The Cyber Hymnal

The Cyber Hymnal™ ( is a website established in 1996 by Dick Adams. It has over 10,000 Christian hymns from many denominations and languages. It provides lyrics, sheet music, audio, pictures, biographies, history and more. The worship and educational resource is provided as a public service and gets an average of 24,000 visitors per month. Mr. Adams has graciously allowed to add his resources to our site. (Note: the site that calls itself NetHymnal at is not affiliated with The Cyber Hymnal™ in any way.)
Editor: Dick Adams
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
2701Brood not o'er the sinful past[Brood not o'er the sinful past]TextScoreAudio
2702Let us awake out of sleep[Let us awake out of sleep]TextScoreAudio
2703Dwelling, O God, in me[Dwelling, O God, in me]TextScoreAudio
2704My many sins I now can seeGALÁPAGOSText
2705How should we spend our time?[How should we spend our time]TextScoreAudio
2706Who shall condemn to endless flamesKING OF KINGSTextScoreAudio
2707Jesus, I am coming home today[Jesus, I am coming home today]TextScoreAudio
2708In age and feebleness extremeVALETextScoreAudio
2709I am Jesus' little lambWEIL ICH JESU SCHÄFLEIN BINTextScoreAudio
2710Let us sing a song that will cheer us by the way[Let us sing a song that will cheer us by the way]TextScoreAudio
2711I am a poor wayfaring stranger[I am a poor wayfaring stranger]TextScoreAudio
2712I am on my way to glory[I am on my way to glory]TextScoreAudio
2713My soul is so happy in Jesus[My soul is so happy in Jesus]TextScoreAudio
2714I am hated, Lord, by thoseBALTIMORETextScoreAudio
2715Loved with everlasting loveEVERLASTING LOVETextScoreAudio
2716In all my Lord's appointed waysAZMONTextScoreAudio
2717I am not skilled to understandGREENWELLTextScoreAudio
2718I am on my way to Heaven[I am on my way to Heaven]TextScoreAudio
2719I have a Savior, He's pleading in glory[I have a Savior, He's pleading in glory]TextScoreAudio
2720I am resolved no longer to linger[I am resolved no longer to linger]TextScoreAudio
2721I am saved through the blood, hallelujah[I am saved through the blood, hallelujah]TextScoreAudio
2722I am so glad salvation's free[I am so glad salvation's free]TextScoreAudio
2723I am standing on the Word of God[I am standing on the Word of God]TextScoreAudio
2724I am now a child of God[I am now a child of God]TextScoreAudio
2725I am trusting Thee, Lord, JesusBULLINGERTextScoreAudio
2726I am the vine; My Father is the gardenerLONDONDERRYTextScoreAudio
2727I am not worthy, holy LordLEICESTER (Hurst)TextScoreAudio
2728I asked the Lord that I might growABENDSTextScoreAudio
2729I am Thine, O Lord, I have heard Thy voice[I am Thine, O Lord, I have heard Thy voice]TextScoreAudio
2730In the bonds of death He layUNSER HERRSCHERTextScoreAudio
2731I believe in God the FatherSEWARDTextScoreAudio
2732I bind my heart this tideST. QUINTINTextScoreAudio
2733I believe the Bible, it taught me how to pray[I believe the Bible, it taught me how to pray]TextScoreAudio
2734I belong to JesusDEDICATION (Sea)TextScoreAudio
2735I belong to the King; I'm a child of His love[I belong to the King; I’m a child of His love]TextScoreAudio
2736I bow my forehead to the dustRESTING PLACETextScoreAudio
2737Father of love, of justice and of mercy[Father of love, of justice and of mercy]TextScoreAudio
2738I bless the Christ of GodPRAISE SONGTextScoreAudio
2739If birds that neither sow nor reapDUNFERMLINGTextScoreAudio
2740I am coming to Jesus for restIN THE SWEET BY AND BYTextScoreAudio
2741I'll bless the Lord from day to dayIRISHTextScoreAudio
2742I bring my sins to TheeBLISSTextScoreAudio
2743I cannot think or reasonEWINGTextScoreAudio
2744I cannot tell how precious[I cannot tell how precious]TextScoreAudio
2745I cannot drift beyond Thy loveLILLIARDTextScoreAudio
2746When I need someone in time of grief[When I need someone in time of grief]TextScoreAudio
2747If Christ is mine, then all is mineECKHARDTSHEIMTextScoreAudio
2748There is a stream that flows from Calvary[There is a stream that flows from Calvary]TextScoreAudio
2749I cannot tell why He whom angels worshipLONDONDERRYTextScoreAudio
2750I could not do without TheeEWINGTextScoreAudio
2751If our Lord should come tonight[If our Lord should come tonight]TextScoreAudio
2752In the cleansèd templeZADOKTextScoreAudio
2753I lift my heart today in praise[I lift my heart today in praise]TextScoreAudio
2754In Christ there is no East or WestST. PETER (Reinagle)TextScoreAudio
2755Thou art my strength and shield[Thou art my strength and shield]TextScoreAudio
2756Just as I am, a little one[Just as I am, a little one]TextScoreAudio
2757I constant care will takeAYLESBURYTextScoreAudio
2758I come, O Savior, to Thy tableICH STERBE TÄGLICHScoreAudio
2759I cried to God in my distressBABYLON'S STREAMSTextScoreAudio
2760I come to Thee, O blessèd LordWENN WIR IN HÖCHSTEN NÖTENTextScoreAudio
2761I call the world's Redeemer mineBROWNWELLTextScoreAudio
2762I dared not hope that Thou wouldst deign to comeNACHTLIEDTextScoreAudio
2763The world in silence waits aroundLARVOTTOTextScoreAudio
2764I do believe the Bible[I do believe the Bible]TextScoreAudio
2765Into the dim earth's lowest parts descendingMORNING STARTextScoreAudio
2766I do love Jesus with all my heart[I do love Jesus with all my heart]TextScoreAudio
2767If death my friend and me divideCHAPEL ROYALTextScoreAudio
2768I do not ask, O Lord, that life may beORONOTextScoreAudio
2769I do not know how Adam's sin[I do not know how Adam's sin]TextScoreAudio
2770I do not come because my soulKOMMT HER ZU MIRTextScoreAudio
2771I do not ask to choose my path[I do not ask to choose my path]TextScoreAudio
2772In doubt and temptation I rest, Lord, in TheeCARTERTextScoreAudio
2773I dreamed that the great judgment morning[I dreamed that the great judgment morning]TextScoreAudio
2774Infinite excellence Is ThineANDREWSTextScoreAudio
2775If any man now will hear the voice[If any man now will hear the voice]TextScoreAudio
2776I feel the winds of God todayKINGSFOLDTextScoreAudio
2777If I gained the world, but lost the SaviorÖLANDERTextScoreAudio
2778If, on a quiet seaSELVINTextScoreAudio
2779In full assurance of Thy graceST. FLAVIANTextScoreAudio
2780It may be in the valley, where countless dangers hide[It may be in the valley, where countless dangers hide]TextScoreAudio
2781I've found the secret of successMARYLANDTextScoreAudio
2782I've found a refuge from life's cares in Jesus[I've found a refuge from life's cares in Jesus]TextScoreAudio
2783In God's Word it is recorded[In God's Word it is recorded]TextScoreAudio
2784I've found the pearl of greatest priceMARTYRDOMTextScoreAudio
2785It fell upon a summer dayCHILDHOODTextScoreAudio
2786If you will only let God guide youNEUMARKTextScoreAudio
2787I found my God in early yearsÅ HERRE JESUSTextScoreAudio
2788O what are the pleasures that silver can buy?[O what are the pleasures that silver can buy?]TextScoreAudio
2789If you love Me, I now sayMERCYTextScoreAudio
2790Oh, what wondrous love I see[Oh, what wondrous love I see]TextScoreAudio
2791If God had not been on our sideWÄR' GOTT NICHT MIT UNSScoreAudio
2792Savior, who died for me, I give myself to TheeLONG BEACHTextScoreAudio
2793If God Himself be for meMISSIONARY HYMNTextScoreAudio
2794There are people almost everywhere[There are people almost everywhere]TextScoreAudio
2795I've got peace like a river[I've got peace like a river]TextScoreAudio
2796It may not be on the mountain's height[It may not be on the mountain's height]TextScoreAudio
2797In God will I trust, though my counselors sayPROTECTIONTextScoreAudio
2798I the good fight have foughtVICTORY (Whitehead)TextScoreAudio
2799I greet Thee, who my sure Redeemer artTOULONTextScoreAudio
2800In the great triumphant morning[In the great triumphant morning]TextScoreAudio

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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