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Scripture:Lamentations 1

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My song is love unknown

Author: Samuel Crossman (c. 1624-1683) Meter: Appears in 128 hymnals Scripture: Lamentations 1:12 Lyrics: 1 My song is love unknown, my Savior’s love to me, love to the loveless shown, that they might lovely be. Oh, who am I, that for my sake my Lord should take frail flesh, and die? 2 He came from his blest throne, salvation to bestow: but people scorned, and none the longed-for Christ would know. But O my Friend, my Friend indeed, who at my need his life did spend! 3 Sometimes they strew his way, and his strong praises sing; resounding all the day hosannas to their King. Then 'Crucify!' is all their breath, and for his death they thirst and cry. 4 Why, what hath my Lord done? What makes this rage and spite? He made the lame to run, he gave the blind their sight. Sweet injuries! Yet they at these themselves displease, and 'gainst him rise. 5 They rise, and needs will have my dear Lord made away; a murderer they save, the Prince of Life they slay. Yet cheerful he to suffering goes, that he his foes from thence might free. 6 In life, no house, no home my Lord on earth might have; in death, no friendly tomb but what a stranger gave. What may I say? Heaven was his home: but mine the tomb wherein he lay. 7 Here might I stay and sing: no story so divine; never was love, dear King, never was grief like thine! This is my Friend, in whose sweet praise I all my days could gladly spend. Topics: Life in Christ Christ Incarnate - Passion and Death; Christian Year Holy Week Used With Tune: LOVE UNKNOWN
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Author: George W. Bethune Appears in 56 hymnals Scripture: Lamentations 1:4 First Line: Oh, for the happy hour Lyrics: 1 Oh, for the happy hour When God will hear our cry, And send, with a reviving power, His Spirit from on high. 2 While many crowd thy house, How few, around thy board, Meet to recount their solemn vows, And bless thee as their Lord! 3 Thou, thou alone canst give Thy gospel sure success; Canst bid the dying sinner live Anew in holiness. 4 Come, then, with power divine, Spirit of life and love! Thou shall this people all be thine, This church like that above. Topics: Church Missions of; Church Revival of; Church Work of Used With Tune: ST. BRIDE

Alone Thou Goest Forth

Author: F. Bland Tucker; Peter Abelard Meter: Appears in 25 hymnals Scripture: Lamentations 1:12 First Line: Alone Thou goest forth, O Lord Topics: The Worship of God; The Son Suffering And Death

All You Who Pass This Way

Author: Taize Community Appears in 6 hymnals Scripture: Lamentations 1:12 First Line: Is any sorrow like the sorrow that afflicts me? Refrain First Line: All you who pass this way, look and see Used With Tune: [Is any sorrow like the sorrow that afflicsts me] Text Sources: Passion Gospels
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Behold the Savior of mankind

Author: S. Wesley, Sr. Meter: Appears in 387 hymnals Scripture: Lamentations 1:12 Lyrics: 1 Behold the Saviour of mankind Nailed to the shameful tree! How vast the love that him inclined To bleed and die for me. 2 Hark! how he groans, while nature shakes, And earth's strong pillars bend! The temple's veil asunder breaks, The solid marbles rend. 3 'Tis finished! now the ransom's paid; Receive my soul! he cries: See, how he bows his sacred head! He bows his head, and dies! 4 But soon he'll break death's iron chain, And in full glory shine; O Lamb of God! was ever pain, Was ever love like thine? Topics: Christ Sufferings and Death; Pitying Love
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Love divine

Appears in 150 hymnals Scripture: Lamentations 1:12 First Line: O love divine, what hast thou done! Topics: Jesus Christ Sufferings and Death Used With Tune: BRIGHTON

When I survey the wondrous cross

Author: Isaac Watts. 1674-1748 Meter: Appears in 2,012 hymnals Scripture: Lamentations 1:12 Topics: Jesus Christ the Suffering Servant: The Passion and The Cross Used With Tune: ROCKINGHAM (COMMUNION)
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Ye that pass by, behold the Man

Author: C. Wesley Meter: Appears in 105 hymnals Scripture: Lamentations 1:12 Lyrics: 1 Ye that pass by, behold the Man-- The Man of griefs--condemned for you; The Lamb of God, for sinners slain, Weeping to Calvary pursue. 2 To us our own Barabbas give,-- Away with him, they loudly cry; Away with him, not fit to live,-- The vile seducer crucify! 3 His sacred limbs they stretch, they tear; With nails they fasten to the wood; His sacred limbs, exposed and bare, Or only covered with his blood. 4 Behold his temples crowned with thorn; His bleeding hands extended wide; His streaming feet transfixed and torn; The fountain gushing from his side! 5 O thou dear suff'ring Son of God, How doth thy heart to sinners move! Sprinkle on us thy precious blood, And melt us with thy dying love Topics: Christ Sufferings and Death; The Cleansing Fountain
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O Lord, thy work revive

Author: P. H. Brown Meter: Appears in 186 hymnals Scripture: Lamentations 1:4 Lyrics: 1 O Lord, thy work revive, In Zion's gloomy hour, And let our dying graces live By thy restoring power. 2 Oh, let thy chosen few Awake to earnest prayer; Their covenant again renew, And walk in filial fear. 3 Thy spirit then will speak Through lips of humble clay, Till hearts of adamant shall break-- Til rebels shall obey. 4 Now lend thy gracious ear; Now listen to our cry: Oh, come, and bring salvation near; Our souls on thee rely. Topics: The Christian Life Courage and Triumph; For Revival
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Zion's Glory

Author: William Shrubsole Appears in 106 hymnals Scripture: Lamentations 1:4 First Line: Zion! awake, thy strength renew Lyrics: 1 Zion! awake, thy strength renew; Put on thy robes of beauteous hue; And let the admiring world behold The King's fair daughter clothed in gold. 2 Church of our God! arise and shine, Bright with the beams of truth divine; Then shall thy radiance stream afar, Wide as the heathen nations are. 3 Gentiles and kings thy light shall view, And shall admire and love thee too;-- They come, like clouds across the sky, As doves that to their windows fly. Topics: Church Missions of; Church Work of Used With Tune: MENDON
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Spirit of grace

Author: Philip Doddridge Appears in 92 hymnals Scripture: Lamentations 1:4 First Line: Come, sacred Spirit, from above Lyrics: 1 Come, sacred Spirit, from above, And fill the coldest heart with love: Oh, turn to flesh the flinty stone, And let thy sovereign power be known. 2 Speak thou, and from the haughtiest eyes Shall floods of contrite sorrow rise; While all their glowing souls are borne To seek that grace which now they scorn. 3 Oh, let a holy flock await In crowds around thy temple-gate! Each pressing on with zeal to be A living sacrifice to thee. Topics: Contrition Used With Tune: WIMBORNE

O Jesus, We Adore Thee

Author: Arthur T. Russell Meter: D Appears in 55 hymnals Scripture: Lamentations 1:12 Topics: Praise To God, Jesus Christ; Sufficiency Of Christ; Forgiveness of Sins; Suffering of Christ Used With Tune: MEIRONYDD
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Panting for the fulness of Deity

Appears in 31 hymnals Scripture: Lamentations 1:12 First Line: Saviour, the world's and mine Topics: The Christian Life Sanctification

Can I See Another's Woe

Author: William Blake, 1757-1827 Meter: Appears in 12 hymnals Scripture: Lamentations 1:1-6 Topics: Justice; Lent (season); Trust Used With Tune: BLAKE

Much we talk of Jesus' blood

Author: Hart Appears in 8 hymnals Scripture: Lamentations 1:12 Lyrics: 1 Much we talk of Jesus’ blood; But how little’s understood! Of his sufferings so intense, Angels have no perfect sense. Who can rightly comprehend Their beginning or their end? ’Tis to God, and God alone, That their weight is fully known. 2 [O thou hideous monster, Sin, What a curse hast thou brought in! All creation groans through thee, Pregnant cause of misery. Thou hast ruined wretched man, Ever since the world began; Thou hast God afflicted too; Nothing less than that would do. 3 Would we then rejoice indeed? Be it that from thee we’re freed; And our justest cause to grieve Is that thou wilt to us cleave. Faith relieves us from thy guilt, But we think whose blood was spilt; All we hear, or feel, or see, Serves to raise our hate to thee.] 4 Dearly we are bought, for God Bought us with his own heart’s blood; Boundless depths of love divine! Jesus, what a love was thine! Though the wonders thou hast done Are as yet so little known, Here we fix and comfort take – Jesus died for sinners’ sake. Topics: Sufferings, Death, and Cross of Christ

Our cities cry to you, O God

Author: Margaret Clarkson, 1915- Appears in 7 hymnals Scripture: Lamentations 1:1 Lyrics: 1 Our cities cry to you, O God, from out their pain and strife; you made us for yourself alone, but we choose alien life. Our goals are pleasure, gold and power; injustice stalks our earth; in vain we seek for rest, for joy, for sense of human worth. 2 Yet still you walk our streets, O Christ! We know your presence here where humble Christians love and serve in godly grace and fear. O Word made flesh, be seen in us! May all we say and do affirm you God Incarnate still and turn sad hearts to you! 3 Your people are your hands and feet to serve your world today, our lives the book our cities read to help them find your way. O pour your sovereign Spirit out on heart and will and brain: inspire your church with love and power to ease our cities’ pain! 4 O healing Saviour, Prince of Peace, salvation’s source and sum, for you our broken cities cry: Oh come, Lord Jesus, come! With truth your royal diadem, with righteousness your rod, oh come, Lord Jesus, bring to earth the city of our God! Topics: Church Body of Christ; City / City of God; Jesus Christ Redeemer and Savior; Jesus Christ Prince of Peace; One Life in Christ Justice; Repentance; Righteousness; Servant / Service Used With Tune: THE THIRD TUNE
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The Sufferings of Alpha and Omega

Author: John Relly Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals Scripture: Lamentations 1:12-13 First Line: O Lamb, my Lord, my God, my King Lyrics: 1 O Lamb, my Lord, my God, my King, I could for ever speak of thee! Thy suff'rings, and thy conquests sing, O! the dear Lamb, who died for me. 2 What suff'rings didst not thou sustain! From chains and bonds my soul to free; What horrours, grief, and unknown pain! O! the dear Lamb, who felt for me. 3 At supper with thy family, The pains of wrath caught hold on thee; Them the important hour drew nigh, That my dear Lamb should die for me. 4 When to the garden he withdrew, How sore amaz'd and griev'd was he, Beyond what mortals ever knew; O! that dear Lamb who griev'd for me. 5 Prostrate himself he humbly lays; Great ruddy drops of sweat I see Fall from him, whilst he weeps and prays; O! that dear Lamb, who pray'd for me. 6 They buffeted my Lord and God; Yea, on thy cheek, O Christ, smote thee, The Judge of Isr'el, with a rod; O! that dear Lamb, thus smote for me. 7 Revil'd, and scourg'd, spit on, abus'd, Condemned to the fatal tree, Of all that's vile and base, accus'd; O! that dear Lamb, accus'd for me. 8 The cross they on his shoulders lay; To bear the same the Lamb was free, Until, oppress'd, he faints away; O! the dear Lamb, who faints for me. 9 They nail'd him to the tort'ring wood; His pierced hands and feet I see; From ev'ry wound fresh streams of blood; O! the dear Lamb, who bled for me. 10 They lift him high upon the cross, Naked in blood, that all might see; Whilst Angels gaze, and bow, and blush; O that dear Lamb, accurst for me. Topics: The Sufferings, Agony, and Bloody Sweat, of the Man of Grief: The Word Made Flesh
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Sieh, Deine Diener, Herr, mit Leid

Appears in 3 hymnals Scripture: Lamentations 1:16 Topics: Betrübnitz

O Jesus crucified

Author: James Phillip McAuley, 1917-76 Meter: 8.8.3 with refrain Appears in 3 hymnals Scripture: Lamentations 1:12 First Line: How can we pass by and not care? Topics: Good Friday; Holy Week; Jesus Christ Passion and Cross; Worship Processional Entrance Used With Tune: FORBES STREET

People Draw Near to God in Their Distress

Author: Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945); Alan Gaunt (1935-) Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Lamentations 1:1-6 Lyrics: 1 People draw near to God in their distress, pleading for help and begging peace and bread, rescue from guilt and sickness, nearly dead. Christian or not, all come in helplessness. 2 People draw near when they see God's distress: find God rejected, homeless, without bread, burdened with sin and weakness, nearly dead. Christians reach out to meet God's wretchedness. 3 And God draws near to people in distress, feeding their souls and bodies with his bread; Christian or not, for both he's hanging dead, forgiving, from the cross, their wickedness. Topics: Holy Week (Good Friday) Used With Tune: SURSUM CORDA

The Seven Last Words from the Cross

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Lamentations 1:12 First Line: Father, forgive them Refrain First Line: O vos omnes qui transistis perviam (O all you who pass this way) Topics: The Liturgical Year Friday of the Passion of the Lord (Good Friday); The Liturgical Year Lent (Sundays and Weekdays) Used With Tune: [Father, forgive them] Text Sources: English text: New American Bible

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