit lay, Fast bound in sin and nature’s night; Thine eye diffused a quickening ray— I woke, the dungeon flamed with light; My chains fell off, my heart was free, I rose, went forth, and followed Thee. My chains fell off, my heart was free, I rose, went forth, and followed Thee. 5. Still the small inward voice I hear, That whispers all my sins forgiven; Still the atoning blood is near, That quenched the wrath of hostile Heaven. I feel the life His wounds impart; I feel the Savior in my heart. I feel the life His wounds impart; I feel the Savior in my heart. 6. No condemnation now I dread; Jesus, and all in Him, is mine; Alive in Him, my living Head, And clothed in righteousness divine, Bold I approach th’eternal throne, And claim the crown, through Christ my own. Bold I approach th’eternal throne, And claim the crown, through Christ my own. Used With Tune: SAGINA Text Sources: Psalms and Hymns, 1738
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Jesus, I Thee Adore

Author: Henry Collins Appears in 218 hymnals First Line: Jesus, my Lord, my God, my All Refrain First Line: Jesus, my Lord, I Thee adore Used With Tune: SAGINA

Behold the Servant of the Lord

Author: Charles Wesley Meter: Appears in 51 hymnals Lyrics: 1. Behold the servant of the Lord! I wait Thy guiding eye to feel, To hear and keep Thy every word, To prove and do Thy perfect will, Joyful from my own works to cease, Glad to fulfill all righteousness. 2. Me if Thy grace vouchsafe to use, Meanest of all Thy creatures, me, The deed, the time, the manner choose, Let all my fruit be found of Thee; Let all my works in Thee be wrought, By Thee to full perfection brought. 3. My every weak, though good design, O’errule, or change, as seems Thee meet; Jesus, let all my work be Thine! Thy work, O Lord, is all complete, And pleasing in Thy Father’s sight; Thou only hast done all things right. 4. Here then to Thee Thy own I leave; Mold as Thou wilt Thy passive clay; But let me all Thy stamp receive, But let me all Thy words obey, Serve with a single heart and eye, And to Thy glory live and die. Used With Tune: SAGINA Text Sources: Hymns and Sacred Poems, 1749

The Book – Let All Bow Down And Read

Author: Charles Wesley Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: The book—let all bow down and read Lyrics: 1 The book—let all bow down and read— The book of God to sinners given, The birth of Abraham’s blessed Seed, Of David’s Son, sent down from Heaven! Stupendous mystery divine, Gospel to ages past unknown! Heathens and Jews through Jesus join, And God and man in Christ are one. 2 Father of Jesus Christ, our Lord, Our Father through His birth Thou art; Thy Spirit testifies the Word Made flesh, to every faithful heart; In us Thy new-born Son reveal, Thy Son from all eternity, And give Him still on earth to dwell, By faith conceived and formed in me. Used With Tune: SAGINA Text Sources: The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley Vol. 10 (London: Wesleyan-Methodist Conference Office, 1868)

What Are These Wounds, So Deep, So Wide?

Author: Charles Wesley Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: What are these wounds, so deep, so wide Lyrics: "What are these wounds, so deep, so wide, That in Thy sacred hands appear?" "By My own nation crucified, By My own friends I suffer here: My household foes, who bear My name, Have nailed Me to this shameful tree; And every day I wounded am, Thou poor, backsliding soul—by thee!" Used With Tune: SAGINA Text Sources: Short Hymns on Select Passages of Holy Scripture (Bristol, England: E. Farley, 1762)

Ancient Of Days! The Years Roll On

Author: Thomas Holme Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 Ancient of Days! The years roll on Obedient to Thy sole decree; And when their destined work is done, Merge in the past eternity. Thousand of years have sped their way, Since poised by Thine almighty hand; Sun, moon, and stars, in bright array, Have wheeled in spheres at Thy command. 2 Firm as the heavenly hosts appear, The lines which future things portray, Converge in one predestined year, When Heaven and earth shall pass away. Whate’er that consummation be, Oh, let me, Lord, Thy mercy prove In worlds upheaved, from danger free, Within the covert of Thy love! 3 Ancient of Days! ’Tis Thine to say— Man vainly tries to scan th’unknown— How distant or how near the day, When we must stand before Thy throne. Through each new year vouchsafed to me, Be this my being’s aim and end, Thine here to live, in Heaven with Thee A blessed eternity to spend. Used With Tune: SAGINA Text Sources: Hymns and Sacred Poetry (Christian Book Society, 1861)

How Shall the Young Direct Their Way?

Author: Anonymous Meter: Appears in 26 hymnals Lyrics: 1. How shall the young direct their way? What light shall be their perfect guide? Thy Word, O Lord, will safely lead, If in its wisdom they confide. Sincerely I have sought Thee, Lord, O let me not from Thee depart; To know Thy will and keep from sin Thy Word I cherish in my heart. 2. O blessèd Lord, teach me Thy law, Thy righteous judgments I declare; Thy testimonies make me glad, For they are wealth beyond compare. Upon Thy precepts and Thy ways My heart will meditate with awe; Thy Word shall be my chief delight, And I will not forget Thy law. Used With Tune: SAGINA Text Sources: The Psalter (Pittsburgh: The United Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1912)

O Happy Nation

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 30 hymnals First Line: O happy nation, where the Lord Lyrics: 1. O happy nation, where the Lord Reveals the treasure of His Word, And builds His Church, His earthly throne! His eye the heathen world surveys, He formed their hearts, He knows their ways; But God their maker is unknown. 2. Let kings rely upon their host, And of his strength the champion boast; In vain they boast, in vain rely; In vain we trust the brutal force, Or speed, or courage, of a horse, To guard his rider or to fly. 3. The eye of Thy compassion, Lord, Doth more secure defense afford When death or dangers threatening stand; Thy watchful eye preserves the just, Who make Thy name their fear and trust, When wars or famine waste the land. 4. In sickness, or the bloody field, Thou our physician, Thou our shield, Send us salvation from Thy throne: We wait to see Thy goodness shine; Let us rejoice in help divine, For all our hope is God alone. Used With Tune: SAGINA Text Sources: The Psalms of David, 1719

Modern Christianity

Author: Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: How vainly do the heathen strive Lyrics: 1. How vainly do the heathen strive To falsify our Master’s word, Who teach us that we may godly live Yet never suffer for our Lord; In ancient times the fact allow, But say, the world is Christian now. 2. Christian the world of drunkards is, The world of whoremongers and thieves, The slaves of foul and fair excess; Whoe’er the Christian rite receives, Led from the font at Satan’s will, Haters of Christ, and Christians still. 3. The devilish, and the sensual crowd, Who as brute beasts their lusts obey, Lovers of pleasure more than God, Who dance, and curse, and fight and play, Monsters of vice, our nature’s shame, All hell assumes the Christian name. 4. Yet still when Antichrist prevails, And Satan sits in Moses’ chair, The Gospel truths are idle tales, No cross, no Holy Ghost is there, The heathen world will Christian seem, And bid us take the rule from them. 5. The temple of the Lord are we, (The synagogue of Satan cry) We need not persecuted be Or cruelly ourselves deny: Come see, ye fools, who sigh and grieve, How much at ease we Christians live. 6. We are the men—of wealth and state, Of pomp, and fashionable ease, Honor, and power, and pleasure wait The silken sons of downy peace; And lo! we glide secure and even Down a broad flowery way—to Heaven. 7. While house to house, and field to field, And living we to living join The gazing crowd obeisance yield And praise the slick and smooth Divine Who saves them all the madman’s care, The drudgery of faith, and prayer. 8. No fanciful enthusiasts we To look for inspiration here, To dream from sin to be set free Or hope to feel the Spirit near, Or know our sins on earth forgiven, Or madly give up all for Heaven! Used With Tune: SAGINA (Short) Text Sources: The Unpublished Poetry of Charles Wesley, by S. T. Kimbrough, Jr., & Oliver A. Beckerlegge (Nashville, Tennessee: Abingdon Press, 1992), pages 198-9

The Silence of Faith

Author: Horatius Bonar Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: I cannot master time and space Lyrics: 1 I cannot master time and space, Nor bid impetuous ages stay; I cannot alter noon and night, Nor turn the shadows into day. I may not span unmeasured skies, Nor grasp the Pleiads in my hand; The far and near, the great and small I see, but cannot understand. I helpless sit, hemmed in by power And will superior to my own, Encompassed round by laws unseen, Controlled by all, controlling none; Yet I can lean on Him who guides The sky, and sea, and faithful tides. 2 I cannot bid the tomb disgorge The trophies of the tyrant’s power; I cannot charm the spoiler’s hate, Nor flush again one pallid flower. A mortal ’mid the mortal here, I mourn the silent, sad decay Of all that makes this world so fair, But cannot bid one radiance stay. Fain would I loose the chain of ill That fetters this sad, tortured earth, Yet I can but its wrongs and woes Commit to Him who gave it birth. And to the Living One I fly For health and immortality. 3 The current of one human will Is far too strong for me to stem; The rushing flood of a thousand wills, How can I hope to baffle them? I cannot alter right and wrong, Nor change the false into the true; I cannot judge the Judge of all, His thoughts, His ways, His words review. He speaks! I hear! O voice supreme, Beyond all voices sweet, sublime! He the eternal, wise and true, And I bemisted child of time. To Him in foolishness I come, Before Him reverent and dumb. 4 I see the years like billows break Upon the passive strand of time, And as they break, sweep off in turn Man’s works of every age and clime. Who, what am I amid the wreck Of all this beauty, love, and power, O’er which I weep, but whose decay I cannot hinder for an hour? The true is never obsolete, The never old is never stale; I guard the gold of ancient mines, And gather gems, though few and pale; I call them fair—as fair as when They dropped from God’s bright Heav’n for men. Used With Tune: [I cannot master time and space] Text Sources: Hymns of the Nativity, and Other Pieces (London: James Nisbet, 1879)

Lord Jesus Christ, True Man And God

Author: Paul Eber, 1511-1569; Catherine Winkworth Meter: Appears in 25 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Lord Jesus Christ, true Man and God, Who borest anguish, scorn, the rod, And diedst at last upon the tree, To bring Thy Father’s grace to me; I pray Thee through that bitter woe, Let me, a sinner, mercy know. 2 When comes the hour of failing breath. And I must wrestle, Lord, with death, When from my sight all fades away, And when my tongue no more can say, And when mine ears no more can hear, And when my heart is racked with fear; 3 When all my mind is darkened o’er, And human help can do no more, Then come, Lord Jesus, come with speed, And help me in my hour of need, Lead me from this dark vale beneath, And shorten then the pangs of death. 4 All evil spirits drive away, But let Thy Spirit with me stay Until my soul the body leave; Then in Thy hands my soul receive, And let the earth my body keep, Until the Last Day break its sleep. 5 Joyful my resurrection be, Thou in the judgment plead for me, And hide my sins, Lord, from Thy face, And give me Life of Thy dear grace! I trust Thee utterly, my Lord, For Thou hast promised in Thy Word: 6 “In truth I tell you, who receives My word, and keeps it, and believes, Shall never fall God’s wrath beneath, Shall never taste eternal death; Though here on earth, in time, he die, He is not therefore lost; for I 7 "Will come, and with a mighty hand Will break away death’s strongest band. And lift him hence that he shall be For ever in My realm with Me, For ever living there in bliss. Ah let us not that glory miss!" 8 Dear Lord, forgive us all our guilt, Help us to wait until Thou wilt That we depart; and let our faith Be brave and conquer e’en in death, Firm resting on Thy sacred Word, Until we sleep in Thee, our Lord. Used With Tune: SAGINA Text Sources: Lyra Germanica (London and New York: George Newnes and Charles Scribner's Sons, 1855)

That Man Whose Impious Tongue Denies

Author: Harriet Auber Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 That man whose impious tongue denies The God who every want supplies, Or whose unhallowed actions prove He feels nor gratitude nor love, Ranks far beneath the brute, who knows What hand his humble meal bestows. 2 Yet, did not such heavenly grace abound, Such would each son of man be found; For when the Almighty from His throne Looked on the earth, behold not one The narrow path of virtue trod, Or kept the precepts of his God. 3 But He, who with a single breath Could doom a guilty world to death, With mercy’s gently pleading voice, Offers salvation to our choice; Freedom from sin’s debasing chain, And strength fresh conflicts to sustain. 4 O haste we then—with joy embrace This rich, this freely offered grace; Gladly our hearts and voices raise, In loud and grateful songs of praise, And to the listening world proclaim Our great Redeemer’s glorious name. Used With Tune: SAGINA Text Sources: Spirit of the Psalms, 1829

Before The Great Jehovah's Bar

Author: Rowland Hill, 1744-1833 Meter: Appears in 13 hymnals First Line: Before the great Jehovah’s bar Lyrics: 1 Before the great Jehovah’s bar Soon must assembled worlds appear, And every word, and deed, and thought Shall into judgment then be brought. Then all shall hear their righteous doom Of wrath, or endless joys to come; And each receive his just reward Of bliss or vengeance from the Lord. 2 Dear Lord, it was Thine highest joy, To save where sin did once destroy; While thundering vengeance rolls above, We trust in Thy redeeming love. Hail! God of unexampled grace, All Heav’n shall sound Thine endless praise; High glories to the dying Lamb, Who death, by His own death, o’ercame. Used With Tune: SAGINA Text Sources: Collection of Psalms and Hymns 7th ed. by Rowland Hill (London: Theodore Page, 1810)

O God of Light

Author: Arthur S. Booth-Clibborn Meter: Appears in 6 hymnals First Line: O God of light, O God of love Lyrics: 1. O God of light, O God of love, Shine on my soul from Heaven above! Let sin appear in Thy pure ray As black as on the judgment day; Let perfect love apply the test, And all that’s wrong make manifest. 2. O take Thy plummet and Thy line, Apply them to this heart of mine, And thus reveal each crooked place, By contrast with true righteousness! Let holy truth condemn each sham; Show what Thou art, and what I am. 3. O smite and spare not, faithful God! A Father’s hand still holds the rod; O make my sin-stained conscience smart, And write Thy law upon my heart So plainly, that my will shall bow In full surrender, here and now! 4. Work on in me Thy perfect will, In me Thy promise, Lord, fulfill; O make me quick to fight for Thee, And set my soul in liberty! My soul can rest in nothing less Than in a spotless holiness. Used With Tune: SAGINA (Short) Text Sources: Salvation Army's War Cry, April 13, 1895

Faith Means We're Sure

Author: Susan H. Peterson Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Faith means we're sure of what we hope to get Lyrics: 1. Faith means we’re sure of what we hope to get; We’re certain of the things that we do not see. By faith we know that God made the world; What’s here now was not made from what was seen. Abel by faith offered God a better sacrifice; And Enoch, too, by faith died not, but from this life did rise. Though they are gone, they speak this word: That without faith, none can please the Lord. 2. It was by faith that Noah built the ark, When warned by God of things that were yet to pass. Since he had faith, God did spare his life, And made him an heir of His righteousness. Abraham, too, when God said to leave his home behind, Obeyed and went, though he knew not the land he was to find. Though they are gone, they speak this word: That without faith, none can please the Lord. 3. It was by faith that Abr’ham had a son, Then offered him to God as a sacrifice. Faith upheld Moses in Egypt’s land, And faith let a lamb pay the firstborn’s price. By faith the people passed through the sea as on dry land, And faith was why the walls of Jericho just could not stand. Though they are gone, they speak this word: That without faith, none can please the Lord. 4. All these still lived by faith until they died, Receiving not the things that had been made known. They only saw them as from afar; They knew that their country was not their own. God therefore was not ashamed to be named as their Lord; For they believed that He was real and would their faith reward. Oh, give me faith to trust Your Word, That by my life I may please You, Lord. Used With Tune: SAGINA
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Than Tongue can Tell

Author: J. E. Hall Meter: D Appears in 20 hymnals First Line: The love that Jesus had for me Refrain First Line: His love is more than tongue can tell! Topics: The Gospel Used With Tune: SAGINA

Object of All Our Knowledge Here

Author: Charles Wesley Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1. Object of all our knowledge here, Our one Desire, and Hope below, Jesus, the Crucified, draw near, And with Thy sad disciples go: Our thoughts and words to Thee are known, We commune of Thyself alone. 2. How can it be, our reason cries, That God should leave His throne above? Is it for man th’Immortal dies? For man, who tramples on His love? For man, who nailed Him to the tree? O Love! O God! He dies for me! 3. Why then, if Thou for me hast died, Dost Thou not yet Thyself impart? We hoped to feel Thy blood applied, To find Thee risen in our heart, Redeemed from all iniquity, Saved, to the utmost saved, thro’ Thee. 4. Have we not then believed in vain, By Christ unsanctified, unfreed? In us He is not ris’n again, We know not but He still is dead, No life, no righteousness we have, Our hopes seem buried in His grave. 5. Ah! Lord, if Thou indeed art ours, If Thou for us hast burst the tomb, Visit us with Thy quickening powers, Come to Thy mournful followers, come, Thyself to Thy weak members join, And fill us with the life divine. 6. Thee, the great Prophet sent from God, Mighty in deed and word we own; Thou hast on some the grace bestowed, Thy rising in their hearts made known; They publish Thee to life restored, Attesting they have seen the Lord. 7. Alas for us, whose eyes are held! Why cannot we our Savior see? With us Thou art yet still concealed: O might we hear one word from Thee! Speak, and to our unbelief reprove, Our baseness to mistrust Thy love. 8. Fools as we are, and slow of heart, So backward to believe the Word! The Prophets’ only aim Thou art: They sang the sufferings of their Lord, Thy life for ours a ransom given, Thy rising to ensure our Heaven. 9. Ought not our Lord the death to die, And then the glorious life to live? To stoop; and then to go up on high? The pain, and then the joy receive? His blood, the purchase price lay down, Endure the cross, and claim the crown? 10. Ought not the members all to pass The way their Head had passed before? Thro’ sufferings perfected He was, The garment dipped in blood He wore, That we with Him might die, and rise And bear His nature to the skies! Used With Tune: SAGINA (Short) Text Sources: Hymns for Our Lord's Resurrection (London: William Strahan, 1746), number 5

Not Till The Freezing Blast Is Still

Author: John Keble Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 Not till the freezing blast is still, Till freely leaps the sparkling rill, And gales sweep soft from summer skies, As o’er a sleeping infant’s eyes A mother’s kiss; ere calls like these, No sunny gleam awakes the trees, Nor dare the tender flowerets show Their bosoms to th’ uncertain glow. 2 Why then, in sad and wintry time, Her heav’ns all dark with doubt and crime, Why lifts the Church her drooping head, As though her evil hour were fled? Is she less wise than leaves of spring, Or birds that cower with folded wing? What sees she in this lowering sky To tempt her meditative eye? 3 She has a charm, a word of fire, A pledge of love that cannot tire; By tempests, earthquakes, and by wars, By rushing waves and falling stars, By every sign her Lord foretold, She sees the world is waxing old, And through that last and direst storm Descries by faith her Savior’s form. 4 Not surer does each tender gem, Set in the fig tree’s polished stem, Foreshow the summer season bland, Than these dread signs Thy mighty hand: But, oh! frail hearts, and spirits dark! The season’s flight unwarned we mark, But miss the Judge behind the door, For all the light of sacred lore: 5 Yet is He there; beneath our eaves Each sound His wakeful ear receives: Hush, idle words, and thoughts of ill, Your Lord is listening: peace, be still. Christ watches by a Christian’s hearth, Be silent, "vain deluding mirth," Till in thine altered voice be known Somewhat of resignation’s tone. 6 But chiefly ye should lift your gaze Above the world’s uncertain haze, And look with calm unwavering eye On the bright fields beyond the sky, Ye, who your Lord’s commission bear, His way of mercy to prepare: Angels He calls ye: be your strife To lead on earth an angel’s life. 7 Think not of rest; though dreams be sweet, Start up, and ply your heav’nward feet. Is not God’s oath upon your head, Ne’er to sink back on slothful bed, Never again your loins untie, Nor let your torches waste and die, Till, when the shadows thickest fall, Ye hear your Master’s midnight call? Used With Tune: SAGINA Text Sources: The Christian Year, 1827
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Come, Holy Ghost, All-Quickening Fire

Appears in 36 hymnals First Line: Come, Holy ghost, all-quick'ning fire Used With Tune: [Come, Holy ghost, all-quick'ning fire]

怎能如此,像我這樣罪人, (And can it be that I should gain)

Author: Charles Wesley Appears in 4 hymnals Lyrics: 怎能如此──像我這樣罪人,也蒙寶血救贖大恩?主為我受痛苦鞭傷,也為我死在十架上?奇異的愛,怎能如此──我主我神為我受死?何等奇妙!永生主竟受死!有誰能解釋這奧祕?神聖之愛,廣闊深長,最高天使也難測量,上主憐憫,超過猜想,世人都當敬拜景仰。我主離開天上寶座榮華。無量恩惠白白賜下,謙卑虛已,顯彰慈愛,流血救贖亞當後代,恩典憐愛,無邊無涯,罪人像我,竟蒙厚愛。我靈受困,多年在牢獄中;被罪包圍,黑暗重重;主眼發出復活榮光,我靈甦醒,滿室光明!枷鎖脫落,心靈獲釋,我就起來跟隨主行。不再定罪,心中除盡憂愁;我擁有主並祂所有。主內生活讓祂居首,穿起義袍聖潔無垢;坦然無懼到寶座前,藉主救贖,獲得冠冕。副歌:奇異的愛,怎能如此,我主我神,竟為我死! Used With Tune: SAGINA

A Last Prayer

Author: Helen Hunt Jackson Meter: Appears in 6 hymnals First Line: Father, I scarcely dare to pray Lyrics: 1. Father, I scarcely dare to pray, So clear I see, now it is done, How I have wasted half my day, And left my work but just begun. So clear I see that things I thought Were right or harmless were a sin; So clear I see that I have sought, Unconscious, selfish aims to win. 2. So clear I see that I have hurt The souls I might have helped to save; That I have slothful been, inert, Deaf to the calls Thy leaders gave. In outskirts of Thy kingdoms vast Father, the humblest spot give me; Set me the lowliest task Thou hast, Let me repentant work for Thee. Used With Tune: SAGINA

Thus The Great Lord Of Earth And Sea

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 20 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Thus the great Lord of earth and sea Spake to His Son, and thus He swore: "Eternal shall Thy priesthood be, And change from hand to hand no more. 2 "Aaron and all his sons must die, But everlasting life is Thine, To save forever those that fly For refuge from the wrath divine. 3 "By Me Melchizedek was made On earth a king and priest at once; And Thou, My heav’nly priest, shall plead, And Thou, My king, shall rule My sons." 4 Jesus the Priest ascends His throne, While counsels of eternal peace, Between the Father and the Son, Proceed with honor and success. 5 Thro’ the whole earth His reign shall spread, And crush the powers that dare rebel; Then shall He judge the rising dead, And send the guilty world to hell. 6 Though while He treads His glorious way, He drinks the cup of tears and blood, The sufferings of that dreadful day Shall but advance Him near to God. Used With Tune: SAGINA Text Sources: The Psalms of David, 1719

Maravilloso es el gran amor

Author: Charles Wesley; Esteban Sywulka B. Appears in 2 hymnals Refrain First Line: ¡Oh, maravilla de su amor Topics: Amor de Dios; Love Of God; Cena del Señor; Lord's Supper; Cristo Su Amor; Cristo Su Amor; Christ His love; Christ His love; Evangelio; Gospel Scripture: Ephesians 3:14-21 Used With Tune: SAGINA

Como contar de Deus o amor (2)

Author: Charles Wesley (1707-1788); José Ilídio Freire (1892-1987); José Ilídio Freire (1892-1987) Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Como contar de Deus o amor Refrain First Line: Quero adorar ao meu Senhor Used With Tune: SAGINA Text Sources: HC n. 596

Não deixarei de ter amor! (1)

Author: Charles Wesley (1707-1788); João Wilson Faustini Meter: 8.8.8 D Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Não deixarei de ter amor Refrain First Line: Oh! Grande amor, amor sem fim! Used With Tune: SAGINA Text Sources: CTP n. 130

My Reins, My Fabric's Every Part

Author: James Merrick, 1720-1769 Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: My reigns, my fabric’s every part Lyrics: 1 My reigns, my fabric’s every part, O Lord, the wonders of Thy art Proclaim, and prompt my willing tongue To meditate the grateful song: With deepest awe my thought this frame Surveys—I tremble that I am. 2 While yet a stranger to the day Within the burthened womb I lay, My bones, familiar to Thy view, By just degrees to firmness grew: Thy power my lineaments began, To shapes prescribed the texture ran. 3 Day to succeeding day consigned Th’unfinished birth; Thy mighty mind Each limb, each nerve, ere yet they were, Contemplated distinct and clear; Those nerves Thy curious finger spun, Those limbs it fashioned one by one. 4 And, as Thy pen in fair design Traced on Thy book each shadowy line, Thy handmaid Nature read them there, And made the growing work her care, Conformed it to th’unerring plan, And gradual wrought me into man. Used With Tune: SAGINA

Énértem Halt Isten Fia?

Author: Charles Wesley; Anna Piroska Williams Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 Énértem halt Isten Fia? Értem történt íly áldozat? Ő, akit én úgy bántottam, Énértem állt ki kínokat! Felfoghatatlan szeretet, Mely engem, bűnöst megmentett! Nagy Istenem, ó, hogy lehet, Hogy értem adtad életed? 2 A Halhatatlan halált lát— Ki fejti meg e mély talányt? Angyalok fel nem tárhatják Az égi szeretet titkát! Ez kegyelem! imádja föld! Titok ez angyalok előtt! Ez kegyelem! imádja föld! Titok ez angyalok előtt! 3 Elhagyta Atyja trónusát, Oly végtelen volt irgalma. Eljött, hogy szolgáljon nekünk, Éltét miértünk áldozva. Mérhetetlen e kegyelem, Mert rámtalált, ó, Istenem! Mérhetetlen e kegyelem, Mert rámtalált, ó, Istenem! 4 Börtönben volt soká szívem, Lelki éj s bűn bilincsében. Rám hullott szemed sugara, S fény ébresztett börtönömben. Láncom lehullt, szív szabadult! Lábam készen utánad indult. Bilincs lehullt, szív szabadult, És lábam, ím, utánad indult. 5 Mélyen szívemben szól e hang: Teljes bocsánat már tiéd! Békét hozott a Golgota, Eloltá a harag tüzét. Hoz újulást a drága vér, És érzem: Jézus bennem él. Hoz újulást a drága vér, És érzem: Jézus bennem él! 6 Nem félek már kárhozattól: Jézus enyém: s Véle minden! Életem őbenne örök, És szentségét felölthetem. Vár rám, tudom, égi trónon, Hol koronámat megkapom. Vár rám, tudom, az égi hon, Hol koronámat megkapom! Used With Tune: SAGINA

Star Of The East, How Sweet Art Thou

Author: John Keble Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 Star of the east, how sweet art Thou, Seen in life’s early morning sky, Ere yet a cloud has dimmed the brow, While yet we gaze with childish eye; When father, mother, nursing friend, Most dearly loved, and loving best, First bid us from their arms ascend, Pointing to Thee, in Thy sure rest. 2 Too soon the glare of earthly day Buries, to us, Thy brightness keen, And we are left to find our way By faith and hope in Thee unseen. What matter? if the waymarks sure On every side are round us set, Soon overleaped, but not obscure? ’Tis ours to mark them or forget. 3 What matter? if in calm old age Our childhood’s star again arise, Crowning our lonely pilgrimage With all that cheers a wanderer’s eyes? Ne’er may we lose it from our sight, Till all our hopes and thoughts are led To where it stays its lucid flight Over our Savior’s lowly bed. 4 There, swathed in humblest poverty, On chastity’s meek lap enshrined, With breathless reverence waiting by, When we our sovereign master find, Will not the long-forgotten glow Of mingled joy and awe return, When stars above or flowers below First made our infant spirits burn? 5 Look on us, Lord, and take our parts E’en on Thy throne of purity! From these our proud yet groveling hearts Hide not Thy mild forgiving eye. Did not the Gentile Church find grace, Our mother dear, this favored day? With gold and myrrh she sought Thy face; Nor didst Thou turn Thy face away. 6 She too, in earlier, purer days, Had watched Thee gleaming faint and far But wandering in self chosen ways She lost Thee quite, Thou lovely star. Yet had her Father’s finger turned To Thee her first inquiring glance: The deeper shame within her burned, When wakened from her willful trance. 7 Behold, her wisest throng Thy gate, Their richest, sweetest, purest store, (Yet owned too worthless and too late) They lavish on Thy cottage floor. They give their best—O tenfold shame On us their fallen progeny, Who sacrifice the blind and lame— Who will not wake or fast with Thee! Used With Tune: SAGINA Text Sources: The Christian Year, 1827

වෙන්ට හැකිද මේ දෙය

Author: Charles Wesley; John Simon de Silva Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 වෙන්ට හැකිද මේ දෙය මිදුම්කරැ තුමන් ලෙයින් මටත් ඇතිද සුවය පෙළී සිටින පාපයෙන් පුදුමෙකි දෙව් පුත් තූමා දිව් පිදී ය මා නිසා 2 පියාණ්න්ගේ සිහසුන හැරෑ වැඩියෙය මෙහි පව්කරැවන් ඉතා හීන මුදන්නට කුරැසේ හි දිව් පිදුවේ අහෝ පෙමක් ඇත්ද මෙ වන් පුදුමයක් 3 සිටියෙමි මම් බොහෝ කලක් බැම්මෙහි පව් යදම් වල දැල්විණි විස්ම එළියක් දුක් පත් මගේ හද තුළ බිඳී ගියේ බැමි සැම නිදහස් වීමි විගසම 4 උදහස පහ විය ඇත්තේ නිති ජීවිතය යේසුස් තුළ ජිවත්වෙමි මම් දමිටු වත් පළඳින්නෙම් සිහසුන් වෙත හිමිගේ උරුම යි කිරුළ සගේ Used With Tune: SAGINA

Psesëmarrje Unë A Mund T’fitoj

Author: Charles Wesley; Jan Foss, 1954- Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Pjesëmarrje unë a mund t’fitoj Lyrics: 1 Pjesëmarrje unë a mund t’fitoj Në gjak të shpëtimtarit tim? Jetën e dha, për mua pësoi, U bë kurban nga shkaku im. Ah, ç’dashuri që m’u afrua, Kur vdiqe ti, o Zot, për mua. Ah, ç’dashuri që m’u afrua, Kur vdiqe ti, o Zot, për mua. 2 Ësht’ fshehtësi e madhe kjo: Ka vdekur i pavdekshmi Zot! Thell’sin’ e dashurisë hyjnor’ S’e depërtojnë as engjëjt dot. ësht’ krejt mëshirë! Çdokush lëvdoftë, Gjith’ njerëzia k’të e pranoftë. ësht’ krejt mëshirë! Çdokush lëvdoftë, Gjith’ njerëzia k’të e pranoftë. 3 Ç’hir i pashoq! I madhi Zot U zhvesh nga çdo lavdi e tij, Zbriti porsi shërbyes në botë Për t’më shpërblyer me dashuri. Ç’mëshirë e plotë e papërshkruar! Se kjo, o Zot, më ka zbuluar. Ç’mëshirë e plotë e papërshkruar! Se kjo, o Zot, më ka zbuluar. 4 Si i burgosur në lig’si Lëngonte shpirti im shumë ditë. Rreze jet’dhën’se lëshove ti Dhe burgu im flak’roi me dritë. Zinxhir’t e mi at’ çast u thyen Dhe në liri u ngrita unë. Zinxhir’t e mi at’ çast u thyen Dhe në liri u ngrita unë. 5 Asnjë dënim tani s’do t’ket’, Jezusi dhe çdo gjë jet’sor’ Që ësht’ tek ai mua më përket; Jam veshur me drejt’sinë hyjnor’. Pra, plot guxim, si trash’gimtar, Nga Zoti im kuror’ do t’marr. Pra, plot guxim, si trash’gimtar, Nga Zoti im kuror’ do t’marr. Used With Tune: SAGINA

Dead And Alive

Author: Horatius Bonar Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Dead unto sin through Him who died Refrain First Line: O Holy Spirit, shed abroad Lyrics: 1 Dead unto sin through Him who died, Who rose, and has gone up on high; Through Him I live to righteousness, Through Him to God I am brought nigh. Refrain: O Holy Spirit, shed abroad In me the love and peace of God. 2 Dead unto self through Him who died, And dying broke the chains of sin, I rise to run the glorious race, And the eternal prize to win. [Refrain] 3 Dead to the law through Him who died, In whom the law fulfilled I see; Through whom I in that law delight, Its righteousness fulfilled in me. [Refrain] 4 Dead to the world through Him who died, Nailed with my Lord to yonder tree; Now am I crucified to it, And it is crucified to me. [Refrain] 5 Dead to the flesh through Him who died, Our trust in it has passed away; We worship in the Spirit now, Free to rejoice and to obey. [Refrain] Used With Tune: SAGINA (Short) Text Sources: Hymns of the Nativity, and Other Pieces (London: James Nisbet, 1879)


Appears in 2 hymnals Used With Tune: Sagina

Será possível eu ganhar (3)

Author: Charles Wesley (1707-1788); Justus Henry Nelson (1849-1931) Meter: 8.8.8 D Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: Será possível eu ganhar Used With Tune: SAGINA Text Sources: NIND n. 81

La Maravilla de Su Grande Amor

Author: Charles Wesley; E. J.; R. C. S. Appears in 1 hymnal Refrain First Line: El grande amor del Bendito Señor Used With Tune: [La maravilla de su grande amor]
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¡Cómo en su sangre pudo haber!

Author: Charles Wesley; M. San León Meter: D Appears in 3 hymnals First Line: ¡Cómo en su sangre pudo haber Topics: La Experiencia con Cristo Fe y Justificación; Confesión y Perdón; Confession and Forgiveness; Jesucristo Amor de; Jesucristo Sacrificio; Jesus Christ Love of; Jesus Christ Sacrifice Used With Tune: SAGINA

പ്ര-ശം-സിപ്പാനെനിക്കില്ലേ എൻ ര-ക്ഷകൻ രക്തം അല്ലാതെ

Author: Charles Wesley; Simon Zachariah Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 പ്ര-ശം-സിപ്പാനെനിക്കില്ലേ എൻ ര-ക്ഷകൻ രക്തം അല്ലാതെ ഞാൻ ഭയന്നോടി ചാവിനെ മരി-ച്ചവൻ എന്റെ മൂലമായ് ആശ്ച്ര്യമേ മഹൽ സ്നേഹം; മരിച്ചെൻ ദൈവമെൻ പേർക്കായ് ആശ്ച്ര്യമേ മഹൽ സ്നേഹം; മരിച്ചെൻ ദൈവമെൻ പേർക്കായ് 2 ആ-ര-റിവൂ രഹസ്യങ്ങൾ! അമർത്യനായോൻ ക്രൂശിങ്കൽ! ര-ക്ഷിപ്പാനായി നോക്കുന്നു സാറാഫുകൾ ദേവ സൂനുവെ ഭൂ ആർക്കട്ടെ കൃപ മാത്രം ദൂതർക്കതോ അപ്രമേയം ഭൂ ആർക്കട്ടെ കൃപ മാത്രം ദൂതർക്കതോ അപ്രമേയം 3 താ-തൻ പീഠം താൻ വിട്ടല്ലോ; അതുല്ല്യമാം വൻ കൃപയാലെ ആദാമിൻ മക്കൾക്കായി വന്നു, രക്തം ചൊരിഞ്ഞവൻ ക്രൂശിങ്കൽ സൗജന്യമാം കൃപയാലെ ദൈവമെന്നെ ഇന്നു കണ്ടെത്തി! സൗജന്യമാം കൃപയാലെ ദൈവമെന്നെ ഇന്നു കണ്ടെത്തി! 4 പാപത്തിനാൽ ബന്ധിതനായ് എൻ ആത്മാവു വലഞ്ഞപ്പോൾ എന്നിൽ പതിഞ്ഞു നിൻ ദൃഷ്ടി; ഇരുട്ട് വിട്ട് ഞാൻ പാഞ്ഞോടി ബന്ധനം പോയ് സ്വതന്ത്രനായ്; മുന്നോട്ടാഞ്ഞു പിൻഗമിപ്പാൻ ബന്ധനം പോയ് സ്വതന്ത്രനായ്; മുന്നോട്ടാഞ്ഞു പിൻഗമിപ്പാൻ 5 ഇമ്പ സ്വരം ഞാൻ കേൾക്കുന്നു നിൻ പാപം ഞാൻ ക്ഷമിച്ചെന്നു രക്ഷകൻ രക്തം നിൻ ചാരെ- അകറ്റും ദൈവത്തിൻ വൻ കോപം തൻ മുറിവേകും നൽ ജീവൻ; എൻ ഹൃത്തിൽ നാഥൻ വാഴുന്നു. തൻ മുറിവേകും നൽ ജീവൻ; എൻ ഹൃത്തിൽ നാഥൻ വാഴുന്നു 6 ന്യാവിധി ഭയമില്ലാ; യേശു-വിൻ സർവ്വം എൻ സ്വന്തം! എൻ ശിരസ്സാം താൻ വാഴുന്നു; നീതി വസ്ത്രം ധരിച്ചോനായ് ചെല്ലാം സധൈര്യം സിംഹാസനേ; ക്രിസ്തൻ നല്കി എൻ കിരീടം ചെല്ലാം സധൈര്യം സിംഹാസനേ; ക്രിസ്തൻ നല്കി എൻ കിരീടം Used With Tune: SAGINA

எவ்வாரே நான் பெற்றுக்கொண்டேன்

Author: Charles Wesley; S. John Barathi Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 எவ்வாரே நான் பெற்றுக்கொண்டேன், என் மீட்பரின் மா தூய இரத்தத்தாலோ? மாண்டார் எனக்காக, என்னால்தான், ஆம் தம் ஜீவன் எனக்காய் தந்ததேன்? விந்தை இதே ஆம் விந்தையிலும் விந்தையே, எனக்காக மரித்ததே விந்தையிலும் விந்தை, அற்புதம், மா அற்புதம் மா அற்புதம் மா அற்புதமிதே. 2 அனாதி தேவன் மரிப்பதுவோ? அதாராய்ந்து அறியகூடுமோ? போற்ற முயன்றாரே சேராபீம், அன்பின் ஆழத்தை பார் நீரே என்றோ? கிருபையிதே பூவோர் போற்றி பாடி வாழ்த்தட்டும், மா கிருபையிதே கிருபையிதே தூதர்க்கும் சந்தேகம் வேண்டாமே, மா கிருபையே மா கிருபையே சந்தேகம் வேண்டாம். 3 விந்தையாய் வான்லோகம் விட்டு, ஒர் அளவில்லா அன்பாலே வந்தாரே, தம் அன்பை வைத்து நம் மீதிலே, ஆபிராமின் பிள்ளைகட்காகவே, ஈடில்லா நன் கொடை ஈந்து என்னை தேடியே, தம் இணையில்லா தயவாலே தேடி என்னை தேடி வந்தாரே,என்னைத்தேடி, என் தேவன் தேடியே வந்தாரே. 4 நான் நீண்ட நாள், கட்டுண்டு கிடந்தேன், கட்டுண்ட எந்தன் ஆன்மத்தை மீட்க்கவே, பாவ இருளின் பிடி மீள, என் கண்களின் மீதே ஒளி தோன்ற, மீண்டேன் நான் மீளா குகையினின்றே மீண்டேனே, நான் கட்டவிழ்ந்தே பறந்துள்ளம் பொங்கி உம்மை என்றும் பின் சென்றேன் நான் மீண்டேனே கட்டவிழ்ந்தே உம்மை பின் சென்றேனே. 5 இன்றும் அந்த சப்தம், கேட்க்குதே, என் பாவம் முற்றும் அகன்றதென்றே, என் அருகில் இன்னும் நின்றதே, நான் விண்ணில் ஏகாவண்ணம் நிற்கையில், காயம் செய்யும் மாய விந்தை கண்டேன் மீட்பரே, உம் காயம் செய்யும் விந்தை கண்டேன் மீட்பரே நானே, என் மீட்பரே, நான் உணர்ந்தேன் என் மீட்பரே எந்தன் உள்ளத்தில். 6 சாபமெல்லாம் இனி இல்லை, நான் உந்தன் சொந்தம் நீர் எந்தன் இயேசுவே, உம்மிலே நீர் என்றும் என்னிலே, நானும் நீதியின் வஸ்திரம் அணிந்தேன், வந்தேனிதோ நானும் உம் சமூகம் நானுமே, என் ஜீவ கிரீடம் பெற்றிடவே உம் சமூகமே, கிறிஸ்தேசுவே, நான் வந்தேனே என் ஜீவ கிரீடம் பெறவே. Used With Tune: SAGINA

ஆண்டவரே என் ஜெபம் கேளும்

Author: S. John Barathi Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 ஆண்டவரே என் ஜெபம் கேளும், நான் கண்ணீர் சிந்தியே உம்மிடம் வந்தேன், உம் முகம் நீர் மறைக்காமலே, நீர் என் வேண்டல் கேட்டே பதில் தாரும். துன்பம் என்னை தீயைப்போல் சுட்டெரித்தாலுமே, என் நாட்கள் புகைப்போலவே மறைந்தே சென்றாலும், நீர் போதுமே, நீர் போதுமே, என் ஜெபமே நீர் கேட்டருளும். 2 புல்லைப்போலே நான் உதிர்ந்தேனே, நான் உண்ணவும் மறந்தே மெய் சோர்ந்தேனே, வேதனையில் தனியனாக, நான் துக்கத்தால் கண்மூடா நொந்தேனே, என் சத்ருக்கள் தினம்தோரும் என்னை அண்டியே, என் கண்ணீர் என் தாகம் தீர்க்க என் துக்கம் அப்பமே,உம் கோபமே, உலர் இதழ்,என் வாழ்நாள் தான் காய்ந்த இலை போலே. 3 ஆண்டவரே நீர் என்றும் ஆள்கிறீர், தெய்வாசனம்தான் என்றேன்றும் நிச்சயம், எம் சந்ததி உம்மை வணங்க, உம் நாமமே என்றும் நிலைக்குமே, சீயோனில் தோன்றியே உந்தன் அன்பின் மூலமாய், நீர் குறித்த நாளிலன்றோ? உம் கிருபை ஈந்திடும், உம் தயவும், உம் அன்பாலே, உம் கிருபையை நீர் பொழிந்திடும். 4 எங்கள் ஜெபம் நீர் ஏற்றுக்கொள்ளும், சீயோன் மீது அன்புள்ளோர் நாங்களே, வேதனை துன்பமும் தாங்கியே, தன் இடிந்த இடிபாடினூடே, உம் வல்லமை தோன்றி எம்மை காத்து மீட்டிட, சீயோனை மீண்டும் கட்டி காத்து எழும்பிடவே, இப்பூமியின் இராஜாக்களும், வணங்கியே வாழ்த்தி போற்றவே. 5 தெய்வாசனம் நீர் வீற்றிருந்தே, குனிந்தே எம்மை தயவாய் காண்கிறீர், எம் புலம்பல் நீரே தீர்க்கவே, அழிந்தே யாம் போகாமல் காக்கின்றீர், சீயோனிலே எல்லோருமே ஒன்றாய் சேர்ந்தே, தேசங்களும் இராஜாக்களும் உன்தன் நாமத்தையே, ஆம் வாழ்த்தவே, ஆம் உம்மையே, ஆண்டவரே நீர் எம் தேவனே. Used With Tune: SAGINA Text Sources: The Psalter (Pittsburgh: United Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1912)h

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