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For the healing of the nations

Author: Fred Kaan, b. 1929 Meter: Appears in 58 hymnals Topics: Remembrance Sunday Lyrics: 1 For the healing of the nations, Lord, we pray with one accord, for a just and equal sharing of the things that earth affords. To a life of love in action help us rise and pledge our word. 2 Lead us forward into freedom, from despair your world release, that, redeemed from war and hatred, all may come and go in peace. Show us how through care and goodness fear will die and hope increase. 3 All that kills abundant living, let it from the earth be banned: pride of status, race or schooling, dogmas that obscure your plan. In our common quest for justice may we hallow life’s brief span. 4 You, Creator-God, have written your great name on humankind; for our growing in your likeness, bring the life of Christ to mind; that by our response and service earth its destiny may find. Scripture: 2 Corinthians 3:18 Used With Tune: ALLELUIA DULCE CARMEN
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O God, our help in ages past

Author: Isaac Watts, 1674-1748 Meter: Appears in 1,247 hymnals Topics: Remembrance Sunday Lyrics: 1 O God, our help in ages past, our hope for years to come, our shelter from the stormy blast, and our eternal home; 2 Under the shadow of thy throne thy saints have dwelt secure; sufficient is thine arm alone, and our defence is sure. 3 Before the hills in order stood, or earth received her frame, from everlasting thou art God, to endless years the same. 4 A thousand ages in thy sight are like an evening gone, short as the watch that ends the night before the rising sun. 5 Time, like an ever-rolling stream, bears all its sons away; they fly forgotten, as a dream dies at the opening day. 6 O God, our help in ages past, our hope for years to come, be thou our guard while troubles last, and our eternal home. Scripture: 1 Chronicles 29:15 Used With Tune: ST ANNE
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I vow to thee, my country, all earthly things above

Author: Cecil Arthur Spring-Rice (1859-1918) Meter: Appears in 22 hymnals Topics: Remembrance Sunday Lyrics: 1 I vow to thee, my country, all earthly things above, entire and whole and perfect, the service of my love: the love that asks no question, the love that stands the test, that lays upon the altar the dearest and the best; the love that never falters, the love that pays the price, the love that makes undaunted the final sacrifice. 2 And there's another country I've heard of long ago, most dear to them that love her, most great to them that know; we may not count her armies, we may not see her King; her fortress is a faithful heart, her pride is suffering; and soul by soul and silently her shining bounds increase, and her ways are ways of gentleness and all her paths are peace. Scripture: 1 Timothy 2:1-3 Used With Tune: THAXTED

O God of earth and altar

Author: G. K. Chesterton, 1874-1936 Meter: Appears in 75 hymnals Topics: Remembrance Sunday Lyrics: 1 O God of earth and altar, bow down and hear our cry, our earthly rulers falter, our people drift and die; the walls of gold entomb us, the swords of scorn divide, take not thy thunder from us, but take away our pride. 2 From all that terror teaches, from lies of tongue and pen, from all the easy speeches that comfort cruel men, from sale and profanation of honour and the sword, from sleep and from damnation, deliver us, good Lord! 3 Tie in a living tether the prince and priest and thrall, bind all our lives together, smite us and save us all; in ire and exultation aflame with faith, and free, lift up a living nation, a single sword to thee. Scripture: 1 Samuel 15:10-11 Used With Tune: KING'S LYNN

It is God who holds the nations in the hollow of his hand

Author: Frederick Pratt Green (1903-2000) Meter: Appears in 8 hymnals Topics: Remembrance Sunday Lyrics: 1 It is God who hold the nations in the hollow of his hand; it is God whose light is shining in the darkness of the land; it is God who builds the city on the Rock and not on sand: may the living God be praised! 2 It is God whose purpose summons us to use the present hour, who recalls us to our senses when a nation's life turns sour; in the discipline of freedom we shall know his saving power: may the living God be praised! 3 When a thankful nation, looking back, has cause to celebrate those who win our admiration by their service to the state, when self-giving is a measure of the greatness of the great, may the living God be praised! 4 God reminds us every sunrise that the world is ours on lease -- for the sake of life tomorrow may our love for it increase; may all peoples live together, share its riches, be at peace: may the living God be praised! Scripture: 1 Peter 2:13-17 Used With Tune: VISION

What shall we pray for those who died

Author: John L. Bell (b. 1949) Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals Topics: Remembrance Sunday Scripture: James 3:17-18 Used With Tune: KINGSTON Text Sources: Carnwadric Parish Church (Glasgow) Worship Group
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Eternal Father, strong to save

Author: William Whiting, 1825-1878 Meter: Appears in 429 hymnals Topics: Protection; Remembrance; Year A Second Sunday Before Lent; Year A Proper 14; Year B Baptism of Christ; Year B Proper 12; Year B Proper 16; Year B Proper 24; Year B Proper 7; Year C Second Sunday Before Lent Lyrics: 1 Eternal Father, strong to save, whose arm doth bind the restless wave, who bidd'st the mighty ocean deep its own appointed limits keep: O hear us when we cry to thee for those in peril on the sea. 2 O Saviour, whose almighty word the winds and waves submissive heard, who walkedst on the foaming deep, and calm, amid its rage, didst sleep: O hear us when we cry to thee for those in peril on the sea. 3 O sacred Spirit, who didst brood upon the waters dark and rude, who bid their angry tumult cease, and give, for wild confession, peace: O hear us when we cry to thee for those in peril on the sea. 4 O Trinity of love and pow'r, our brethren shield in danger's hour. From rock and tempest, fire and foe, protect them whereso'er they go, and ever let there rise to thee glad hymns of praise from land and sea. Scripture: Genesis 1:1-4 Used With Tune: MELITA

Psalm 124

Meter: Appears in 27 hymnals Topics: Remembrance Sunday First Line: Now Israel may say, and that truly, Lyrics: 1 Now Israel may say, and that truly, if that the Lord had not our cause maintained; if that the Lord had not our right sustained, when cruel men against us furiously rose up in wrath, to make of us their prey; 2 Then certainly they had devoured us all, and swallowed quick, for aught that we could deem; such was their rage, as we might well esteem. And as fierce floods before them all things drown, so had they brought our soul to death quite down. 3 The raging streams, with their proud swelling waves, had then our soul o'erwhelmèd in the deep. But blest be God, who doth us safely keep, and hath not given us for a living prey unto their teeth, and bloody cruelty. 4 Even as a bird out of the fowler's snare escapes away, so is our soul set free: broke are their nets, and thus escapèd we. Therefore our help is in the Lord's great name, who heaven and earth by his great power did frame. Scripture: Psalm 124 Used With Tune: OLD 124TH Text Sources: The Scottish Psalter, 1929
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Behold! the mountain of the Lord

Meter: Appears in 183 hymnals Topics: Remembrance Sunday Lyrics: 1 Behold! the mountain of the Lord in latter days shall rise on mountain tops above the hills, and draw the wondering eyes. 2 To this the joyful nations round, all tribes and tongues, shall flow; up to the hill of God, they'll say, and to his house we'll go. 3 The beam that shines from Zion hill shall lighten every land; the King who reigns in Salem's towers shall all the world command. 4 Among the nations he shall judge; his judgements truth shall guide; his sceptre shall protect the just, and quell the sinner’s pride. 5 No strife shall rage, nor hostile feuds disturb those peaceful years; to ploughshares men shall beat their swords, to pruning-hooks their spears. 6 No longer hosts, encountering hosts, shall crowds of slain deplore: they hang the trumpet in the hall, and study war no more. 7 Come then, O house of Jacob! come to worship at his shrine; and, walking in the light of God, with holy beauties shine. Scripture: Isaiah 2:2-5 Used With Tune: GLASGOW Text Sources: Scottish Paraphrases, 1781, Paraphrase 18
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God the Omnipotent! King who ordainest

Author: Henry Fothergill Chorley (1808-1872); John Ellerton (1826-1893) Meter: Appears in 203 hymnals Topics: Remembrance Sunday Lyrics: 1 God the Omnipotent! King who ordainest great winds thy clarions, lightnings thy sword: show forth thy pity on high where thou reignest: give to us peace in our time, O Lord. 2 God the All-merciful! earth hath forsaken meekness and mercy, and slighted thy word; bid not thy wrath in its terrors awaken; give to us peace in our time, O Lord. 3 God, the All-righteous One! we have defied thee; yet to eternity standeth thy word; falsehood and wrong shall not tarry beside thee; give to us peace in our time, O Lord. 4 God the All-wise! by the fire of thy chastening, earth shall to freedom and truth be restored; through the thick darkness thy Kingdom is hastening; thou wilt give peace in thy time, O Lord. 5 So shall thy children, with thankful devotion, praise him who saved them from peril and sword, singing in chorus, from ocean to ocean, peace to the nations, and praise to the Lord. Scripture: 1 Kings 8:30 Used With Tune: RUSSIA

Peace is flowing like a river

Author: Unknown Appears in 15 hymnals Topics: Remembrance; Year A Proper 20; Year A Third Sunday Before Advent Refrain First Line: Let it flow through me Scripture: Amos 5:24 Used With Tune: [Peace is flowing like a river] Text Sources: V. 5: the editors

Lord, for the years your love has kept and guided

Author: Timothy Dudley-Smith (b. 1926) Meter: Appears in 18 hymnals Topics: National and Remembrance; Nation and Society; New Year; Other Saints and Festivals George, Martyr, Patron of England; Proper 14 Year C; Proper 6 Year C; Scripture; Self-offering; Thanksgiving; The First Sunday of Christmas Year B; The First Sunday of Christmas Year C Lyrics: 1 Lord, for the years your love has kept and guided, urged and inspired us, cheered us on our way, sought us and saved us, pardoned and provided, Lord of the years, we bring our thanks today. 2 Lord, for that word, the word of life which fires us, speaks to our hearts and sets our souls ablaze, teaches and trains, rebukes us and inspires us, Lord of the word, receive your people's praise. 3 Lord, for our land, in this our generation, spirits oppressed by pleasure, wealth and care; for young and old, for commonwealth and nation, Lord of our land, be pleased to hear our prayer. 4 Lord, for our world; when we disown and doubt him, loveless in strength, and comfortless in pain; hungry and helpless, lost indeed without him, Lord of the world, we pray that Christ may reign. 5 Lord, for ourselves; in living power remake us, self on the cross and Christ upon the throne; past put behind us, for the future take us, Lord of our lives, to live for Christ alone. Scripture: Galatians 2:20 Used With Tune: LORD OF THE YEARS

The right hand of God is writing in our land

Author: Patrick Prescod Meter: Appears in 22 hymnals Topics: Remembrance Sunday Scripture: Exodus 3:7 Used With Tune: RIGHT HAND

'I have a dream', a man once said

Author: Pamela J. Pettitt (b. 1954) Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals Topics: Remembrance Sunday Scripture: 1 John 3:18 Used With Tune: REPTON

For the light is stronger than the darkness

Author: Robert Willis (b. 1947) Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Topics: Other Saints and Festivals Remembrance Sunday First Line: In a world where people walk in darkness Scripture: John 1:4-5 Used With Tune: LET US LIGHT A CANDLE

Mary, blessed grieving mother

Author: Michael Forster, b. 1946 Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals Topics: Hope and Consolation; Human Rights; Passiontide; Remembrance; Suffering and Sorrow; The Suffering Community; Years A, B, and C Good Friday; Years A, B, and C Mothering Sunday Scripture: John 19:25 Used With Tune: BLACK MADONNA

Judge eternal, throned in splendour

Author: Henry Scott Holland (1847-1918) Meter: Appears in 108 hymnals Topics: Justice and Peace; City; God in judgement and justice; Human Dignity; Nation and Society; National and Remembrance; Proper 15 Year C; Sin; Social Concern; The Second Sunday before Advent Year C Lyrics: 1 Judge eternal, throned in splendour, Lord of lords and King of kings, with thy living fire of judgment purge this realm of bitter things: solace all its wide dominion with the healing of thy wings. 2 Still the weary folk are pining for the hour that brings release: and the city's crowded clangour cries aloud for sin to cease; and the homesteads and the woodlands plead in silence for their peace. 3 Crown, O Lord, thine own endeavour; cleave our darkness with thy sword; cheer the faint and feed the hungry with the richness of thy word; cleanse the body of this nation through the glory of the Lord. Scripture: Psalm 82 Used With Tune: RHUDDLAN
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Jesu, Son of Mary

Author: E. S. Palmer, 1856-1931 Meter: Appears in 24 hymnals Topics: Remembrance Sunday Lyrics: 1 Jesu, Son of Mary, fount of life alone, here we hail thee present on thine altar- throne: humbly we adore thee, Lord of endless might, in the mystic symbols veiled from earthly sight. 2 Think, O Lord, in mercy on the souls of those who, in faith gone from us, now in death repose. Here 'mid stress and conflict toils can never cease; there, the warfare ended, bid them rest in peace. 3 Often were they wounded in the deadly strife; heal them, Good Physician, with the balm of life. Every taint of evil, frailty and decay, good and gracious Saviour, cleanse and purge away. 4 Rest eternal grant them, after weary fight; shed on them the radiance of thy heavenly light. Lead them onward, upward, to the holy place, where thy saints made perfect gaze upon thy face. Scripture: Hebrews 12:23 Used With Tune: CASWALL

Psalm 124

Author: John L. Bell (b. 1949) Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Topics: Remembrance Sunday First Line: Now let God's people, let God's Israel Scripture: Psalm 124 Used With Tune: OLD 124TH

Healing river of the Spirit

Author: Ruth C. Duck (b. 1947) Meter: D Appears in 9 hymnals Topics: Remembrance Sunday Scripture: Ezekiel 47:1-12 Used With Tune: JOEL

Rejoice, O land, in God thy might

Author: Robert Seymour Bridges (1844-1930) Meter: Appears in 28 hymnals Topics: Blessing; God Will of; Kingdom of God; Nation and Society; National and Remembrance; Obedience; Other Saints and Festivals George, Martyr, Patron of England; The Sixth Sunday of Easter - Rogationtide Lyrics: 1 Rejoice, O land, in God thy might; his will obey, him serve aright; for thee the saints uplift their voice: fear not, O land, in God rejoice. 2 Glad shalt thou be, with blessing crowned, with joy and peace thou shalt abound; yea, love with thee shall make his home until thou see God's kingdom come. 3 He shall forgive thy sins untold: remember thou his love of old; walk in his way, his word adore, and keep his truth for evermore. Scripture: Psalm 33 Used With Tune: WAREHAM

Jesus Christ is waiting, waiting in the streets

Author: John L. Bell (b. 1949); Graham Maule (b. 1958) Meter: 11.11.10 with refrain Appears in 13 hymnals Topics: Other Saints and Festivals Remembrance Sunday Scripture: Matthew 4:17-25 Used With Tune: NOEL NOUVELET

Eternal God, before whose face we stand

Author: Timothy Dudley-Smith (b. 1926) Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Topics: Remembrance Sunday Lyrics: 1 Eternal God, before whose face we stand, your earthly children, fashioned by your hand, hear and behold us, for to you alone all hearts are open, all our longings known: so for our world and for ourselves we pray the gift of peace, O Lord, in this our day. 2 We come with grief, with thankfulness and pride, to hold in honour those who served and died; we bring our hurt, our loneliness and loss, to him who hung forsaken on the cross; who, for our peace, our pains and sorrows bore, and with the Father lives for evermore. 3 O Prince of Peace, who gave for us your life, look down in pity on our sin and strife. May this remembrance move our hearts to build a peace enduring, and a hope fulfilled, when every flag of tyranny is furled and wars at last shall cease in all the world. 4 From earth's long tale of suffering here below we pray the fragile flower of peace may grow, till cloud and darkness vanish from our skies to see the Sun of Righteousness arise. When night is past and peace shall banish pain, all shall be well, in God's eternal reign. Scripture: Micah 4:2-3 Used With Tune: UNDE ET MEMORES

Psalm 98: All the Ends of the Earth

Appears in 5 hymnals Topics: 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C; Christmas Day; Christmas Season; December 8 : Immaculate Conception; Easter 6 Year B; Immaculate Conception (December 8); Interfaith; Justice; Majesty and Power; Music Ministry; Praise; Remembrance; Song; World First Line: Sing a new song to the Lord Refrain First Line: All the ends of the earth have seen Scripture: Psalm 98:1-6 Used With Tune: [All the ends of the earth have seen] Text Sources: Antiphon: Lectionary for Mass; Psalm: The Grail

Jesus, Remember Me (Jesús, Recuérdame)

Author: Taizé Community Appears in 57 hymnals Topics: Lenten Season; Tiempo de Cuaresma; Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord; Domingo de Ramos en la Pasión del Señor; Cielo; Heaven; Comfort; Consuelo; Confianza; Trust; Esperanza; Hope; Eternal Life; Vida Eterna; Jesucristo; Jesucristo; Jesus Christ; Jesus Christ; Petition/Prayer; Súplica/Oración; Recuerdo; Remembrance; Reign of God; Reino de Dios First Line: Jesus, remember me (Jesús, recuérdame) (Jezu, w królestwie Twym) Scripture: Luke 23:42 Used With Tune: [Jesus, remember me]

Bread to Share

Author: Marty Haugen, b. 1950 Appears in 1 hymnal Topics: 17th Sunday in Ordinaty Time Year B; 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A; Body and Blood Year C; Body and Blood of Christ; Brotherhood and Sisterhood; Children's Hymns / Youth; Church; Eternal Life; Eucharist; Eucharist; Forgiveness; Hunger; Journey; Life; New Creation; Remembrance; Sharing; Social Concern First Line: Bread for ev'ry hunger Refrain First Line: Plenty of bread at the feast of life Scripture: John 6:1-13 Used With Tune: [Bread for every hunger]

Psalm 112: A Light Rises in the Darkness

Appears in 2 hymnals Topics: 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A; Challenge of Gospel; Christian Life; Discipleship; Interfaith; Justice; Light; Marriage; Ministry; Obedience; Remembrance; Social Concern; Trust; Wisdom First Line: They are lights in the darkness for the upright Refrain First Line: A light rises in the darkness Scripture: Psalm 112:4-9 Used With Tune: [They are lights in the darkness for the upright]

When We Seek Language

Author: Carl P. Daw, Jr. Meter: with refrain Appears in 2 hymnals Topics: Praise; Christian Year Christmas; Christian Year Easter; Christian Year Pentecost; Christian Year Trinity Sunday; God Images; Inspiration; Love of God/Christ; Praise; Redemption; Remembrance Day; Service Music Sanctus; Thanksgiving; Trinity First Line: When we seek language to praise you, O God Refrain First Line: Infinite intimate unbounded friend Lyrics: 1 When we seek language to praise you, O God, all we can utter seems stale, tame, or odd. Tongue-tied and word-lost, we struggle to find phrases that slight neither heart, soul, nor mind: Refrain: Infinite intimate unbounded friend, cosmic companion who loves without end, nearer than heartbeat, more subtle than breath, keener than insight, and stronger than death. 2 Steadfastly loving, you gave us your Word, living among us on earth, seen and heard, teacher and healer whose promise came true, dying and rising to make all things new: [Refrain] 3 To be our guardian, supporter, and guide, you sent your Spirit to stay by our side, source of community, wellspring of prayer, power to strengthen, and courage to dare: [Refrain] Scripture: John 1:14 Used With Tune: PERICHORESIS

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