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Ím, Sziklaszilárd, Örök És Jó Alap

Author: Anna Piroska Williams Hymnal: CYBER #14333 Refrain First Line: First Line: Ím, sziklaszilárd, örök és jó alap Lyrics: Ím, sziklaszilárd, örök és jó alap, Mit az Úr szava hitünk számára ad. Mit mondhatna még kétkedő szívednek? Jó helyre futottál, ne torpanj hát meg! Ne félj, el ne csüggedj, veled vagyok én, Teremtőd vagyok, nálam kész a segély. Újult erőt nyersz, lábad el nem botol A Mindenható támogat, átkarol. Ha vízen mégy át, s próbákba vezetlek, Bú hulláma el nem borít tégedet. Véled leszek én, megáldom a vihart, Megszentelem legmélyebb fájdalmadat. Ha életutad tűzpróbákon visz át, Kegyelmem elég, néked mindent megád. A láng meg nem perzsel, nemes célja van: Napfényre hozza azt, mi benned arany! Ki Jézusban bízik, azt el nem hagyom, Ellenségének ki nem szolgáltatom. Bár ellene a pokol minden hada Én el nem hagyom soha, soha, soha! Languages: Hungarian Tune Title: RIPPON

Why Do The People Rage?

Author: Henry F. Lyte Hymnal: CYBER #9842 Refrain First Line: 66.86.88 First Line: Why do the people rage Lyrics: 1 Why do the people rage, Devising frantic things? Why do the kings of earth engage Against the King of kings? "Come, let us burst His yoke," they say, "And cast His hateful bonds away!" 2 God on His heavenly throne Laughs at their impious aims; He made the nations for His own, And thus His will proclaims, "On Zion’s hill My King shall sit; Perish, ye rebels, or submit!" 3 "Ere time its course began I issued My decree, This day, My Son, the Son of Man, Have I begotten Thee. To Thee the world and all that live, Thy blood-bought heritage, I give!" 4 Hear then, ye monarchs, hear! Ye great, a Greater own! Bow down with holy joy and fear Before Messiah’s throne! Upon Him life and death depend; O blest who find in Christ a friend! Languages: English Tune Title: BATH

Da Igreja O Fundamento

Author: Samuel J. Stone; Desconhecido Hymnal: CYBER #15154 Refrain First Line: 76.76 D Lyrics: 1 Da Igreja o fundamento É Cristo, o Salvador, E n’Ele ela descansa, É forte em Seu amor; Em Cristo edificada, Bem firme ficará Pois sobre a Rocha eterna, Jamais se abalará. 2 A Pedra mui preciosa Que Deus providenciou, Sustenta pedras vivas Que a graça trabalhou; Sejamos sempre unidos, Vivendo em plena luz, E a glória desta Igreja Será do Rei Jesus. 3 Em meio às duras lutas Que deve confrontar, Espera a Igreja, em Cristo, Um dia triunfar, Pois a visão gloriosa Enfim se cumprirá, E a Igreja vitoriosa, Em pas repousará. Languages: Portuguese Tune Title: AURELIA

Jesus, Savior, Hear My Call

Author: Fanny Crosby Hymnal: CYBER #10895 Refrain First Line: 77.75 Lyrics: 1 Jesus, Savior, hear my call; Sinful tho’ my heart may be, Thou my life, my hope, my all, Lord, abide with me. 2 Lonely in a stranger land, Cast me not away from Thee, Lead me by Thy gentle hand, Lord, abide with me. 3 Thou hast died the lost to save, Died to set the captive free, Thou didst triumph o’er the grave, Lord, abide with me. 4 Fill me with Thy love divine, Consecrate my life to Thee, Bend my stubborn will to Thine, Lord, abide with me. 5 When the shades of death prevail, Father, let me cling to Thee; When I pass the gloomy vale, Still abide with me. 6 Then, O then, my raptured soul Heaven’s eternal rest shall see; There, while endless ages roll, Live and reign with Thee. Languages: English Tune Title: PHILLIPS

'Twas A Bluebird Told The Story

Author: Kate L. Brown Hymnal: CYBER #15576 Refrain First Line: 87.87 D First Line: ’Twas a bluebird told the story Lyrics: 1 ’Twas a bluebird told the story, On his way from Heav’n this morn, As he paused beneath my window, ’Mong the blossoms of the thorn: Hark! to you I bear the story, Weary ones who wake with pain, Christ indeed, indeed is risen, Doubting ones, He lives again! 2 It was starlight soft and tender, Yet the east was flushed with rose, And the weary world was waking From the calm of its repose. I could hear that wondrous message Whispered softly o’er the plain, Till the lily bells were chiming, Christ is ris’n! He lives again! 3 ’Twas a bluebird told the story, On his way from Heav’n this morn, As he paused beneath my window, ’Mong the blossoms of the thorn. Oh, that message, sweet and holy! Tirèd souls, forget your pain; Christ indeed for you is risen, Doubting hearts, He lives again! Languages: English Tune Title: ASCHAFFENBURG

സ്വർസിംഹാസന മുൻ

Author: Theobold H. Schenk; Frances E. Cox; Anonymous Hymnal: CYBER #15054 Refrain First Line: 87.87.77 First Line: സ്വർഗ്ഗ സിംഹാസന മുൻ നിൽക്കും Lyrics: 1 സ്വർഗ്ഗ സിംഹാസന മുൻ നിൽക്കും താരാതുല്യരാരിവർ? പൊന്മുടിയുണ്ടെല്ലാവർക്കും വെണ്മസംഘം ആരിവർ? ഹാല്ലേലൂയ്യാ എന്നേ-ക വല്ലഭനെ വാഴ്ത്തുന്നു. 2 ക്രിസ്തനീതി ധാരികളാം അത്യുജ്ജ്വലർ ആരിവർ? ശുഭ്രവസ്ത്ര ധാരികളിൻ ഇപ്രഭ ക്ഷയമെന്ന്യേ സർവ്വദാ നിന്നീടുമോ? ഏതു രാജ്യക്കാരിവർ? 3 ക്രിസ്ത കീർത്തിയുദ്ധരിപ്പാൻ മൃത്യു വന്നെത്തുവോളം ദുഷ്ടസഖ്യം വിട്ടേറെ നാൾ മുഷ്ടിയുദ്ധം ചെയ്തിവർ കഷ്ടയുദ്ധേ വിജയം ആട്ടിൻകുട്ടി നല്കിനാൻ. 4 ആർത്തി പരിതാപങ്ങളാൽ ചിത്തം തകർന്നോരിവർ കീർത്തി പാത്രൻ കർത്തനോടു പ്രാർത്ഥിച്ചോരിവർ നിത്യം ദുഃഖപ്പോർ തീർന്ന പിൻ താൻ നീക്കി ദുഃഖമെന്നേയ്ക്കും. 5 സ്വന്തഹിതം, ദേഹം, ദേഹി ക്രിസ്തനായി പ്രതിഷ്ഠിച്ചു ക്രിസ്തസേവാർത്ഥം രാപ്പകൽ കാത്തു ജാഗരിച്ചിവർ ശ്ലാഘ്യ ദൈവരാജ്യത്തിൽ ഭാഗ്യേ നിൽക്കുന്നെന്നേക്കും. Languages: Malayalam Tune Title: ALL SAINTS OLD

Var Hälsad, Sköna Morgonstund

Author: Johan O. Wallin Hymnal: CYBER #15513 Refrain First Line: 887.887.888 Lyrics: 1 Var hälsad, sköna morgonstund, Som av profeters helga mun Är oss bebådad vorden! Du stora dag, du sälla dag, På vilken himlens välbehag ännu besöker jorden! Unga sjunga Med de gamla; Sig församla Jordens böner Kring den störste av dess söner. 2 Guds väsens avbild och likväl En mänskoson, på det var själ Må glad till honom lända, Han kommer, följd av frid och hopp, De villade att söka opp, Och hjälpa de elända, Värma, närma Till varandra, Dem, som vandra Kärlesksösa Och ur usla brunnar ösa. 3 Han tärar fälla skall som vi, Förstå vår nöd och stå oss bi Med kraften av sin Anda, Förkunna oss sin Faders råd Och sötman av en evig nåd I sorgekalken blanda; Strida, lida, Dödens smärta, Att vårt hjärta Frid må vinna Och en öppnad himmel finna. 4 Han kommer, till vår frälsning sänd, Och nådens sol, av honom tänd, Skall sig ej mera dölja. Han själv vå herde vara vill, Att vi må honom höra till Och honom efterfölja, Nöjda, höjda Över tiden, Och i friden, Av hans rike En gång varda honom like. Languages: Swedish Tune Title: WIE SCHÖN LEUCHTET

The Day, The Dreadful Day, Draws Nigh

Author: Charles Wesley Hymnal: CYBER #11476 Refrain First Line: 88.88.88 First Line: The day, the dreadful day draws nigh Lyrics: 1 The day, the dreadful day draws nigh, When God in judgment shall appear, Shall by His laws His people try, And prove with scrutiny severe The sinners settled on their lees, And punish all that dwell at ease. 2 The men whose hearts deny His love, His guardian love and righteous sway, Who say Secure He sits above, And lets us each pursue our way, Nor will He e’er our deeds regard, Or punish mortals, or reward. 3 On these the Lord His wrath shall show, And give them to the Waster’s power, Stir up the fierce invading foe, Their goods and houses to devour: Houses they shall for others build, And sow, but never reap the field. 4 For lo! the Lord’s great day is near, Is near, and swiftly hastens on; The mighty men shall cry for fear And anguish while His wrath comes down, While God the sacred panic darts And speaks in thunder to their hearts. 5 Who can that awful day declare? A day of trouble and distress, A day of raging, wasteful war, Of darkness, clouds and gloominess, A day to join th’embattled powers, And storm the forts, and shake the towers. 6 The Lord shall bring a sudden snare, The wicked by His judgments blind; Because His utmost plagues they dare They here their punishment shall find; Their blood shall be as dust poured forth, Their carcasses shall dung the earth. 7 Not all their treasures shall redeem Their lives in that tremendous day, When God’s great jealousy shall flame Vindictive, and devour its prey, The land where in their sins they dwell Burn up—burn after them to hell. 8 Turn then to God, ye sinners, turn, Let every heart at once relent; The whole devoted nation mourn, By general grief the curse prevent; In penitential sorrow join, And deprecate the wrath divine. 9 Repent before the dire decree Bring forth the irrevocable doom; Before the day as chaff ye see Pass by, before the vengeance come; Before the Lord let loose His ire, And make you fuel to the fire. 10 Or if the wicked will not hear, Ye humble souls that keep His Word, Ye meek ones of the earth, revere, And seek with double zeal your Lord; Walk on in all His righteous ways, And labor for the perfect grace. 11 It may be God, the God ye love Will hide you in His anger’s day, Far off from you the sword remove— Or if it sweeps your lives away, Your souls with swifter motion driv’n Shall in a whirlwind fly to Heav’n. Languages: English Tune Title: MATLOCK

Jesus, Thou Art That Morning Star!

Author: Charles Wesley Hymnal: CYBER #11872 Refrain First Line: 88.88.88 Lyrics: 1 Jesus, Thou art that morning star! Thy brightness in my heart declare; To me Thine only glory show, Thine only self on me bestow; I want no other light to see, No other stars or sun but Thee. 2 Who walk enlightened by Thy light Their morn hath no succeeding night; They by reflected luster shine, And bright in majesty divine, Admire with all those stars above, The Light of life, the God of love. Languages: English Tune Title: BROWNWELL

தூதர் பாடல் வானிலே, கேட்கும் இன்ப கீதமே

Author: James Chadwick; S. John Barathi Hymnal: CYBER #15740 Refrain First Line: ஆ ஆர்ப்பரிப்போம் ஆ ஆர்ப்பரிப்போம் Lyrics: 1 தூதர் பாடல் வானிலே, கேட்கும் இன்ப கீதமே, எதிரொலிக்கும் மலைகளே, பேரின்ப நற்செய்தியே, பல்லவி: ஆ ஆர்ப்பரிப்போம் ஆ ஆர்ப்பரிப்போம் ஆ ஆர்ப்பரிப்போம் ஆனந்தம், உன்னதத்தில் மகிமை. ஆ ஆர்ப்பரிப்போம், ஆ ஆர்ப்பரிப்போம் ஆ ஆர்ப்பரிப்போம் ஆனந்தம் உன்னதத்தில் மகிமை 2 மேய்ப்பரே, ஏன்? ஆனந்தம், மென்மேலும் ஏன்? ஓங்குதே? என்ன செய்தி கேட்டிந்த, ஆர்ப்பரிப்பில் ஆழ்ந்தீரோ? [பல்லவி] 3 பெத்லேமுக்கு வாருங்கள், தூதர் பாடல் கேளுங்கள், பணிந்து குனிந்து வணங்கியே, துதித்து போற்றி பாடுங்கள். [பல்லவி] 4 முன்னணையில் தவழ்ந்திடும் சின்ன ராஜ பாலனை, யோசேப்பும் மரி அன்னையும் அன்பாய் அரவணைக்கவே. [பல்லவி] Languages: Tamil Tune Title: [தூதர் பாடல் வானிலே, கேட்கும் இன்ப கீதமே]

That City

Author: Maria Burbank Williams Barnes Hymnal: CYBER #12025 Refrain First Line: A city which hath foundations First Line: You tell me of a city Lyrics: 1 You tell me of a city Which is so bright and fair; Oh, why do not the friends I love Talk more of going there? I hear them speak of pleasures Which earthly things have giv’n; Why do they never mention The better joys of Heav’n? Refrain: A city which hath foundations, Whose builder and maker is God; Which shineth afar Like a beautiful star, By saints and angels trod! 2 I think about that city Of which I have been told, Whose gates are made of shining pearl, Whose streets are paved with gold. The firm and strong foundation Is built of jewels rare; I’m sure that nothing earthly Can with those walls compare. [Refrain] 3 Oh, dear and blessèd city, Could I but enter in, I should be free from every pain, From care, and doubt, and sin. Oh, let me bear each trial As patient as I may, For soon will all things mortal Forever pass away. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [You tell me of a city]

Ki Lo Le W'ese Mi Nu

Author: Robert Lowry; Anonymous Hymnal: CYBER #15887 Refrain First Line: A! eje yebiye First Line: Ki lo le w’ese mi nu Lyrics: 1 Ki lo le w’ese mi nu, Ko so, leyin eje Jesu; Ki l’tun le wo mi san, Ko si, leyin eje Jesu. Egbe: A! eje yebiye T’o mu mi fun bi sno Ko s’isun miran mo, Ko si lehin eje Jesu 2 Fun ’wenumo mi, nko ri Nkan mi, lehin eje Jesu; Ohun ti mo gbekele, Fun ’dariji, l’eje Jesu. [Egbe] 3 Etutu f’ese ko si, Ko si, lehin eje Jesu; Ise rere kan ko si, Ko si, lehin eje Jesu. [Egbe] 4 Gbogbo igbekele mi, Ireti mi, l’eje Jesu; Gbogbo ododo mi ni Eje, kiki eje Jesu [Egbe] Languages: Yoruba Tune Title: [Ki lo le w’ese mi nu]

Have You Heard?

Author: Samuel Alman Hymnal: CYBER #10279 Refrain First Line: A friend in need, a friend indeed First Line: Have you heard the news proclaimed Lyrics: 1 Have you heard the news proclaimed, How the wanderers are reclaimed, And the blind, and halt, and maimed, Have a friend in Jesus? Refrain: A friend in need, a friend indeed, Have you this friend in Jesus? 2 Have you heard the tidings go, Into homes of want and woe, There to let poor sinners know What a friend in Jesus? [Refrain] 3 In the sick-ward by the cot, When the throbbing brow is hot, Creature helps availing not, Oh, how sweet is Jesus! [Refrain] 4 Have you in the prison cell, Heard those sweetest notes which tell For condemned ones, all is well, When they trust in Jesus? [Refrain] 5 Let your voices thus proclaim, In the haunts of sin and shame, Free forgiveness in His name, Precious name of Jesus. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [Have you heard the news proclaimed]

The Glad New Year

Author: Ada Blenkhorn Hymnal: CYBER #15342 Meter: D Refrain First Line: A glad new year—a bright new year First Line: Another year has passed away Lyrics: 1 Another year has passed away, The new year has begun; We hope ’twill be a happy year To each and every one. Refrain: A glad new year—a bright new year— Has dawned upon us all; May richest blessings day by day Upon us freely fall. 2 We’ve said to the old year, Goodbye, Its griefs and joys are past; We’ll try to make this glad new year Still better than the last. [Refrain] 3 We’ll seek to bless some burdened life, Some darkened heart to cheer; And deeds of kindness we will do Each day of all the year. [Refrain] 4 We’ll try to point the lost to Him Who dwells in light above; Who will forgive if they believe, And crown them with His love. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: ENGELS

The Missionary Band

Author: Frank M. Graham; G. W. Wall Hymnal: CYBER #8545 Refrain First Line: A happy band are we First Line: We want to work for our dear Lord Lyrics: 1 We want to work for our dear Lord, We want to send His precious Word Over the sea to heathen lands, For we’re a missionary band. Refrain: A happy band are we, Helping them over the sea; Giving of our pennies, Fifty-two a year; A happy band are we, Helping them over the sea; Won’t you come and join us? You are needed here. 2 Jesus will help us every day, To earn our pennies for to pay To take the Gospel over there, To help poor heathens in despair. [Refrain] 3 O we will earn our pennies brown, Then we will gladly lay them down To send the Gospel to that land, The pennies from our little band. [Refrain] 4 For all that we can ever do, We’ll be well paid, our Lord is true; For in His Word He says so plain: He’ll pay us when He comes again. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [We want to work for our dear Lord]

Beyond The Hills

Author: Alice J. Cleator Hymnal: CYBER #15000 Meter: D Refrain First Line: A home of peace and love and light First Line: Beyond the hills, beyond the sea Lyrics: 1 Beyond the hills, beyond the sea, Beyond the sunset’s gold, Bright mansions wait for you and me With glories all untold! Refrain: A home of peace and love and light, When scenes of earth are past! O may our feet be led aright, To walk those streets at last! 2 No trace of sorrow enters there, All tears are wiped away: There is no sickness, pain or care Within that land of day! [Refrain] 3 With joyful eyes we then shall meet The loved for which we long, With them we’ll walk the golden streets And sing the glad new song! [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: FAISALABAD

A Ke Marrë Pastrimin

Author: Elisha A. Hoffman; Jan Foss Hymnal: CYBER #15373 Refrain First Line: A je larë ti në gjak First Line: A ke marrë pastrimin prej Jezusit Zot? Lyrics: 1 A ke marrë pastrimin prej Jezusit Zot? A je larë në gjakun e shtrenjtë? Në fuqinë e hirit a beson ti sot? A je larë në gjakun e shtrenjtë? Refreni: A je larë ti në gjak, Larë në gjakun e qengjit të shenjtë? Ësht’ e bardhe rroba jote si dëborë? A je larë në gjakun e shtrenjtë? 2 A po shkon me Zotin krah për krah çdo ditë? A je larë në gjakun e shtrenjtë? E njeh jetën e të kryqëzuarit? A je larë në gjakun e shtrenjtë? [Refreni] 3 Kur do t’vijë dhëndrri, ç’do të bësh, pra, ti? A je larë në gjakun e shtrenjtë? A do të pranohesh në mbret’rinë e tij? A je larë në gjakun e shtrenjtë? [Refreni] 4 Hidhe ti pëlhurën që ësht’ plot me faj Edhe lahu në gjakun e shtrenjtë? Është një burim që shpirtin mund ta lajë Ji i larë në gjakun e shtrenjtë? [Refreni] Languages: Albanian Tune Title: [A ke marrë pastrimin prej Jezusit Zot]

Noite E Dia

Author: Ada M. Shaw; Daniel Borges Hymnal: CYBER #15197 Refrain First Line: A Jesus dou meu louvor, First Line: Noite e dia vou cantando Lyrics: 1 Noite e dia vou cantando, Bem guardado sei que sou, Passos de Jesus seguindo, Como Ele me ensinou. Refrão: A Jesus dou meu louvor, Pois é o Meu Salvador! Meu coração renasceu, Desde que Jesus morreu. 2 Canto a noite, jubiloso, Abrigado com amor, Noite e dia é amoroso, Para a glória do Senhor. [Refrão] 3 E ao ir morar com meu Jesus, Hinos eu vou entoar, A Cristo que morreu na cruz, Glória! Glória! Vou cantar! [Refrão] Languages: Portuguese Tune Title: [Noite e dia vou cantando]

A Light Along The Way

Author: Eliza Edmunds Hewitt Hymnal: CYBER #11440 First Line: The Lord hath made this world of ours Lyrics: 1 The Lord hath made this world of ours Most beautiful and bright: The golden sun to rule by day, The moon and stars by night; But souls are wand’ring far from Him, In darkened paths astray; So make me, Savior, more and more, A light along the way. Refrain: A light along the way, Make me, dear Lord, I pray; Love’s happy rays Show forth Thy praise, A light along the way. A light along the way, Make me, dear Lord, I pray; Love’s happy rays Show forth Thy praise, A light along the way. 2 So many need a helping hand, A kindly word of cheer, To tell them of the mighty Friend Whose grace is always near. O make me prompt to hear Thy voice, And ready to obey, That I may be, to saddened hearts, A light along the way. [Refrain] 3 Some lives shine out like beacons grand, Some seem but candles small, But if we truly shine for Him, The Lord hath need of all. O may His Spirit fill my soul And lead me, day by day, That, tho’ unworthy, I shall be A light along the way. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [The Lord hath made this world of ours]

I'm But A Little Child

Author: Robert Gillies Hymnal: CYBER #12652 Meter: Refrain First Line: A little child, a little child First Line: I’m but a little child, I know Lyrics: 1 I’m but a little child, I know, And little I can do; But I can sing the Savior’s love, Who died for me and you. Refrain: A little child, a little child, I’m but a little child, I know; But I will give my heart to Him, Because He loves me so. 2 I’m but a little child, I know, And little I can say; But I can praise Him in the songs I sing from day to day. [Refrain] 3 I’m but a little child, I know, But little feet can stray; And so I need a Savior’s hand To guide me on the way. [Refrain] 4 He, too, was once a little child, As such to earth He came; Though seated high in glory now, He loves me just the same. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: SECUNDERABAD

A Little Human Kindness

Author: Frona Scott Hymnal: CYBER #9678 Refrain First Line: A little human kindness brings a bit of Heaven near First Line: By making someone happy as we pass along life’s way Lyrics: 2 By making someone happy as we pass along life’s way, We bring a bit of Heaven to the longest, darkest day; The world is full of shadows, full of sorrow, grief and woe, And snares are set before us everywhere we go. Refrain: A little human kindness brings a bit of Heaven near, A little human kindness drives away our fear. A little human kindness makes the souls of men akin, And brings the joy of victory to a world of sin. 2 So many weary pilgrims toiling onward up the height, Are longing for a friendly word, ere fall the shades of night; O lend a hand to help them, haste to speak a word of cheer, And gloomy clouds will brighten when the day is drear. [Refrain] 3 Keep all the hope-fires lighted by the torch of love divine; As beacons thro’ earth’s darkest valleys ever let them shine. Somewhere beyond the sunset, in a land supremely blest, We’ll find that human kindness paved the way to rest. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [By making someone happy as we pass along life's way]

A Little Talk With Jesus

Author: Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby Hymnal: CYBER #7840 Lyrics: 1 A little talk with Jesus, It smoothes the rugged road; It seems to help me onward When fainting ’neath my load; When, worn by care and sorrow, My eyes with tears are dim, There is nothing can give me comfort Like a little talk with Him. Refrain: A little talk with Jesus, A little talk with Jesus; There is nothing that giveth me comfort Like a little talk with Him. 2 A little talk with Jesus, Alone in secret prayer, It gives me strength and courage, Life’s many toils to bear; And though I sometimes falter, Because the way is dim, There is nothing can cheer me onward Like a little talk with Him. [Refrain] 3 I’ll trust and wait with patience Till my appointed time, And glory in the knowledge That such a trust is mine; Then, where no hearts are weary, No eyes with tears are dim, He will talk with me for ever, And I will talk with Him. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [A little talk with Jesus]

A Little While to Wait

Author: Charles H. Crandall Hymnal: CYBER #3814 Refrain First Line: A little while, a little while First Line: A little while to wait and watch and wonder Lyrics: 1. A little while to wait and watch and wonder, And then to know the spirit’s glad release; A little while to bear the strife and thunder, And then to hear the harmonies of peace. Refrain A little while, a little while, A little while, and we shall go, To be at home with Christ in Heav’n forever, With all the saints eternal joys to know. 2. A little while to climb life’s stormy mountain, And then to see the vale with beauty rife; A little waiting by the barren fountain, And then to taste the living streams of life. [Refrain] 3. A little while to say, not mine, but Thy way, And then to wonder we were not more wise; A little stumbling in the dusty highway, And then the meadowlands of paradise. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [A little while to wait and watch and wonder]

A Light In The Window

Author: Edward Weldon Dunbar Hymnal: CYBER #9290 Refrain First Line: A mansion in Heaven we see First Line: There’s a light in the window for thee, brother Lyrics: 1 There’s a light in the window for thee, brother, There’s a light in the window for thee; A dear one has moved to the mansions above, There’s a light in the window for thee. Refrain: A mansion in Heaven we see, And a light in the window for thee. A mansion in Heaven we see, And a light in the window for thee. 2 There’s a crown, and a robe, and a palm, brother, When from toil and from care you are free; The Savior has gone to prepare you a home, With a light in the window for thee. [Refrain] 3 O watch, and be faithful, and pray, brother, All your journey o’er life’s troubled sea, Tho’ afflictions assail you, and storms beat severe, There’s a light in the window for thee. [Refrain] 4 Then on, perseveringly on, brother, Till from conflict and suffering free; Bright angels now beckon you over the stream, There’s a light in the window for thee. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [There's a light in the window for thee, brother]

A Home on High

Author: L. W. Mansfield Hymnal: CYBER #2538 Refrain First Line: A mansion there, not made with hands First Line: Beyond the light of setting suns Lyrics: 1. Beyond the light of setting suns, Beyond the clouded sky, Beyond where starlight fades in night, I have a home on high. Refrain A mansion there, not made with hands, A place prepared for me; And while God lives, and angels sing, That home my home shall be. 2. Beyond all pain, beyond all care, Beyond life’s mystery, Beyond the range of time and change, My home’s reserved for me. [Refrain] 3. Swift flying worlds, their nights that roll Far out on seas of light, Will bring no darkness to my soul; My home’s beyond the night. [Refrain] 4. My sins and sorrows, strifes and fears, I bid them all farewell, High up amid th’eternal years, With Christ, my Lord, to dwell. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [Beyond the light of setting suns]

A O Pa De Leti Odo

Author: Robert Lowry; Anonymous Hymnal: CYBER #15869 Meter: with refrain Refrain First Line: A o pade leti odo Lyrics: 1 A o pa de leti odo, T’ese angeli ti te; T’o mo gara bi kristali; Leba ite olorun? Egbe: A o pade leti odo Odo didan, odo didan na Pel’ awon mimo leba odo T’o nsan leba ite ni. 2 Leti bebe odo na yi Pel’ Olusaguntan wa, A o ma rin a o ma sin B’a ti ntele ’pase Re. [Egbe] 3 K’a to de odo didan naa, A o s’eru wa kale Jesu y’o gba eru ese Awon ti y’o de l’ade. [Egbe] 4 Nje l’eba odo tutu na, A o r’oju Olugbala; Emi wa ki o pinya mo Yi o korin ogo Re. [Egbe] Languages: Yoruba Tune Title: HANSON PLACE

A Plaintive Plea

Author: Clara McAlister Brooks Hymnal: CYBER #10911 Refrain First Line: A plaintive plea comes o’er the sea First Line: A plaintive plea comes o’er the sea Lyrics: 1 A plaintive plea comes o’er the sea From nations in distress; From darkest night they ask for light, Their ruined land to bless. Refrain: A plaintive plea comes o’er the sea; How long, O Lord, still must they wait? Oh, hasten there with faith and prayer, Or soon ’twill be too late. 2 The ripened grain on India’s plain, Still waits for reapers true; Hour swiftly fly while daily die The millions in their woe. [Refrain] 3 The strong command to every land— Go, spread the Gospel news! Then haste away, till truth shall sway Its scepter o’er the seas. [Refrain] 4 A plaintive plea, oh, can it be Their souls are doomed and lost? Go save them now till all shall bow Before the Savior’s cross. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [A plaintive pleas comes o'er the sea]

Marching on in the Light of God

Author: Robert Johnson Hymnal: CYBER #4167 Refrain First Line: A robe of white, a crown of gold Lyrics: 1. Marching on in the light of God, Marching on, I am marching on; Up the path that the Master trod, Marching, marching on. Refrain A robe of white, a crown of gold, A harp, a home, a mansion fair, A victor’s palm, a joy untold, Are mine when I get there. 2. Marching on through the hosts of sin, Marching on I am marching on; Vict’ry’s mine while I’ve Christ within, Marching, marching on. [Refrain] 3. Marching on while the skeptics sneer, Marching on, I am marching on; Perfect love casteth out all fear, Marching, marching on. [Refrain] 4. Marching on with the flag unfurled, Marching on, I am marching on; Preaching Christ to the dying world, Marching, marching on. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [Marching on in the light of God]

'Tis Christmas Day

Author: Joseph W. Lerman Hymnal: CYBER #6775 Refrain First Line: A Savior now is born First Line: The bells are sweetly chiming Lyrics: 1. The bells are sweetly chiming, Their music fills the air; What message do they bring us Upon this morning fair? ’Tis Christmas day! the glad bells say, Refrain A Savior now is born, By God’s great love sent from above To cheer the world forlorn. O wondrous birth! let all the earth Receive the newborn King; Oh, let us now with sacred vow Our loyal tribute bring. 2. What mean these gifts abundant That on this day we see? For surely they mean something; What may their import be? ’Tis Christmas day! these tokens say, [Refrain] 3. And why these smiling faces Around the pretty tree? What mean these joyous carols? Pray tell us if you please. ’Tis Christmas day! these things all say, [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [The bells are sweetly chiming]

A Sinner Made Whole

Author: William McPherson Lighthall Hymnal: CYBER #6128 Refrain First Line: A sinner made whole! A sinner made whole! First Line: There's a song in my heart that my lips cannot sing Lyrics: 1. There’s a song in my heart that my lips cannot sing, ’Tis praise in the highest to Jesus my King; Its music each moment is thrilling my soul, For I was a sinner, but Christ made me whole. Refrain A sinner made whole! A sinner made whole! The Savior has bought me and ransomed my soul! My heart now is singing; there’s joy in my soul, For I was a sinner, but Christ made me whole. 2. I shall stand one day faultless and pure by His throne, Transformed from my image, conformed to His own; Then I shall find words for the song of my soul, For I was a sinner, but Christ made me whole. [Refrain] 3. All the music of Heaven, so perfect and sweet, Will blend with my song just to make it complete, Thro’ ages unending the echoes will roll, For I was a sinner, but Christ made me whole. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [There's a song in my heart that my lips cannot sing]

Who Will Send Or God?

Author: Mary Bridges Canedy Slade Hymnal: CYBER #9357 Refrain First Line: A soft wind whispered First Line: I wandered just at even Lyrics: 1 I wandered just at even, Beside the sounding sea; The whispering winds of Heaven Their story told to me; The east wind said, I’m hasting From tropic Ganges’ wave; Where children they were casting Within a watery grave. Refrain: A soft wind whispered, Who will send or go, To teach the heathen Jesus’ love to know? 2 The north wind told its story, With one swift angry blast, Of Indian offerings gory, It saw, in rushing past; Where far off northern nations In forests dark and deep, With fearful incantations Their heathen vigils keep. [Refrain] 3 The south wind said, I’m telling Of polar southern night; When angry surges swelling, The darkened souls afright; I saw no offering burning; No incense filled the air; No souls to God were turning; No gods they worship there! [Refrain] 4 The evening winds passed o’er me, The angry northern blast, Across the sea before me, Went hasting, far and fast; The zephyrs ceased their wailing, And in my heart, I heard, This promise, never failing, The earth shall know the Lord! [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [I wandered just at even]

A Soul Winner For Jesus

Author: James Welch Ferrill Hymnal: CYBER #10593 First Line: I want to be a soul winner Lyrics: 1 I want to be a soul winner For Jesus every day, He does so much for me; I want to aid the lost sinner To leave his erring way, And be from bondage free. Refrain: A soul winner for Jesus, A soul winner for Jesus, O let me be each day A soul winner for Jesus, A soul winner for Jesus, He’s done so much for me. 2 I want to be a soul winner And bring the lost to Christ, That they His grace may know; I want to live for Christ ever, And do His blessèd will, Because He loves me so. [Refrain] 3 I want to be a soul winner Till Jesus calls for me, To lay my burdens down; I want to hear Him say, servant, "You’ve gathered many sheaves, Receive a starry crown." [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [I want to be a soul winner]

I'll Be a Sunbeam

Author: Nellie Talbot Hymnal: CYBER #2882 Refrain First Line: A sunbeam, a sunbeam First Line: Jesus wants me for a sunbeam Lyrics: 1. Jesus wants me for a sunbeam, To shine for Him each day; In every way try to please Him, At home, at school, at play. Refrain A sunbeam, a sunbeam, Jesus wants me for a sunbeam; A sunbeam, a sunbeam, I’ll be a sunbeam for Him. 2. Jesus wants me to be loving, And kind to all I see; Showing how pleasant and happy His little one can be. [Refrain] 3. I will ask Jesus to help me To keep my heart from sin, Ever reflecting His goodness, And always shine for Him. [Refrain] 4. I’ll be a sunbeam for Jesus; I can if I but try; Serving Him moment by moment, Then live with Him on high. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [Jesus wants me for a sunbeam]

Take Jesus with You

Author: Albert Fredericks Hymnal: CYBER #6477 Refrain First Line: A sweet companionship is this to know and share First Line: Take Jesus with you, along the way Lyrics: 1. Take Jesus with you, along the way, Have sweet communion with Him each day; This Elder Brother ’tis joy to know, Take Jesus with you, where’er you go. Refrain A sweet companionship is this to know and share, A blessèd fellowship of joy most rare; Would you be happy, the Savior know? Then take Him with you where’er you go. 2. Take Jesus with you, His wondrous power Will bless and brighten the darkest hour; Your cares and troubles the Lord doth know, Take Jesus with you where’er you go. [Refrain] 3. Take Jesus with you, His precious name And great salvation to all proclaim; Your friend and Savior to others show, Take Jesus with you where’er you go. [Refrain] 4. Take Jesus with you, and then at last, When evening shadows are gathering fast, He will sustain you and bear you o’er The rolling Jordan to Canaan’s shore. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [Take Jesus with you, along the way]

A Szikla Áll

Author: Edmund S. Lorenz; Anna Piroska Williams Hymnal: CYBER #14257 Refrain First Line: A Szikla áll, a Szikla áll! First Line: Van egy kérdés, bennem néha megszólal, Lyrics: 1 Van egy kérdés, bennem néha megszólal, Szivem mélyét tölti aggodalommal Meg vagyok-e mentve, örök életre? Mit mond erről Isten örök igéje? Refrén: A Szikla áll, a Szikla áll! Bár hited inoghat, ez a Szikla áll, Csak Rajta állj, és Ő megáll! Krisztus ez a Szikla, szilárdan áll. 2 Elvonulnak magam előtt bűneim, Édent zárva látják lelki szemeim, Kétségek közt lelkem emellett kiáll: Hitem bár inoghat, ez a Szikla áll, [Refrén] 3 Vihar tombol, halványul minden remény, Kísértések között veszve vagyok én! Szívem mégis bízva emellett kiáll: Hitem bár inoghat, ez a Szikla áll, [Refrén] Languages: Hungarian Tune Title: [Van egy kérdés, bennem néha megszólal]

Have You Heard The Sobbing?

Author: Haldor Lillenas Hymnal: CYBER #8425 Refrain First Line: A thousand million souls are dying First Line: Have you heard the sobbing of a thousand million souls Lyrics: 1 Have you heard the sobbing of a thousand million souls, Submerged in darkest heathen night? Vainly groping for the way that leads to hope and peace, They plead and wait the Gospel light. Refrain: A thousand million souls are dying, A thousand million souls for whom the Savior died. Can you still deny their plea? Can you longer idle be, While a thousand million souls are dying? 2 Have you heard the sobbing of a thousand million souls, By superstitious chains enslaved? Can you longer be indifferent to their sad estate? Thro’ Jesus they can all be saved. [Refrain] 3 Can you hear the sobbing of a thousand million souls, Who seek relief of heart in vain? Let them have the blessèd Gospel that can freedom give, And rend the chains of sin in twain. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [Have you heard the sobbing of a thousand million souls]

A Thousand Years, O Blessed Story

Author: Gustaves E. Hiller Hymnal: CYBER #11022 Refrain First Line: A thousand years, O blessèd story! First Line: Jesus shall reign—rejoice, ye nations Lyrics: 1 Jesus shall reign—rejoice, ye nations, Echo it through this vale of tears! Jesus shall reign amidst His people, Reign on the earth a thousand years. Refrain: A thousand years, O blessèd story! Sung to the world by ancient seers; Jesus will come in power and glory, And He will reign a thousand years. 2 When He shall reign o’er all the kingdoms, Hatreds and wars will be no more; Peace will prevail, and raise her banners Over the earth from shore to shore. [Refrain] 3 Lift up your heads, ye struggling toilers! For your redemption draweth nigh. Glory to God, the King is coming; Justice shall reign beneath the sky. [Refrain] 4 ’Tis the new day whose golden twilight Abraham was so glad to see; ’Tis the glad age when truth shall triumph; ’Tis the great Year of Jubilee! [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: WENZHOU

The Lord's Good Time Is Coming

Author: Jessie H. Brown Pounds Hymnal: CYBER #3888 Refrain First Line: A time of rest will come to hearts grown weary First Line: There is a time for waking and for sleeping Lyrics: 1. There is a time for waking and for sleeping, A time for warring and a time for peace; A time for sowing, and a time for reaping, A time for toil, a time when toil must cease. Refrain A time of rest will come to hearts grown weary, A time of praise to those that grieve and sigh, A time of joy to those whose lives are dreary, The Lord’s good time is coming by and by. 2. A time for pain, a time for shadeless pleasures, A time for shadows and a time for light; A time to lose, a time to find our treasures, A time for faith, a time for perfect sight. [Refrain] 3. A time for tears, a time for rapt’rous greeting, A time for exile and a time for home; A time for parting, and a time for meeting, Trust on! The Lord’s good time will surely come. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [There is a time for waking and for sleeping]

A Mighty Victor

Author: Effie Stevens Hymnal: CYBER #11797 Refrain First Line: A victor, mighty victor First Line: A victor, mighty victor Lyrics: 1 A victor, mighty victor, The Lord of Heav’n arose, From death’s enduring prison, Triumphant o’er His foes; He rose to life and glory, That He might banish fear From every heart that, loving, Draws to His presence near. Refrain: A victor, mighty victor, Our Lord arose this day; That He might lead us onward, Within His blessèd way. 2 A victor, mighty victor, Christ rose that Easter day; ’Twas all for us He suffered, That we might learn His way; He rose to fill with gladness Each aching, sinful heart, He rose to comfort sorrow, To bid despair depart. [Refrain] 3 A victor, mighty victor, The Lord of Heav’n arose, That we, too, might be risen Triumphant o’er earth’s woes; So let us join in singing Our praise to Christ, whose love Prepares for us a dwelling With Him in Heav’n above. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [A victor, mighty victor]

As a Volunteer

Author: W. S. Brown Hymnal: CYBER #270 Refrain First Line: A volunteer for Jesus First Line: A call for loyal soldiers Lyrics: 1. A call for loyal soldiers Comes to one and all; Soldiers for the conflict, Will you heed the call? Will you answer quickly, With a ready cheer, Will you be enlisted As a volunteer? Refrain A volunteer for Jesus, A soldier true! Others have enlisted, Why not you? Jesus is the Captain, We will never fear, Will you be enlisted As a volunteer? 2. Yes, Jesus calls for soldiers Who are filled with pow’r, Soldiers who will serve Him Ev’ry day and hour; He will not forsake you, He is ever near; Will you be enlisted As a volunteer? [Refrain] 3. He calls you, for He loves you With a heart most kind, He whose heart was broken, Broken for mankind; Now, just now, He calls you, Calls in accents clear, Will you be enlisted As a volunteer? [Refrain] 4. And when the war is over, And the vict’ry won, When the true and faithful Gather one by one, He will crown with glory All who there appear; Will you be enlisted As a volunteer? [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [A call for loyal soldiers]

Christ Is A Wonderful Savior

Author: Jean Shewell Hymnal: CYBER #12825 Refrain First Line: A wonderful Savior Lyrics: 1 Christ is a wonderful Savior, He bore all my sins on the tree; He suffered and died, And I’m justified— His blood was sufficient for me. Refrain: A wonderful Savior, A wonderful Savior, I’ll praise Him for aye, I’ll trust and obey— For His grace is sufficient for me. 2 Christ is a wonderful Savior, My weakness no longer I see; On Him I’ll depend, Until my life’s end, His strength is sufficient for me. [Refrain] 3 Christ is a wonderful Savior, From self I am also set free; No more my own way, For His I now pray— His will is sufficient for me. [Refrain] 4 Christ is a wonderful Savior, A refuge to whom I can flee; He has my whole heart, My all I impart— His love is sufficient for me. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [Christ is a wonderful Savior]

A Wonderful Time

Author: Civilla Durfee Holden Martin Hymnal: CYBER #12486 Refrain First Line: A wonderful time for you First Line: A wonderful time is just ahead Lyrics: 1 A wonderful time is just ahead, The Lord whom we love and own Will open the gates of glory land Revealing His glory throne. Refrain: A wonderful time for you, A wonderful time for me, If we are prepared To meet Jesus the King, A wonderful time ’twill be. 2 A wonderful time is just ahead, Our conflicts and trials passed; Our wilderness journey at an end, Safe home every one at last. [Refrain] 3 A wonderful time is just ahead, The groans of creation cease; And all that is held in bondage now The Lord will that day release. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [A wonderful time is just ahead]

The Wonderful Jesus

Author: Lizzie DeArmond Hymnal: CYBER #7604 Refrain First Line: A wonderful, wonderful Jesus First Line: 'Tis a wonderful, wonderful Jesus Lyrics: 1. ’Tis a wonderful, wonderful Jesus That came to the earth Christmas Day, Bringing sunlight of peace and rejoicing, To drive all the shadows away. Refrain A wonderful, wonderful Jesus, Whose love song the bright angels sing; A wonderful, wonderful Jesus, Thank God, we can call Him our king! 2. Bow, ye nations, before His bright scepter; O sing, all ye isles of the sea; For deliverance comes with the Savior, Whose kingdom eternal shall be. [Refrain] 3. ’Tis a wonderful, wonderful Jesus, Who claims all our lives for His own; Let Him reign in our hearts ever glorious; Receive Him and crown Him alone. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: ['Tis a wonderful, wonderful Jesus]

A Word Of Prayer

Author: Frances McKinnon Morton Hymnal: CYBER #7911 Refrain First Line: A word of prayer in the morning First Line: A word of prayer when the day begins Lyrics: 1 A word of prayer when the day begins Brings a day of blessing sure; A word of prayer when the twilight dims Brings a night of rest secure. Refrain: A word of prayer in the morning, A word of prayer at night! When sorely distressed, A prayer brings you rest, Making all things right! 2 A word of prayer when the heart is sad Brings you comfort, peace and rest; A word of prayer when the days are glad Adds a joy to hours most blest. [Refrain] 3 A word of prayer when the heart is lone Brings a Friend to understand; A word of prayer when your strength is gone Brings the clasp of a mighty hand. [Refrain] 4 Always a prayer to the God above Brings a blessing sweet and true; Enfolds your heart in His tender love, Lends His boundless strength to you. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [A word of prayer when the day begins]

Аяа, Түүнтэй уулзахсан

Author: Rufus H. Cornelius; Unknown Hymnal: CYBER #15073 Refrain First Line: Аяа Түүний дүрээр Түүнтэй уулзахсан First Line: Газар дэлхийгээр аялан дуулж явахад минь Lyrics: 1 Газар дэлхийгээр аялан дуулж явахад минь Гайт сүнснүүд Калбарын час улаан урсгал тийш Гадна дотноос мянган сум сэтгэл сүлбэсэн ч Гайхамшигт Эзэн минь хөтөлж би ялна. Дахилт: Аяа Түүний дүрээр Түүнтэй уулзахсан Аврал энэрлийг нь үргэлж дуулахсан Алдрын гудамжинд дуу хоолойгоо нэгтгэе Алсдаа бид, гэртээ хүрч ашид баярлан сууя. 2 Эзэнд үйлчлэн явахад хар шөнө ирвэл Эгнэгт би Түүнд ойртоно, Тэр гийгүүлнэ Сатаны муу зан сэтгэл урвуулан татавч Сайн санаат, Эзэн минь урд залан явна. [Дахилт] 3 Энэ бүрхэг хөндийгөөс оргил өөд харвал Эзэн минь бүхнийг ажин тулаан удирдаж Энхрий гараа харанхуй хөндий тийш сунган Энэрэл, хайраараа урамшуулна аа. [Дахилт] 4 Хүчит гүн давалгаа энэ биеийг нөмөрвөл Хүндэт Эзэн минь шууд ирж авран хамгаална Хорвоогийн амьдралыг Тэр тайвнаар зална аа Хамгаас суут, төгс найз минь, Түүнд маш их хайртай. [Дахилт] Languages: Mongolian Tune Title: [Газар дэлхийгээр аялан дуулж явахад минь]

Abide with Me (Dietrich)

Author: Emma Graves Dietrich Hymnal: CYBER #10 Refrain First Line: Abide with me from morn till eve First Line: Abide with me; I need Thee every day Lyrics: 1. Abide with me; I need Thee every day, To lead me on thro’ all the weary way; When storms surround, and only clouds I see, Lord, be my comfort, and abide with me. Refrain Abide with me from morn till eve, For without Thee I cannot live; Abide with me when night is nigh, For without Thee, I dare not die. 2. Be with me, Lord, where’er my path may lead; Fulfill Thy word, supply my every need; Help me to live each day more close to Thee, And, oh, dear Lord, I pray, abide with me. [Refrain] 3. Abide with me, my Lord, and when at last, This earth and all its weary cares are past; I’ll pray no more that Thou abide with me, For then, at last, I shall abide with Thee. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [Abide with me; I need Thee every day]

Abiding, Oh, So Wondrous Sweet

Author: Charles B. J. Root Hymnal: CYBER #9 Refrain First Line: Abiding, abiding Lyrics: 1. Abiding, oh, so wondrous sweet, I’m resting at the Savior’s feet, I trust in Him, I’m satisfied, I’m resting in the Crucified. Refrain Abiding, abiding, Oh! so wondrous sweet; I’m resting, resting, At the Savior’s feet. 2. He speaks, and by His word is giv’n His peace, a rich foretaste of Heav’n; Not as the world He peace doth give, ’Tis thro’ this hope my soul shall live. [Refrain] 3. I live; not I; ’tis He alone By whom the mighty work is done; Dead to myself, alive to Him, I count all loss His rest to gain. [Refrain] 4. Now rest, my heart, the work is done; I’m saved thro’ the eternal Son: Let all my pow’rs my soul employ, To tell the world my peace and joy. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [Abiding, oh, so wondrous sweet]

Abiding in Jesus

Author: Frank Willoughby Hymnal: CYBER #13627 Lyrics: 1 Abiding in Jesus, Oh refuge so sweet, No trials can move me, My rest is complete; Tho’ dangers surround me And tempests may rage, There’s naught but His presence My thoughts can engage. Refrain: Abiding in Jesus, Oh, sweet is the rest; Abiding in Jesus, I’m happy and blest. Abiding in Jesus, Oh, sweet is the rest; Abiding in Jesus, I’m happy and blest. 2 Abiding in Jesus, There’s fullness of joy, No trouble or sorrow His peace can destroy; His will is my pleasure, My sweetest delight; His presence my sunshine, Eternally bright. [Refrain] 3 Abiding in Jesus, Oh, refuge divine, How sweet on His dear, Loving breast to recline; Thro’ clouds and thro’ sunshine, He leadeth me still, And daily my life With His blessings doth fill. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [Abiding in Jesus]

Able, Willing, Mighty

Author: John Prentice (Jack) Scholfield Hymnal: CYBER #11877 Refrain First Line: Able, able, Jesus is able to save First Line: Jesus is able to save from sin Lyrics: 1 Jesus is able to save from sin, Will you receive Him today? Able to plant the new life within, Will you receive Him today? Refrain: Able, able, Jesus is able to save; Willing, willing, Jesus is willing to save; Mighty, mighty, Jesus is mighty to save; Mighty, He’s mighty, Jesus is mighty to save. 2 Jesus is willing to save your soul, Will you receive Him today? Willing to take you and make you whole, Jesus is willing today. [Refrain] 3 Jesus is mighty to hold you fast, Why not accept Him today? Mighty to keep you unto the last; Jesus is mighty to save. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [Jesus is able to save from sin]

Able to Save

Author: Richard Venting Hymnal: CYBER #13 Refrain First Line: Able to save a poor sinner lost First Line: Look to Jesus on the tree Lyrics: 1. Look to Jesus on the tree, He is able to save you; Dying there for you and me, He is willing to save you. Refrain Able to save a poor sinner lost, Willing to save at a fearful cost; Able to save: Come, trust in His pow’r; Willing to save this very hour. 2. O His love will melt your heart, He is able to save you; If from sin you will depart, He is willing to save you. [Refrain] 3. Do not let Him plead in vain, He is able to save you. Let His blood wash every stain, He is willing to save you. [Refrain] 4. Let Him enter now your heart, He is able to save you; If you wait He will depart, Now He’s waiting to save you. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [Look to Jesus on the tree]


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